10-24-2005 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Agenda Packet AGENDA Zoning Board of Adjustment City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Monday, October 24, 2005 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the September 26, 2005 Meeting. SWEARING-IN OF SPEAKERS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Billie Drummond for a variance to Section 2.5.4.c (1) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard setback for a carport from the required thirty (30) feet required by platting to ten (10) feet, this property being located at 410 Duncan Way, Lot 1, Block 5 in the Caldwell Estates Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2005-17). 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Ronnie Kirk for a variance to Section 26.4(1) of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance to reduce the twenty feet required side yard and twenty-five feet platted building lines for an accessory building, this property being located at 402 Monroe Drive, Lot 1, Block G in the Presidential Estates Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2005-21). ```""''III'?,',, cJi SEAL /qf Posted Friday, October 21, 2005 at 5:00 p.m!""""' THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. AGENDA Zoning Board of Adjustment City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Monday, October 24, 2005 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the September 26, 2005 Meeting. SWEARING-IN OF SPEAKERS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Billie Drummond for a variance to Section 2.5.4.c (1) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard setback for a carport from the required thirty (30) feet required by platting to ten (10) feet, this property being located at 410 Duncan Way, Lot 1, Block 5 in the Caldwell Estates Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2005-17). 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Ronnie Kirk for a variance to Section 26.4(1) of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance to reduce the twenty feet required side yard and twenty-five feet platted building lines for an accessory building, this property being located at 402 Monroe Drive, Lot 1, Block G in the Presidential Estates Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2005-21). ```""''III'?,',, cJi SEAL /qf Posted Friday, October 21, 2005 at 5:00 p.m!""""' THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES Zoning Board of Adjustment City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Monday, September 26, 2005 7:00 p.m. Notice was posted in time and manner required by law, and a quorum was present. Board Members Present: Staff Members Present: Weldon Bullock Mary Bradley Jeff Ellis Renae 011ie Mitch Herzog Claude Thompson Linda Jourdan Layne LeBaron Board Members Absent: Marilyn Herrera Jan Sargent CALL TO ORDER Chairman LeBaron called the meeting to order at 7:15p.m. ELECTION OF OFFICERS 1. Hold elections for Chair and Vice-Chair of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. A nomination was made for Layne LeBaron for Chair and a nomination was made for Jeff Ellis for Vice-Chair, the consensus approved 4 — 0, with Ms. Herrera, Ms. Jourdan and Ms. Sargent absent. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the June 27, 2005 Meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Bullock, and seconded by Mr. Ellis, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 4 — 0, with Ms. Jourdan arriving after vote and Ms. Herrera and Ms. Sargent being absent. SWEARING IN OF ADJUDICANTS Mary Bradley, Secretary, administered oath. ZBOA Commission Meeting September 26, 2005 Page 2 of 5 PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Paula T. Stover, Wal- Mart for a variance to Section 5.5 (A) Temporary Uses of the Zoning Ordinance to extend the required 90 day temporary use time period to allow for mobile storage containers to be placed in the rear of the property during seasonal peak periods (9 months out of the year), and a variance to Section 2.5.4.e(3) regulating the exterior building material, this property being located at 2050 N. Hwy 78, Lot 1R-1, Block C of the Woodlake Village Phase 1 Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2005-18). Mr. Thompson stated the subject property is located north of S. H. 78 and west of Spring Creek Parkway. The property is occupied by the 187,437 square foot Wal-Mart