05-15-2007 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission i,i/lt CITY ! YLIE w May 15, 2007 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 15, 2007 —7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Dennis Larson Chair Scott Ames Vice-Chair Tim Bennett, P.E. Board Member John Onufreiczuk Board Member David Goss Board Member Kevin Finnell Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles H. Lee,Jr.,AICP Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.. ov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three(3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse,deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 17, 2007 Regular Meeting. May 15,2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Community Park Addition, Block A,Lot 1. The plat creates a single lot for municipal facilities(public park and library) on 39.7 acres, generally located south of Stone Road at the southeast corner of Thomas Street and Pirate Drive. 2. Consider and act upon approval for a Site Plan for Zlan Corner Addition, Block A,Lot 2. The site plan proposes a retail development generally located northeast of Country Club Road(FM 1378) and W. Brown Street(FM 3412). 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Woodlake Village Addition, Block C,Lots 1R-6 & 1R-7. The replat subdivides one retail shopping center lot into two on 18.9 acres generally located on the northwest corner of S.H 78 and Spring Creek Parkway. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Distribute information regarding Private Street development as requested by Commissioner Bennett. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on thist1,1141114FT of May, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section .142 of the :vernment CosleadFba bppropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda '•als• posted on t of Wylie web$ a+. ek �ay. —J 7 Carole h""°•, ity Secretary F.: SE a L _ Date Notice Removed Wylie Planning and Zoning Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Board Tuesday, April 17, 2007 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Staff Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:02PM and stated that a quorum was present. In attendance were: Chairman Larson, Commissioner Ames, Commissioner Finnell, Commissioner Onufreiczuk, Commissioner Goss and Commissioner Bennett. Staff members present were Charles Lee, Jasen Haskins and Mary Bradley. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Goss gave the invocation and Commissioner Finnell led the pledge of allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one approached the Commissioners. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 3, 2007 Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, to approve the minutes from April 3, 2007, regular meeting as submitted with no changes or corrections noted. Motion carried 5 — 0, with Commissioner Bennett abstaining. Minutes April 17, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 5 ACTION AGENDA ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon a Site Plan for Wylie Senior Care Addition, Block A, Lot 2 a proposed single story, 16,980 square foot medical office development on one lot on 1.647 acres generally located east of SH 78 and approximately 790 feet south of Kirby Road. Mr. Lee stated that the subject property is Lot 2 of the Wylie Senior Care Addition, which is a 16,980 square foot professional and medical office building. The property is zoned Community Retail (CR), and the medical office facility is an allowed use within this district. Two points of access will be provided. One is existing 36-foot access easement from SH 78 serving both the shopping center and office development. The second point of access will be provided along southern boundary adjacent to the assisted living facility's development currently under construction. Staff recommends approval with stipulations that engineering plans approved by Engineering Department and the filing and recording of Final Plat for Wylie Senior Care Addition, Block A, Lots 1 and 2 with Collin County Clerk. Commissioner Ames questioned the material and design of the screen wall located between the subject property and the existing residential subdivision. Chairman Larson stated that with the applicant not in attendance that a stipulation be included in the motion to continue the same design and use the same material as the adjacent property to the south. A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Commissioner Bennett, to approve the Site Plan for Wylie Senior Care Addition Block A, Lot 2, for a proposed single-story 16,980 square foot medical office facility on one lot on 1.647, generally located northeast of SH 78 approximately 790 feet south of Kirby Street, with stipulation that the Final Plat filed and all outstanding fees be paid, and providing masonry screening wall along the eastern property boundary, adjacent to the existing residential to the east and wall must conform with design and appearance to adjacent development's proposed wall to the south. Motion carried 6 — 0. 2. Consider and act upon a Site Plan for Garnet Hill, Block A, Lot 1 a proposed single-story, 59,818 square foot Nursing, Convalescent or Hospice facility on one lot on 6.0 acres generally located on the southeast corner of McCreary Road and Creekside Estates Drive. Mr. Lee stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a single story 59,818 skilled living and rehabilitation center on 6.0 acres, and on one lot. The proposed Minutes April 17, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 5 facility will provide 24 hour long-term care to elderly and convalescing residents. The facility will consist of 70 rooms with 140 beds. The property was zoned in October 1999 (PD 99-32) as part of an overall planned development (PD) for Creekside Estates. The 1985 Ordinance permits the applicant's proposed use by right in a B-1 zoning district. The proposed plan meets and exceeds the base design standards of the City of Wylie's current Zoning Ordinance for site design, landscape and architectural standards. The Final Plat is on the current agenda for consideration. With no questions or comments for the applicant, a motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Finnell, to approve the Site Plan for Garnet Hill, Block A, Lot 1, for a proposed single-story, 59,818 square foot Nursing, Convalescent or Hospice facility. Motion carried 6 — 0. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Garnet Hill Addition, Block A, Lot 1. The plat creates a single lot on 6.0 acres, generally located southeast of McCreary Road and Creekside Estates Drive. Mr. Lee stated that the subject property totals 6.0 acres and will create one (1) one lot. The applicant intends to develop a single story, 59,818 square foot Nursing, Convalescent or Hospice facility on the property. The property was zoned in October 1999 as part of an overall Planned Development (PD 99-32) for Creekside Estates. Staff recommends approval subject to the off-site drainage easement generally located to the south, as a separate instrument to be filed and recorded with the Collin County Clerk's office. With no questions for the applicant, a motion was made by Commissioner Goss, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Garnet Hill Additi8on, Block A, Lot 1, subject to filing and recording of the off- site drainage easement necessary to accommodate the development; being generally located on the southeast corner of McCreary Road and Creekside Estates Drive. Motion carried 6 — 0. 4. Consider and act upon a Site Plan for Metro-Fleet Collision and Repair a proposed expansion to an existing Truck, Heavy Equipment & Repair Facility generally located on the northeast corner of Regency Drive and Steel Road. (12 Regency Drive). Mr. Lee stated that the applicant is proposing a 4,800 square foot existing 10.000 square foot building with three overhead doors facing south. The property is located at the northeast corner of Regency Drive and Steel Road within the Regency Business Park Addition. Minutes April 17, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3of5 The property was annexed into the City in July 1984, and was zoned Industrial. Subsequent amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance changed the zoning from Industrial to Business Center. The property is currently zoned Light Industrial. The applicant has been in continuous operation since 1992, thereby becoming a nonconforming use and structure. The Zoning Ordinance restricts/limits expansion of nonconforming uses and structures to fifty percent or less. The Site Plan maintains a forty-eight percent increase in use and building. Commissioner Ames questioned the type of landscaping will be provided. Mr. Lee stated that the applicant proposes additional landscape features along the frontages of Regency Drive and at the sight visibility corner-angle of Steel Road. Mr. John Ferguson, 12 Regency Drive, Wylie, represented applicant for the subject property, stated that he would provide landscaping down the end of property along Steel Road. A motion was made by Commissioner Bennett, and seconded by Commissioner Finnell, to approve the Site Plan for Metro Fleet Collision Repair, for a proposed 4,800 square foot addition to an existing truck, heavy equipment & repair service facility, located at 12 Regency Drive, with the understanding that landscaping will continue down the end of the property along Steel Road. Motion carried 6 — 0. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning for 3.7 acres from Light Industrial (LI) to a Planned Development (PD) District for a commercial business park generally located northeast of Regency Drive and Steel Road. ZC 2007-02. Mr. Lee stated that the subject property is located within the Regency Business Park, east of Regency Drive and north of Steel Road. The property consists of two vacant tracts and one partially developed lot totaling 3.7 acres with frontage along Regency Drive and Steel Road. The applicant/owner is requesting a change in zoning to Planned Development (PD) District to allow for an innovative and viable commercial/industrial development. The applicant/owner is proposing nine separate lots with office- showroom/warehouse uses and light assembly and fabrication uses. The access to the proposed business campus is through a private drive/fire lane from Regency Drive and Steel Road, with six lots fronting the private drive. The private drive will be maintained by Property Owner's Association in accordance with Section 3.1,10 (d) of the Subdivision Ordinance. The PD complies with the development standards in the Zoning Ordinance with the exception of a reduction in the required twenty-five feet to ten feet rear yard setback. In addition the applicant is requesting that the total landscaping required be based on total developable area as delineated on the concept plan, and the open space/common area provide a park-picnic type setting. Minutes April 17, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 5 Eighteen notifications were mailed, with no written responses returned. Commissioner Bennett expressed concern of the private drive. Mr. Lee stated that the private drive will be maintained by mandatory Property Owner's Association, which is outlined in the Planned Development Conditions requirements, and are set forth by the Subdivision Ordinance Section 3.1, 10 (d). Mr. Bryan Rogers, NiCom Construction, 120 Regency, Wylie, represented the applicant for the subject property, stated that the private drive is a mutual utility easement. The proposed commercial and industrial uses will have little or no outside storage. Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Commissioner Goss, to recommend approval to City Council, the request for zoning from Light Industrial (LI) to a Planned Development (PD) District, zoning case 2007 — 02, this property being generally located east of Regency Drive and north of Steel Road. Motion carried 5 — 1, with Commissioner Bennett voting in opposition. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Onufreiczuk to adjourn the meeting at 8:02PM. Motion carried 6 — 0. Dennis Larson, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Secretary Minutes April 17, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 5of5 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CiTY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 15, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Community Park Addition, Prepared By: Charles H. Lee Subdivision: Block A, Lot 1 Date Prepared: 05/03/07 Zoning District: SF-10/24 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Community Park Addition, Block A, Lot 1 on 39.7 acres, generally located south of Stone Road at the southeast corner of Thomas Street and Pirate Drive. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to City Council for a Final Plat for Community Park Addition, Block A, Lot 1, located south of Stone Road, at the southeast corner of Thomas Road and Pirate Drive. Discussion This property consists of two separate tracts totaling 39.7 acres, and is being used a municipal community park- center. The park provides cultural, recreational, educational and family orientated activities to the citizens of the surrounding neighborhoods. Located to the east of Burnett Jr. High School, the property abuts existing single family residential properties north, south and to the east. Access to the facilities is being provided by an existing park road (Laney Earl Hale Street) via Pirate Drive and Thomas Street. A creek located along the eastern section provides a natural buffer to Stoneridge Farms residential subdivision to the east and it extends to the northeast. The southern boundary has an existing tree line that serves as a living screen to the Twin Lakes residential neighborhood. Rita& Truett Smith Library is located on the northern portion of the property. Development of the park was funded in part by a grant from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Service in the early 1980s. Other facilities on the property include, seven (7) soccer fields, four (4) lighted baseball/softball fields, four (4) t-ball fields, permanent concession stand, picnic pavilion and restrooms. The park has existing parking facilities and a 1999 bond program funded a six feet wide hike and bike trail located within the park. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Page 1 of 1 • o FORgST J it Pi4RKI o o AUTUMN HILL O F s 3 a='N a I -i xxFLOOD STATEMENTxx a °' THOMAS m O PLOTTING THIS PROPERTY ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS NUMBERED 48085 C0470 G _z DUNCAN WAY o la o WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF AUGUST 23,2001 SHOWS THIS PROPERTY TO BE IN AN Vl PS COORDINATE I UN-SHADED AREA DESIGNATED AS ZONE X(AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE -t CALDWELL J E3 BEN NOBLES ADDITION 7,osa,D2a.ba53 i m SITE,', LOT 4,BLOCK A '� =2.571,665.699/ TR/ 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN.) COUNTY CLERK'S 4„ MB jQy FILE NO.2006/420 I q, Off.FSp,GT,c `'''� 7. ( l i/2 INCH IRON ROD INCH IRON r 38�8 Nps M/4 SEY WITH YELLOW CAP , 3• ROD FOUND r,p T A•'r Q rr STAMPED(OC&A INC) N' �4 -ST,A/THC'y� G TO a 7 fO(oF�<oy R 3�5 .\, Li °'gw�gA Q 1/2 INCH IRON ROD ''C' \•• yc� m SET WITH YELLOW CAP GRAPHIC SCALE ALANIS< srAMPED(Dc&A INc) J \ EASEMENT CURVE TABLE \ is t/2 INCH IRON ROD CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD ,.. ct SET WITH YELLOW CAP too o so too No coo. -t ( E INXCONCS 1 T`'\\ \ \ STAMPED(DC&A INC) Cl 57°57'So" 198.00' 200.31' N26°23'08"W 191.88' J \ \ \,, LOT C2 58°00'S8" 60.00' 60.75'm mu No immaimmmomem S26°21'34"E 58.19' IN FEET) \ \ ,, L6 3 5$•00 58" 45.00' 45.57' S26°21'34"E 43.64' i inch=WO ft. VICINITY MAP I \ Sss2 \ F �/7' C 3 NOT TO SCALE CFNFyT ts'UTILITY ESM'i \�F \`°�eos'�u'OF C4 57'57'50" 213.00' 215.48' N26°23'08"W 206.41' ar rHts PLAr N,0.7'.328 \�P°,. V C5 12'27'38" 192.50' 41.86' S83'50'19"E 41.78' • NO. 17°05'37" 207.50' 61.91' N86°09'19"W 61.68' N ' \ 1/z INCH IRONL4T 91 C7 17"05'37" 192.50' 57.43' N86°09'19"W 57.22' I u? ?e \ • ROD FOUND �2 .\ 4, 1/2 INCH IRON ROD oL C8 12°27'38" 207.50' 45.13' S83°50'19"E 45.04' {' c 8 SET WITH YELLOW CAP O \ `O, STAMPED(DC&A INC) 3 \ M If \\\_ \ \ N,sP 5 '.2 °2F EASEMENT LINE TABLE 4 12 \ <\\� 1 �o�,�c� LINE BEARING LENGTH L9 NO2°38'55"E 28.46' '' \\ ? LOT s�6 Qy 9� L10 SO2°38'S5"W 23.49' w I I \\ 0> J7 L11 N87°24'13"W 15.00' WYLIE ISD M •6' oy L12 S77'22'51"W 15.09' VOL.684,PG.895 c I oI I t•\\0 SET WITHNYEILOWRCAP -.7,-,_ L13 S06°24'19"E 107.44' N I STAMPED(DUO.INC) L14 389°55'52"W 677.07' O 15'unun or, 4I IA \\ LOT L15 N77°36'31"W 49.71' Z aY THISn(�PLAT 7 L_ _sa6'22'19°E�438.02I_y_ I N \ L16 S85'17'52"W 106.65' M \ / L17 N51°51'54"W 37.65' N88.22.19"W 438.02' I3 \ t1; L18 S89°34'04"W 120.39' I I N\° S. L19 NO2°01'42"E 24.87' :v \ L20 N89°34'04"E 115.78' ja; / L21 S51°51'54"E 38.29' I� 'III III /tea 5 L22 N85°17'52"E 112.53' I, U I 1 °'• L24 N89°55'52"E 93 813' I3 L11 LOT GPS COORDINAT tPIFF.rid Io II $ N=7,053,123.2•85L25 S77°22'51"W 14.90' a =2,572,499.185L26 N32°22'S1"E 112.41' I I 1/2 INCH IRON L27 N57°37'09"W 15.00' 1/2 INCH Igor+ ROD FourtD L28 N32.22'51"E 106.19' ROD FOUND S88.18'21"E 496.05' 1 INCH IRON - ROD FOUND • o G S88'41'06"W 908.71' No N LOT ,ten --_- I0'ATMOS GAS ESM'7 BY THIS PLAT I� L29 N77°22'S1"E 7.05' 30 - ��N86.4,.06"E 926.12' k L30 808°17'59"E 307.11' I ,, L31 N05°59'42"W 592.95' L3 S 18°39'16'E 98.49'' i COMMUNITY PARK ADDITION LOT L33 N30°12'47"W 9849 LOT LOT 1 BLOCK A I • 14 L34 N32°03'33"W 167.30' 31 I I 1,729,332.39 sq.ft. 9 N • t RFOUN ODNDN L35 N28°09'43"W 60.20' 39.7000 acres //`� N L36 S28°09'43"E 59.81' i 15'SANITARY SEWER ESN'T : 6Y THIS PLAT LOT cn L37 332°03'33"E 167.03' BOUNDARY LINE TABLE › EM110 32;r, I ` L39 s30°12'47"E 100.25' LINE BEARING LENGTH w El,I; "? LOT n N18°39'16"W 214.40' <8o� L1 S72.27'23"E 6.28' = a W g 33^ MI kl. 15 z L40 N56°54'20"E 121.48' I v a I I N� L41 556°58'29"W 122.69' L2 N01'40'29"E 61.32' w D rn L42 S05°59'42"E 582.39' L3 S88°20'54"E 49.40' / CONTROLLING(^ o L43 w¢ a LOT w 3 cT L4 S69°1 1'27"E 1 19.90' a Y:In 34 N I I // MONUMENT m rN63°07'44"E 250.08' I-v �' o �/.- 1/2mcHr%omCL44 S63°07'44"W 256.15' L5 553°17'18"E 206.00' 5 o r` S N I ROD FOUND r-z w e°.r N o // • ,o to L45 S08°17'S9"W 298.07' L6 S88°21'18"E 126.20' Umw LOT o ZI jN 16 r�F^ L7 S00°01'03"E 128.91' a _z 35 Z �/ m II •o � L8 S65°30'33"E 180.44' a m to z u1 0 LOT No N 36 ji LOT m 7 m 17 O' cn LOT I 31 h L2 m �' < 2. 