06-14-2004 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Agenda Packet AGENDA Zoning Board of Adjustment City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Monday, June 14, 2004 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the April 26, 2004 Meeting. SWEARING-IN OF SPEAKERS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Gary Braley for a variance to Section 7.B.I.e.1 of the 1962 Zoning Ordinance in order to decrease the front yard setback from the required twenty-five (25) feet to twelve (12) feet, this property being located at 503 South Ballard Avenue and being Lot 11 of Block A of the Butler Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2004-03) Continued from the May 24 meeting 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Kevin G. Belew for a variance to Section 26.3 of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance in order to increase the height of an accessory building from the maximum fifteen (15) feet to eighteen (18) feet, this property being located at 513 South Foxwood Lane and being Lot 8 of Block B of the Stone Grove Phase 1 Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2004-04) SEAL = //po Posted Friday, June 11, 2004 at 5 614, .� ..... XpS‘ . THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL WAISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. Zoning Board of Adjustments :4( City of Wylie June 14, 2004 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA Zoning Board of Adjustment City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Monday, June 14, 2004 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the April 26, 2004 Meeting. SWEARING-IN OF SPEAKERS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Gary Braley for a variance to Section 7.B.I.e.1 of the 1962 Zoning Ordinance in order to decrease the front yard setback from the required twenty-five (25) feet to twelve (12) feet, this property being located at 503 South Ballard Avenue and being Lot 11 of Block A of the Butler Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2004-03) Continued from the May 24 meeting 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Kevin G. Belew for a variance to Section 26.3 of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance in order to increase the height of an accessory building from the maximum fifteen (15) feet to eighteen (18) feet, this property being located at 513 South Foxwood Lane and being Lot 8 of Block B of the Stone Grove Phase 1 Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2004-04) SEAL = //po Posted Friday, June 11, 2004 at 5 614, .� ..... XpS‘ . THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL WAISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES Zoning Board of Adjustment City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Monday, May 24, 2004 7:00 p.m. Notice was posted in time and manner required by law, and a quorum was present. Board Members Present: Staff Members Present: Eric Alexander Claude Thompson Marilyn Herrera Mary Bradley Randle Henry Layne LeBaron Board Members Absent: Weldon Bullock Linda Jourdan Wayne Morman CALL TO ORDER Chairman LeBaron called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the April 26, 2004 Meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Henry, and seconded by Mr. Alexander, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 4 — 0. PUBLIC HEARING 1. ZBOA Case Number 2004-03 The State Law requires at least four Board Members to make a quorum to hear and approve a variance. Because there were only four Board members present, Chairman LeBaron recommended that the hearing be postponed until additional members could be present to consider the request. The applicant and all Board members agreed to reschedule the Meeting to June 14, 2004. No one else was present to address the request. ZBOA Commission Meeting May 24, 2004 Page 2 of 2 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Mr. Alexander, and seconded by Ms. Herrera, to adjourn the meeting at 7:16PM. Layne LeBaron, Chairman Mary Bradley, Secretary - C, of-Wylie Public Hearing Item No. 1 ZBOA No. 2004-03 Zoning Board of Adjustment Public Hearing: June 14, 2004 Continued from May 24, 2004 Meeting Owner/Applicant: Gary Braley Location: 503 S. Ballard Avenue, being Lot 11, Block A of the Butler Addition Request: Variance of Section 7.B.I.e.1 of the 1962 Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard from the required 25 feet to 12.0 feet Background: The subject property is occupied by a wood frame residence with an attached single- car garage constructed in 1963. The house and street-facing garage entry is located approximately thirty-two (32) feet from the front property line. The applicant desires to construct a single-car carport to the front of the existing garage in order to provide protection for his current passenger truck that is too large to fit in the garage. The garage will remain available for parking or storage. The portion of S. Ballard Avenue onto which the subject house fronts was recently widened to a four lane divided thoroughfare, with new driveway approaches installed for each residence including the subject property. The existing drive is gravel. Section 245 of the Texas Local Government Code requires that municipalities consider private development requests "solely on the basis of the adopted requirements in effect at the time of the original request for permit is filed". It