Supercenter. The property is zoned Corridor Commercial to allow retail uses. It was platted in June 2003 to create the lot for Wal-Mart as well as out-parcels for other retail. The applicant Wal-Mart has placed eight (8) portable containers to the rear (north) and side (east) of the existing building to provide adequate storage for seasonal merchandise. This merchandise is of such quantity that it is moved to and from the storage containers by fork lift, requiring ground-to-ceiling clearance. In order to provide merchandise at high-demand periods, these mobile storage containers are needed during seasonal peak periods of the business. The mobile storage containers will house back stock items and layaways. The storage containers will not affect any required parking spaces. This request will extend the maximum 90 days allowed by the Zoning Ordinance for temporary uses to an ongoing use of nine (9) months out of each year. The applicant argues that mobile storage containers are the most economical option to obtain the additional storage space needed to address seasonal back stock and off-site facilities will increase the time required to provide service to customers as well as cost. Public comment forms were mailed out to seven (7) property owners and one comment form was received in favor of the request. Ray Andaw, Wal-Mart, 2050 N Highway 78, Wylie, Texas, represented applicant for the subject property, and stated that the storage buildings would be on-site during the months of September through December, and then April through June only. These months are classified as peak seasonal times. The storage buildings are portable and removed at the end of December and then brought back to the property at the end of March, and will be used on an as-needed basis. The maximum number of storage buildings, known as pods, will be ten and will be located at the back of the property and to the east side of the property. A beneficial point system is provided by the main home office if a portable building is removed before or by the end of the peak seasonal times. ZBOA Commission Meeting September 26, 2005 Page 3 of 5 The portable storage buildings are in place, and received guidance from the Development Issues Review Team, which recommended submitting the application and placing the storage buildings behind the building and to the east of the property. The Board Members questioned if a permanent storage building could be built. Mr. Andaw stated that several factors would prevent them from building a permanent facility. One major factor is the building would not be tall enough to house all the necessary portable buildings, and allow a forklift to come in and move products. Another factor is a variance would be required for the setbacks, plus authorization from Wal-Mart main head quarters would be required. The portable buildings are only used during the seasonal peak times, and a building meeting the masonry requirements would be a permanent fixture and may not be favorably approved by the main office. A motion to GRANT the request for a variance was made by Ms. Jourdan and seconded by Mr. Bullock. Motion failed 2 — 3. The Board members discussed the possibly of approving a temporary use permit and enforcing stipulations with the temporary use permit. Mr. Andaw stated that a temporary use permit would allow time to present to home office the alternative options as an off-site storage facility or even expanding the building to house the seasonal products. A motion was made by Ms. Jourdan, and seconded by Mr. Herzog, to GRANT the variance for two 90 day period of temporary use, restricted to one year review, no masonry requirement, and no more than 3,000 square feet. Motion carried 5 — 0. 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Mike Green for a variance to Section 2.5.4.e(2) Accessory Buildings of the Zoning Ordinance to allow wood siding in lieu of the composite masonry requirements, this property being located at 513 Valentine Lane, Lot 5, Block 3 in the Holiday Terrace Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2005-19). Thompson stated that the subject property was platted in September of 1958 as Lot 5, Block 3 of the Holiday Terrace Addition First Installment. The property was platted under the regulations of the Single-Family Residential District of the 1962 Zoning Ordinance. The subject property has since been rezoned from SF-3 to its current