37 15'DRAINAGE ESM'T , E , 1/Z INCH IRON 15'UTILITY ESM'T i' BY THIS PLAT 0 O LOT RECENE7GENERAL NOTES GP5 COORDINATEBYTHISPLAT 1SR00 FOUND N=7,052,362A385 �' ,W 1)BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE WEST LINE OF COLLINS ESTATES,PER LOT E=z,s7t,oa9.t233 1f MAP RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERK'S FILE NO.2006/554,MAP RECORDS, 38 ---_sas'tsS5"E4s8.sa' L20 4'� c • MAY 042007 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS. SO6°24'19"E -- ?i Lt6 C7 Lts '1 E J'GPS COORDINATE ( ) C L22 23 L14 E=2,572,699.1031 2)THE REASON FOR THIS PLAT IS TO CREATE 1 LOT. J to,N88 19N sP CE W.cATED o3'6 L 4 BY 3)NO LOT TO LOT DRAINAGE WILL BE ALLOWED "'^�_&TO 6E MAINTAINED BY ' �� F CONTROLLING 4)ANY STRUCTURE NEW OR EXISTING MAY NOT EXTEND ACROSS NEW LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT �/CABINET r sLIOEYi46 N88°35 09 W 286.49' MONUMENT 'SHEET 1 OF 2i 1/2 INCH IRON ROD 5/8 INCH IRON PROPERTY LINES. LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT STAMPED teen INC) POINT OF FINAL PLAT 5)SELLING A PORTION OF ANY LOT IS PROHIBITED,AND MAY BE SUBJECT 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 700 BEGINNING ROD Four1D TO WITHOLDING OF UTILITY SERVICES. 65 66 67 68 69 6)NO TREE IDENTIFICATION OR TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY WAS PREFORMED TWIN LAKES PHASE III LOT VENTETT COMMUNOTY1,PBLOK ADDITION ON SUBJECT PROPERTY AS IT WAS WAIVED BY THE THE CITY OF WYLIE. BLOCK E 71 VOL.4031,PG.505 A.ATTERBERR S SURVEY, , ABSTRACT ACRES 7)GRID COORDINATES ARE BASED UPON CITY OF WYLIE MONUMENT(CM CABINET M.SLIDE 348 CITYI AT OF WYLIE,SURVEY,ABSTRACT N E 23 AS 2)WHICH WAS ESTABLISHED 5/3/04. OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS LATITUDE: 33°00'49.37657'. OWNER:CITY OF WYLIE DOUG CONNALLY do ASSOCIATES,INC. LONGITUDE: 96'32'20.70352" 200o HIGHWAY 79 NORTH NORTHING: 7,057,346.784 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 Jj2A LANNING SURVEYING�1 FASTING: 2,569,521.039 P 972.442.8105 uHe 200•Datlaa,Texan 75243ELEVATION: 550.238' F 972.442.546i8 F 214.349.2216 www.doadfw,00m SCALE:1,00'/DATE:MAY 03,2007/JOB NO.0608721-1/DRAWN BY:RR Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CiTY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 15, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Subdivision: Zlan Corner Addition Date Prepared: 04/19/07 Zoning District: Neighborhood Services (NS) Exhibits: Site Plan, Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Zlan Corner Addition, Block A, Lot 2. Subject property being generally located on the northeast corner of Country Club Road(FM 1378) and W. Brown Street(FM 3412). Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Zlan Corner Addition, Block A, Lot 2 generally located on the northeast corner of Country Club Road(FM 1378) and W. Brown Street(FM 3412) subject to approval of a replat combining the two separate lots into one. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a single story, 13,000 square foot retail building on the property. The property is zoned Neighborhood Services (NS) District and consists of two lots (Zlan Corner Addition, Lots 2 & 3) totaling 1.814 acres in size. Platted in July 2005, Zlan Corner Addition consisted of four (4) commercial lots on nine (9) acres located at the northeast corner of Country Club Boulevard and West Brown Street. Combining lots 2 & 3 into one shall be required prior to development of the property. An existing convenience store with gasoline pumps abuts the subject property to the south (developed early summer 2005). A vacant NS zoned tract to the north abuts the property and partially developed property is to the east. The proposed building will be constructed of split face concrete block with at least 20% stone on the front facade. The rear elevation will be constructed primarily of split-face concrete brick accents. The proposed building elevations are consistent in design, color and materials with existing convenience store development to the south (7-1 1). In addition, the site meets and/or exceeds landscape design standards per the Zoning Ordinance. Mutual access easements are being proposed on the site. As noted on the site plan, a replat shall be required at the next stage of development review and prior to any permits being issued for construction. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Page 1 of 1 I ZONING NS II r CO W el PROJECT LOCATION w MASONRY SCREEN O C) r----- AT TRASH ENCLOSURE o , n AT TRASH ENCLOSURE S 00°16'00"E 144.75'to II NOR H _ S 00 16 00 E 309.533 BROWN ' LANDSCAPE• —— —— —— —— — ❑ II �j 0 ► w v LANDSCAPE I ■■ Z. V Z . 0 L 24'FIRELANE& O I❑ .I ¢ 1 �4X �4k w I , I/ ACCESS UTILITY P I. I a I 3 , WO 2 EASEMENT —\ o OI di, IT F Co co T I w�� �� on / C� r69'LZ /v ' WYLIE E LOADING 15'X25' I I wII � rn �I � I I � / I �rr00r9�a00 S n JItr 62' L--� + I IF 4• ��°• 200 • o • Z° l� E io I — — 1 a � z= S° I • N ;ficH; I i . ,,, I i \ T0 % f() % w I PROPOSED R TAIL BUILDING 14.5' I N ' 11 o ' I VI INITY MAP 5 f I ■ 14.51 EXISTING I GJ I -• e� O 1 1 I ro USE:CONVENIENCE STORE a 1 i --4, \ 24 NI WITH GASOLINE PUMPS I ■ A` I 11 I W •II •• ._1]5 I a I° �. 