is impossible today to verify the specific regulations that were in force at the time the subject lot was created. However, the residence was constructed in 1963, and therefore should comply with the development laws in place at that time, which were within the 1962 Zoning Ordinance. ZBOA 2004-03 The 1962 Ordinance required one parking space per residential dwelling but does not require that that space be covered or enclosed. That Ordinance required a front yard setback of twenty-five (25) feet. The carport will be constructed the width of the existing drive (20 feet) and 20 feet long, or 12.0 feet from the front property line rather than the required 25 feet. This is a variance of 13.0 feet or 52% percent from the requirement. Section 8.3 of the Zoning Ordinance provides that the Zoning Board of Adjustment may permit a variance to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance if the variance is not contrary to the public interest and, due to special conditions of the site, a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of the Ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done. The Board may impose any reasonable conditions on the issuance of a variance and may amend the variance from that requested. The concurring vote of 75 percent of the members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of any administrative official, or to decide in favor of the applicant to effect any variance in the Ordinance. This section further states that in order to grant a variance to the Ordinance, the Board shall find that all of the following have been satisfied: 1. That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical conditions particular to the affected property; 2. That because of these unique and exceptional circumstances, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. That due to such unique and exceptional circumstances, the strict application of the Ordinance would create a demonstrated hardship (convenience, profit or caprice shall not constitute undue hardship); 4. That the demonstrated hardship is not self-imposed; 5. That the variance, if granted, will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; 6. That the variance, if granted, will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; 7. That the variance, if granted, is in keeping with the intent of the Ordinance; and 8. That the variance, if granted, will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Considerations: 1. Public Comment Forms were mailed as required by State Law to owners of thirty- five (35) properties within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. One response, opposing the request, had been submitted at the time of this posting. ZBOA 2004-03 2. The City of Wylie currently requires that all required parking spaces be 10 feet wide and 20 feet long and be constructed of concrete. The construction of the carport as proposed will comply fully with this current regulation, and allow sufficient space for the oversized vehicle. The remaining 12 feet of drive will allow sufficient visibility and private maneuvering room between the carport and the public street. 3. Wylie's parking spaces are larger than normally required elsewhere. Municipalities often require 9 feet by 18 feet parking spaces, and it was not uncommon for older regulations to allow as narrow as 8 feet spaces. The current State and National requirement for handicapped parking spaces is 8.5 feet wide, when provided an abutting dedicated landing/sidewalk of 3 feet. The size of the proposed carport and drive is anticipated to accommodate most private passenger vehicles. 4. Neighboring residences were constructed at varied times and in compliance with varied code regulations, some with and others without garages or carports. The Board of Adjustment has approved several requests for carports in the immediate vicinity of this request (414 S. Second Street and 504 S. Jackson Street) since a severe hailstorm damaged unprotected vehicles in April 2003. The property immediately to the north is an apartment complex with no covered parking separated from the subject house by a concrete drainage flume. The remaining single-family structures on this block were all constructed similarly with either no garage or with only a single vehicle garage, and with gravel driveways. 5. The requirement for all parking and drives to be concrete is not a zoning regulation, but an engineering requirement and a construction issue will be addressed during the building permit process. 6. Although parking is currently required to be enclosed (garage), parking was not required to be covered nor enclosed by the 1962 Zoning Ordinance to which the property is allowed to comply. The carport is an addition desired by the applicant that was not addressed by the previous code. However, the result brings the property into closer compliance with the current requirement for two covered and enclosed parking spaces. 7. Alternative locations for the new oversized carport and parking are limited to the front yard because there is no developed alley to the rear, the concrete drainage flume alone the north property line prevents wider access or swing drive to this side and the existing residence prevents access from the south side in front. Thus, the pattern of platted lots and development create a hardship justifying the variance. 