zoning of SF-8.5/17. The applicant desires to construct a 12 feet by 16 feet (192 square feet) accessory building — storage shed in the rear yard of the subject lot, and is requesting a variance to the 75% masonry requirement. Public comment forms were mailed out to twenty-three (23) property owners. Three comment forms were received, two favoring the request and one opposing the request. ZBOA Commission Meeting September 26, 2005 Page 4 of 5 The applicant hired a contractor to build the accessory building, and the building was constructed prior to receiving building permits and was not aware of the masonry requirement. Mike Green, 513 Valentine, Wylie, represented home owner of the subject property, stated that after the construction was started, the contractor recommended applying for a building permit. Mr. Green was informed of the masonry requirements after the contractor left the job. The intent is to paint the siding of the storage building to match the main structure, and will be 192 square feet. The Board Members questioned the purpose of the building. Mr. Green stated that the building will be used for storage only. A motion was made by Mr. Herzog, and seconded by Ms. Jourdan, to GRANT the variance to allow wood siding in lieu of the composite masonry requirement. Motion carried 4 — 1, with Mr. Bullock voting in opposition. 3. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by the City of Wylie for a variance to Section 5.5(A) Temporary Uses of the Zoning Ordinance to extend the maximum 90 day temporary time period to three (3) years to allow for a portable building to expand office space, this property being located at 2000 Highway 78 North, Abstract No. 688-2, Tract 195 of the Francisco de la Pina Survey. (ZBOA Case No. 2005-20). Thompson stated that the subject property is occupied by the Municipal Building and administrative offices of the City of Wylie, and is zoned Corridor Commercial (CC) District. These spaces are now crowded and expansion of permanent facilities are in the planning stage. Temporary offices are allowed within all commercial districts, and are limited to less than ninety (90) days of operation. The City is requesting a variance to the 90 day time limit for a temporary use. In order to continue to provide services in an effective manner the City must expand office space, and various options are under consideration. The most fiscally responsible option is to utilize a portable building temporarily. This request will extend the required 90 day temporary use to a three year temporary use to allow sufficient time for the planning and design of additional permanent space. Public comment forms were mailed out to seven (7) property owners, and one comment form was received in favor of the request. ZBOA Commission Meeting September 26, 2005 Page 5 of 5 Mark Roath, 1615 Red Cedar Drive, Wylie, City Manager for City of Wylie located 2000 Highway 78 North, stated that because of the hardship in essence of growth has caused the need to create ways for personnel and continue public services for the community. Additional alternative locations for some of the offices were investigated and resulted in a large negative impact for the citizens having to hunt the town for specific offices. In February 2005, the Board approved two similar modular buildings for a three year temporary use with the expiration date of February 2008, the current request can be modified to stipulate, if the request is granted, to expire in February 2008 with the previous request. Because of Katrina hurricane, the time factor is of essence, the vendor has stated that modular buildings may not be available if not completed quickly. In November the voters will determine if the bond program will include a new municipal building. After the election in November, if the bond program is not passed, other avenues will be investigated to facilitate all personnel and offices. A motion was made by Mr. Ellis, and seconded by Mr. Herzog, to GRANT the variance as stated with expiration in February 2008, consecutive with the existing modular buildings approved in February 2005. Motion passed 4 — 1, with Mr. Bullock voting in opposition. MISCELLANEOUS Thompson polled the Board Members for a convenient date due to holidays in November and December. The Board Members agreed on December 12, 2005 for the joint meeting in November and December, if a meeting is needed. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Mr. Ellis, and seconded by Ms. Jourdan, to adjourn the meeting at 8:45PM. Layne LeBaron, Chairman Mary Bradley, Secretary Public Hearing Item No. 1 City�Wylie ZBOA No. 2005-17 Zoning Board of Adjustment Public Hearing: October 24, 2005 Owner/Applicant: Billie Drummond Location: 410 Duncan Way, Caldwell Estates Request: Variance to Section 2.5.4.c (1) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard setback for an accessory building from the required thirty (30) feet to ten (10) feet. Background: The Zoning Ordinance adopted in 1962, in effect at the time of platting, established the zoning requirements governing the subject property. The property was platted as part of the Caldwell Estates Addition Lot 1, Block 5 and residential construction initiated in 1963. The property was developed according to the regulations of the R-900-M Residential District of the 1962 Zoning Ordinance, and is now zoned SF 8.5/17. Although the front yard set back was platted at thirty (30) feet, the requirement of the 1962 Zoning Ordinance only required a twenty-five feet setback. Section 12.B.8 of the 1962 Zoning Ordinance states that accessory buildings, including garages and carports, unless attached to the dwelling, shall be located not less than sixty (60) feet from the front line in all residential districts (or must be located to the rear of homes). However, the dwelling was constructed with a single front entry garage and the applicant is proposing to construct a ten feet wide by twenty feet long carport to the front of the existing garage. The requested variance is to reduce the required front yard from the platted thirty feet to ten feet. The property is located on a corner lot. The front yard measures approximately 30 feet deep and 77.5 feet wide. The carport will be constructed the width of the existing drive and 20 feet long, or 10 feet from the front property line rather than the platted 30 feet. This is a variance of 20 feet or 66% percent from the requirement. Section 8.4(E)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance provides that the Zoning Board of Adjustments may permit a variance to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance if the variance is not contrary to the public interest and, due to special conditions of the site, a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of the Ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done. The Board may impose any reasonable conditions on the issuance of a variance and may amend the variance from that requested. The concurring vote of 75 percent of the members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of any administrative official, or to decide in favor of the applicant to effect any variance in the Ordinance. In order to grant a variance to the development ZBOA 2005-17 (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions, the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance, if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Considerations: 1. The requested variance is 10 feet or 66 percent of the required 30 feet front yard depth created by platting. 2. The dwelling contains a single car front entry garage and drive. The garage will remain available for vehicular parking. 3. Although two enclosed parking spaces are currently required, only one space was required and was not required to be covered nor enclosed by the 1962 Zoning Ordinance to which the property is allowed to comply. The carport is desired in order to protect a new vehicle. Thus, bringing the property into closer compliance with the current requirement for two covered or enclosed parking spaces. 4. No other carports have been constructed in the immediate area. However, the neighboring property to the west has added an additional garage to the rear yard. 5. Public comment forms were mailed to eighteen (18) property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. Two comment forms were received favoring the request at the time of this posting. Attachments: Location Map Site Plan (Illustrating requested variance) Site Photos Notification List and Map with Responses I I _ _ -1 _ k Qtree -0 0 ` _ 0 0 ■ i O 0 1 0 L______ _.._ —.._.._ — r \ Stone Road - / 0 a) I -0 [ IfTT:l 0 I n n g Way 1 cn 0 Ira e —Drive.. . .. .. .. _` F- ' ` i i Subject i I Properly / i i i 1 1 i i i I i I i 1 I Cloudcroft Drive i a) > 2 j o a) o Z U O c 0 O U > ..... ..... . . ... . . ilverc i 1 i a) 1 I i J_.. 