10-10-2013 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Arts Advisory Board
Special Called Meeting
October 10, 2013 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers/Conference Room
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
The Public Arts Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by Chairman Anne Hiney.
Board members present included: Vice Chair Lynn Grimes, board members Britt Volker, Gaynell Reed,
Susan Spurgin and Lisa Green. Board member Dee Ann Ross was absent.
Staff present included Carole Ehrlich, board liaison and Public Information Officer Craig Kelly. Also
attending was Jim Lenox, former chair of the board.
• Discussion regarding a proposed 2014 Spring Art & Jazz Festival. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB
Staff/Board Discussion
PAAB members were updated regarding further plans for the 2014 Spring JazzArts Fest that will be presented to
council in late October. PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported that the city had an ordinance passed in 1992 that prohibited
the consumption of alcohol in public places. Ehrlich noted that if council approved wine sales for the new event, an
amending ordinance would be required to allow sales and consumption.
Committees for the event gave updates regarding information and plans for the event. They included:
Art Vendor Committee: Currently three art organizations had committed to the event with a total of 30 artists to date.
More artist sponsors would be contacted and e-mailed applications would also go out to individual artists as the event
draws nearer.
Entertainment Committee: The Collin County College has committed to entertain in the evening and two to three
other professional bands have been contacted and will be confirmed once funding is established in the proposed
event budget.
Art Partners Sponsorship Committee: PAAB liaison Ehrlich reminded everyone that sponsorships were very
important to the success of the event and funding for the Public Art Fund.
Logistics and Marketing Committee: Public Information Officer Kelly displayed the proposed layout of the event.
All activities would take place in the back along the back of the fire lane and under the porches. He indicated that
there would be plenty of room for a large amount of vendors.
Children's Activities Committee: Susan Spurgin, Lisa Green, Rachel Orozco and Lisa Pruett will make up the
Activities Committee. Susan reported the committee planned to meet October 17th to discuss ideas and plans for
children's activities to report back to the board that evening at the regular PAAB meeting.
Volunteers Committee: Former PAAB member Lenox addressed the board stating that he would like to be the
coordinator for the event. Lenox stated that he would be happy to contact scout troops and other organizations to
compile a list and schedule for the volunteers. The board agreed this would be a great benefit.
October 10,2013 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Regular Meeting Minutes P a g c 2
Gourmet Trucks: Vice Chair Grimes reported that currently there was a list of 20 gourmet food vendors. She
explained that several had been invited to participate in the Boo on Bllard event in October to get a feel for the crowds
the Wylie events provided. She stated that they would then be invited to return for the JazzArts Fest with a fee for
each booth of$200. Grimes stated that the 96 West Winery may be willing to assist with the fees for the trucks as a
sponsor in-kind.
PIO Kelly handed out a proposed budget noting that these figures were estimates only. The budget included:
advertising, and marketing; banners and signage; staging with roof in a 24 X 24 size; sound, port a potties with
additional rest rooms available in the buildings; WISD shuttles to allow parking at the Wylie High School and buses to
shuttle attendees to the complex; 2 light towers for the stage, and approximately $5,000 for bands. He noted that this
did not include any expenses for police overtime if wine sales were allowed, electricity for vendors or children's
activity materials but felt there would be access in the budget for the materials. The total costs were estimated at
$19,150. The Occupancy Fund (hotel/motel tax fund) would be used to cover the event. Sponsorships and vendor
fees would go back to the Public Art Fund. Ehrlich reminded members that finalized plans for the event will be
completed for presentation to council in late October.
• Discussion regarding an art project for the remodeled Public Safety Building. (C.
Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Staff Comments
PAAB liaison Ehrlich updated PAAB members on the progress of placing art at the newly remodeled Public Safety
Building. Ehrlich reported that three artists had agreed to submit for the project based on the direction she received
from the board previously. She explained that the board had chosen to use the selective process to obtain a
commission for the Public Safety Building, per the PAAB Guidelines. She noted that once the submissions were
received for all three artists, she would present them to the board for discussion and final commissioning.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Public Arts Advisory Board minutes from
September 19, 2013 Regular PAAB meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Volker, seconded by Vice Chair Grimes to approve the September
19, 2013 PAAB minutes as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with board member
Ross absent.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Grimes, seconded by board member Spurgin to adjourn the PAAB
meeting at 8:25 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with board member Ross absent.
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