8. The requested front yard variance is 13.0 feet or 52 percent of the required length. ZBOA 2004-03 Attachments: Location Map Site Plan (Illustrating requested variance) Site Photographs Zoning Ordinance Yard and Parking Requirements Notification List and Map _a i _________<> ...., .... ...., ...., _, _ ._ ._ir /' i . , ZI O Oak Street /' Oak _ 0 6' / N .==_:_____ L._ uJ F., / (D ____ _._, v) m / / KRITH (a1)) , .,. _ Q Subject , , c-'n Masters — Properyd 1" : n I _� Court /. > - /.' 0 i ) / 1Qj Butler tre i` a S y' / Collowa Street a) .. a) a / (Li? J a) > In i ; College Street a a) s 4Z. — -I " O i U a) IC if) r s1-..— .. williomg Stree{— 0O _-_____-____ H n ..____:___ U L- o II Izens ve - _.. P.rk r• r• •- - I P.Wal J _I I Jac son ircle — L.I Street S MIN P 11 . um ______ _ .. • e LOCATION MAP ZBA CASE #2004-03 "LAND TITLE SURVEY" BEING LOT 11, BLOCK A OF BUTLER SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 2, PAGE 55, MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. S. BALLARD AVENUE REF. BRG. (ASSUMED) _ 1o. " • ' ' • 'NORTH • ‘83.00'.• . ' ;• f _ _ X •SET .. .. - f ;, • • . . • / i SET "X" 1.6' I I 7/4,r` I I N CRRrOa-T e7 I --- • --5.0' -! 71 •!� 5.8' I.c� \\\ - 2.2' �•z 47.8' r,lD. \, 19.4 , }: m \ I . . ADJACENT " •ONE STORY FRAME N I . ; y I • .: FRAME \ w RESIDENCE w I )• \� 503 I • ca I :• 1 w • \\\.� 47.8' I cn I N ik Z 8.8' I I v I Isla, "=I Oo I STAIRSI ca L FRAME I • mI w k STORAGE 4 I at (NO(SLAB) • 01 f 7 ` j cnI • , 12 N oI • 11 7.8'- (,,. •(4 . GG r �-, tv(n I -I iy! z A 1. O U 1 11.0'__I • c' I • '' Tl I FRAME ; s. COVERED AREA • 1 • I (NO SLAB) a °[ t •• w 12I . , N ' s.t,'-71.6' • � SET 1/2" I.R. t SOUTH 83.00' f SET';'X' • , • UNIMPROVED ALLEY VE 1 tiler I AVr l TCDDAPC ZBOA Case No. 2004-03 503 S. Ballard Avenue ,f- 4 , - . --``- - , p;;.�ra¢aW..*,w: •.,�err :..;x : ,` M- ? ,_f ._ 67'414140t.--.4 Subject property showing single car garage with proposal to add carport. am•' .. -. 4 • 'd '� � � }� 44 .r � � +t w t*,,'+X. erg t ',. ,*.* ,C s S ' . . . 1 • A. ' 71.1, , s '-;,t;.,,,... ..... ,. ;., #,. } t � t P i w" r ; , 1 a 11Xii 1 is r. Existing carport located at 504 S. Jackson St. one block from subject house. (Variance approved by ZBOA on January 27, 2003) t l Z6mii,i oieD/APINC' i. rro tki- Yzvvc-1 5e 4-j be---k-5 d. P.rea Requrements: Lot area shall be not less than 6, 500 square feet with a minimum lot width of 60, .feet and a minimum lot depth of 100 feet. e. Yard Requirements: Each lot shall have front, side, and • rear yards not less than the depths or widths as follows: 1 . Front yard depth: 25 feet- 2 . Rear yard depth: 25 feet 3. Side yard width: 10% of lot width f. Offstreet Parking and Suplementary Regulations: Refer to Supplementary Regulations . II. R-900-M a. Minimum Size: The minimum area of the main building shall not be less than 900 square feet exclusive of garages, breeze- ways and servant quarters .. b. Type Material: The main structure shall be of Masonry con- struction or any higher type building material. c. Building Height Limit: No building shall exceed two and one-half (2- 1 /2) stories nor thirty five (35) feet. d. :area Requirements: Lot area shall be not less than 6, 500 square feet with a minimum lot width of 60 feet and a mini- m um l o t d th of 100 feet. —�--�/���'�s�Th e,�ard Requirem'e tc.-E h the depths or lot shall vwidths e 'as slfollode, a-sa ______ rear yards not less than (6./' 21 . Fo t ad d th e `25 ~e �_, Rear yard depth: 25et 3. Side yard width: 10% of lot width f. Offstreet Parking and Supplementary Re ulations: Refer to Supplementary Regulations. III. R- 1100-M a. Minimum Size: The minimum area of exclusive main buildin of garageg�shall not be less than 1 , 100 square feet breezeways and servants quarters . 8 . • i ati z itOKt)04,60.1cE PAArkivt R/thicatiAijs C. Offstreet Parking lowing et In order to reduce congestion in and maentained the olby the O�vnereof parking spaces shall be providedafter the date of this the property, for each building which, ordin- ance, is erected, enlarged or altered for use for any of the follow- ing purposes: :. 1 . Dwelling - at least one parking space for each dwelling unit in the building or buildings . 2. Auditorium, stadium, theater or other places of public assembly; establishments for the sale and consumption pce for1e premises of each 150 square food or beverage - at least one parking feet of floor area. 3. Dance halls, skating rinks, and assembly halls without fixed seats - at least one parking space for each one hundred (100) square feet of floor area used for dancing, skating or assembly. 4. Hotel - at least one parking space for each two (2) guest sleeping rooms . 5. Retail stores, office buildings, clinics - at least one parking space for each five-hundred (500) square feet of floor area. 6. Shops, wholesale distributors, industrial or manufacturing es- stablishments - at least one parking or for each five (5) employees ao thousand (1, 000) square feet of floor area on the largest shift, whichever is greater. All required parking spaces shall be on the same tlst with the ibulldig, ex- cept that if the Governing Body determines arkin pro- vide parking on the same lot, said Governing Body may eet of the building.the parking spaces to be on any lot within five-hundred (500) 19 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Gary Louis Braley APPLICATION FILE ZBA#2004-03 503 S. Ballard Ave. Wylie, Texas 75098 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 503 S. Ballard Avenue 