61 _ .-._.-._...1 7-1.-.7 7.1� -. .� 7.7"7-7-1 i_1 'TIT FIT r T..r.T_r r..rr I LOCATION MAP ZBA CASE #2005- 17 a _ > > ‘46.--...0,.... I oz. :.----------------- 0 4"'.. ,^1 .4.i , .. ,.......,-- -'/ 1 1 C g 6 I 1 „.. / Ir PRovve7rD I A ) _ ., r t 4.,,,g ., Sub'ect Pro s e j g _ K +t• : r V F l: (c)Copyright 2004,Pictometry International NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Billie Drummond APPLICATION FILE ZBA#2005-17 PO Box 281 Wylie,Texas 75098 n BLK/ABST LOT TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant PO Box 281 1 Billie Drummond Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 2012 Parker Road 2 Blk 1 Lot 2 R-1159-001-0020-1 James Uselton St. Paul,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 505 Hilltop Lane 3 Blk 1 Lot 3 R-1159-001-0030-1 Jerry Weathermon Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 507 Hilltop Lane 4 Blk 1 Lot 4 R-1159-001-0040-1 Michael Mullins Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 509 Hilltop Lane 5 Blk 1 Lot 5 R-1159-001-0050-1 Sonia Martinez Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 511 Hilltop Lane O 6 Blk 1 Lot 6 R-1159-001-0060-1 Jackie Ellis Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 1929 Armstrong Drive 7 BIk 1 Lot 7 R-1159-001-0070-1 Paul Dickens Men,Texas 75002 Caldwell Estates 2813 Sachse Road 8 Blk 2 Lot 18 R-1159-002-0180-1 Ernest Castillo Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 405 Duncan Way 9 Blk 2 Lot 19 R-1159-002-0190-1 Bobby Rushing Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 407 Duncan Way 10 Blk 2 Lot 20 R-1159-002-0200-1 Robert Hodgkins Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 409 Duncan Way O 11 Blk 2 Lot 21 R-1159-002-0210-1 William Bolton Wylie,Texas 75098 - Caldwell Estates 411 Duncan Way 12 Blk 2 Lot 22 R-1159-002-0220-1 Edward Alaniz Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates PO Box 281 13 Blk 5 Lot 1 R-1159-005-0010-1 Billie Drummond Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 408 Duncan Way 14 Blk 5 Lot 2 R-1159-005-0020-1 Burlin Black Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 406 Duncan Way 15 Blk 5 Lot 3 R-1159-005-0030-1 James Lindsey Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 404 Duncan Way 16 BIk 5 Lot 4 R-1159-005-0040-1 Howard Martin Wylie,Texas 75098 Caldwell Estates 402 Duncan Way 17 BIk 5 Lot 5 R-1159-005-0050-1 Emily Turner Wylie,Texas 75098 1001 South Ballard Avenue 18 Abst 23 Tract 26 R-6023-000-0260-1 Wylie I.S.D. Wylie,Texas 75098 )- Fcl2 3146 Sanford Circle A.caAtNsT 19 Abst 23 Tract 28 R-6023-000-0280-1 Trimble Family Investments Ltd Loveland,Colorado 80538 ) ui 1 1 \ UCC c; a a) -1 • 0 Tr1.8 r , ., .. , , „, , _, ,.. . . . ,., 0 O r j 2Gl `r , 'rQe trtVe . 2 At9A . r''"A' A, 23 • li�'"� X=. AC'A' sT ZONING CASE #2005-1 7 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 X' I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case #2005-17. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2005-17. Date,Location&Time of Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting: Monday,October 24 ,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: /-1/'i L- /�7.-. 7 / e- 77^ / (please print) Address: t 7 /)Li/L C-A''-' 4 Y%4/ (, 7'A/ - 7 sc vg- Signature: `,/ --�--_---L -6,:�--- L Date: C`-r/ — e' >' COMMENTS: (1 -c- -<- -, c -fib cL- y_-__ L-E'.,c --t—G )vl .-t- .., L ---c - L. 7 (--) I- 7 1 L ` L 1 c -- t L- L - l Lf l PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 Xj I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case #2005-17. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2005-17. Date,Location&Time of Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting: Monday,October 24 ,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: `�J !4 C-j1 1 IU S (please print)�� � � D Address: (.,5 I ( I I ' p i Signature �',,(2-Cy( S1 j Date: /6 —/ '—, (3 S COMMENTS: Public Hearing Item No. 2 ;4/lefty of Wylie ZBOA No. 2005-21 Zoning Board of Adjustment Public Hearing: October 24, 2005 Owner/Applicant: Ronnie Kirk Location: 402 Monroe Dr., Presidential Estates Request: Variance to Section 26.4(1) of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance to reduce the twenty feet required side yard and the twenty-five feet platted building line to three feet for an accessory building. Background: The subject property is a corner lot which was created in May of 1987 as Lot 