05-06-1997 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA WYLIE CITY COUNCIL Wylie Municipal Complex May 6, 1997 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CANVASS OF ELECTION OATHS OF OFFICE - Elected Councilmembers ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM WORKSESSION 1. Discuss COPS Grant 2. Discuss S.H. 78 Corridor Study/Zoning Category Reclassification 3. Discuss and Receive Update on Capital Bond Projects STAFF REPORTS CITIZEN PARTICIPATION EXECUTIVE SESSION 4. Hold Executive Session Under Section 551.075 Conference With Employees To Receive Information and Question Employees Regarding Pending Litigation, City of Parker v. City of Wylie, Cause No. 219.458.96, District Court of Collin County, Texas 219 Judicial District RECONVENE INTO OPEN MEETING 5. Take any necessary action as a result of the Executive Session ADJOURNMENT Posted on this the 2nd day of May, at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD 442-8170 WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE MEMORANDUM To: Mike Collins Date: April 18, 1997 City Manager From: William S. Rushing Chief of Police Subject: COPS Grant Proposal If you will recall, on January 9, 1997, I discussed with you the possibility of the Police Department submitting an application to the United States Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, to obtain a grant under the Universal Hiring Program that would assist in our efforts to hire additional police officers to be assigned to the patrol division. This conversation followed the information previously disseminated by you, to Departmental Directors, about trying to obtain various grants from available sources. As of this date, I am pleased to officially announce to you that we were successful in obtaining a federal grant, in the amount of$149,108.50, to be used in the hiring of two (2)police officers for the current fiscal year(FY 96-97). The awarding of this grant by the Federal Government does not, in any way, commit the City of Wylie to any type of agreement unless approved by the Wylie City Council. If this grant is accepted, current plans call for the submitting of a second grant application that would further assist the City in hiring two more officers for FY 97-98. Consistent with the multi-year public safety plan discussed for FY 96-97, we made plans to add another two(2)officers per year,over a three(3)year period,until we were able to attain a minimum of twelve(12)police officers assigned to the patrol division. To follow this specific plan as initially proposed,without any type of grant assistance and carried out over a five(5)year period, it would cost the City a total of $1,008.226.00. COPS Grant Proposal/Letter to Mike Collins Page 2 As an option,we applied for a grant to help fund the hiring of two police officers for the fiscal year 96-97 with the anticipation of re-submitting a second grant application for two more officers in FY 97-98. This will stagger the hiring process and help further reduce the overall costs. Upon consideration and approval of the two officers per year on a two year plan, the cost would be: • without Grant assistance $ 763,984.00 • with Grant assistance $465,767.00 • Total savings to City $ 298,217.00 I have enclosed, for your review, a COPS Grant 1997 proposal packet and a costs analysis chart which shows the overall savings that would be realized by the City of Wylie, carried over a five (5) year period, if these grants are utilized in the hiring of these additional officers. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me. ist i,10110111410111r William S. Rushing 411 Chief of Police WSR/brm ENCL. COPS Grant - 1997 Proposal PURPOSE To provide an immediate relief from current staffing levels at the lowest possible cost to the City of Wylie. The intent of this proposal is to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice for the approval of a grant under the COPS - Universal Hiring Program to facilitate the hiring of an additional four(4) Police Officers. BACKGROUND The COPS -Universal Hiring Program (UHP) is one of several approaches developed by the U.S. Department of Justice under the Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994 to deploy additional Officers devoted