1 Gary Louis Braley Wylie, Texas 75098 Kellers 1st Addn 1614 Paisley Drive 2 Blk 5 Lot 8 R-1166-005-0060-1 Barbara Martin Arlington, Texas 76015-2242 Kellers 1st Addn 500 S. Ballard Avenue 3 Blk 8 Lot 1 R-1166-008-0010-1 Jodi Hines Wylie, Texas 75098 Kellers 1st Addn 500 S. Ballard Avenue 4 Blk 8 Lot 2 R-1166-008-0010-1 Jodi Hines Wylie, Texas 75098 Kellers 1st Addn 2316 Ingram Road 5 Blk 8 Lot 3 R-1166-008-0030-1 Jose Orozco Sachse, Texas 75048-3020 Kellers 1st Addn 2316 Ingram Road )0Q 6 Blk 8 Lot 4 R-1166-008-0030-1 Jose Orozco Sachse, Texas 75048-3020 $1 I I Kellers 1st Addn 2194 Beaver Creek ran 7 Blk 8 Lot 5 R-1166-008-0050-1 Kelly Thedford Wylie, Texas 75098 fill" Kellers 1st Addn 2194 Beaver Creek 8 Blk 8 Lot 6 R-1166-008-0050-1 Kelly Thedford Wylie, Texas 75098 ZP Kellers 1st Addn 111 College Street Z9 Blk 8 Lot 7 R-1166-008-0070-1 James Munley Wylie, Texas 75098 101 Kellers 1st Addn 111 College Street 44 10 Blk 8 Lot 8 R-1166-008-0070-1 James Munley Wylie, Texas 75098 Calloway Addn 3314 Springwell Pkwy. 11 Blk 1 Lot 1 A R-1160-001-001 A-1 Lenore Marren Wylie, Texas 75098 Butler Addn 4209 Country Club Drive 12 Blk A Lot 8 R-1157-001-0060-1 Kroviak Kompanies LC Plano, Texas 75074-3609 Butler Addn 4209 Country Club Drive 13 Blk A Lot 9 R-1157-001-0060-1 Kroviak Kompanies LC Plano, Texas 75074-3609 Butler Addn 4209 Country Club Drive 14 Blk A Lot 10 R-1157-001-0060-1 Kroviak Kompanies LC Plano, Texas 75074-3609 Butler Addn 503 S. Ballard Avenue 15 Blk A Lot 11 R-1157-001-0110-1 Bobby Brailey Sr. Wylie, Texas 75098 Butler Addn 100 Thompson Drive 16 Blk A Lot 12A R-1157-001-012A-1 Herbert Smith, Jr. Richardson, Texas 75080-5517 Butler Addn 100 Thompson Drive 17 Blk A Lot 12B R-1157-001-012E-1 Herbert Smith,Jr. Richardson, Texas 75080-5517 Butler Addn 100 Thompson Drive 18 Blk A Lot 13A R-1157-001-012B-1 Herbert Smith, Jr. Richardson, Texas 75080-5517 Butler Addn 100 Thompson Drive 19 Blk A Lot 13B R-1157-001-013B-1 Herbert Smith, Jr. Richardson, Texas 75080-5517 Butler Addn 100 Thompson Drive 20 Blk A Lot 14 R-1157-001-013E-1 _ Herbert Smith, Jr. Richardson, Texas 75080-5517 Butler Addn 100 Thompson Drive 21 BIk A Lot 15B R-1157-001-013E-1 Herbert Smith, Jr. Richardson, Texas 75080-5517 Butler Addn 100 Thompson Drive 22 Blk A Lot 15A R-1157-001-015A-1 Herbert Smith, Jr. Richardson, Texas 75080-5517 Lavon Terrace PO Box 1138 23 Blk A Lot 8 R-1168-001-0080-1 Jerry Tyler Greenville, Texas 75403-1138 Lavon Terrace 314 S. 1st Street 24 BIk A Lot 9 R-1168-001-0090-1 Joel Salazar Wylie, Texas 75098 Lavon Terrace 316 S. 1st Street 25 Blk A Lot 10 R-1168-001-0100-1 Jonathan Lupplace Wylie, Texas 75098 Lavon Terrace 318 S. 1st Street 26 BIk A Lot 11 R-1168-001-0110-1 Justin Coleman Wylie, Texas 75098 Lavon Terrace 320 S. 1st Street 27 Blk A Lot 12 R-1168-001-0120-1 John Kelsey Wylie, Texas 75098 Lavon Terrace 2303 Rock Creek Estates Lane 28 BIk A Lot 13 R-1168-001-0130-1 Ronald Gentry Allen, Texas 75002-8363 Lavon Terrace 324 S. 1st Street 29 BIk A Lot 14 R-1168-001-0140-1 Arthur Harris, Jr. Wylie, Texas 75098 Lavon Terrace 326 S. 1st Street X 30 Blk A Lot 15 R-1168-001-0150-1 Charles Strous Wylie, Texas 75098 Lavon Terrace 328 S. 1st Street 31 Blk A Lot 16 R-1168-001-0160-1 Trini Paredes Wylie, Texas 75098 Lavon Terrace 319 S. 1st Street 32 BIk B Lot 11 R-1168-002-0110-1 Brian Jones Wylie, Texas 75098 Lavon Terrace 321 S. 1st Street 33 Blk B Lot 12 R-1168-002-0120-1 Jeffrey Jones Wylie, Texas 75098 Lavon Terrace 3913 Promontory Pt. 34 Blk B Lot 13 R-1168-002-0130-1 James Magee Plano, Texas 75075-3546 Lavon Terrace 4000 Central Expy. #9 35 Blk B Lot 14 R-1168-002-0140-1 Roberto Sanchez Plano, Texas 75074-2279 FM 2514 Bill Lovil, PE PO Box 90 36 Ballard Ave Texas Dept of Transportation Mcllnney, Texas 75069 5 4 �7 7 5 7 6 8 0 8 7 2 AA -8 S x3o . e CC ,›* , , -,,,.,,;,,I.,. 1 --1----) � 9 .r N 4 h R r e ::: ,:„,-# . , ,:!?...,-,:,,,,,,,...„ ,,,,,,,,„4, 17,,,,,,i,,,of il ,.....„,,,,,,,,,,,„:„:„...:,,,,,:„:,... 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'.r,4- - ..� �� • Z ' , z :4: .. 1 4 a"y -� F .ww .� i 'rye)- a` 1Na4,a� yr,. o- 17 r - v , • x: .F.y s R f3'as„3, ,.at 4 r. �, s 1 5 lax � rxiti p1U 1 H d 16 --1-----)n 16 1J O S 15A Cr) (IDz :t 17 0 — 17 G 1E 16 < I 0 — POOR `' — (oo` X = Ab►P•1 NS T ZBA CASE #2004-03 / / �' PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case #2004-03. • I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2004-03. Date,Location&Time of Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting: Monday,May 24, 2004,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: #(' o�j ' !RA4 1 it 670.--ED tc.5 (please print) Address: 3Z4 5 . �5 Signature: f 76 Date: fj -ZD O ei- COMMENTS: --7Z0-4.4„.- /4 (.4,4,a1 all.L.- (2.4....tez(c, i&A.4k 041•frii...- klA_ 5-jikkA4t-Z-X1/ . �atuI/ A arm . i/ _ L7' 0 t f-V4, --,, 4 ' `- AX/ - / (41---- p Je?, J /,(A&L- er-ULC , ) i v A .i Avg-` �4-�e-4 . %- p — ./ rITAIMIL • _ / 1 / / a PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case #2004-03. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2004-03. Date,Location&Time of Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting: Monday,June 14,2004,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: il/?id / C) € O k o a co (please print) Address: (93/4 f NG ri ArHSC -7—Pirik5 Signature: . -e...1l a/17 l_ JZ .L Date: 0 6 " O 6 -- 1 7 D COMMENTS: 1 0 I Hm � c; VNS\ CLG. Irk 9ia }� $_ ICf0A\ kiGiSC.1 se.