1, Block G of Presidential Estates Addition. The property was developed according to the regulations of the Single-Family-1 (SF-1) Residential District of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance, although it is now zoned Single-Family 10/19. A side yard setback of twenty (20) feet for an accessory building adjacent to a side street is required. The subject lot was platted with a side yard building line adjacent to the street of twenty-five feet rather than the 20 feet required by the Zoning Ordinance, but platted lines must be complied with. The applicant is requesting that the side yard along the street be reduced by seventeen feet to allow for a 24 feet by 24 feet accessory building (free-standing garage). The requested variance is 15 percent of the required side yard setback, and a variance of 12 percent of the platted building line. The rear yard presently contains an in-ground/plaster swimming pool as well as a paved stone patio, therefore limiting the available space to construct the garage within the parameters of the required setbacks. The side yard to the east of the driveway measures approximately 80 feet in depth. Although outside the fenced area, there is an existing 15 feet utility easement and TP&L overhead easement running the full length of the rear property line. ZBOA 2005-21 Section 8.4(E)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance provides that the Zoning Board of Adjustments may permit a variance to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance if the variance is not contrary to the public interest and, due to special conditions of the site, a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of the Ordinance is observed and substantial justice is done. The Board may impose any reasonable conditions on the issuance of a variance and may amend the variance from that requested. The concurring vote of 75 percent of the members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of any administrative official, or to decide in favor of the applicant to effect any variance in the Ordinance. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions, the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance, if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Considerations: 1. The requested variance is 15 percent of the required side yard setback. 2. The dwelling contains an existing two-car side entry garage which will remain available for vehicular parking. 3. The location of the proposed detached garage allows sufficient visibility and private maneuvering room between the garage and the public street. 4. Public comment forms were mailed to seventeen (17) property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. No forms were received at the time of this posting. Attachments: Location Map Site Plan (Illustrating requested variance) Site Photos Notification List and Map with Responses , L____.: ,, i Brewton Road I . ,i, i En i /Num Ilft,, ,,,,_ mNM # 0, 7•.I . e•. .M i 1111111 H...es• V s oke Ronch Lane Ammo?' • ' 40 MT4a I 1TI ._ inni i II.�► 6ncoln prive N. ____________i (. .----------7-.ii1lvo a pr) MIMI i Irk* 4 1111111) 0.1. HI Q U11ffTJjj / 'c•o° E c E O imi Q i 3 Kennedy drive Subject Property _.._.._.._..i.._.._.._._._.._._.. i i i I i / i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i es i - I / LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2005-21 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS SURVEY PLAT LOT 1 in Block G of the FINAL PLAT OF PRESIDENTIAL ESTATES an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, according to the Map or Plat thereof recorded in Volume G, Page 174 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas. All F.M. Highway No. 1378 x —r4TW (100' R.O.W.) s 0' 42' 04" E - 90.00' _ _ 1 Z'IRr I". /Z IRr \ 15' Utility Easement •role. & T,P.&L. Overhand I• Riser Easement Comets a st.eet Vol. G. Pg. 174 &Kt M9^ Lgnl xI %_ x M_P.R.C.C.T. \ Wooden fence_x 0.43'to Fence T 1 T Hydrant 2.59'to Fence 3.36'to(enc. • Lot 1 Block G G.,,,,,,, Rump , 3--)/ . I deg�. .... • a • ' ,., ,S�.'`c •�, •ek 1�..� oi Pool • Bo. vd• ' In-grountl/Plaster ,#, (l fo• 0S 4 e. ,, - ....ram. cog° `' J1, % I r •. , .,.00 • • 'Crime, " { rent w ! I > Pool Deck/ e c% %l ry N Q 3 Wooden Pave Patioione Elec. 00 x • , IOf• 0 a) Lattice Meter ti\ 7 • CC Lot 2 m I�Screen _� ,26:3'r'+,. �, 1... . -d x Paol Cont. zzs' o Pumpl Pod,,o la 1 f C In 0.29'to fence — • • • . r" 14.5' • k • e • 0) ❑ a Draveway c % (Z)A/C a • N N . • N 402 Monroe Drive r°` 2 - Story Brick x t 26.0' Wooden Fence \\ x` x t 4.0. 