to community policing on the streets and rural routes of this nation. UHP enables interested agencies to supplement their current sworn forces, or interested jurisdictions to establish a new agency, through Federal grants for up to three years. All policing agencies, as well as jurisdictions seeking to establish new policing agencies, are eligible to apply for this grant. FUNDING PROVISIONS Grants will be made for up to 75 percent of the total salary and benefits of each new officer over three years,and up to a maximum of$75,000.00 per officer,with the remainder to be paid by local funds. Funding will begin once the new officers have been hired or on the date of the award, whichever is later, and will be paid over the course of the grant. Waivers of the non-Federal matching requirement may be requested under UHP, but will be granted only upon a showing of extraordinary fiscal hardship. COPS grant funds must not be used to replace funds that eligible agencies otherwise would have devoted to future officer hiring. In other words, any hiring under UHP must be in addition to, and not in lieu of, officers that otherwise would have been hired. In hiring additional officers, we may not reduce the scope of our customary screening and training procedures, and must include community policing principles in our training curricula. JUSTIFICATION Patrol As you recall, in May of 1996, the Police Department conducted a workload analysis for calendar year 1995, which was presented to you in a special session of the City Council. This workload analysis indicated that, according to actual call load statistics for that year, a total of twelve(12) Officers were needed to handle the call load for that year. While we have not conducted another workload analysis for 1996, by monitoring the total calls for service we can show a 7% increase in this workload. *Calls for Service- 1995 4,766 •Calls for Service - 1996 5,121 Difference 355 Or 7% (+/-.05%) Additionally, As we previously presented to you, in raising the number of patrol officers to twelve, we will be able to satisfy the Councils requested standard of two patrol officers on duty at all times. This can be accomplished by adding the additional personnel and converting to the 12 man, 10 hour deployment schedule. If successful, this grant could provide the following benefits: • Ability to utilize the 12 officer deployment model • Provide increased Police Presence and Visibility • Allow for expansion of current Level of Service • Decreased Response Times • Enhanced Officer Safety • Increased Employee Morale • Relief Factor for Employees Criminal Investigations Division The situation in CID has show little change over the past several months. While the Investigator was continuing to show an increase in his clearance rate, the number of cases coming in were growing at a rate that remained unmanageable for one person. The case carry over rate reached an all time high in June of this year,but through the implementation of a basic management system, we were able to slightly reduce the overall case load. This was due largely to the inactivating of several old cases that had previously gone unnoticed. Even with this reduction,the overall case load is still overwhelming. COPS Grant-1997 Proposal/Page 2 Due to this fact, a second person has now been assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division in hopes that current investigator would be provided some much needed relief. In a recent promotional ceremony, the Detective was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. A Patrol Corporal was transferred to then fill the vacancy created by the aforementioned promotion. These two personnel now man that division together and are working to better manage that division. FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS In September 1996, the Wylie Police Department prepared and submitted a grant application to the United States Department of Justice to obtain financial assistance from the federal government to help fund the hiring of two additional police officers during the current fiscal year, (FY 96-97). Current plans also call for submitting a second grant application that would help to fund an additional two officers in FY 97-98. This method of grant application will stagger the hiring process and help to further reduce the overall cost. Below,Figures 1 and 2 show a detailed breakdown of the actual expenses per officer and for the total proposal. ;Year 1 Year 2 j Year 3 Year 4 Total cost per Officer(Salary + Benefits) $38,491:00 $40,780.00 $42,850.00 $45,150.00 Funding Rate(Grant/ Local) % '75/25-c: 70/30 40/60 =" 0/ 100 Portion funded by Grant $28,868.25 $28,546.00 $17,140.00 $0.00 Local Funding $9,622.75 $12,234.00 $25,710.00 $45,150.00 Figure 1 In looking at these charts, some important questions could come to mind and thus, there are some key considerations that should be pointed out at this time. Due to certain restrictions and limitations of the COPS grant,there are certain pre-set limits that must be adhered to when applying for a grant under this program. • Each year of the grant, the Federally funded portion of the grant must decrease in percentage. • Each year of the grant, the Locally funded portion of the grant must increase in percentage. • The total amount funded under the grant for each officer must not exceed 75% of the total cost incurred or $ 75,000 whichever is smaller. COPS Grant-1997 Proposal/Page 3 The total personnel cost associated with this proposal is indicated below in figure 2. 2/2 Plan-Based on hiring two officers per year with grant assistance. ',Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 `,Year S Officer 1 -$9,622 75` $12,234.00` $25,710 001 $45,150.00 „$47,450 00 Officer2 $9,622.75` $12,234.00 $25,710.00 $45,150.00 ' $47,450.00 Officer 3 -:'1 $9,622.75>*$12,234,00 $25,710.00 '$45,150.00 Officer 4 $9,622.75 $12,234.00 $25,710.00 $45,150.00 Yearly Cost $19,245.50 $43,713.50 $75,888.00 $141,720.00 $185,200.00 Figure 2 Below,figure 3 shows a detailed breakdown of the actual expenses for the total proposal under this option. Grant 1 Year X ! Year 2 ` Year 3f ,1 Year 4 Ye ,$tl 3 1l4. .wI xo 1r. .* it 5.,. ,eks:41,K. Total cost 2 Officers 0 $76,982 00 $81,560.00 $85,700.00 $90,300 00, .-,,$94,900,00 Funding Ratio(Grant/Local) 75/25,,-}:, 70/30 40160 0/ 100 •-" 0/ 100 Grant Funding $57,736.50` $57,092.00 $34,280.00 $0.00' ' $U.00 Local Funding $19,245.50 $24,468.00 $51,420 00 $90,300 00 .: $94,900`00 Grant 2 s ., Year 1 Year,2 Year 3 Year'4 r Total cost 2 Officers $76,982.00s$81,560.00: $85,700 00 $90,300`00 Funding Ratio(Grant/Local) ,...,!-,-..:,. -1 75 /25 `70/30 : 40/60 0!1,00':`'' Grant Funding 1 $57,736.50 $57,092 00� $34,280.00 ' ` $0 00 Local Funding -1 $19,245.50 $24,46$ 00 $51,420.00 °$90;300 00 F Total costperyear �,, - $141,720.00- $19,245.50 $43,713.50 $75,888.00' •$185,200 00 Figure 3 COPS Grant-1997 Proposal/Page 4 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS In addition to the personnel cost, there would also be further cost associated with the hiring of additional personnel. These cost would primarily be related to uniforms and equipment. The base cost of outfitting one officer is roughly $1,500.00. This would cover all uniform and equipment expenses with the exception of purchasing additional portable radios. Furthermore, with the hiring of four additional officers, it is conceivable that we would need to add one additional vehicle to our current patrol fleet. The uniform and vehicle expenses are not covered in the scope of this grant and would have to be absorbed totally through our own funding. COPS Grant-1997 Proposal/Page 5 COPS GRANT - 1997 PROPOSAL 2/2 Plan-Based on Hiring two officers per year for two years without Grant assistance. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Cost Officer 1 $38,491.00 $40,780.00 $42,850.00 $45,150.00 $47,450.00 Officer 2 $38,491.00 $40,780.00 $42,850.00 $45,150.00 $47,450.00 Officer 3 $38,491.00 $40,780.00 $42,850.00 $45,150.00 Officer 4 $38,491.00 $40,780.00 $42,850.00 $45,150.00 Yearly Cost $76,982.00 $158,542.00 $167,260.00 $176,000.00 $185,200.00 $763,984.00 2/2 Plan-Based on Hiring two officers per year for two years with Grant assistance. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Cost Officer 1 $ 9,622.75 $ 12,234.00 $25,710.00 $45, 150.00 $47,450.00 Officer 2 $9,622.75 $ 12,234.00 $25,710.00 $45, 150.00 $47,450.00 Officer 3 $9,622.75 $ 12,234.00 $25,710.00 $45, 150.00 Officer 4 $9,622.75 $ 12,234.00 $25,710.00 $45, 150.00 Yearly Cost $ 19,245.00 $43,713.50 $75,888.00 $141,720.00 $185,200.00 $465.767.00 Total Savings to City of Wylie with Grant assistance $298,217.00 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 2, 1997 TO: Mayor and City Council y�,�/� FROM: Mindy Manson, Assistant to the City Manager i1`' ' RE: Zoning Issues During the March 11, 1997 City Council meeting, Council instructed staff to initiate an evaluation of the existing commercial zoning districts contained with the Wylie Zoning Ordinance. The request was generated from discussion regarding a zone change request for a B-2 commercial district on State Highway 78 which elicited a considerable amount of neighborhood opposition. The opposition was due, in part, to the wide variety of uses which are permitted within the district and the concern that many of these uses would not be appropriate adjacent to residential development. In order to thoroughly address this issue, there are two primary areas which need to be reviewed. The first is how the policies contained within the Comprehensive Plan guide the appropriate location for the different types of land uses. Second, is the way in which the various types of commercial zoning districts are designated within the Zoning Ordinance; what are the different districts and what specific types of uses are permitted within each district. The Land Use Plan, which is an element of the Comprehensive Development Plan adopted in 1994, indicates the general pattern for development that is projected for Wylie. In addition to the Land Use Plan, there are policies within the Plan which are more specific in recommending certain types of land uses in specific locations within the city. As an example, the following policy addresses State Highway 78: S.H. 78 should be developed as a high intensity, mixed-use corridor, including office, retail, lodging, and restaurant uses. The City should encourage, through the use of incentives, the consolidation of small parcels for major developments, and the construction of parallel roadways to improve traffic circulation. Developments should be sensitively placed in relation to residential areas, and should exhibit a high quality of design and landscaping. Within the S.H. 78 right-of-way, the City should work with the State to provide attractive landscaping. Entrance features identifying Wylie should be added. Memorandum May 2, 1997 Page 2 of 2 The various zoning districts are the tools to implement these policies. In the instance of commercial or industrial zoning districts, the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council are often faced with the job of finding a balance between the concern of adjacent residents and the recognized need to place commercial uses along major thoroughfares. If the zoning districts are perceived to be too broad in scope, it becomes virtually impossible to achieve that balance. The commercial and industrial zoning districts will be evaluated based on the intended location for the districts, the purpose of the districts and the specific uses that are currently allowed. There is an appropriate location for every land use. The challenge is to develop the locational policies and the zoning districts which reflect the community's goals. MM/bas MEMORANDUM DATE: May 2, 1997 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Mindy Manson, Assistant to the City Manager N11\* RE: Update on Capital Bond Projects During discussion at the April 22 City Council meeting, related to the award of two contracts for construction, Council requested an update on the progress to date on the various bond projects. The following information lists the projects in three categories: active or completed bond projects, projects under design but not yet bid, and remaining bond projects. Staff will be present to answer any questions and discuss future scheduling for the remaining projects. MM/bas Attachments (3) 1h:t t-_ _IL!, ' t^ City of Wylie, Texas 1t+. _ Active or Completed Bond Projects Summary Sheet 4.t i7 As of April 27, 1997 Original Actual Projected "As-Bid" Cost of Cost of / % Description Project Project Difference Difference Status New 750,000 Gal.Elevated Tank $985,000 1,007,000.00 -22,000.00 -2.23% Complete (Added:lights,expanded SCADA,and$43,000 lot,etc.) 20"Water Main along the future Westgate $206,080 181,808.92 24,271.08 11.78% Complete (NORTEX Tank to FM544) 20"Water Main along FM 544 $404,800 324,327.45 80,472.55 19.88% Complete (Westgate to New H.S.) Utility Relocations Along S.H.78 and... $360,000 254,416.60 105,583.40 29.33% Complete 12"WM Along Kirby and other Misc.Additions $0 94,998.01 -94,998.01 xxx Complete TCDP Water Projects* $113,050 225,954.00 -112,904.00 -99.87% 50% *Extra cost associated with increase in scope of work. TCDP Sewer Projects* $400,000 380,320.00 19,680.00 4.92% 50% *Includes all consulting fees 12"Water Main from Southfork MHP to McMillen Farms $220,300 248,844.48 28,544.48 -12.96% 0% 8"Water Main along Briarwood $26,450 31,125.00 -4,675.00 -17.67% 0% 8"Water Main along Alanis** $75,900 25,000.00 50,900.00 67.06% Complete Cooper Drive 333,568 246,920.00 86,638.00 25.97% Complete Regency Drive (From FM 544 to Steel Rd.) 215984 281,401.00 -65,417.00 30.29% Complete Westgate Way 747217 472,074.51 275,142.49 36.82% Complete McCreary Road 646967 696,643.75 50,323.25 7.78% 15% Totals as of April 10,1997 $4,735,306 $4,370,834 $364,472 7.70% Does NOT include$250,000 TCDP Grant* **Projects(s)completed by City Forces Projects Under Design but not yet bid: 1 20"Water Main along FM 544 309,120.00 ??? ??? ??? Under (H.S.to New Elevated Tank) Design 2 Cotton Belt Avenue 89,541.00 ??? ??? ??? Under (From Marble St.to Brown St.) Design 3 Kreymer Lane (37'Wide Concrete Street) (From Hwy.78 to Brown) 361,983.00 ??? ??? ??? Under Design $760,644.00 . . City of Wyl Texas Remaining Bond Projects As of April 27, 1997 Approx. Bond Proj. Length Cost of Priority Description (feet) Project 1 20"Water Main along FM 544 5,000 309,120.00 (H.S. to New Elevated Tank) 2 12" Water Main along Birmingham 1,800 $74,750 (SH 78 to Marble) 3 8"Water Main from dead end on Cottonbelt to Elliott 500 $13,800 (@ Fleming through alley) 4 8" Water Main along Second St. 1,300 $37,950 (Masters to Wylie Supermarket) 5 8"Water Main from Masters to Wylie Supermarket 300 $5,750 6 8" Water Main along US 78 near Motor Bank 200 $5,750 7 8"Water Main along Elliott from dead end to Cottonbelt 200 $5,750 8 8" Water Main along Oak from dead end to Cottonbelt 200 $5,750 9 8"Water Main in Masters from First St. to Second St. 200 $5,800 10 8" Water Mains Downtown 2,200 $63,250 Oak to Brown in alley west of Ballard Jackson to Ballard along Brown Ballard to First St. along Oak Oak to Marble in alley east of Ballard 11 8" Water Main along First St. 700 $20,125 (Brown to Marble) 12 8" Water Main along Fifth (SH 78 to Oak) and 1,000 $28,750 along Marble (SH 78 to Fifth) 13 8"Water Main along First St. 1,000 $28,750 (Masters to 320 S. First St.) 14 8" Water Main along Ballard 1,300 $36,800 (Stone to creek) 15 12" Water Main along Stone Road 400 $10,000 (Quail Hollow to Stone Grove) Subtotal of Water Projects Remaining $652,095 1 a 8"Water Main Along Ann from Kamber to N. Ballard 1,350 $36,800 (includes bore under N. Ballard) 2a 8"Water Main from Park to Martin dead ends 4,000 $110,400 3a 12" (minimum) Water Main on West Brown 1,800 $46,000 (NORTEX Greenhouse to Westgate) 4a 8"Water Main from Cedar Ridge to Lanwood dead ends 1,200 $33,350 5a 8"Water Main From dead end behind nursing home 300 $6,325 to Second St. 6a 12"Water Main from Newport Harbor south to 11,000 $335,000 Pointe North Addition Subtotal of Water Projects to be Constructed by City Forces $567,875 Total of all Remaining Water System Projects: $1 ,219,970 1 Cotton Belt Avenue 850' $89,541 (From Marble St. to Brown St.) 2 Kreymer Lane (37'Wide Concrete Street) (From Hwy. 78 to Brown) 2,305' $361,983 3 Misc. Residential Streets - $604,750 (Paving, Drainage and Traffic Control Improvements at various locations throughout the City.) Remaining Paving & Drainage Projects: $1 ,056,274 The schedule for the remaing projects has not been finally determined at this time. an the past, fund availability, project urgency, project location and other factors were used to determine project priority and schedule. stow that the City has drawn the remainder of the bond funds and they are available, any or all of the projects listed could be started immediately.