� bSC,�k 1 eCCkVSe- c� 'J U be so C , OSL kO f he Skree * 1-10iSE I t' c,�� er V. c,ve } NE ;/ c FooclteA- cAJJ b ff A ��kG�vC C, n% c_e. tf On� car k' +1 ki etf a ‘ nce-r\ • � C� CC v� E.- SOsQ Ar ifJ Y' + , of VitYlie Public Hearing Item No. 2 ZBOA No. 2004-04 Zoning Board of Adjustment Public Hearing: June 14, 2004 Owner/Applicant: Kevin G. Belew Location: 513 South Foxwood Lane, being Lot 8 of Block B of the Stone Grove Phase I Addition Request: Variance of Section 26.3 of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance to increase the allowed maximum height of an accessory building from 15 feet to 18 feet Background: The subject lot was created in 1987 by platting of Benedict Estates, later changed to the Stone Grove Addition. The property was originally zoned as a Planned Development District (PD 85-60), which was amended in 1993 (PD 93-29). The Conditions of the Planned Development District includes special Design Standards to regulate the development, but generally tied the development to the standard requirements of the Single Family-1 (SF-1) Residential District of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance. The PD regulations did not specifically address accessory buildings, and accessory buildings are therefore subject to the standard regulations of Section 26.3 of the Ordinance. The owner of the subject lot recently initiated construction of an accessory building within the rear yard. The accessory building is two-story and will reach to a height of 18 feet. Section 26.3 of the applicable Zoning Ordinance states that "an accessory building is restricted in height to 15 feet or the height of the main structure, whichever is less". The main residence is a two-story structure, the height of which is approximately 36 feet. No electricity, water or sewerage will be provided to the accessory building, nor will it qualify for human habitation as planned. ZBOA 2004-04 In March, the applicant applied for a building permit from the Building Inspection Department, with plans indicating a height of 17 feet for the accessory building, and was informed that the maximum allowed height was 15 feet. He then submitted a request for a variance to the Planning Department (to be heard by the Zoning Board of Adjustment) to allow a height of 18 feet. He subsequently withdrew the request for variance and was refunded his fee, staff believing that he intended to construct the building the maximum-allowed 15 feet. The applicant has subsequently framed and partially sheathed the accessory building at an approximate height of 18 feet. The attached photographs reveal that the building is largely complete. A citizen complaint was made to the City that the building was too high and was a visual nuisance to traffic along Stone Road. The applicant was given a "stop-work" order by the Building Official when it was noted that the building exceeded the allowed height, and reapplied for the currently-requested variance. The variance need is an increase of 3 feet or 20% above the height allowed by code. Section 8.3 of the Zoning Ordinance provides that the Zoning Board of Adjustment may permit a variance to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance if the variance is not contrary to the public interest and, due to special conditions of the site, a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of the Ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done. The Board may impose any reasonable conditions on the issuance of a variance and may amend the variance from that requested. The concurring vote of 75 percent of the members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of any administrative official, or to decide in favor of the applicant to effect any variance in the Ordinance. This section further states that in order to grant a variance to the Ordinance, the Board shall find that all of the following have been satisfied: 1. That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical conditions particular to the affected property; 2. That because of these unique and exceptional circumstances, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. That due to such unique and exceptional circumstances, the strict application of the Ordinance would create a demonstrated hardship (convenience, profit or caprice shall not constitute undue hardship); 4. That the demonstrated hardship is not self-imposed; 5. That the variance, if granted, will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; 6. That the variance, if granted, will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; 7. That the variance, if granted, is in keeping with the intent of the Ordinance; and ZBOA 2004-04 8. That the variance, if granted, will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Considerations: 1. Public Comment Forms were mailed as required by State Law to owners of twelve (12) properties within 200 feet of this request. One response representing two lots had been submitted at the time of this posting, opposing the requested variance. 