9.00' 3 9' •1_ •water J 25' Building Line (z)C/O• • I Vdlre o s a, 0 ::Itv'e vv e `" oo5' T.P.&L. Easement Vol. G, Pg. 174 M.P.R.C.C.T. ,v• Elec. r1/2'IRr BowC/0 .J I t� _ 1/7'IRr t N 0' 43' 38" IF — 90.00' • .. e • Sidewalk, J ,,,,,,,////// water voNe i,� \ Meter• • 'Mail To, Owe \ � yy Monroe Drive i SST W'T•, (50' R.O.W.) FLOOD PLAIN STATEMENT ,1 (0 ♦ R�WW 9 It Is the opinion of surveyor, that no pert of the subject property shown 44,70 eWI�Y O: \ hereon Ilea within the 100 Year Flood Plain according to the information given • In the Map No. 48085C0485 G of Federal Emergency Management Insurance Rote Map, Effectlne Date: January 19, 1996. 1. • L. H. RINGLEY CERTIFICATION ,p 47U1 f I. Lawrence H. Ringlet', Registered Professional Lend Surveyor In end for the Slate of Texas. Hereby certify that the Plat hereon represents an actual eurvey C 'pO �/ made on the ground end that all lines end dimensions shown are correct to NIA. •-SSA y Q the best of my knowledge. There are no visible conflicts, found during the ‘1,..... , ft. 4011.1616...k.4, �/ time of 29 001. except shown. + IAWR NCE H. RI GLEY. R.P.LS1 JOB /: 21093 Presidential RINOLEY&ASSOCIATES, INC. TITLE: 21093.DWG SURVEYG•MAPPING PLANNING SCALE: I- _ 20• Estates IN COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING&DESIGN DATE: 06/23/01 Block G - Lot 1 • ti2 tit Uegwlo Street -McKinney. Teens 75069 DRAWN BY: C. Wilson Wylie, Texas do e.L 9t0T4e_ck1 J -......- . / s..........4, r .., .. .--....,_..._ ., . -. . . .. . . . Iri . ' .+-•j .41 :a # - - i "If illitt .. _ , 4011, ,'i• /-i., .• " 1111 .1', , - . -1,..a,...... - .....,,,, ,,......._, ... , t , 1 e,4'• OP lir/ Ahreviti :- TI ;1.1.: ..... ' ..1,......., i ; . 1 .' - -.."-• ''. )7 I /, 'A -V,... ft' - .:17.0e ...,„,, ",.. ' ' - illt*H • VII r. . -- - ...-- ,.. ...1„ -• 111 4- 0 .. . , , i" i • 1 ., ii ...„. (c)Copyright 2004,Pictometry International NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Ronnie Kirk APPLICATION FILE ZBA#2005-21 402 Monroe Drive Wylie, Texas 75098 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT _1 TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 402 Monroe Drive 1 Ronnie Kirk Wylie,Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 402 Truman Drive 2 Blk F Lot 1 R-2249-00E-0010-1 Glen Cook Wylie,Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 3 Blk F Lot 2 R-2249-00E-0020-1 No Information Presidential Estates 407 Monroe Drive 4 Blk F Lot 7 R-2249-00E-0070-1 Robert Morris Wylie,Texas 75097 Presidential Estates 405 Monroe Drive 5 Blk F Lot 8 R-2249-00E-0080-1 Frank Kratz Wylie,Texas 75097 Presidential Estates 403 Monroe Drive 6 Blk F Lot 9 R-2249-00E-0090-1 William Sullivan Wylie,Texas 75097 Presidential Estates 5909 Silverton Drive 7 Blk F Lot 10 R-2249-00E-0100-1 Steven Curtis Allen,Texas 75002 Presidential Estates 402 Monroe Drive 8 Blk G Lot 1 R-2249-00G-0010-1 Ronnie Kirk Wylie,Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 404 Monroe Drive 9 Blk G Lot 2 R-2249-00G-0020-1 _ Robert McEnroe Wylie,Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 406 Monroe Drive 10 Blk G Lot 3 R-2249-00G-0030-1 Rene Gonzalez Wylie,Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 408 Monroe Drive 11 Blk G Lot 4 R-2249-00G-0040-1 Bernard Ghering Wylie,Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 1607 Kennedy Drive 12 Blk I Lot 6 R-2249-001-0060-1 Wayne Woodard Wylie,Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 1605 Kennedy Drive 13 Blk I Lot 7 R-2249-001-0070-1 George Slone Wylie,Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 1603 Kennedy Drive 14 Blk I Lot 8 R-2249-001-0080-1 Darin Reeves Wylie,Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 1601 Kennedy Drive 15 Blk I Lot 9 R-2249-001-0090-1 Otis Hume Wylie,Texas 75098 17519 Muirfield Drive 16 Abst 22 Tract 1 R-6022-000-0010-1 Birmingham Land Ltd Dallas,Texas 75287 951 S. Ballard Avenue 17 Abst 22 Tract 5 R-6022-000-0050-1 Wylie I.S.D. Wylie,Texas 75098 675 FM 1378 18 Abst 351 Tract 10 R-6351-000-0100-1 Mirty Drain Wylie,Texas 75098 19 1 ) . � 0 g a0 f , c-( Airy 2 ---.) ("7". :,..,8,. .3 � /- A © i "9 C r-�3 �r; f:� Tr• _' Keve4 Drivt„ _,,,,„„:„....;.., i e , .. ¢ ,.. ., H ..,,,;,...., ,,,, ...,;,,,,,,Avt,,,... � T'tr44 . . _ . . - . Tr. 10 1II = I001 Q v ZONING CASE #2005-21