8 5 ti a LANDSCAPE111: —— — 1 5 c.i/ /� L____24'FIRELANE&/0 ACCESS UTILITY LANDSCAPE O z 0 I \ o Z EASEMENT o I J 24'FIRELANE& O I a` 0 1 �' O �_ACCESS UTILITY \ z (� n- O 14 EASEMENT / CO I o 4 QQ 1 — �1 Z la /- 1 iI Z a a o z I 0 / 10 I ' i � I / I '--- 1 LA SCAPE I III DEDIIUALED LANDSCAPE 10 PS 10'X 20' 11I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ a ❑ SITE DATAN 0 1AREASS EASMT. a SONIIG BO{3H LOT OODS`ERIT S) I Z 124' LOT i DATALOT 1 ID>_ � /1 � 1 � 1 , 1 I cc N 1 S� N LOT 2 I LOT 1 AREA...PER PLAT 1.d m N ° 0, ____ I 1 Io 980AC Z --— -- ---------- • �I BUILrNGDATA Q �X I I —— 1— CO VENIENCE STORE.....3,034 SF J v0 r Ir I 0 1 SIGN o ■� —■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ——— _ ++,,\ I�' ONE WIT\'AS VEPUMPS LJJ W I W LANDSCAPE / LANDSCAP O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■_� ■ ■ CO s s s s s s— s s s g ,�(n$ Z �,��4J +�I LOT 2 D.TA —ZD o r, , -� ��- .L (� ��� s s s s O(n ■ LOT 2 A"EA ��c ❑ I 79,056'F 1.814 ACRES V 0 O E 135.00 REF N E#5 S 01°21'49"W 155.12' S 01°17'24"W 1141.27' II BUILDINe DATA53 W 1946 25 BULDING LINE ONE 1 USE...................12,914 SF ONE L,VEL-27'HIGH 4 E 20' UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING Ili PARKINS.REQUEDV65 P`X 200SF=13,000SF/Q `3O PARK G PROVIDED 30 ••00, if 6 'S X 200SF=13,000 •OO, MEANDERING a EXTRA PS M� 4'SIDEWALK 1-•-• OTAL PS=75 °NDSCAPE REQUIRE PROJECT Na 79,056 SF X 20%=15,8 1SF DATE 4-16-2007 v, LANDSCAPE PROVIDE DRAWN BY: ie 15,865 SF (20%) CHECKED BY: ' COUN RY CLUB ROAD F. /UI 1378 ESE R�Eo 260 / 1 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE oRNgNoofHERREENrsoF 1 / n 50,277 SF(concrete drives PaoFEss�oNF�sEa,��E�NOAaE (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.) I and sidewallks) RID P N oN oPYR T TMEY ArNoreERE gY,Eo,�sE° �/ " LEL DESCRIPTION FORLYPUP05Eh1TH0UTTHE PLAN NOTES �,RrrEN oNSE roF1 Eo ENsoN �� �� �� ZLAN CORNER ADDITION,LOTS 2&3 BLOCK A SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS I LOCATED IN THE CHARLES ATTEBURY SURVEY ABS NO.22 AND ALSO BEING LOCOED IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, 1.PROPERTY SUBJECT TO REPEAT AND OR AMMENDMENT 4-6 SITE Nom AS PROVIDED 4-7 LANDSCAPE NDTED AS PROVIDED 4-8 ARCHITECTURAL Nom AS PROVIDED COLLINCOUNTY,TEXAS. PLAT AT IMMEDIATE NEXT STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT. BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE BASE STANDARD 1 A FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE BASE mom BUILDING AND MATERIALS OWNER: 2.NO BUILDING OR DEVELOPMENT PERMITS WILL BE • •BUFFER. • .COMPATIBLE WITH WYLIE POINT L.P. ENTRANCE AT FRONT. FRONT FACADE ORIENTED TO20%OF SITE LANDSCAPED. 20%STONE FRONT FACADE NORTH TREES IN BUFFER 30-40' NEIGHBORHOOD. 10755 SANDHILL ROAD,DALLAS TEXAS,75238 ISSUED PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF NECESSARY BUILDING LESSTHAN 20,000 SF STREET. LANDSCAPING IN FRONT YARD. SPACING N 0 RT H. WITH STUCCO,METAL "BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED OF PH.214-343-9400 APPLICATION FOR PLAT AND P&Z REVIEW IF NECESSARY. INNS DISTRICT. COMBINED ACCESS POINTS LANDSCAPING IN SIDE AND AWNINGS AND GLASS. REQUIRED TREES 3"CALIPER. BRICK AT LEAST 20%STONE DRIVE WIDTHS24'. WITH ADJACENT TRACTS. REAR YARDS. MATERIALS SIMILIAR TO ENGINEER: 3.BUILDING TO BE SPRI NKLERED. LANDSCAPED ENTRANCES. DIRECT DRIVE CONNECTION SITE 50 SF OF LANDSCAPING 4'MEANDERING WALKWAY ON ADJACENT CONVENIENCE THE DIMENSION GROUP ONSTREET. FRONT FACADE" 10755 SANDHILL ROAD,DALLAS TEXAS,75238 4.LANDSCAPE TO BE INSTALLED PER CITY STANDARDS. SERVICE AREAS NOT VISIBLE BETWEEN BUILDING AND PER SPACE. STORE. FROM PUBLIC STREET. STREET. ALL PARKING SPACES WITHIN DESE 25%FRONT FACADE OFFSET 4.' DESIRABLE PH.214-343-9400 SHEET NUMBER LANDSCAPE SHOWN FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES ONLY MASONRY SCREENING FOR 60'OF LANDSCAPING. REAR YARD LANDSCAPE. ARCH ELEMENTS AT COMPLIMENTARY FACADE MATERIALS USED AND 5.SIGN LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION SUBJECT TO BUILD.INSP.REVIEW TRASH ENCLOSURES. FOR 12 PARKING SPACES NO PARKING SPACES MORE ENTRANCES. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILING. �+ l�1_ —1 ) LANDSCAPE AT ROW END. THAN 40'FROM LANDSCAPE. DETAILED FEATURES 100%OF SIMILIAR STYLE TO ADJACENT BUILDING. 0 20 VO 1 OO FT V 6.BUILDING AND SITE SUBJECT TO CITY REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE BASE STANDARDS ON SIDE OF BUILDING. MAY 2 2007 LANDSCAPE AREAS PER 12 P.S. ROCK LANDSCAPE FEATURES. FRONT. DESIGN STANDARDS VISUAL SCREENING STRIP. STREET SCAPE ELEMENTS ARCHITECTURAL DETAILING FOR VARIETY. I 1" = 20'-0" SCALE IN FEET c i I / 4 BRICK BRICK 6,, BRICK / —LIGHT FIXTURE I ,, i_,_i_,_i_,_T_,_i_,_i_,_T_,_i_,_i_,_T_,_7,,,,,,,7,7„,7::::::_7_7_::::::::::::::::::::::::-7-7-7-7 • ''' LEI RIIIIIIIIIIIIBEIEIIIE:I'i‘iimaggingionginga a ummaisaaisaaisaam•iii i-isjgggiEileiggogg LI 1111,i111111111-1111111-11111111111111111111111111,111119111 113 mETAL cANopy IL3:'''!"•m' K''°°' °''°'Ma-!-]ili:i;:Lcill 11:1"111151aiiElnligit ill=i-iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiteititillil ff!°ovim'j:::::! jITITMTMMgggngge 1 ffIggngM= ,=g=lEl ill 1=iEs„EEs„EEEH,-,--,,iffirti.:1...\\ ,/, i:2] ,...T. l'A . TI 1 '!' !I'll.' '17 nfil MMI:=1. 11.41. c,.. sToNE .1aL M = M • I M!Zl M I I M k M I I - I I M l'i M I I .1-14! CA'SMNE A\MINUM STOREFRONT FRONT ELEVATION - COUNTRY CLUB ROAD MATERIAL PERCENTAGES P FRONT ELEVATION E 31.-10.i 34.-2. MIAB =MAMA , 34.-2" 31.-10. BRICK BRICK BRICK Wiii111- LE{i LE-. ...• MliELLielil- ' l'I'l'I'l'I'l'I'l'I'l'I'l'I'l'I'l'I'l'I'l'I'lIl;Ili iallEaffEHaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiojiiiii',is! mfaromiEn •rir ,i.#7;7i, . 444404 LEFT ELEVATION willt---------,-,-,-- -- -=,----=- - 7.:i METAL CAN.'A ineememeneemenemenneengi. MEMITEZIJMFe 1,:, , "II. ., I r .- LI!' 6 W]jpRI:g2 ==.7,:. ...„ smi. _ i 1!°11111IIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHX SPLIT-FACE 1.0Ve,'''1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1,1 i 1 i 1,111111111 . IT :r4 STME 5 ml_Titwi7 .r, -.1 -.F:.! to I !!'" ' muLt23mmEmica-, CAST STONE -.2 • W CA'SMNE WIHX1XIXIXIXIXIXIX111111 1 1 1 E i , \ HHHIHIHIHIHIHIHIH1. \\_.% BACK ELEVATION 0 0 mmum-21:IAErAJN *--/ / CL w STOREFRONT ALUMINUM STOREFRONT al W (I) Miill =1:1:1 RIGHT ELEVATION M —dw LEFT ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATIONSPLIT-FACE BLOCK ;T;I. UA w . ffiliilil c, „ Li'S' ......... Se, . .... .T a 2 .7... )- ..T... z K .....7... 5z miraniammozz NM 0 0 4 . ; PROJECT Plo: DATE: DRAM BY: CHECKED BY: i 'I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII"1"1"1"1"1"1 ""1"1111111111111111111 1111111111 11111111111„1„1„1„1„„1„1„1„iiiii„,, THESE PLANE.E IEETI.MEE.OF M-FrE=11;g:FFI, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII"""1"1"1"1""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIII„I I 1 I„I„I„I„I„Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i i i i i i i i i i pu,FAcE ISETZ1=1=41:1T THE1' "4"'MMERCIAL IX IHHHHHHHHHHHHHX1XIXIXIXIXIXIX XIXIXIIIIIIIIIIIIHX„HHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIHHHHHHiiiiiiiiiil ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n ..,,,„,„1.1.......... FEEN F=ESEETTE 71=E El OE g.RgR 112 LE SS 1 1 1 1 1 n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, iiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ .................... '-1.1grITE"PANSI°N lgT E"PANSI°N 1)Igiol-R°Wde FIVAticE BACK ELEVATION ...,4 ,._....., E L E V SCALE:1/8"=11-0" Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CiTY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 15, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Subdivision: Woodlake Village Addition Date Prepared: 03/01/07 Zoning District: CC Exhibits: Replat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Woodlake Village Addition,Block C, Lots 1R-6 & 1R-7. Subject property being generally located on the northeast corner of S.H. 78 and Spring Creek Parkway. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat creating 2 commercial lots for the Woodlake Village Addition, Block C, Lots 1R-6 & 1R-7. Discussion The property totals 18.93 acres and is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District. The property has been developed as a retail shopping center consisting of 187,000 square foot retail building (Wal-Mart Supercenter) and a motor vehicle fueling station (Murphy Oil Fueling Facility). The property is bordered by Centennial Drive to the north, Spring Creek Parkway to the west and State Highway 78 to the south. Adjacent properties to the east is zoned Corridor Commercial and has been developed for retail, restaurant, personal services and other commercial uses (Woodlake Village, Block C, Lot 1R-C). The purpose for the replat is to subdivide one lot into two to accommodate the applicant's request to separate the Wal-Mart property from the Murphy Oil's fueling facility thereby establishing two separate lots. The original site plan and replat for this property was approved by the Commission in June 2003. At that time, the necessary access and utility easements were dedicated to accommodate the shopping center and no modifications to these easements are being proposed. The Replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Page 1 of 1 D S to E R 550 OWNER'S SATE 0 •..,.rt.".,.-�.--^'" \ STATE OF TEXAS G,SON j COUNTY OF COLUN Pt \ µH£REAS,Wa/-Mart Real Estate Business Trust o De/aware business trust ore the Owners of a tract of land A '� ::' raM-ort Rea,y ,Texas,S/!e CABINET G,SLID£3B5 ���� ,�.. eyoye, ouny,exasaccoring to th"1 $-- t Collin County,Texas,and being more particular,descr79177'OB£ Trn _ �_R 5/a"/Rs x .�� -� Beginning of o 3-1/2 inch aluminum disk found on the northerly right-of-way,line of State Highway No.78(o plL=18783 "�...-_.- STATE HIGHWAY 78 j ® i �.. '"`" -� __� 1 variable width right-of-way); \1 -- '� ____�...,�1 (HENCE North 88 degrees 31 minutes 13 seconds West,along said northerly right-of-way line of State Highway No. '" �- __,� ------1 '1 78,a distance of 584.40 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found;N 8151'05 E ►-.��� 1 cjj i ^"' -� ��- '' 1r=145000 13 055. THENCE North 01 degrees 28 minutes 47 seconds East departing said northerly right-of-wayTlne of State Highway DEVONSHIRE LN. 15'URLITY EASEMENT i i ,,,,,„,�-^�"" 5/B`IRS �_�- 15'U77L/TY EASEMENT INo.7Q a distance of 193.08 feet to a 5/8 Mch Hon rod set'/ CAWS CT. cAeaLTTG suae,las ��' ''' --�._ _.�� cAanereccs •'°° =333.60WYNDHAM DR.J/ i .-""" 1''- /HENCE North 88 degrees 31 minutes 13 seconds West 240.25 feet to a 5/8 inch ken rod set,•GRAPHIC SCALE ___ I1L� l� - REUA/ND£RQ�3D'000/Tr£As£MENT(15) I1 =167.54 5 •� /�+.�� 5/8'IRS �- IoatanE Eltq pAae s71r he-SO5V6 41 THENCE North 01 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 774.54 feet to a 5/8 Inch hon rod set on the 60 0 30 60 ��� �� V� D•W') ' i�I�' LIR.CCT. R• 2127� �� see:nyrE ' 1 ChL= 2.86 southerly right-of-way line of Centennial Drive(a 60 foot right-of-way); •��� p ""` '�' 3'11�E_ �� fit•• \l , THENCE along sold southerly right-of-way line of Centennial Drive the following courses and&stone.. IN FEET N76jr'Ri% i1ie� Seb'JtYJF 116ee' -I sa6:n7J'E moo' �g I ( ) � - \9 � ,-1--- � r sab3Jy,YE tsyra• 1f North 76 degrees 23 minutes 11 seconds Eost o distance of 272.77 feet to 0 5/8 Inch Iron rod set for the Vicinity Map 1 inch=80 ft. - 5/B"/ftS i i yet E 9I 5 I I begJnn.g of o tangent curve to the right hoNng o radius of 197Q00 feet,o central angle of 05 degrees 27 ,.- � -A C.' 0'BU/LING L/NE L_ I$ L J" WA TER LINE EASEMENT I I 1 minutes 54 seconds and o chord that bears North 79 degrees 07 minutes OB seconds East o dlsfance of 187.83 Not to Scale „a«� �-1�� '�G J c�severs.stays is 7� -ar4Jaa7 as g WY .o' feet,• ,...---t. '" ^ '1 Ig I i t ig Along sold curve to the right,an arc length of 187.90 feet to 0 5/8 inch Iron rod set• ....-`""'"�- ii I' $1-,1$Cp 'N74 31 EZEC7R/CAL EASEMENT LLJJ North 81 degrees 51 minutes 05 seconds East o distance of 4.16 feet.a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the aaa�ivrAra ifapt-oJ4�� be MnM of o non-tan !eunrt to the r/t havfii o radius of 1450.00 feet a central on le of 13 d rees 10 / I I ,p I I 15'U7/UTY EASEMENT 9 9 9en 9h 9 9 e9 /� [ c�eac7 G SlIOE 39e t minutes 55 seconds and o chord that bows South OS degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds,o dlsfance of 332.86 _____.-- LINE TABLE � � 111VP7-1 I � ��� pi'V r ccr. a feet. LEGEND LINE LENGTH BEARING 1 Cl 3802 51336,49E J�� 30'AGY,£SS EASEMENT iJ I 1 i, THENCE o%ng said curve fo the right,on we length of 333.60 feet to 0 5/8 Mch iron rod set• EXISTING L2 17.41 5133649E �j�'31•I0T aar•�vtrv'zor's"pt a7 L3 1500 N7673'11 E LOT 1R-3,BLOCK C •✓il6Y� 1 THEME South 01 degrees 28 minutes 47 seconds West,a distance of 800.00 feet to the PO/NT OF BEGINNING R de B VENTURE L.P. '� E L:AST L4 17.41 N133649'W Sold property contains a computed ore of 824,810 square feet or 15935 acres of land. 3Q42 S017B4'W 7 5366,PG 1559 N NORTH D.R.C.C.T. I L6 NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY 7NESE PRESENTS S SOU7N 15.00 S8831'13E L 1 CE, 30.42 S017847'W . 