2. The City of Wylie initially established maximum height regulations for residential accessory buildings with the 1985 Zoning Ordinance, at the lesser of 15 feet or the height of the main structure. In 1999, specifically to allow larger agricultural buildings, the City Council increased the maximum size of such buildings to two stories (or approximately 36 feet) when on lots of two (2) acres or larger. The July 2000 revisions to the residential requirements of the Zoning Ordinance reaffirmed the maximum height of accessory buildings on detached residential lots at 36 feet and at 40 feet on common multifamily lots. However, in direct response to the proliferation of larger accessory buildings within developed residential neighborhoods, the maximum height was reduced to 14 feet with the adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance in September of 2003 (the new Ordinance also requires that siding match the main structure — ie; be masonry). 3. There are no known accessory buildings within the Stone Grove community which are higher than the 15 feet allowed by code. 4. The higher accessory building is located within the rear yard, and largely screened from view of other residences within the subdivision, although it is clearly visible from the immediately adjacent lots to either side. The building is also visible from Stone Road, a major traffic collector. 5. The accessory building will comply with all setback requirements of the current Zoning Ordinance, but will not be provided with utilities and will not qualify for habitation. The building will also replace a smaller accessory building which currently exists in the rear yard, and will accommodate yard maintenance equipment currently stored outside within the back yard. 6. The requested variance in height is three (3) feet or twenty (20) percent larger than the maximum allowed fifteen (15) feet. 7. City staff was in error when the building permit was issued for a building when the plans indicated a height of 17 feet rather than the allowed 15 feet. Conflicting communications is the only available explanation for the staff withdrawing the variance application and issuing the permit. The permit issuing and review process already provides sufficient monitoring to identify and correct such conflicts between code and construction, and revoking the permit was the only legal option available. ZBOA 2004-04 8. The applicant has an investment of funds and time in the partially constructed building (completed cost is estimated on the Building Permit at $2,000). However, it is illegal completed as planned, and it could also be a potential liability for sale or refinancing the property. 9. The Board may approve the variance, deny the variance or approve a substitute variance less that than requested. Attachments: Location Map Site Photographs City of Wylie Building Permit Issued for the Accessory Building Site Plan Indicating Location of the Accessory Building Drawings of the Building Indicating Measurements Design Standards for the Stone Grove Planned Development District (PD 92-39) 1985 Zoning Ordinance Requirements for Accessory Buildings Notification List and Map, with Responses __. .. .._.I;a _ ++eli =bta=t__I I I_ 1 ibII. Ej1r "__ w ___15-0-11111.,... !At, ' 111 1 11 1 —_-:=1 . , • - tz ee'4 il : t._. ......„ , _____-.T.-----. .. Subject ,! 5 s„,.'es' . `. Property — I '! re ►�� iliZEM L. • 11 ►eg o eed (pa 1 4N `\NI i • i i. i 111111 1 ikly (__1 I I I I I 1� , ei / 1111111V 7•' •.s. milso p 1 - .. ! ! NI.. , i - , 1 , : , i isi a. , , , , i. ■ i�i� _.,_.._... ! . i 1rrr- 11•pj• r w 1 1 i. , , , ` ' ilk _.. 1.-- ii i ! , 416 ri .:: v _...._. tw/11111 i .. c Tit „mot._._, .r.s .. 'w•>' ir *1 -.-'__1 , ,,. ii ;. • 1. _.. _._._.. . • Asa 6111111111111111 ,;. .,,isainlair 100,U11 ._._._ Timing N., i _1._ x. ,- -V-----• . ' �' �11111111\�.1 tl ' `'°�' i IIMill `,. MI 0 LOCATION MAP ZBA CASE #2004-04 ZBOA Case No. 2004-04 - 513 South Foxwood Lane YfeMy. • w.' 1 � N. ,. - ,,,,...........,,1/4.- -'IT- 1eve AM" • _. wrrau., Y Y P , t k. � PI�j - w �!n • s+4'M.1* ryP1 £ ^P•' tlk• .4 } ¢+° ,eaS:,i+r'+c $ �' t, .ate `a u, ',,,, "k s�',,s 4. - e,� +4 r is g,4,0to h,, earc fn at A Front of subject lot So. Foxwood, showing accessory building to left behind fence. kek , r,. e ,n.. , _ 'fit "a•e r 44 " .1 9 ` • .fit ....'R V 4'r` ,�...r t i• • a Looking south from neighbor's back yard to the subject lot and accessory building. Drive and garage entry of neighboring lot is to right 4. r • } f 4„,, • ,.:. . spEas oft UMIT 4135 . sai : i i i 4, loirak%---"'""11. Looking west along Stone Road at subject accessory building and residence. .eif---- N }.. . 'i.d I I x ^r „ ",%.r� Back yard of subject lot, showing both accessory buildings (existing blue/gray building will be removed). Stone Road is across fence at center and behind existing building. City of Wylie BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Building inspections ections Print or Type in a Clear,Legible Manner PERMIT# / r L 1C, o" r Job Address: 3--/3 z ro'n:,,.)0 F ./.,=t.',.t c Date: 3/// /oq ' R Phase: Lot: Block: 3 Subdivision: TT •l �� Owner: r ' . '-2 1 - Address: Si3 :: x ;.1 �+' - -tE'. Phone: 2/ '-- k,9- %&8 Contractor: `Add res a Phone: ?7,,2 ;;�;t Total Square Footage: Value of Project: Description of work to be done: , �� o 0 ( CY( k f F.irstt+Floor Second Floor Nbr. of Bedrooms: Nbr. of Baths: e 4 l,`°'1 /" �,)CO{r'If ?ri.Gt L'el c,,, S :-Iic-it:e &cam.,- 114( �``='F Garage Water Meter Size: Quantity: t..rC, lc n i~ t..l a t }� t� .�' .,,. >R. 7 Li est c ' ',04 [3/4" n 1" D Other I Other ,(; y� /� ' J / / Electric Provider: ,�;'t,1JLl A)7` (_'7' -T E 0/1 A 1I e=�l/ v. d' `;;,�fi. ti..:t A. .... Plumbing Contractor Mechanical Contractor Electrical Contracto-r., Gas Provider: • Company Name Company Name Company Name ,1 GRAY AREA ISi.FOR'OFFICE USE ONLY ButldingzFee -Water Impact ti4; * . 