10-15-2013 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes Wylie Planning and Zoning
7A( Commission
Wylie Planning& Zoning Commission
Tuesday October 15,2013-6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present with Chairman
Johnston were; Vice Chairman David Dahl, Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, and
Commissioner Randy Owens. Commissioner Ron Smith arrived later. Commissioner
Mike McCrossin and Commissioner Dennis Larson were both absent.
Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen
Haskins, Planner,and Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant.
Vice-Chairman Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Tamez led the Pledge of
Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the
Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 3, 2013,
Regular Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez,
to approve the Minutes from the October i, 2013 Regular Meeting,with the statement
on page 5, last paragraph, first sentence being revised to read as: Mr. Sam
Satterwhite, Director of Wylie Economic Development Corporation, stated that he
wasn't sure of the cost for maintenance of the grasscrete for alternative parking
compared to the maintenance of a paved parking lot. Motion carried 4 - 0, with
Commissioners Smith, Larson, and McCrossin all being absent.
Minutes October 15,2013
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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Public Hearing
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding
a Replat of Keller's First Addition, reconfiguring 6 lots to create two lots. Subject
property being generally located at the southwest corner of Ballard Avenue and
Calloway Street.
Staff Presentation
Mr. Lee stated that the Replat will combine six lots into two lots for future
development. The property totals .752 acres. The properties are located within two
zoning districts, Commercial Corridor and South Ballard Overlay District. The
proposed Lot 1 I R, Block 5 is zoned South Ballard Overlay District. The proposed
Lot I R, Block 5 is zoned Commercial Corridor District.
Board Discussion
Vice Chairman Dahl questioned the improvement of the alley between the two
proposed lots. Mr. Lee stated that improving or abandoning alleyway is reviewed on
case by case basis, and upon development of the properties. At this time, no plans for
improving the alley are considered.
Public Comments
Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. With no questions for Mr. Tommy
Pulliam, applicant, Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner
Owens, to recommend approval to the City Council for Replat Keller's First
Addition. Motion carried 4 0, with Commissioners Smith, Larson, and McCrossin
all being absent.
2. Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding
a Replat for American National Bank, No. 2 Addition, Block A, Lot I B-R; generally
located west of Westgate Way and approximately 240 feet north of F.M. 544.
Staff Presentation
Mr. Lee stated that the Replat for American National Bank, No 2 Addition will
establish the necessary access and utility easements to accommodate the development
of a general office facility. The property totals 0.432 acres.
A Site Plan, Elevations and Landscape Plan are on the current agenda for
Public Comments
Minutes October 15,2013
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Jarrod Rush, applicant, 300 South
Highway 78, Suite 200, stated that the owner of Lot 1 A was approached three times
regarding a cross access from existing Arby's Restaurant to the proposed Lot I B-R,
and the owner was not interested.
Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Owens,
to recommend approval to the City Council for Replat American National Bank, No.
2 Addition. Motion carried 4 - 0, with Commissioners Smith, Larson, and McCrossin
all being absent.
Commissioner Smith arrived after the vote.
Regular Hearing
1. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Site Plan for a general office use, being Lot
1 B-R, Block A of the American National Bank, No. 2 Addition, generally located
west of Westgate Way and approximately 240 feet north of FM 544.
Mr. Lee stated that Site Plan will create a 3,790 square foot single-story general office
facility. The colors of the masonry and stone will conform to the surrounding
development. Mr. Lee stated that the Kiosk for American National Bank will remain
on Lot 2.
The Replat for Lot 1 B-R, Block A is on the current agenda.
Board Discussion
Commissioner Dahl questioned the location of the distance between the lot and
railroad. Mr. Lee stated that there is undeveloped property between the railroad right-
of-way and the proposed lot.
Board Action
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez,
to approve the Site Plan on Lot I B-R, Block A of American National Bank, No. 2
Addition. Motion carried 5 0.
Work Session
1. Staff overview of base zoning versus Planned Development.
Ms. 011ie reviewed with the Commissioners the difference between base Zoning and
Planned Development. A Planned Development may require a developer to construct
amenities, whereas base zoning there is no guarantee of amenities. The developer
usually pays top dollar to put amenities into a Planned Development, which drives the
cost of the house.
Minutes October 15,2013
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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Ms. 011ie stated that while comments and questions are always welcomed by
Commissioners to Staff, discussions should relate to the posted agenda. When
considering a plat, keep in mind that, discussing changes to the house size, amenities
or details of zoning is not part of the plat approval process, as those standards were
set during the zoning process. The Plat is a technical instrument that must be
approved if meeting all technical requirements of the city. Ms. 011ie further clarified
that a plat that is the subject of Planned Development zoning meets the requirements
of the approved PD and not simply the current Zoning Ordinance.
Commissioners questioned the process for recommendations to City Council, and if
Commissioner's should attend council meetings and voice their opinion. Ms. 011ie
stated that when an item is brought before the Commission, it is a recommendation
from Staff. When the item is then taken to the Council, the report is drafted as a
recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission as a body, not as
individuals. The Council report includes P&Z's discussion and final vote.
All Commissioners were appreciative of the presentation. Commissioners
recommended the presentation be given as a Work Session for the City Council.
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to
adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm. All Commissioners were in consensus.
Phi nston, Chairman
�UI,V, - 41 0. h L -
Mar rad I v,Administrati i Assistant
Minutes October 15,2013
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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