1 t That Wo/-Mart Real Estate Business Trust a De%ware business trust acting hereto by and through its duly W HEST LB 27.37 S0178'471W authorized o/flcers,does hereby adopt this plot deslgnoting the hereto above described property os ReP/ot Lof 1R-6 BOUNDARY UN£ L9 15.00 58831'13 E I 1 As Lot 7R-7,Block C,Woodlake NT/oge Addition,an odd/liar to the City of Wyf/e,Texog and does hereby dad/cafe,In -------------------RIGHT OF WAY UNE L10 27.37 N0178'47E I fee simple to the public use forever,the streets,rights-of-way,and other public improvements shown thereon.The L71 15.50 S88.31.1.., LOT 14-6 I 5 8"IRS streets and alleys,If any,are dedicated for the purposes.fie easements and public use area,as shown,are • IRON ROD FOUND ORE) / dedicated,for the pub/M us forever,for the purposes indicated on this plat No buildings,fences,trees,shrubs w O IRON ROD SET(IRS) L12 15.00 50178'47'W 808,759 SO.FT. other anprovements or growths shall er constrocted or pieced upon,over or sorts'the easements oa shown,except ® ".Y'--CUT SET L13 1550 NBB31'13'W „ 15567 AC. that landscape improvements may be placed in landscape easements,!f approved by the Clty Council of the City of L14 15.00 5077847'W p Wjfie.M odditia,utilty easements may also be used for the mutual use and occommodotion of ol/public utilities 220 Bt/UNyG U3l deslrin to use or usin the same unless the easement Nmits the use to artfculor utd/ties said use b ub//c L15 1550 SB83f'13E 9 9 P YP L16 1550 N8831Y3'W j t %4,1 nacr. ufN/t/es being subordinate to the public's and City of Wylie use thereof. L17 1500 N8831Y3'W 46`O A!r v!a_As,. 1 L18 1500 N8831'13`W I` °OLLIf�,WON,'i a l lyA L/N££ASEAIENT I 1 The City of Wylie and public utAtiy entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed al/or parts of any WATER LINE£,..45 1; t,"t"+CUI EIVI ;7 0,Y 0$.3897 aaaaorrlln zawaolt 7;TI 1 g,fences shrubs or other knprovements or growths which may M any way endanger or interfere with the L19 18.13 NBB31'13'W I aaaNOYTNa�Ip7I-aimal' construction,maintenance,or efficiency of ther/respective systems/n said estments The City of Wylie'and public L20 7..93 SB831Y3'E s✓r tt.ram- l- utility merits'shall at all times have the lull right of ingress and egress tow from their respective easements for L21 1327 58831.13E I 4 the purpose%constructing,reconstructing,.specr/nQ potrdt mointo.Ing,reading meters and adding to or L22 2527 58831.13E ; I„tas� I ranovMg o//w ports of their respecrive systems without the necesslfy of any tkne procuring permissiar from CURVE TABLE 55/5 L23 15.00 N8831'13'W i e. CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA CH BEARING CHORD L24 2d25 5883173E tl^' file plot approved subject to all plotting wdManceR rules regu/otrions and resolutions of the City of Wylie,Texas. Cf 5531 sa.es2255'N317543"W 5253 L25 1500 N017847E ^ �� C2 26.51 20.00 755727'N382428 E 24.61 L26 2825 N8831'13'W b WITNESS;my hand this the_day of 2007. C3 H03 10.00 4559'44"5092303V 751 L27 moo No,,,,,E C4 86.39 55.00 900000. N3123'11 E 7775 L28 500 N683,..rw C5 54.98 35.00 900000.54628'471V, 49.50 L29 70.00 N017847E W j BLOCK C Lu C6 37.59 35.00 6732'14'S327454'W 35.81 3� I Bl:�Wa/-Mort Reo/Estate Business Trost C7 3759 35.00 900000'N.5327847E 49.51 L30 400 507,47, p WOODLAKE NLLAGE ADDIRON LIB 1 1 a Ddoworo business trust ce 54.98 35.00 900000"N4678'47E 49.50 L31 9.00 58831,13E '06, i� 1 (� L32 25.00 N0178'47 E �j o 824,B70 SQUARE FEET C9 54.98 35.00 900000. 54331.13E ..50 L33 2B.41 N0844f00'W 0 fEL935 ACRES C10 54,8 35.00 900021' 54331,13E ..50 L34 12173 N017847E j Authorized Signature C11 54,98 35.00 900000'N4351'13'0' .50 = " C12 zees 5.00 900000.N4331'13'W 7.07 L35 500 S8B31'13E 1 C13 47.12 30.00 900000"5462847"W ..43 ., 20.00 N017B'47£ 1 C14 31.42 20.00 900000'N4331'13'W 28.28 L37 20.00 N8B31'13'W ` 1',I O Printed Nome and Title W I L38 20.00 S0178'47"W � O STATE OF L39 5.00 58831'13 E � L40 124.62 .0128'47"W [\ `- COUNTY OF .1 29.30 5084100E V I -'-T i ��y ,, , Before me,the udersinged authority,a Notary Pub//c M and Jor the State of on this day personally Ig I j- :Lc.. ppeared Authorized Representative knwon to me to be the person whose mane is R4L�7 J30'ACt�'SS EASEMENT- T -y I 'ubrsc 008 to the foregoing instrument and ocknow/eged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and txrtAV aawJY soar 1 considerations therein expressed. 1. Basis of bearings:The bearings shown hereon are based on the platted bearings of the 1�- ovrM'iqw-aJ4.tss7 I Replot of Woodlake V7/loge recorded In County Clerk's Document No.2004-014389,,Plat '--I� us, �l Records,Collin County,Taxos. r Given under my hand and seal of offic this__day of 2007. i kIlI Iit 1a7rt,1E2F-aixeei �I I� ILaI ---i IL__ -- co 2. According to surveyors Interpretation of.formation shown on the Notional Flood & Insurance Program(NFIP)Flood Insurance Rate Mop"(FIRM),Community Panel No. L.SI83,Y4F 11417' J L I Ijg I I I 3 48085C0470 G,doted January 19,1996.The property appears to/!e with.Zone"X and I y4� zuso• J L I I 1 I ' Notary public in and for the State of no portion of this property lies within o'Special flood Hazard Area(SFHA)inundated by L 71y41' 2., 1.,...-_roes' 100-year flood"zone as defined by the U..Department of Housing and Urban ll y,Y2 21au, -J --- Y•E� r. My commision Exires On: Development,Federal Insurance Administration,or the Federal Emergency Management r 38113112.2 Agency. 1 I Is1tJY art I I I O ly SURVEYOR'S CER77FACATE The above referenced"FIRM"map Ts for use In administering the%JF7P",•it does not - I I I$1 necesswl/y show a//areas subject to Aaod.g,particularly from loos/sources of'moll I That/,Bob O.Brown,a Registered Lard Surveyors of the State of Texas,do hereby state,to the best of my size,which could be flooded by severe,concentrated rainfall coupled with Inadequate I I I I know/edge and belief,that!prepared this plot from an actual on the ground survey of the/and es desoribed,and loco/drainage systems. There may be other streams,weeks,low areas drainage systems or other surface or subsurface conditions existing on w near the subject 90'pRA/NAt.'E - I member property which ore not studied or addressed as part of the"Nf7P". AYANNEZ EAS>'A/ENT "I that the comer monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my pwsono/supervision. �$ ems'. 1 G19WfT G 5ltQE Ja! I I I Signed this_day of 2007. 3. rrsig o portion of this odd/elan by metes and bounds/s o vlolotlon of city ordinance P.A: and state/ow and/s subject to fines and w/thhalding of utilities and buildJng permits. CGU7H LNTY w�pj. 7T I $ �1 rcrYLw COUNTY aim I1 4. All objects shown here on as open olio%'are 5/8 inch iron rods set with a plastic cop RI Ifl ' that!s stamped CEl' �B'IRS B:: : wn - ,,,.,,...,,.,.•.__..,..A.._. I s ortion of this additon by metes and bounds is o vio%fon of City Ordinance # � S and State Low,and/s subject to fines and withhald.g of utflltles and building permits. s 'slams .7e.a._ P ACCESS EASEMENT I-I- -�� I Before me,the udereinged authority,a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas,on this toy persono/ly appeared a,2, yT/ ,at �1a Land Surveyor,knwon to Zed be the person whose name!s subrswibed to the _ � z6�os'•o1uAn I I X.T 84.50' �/ I foregoing Instrument and ocknow/eged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations there. APPROVAL 5/8"/RS N88;31'13'W 240.25' S 8"IRS 4 I /SB83 3 EorpX`SET I , expressed. tors_f /eYJ I Given under my hand and sea/of offic thin__day of 2007. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL -1 I 1 C.} ; LOT 1R-5,BLOCK C A . 0. I fn1 Notary public/n and for the State of Texas R&B VENTURE L.P. REMAINDER OF LOT 1R-2,BLOCK C 6 I � �I 1� I 1 fro[5366,PQ 1559 WOODLAKE VILLAGE I Java Chairman,Planning&Zoning Commission Dote LOT it-7 D.R.C.QT. I~ aI City of Wyf/o Texas t ' COLL/N COUNTY CLERK I 160.368 AC.T Ill # I I 1 My commision Extras On: DOCUMENT No.2004-0143897 APPROVED FOR CONSIRUC770N W I P.R.C.C.T. I�� p 'I41 I 1 Mayor City of Wylie,Texas-Date :} i REPLA r I V IN I,i °a Nee 673 al l y SIGN EASEMENT PER j III OF LOTS 1 R-6 & LOT 1 R-7, BLOCK C ACCEPTED r_ __ __5 12A E - V \C SEPARATE iNS7RUMENT _, t,,;; WOODLAKE VILLAGE ADDITION - ___„_4____ see,tyra• ��� /ore 1 1 ° Being o Replot of Lot 1R-1,Block C. j �45'unu EASEMENT --I r I 7 2!RF 1/2`1RF-- -.- - -- J 1 Woodlake Village on Addition f0 the ---- � ter- _ �IC� I /JIB Ma City of Te,Texas Dote �/ 1 I 50178'47'W ACRES£AS61/ENT y y J' y Y Wl4 a -r-- ors .3', tits � za�vr_aO°asv°O° r ra City of Wylie,Collin Count,Texas�aarx-- - The undersigned,the City Secretary of the Clty of Wylie,Taxos hereby certifies that the - ----._• .,,,..,.�.,. .,�•------- -___..._ 40.77' ^ 76.3', [JI 1 as recorded.Document NO.2004-014389 7, APR 26.0, - foregoing final plat of Lot 1R-6&IR-7 Block C of Woodlake aloge,on odditionC/to the .-' .•,...w_ City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the day of_- 20'N.TEXAS MUNICIPAL 5/8"1."- /• _- _ __ 466.80' -- Page 926 of the plot recorded Of Collin Coun t� WA)ER O/57R/CT EASEMENT 5 e%RS N883113 58'A '40-- 1--7----.-- Texas 18.935 Ac-Zoned CC BY 2007,,and the Council,by formal action,then and there accepted the ded/cation of streets ELD.74E PAt1471! 20 K TEXAS MUIWLYPAL 3-1 2 ALUM/NUM April 2007 o/y,parks,easements,public places,and water and sewer/Ines os shown and set forth in seaCCx WAlE77 aS7R/CT EASEMENT / - PAGE 1 OF 1 and uporr said plot and sold c=7 further authorized the Moyer r to the note the czpi ,„0,4£A r N'K1NE74I,r�AeE7a1QRCCr. acceptance thereof by signing his name as here/n above subscribed. DISK FOUND Atn:any-a1o�6ote G W5'tness my hand this_day of -2007 STATE WA y,yp WAL-MART REAL ESTATE Vig1( ASSOCIAETESNINC BUSINESS TRUST A DELAWARE BUSINESS TRUST (VARIABLE 490771 R.O.W.) 2001 SE.107H STREET ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS BEN70NNLLE,ARKANSAS 72716 gift;!VIZ?' Texas PHONE:(479)273-4000 303• ,BTX.Fr75234y Suie 125 FAX 2 888-37733 72 DWON AME 22269 ®LNOS.met...A]S2TP tM 4 Mil. CITY OF WYLIE Planning Department April 18, 2007 From: Charles H. Lee, AICP, Senior Planner To: Planning & Zoning Commission RE: Clarification Regarding Private Streets, Easements & Maintenance Thereof At the Commission's Tuesday April 17th, concerns and questions arose regarding definitions, appropriateness, and maintenance for private street/drive, public easements and fire lanes. This memo is an attempt to address those concerns. The City of Wylie's Subdivision Ordinance defines: Private Street, A private vehicular access way, including an alley that is shared by and serves two or more lots, which is not dedicated to the public, and which is not publicly maintained. Easement shall mean an area of joint use on private property. More specifically, Access Easement are areas, which are open to the general public at large that shall remain at all times open to the public for access. Fire Lane, typically 24' -26' width, 6" thick, concrete pavement with 3000 psi capable of providing and accommodating emergency access to sites and developments per the City's adopted Fire Codes & Regulations. A private street can be appropriate in both residential and commercial developments, depending upon natural and/or man-made constraints on the property. Easements are appropriate to allow for unlimited access to property for upkeep, transverse, and maintanence to public and private infrastructure. Finally, fire lanes are appropriate to accommodate access to property, buildings, and structures in the event of an emergency. A private street, access easement and fire lane can be one in the same, as was in the recent PD request (ZC2007-02). At the platting stage of development review, the applicant will be required to dedicate an easement as 'Fire Lane'. Note on the site plan & plat that it is a private street and provide the necessary documents to be filed and recorded as such. In addition, a mandatory Property Owners Association shall be responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of the private street. Per the Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.1, 10 (d). The City shall not pay for any portion of the cost of constructing or maintaining a private street. The enforcement for compliance, maintenance and upkeep for a private street, access easements and fire lanes is typically handled by the City's Code Enforcement and/or Fire Marshal's Office. Citations can be issued resulting in fines, court costs and liens on property for the cost associated with repair if necessary. 1