3 £ NOTICE Electrical t � A Sewer Impact ;°�� '��` This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,or construction on work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced. Plumbing Impact Fee Total I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and MPG h ant a1; ai 17 p , correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with ,- k'r"' �, .., Bld Ins wTOtal * ° whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to Plan''Review Fee : g. p violate or cancel any other Federal,State or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Fence' Grand Total 'Lawn sprinkler and fence permits expire G0 days from the date of issue. Swimming pool permits Zoning - ' expire 180 day m date of issue. ���E t,i,,k3 Approved: Date Issued:- PP licant's Signature Print Name Comments: house plat #1 4, _ \ _. \ -- > C.er•C'e , 4.,0,...'• . ,,,.. ,.-- 0 ‘ Ilj,,7"' f 0, (-4\ \ . ..,,s, . _•••" ..:,'-'--,0, ,.., . ..." 10"4,. 0 \, ..\-'9,-)`• "..0 0,4 ,d-110 44. ‘..• ,c) * \N„t_ c„ __ . .:•:,. . - .., , - ,-, o\ ,-- t\104 --''' \ ''. der, ta,r, 'Pi 21' 4' , ..- 1\CC, p,1,0A,4 ""- __ --., ‘,. ."\ ..• N. '`,, ,, \ -', K,;:,--_,.. ,, , % 6 ;, „.„ „,_ „..., f\ - . •--, . - -, ---- - .00_,--""pttii r Kt 4 , — ;---, ' —— 7 Acz-; 1;),I.:06 PN 4 ::' , t" ' \ -.----___-..- • 0..‘ 4-, ^ ''., e"4-4- r 3 'xv-, / ( . (:,.. \ i \...., ,... / 1 ‘-. ''.. '•.< • 4, . -.• / ?'A''' ' BLOCK E3 , ,... t.. 4..1, / /c r. . -.1.S. f--• ., 'T . 4 i , . V Y7 ''' ' Z -, _ `,./ LOT 7 ,...,,,..- ..i. , ,. , z _ , • - .. V LOT GI _ s • ,.... 0 .." ...4, .... -- , •.,'."- / i t V .'' \C, - ,,„.. L...,..1.„. --......i.....z.„,\ . '. r " c'•/,Z, r ' *,'"I',,•:.',. '?.:'''::: \ --L: -__SS00' ,--7.4°•‘ ...c; ,/ . ,,-- -'s/-•.-: " • •`' '',--- ---g. =_50.00' •- - i - — ,-- !:--. ----- I ' S. FOXNOOD I LANE . , ...- ..-- ..1 ..- NOTES. BEAR.NC/5 ARE BASED ON PEAT o _ ---' 15• , 30 AS 0C T--k5 SURVEr 15 VALID ONLY k11-1-1 ORIGINAL OIGNATURE IN BLACK NK, eSMl!Fissiiiiiiii — _be-Ai P Lti.FFFT THIS IS TO DECLARE that on this date a survey leas made on the ground, under my direction end supervision of 1 the property located et 513 S. FOXWOOD LANE, and 'Being Lot 8, Block B of STONE GROVE, PHASE I, en Addition to the City of WYLIE, CO!TIN County, Texas, according to the *1.Plat ...pronf r00.000010.A t., ct,..1........... 0, 0-,....__ ..,..... .. It Or Jo c.O') _ ,+1M/. g ?/02 0,10 4t$1 `I L .\ \-)y r , _ 04+0C, QCICC'. "'Nyes*Ns..............NN:07.................". ...*%,...„.....,,....„,„.,,:7 • • : u„� • • • • . . • � 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows: SECTION I (a) That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as Codified by Section 1, of Chapter 12 of the Wylie City Code, be, and it hereby is, amended by amending the Zoning District Map, as the same currently exists, so as to change the zoning classification on the following described property, to wit: The Entirety of Stone Grove Subdivision in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas from Planned Development with no permitted uses are requirments to Planned Devel ment with the uses and restrictions as hereinafter set out; (b) The use of all propertyin such area beinglimited to andgoverned bythe following o g conditions: r� Permitted Uses: Those set forth in Section 9.0 of the Chapter 12 of the Wylie City Code pertaining to SF-1 Zoning Classification. Height Regulations:: Those set forth in Section 9.1 of Chapter 12 of the Wylie City Code pertaining to SF-1 Zoning Classification. Area Regulations: Those set forth in Section 9.2 of Chapter 12 of the Wylie City Code pertaining to SF-1 Zoning Classification; except for sub section (3) thereof "Minimum Dwelling Size" which is hereby established and set at 2,000 square feet. Garage Entry: No garage entry shall face, or open to, any street which is adjacent to the lot on which it is located. (c) The above provided uses being generally in conformance with the standards and regulations associated with the SF-1 zoning district classification, except for the variations from such standard requirements as herein above set forth. SECTION II The stated purpose and intent of granting the within specified Planned Development Designation is to allow development of the lots in a fashion more consistent with and 2 § 25 WYLIE CODE 25.7. Minimum structure or 25. The wallc standards exterior for all start- uc- dards.in Te vexteri r ricts shall be in accordance C The minimum exterior wall standards eplanned development and specific use with the following standards: mit shall be of exterior fire resistant con- with Exterior wall standards, residential. per- tionstruction as specified byon A• Exterior wall construction for dinance. the amending or- tures to be used as a residence, located in D. Exterior wall construction other than in al- any zoning tobe district [shall] consiste, of a min-in accordance with this section in um o 75 percent mason lowed onlyshall veneer. For7 the masonry or masonry percn issuance of a specific2 use purpose of this section zoning in accordance with section 23 of the masonry or masonry veneer are [is] defined zoning ordinance. as brick, stone, decorative concrete block, or such other similar material as a 25.7.3. [Percentage of fire resistant ctiononst uc- by the building official. roved tion.] Exterior fire resistant construction as PP herein specified for residential structures shall B. No single wall face of any residence shall consist of the designated percentage of the total ex exterior wall surface exclusive of windows and contain less than 50 percent of its surface of mason Posed doors. specified. �' construction as herein (Ord. No. 93-22, C. Exterior wall construction for residential 7-27-93) III, 4-13-93; Ord. No. 93 34, I structures, other than in accordance with Section 26. Accessory this section, shall be allowed onlyn on issu- building regulations. with section 23 of the zoning o accordance seer 1. In a residence or apartment D• Where more than 60 ordinance. ory dinate district, an ceeding q building is a subordinate building percent of[the] exist- 120 square feet of floor area, attached to without ing number of residential structures along both sides of street an lyingor detached from the main building, te separateommerbath por kitchen facilities,rnnote used for two nearest intersecting streets betweeno not meet the above minimum standards, the build_ commercial purposes and not rented. s ing official maynew 26.2. In other districts, an accessory be equal to that majority existing, i to a subordinate building, ry building i- case less than required by but in no dental to and used only ine conjunction wit use of which ish the Building Code. the Uniform main building. 25.7.2. Nonresidential exterior wall standards. r~�������^(' 26.3. An accessory building ��, i A. Minimum exterior wall standards for non- Lure, whichever is les is restricted in height to 15 feet or the height of the main struc- residential structures shall be of at least 75 percent brick, `- ��. - s' stone brick v �`�� �'J treated tilt wall, decorative concrete block,cust 26 4.Area regulations for access ory residential and apartment districts. buildings in [or] glass. These standards shall apply to (1) Size o any wall or portion of wall fronting , siding of yards. g upon a thoroughfare, and on all (a) Front yard. Attached front accessory walls facing or abutting residential zoned districts. building shall have a front yard not B. This construction standard shall applyless than the main building or as spec- the followingonstr to ified in the particular district. Acces- districts: sory buildings and carports shall be R located in the area defined as the rear B-1 yard. I B-2 (b) Side yard. There shall be a side yard not less than five feet from any side lot line, alley line, or easement line; ex- CDA:34 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Kevin Belew APPLICATION FILE ZBA#2004-04 513 S. Foxwood Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 513 S. Foxwood Lane 1 Kevin Belew Wylie, Texas 75098 Stone Grove 1 1020 Foxwood Lane 2 Blk A Lot 20 R-2248-00A-0200-1 James Sharp Wylie, Texas 75098 1022 Foxwood Lane 3 Blk A Lot 21 R-2248-00A-0210-1 John Jackson Wylie, Texas 75098 1022 Foxwood Lane 4 BIk A Lot 22 R-2248-00A-0220-1 John Jackson Wylie, Texas 75098 1019 Foxwood Lane X 5 Blk B Lot 5 R-2248-00B-0050-1 Peter Zeller Wylie, Texas 75098 1019 Foxwood Lane 6 BIk B Lot 6 R-2248-00B-0060-1 Peter Zeller Wylie, Texas 75098 1023 Foxwood Lane 7 Blk B Lot 7 R-2248-00B-0070-1 John Knackstadt Wylie, Texas 75098 513 S. Foxwood Lane 8 BIk B Lot 8 R-2248-00B-0080-1 Kevin Belew Wylie, Texas 75098 511 S. Foxwood Lane 9 BIk B Lot 9 R-2248-00B-0090-1 Paul Davis Wylie, Texas 75098 509 Foxwood Lane 10 BIk B Lot 10A R-2248-00B-010A-1 Paul Curtis Wylie, Texas 75098 5001 LBJ Freeway#830 11 Abst 979 Tract 25 R-6979-000-0250-1 Bozman Farm Development Dallas, Texas 75244-6153 Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street 12 Stone Road Commissioner's Court McK lnney, Texas 75069 13 14 0 — )( 6.1 AGA4114T 16 17 / Gr.ve 12 I 24 0'A, I 23 (JS)400,x ---'- 1 Ry '' 4 tR G 35 n a S� t' - tee, 7r +� 'Y 2 0 -w"�" x �`S R .,'?y 'Qk rod 1, ?. s -t 5 "`� °�^, a • --•:;:';',Ni.0 4-4„;;;;41;-•::: li*.•..-.• "?� �`Y4� y f 5 � t ..p fi 2 x •a S Fh • x,a i "s1 � �� « ,� k ,n 'aro ' C. s S t^`^£�.5 >i r �,- ki p } � k4£a: sty irk "° E* � PKm s • I ;l81‘ u 4,. 7 - ttz7 ix r "5'^'eg tro$ � �` b �3�`" � e -s L ��a a'� �' � n n xc ..� P .9�j�.�'S�-s'$��r #„+gnu > 'i t + } .1 2111 9v_ E-'t ett kv .t ' 4L a 7: .1 Y "- ' ' +s.r�v. I---+, nw—.a...s� a1 yv„uwLwtv.` .sn_ y A ..?l -34;S, i•r't y"'2"' T+"� S -'J" ;yam 3 24 25 26 - s "� Ewa. 3 2 ,•z • �a►._ S A, - 979 Tr 2S Valle y Streorn—Cjc --� . ( r I i 1 - \ ill_____ ,Q01 z.,.. ,0,, g =,,,,,,,,isT ZBA CASE #2004-04 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case #2004-04. • (` I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2004-04. Date,Location&Time of Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting: Monday,June 14,2004,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ?if-re/2 �'n r/c.ct-+J 2c-✓�- (please print) Address: /v i' Fox w Q 01.) Lon+c wy C rX oc Signature: Date: iotf COMMENTS: cui1y ton Prnmir m /}n;L)1 SSvC 4?-,s2 To 14,e,4,;cc t p i ? z� t-c , AT Ic 1 i' P e ,aU;z-�,n! C wriy b E , T r4 Y C TO L"X c_.czo /5 rT PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 ✓ I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case #2004-04. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2004-04. Date,Location&Time of Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting: Monday,June 14, 2004,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: Frqui VA- kJ (please print) Address: S/ ( W G 0 G �✓y 1 X Signature: � L+��2✓��G'l�`� Date: (% J/ 3 - „2(x)Ll COMMENTS: