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07-24-2007 (City Council) Agenda Packet
I/ Wylie City Council CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North John Mondy Mayor M. G. "Red" Byboth Mayor Pro Tern David Goss Place 1 Kathy Spillyards Place 3 Merrill Young Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. July 24,2007 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 A. Approval of the Minutes from the July 10, 2007 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-20(R) suspending the July 30, 2007 effective date of the proposal by ATMOS Energy Corp to implement interim Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program Rate (GRIP) adjustments for gas utility investment in 2006; authorizing participation with the ATMOS Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) in a review and inquiry into the sufficiency of the filing and the basis of the proposed rate adjustments; authorizing intervention in administrative and court proceedings involving the proposed GRIP rate adjustments; requiring reimbursement of reasonable legal and consultant ratemaking costs; and requiring delivery of this resolution to the Company and Legal Counsel. (M. Manson, City Manager) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-23 amending Zoning Ordinance No. 2003-25, Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings). (R. 011ie, Planning Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the City of Wylie as of June 30,2007. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) E. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of June 30, 2007. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) REGULAR AGENDA General Business 1. Consider, and act upon, a chain link fence in lieu of masonry fencing for the TXU — Lavon Switching Station located at the NWC of Eubanks and Brown Street. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary At its March 28, 2006 meeting Council approved Zoning Case 2006-19 amending the zoning from Agricultural(AG) District to Planned Development for mixed uses to allow for Commercial and Industrial uses for the Lavon—TXU Switching Station.The applicant presented the plans reflecting a chain link fence at the southwestern portion of the property, separating the switching station from the parkland along Rush Creek. It was Council's direction to have an 8' masonry wall along Brown Street and adjacent to the park. Council further allowed the applicant to return to Council with an alternative other than masonry only if areas were not found to be engineering sound. The applicant is requesting that the western wall be constructed of chain link fencing in lieu of masonry. 2. Consider, and act upon, award of a contract, in the amount of $848,504.48, to Morrow Construction Company for the construction of the McCreary Road Water Distribution line. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Executive Summary The City of Wylie Water Distribution System 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan identifies the projects necessary to be completed over the next five years to support the projected growth of the City. The McCreary Road water distribution line is necessary to meet the peak demands around Southfork Mobile July 24,2007 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 Home Park in the upper service area. The project includes approximately 2,300 linear feet of 20-inch water line, 5,000 linear feet of 16-inch water line,and related valves and appurtenances. 3. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-24 amending Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 budget) and approving an appropriation of funds in the amount of $40,698.93 to be paid to the IRS for tax liabilities incurred in calendar year 2004. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Executive Summary The Internal Revenue Service has been auditing the City of Wylie for the calendar year 2004 since last October. The major areas of concern were vendors not receiving 1099s, employees receiving taxable benefits that were not reported as wages, public officials' pay not being subjected to social security and Medicare, and city employees being paid as contract labor instead of as employees with the proper payroll deductions.After extensive research and negotiations with the IRS,the final assessment has been received. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§ 551.074 Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting Regarding the employment contract for the City Manager for conditions; extending the residency requirements beyond July 31, 2007 due to delays in construction of the residence. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session, including but not limited to: 1. Consider, and act upon, amending the Employment contract between the City of Wylie and Mindy Manson and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all amendments related thereto. WORK SESSION • Discussion regarding the City of Wylie FY 2007/2008 Annual Budget. (M. Manson, City Manager) July 24,2007 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on tlOvatirisy pf July, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance wit Section 551. of the Texas Q, ei A ntli ?Pita nd that the appropriate news media was contacted. courtesy, thi age d 's also post ••the•Cit}�tfj; yet ,vebsite: www.wvlietexas.gov. C role Ehrlich ► y ecretary = F L c Date Notice Removed f: :) ,,tttt kt l E,T -*P`,Ii,n n r►►►,t` Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, July 10, 2007 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tern Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman Carter Porter, and Councilman David Goss. Councilman Rick White and Councilman Merrill Young were absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Assistant Police Chief, John Duscio; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tern Byboth gave the Invocation and Councilman Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS • Presentation to Outgoing 2006-2007 Boards and Commission Members. (I Mondy, Mayor) Mayor Pro Tern Byboth and Councilman Porter announced outgoing 2006-2007 Wylie Boards and Commission members and presented Certificates and Plaques of Appreciation to those present. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEWLY APPOINTED AND REAPPOINTED BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS • Administered by Judge Terry Douglas. Judge Terry Douglas administered the Oath of Office to newly appointed or re-appointed 2007- 2008 City of Wylie Boards and Commission members present. Minutes—July 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 1 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Coral Watkins residing at 313 S. 3`d. Street, Wylie, Texas addressed Council stating that she and other residents had been having issues with the sewer lines in the neighborhood since 2002. She explained that she was requesting the City to resolve the problem; stating, in her opinion, the problem was not on the residential portion of the lines but rather on the City side. She reported several resident addresses of persons that were having problems with the lines. She requested reimbursement for personal money spent on the sewer problem. Mayor Mondy requested City Manager Manson to draft a position regarding this issue; including what can and can not be done, for Council review. City Manger Manson stated that she had quite a bit of information regarding this issue including the effective policies. She reported that she would have the information out to Council by the end of the week. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Approval of the Minutes from the June 21, 2007 Joint Meeting of the City Council and WEDC and the June 26, 2007 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of May 31, 2007. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-20 amending City of Wylie Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48, Article 9 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) setting forth procedures to apply current regulatory systems to projects to the extent reasonably possible and within the confines of the law and to do all things reasonably possible to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) D. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-21 amending Article II of Subdivision Regulation Ordinance No. 2003-03, by adding Section 2.12 establishing regulations regarding the abandonment of Right-Of-Way. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilmen Young and White absent. Minutes—July 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 2 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing Tabled Item from June 26, 2007 Council Action Councilman Porter made a motion to remove the continuation of a Public Hearing and consideration of the amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 2003-25, Section 2.5.4 from the table and consider. Consensus of Council was to remove and consider. 1. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Continue a Public Hearing and consider amending Zoning Ordinance No. 2003-25, Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings). (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that after careful review and consideration, staff has determined that the current accessory building ordinance (Section 2.5.4) is obsolete. Over the past three years numerous cases have come before the ZBA requesting variances to the ordinance for accessory buildings. She explained that in a vast majority of these cases the requests were granted. The current ordinance does not take into consideration the widely varying lot sizes and neighborhoods that accessory buildings are placed on. In addition, the current ordinance is outdated in regards to the various types of acceptable building materials that can be used for accessory buildings. She reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 3-2 to approve the proposed amendment as written with clarification that no pressure treated wood is permitted (the building must be prefinished and prefabricated), and that all accessory structures 100 square feet or greater be built on cinder blocks or on a concrete base sub flooring. She reported that after review of the building requirements, the foundation requirement was already a regulation within the building codes and therefore did not need to be stipulated within the revised ordinance. Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked Planning Director 011ie how these regulations would be enforced. Planning Director 011ie replied that currently, the resident was required to obtain a permit. She explained that a permit was required whether the accessory building was purchased from a retail store or was home built. Mayor Mondy stated that unless the citizen was being charged at the point of sale, it would be very difficult to ensure a permit is obtained. He stated that he knew there were citizens that"just did not get a permit". He asked if there was a way this process could be monitored. City Manager Manson stated that the City has required permits for accessory buildings for some time. Planning Director 011ie stated that once the requirement amendment were approved, she would contact the local retail stores to request they give permit information to customers purchasing accessory buildings. She reported that some retailers have permit information on their websites, which explains to customers the requirement to contact their local city regarding building and permit requirements. Mayor Mondy reported that some cities like the City of Allen require retail stores to charge the permit fee for water heaters at the point of sale. Ms. 011ie explained that the City currently enforces permits through the Code Enforcement Department and local citizen complaints. She explained that if an accessory building looked out of compliance, the Code Enforcement Officer would contact the residents and require the building meet code and permits be obtained. Councilman Goss stated that if the City regulations are in place; they can be explained to citizens when they come in and more easily enforced. Councilman Porter stated that there needed to be regulations on the books to enforcement and for citizens to comply with. Mayor Pro Tern Byboth stated that if the regulations were in place and code enforcement officers see a violation, they could enforce it. Minutes—July 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 3 Continued Public Hearing Mayor Mondy opened the Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. No one was present to address Council on Item #1. Mayor Mondy closed the Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 2003-25; Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings) with clarification that no pressure treated wood is permitted. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilmen Young and White absent. General Business 2. Consider, and act upon, a Policy to support the Neighborhood A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan as a tool to maintain and preserve the quality of older neighborhoods throughout the city. (R 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that the development of Accountable Communities through Involvement of Neighborhoods (A.C.T.I.O.N.) will be the tool for each resident and stakeholder to work together towards greatly improving the quality of life for all residents of Wylie. By creating a forum for citizen involvement in addressing the community's issues through the Neighborhood A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan, we promote creative problem solving and a spirit of teamwork between the residents in the community and the city. This program encourages community defined plans using a city-guided program. Planning Director 011ie explained that Neighborhood planning is an opportunity for citizens to shape the neighborhoods where they live, work, own property, or manage a business. The neighborhood planning process addresses land use, zoning, transportation, and urban design issues. The goal of neighborhood planning is for diverse interests to come together and develop a shared vision for their community. She reported that a neighborhood plan represents the views of all the stakeholders that make up a community, identifies neighborhood strengths and assets, identifies neighborhood needs and concerns, establishes goals for improving the neighborhood, and recommends specific recommendations to reach those goals. Planning Director 011ie reported that staff has done an initial survey of the housing stock in five (5) neighborhoods: Calloway Addition, Southside Addition, the J.M. Butler Addition, Railroad Addition, and the Bostic Addition. According to the 2000 Census the (H36)Year Structure Built ranges from as early as 1915 to as current as 2006. The initial idea is to target those neighborhoods that have a very small number of vacant houses as a way of stabilizing these blocks. This approach recognizes that livability and marketability can vary from block to block. She stated that there are many facets that will shape the program, and some that might take months/years to fully implement. However, there needs to be short- term signs that plans are being implemented such as alarm monitoring and smoke detection device awareness. Another immediate opportunity for A.C.T.I.O.N. to be utilized will be through the Public Works Department. There are already projects in place that will affect some of these neighborhoods. For instance, the Supplemental Environmental Program to replace defective, private, sanitary sewer lateral lines is in progress. She stated that by City Departments working as a team, we can better address the needs and concerns of our older communities. Minutes—July 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 4 Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked Planning Director 011ie how many homes in the proposed A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan were built in the early 1900's. Planning Director 011ie reported that she did not have the exact number but estimated ten out of the fifteen neighborhoods identified had a home built in the early 1900's. Mayor Mondy asked if those homes were occupied. Ms. 011ie reported that some were and some were not. Mayor Mondy asked if there were any State programs that were identified for homes built in the 1917 or 1918 timeframe. Ms. 011ie reported that staff had identified State grants both matching funding and full funding for the older homes. Mayor Mondy asked Planning Director 011ie to seek funding through State and Federal grants for the historic homes that were salvageable. He explained that he knew this would take time, but hoped that in a few years, some of these homes could be restored to "period" condition. City Manger Manson reported that there were some federal tax incentives available to owners of older homes to restore those homes. She explained that this A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan would focus all City departments on one area which was a benefit to each neighborhood. The residents would communicate what was important to them in their area. Planning Director 011ie explained that this neighborhood focus would also educate citizens on city regulations such as permitting. She reported that staff recommends the Bostic Addition as the starting point for the A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan for several reasons. Ms. 011ie explained that the need is there as well as a desire from some of the residents in that area to get involved. As you know this section does include Third Street where the house explosion took place. "I think the City's active role in this community will be well received and possibly serve as a building tool to aid in bringing some sort of comfort back to this area." Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilwoman Spillyards to approve a Policy to support the Neighborhood A.C.T.I.O.N Plan as a tool to maintain and preserve the quality of older neighborhoods throughout the city. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilmen Young and White absent. 3. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-22 granting a Franchise Agreement with Farmers Electric Cooperative (FEC). (J. Butters, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary Assistant City Manager Butters addressed Council stating that the franchise agreement with Farmers Electric has expired. The proposed agreement is the same terms as the franchise agreement, recently signed, between the City of Wylie and Atmos (now Oncor). Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked Assistant City Manager Butters if the rate set for TXU was the same as the proposed 4% rate for Farmers Electric. Assistant City Manager Butters replied that it was and was also the same for Atmos. Mayor Mondy asked Finance Director Williamson how these fees were audited. Finance Director Williamson stated that the City did not audit the receipts but they were held in public record as part of the gross sales reports by the State Comptroller's Office. Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Williamson if the City was seeing a growth in franchise fees. Mr. Williamson reported that there was a steady increase in franchise fee revenues but there had been somewhat of a slow down, due to a slow down in building. He stated that it was still increasing but not at as fast a pace. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Goss to approve Ordinance No. 2007-22 granting a Franchise Agreement with Farmers Electric Cooperative (FEC) as presented. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilmen Young and White absent. Minutes—July 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 5 READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinance No.'s 2007-20, 2007-21, and 2007-22 into the official record. Mayor Mondy recessed into the Work Sessions at 6:55 p.m. WORK SESSION • Discussion regarding the lifting of water restrictions and the implementation of a Conservation Plan. (M. Manson, City Manager) City Engineer Hoisted gave an overview of a recent meeting between North Texas Municipal Water District and member cities. He explained that the NTMWD had recommended that all water restrictions be lifted and a long term Conservation Plan be implemented by member cities. City Manager Manson explained that the restrictions could be lifted at the staff level but wished Council to make that directive. Direction from Council was to lift all water restrictions and begin the compilation of a "Conservation Plan" to be brought back to Council at a later date. Mayor Mondy asked that City conservation incentives be reviewed for inclusion in the Conservation Plan. • Discussion regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District for improvements to Hooper Road, construction of Hensley Lane and construction of parking at Founders Park. (J. Butters, Assistant City Manager) Assistant City Manager Butters addressed Council explaining the funding and performance requirements by the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District for improvements to Hooper Road, the construction of Hensley Lane and construction of parking at Founders Park, included within the proposed interlocal agreement. He explained that the District has placed $519,686.00 in escrow for the construction of Hensley Lane. The district has previously agreed to pay one-half of the cost of the construction of the Parking for Founders Park. If the District's cost of construction of Hensley Lane is greater than the sum of the money held in escrow and the cost of one half the parking at Founders, the City will pay the difference to the District via credits for future impact fees. Mayor Mondy reconvened into Open Session at 7:25 p.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session, including but not limited to: 1. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District for improvements to Hooper Road, construction of Hensley Lane, and construction of parking at Founders Park. (I Butters, Assistant City Manager) Minutes—July 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 6 Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilwoman Spillyards to authorize the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District for improvements to Hooper Road, construction of Hensley Lane, and construction of parking at Founders Park. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilmen Young and White absent. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before Council, Mayor Pro Tern Byboth made a motion to adjourn at 7:26 p.m., with Councilman Goss seconding the motion. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—July 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 7 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 Item Number: B Department: CM (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: July 17, 2007 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-20(R) suspending the July 30, 2007 effective date of the proposal by Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division to implement interim GRIP Rate adjustments for gas utility investment in 2006; authorizing participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC") in a review and inquiry into the sufficiency of the filing and the basis of the proposed rate adjustments; authorizing intervention in administrative and court proceedings involving the proposed GRIP Rate adjustments; requiring reimbursement of reasonable legal and consultant ratemaking cost; and requiring delivery of this Resolution to the Company and legal counsel. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2007-20(R) suspending the July 30, 2007 effective date of the proposal by Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division to implement interim GRIP Rate adjustments for gas utility investment in 2006. Discussion The law mandates that a Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program (GRIP) surcharge request cannot become effective until sixty (60) days following the filing. The effective date may be suspended by a city for 45 days. If the City does not take action to suspend the filing, the Company may begin implementing a monthly surcharge ($0.59 on all residential customers, $1.47 for commercial customers, and $28.74 for industrial customers) after July 30, 2007. The resolution suspends the effective date to the maximum extent permitted by law to allow the cities time to evaluate the filing, determine whether the filing complies with law, and if lawful, to determine what further strategy to pursue. This is particularly important given that the Atmos Cities Steering Committee initiated a rate case (GUD No. 9670) in which it was determined that Atmos had included inappropriate expenditures in its previous GRIP surcharges for rate years 2003, 2004, and 2005. But for the investigation by the Cities, through ACSC, and other interveners, the impropriety of these expenditures and of their inclusion in the GRIP surcharges, would not have been exposed, and the refund of$2.5 million would not have been ordered. Additionally, Atmos has just received a rate increase of approximately $5 million and should be collecting sufficient revenues to earn its allowed return without the necessity for a surcharge to recover incremental investment. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MM 7-16-07 City Manager f 7— Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-20(R) A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SUSPENDING THE JULY 30, 2007 EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PROPOSAL BY ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION TO IMPLEMENT INTERIM GRIP RATE ADJUSTMENTS FOR GAS UTILITY INVESTMENT IN 2006; AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION WITH THE ATMOS CITIES STEERING COMMITTEE ("ACSC") IN A REVIEW AND INQUIRY INTO THE SUFFICIENCY OF THE FILING AND THE BASIS OF THE PROPOSED RATE ADJUSTMENTS; AUTHORIZING INTERVENTION IN ADMINISTRATIVE AND COURT PROCEEDINGS INVOLVING THE PROPOSED GRIP RATE ADJUSTMENTS; REQUIRING REIMBURSEMENT OF REASONABLE LEGAL AND CONSULTANT RATEMAKING COSTS; AND REQUIRING DELIVERY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE COMPANY AND LEGAL COUNSEL. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, Texas ("City") is a gas utility customer of Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division ("Atmos Mid-Tex" or "the Company"), and a regulatory authority with an interest in the rates and charges of Atmos Mid-Tex; and WHEREAS, Atmos Mid-Tex made filings with the City and the Railroad Commission of Texas ("Railroad Commission") on or about May 31, 2007, proposing to implement interim rate adjustments ("GRIP rate increases"), pursuant to Texas Utilities Code § 104.301, on all customers served by Atmos Mid-Tex, effective July 30, 2007; and WHEREAS, Atmos Mid-Tex was recently granted a rate increase as a result of its filing in GUD No. 9670, in which the Final Order was only signed on March 29, 2007; and WHEREAS, in GUD No. 9670, it was determined that Atmos Mid-Tex had inappropriately included certain expenditures in its prior GRIP rate increases for rate years 2003, 2004, and 2005; and WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon the City, as a regulatory authority, to examine this latest GRIP filing to determine its compliance with the Texas Utilities Code; and WHEREAS, ratepayers of Atmos Mid-Tex, including the City and its residents, will be adversely impacted by the proposed GRIP rate increases; and WHEREAS, it is advantageous for the City and its citizens to coordinate the City's response to Atmos' filing with similarly situated municipalities; and WHEREAS, the City has benefited from prior participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC"); and Resolution No.2007-20(R) ATOMS Energy Corp-Suspending GRIP 2557\2\res070608gnc 1 WHEREAS, it is efficient and cost beneficial for the City to again coordinate review of the reasonableness of the proposed GRIP rate increases and joint participation in any proceedings at the Railroad Commission related to the proposed GRIP rate increases; and WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of ACSC has recommended suspension and established a budget for evaluation of the Atmos filing; and WHEREAS, a GRIP proceeding involves rate making, entitling cities to reimbursement of reasonable rate case expenses; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, THAT: 1. The July 30, 2007 effective date of the GRIP rate increases proposed by Atmos Mid-Tex is hereby suspended for the maximum period allowed by law to permit adequate time to investigate the sufficiency of the GRIP Rate Increase filing, review the proposed increases, analyze all necessary information, and take appropriate action related to the proposed increases. 2. The City is authorized to cooperate with ACSC to hire and direct legal counsel and consultants, to negotiate with the Company, to make recommendations to the City regarding the proposed GRIP rate increases, and to direct any administrative proceedings or litigation associated with the proposed GRIP rate increases. 3. The City is authorized to intervene in any administrative proceedings or litigation associated with the proposed GRIP rate increases. 4. Atmos Mid-Tex shall promptly reimburse the City's reasonable costs associated with the City's ratemaking activities related to the proposed GRIP rate increases. 5. A copy of this Resolution shall be sent to Atmos Mid-Tex, care of Charles R. Yarbrough, II, at Atmos Energy Corporation, 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1800, Dallas, Texas 75240, and to Geoffrey Gay, legal counsel to ACSC, at Lloyd Gosselink, 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1900, Austin, Texas 78701. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this 24th day of July, 2007. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No.2007-20(R) ATOMS Energy Corp-Suspending GRIP 2557\2\res070608gnc 2 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS REGARDING ATMOS' GRIP FILING Q• What is GRIP? A: The Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program was originally enacted by the Texas Legislature in 2003 to allow gas utilities an opportunity to recover costs associated with replacing aging portions of natural gas pipeline to enhance reliability and public safety without the necessity of a full blown rate case. However, Atmos-Mid Tex has used the statute to recover any change in invested capital. As a result, Atmos-Mid Tex has surcharged items not related to system safety or reliability, including furniture, artwork, computers, air conditioners, new parking lots as well as first class airfare and luxurious accommodations for executives and their spouses, hundreds of thousands of dollars in lavish meals, liquor, employee gifts, limousine travel, and charitable contributions. Q: If Atmos' GRIP filing is approved,what impact will it have on ratepayers' bills? A: For an average residential customer(4.6 Mcf per month): $0.59 monthly For an average commercial customer(34.7 Mcf): $1.47 monthly For an average industrial customer (3,918 MMBtu): $28.74 monthly Q• How long will these surcharges be collected? A: These surcharges will be levied on every customer's bill every month until the implementation of final rates in Atmos' next rate case (as late as 2012.) Q: Atmos has provided the City a denial resolution and told us to deny Atmos' GRIP application as soon as possible. Should the City do that right now? A: No, Pursuant to the statute, the city may suspend the implementation of the effective date of the Company's application for 45 days (in this case, until September 13). Denying the request now expedites the implementation of surcharges on your citizens while the citizens of the cities that suspend the implementation will have their surcharges delayed for several months. Q: If the City is going to deny the GRIP surcharge anyway, why postpone doing that by adopting a suspension resolution now? A: The extra time allows an expert working on behalf of Atmos Cities Steering Committee to review and analyze the surcharge application. The expert will be reviewing all of the costs that Atmos is requesting to be collected through the surcharge. One area of his review will be to ensure that costs that were disallowed by the Railroad Commission in the most recent rate case are not included in this application. The expert will issue a report to all ACSC members regarding his findings. The report may also be filed with the Railroad Commission. The ACSC Executive Committee will review the findings and will issue a recommendation to all members in advance of September 13. ACSC members will be provided with any resolutions/ordinances necessary to take final action. Q• Will postponement have any effect upon ratepayers? A: In addition to allowing more time for review, suspending the effective date of the surcharge will save residential customers approximately $875,000 per month in surcharges that would otherwise be levied system-wide. Q: This is Atmos Mid-Tex's fourth GRIP surcharge. What happened to the other three surcharges? A: The table below reflects the history of the Atmos Mid-Tex GRIP requests. In Atmos Mid-Tex's most recent rate case, GUD 9670, the Railroad Commission reviewed the GRIP surcharges the Company levied in 2003, 2004, and 2005 and disallowed $2.5 million in unreasonable expenses. The Railroad Commission judges that heard the evidence regarding Atmos' GRIP surcharges concluded that the inclusion of costs associated with liquor, lavish meals, first class travel, employee gifts, expensive artwork, etc. indicated a collapse of corporate control and management and a breakdown of the Company's operations and maintenance budgeting and cost control process. The evidence in GUD 9670 also revealed that Atmos capitalized expenditures of certain short lived items, such as Kleenex, trash can liners, staples, office supplies and other similar items as part of the GRIP surcharge process. ATMOS MID-TEX GRIP FILINGS 2003 —2006 Atmos Date Filing Amount Amount Amount of Filing Made with Requested Approved by Residential the Cities RRC Surcharge 2003 12/17/04 $6,691,224 $6,691,224 $4,727,865 GRIP $0.29 per customer 2004 09/19/05 $6,731,115 $6,731,115 $4,756,051 GRIP $0.29 per customer 2005 03/31/06 $12,132,931 $11,890,764 $8,705,096 GRIP $0.52 per customer 2006 05/31/07 $12,422,428 GRIP ($0.59/cust) Q• Did the legislature address GRIP in the recent legislative session? A: The Senate Business and Commerce Committee unanimously approved a bill that would have repealed the GRIP statute, largely in response to the abuses of the GRIP surcharge by Atmos Mid-Tex. However, by the end of the session, the gas utility lobby was successful in killing meaningful reform and the legislation died. Q• What can cities do to alert legislators regarding problems with the GRIP statute? A: It is important to start building support for legislative reform now. Issues regarding utility ratemaking and GRIP surcharges are very technical and can be difficult to effectively communicate during the heat of a legislative session. Cities can build on the effective information campaign that started in the session that recently concluded and prepare for the next session by communicating with the legislators about this GRIP filing. The Executive Committee has requested that a model resolution supporting legislative changes to protect natural gas ratepayers and opposing GRIP surcharges be prepared to distributed to members to provide to their legislative delegation. MODEL STAFF REPORT ON ATMOS MID-TEX GRIP SUSPENSION RESOLUTION Purpose of the Resolution: The law mandates that a Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program (GRIP) surcharge request cannot become effective until sixty (60) days following the filing. The effective date may be suspended by a city for 45 days. If the City does not take action to suspend the filing, the Company may begin implementing a monthly surcharge ($0.59 on all residential customers, $1.47 for commercial customers, and $28.74 for industrial customers) after July 30, 2007. The resolution suspends the effective date to the maximum extent permitted by law to allow the cities time to evaluate the filing, determine whether the filing complies with law, and if lawful, to determine what further strategy to pursue. This is particularly important given that the Atmos Cities Steering Committee initiated a rate case (GUD No. 9670) in which it was determined that Atmos had included inappropriate expenditures in its previous GRIP surcharges for rate years 2003, 2004, and 2005. But for the investigation by the Cities, through ACSC, and other intervenors, the impropriety of these expenditures and of their inclusion in the GRIP surcharges, would not have been exposed, and the refund of$2.5 million would not have been ordered. Additionally, Atmos has just received a rate increase of approximately $5 million and should be collecting sufficient revenues to earn its allowed return without the necessity for a surcharge to recover incremental investment. What is GRIP: GRIP is piecemeal ratemaking and would be illegal under traditional ratemaking that is in the public interest. Atmos, TXU Gas, and other gas utilities persuaded the legislature in 2003 to make an exception to the prohibition against piecemeal ratemaking to encourage increased investment in transmission and distribution pipe by allowing prompt recovery of investment, despite the possibility that increased revenues and declining expenses could more than offset increased investment. Unfortunately, utilities have used the GRIP filings to include other costs unrelated to infrastructure improvements. GRIP surcharges are only allowed until the next general rate case. NOTE: IT IS CRITICAL THAT ALL CITIES PASS THE RESOLUTION TO SUSPEND ON OR BEFORE JULY 30,2007. Explanation of`Be It Resolved" Paragraphs: 1. A city is authorized to suspend the effective date for 45 days. However, since the Company controls and can extend its effective date during settlement discussions to increase a city's jurisdiction and the period of time necessary to reach settlement, the resolution refers to suspension"for the maximum period allowed by law"rather than a specific date. 2557/2/oth070608gnc Stf Rpt-Suspend Page 1 2. This paragraph authorizes participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee and coordinated control over legal counsel and consultants. Along with paragraph 3, this paragraph avoids the necessity of returning to the City Council with another resolution to authorize efforts related to an appeal of the Council's ultimate decision on the Atmos application. 3. This paragraph authorizes the intervention of the city, assuming such is recommended by the Atmos Cities Steering Committee, in any appeals that may be filed at the Railroad Commission challenging the City's action. It further authorizes the handling of appeals from Railroad Commission decisions to the courts in Austin, if the Atmos Cities Steering Committee believes that effort is desirable. 4. Texas law requires utility companies to reimburse cities for all costs (legal and consulting) associated with ratemaking, whether the case is initiated by the utility or a regulatory authority. Although the implementation of a tariff that imposes a surcharge is ratemaking, entitling the participating cities to reimbursement, Atmos has not historically agreed to reimburse ACSC for its legal expenses, nor has the Railroad Commission required it to do so. The ACSC Executive Committee has determined that it is appropriate and necessary to investigate this GRIP filing and to take appropriate action, and has authorized the expenditure of funds to do so. Legal counsel and consultants approved by the ACSC Executive Committee will submit monthly invoices to the City of Arlington which will then forward the invoices to Atmos for reimbursement. No individual city incurs liability for payment of rate case expenses by adopting a suspension resolution. 5. This paragraph directs that a copy of the signed resolution be sent to a representative of the Company and legal counsel for the Atmos Cities Steering Committee. 2557/2/oth070608gnc Stf Rpt-Suspend Page 2 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 Item Number: C (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 07/13/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Ordinance w/Exhibit A Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-23 amending Zoning Ordinance Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings). Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2007-23 amending Zoning Ordinance Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings). Discussion To amend, supplement, or change the regulations provided in the Zoning Ordinance requires passage of an Ordinance making the appropriate amendments; and providing a penalty clause, a repeal clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, and an effective date. Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, is amended herein by the granting of this Ordinance. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 7/13/07 City Manager 1/'r ' 7)( S /o7 Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2007-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 2003-25, SECTION 2.5.4 (ACCESSORY BUILDINGS) WITH CLARIFICATION THAT NO PRESSURE TREATED WOOD IS PERMITTED; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 2003-25, Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings)with clarification that no pressure treated wood is permitted; and WHEREAS, Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code only authorizes Wylie to establish zoning districts within the city limits; and WHEREAS, Wylie has complied with all notices and public hearings as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that in the best interest of the citizens of Wylie to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 2003-25, Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings) with clarification that no pressure treated wood is permitted, should be amended as set forth in Exhibit A (attached). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Ordinance No.2007-23 Amending Zoning Ordinance 2003-25 Section 2.5.4(Accessory Buildings) SECTION 2: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 2003-25, Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings) with clarification that no pressure treated wood is permitted. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 2003-25, Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings) with clarification that no pressure treated wood is permitted, is hereby amended to read as shown in Exhibit A(attached): SECTION 3: Savings/Repealing Clause: Wylie's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other Ordinance. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: Severability: Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 5: Penalty Provision: Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating this Ordinance or any provision of Wylie's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48, as amended, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 6: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication as required by law the City Charter and by law. Ordinance No. 2007-23 Amending Zoning Ordinance 2003-25 Section 2.5.4(Accessory Buildings) DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this 24th day of July, 2007. John Mondy, Mayor ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd &Joplin, P.C. Julie Y. Fort City Attorneys Date of publication in The Wylie News—August 1,2007 Ordinance No.2007-23 Amending Zoning Ordinance 2003-25 Section 2.5.4(Accessory Buildings) EXHIBIT "A" Accessory Building Ordinance 4. Accessory Buildings a. Attached accessory buildings shall conform to the regulations applicable to the main building to which they are attached. Attached buildings are defined as any building sharing a common roof with the primary structure. b. Detached accessory buildings shall be subject to all of the following regulations, in addition to any other applicable regulations of this chapter. NOTE: Accessory buildings in AG/30 zoning districts directly associated with the support of a bona fide private agricultural use of the property have some differentiating requirements noted separately under the various headings below. 1. Number of Buildings: a. No more than two (2) accessory buildings may be placed on any residential or commercial lot. b. AG/30: The number of accessory buildings that may be placed on an AG/30 lot is limited by lot coverage (see 4.b.2.b). 2. Size Limitations: a. The combined floor area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed five (5) percent of lot coverage or sixty (60) percent of the primary structure, whichever is less. In no case shall the combined area of the primary structure and accessory building(s) exceed the maximum percentage of lot coverage allowed for the zoning district on which the structures are placed. b. AG/30: Barns and/or stables shall be limited in area to ten (10) percent of lot coverage. 3. Setback Requirements: a. Street: Accessory buildings shall not extend beyond a platted front, side or rear building line adjacent to a street. If no building line exists adjacent to a street on an approved plat, the building shall not be located closer than ten (10) feet from the property line. b. Easement: No accessory building shall be located within any easement. c. Front: Accessory buildings shall not be located closer to the front property line than the main building or the front yard setback requirement for that zoning district, whichever is greater. d. Side: Accessory buildings shall not be located closer then five (5) feet to the side property line when the accessory building is located behind the main building. When the accessory building is located in the side yard, the setback for the accessory building will be the same as the setback requirement for the main building. EXHIBIT "A" e. Rear: When the accessory building is a garage or carport with rear access, the rear setback shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the property line. All other accessory buildings shall not be located closer than five (5) feet to the rear property line. f. Other Structures - Accessory buildings, other than carports, shall not be located within five (5) feet of any other structure. g. AG/30: Barns and/or stables shall not be located within fifty (50) feet of any property line or dwelling. 4. Roof: a. The minimum roof slope for all accessory buildings shall be 3:12, unless the accessory building is prefabricated, pre-finished, and covers less then two (2) percent of the lot or is a carport. b. The color and materials of the roof of the accessory building must closely resemble the color and materials of the roof of the main building, unless the accessory building is prefabricated, pre-finished, and covers less then two (2) percent of the lot or is a carport. 5. Exterior Walls: a. Accessory buildings covering less than two (2) percent of the lot are required to be constructed with exterior walls composed of metal with a baked-on enamel or vinyl finish, vinyl, wood building that is prefinished and prefabricated, composite masonry façade, or the same masonry content required of the main structure. b. Accessory buildings covering more than two (2) percent of the lot are required to be constructed with exterior walls composed of composite masonry façade material or the same masonry content required of the main structure. c. AG/30: Barns and stables located on property zoned Agricultural (AG/30) are exempt from the masonry requirement for exterior walls. d. No pressure treated wood is permitted as exterior finish. 6. Height: a. Accessory buildings shall be limited to a height of not more than fourteen (14)feet to the top of the roof. b. AG/30: Accessory buildings shall be limited to a height of not more than twenty (20) feet to the top of the roof. 7. NOTES: a. AG/30: Commercial equestrian or rodeo arenas whether enclosed, partially enclosed, or open air shall require a Specific Use Permit as provided in section 5.4 "Special Use Permits" of this ordinance. Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 Item Number: D Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: July 17,2007 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Revenue and Budget Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the City of Wylie as of June 30, 2007. Recommendation Motion to place on file the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the City of Wylie as of June 30, 2007. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LW 7/17/07 City Manager M Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF:JUNE 30,2007 CURRENT YTD EXPECTED BUDGET YTD EXPECTED YTD ACTUAL OVER/(UNDER) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 YTD ACTUAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 12,696,160 11,514,335.02 11,191,896.48 -322,439 a FRANCHISE FEES 1,671,130 766,800.00 781,624.13 14,824 LICENSES AND PERMITS 1,153,000 751,535.80 714,787.56 -36,748 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 345,440 230,517.33 322,433.06 91,916 SERVICE FEES 2,068,400 1,389,343.72 1,358,633.97 -30,710 FINES AND FORFEITURES 541,000 404,992.60 404,135.53 -857 INTEREST INCOME 260,000 234,860.00 261,702.16 26,842 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 79,470 59,491.24 77,595.15 18,104 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 827,860 827,860.00 827,860.00 0 TOTAL REVENUES 19,642,460 16,179,736 15,940,668 -239,068 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL 129,500 97,124.99 83,544.16 -13,581 CITY MANAGER 438,900 329,174.97 295,414.83 -33,760 CITY SECRETARY 234,220 175,665.01 156,072.65 -19,592 CITY ATTORNEY 133,000 99,750.01 68,394.55 -31,355 FINANCE 653,930 490,447.46 414,615.73 -75,832 FLEET&FACILITIES SVC 186,150 145,112.49 121,705.00 -23,407 MUNICIPAL COURT 272,340 204,174.99 186,405.80 -17,769 HUMAN RESOURCES 191,070 143,302.56 134,652.34 -8,650 PURCHASING 104,140 78,054.91 72,276.14 -5,779 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 234,020 175,514.99 147,017.81 -28,497 POLICE 4,489,176 3,367,703.14 3,031,100.91 -336,602 b FIRE 4,347,260 3,302,350.07 2,854,797.54 -447,553 b ANIMAL CONTROL 265,720 198,685.06 204,501.82 5,817 PLANNING 424,610 318,547.52 205,713.28 -112,834 BUILDING INSPECTION 680,970 510,575.07 470,147.06 -40,428 CODE ENFORCEMENT 148,460 111,287.48 93,733.77 -17,554 STREETS 1,952,290 1,463,655.07 1,202,450.58 -261,204 PARKS 1,326,210 994,599.93 873,338.15 -121,262 RECREATION 307,540 238,654.99 195,432.07 -43,223 LIBRARY 669,430 504,312.49 464,201.29 -40,111 COMBINED SERVICES 3,014,990 2,385,549.98 2,486,141.45 100,591 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,203,926 15,334,243 13,761,657 -1,572,586 REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -561,466 845,493 2,179,011 1,333,519 a.Approximately 4.65%short within Property tax revenue in comparison to last year. b.No cost savings.Expenditures will increase during summer service. CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF:JUNE 30,2007 CURRENT YTD EXPECTED BUDGET YTD EXPECTED YTD ACTUAL OVER/(UNDER) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 YTD ACTUAL UTILITY FUND REVENUES SUMMARY SERVICE FEES 8,463,000 5,852,250.00 5,080,892.81 -771,357 c INTEREST INCOME 50,000 37,499.99 289,005.03 251,505 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 136,860 102,645.00 27,949.65 -74,695 TOTAL REVENUES 8,649,860 5,992,395 5,397,847 -594,548 UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 364,670 280,257.47 228,340.93 -51,917 UTILITIES-WATER 1,085,390 812,467.55 742,863.34 -69,604 CITY ENGINEER 439,660 329,537.50 276,415.41 -53,122 UTILITIES-SEWER 599,460 449,370.06 301,553.21 -147,817 UTILITY BILLING 919,730 689,397.56 567,118.08 -122,279 COMBINED SERVICES 6,486,590 4,867,717.49 12,047,903.08 7,180,186 d TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,895,500 7,428,748 14,164,194 6,735,446 REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -1,245,640 -1,436,353 -8,766,347 -7,329,994 c.Reduction in water usage. d.2007 Utility CO's net proceeds transfer$7,541,821.24 7; Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 07-24-07 Item Number: E Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: 07-10-07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of June 30, 2007. Recommendation Accept, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of June 30, 2007. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on July 17, 2007. Approved By Initial Date Department Director 7—I) —& City Manager �"(?c' Page 1 of 1 7-13-2007 11:26 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS 1000-10110 CLAIM ON CASH AND CASH EQUIV. 408,261.41 1000-10115 CASH-WEDC-INWOOD 0.00 1000-10135 INWOOD BANK-ESCROW 0.00 1000-10198 OTHER-MISC CLEARING 0.00 1000-10341 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-10343 LOGIC 0.00 1000-11517 ACCTS REC - SALES TAX 0.00 1000-12996 LOAN REC - JACOBY 147,648.48 1000-12997 ACCTS REC - JTM TECH 166,850.00 1000-14112 INVENTORIES - MATERIAL/SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY - LAND 1,858,394.99 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO - SANDEN BLV 0.00 1000-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES 59,956.56 1000-14410 DEFERRED CHARGE 100,000.00 2,741,111.44 TOTAL ASSETS 2,741,111.44 LIABILITIES 2000-20110 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20111 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20112 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20113 CREDIT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20114 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20115 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20116 HEALTH INSUR PAY-EMPLOYEE ( 301.25) 2000-20117 TMRS PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20118 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20119 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20120 FICA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20121 TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20122 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20123 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20124 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20125 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20126 ICMA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20151 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY ( 387.78) 2000-20199 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20201 AP PENDING 11,307.97 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20540 NOTES PAYABLE 100,000.00 2000-20810 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 2000-22270 DEFERRED REVENUE 147,648.48 TOTAL LIABILITIES 258,267.42 7-13-2007 11:26 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE EQUITY 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG 2,584,544.76 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 2,584,544.76 TOTAL REVENUE 1,054,564.89 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,156,265.63 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ( 101,700.74) TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 2,482,844.02 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 2,741,111.44 7-13-2007 11:26 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2007 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS 1000-10312 GOVERNMENT NOTES 0.00 1000-18110 LOAN WEDC 0.00 1000-18120 Loan-Birmingham 0.00 1000-18210 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 0.00 1000-18220 Birmingham Loan 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ASSETS 0.00 LIABILITIES 2000-20310 COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 23,021.37 2000-21410 AIP - GO/CO BONDS 5,197.00 2000-28205 WEDC LOANS-CURRENT 62,496.71 2000-28220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 92,664.00 2000-28230 INWOOD LOAN 710,018.00 2000-28240 HUGHES LOAN PAYABLE 309,991.00 2000-28250 CITY OF WYLIE LOAN 136,493.16 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,339,881.24 EQUITY 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE ( 1,339,881.24) TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY ( 1,339,881.24) TOTAL REVENUE 0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 0.00 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 0.00 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) ( 1,339,881.24) TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 0.00 7-13-2007 11:28 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP FINANCIAL SUMMARY CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 1,136,130.00 86,779.11 0.00 667,083.67 0.00 469,046.33 58.72 INTEREST INCOME 22,500.00 1,338.87 0.00 14,352.53 0.00 8,147.47 63.79 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 63,840.00 5,200.00 0.00 218,128.69 0.00 ( 154,288.69) 341.68 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0.00 155,000.00 0.00 155,000.00 0.00 ( 155,000.00) 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,222,470.00 248,317.98 0.00 1,054,564.89 0.00 167,905.11 86.27 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 1,777,700.00 262,034.38 0.00 1,156,265.63 12.00 621,422.37 65.04 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,777,700.00 262,034.38 0.00 1,156,265.63 12.00 621,422.37 65.04 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 555,230.00) ( 13,716.40) 0.00 ( 101,700.74) ( 12.00) ( 453,517.26) 18.32 7-13-2007 11:28 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET TAXES 4000-40210 SALES TAX 1,136,130.00 86,779.11 0.00 667,083.67 0.00 469,046.33 58.72 TOTAL TAXES 1,136,130.00 86,779.11 0.00 667,083.67 0.00 469,046.33 58.72 INTEREST INCOME 4000-46050 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 22,500.00 1,338.87 0.00 14,352.53 0.00 8,147.47 63.79 4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46210 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 22,500.00 1,338.87 0.00 14,352.53 0.00 8,147.47 63.79 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME 63,840.00 5,200.00 0.00 47,392.90 0.00 16,447.10 74.24 4000-48310 RECOVERY - PRIOR YEAR EXPEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,486.00 0.00 ( 5,486.00) 0.00 4000-48410 MISC INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,300.00 0.00 ( 4,300.00) 0.00 4000-48430 GAIN ON SALE OF PROPERTY 0.00 0.00 0.00 160,949.79 0.00 ( 160,949.79) 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 63,840.00 5,200.00 0.00 218,128.69 0.00 ( 154,288.69) 341.68 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4000-49160 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 155,000.00 0.00 155,000.00 0.00 ( 155,000.00) 0.00 4000-49325 BANK NOTE PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0.00 155,000.00 0.00 155,000.00 0.00 ( 155,000.00) 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,222,470.00 248,317.98 0.00 1,054,564.89 0.00 167,905.11 86.27 7-13-2007 11:28 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 3 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: NNE 30TH, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 5611-51110 SALARIES 157,050.00 11,437.06 0.00 105,706.84 0.00 51,343.16 67.31 5611-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 570.00 0.00 0.00 580.00 0.00 ( 10.00) 101.75 5611-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,710.00 0.00 0.00 1,180.52 0.00 529.48 69.04 5611-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 5611-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 8,400.00 646.16 0.00 5,976.98 0.00 2,423.02 71.15 5611-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51310 TMRS 14,930.00 1,075.40 0.00 10,040.66 0.00 4,889.34 67.25 5611-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 14,340.00 1,379.90 0.00 13,799.63 0.00 540.37 96.23 5611-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 880.00 35.82 0.00 358.20 0.00 521.80 40.70 5611-51440 FICA 10,400.00 728.07 0.00 5,347.36 0.00 5,052.64 51.42 5611-51450 MEDICARE 2,430.00 170.27 0.00 1,596.77 0.00 833.23 65.71 5611-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 850.00 420.00 0.00 411.58 0.00 438.42 48.42 5611-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 540.00 0.00 0.00 88.55 0.00 451.45 16.40 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 212,100.00 15,892.68 0.00 145,087.09 0.00 67,012.91 68.41 SUPPLIES 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,000.00 651.40 0.00 2,993.38 12.00 3,994.62 42.93 5611-52040 POSTAGE 1,720.00 91.00 0.00 352.84 0.00 1,367.16 20.51 5611-52130 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 4,200.00 214.13 0.00 3,092.98 0.00 1,107.02 73.64 5611-52990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 12,920.00 956.53 0.00 6,439.20 12.00 6,468.80 49.93 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5611-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,779.91 0.00 1,220.09 59.33 5611-54990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,779.91 0.00 1,220.09 59.33 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5611-56030 INCENTIVES 182,890.00 9,386.75 0.00 134,492.00 0.00 48,398.00 73.54 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 124,950.00 773.15 0.00 91,605.76 0.00 33,344.24 73.31 5611-56080 ADVERTISING 50,500.00 1,184.82 0.00 31,108.72 0.00 19,391.28 61.60 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 51,500.00 0.00 0.00 33,967.77 0.00 17,532.23 65.96 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 6,020.00 449.58 0.00 3,983.63 0.00 2,036.37 66.17 5611-56180 RENTAL 17,100.00 1,903.57 0.00 13,940.50 0.00 3,159.50 81.52 5611-56210 TRAVEL AND TRAINING 31,350.00 7,069.12 0.00 14,632.85 0.00 16,717.15 46.68 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 7,740.00 3,779.00 0.00 7,366.95 0.00 373.05 95.18 5611-56310 INSURANCE 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 303.00 0.00 2,197.00 12.12 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEGAL SERVICES 12,500.00 390.00 0.00 6,394.75 0.00 6,105.25 51.16 5611-56570 ENGINEERING - ARCHITECT SVC 67,950.00 10,877.33 0.00 55,281.06 0.00 12,668.94 81.36 5611-56610 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 4,200.00 290.28 0.00 2,698.69 0.00 1,501.31 64.25 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 559,200.00 36,103.60 0.00 395,775.68 0.00 163,424.32 70.78 7-13-2007 11:28 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 4 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE 270,450.00 20,373.73 0.00 184,636.78 0.00 85,813.22 68.27 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 270,450.00 20,373.73 0.00 184,636.78 0.00 85,813.22 68.27 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5611-58110 LAND 205,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205,000.00 0.00 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS 472,530.00 188,707.84 0.00 387,394.16 0.00 85,135.84 81.98 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,152.81 0.00 4,847.19 51.53 5611-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 714,030.00 188,707.84 0.00 417,546.97 0.00 296,483.03 58.48 OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5611-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 83.33 5611-59990 PROJECT ACCOUNTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 83.33 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 1,777,700.00 262,034.38 0.00 1,156,265.63 12.00 621,422.37 65.04 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,777,700.00 262,034.38 0.00 1,156,265.63 12.00 621,422.37 65.04 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 555,230.00) ( 13,716.40) 0.00 ( 101,700.74) ( 12.00) ( 453,517.26) 18.32 *** END OF REPORT *** 7-13-2007 11:30 AM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 1 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Jun-2007 THRU Jun-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-58830 POST DATE TRAN # REFERENCE PACKET DESCRIPTION=====_= VEND INV/JE # NOTE AMOUNT-- ====BALANCE==== 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES BEGINNING BALANCE 2,341.98 6/07/07 6/08 A90437 CHK: 023324 10987 HOME DEPOT 000912 8277 APR07 GERRY 3.10 2,345.08 6/07/07 6/08 A90437 CHK: 023324 10987 HOBBY LOBBY 000912 8277 APR07 GERRY 13.50 2,358.58 6/22/07 6/22 A92016 CHK: 023703 11291 WHITE OUT/HNG FLDR TABS 000392 15264 7.80 2,366.38 6/22/07 6/22 A92017 CHK: 023703 11291 FLDRS/CLIPS/SHIPNG/BOOKS 000392 15265 615.00 2,981.38 6/22/07 6/22 A92024 CHK: 023699 11291 ENGRAVED PLATES -PHOTO 000855 062007 12.00 2,993.38 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 651.40 CR: 0.00 651.40 5611-52040 POSTAGE BEGINNING BALANCE 261.84 6/05/07 6/05 A90022 CHK: 023252 10888 INVOICE #1591 002174 1591 COURIER 38.00 299.84 6/05/07 6/05 A90023 CHK: 023252 10888 INVOICE #1995 002174 1995 COURIER 23.00 322.84 6/05/07 6/05 A90024 CHK: 023252 10888 INVOICE #2234 002174 2423 COURIER 30.00 352.84 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 91.00 CR: 0.00 91.00 5611-52130 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP- $100-$999.99 BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES BEGINNING BALANCE 2,878.85 6/06/07 6/06 A90157 CHK: 023288 10916 JUNE, 2007 BCE BREAKFAST 000468 106231 10166 80.00 2,958.85 6/06/07 6/06 A90225 CHK: 023297 10920 MAY COFFEE & DRINKS 002091 050107 20.00 2,978.85 6/06/07 6/06 A90226 CHK: 023297 10920 JUNE COFFEE & DRINKS 002091 060107 20.00 2,998.85 6/06/07 6/06 A90227 CHK: 023297 10920 JULY COFFEE & DRINKS 002091 070107 20.00 3,018.85 6/06/07 6/06 A90228 CHK: 023297 10920 AUGUST COFFEE & DRINKS 002091 080107 20.00 3,038.85 6/07/07 6/08 A90437 CHK: 023324 10987 WALMART 000912 8277 APR07 GERRY 16.36 3,055.21 6/07/07 6/08 A90437 CHK: 023324 10987 DONUT CRAVERS 000912 8277 APR07 GERRY 16.00 3,071.21 6/07/07 6/08 A90437 CHK: 023324 10987 WYLIE NORTHSIDE 000912 8277 APR07 GERRY 4.72 3,075.93 6/29/07 6/29 C10955 RCPT 00292285 04776 S. SATTERWHITE-REIMBURSSMENT 15.75CR 3,060.18 6/29/07 6/29 A92789 CHK: 023823 11425 BOARD MEETING FOOD SERVI 000912 8277 MAY07 GERRY 32.80 3,092.98 = JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 229.88 CR: 15.75CR 214.13 7-13-2007 11:30 AM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 2 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Jun-2007 THRU Jun-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-58830 POST DATE TRAN # REFERENCE PACKET DESCRIPTION VEND INV/JE # NOTE AMOUNT==== ====BALANCE==== 5611-52990 OTHER BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE BEGINNING BALANCE 1,779.91 5611-54990 OTHER BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-56030 INCENTIVES BEGINNING BALANCE 125,105.25 6/26/07 7/03 A93013 CHK: 023854 11458 2000HWY7BNWYLIET 1 F0-07-0639 9,386.75 134,492.00 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 9,386.75 CR: 0.00 9,386.75 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES BEGINNING BALANCE 90,832.61 6/06/07 6/06 A90298 CHK: 023308 10923 WINDOW CLEANING 3/27/07 002049 122 36.00 90,868.61 6/12/07 6/12 A90896 CHK: 023414 11043 MOWING BEH 001173 060407 75.00 90,943.61 6/13/07 6/13 A90991 CHK: 023428 11073 MARKETING PACKAGE 1 001 600.00 91,543.61 6/14/07 6/14 A91255 CHK: 023457 11124 DECALS FOR SHOVELS 001884 1419 50.00 91,593.61 6/26/07 6/26 A92257 CHK: 023730 11344 706 COOPER WATER MAY07 000101 126-0290-02 MAY07 12.15 91,605.76 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 773.15 CR: 0.00 773.15 5611-56080 ADVERTISING BEGINNING BALANCE 29,923.90 6/20/07 6/20 A91782 CHK: 023539 11252 AMEX CHGS MAY07 000035 87002 MAY07 349.82 30,273.72 6/22/07 6/22 A92019 CHK: 023701 11291 CONNECTION MAGAZINE 000468 106250 10166 495.00 30,768.72 6/29/07 6/29 A92747 CHK: 023818 11413 DALLAS OFFIC GDE52 SUM07 001841 15499Z 340.00 31,108.72 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 1,184.82 CR: 0.00 1,184.82 7-13-2007 11:30 AM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 3 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Jun-2007 THRU Jun-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-58830 POST DATE TRAN # REFERENCE PACKET DESCRIPTION=====_= VEND INV/JE # NOTE AMOUNT-- ====BALANCE==== 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BEGINNING BALANCE 33,967.77 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS BEGINNING BALANCE 3,534.05 6/14/07 6/14 A91283 CHK: 023471 11127 OFFICE PHONE BILL 000190 972-442-7901 135.88 3,669.93 6/18/07 6/18 C10834 RCPT 00290775 04728 CELL PHONE REINBURSEMENT 59.7OCR 3,610.23 6/19/07 6/19 A91536 CHK: 023500 11199 CELL PHONE BILL 000298 000199891 5/25 278.40 3,888.63 6/20/07 6/20 A91861 CHK: 023567 11256 INTERNET SERVICE 002052 0190169 JUNE17 95.00 3,983.63 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 509.28 CR: 59.70CR 449.58 5611-56180 RENTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 12,036.93 6/06/07 6/06 A90163 CHK: 023287 10916 COPIER RENTAL 002075 6745180659 05/13 319.34 12,356.27 6/19/07 6/19 A91663 CHK: 023519 11215 B & W COPIES 002051 103900 MAY12-JU12 25.85 12,382.12 6/19/07 6/19 A91664 CHK: 023519 11215 COLOR COPIES 002051 103901 MAY12-JU12 339.04 12,721.16 6/20/07 6/20 A91866 CHK: 023561 11257 061907 JULY07 RENT 002050 061907 JULY07 900.00 13,621.16 6/28/07 6/28 A92707 CHK: 023815 11400 COPIER LEASE JUNE 13 002075 6745216819 JUNE13 319.34 13,940.50 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 1,903.57 CR: 0.00 1,903.57 5611-56210 TRAVEL AND TRAINING BEGINNING BALANCE 7,563.73 6/08/07 6/08 A90655 CHK: 023376 10999 ICSC MEAL REIMBURS 1 053007 REIMBURS 13.29 7,577.02 6/08/07 6/08 A90655 CHK: 023376 10999 ICSC MONORAIL REIMBURS 1 053007 REIMBURS 9.00 7,586.02 6/08/07 6/08 A90655 CHK: 023376 10999 ICSC TAXI REIMBURS 1 053007 REIMBURS 15.00 7,601.02 6/08/07 6/08 A90655 CHK: 023376 10999 ICSC TAXI REIMBURS 1 053007 REIMBURS 15.00 7,616.02 6/15/07 6/15 A91342 CHK: 023474 11144 060807 MILEAGE 05/01-05/ 001899 060807 MILEAGE 64.89 7,680.91 6/15/07 6/15 A91343 CHK: 023475 11144 POB 1 060807 SPONSOR 1,500.00 9,180.91 6/18/07 6/18 C10834 RCPT 00290777 04728 REIMBURSEMENT/SATTERWHITE 623.83CR 8,557.08 6/20/07 6/20 A91782 CHK: 023539 11252 AMEX CHGS MAY07 000035 87002 MAY07 5,894.77 14,451.85 6/22/07 6/22 A92109 CHK: 023711 11293 052407 TAXI REIMBURS 5/1 000317 052407 TRAVEL 181.00 14,632.85 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 7,692.95 CR: 623.83CR 7,069.12 5611-56220 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 7-13-2007 11:30 AM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 4 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Jun-2007 THRU Jun-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-58830 POST DATE TRAN # REFERENCE PACKET DESCRIPTION VEND INV/JE # NOTE AMOUNT==== ====BALANCE==== 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS BEGINNING BALANCE 3,587.95 6/20/07 6/20 A91730 CHK: 023536 11239 WOODBRIDGE GOLF CLUB 000832 1009 060807 3,179.00 6,766.95 6/20/07 6/20 A91782 CHK: 023539 11252 AMEX CHGS MAY07 000035 87002 MAY07 250.00 7,016.95 6/26/07 6/26 A92171 CHK: 023725 11336 41065 ANN MEMBER RENEWAL 000362 41065 350.00 7,366.95 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 3,779.00 CR: 0.00 3,779.00 5611-56310 INSURANCE BEGINNING BALAN C E 303.00 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEGAL SERVICES BEGINNING BALANCE 6,004.75 6/14/07 6/14 A91282 CHK: 023460 11127 PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT 000023 1 2793-0028M 390.00 6,394.75 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 390.00 CR: 0.00 390.00 5611-56570 ENGINEERING - ARCHITECT SVCS BEGINNING BALANCE 44,403.73 6/08/07 6/08 A90636 CHK: 023368 10997 A0619E MARTINEZ LANE 000196 A0619E 7,377.83 51,781.56 6/12/07 6/12 A90889 CHK: 023407 11043 M-TEX 000196 0551E 288.00 52,069.56 6/12/07 6/12 A90889 CHK: 023407 11043 FONG KAI 000196 0551F 258.00 52,327.56 6/22/07 6/22 A92025 CHK: 023698 11291 ENGINEERING SERVICES 000968 484556 1,103.50 53,431.06 6/26/07 6/26 A92266 CHK: 023737 11344 SURVEY FEE 001732 20913 1,850.00 55,281.06 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 10,877.33 CR: 0.00 10,877.33 5611-56610 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC BEGINNING BALAN C E 2,408.41 6/19/07 6/19 A91552 CHK: 023506 11199 WATER 002091 124-0020-00 APR07 8.87 2,417.28 6/19/07 6/19 A91553 CHK: 023506 11199 ELECTRIC 002091 301-1907-98-4 MAY 281.41 2,698.69 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 290.28 CR: 0.00 290.28 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE BEGINNING BALANCE 164,263.05 6/20/07 6/20 A91863 CHK: 023562 11257 PAY #40 JULY07 000891 PAY #40 JULY07 5,741.48 170,004.53 6/20/07 6/20 A91864 CHK: 023563 11257 104015301 #20 001792 104015301 #20 10,857.55 180,862.08 6/20/07 6/20 A91865 CHK: 023564 11257 PAY #11 JUNE07 002048 PAY #11 JUNE07 3,774.70 184,636.78 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 20,373.73 CR: 0.00 20,373.73 7-13-2007 11:30 AM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 5 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Jun-2007 THRU Jun-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-58830 POST DATE TRAN # REFERENCE PACKET DESCRIPTION VEND INV/JE # NOTE AMOUNT==== ====BALANCE==== 5611-58110 LAND BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES BEGINNING BALANCE 25,000.00 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS BEGINNING BALANCE 198,686.32 6/08/07 6/08 A90637 CHK: 023369 10997 PAY REQ 3 052507 002133 PAY REQ 3 188,707.84 387,394.16 JUNE ACTIVITY DB: 188,707.84 CR: 0.00 188,707.84 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES BEGINNING BALAN C E 5,152.81 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 000 ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** REPORT TOTALS ** --- DEBITS --- --- CREDITS --- BEGINNING BALANCES: 760,036.84 0.00 REPORTED ACTIVITY: 246,840.98 699.28CR ENDING BALANCES: 1,006,877.82 699.28CR Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub ledger June 30, 2007 Notes Payable Payment Principal Interest Principal Balance May 31, 2007 $1,171,244.75 June Inwood(#20 of 120) $10,857.55 $7,319.77 $3,537.78 $731,976.60 Birmingham(#40 of so) 5,741.48 5,081.33 660.15 108,087.11 Hughes(#11 of 120) 3,774.70 2,180.80 1,593.90 316,599.15 City of Wylie 155,000.00 June 30, 2007 $1,311,662.86 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Subledger June 30, 2007 Inventory-Land Address Acreage Improvements (sq. ft.) Cost Basis McMasters 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a 202,045.00 Martinez Martinez Lane 25.00 n/a 639,000.00 JTM Sale -2.00 -51,032.00 Hughes 211 -212 Industrial 0.74 10,000 420,361.00 R.O.W. 0.18 41,585.00 Ferrell 2806 F.M. 544 1.09 n/a 239,372.00 Sale of R.O.W. -0.09 -20,094.00 Heath 706 Cooper 0.46 3,625 186,934.00 Perry 707 Cooper 0.491 n/a 200,224.00 Total 26.35 1,858,395.00 *A Journal entry was made by auditors to adjust the cost of the Hughes land by$4,638.79. This amount was for taxes owed and therefore not part of the land value. WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2007 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 2005 2006 2007 06 VS 07 06 VS 07 DECEMBER $58,817 $74,957 $82,910 $7,953 10.61% JANUARY 58,034 74,764 86,614 11,849 15.85% FEBRUARY 96,492 110,794 121,615 10,820 9.77% MARCH 55,710 88,544 83,172 -5,372 -6.07% APRIL 58,530 67,714 81,377 13,663 20.18% MAY 92,311 113,042 124,616 11,575 10.24% JUNE 69,185 86,454 86,779 325 0.38% J U LY 69,448 89,148 AUGUST 98,067 122,188 SEPTEMBER 70,260 69,876 OCTOBER 53,819 78,861 NOVEMBER 104,937 122,383 Sub-Total $885,609 $1,098,726 $667,083 $50,813 8.25% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $885,609 $1,098,726 $667,083 $50,813 8.25% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS $140,000 $120,000 =Er Nur . „,„ 100,000 ,,, ,,, 1 _ ,,.•• merf $80,000 w":,i rtz,1 11i11I IIMiI2o6.,4" PIidI 1 •lrdl " iM 60 000 ru iii :$ ki { 1 ■ , , , ' 2007 $40000 111111, .1 1 &< . $20,000 :i ,-1 vi ':1 vi 'I LI I it Eiriri '! ti II fft:i ti ii: 1,1 ii ,,i li il ii IF ' 1,1 ::1 1 1 A t ,*, ,,,, acoma . Q at o w a, ii ° 'o 0 in Z ti Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 07/10/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider, and act upon, a chain link fence in lieu of masonry fencing for the TXU - Lavon Switching Station located at the NWC of Eubanks and Brown St. Recommendation Staff is requesting direction from Council. Discussion At its March 28, 2006 meeting Council approved Zoning Case 2006-19 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development for mixed uses to allow for Commercial and Industrial uses for the Lavon — TXU Switching Station. The applicant presented the plans reflecting a chain link fence at the southwestern portion of the property, separating the switching station from the parkland along Rush Creek. It was Council's direction to have an 8' masonry wall along Brown Street and adjacent to the park. Council further allowed the applicant to return to Council with an alternative other than masonry only if areas were not found to be engineering sound. The applicant is requesting that the western wall be constructed of chain link fencing in lieu of masonry. The applicant is suggesting that the use of masonry would prohibit any effort to maintain the existing vegetation and tree canopy. The applicant further states that the chain link fence will not diminish the parkland or reduce any safety concerns. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 7/10/07 City Manager �VV' ei(I (I u7 Page 1 of 1 masferp an Renae 011ie Director of Planning City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 22 June 2007 Dear Ms.011ie: Please find enclosed a development plan and concept plan that we propose be used to amend Ordinance No.2006-19 that created Planned Development District No: 2006-01. We would like an opportunity to have the western wall be made of chain link. The previously mentioned engineering and the desire to maintain the existing vegetation and tree canopy preclude the use of the masonry product. The chain link fence will not diminish the parkland(that was gifted to the city by my client)or reduce any safety concerns. Hopefully this item can be placed on the earliest agenda possible,so that we can make a case before council and seek the relief that they had mentioned in a previous hearing. Please let me know if you have any questions. atlas Cothrum, h.D14 (,( MASTERPLAN �E IE(cEOV ) Founders Square -�- JUN 2 9 2007 900 Jackson St.,Suite 640 Dallas,Texas 75202 �Y Phone: (214)761-9197 Fax: (214)748-7114 Web: masterplanconsultants.com Development and Zoning Consultants lik m m W :71::, 4 .04 I,♦ 4,4 ;0101111r 4 41101r I'? V-4 \ a lk \ % <.I 0,:' .4S43' 1 \ :**4.- A‘. 401;rti‘t , ---,:r4i4,4.,v, i .\,,'.t-,4*.4-u.- • 4,„,,,,, t - •4'4, '-v is's, •> _ ‘ \ A \..,es: ,„,i.%... .,-,:: --,4* Iv, I \ — . . ♦'�' TXU ELECTRIC COMPANY �, J \ 1'� • �0•• VOL.4659.PG.633 .\. x�7n.= I�Ii• �. .Z J 111`•� �• DAC.C.T. x x x 1, x."x x �.;•0+ J 4`.: `1. .`�I,*•,/. •:.•:♦�\• TRACT 2 x • ,1\ x x I.i''1 PROPOSED ..o%4. �Nt:. ;i`:. INDUSTRIAL ZONING \ x x , + • • x . . 8'Amory Wall lk IOC MN \xx x „ • x .}l �x . . . x . . = . . = . x . + . ZONING EXHIBITLU . \zz . + • x ., x . !:" 1xx_`. x - 6 x =^; x x . . N x , . , _ , . x . + x . x„ x®. . 1 . z, , TXU ELECTRIC DELIV . x . .‘‘x x . . _ . . . . . . . . . "�r"x • . . x x xx , + . _ . I . . . x . . . LAVONSUBSTATX "R n««.«�,wp. 4 t x x x x\/\ x x x I14N.TOY.So€ 3 Y. VIA x x . x x . . x x . x pyg ,' 81YLIL TEXAS w°.aim n uo-rrr ROO PRO n® • _ • •1,¢ • • ' PREPARED MM.OR v MOM:On ROM=a.r..em. . x , . . . . . . . • . . x . . x , + x . g4z zz . #. LOPEZGARCIA z . . , A. x z + , z z z , + x z . z x . . . . . , z g . z x R/Ax 1825 MARKET CENTER E x = • . _ _ . x • _ . . x x x , , z • _ . _ _ :�F�•W. !�/ L-71 DALLAS.TX . ,lI.I 121i)TiI-T 12N)T41-941_ x x x x xlx x . . . . • _ = y Y x % x • x x , x , x x x x x � 'E. x A x SCUT BROWN ROAD 3R""I ay Tl T ED tl Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 Item Number: 2 Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: 07/16/07 Budgeted Amount: $ 990,000 Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider, and act upon, award of a contract, in the amount of$848,504.48, to Morrow Construction Company for the construction of the McCreary Road Water Distribution Line. Recommendation Motion to award a contract, in the amount of $848,504.48, to Morrow Construction Company for the construction of the McCreary Road Water Distribution Line. Discussion The City of Wylie Water Distribution System 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan identifies the projects necessary to be completed over the next five years to support the projected growth of the City. The McCreary Road water distribution line is necessary to meet the peak demands around Southfork Mobile Home Park in the upper service area. The project includes approximately 2,300 linear feet of 20-inch water line, 5,000 linear feet of 16-inch water line, and related valves and appurtenances. One alternate was bid for the project which includes furnishing and installing a new meter, vault, and back flow device at the service point to Southfork MHP. On July 6, 2007 staff opened twelve bids for the project with the low bid being submitted by Morrow Construction Company in the amount of $848,504.48. Morrow Construction has satisfactorily completed paving and utility projects for the City in the past and nothing would indicate that they are incapable of completing the work. In February, Council authorized the issuance of Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $7,750,000 to complete the 5-year CIP projects. The projects are also included in the most recent update to the water impact fees. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 7/16/07 City Manager lr1 1 /LS IC1 Page 1 of 1 . ' . , _ ... .-. .. . .... ..,.., .._.., . .. . i CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , . CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR - _-�. McCREARY ROAD DISTRIBUTION LINE C WATER PROJECT z �` LOCATION I— '' W SOUTH OF SOUTH_ FORK MOBILE HOME PARK TO `A , ! THE WEST SIDE OF CRE ...,_______.:;_:.,., . 1::.,,i,rj,•,,Liri„,.,. .,,,.:_„•,,,-,..,..1.1r„,,,7.-ii-,...;_i:i,,,.!::::,,.:.,,„.,....,,,,,,..-;.,,,,,:..,,..,-..-.::iiiek,,...,4:,..,....,,,.,,,ii,:-,i, ..,,,,:i,......,...... . ...,...,,,,,,,.,,,, _,....,:., EKSI-DE ESTATES PHASE 4 - • _ = CITY :COUNCIL • _ JOHN.MONDY.-;MAYOR 5 a .:: , s`' ys. .':m - use E M.G. "RED.",:BYBOTH, MAYOR PRO-TEMP` KATHY SPILLYARDS SHEET INDEX CARTER PORTER SHEET DESCRIPTION DA•VID LOSS' CITY OF � EYOUNG •2 #NERAC NOTESTo, _ RICK WHITE 4 PRoALE STa'41oO TOSTA. 9+00 5 PLAN-PROEM E STA 9,+00 TO'S1A 1#+00 Y _ -� 6 -PLAN-PROFlIE STa 13+00 TO STa,19f00: 7 PLAN-PROFILE STA. 19+00 TO.STA:24+00. ' 8 - PUN-PROFILE STA.`24+00 TO'STa 29+00 CITY. ENGINEER 9 PLAN-PROFILE STA.29+0O TO STa 34+00< CHRIS HOLSTED, P.E. 0 PLAN-PROFUf STA 34+00 TO sta.39+O0 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS 8C CON CONWAYWAY, LLP. 11 'PLAN-PROfILE STA 39+00'T•STA 44+OQ: CONSULTING ENGINEERS - - 12 , :PLAN-PROFILE.STA 44+00 TO'STk 49+`50` '13. P1AN'.PROFtE .49+00 TO S•TA,53+50' DUNE, 2007, • 14 PIJN-PROFU STa 53+50 T0,$TA 58+00' DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES t PLAw-pRoFnE sTA.se+o To sTa s3+aa I PLAN-PROFILE STA 63+0o r0 STa se+oo_. MIKE SFERRA 17 PLAN-PROFILE STA. 68+00.TO STA 73+00 sE:DOCUMENTS FOR. I ' 18 PIAN-PROFILE STA. 73+00 TO STA 76+00 BIDDING.. cft EV rrou. f. * fq. 19 PLAN-PROFlIE STA 78+00 TOT. O STA 78+29:70 t+-0 ❑�� `�'° 20 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS OAT: 7 �....`" � 1 ^g - PAVING NOTES STORM CFWFR WATER ? 1. CONCRETE FOR ALL STREETS SHALL BE N ACCORDANCE WITH NCTCOG CLASS'S- 1. THE FLOOR OF THE EXCAVATION FOR BEET BOX MUST PROVIDE A FIRM.LEVEL BED FOR 1. ALL WATER UNE CROSSINGS OF SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE AS SHE MIN IN THE CONCRETE(3.600 PS.I.COMPRESSIVE 0 28 DAYS). THE BASE SECTION TO REST UPON. PUNS AND MEET TNRCC REQUIREMENTS. M 2. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE DEFORMS BARS NO.3 ON 1I INCH CENTERS OR NO.4 2 A MN MUM OF 8 INCHES OF 1'CA/METER(MAXIMUM)ROCK OR GRAVEL SHALL BE USED TO 2. APES 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND SMALLER SHALL BE POLYVINYL COLOR IDE(P.V.C.) BARS ON 24 RCM CENTERS.REINFORCING SHALL BE IN BOTH DIRECTIONS ON CENTER PREPARE THE BEDDING TO FINAL GRADE OR N LIEU OF THIS,AT LEAST 8 INCHES OF 2- MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF AWWA C900 DR/6 OR DUCTILE IRON PIPE(DIP) REINFORCINGIN STEEL SHALL RE ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM 615,616 AND 517. SACK CEMENT STABL12ED SAID SHALL BE USED TO PREPARE THE BEDDING TO GRADE. MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF AWWA C 151 CUSS 50 PIPE.ALL D.I P.SHALL BE 6 CEMENT STABILIZEDJSAND SHALL BE ALLOWED TO SET BY KEEPING HOLE PUMPED DRY. WRAPPED WITH A POLYETHYLENE LIVER. 3. ALL RERFORCNG STEEL SHALL BE TED(100%).REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE SET ON 3. FOR PIPES LARGER THAN 12 INCHES IN DAME7ER,THE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED PLASTIC CHP.RS.BAR LAPS BE NNMUM 30 DIAMETERS. 3. AFTER PIPE HAS BEEN LAID ON PROPER BEDD(NG,DBACKFLLWGTO95%ST TO COMMENCE WITH e' CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE WAWA C301 OR AW WA C303),DUCTILE IRON PIPE(AW WA C1S1 [ MAXIMUM LOOSE LITS MECHANICALLY COMPACTED 95%STANDARD PROCTOR UNDER 4. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE LOCATED AT ALL INTERSECTIONS.ALLEYS SHALL HAVE A ROADWAY o R 17 MAXIMUM LOOSE LFT BEHIND CURB.MAXIMUM SIZE ROCK N BACKFILL CLASS 50)OR POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE UP TO 18 INCHES MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM OF TWO EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 4 INCHES INDIAM ID ETER. OF AWWA SS-235 PS.I.RATED PIPE. I y 5. SAWED TRANSVERSE DUMMY JOINTS SHALL BE SPACED EVERY 15'OR 1.25 TIMES 4. PRECAST INLETS MUST BE APPROVED BY TIE CRy. 4. ALL VALVES ON PPER 12 INCHES AND SMALLER SHALL BE RESILIENT SEALED WEDGE C. VALVES(AWWA C509). LONGITUDINAL12HAFTER THE P SPRING DING E IS LESS.SAWINOTHERWISE HE LL OCCUR WITHIN 3 TO 12 HOURS AFTER THE POUR N JOINT SEALING.STRU OTERWISE THE SECTION SHALL BE S CONCRETE TO BE MINIMUM 4,200 P.S.I. 5. ALL VALVES ON PIPES LARGER THAN 12 INCHES BUT SMALLER THAN 30!ACHES SHALL BE REMOVED AND LONGITUDINAL BUTT JOINT CONSTRUCTED. BUTTERFLY VALVES(NO MA C501)OR WEDGE VALVES(AW WA GSOB). 8. LOCKING DEVICE IS REQUIRED ON ALL STORM SEWER LIES. 6. SUBGRADE UNDER PAVEMENTS SHALL BE A MNMUM OF 7 INCHES OF LIME TREATED S 0. ALL VALVES ON PIPES 30 INCHES AND LARGER SHALL BE BUTTERFLY VALVES(AN NA CSDI). AGRADE.ONLY HYDRATED LIME SHALL BE UTILIZED.OPTIMUM USE SHALL BE APPLIED. 7. O DUUPNG WARNING PLAQUE TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL STANDARD AND RECESSED OPTIMUM LIME CONTENT SHALL BE DETERMINED DURING THE EXCAVATION BY THE USE OF INLETS. 7. EMBEDMENT SHALL BE AS SNi01M1 IN THE PLANS.BAL'KfILL WITHIN THE LMIT9 OF A LIME SERES TEST.LIME SERIES TEST SHALL BE TAKEN ALONG THE EXCAVATION AT ALL EXISTING AND HALL BE AS SHALL S. ACKFILL TO95% LBITSPROCTOR. V CHANGES IN SOL AND A MNMUM OF 300 FEET.USE SERIES SHALL BE COMPLETED BY AN 8. CONCRETE CAST-IAPLACE ILETS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF EXI TINE PAVEMENT(EXISTING PAVEMENT PROPOSED)LL COMP BE CD TO 95%STANDARD MINMUM OF OR. INDEPENDENT LABORATORY APPROVED BY THE CITY. 4,200 P.S.L Q 28 DAYS' STANDARD PROCTOR.ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE BY MECHANICAL METHODS. 7. LIME TREATED SUBGRAOE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A DENSITY OF NOT LESS THAN 95 9. STORM DRAINTLE SHALL BE PLACED IN THE CENTER OF THE INLET,2 INCHES FROM THE 8. WATER LINES SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCTCOG ITEM 8.7.3. PERCENT OF THE MAXIWN DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTM D 698..MOSTURE CONTENT EDGE OF OPENING AS SHOWN IN THE DRAWING.USE PL-2W CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE SHALL BE WITHIN-2 TO M OF OPTIMUM.DENSITY TEST RESULTS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY FOR APPLICATION.TN pc rAN RP nRnERcn cnnM CENTERLIE SUPPLY,NC.,425 JESSE 9. ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL BENDS SHALL BE BLOCKED. AN NDEPENDENTLABORATORY APPROVED BY THE CITY.ALL RESULTS SHALL BE STREET,GRAND PRAIRIE TEXAS 75061-1141.1.800-321-1731,METRO:2146474303.FAX I _ PROVIDED TO THECRY. 214641-t11t' FITTINGS10.ALL SHALL INCLUDE MEGALUG CONNECTORS. 8. LIME TRIMMINGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR ANY USE. 10.EXISTING STORM SEWER PIPE AND/CR LATERALS SHALL RE LOCATED PRIOR TO SETTING 11 NO WET BORES WIT BE ALLOWED. OF CONSTRUCTING FEET BOXES.IF ADJUSTMENT IN GRADE OF LATERAL IS REQUIRED.A 9, ALL FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED BY MECHANICAL METHODS.MAXIMUM LOOSE LET FOR REVISED DESIGN BY TIE ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR 12 ,AAA LINE VALVE REQUIRED AT ALL FIRE HYDRANTS. I COMPACTION SHALL BE 8 RICHES.ALL LIFTS SHALL RE TESTED FOR DENSITY BY AN APPROVAL INDEPENDENT LABORATORY APPROVED BY THE CITY.DENSITY REOUREMENT SHALL BE 11.REINFORCED CONCRETE PPE CI ACC III IS APPROVED WITHIN THE . 13.NO 1P WATER LINE WILL BE ALLOWED. AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS FOR THE TYPE OF MATERIAL CALLED FOR IN THE PUNS. SIN I. 10.ALL DISTURBED AREAS OF ROADWAY WORK SHALL HAVE GRASS ESTABLISHED 12.ALL COMPlETED SANITARY SEWERS UNDER 48 INDIES SHELL BE INSPECTED USEIGA SCREENING WALLS MMFOIATELY.GRASS SHALL MEET TIE REOUREMENTB OF REIN 3.8,3.9,3.108 3.11 OF TELEVISION CAMERA IN ORDER TO EXAMINE IRREGULARITIES AND TO DETERMINE NCTCOG SUITABILfTYFOR SERVICE. 1. CONCRETE-MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3.000 P.S.I.N2 28 DAYS. 11.ALL AREAS TO SE EXCAVATED OR FILLED SHALL HAVE EROSION CONTROL PLACED PRIOR 13.54 AND LARGER SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH HYDRAULIC PUU.ER. 2. REINFORCEMENT-ASTM A-36. I TO COMMENCING EARTHWORK EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHIXIT THE PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCTCOG ITEM 3.12 t4.ALL STORY SEWER SHALL BE COLOR TV INSPECTED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY. 3. MASONRY-COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH SHALL SE PRESCRIBED IN ITEM 23.6 SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 12 ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL INCLUDE BARRER FREE RAMPS AT INTERSECTING STREETS,ALLEYS4. NAND LOAD FOR DESIGN-20 P.S.F. g DRIVEWAYS.ETC.BARRER FREE RAMPS SHALL MEET CURRENT ADA SANITARY SFWFR REQUIREMENTS AND BE APPROVED BY THE TEXAS LICENSING BOARD. c 1. ALL SEWER LINES CROSSING POTABLE WATERLINES SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN THE PLANS 5. PIER BEARING STRESSES-SEE BRICK SCREENING WALL NOTES. iJ.SIDEWALKS SHALL BE DOWELED MO PAVEMENT W4HERE IT ABUTS DRIVE WAYS. AND MEET TNRCC REGUREMENTS. 6. MORTAR-TYRE'S'. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE USED AT THESE LOCATIONS. 2. PPES 8 INCHES THROUGH 15 INCHES SHALL RE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTU D3034 WITH A 7. PROVIDE CONTROL JOINTS AT 50 FEET. 14.NO VEHICLES SHALL BE PERMITTED ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM MINIMUM SDR OF 35 OR ASTM D3350 AND 03454. THE CITY.THE CITY WILL MAKE DETERMINATION ATION BASED ON CONCRETE BREAK REPORT. 8. PROVIDE EXPANSIONJOINTS AT 200 FEET CENTER MAXIMUM ( I 3. PIPES LARGER THAN 12 INCHES THROUGH 48 INCHES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ' 15.CONCRETE MIX DESIGN SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW. ASTM STANDARDS F679,F794,F949 AND 0335W D3454. 9. PROVIDE PIER NTH MIMMUM 9 FOOT WA 24 INCH DIAMETER BELL IN INTO SLUE SHALE. MUY OR OTHER TB.ALL PAVING FOR PARKING SHALL BE MIN.5"TRIG(3,800 P5.1.CONCRETE SUBJECT TO CITY 4. MANHOLES SWILL BE PRECAST.ALL MANHOLES SHALL BE WATER TIGHT.PRECAST ENGINEER APPROVAL HANDLES SHALL HAVE JOINTS SEALED NIGH MATERIAL EXCEPT BLUE SHALE,a Fool.NNAKIM Nina FOOT MINIMUM RAMNEK.ALL RING AND SHALL 10.ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 2 RUBBED FINISHED SURFACE. IINCLUDE AN INTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL. 11.SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO WALLS MUST BE 5 FOOT MINIMUM WIDTH FROM ALL PORTIONS : ITLINED CHANNELS 3. ALL PPE OPENINGS N MANHOLES SHALL INCLUDE COUPLINGS W TH'G RING RUBBER OF THE WALL(INCLUDING PIASTERS.COLUMNS,ETC.). a- GASKETS. 1. CONSTRUCTION JOINT SHOWNIN DETAILS FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY,MONOLITHIC 12.MAXIMUM PILASTER SPACING 40 FEET. U CONSTRUCTION MAY 8EUSED. 6. SHALL BE OUT OF MANHOLES SHALL BE FITTED WITH A STOPPER AND CAP.CONCRETE TS 17 WALLS SHALL NOT BE PLACED N THE VISIBILITY EASEMENT OR STREET RIGHT OF WAY. SHALL BE A MIMMUM OF 5 FEET FROM MANHOLE AND BE SUPPORTED BY A CONCRETE 2 ALL VISIBLE SURFACES SHALL BE A TROWEL FINISH. CRADLE. 14.THE WALL SHALL BE A MIMMUM OF EIGHT FEET IN HEIGHT AS MEASURED FROM THE 3. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BENT DIAMETER AND SPACED 17 CENTER TO CENTER 7. AU.DROP MANHOLES SHALL BE OF TIE EXTERNAL TYPE. NEAREST ALLEY EDGE OR SIDEWALK GRADE WHICHEVER IS DIE HIGHER.THE COLOR OF I BOTH WAYS UNLESS OTIERMSE SPECFED. THE WALL SHALL BE UNITED TO EARTH-TONE COLORS,EXCLUANG GRAY,GREEN AND WHITE.THE COLOR OF THE WALL SHALL 8E UNIFORM ON EACH SIDE OF A THOROUGHFARE 4. IF WOOD FORMS ARE USED WITH CONSTRUCTION N JOINT,THEY SHALLBE TWO,7x4',AND e. MANHOLES SHALL BE VENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TNRCC REQUIREMENTS. FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH BETWEEN INTERSECTING THOROI IS IFARES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTL CONCRETE ON SLOPES IS READY TO BE PLACE 9. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE TESTED(NCTCOG ITEM 6 7.2)AFTER CONSTRUCTION. APPROVED BY THE CITY'S PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT.THE FINISH OF'THE WALL SHALL TESTING SHALL INCLUDE PRESSURE TESTING,MANDREL TEST(TNRCC REQUIRED)AND BE CONSISTENT ON ALL SURFACES. f 5. ALL CONCRETE IN LINED OININ0.SHALL BE NCTCOG CLASS*A'(MINIMUM 3,0(10 P.S.I.) COLOR TV INSPECTION.COLOR TV INSPECTION SHALL BE COMPLETED IN PRESENCE(IF 13.IF WROUGHT IRON FENCING IS TO BE UTILITIES ON REW IRED SCREENING,ALL NRTOUGIIT CONCRETE CITY REPRESENTATIVE AND THE ORIGIN-VH5 FORMATTED TAPE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE IRON MUST BE SOLID STOCK NO TUBULAR STEEL W1 LL RE ALLOWED. CITY AT THE COMPLETION OF THE INSPECTION. • 6. FLAT BOTTOM TO BE CONSTRUCTED WHEN CHANNEL WIDTH IS LESS THAN 12 FOOT. I 10.MANHOLES SHALL BE VACUUM TESTED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE. AA I 4r.1110. Ay, I OUR 7. Y.'CHAMFER ON ALL CONCRETE CORNERS. 11.NO END-OF-LINE WILL BE ALLOWED.TERMINATE SEWER LINESWITH A CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS __ MANHOLE. g ILLUMINATION STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS I. STREET LIGHT FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TXU ELECTRIC DETAIL AND NOTES FOR 25'OR 30'MOUNTING HEIGHT ROUND STEEL POLE. DETAILS 2. PROVIDE SQUARE CONCRETE MOW STRIP 18'FROM OUTSIDE OF POLE TO CORNER USING SPECIAL DETALS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THESE STANDARD DETAILS TO BE UTILIZED ON ANY GENERAL NOTES 3,000 P.S.I.CONCRETE WITH 13 BARS 90 18'AND IS.EXPANSION JOINT. GIVEN PROJECT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL FOR USE. Rxc EX DATE: JUNE.2007 2 1 .. CITY OF MURPHY SGQMIL.a ...._ • I. ? cm ES Y.M.•Q' }�r[/I E' IR Y § 9RnIaEL CONTROL rt.>• a ,n. PROPOSED �J/1 d M S 1/2.OIIE PRO O.]E/20' P1 rrA orAa91 EXIST.core.PN/T. WATER[.N E m N 70616061647 E oToo9T5T n f 2512316.0911 EL 7 f ' ®O �•—.= F1.19VSN1757 TAUN. �� fy — i� a; [ _ Y ARM 1-�' \ kv f OM (CRY LIMIT) V t•Ovc �a .— - R ax N Os. / McCREARY ROAD O n~ (_1 IrjGtl 1rW y 9 W� e� \l a —� N STA 0.05 7V STA.0.37 f -- �� ��e:— �� b Z I 31 1.r 20"RN7f1 LNE w/ REMOVE a REPLACE V— JO"aK STEEL ENCASE. I N EYST CREPE worn" EXIST.CONC.POINT. ROAM t REPLACE n-J 1 PIPE(J/6'®) : ExST CREPE*RARE iv-4+� a QL t�1 crNL �` V S �mt {� u U RTPMOTIM M C' RLPMOIw CL ILIPWYN LT.RIOTMN Ct W R.T.wWRM O/F TEN 516.ANS-W OT x L, x , 1�S LY ^ GI e R.T Q SGYpRf CUT N TOP d cEMER OT I DEe AM h i -- L l C�c—•r—, CD HEHIWA C REST SCE a-McCNEwr R.TSPO'IWA TIP NDP SSCREENINGAWL LPt.T.PFOTRR 0 RO D MORN orCElEA9DE ESTATES 2 N ERRE AT OVERLNE SEA AAr 16 `[ yp,STOP P' z T ALIERNNTC 612' TURNSA1 t INSTALL NOTFc. Z NT V.5607.J1B9,£155P7139656 6"PRZ t MEIER NLA7 I.CONTRACTOR SIMLL ENDEAVOR 10 PROTECT ALL EXITING TREES NO OTHER TO TRAFFIC CONTROL 9M BE N IN CLUOED THE LUMP 9 BA E'EN FORSTA 0.00 I (SEE SPT IV MPRONNENTS FROM DAHAGE DUE TO CONSTRUCIRXI ACIM11E5 MO SHALL TRAFFIC CONTROL. WYUE LSD N 7061604.0747 •- CONVECT IV MST.W.L. RESTORE THE WORN 10 EQUAL OR BETTER=NON THAN O1.5510 T.COMPACTOR SMALL LERT TRENCH RCIIH 70 R FT.FROM STA.wAD TO STA. o. -5Sz3S4 Gins p AEUS CONSTRUCROT:AC 1S HOE BEEN COMPLETED. AU.COSTS Ysi80. PAYMENT FOR RA�EAi1NT RENON/AHD REPLACEMENT SHALL DE VOL A853, PG. 254 O q 1 RELATED TO RESTORIRO TIC EXISTING TREES,IRRIGATION SYSTEMS,GRASS UNITED TO AREAS SHORN O THE PINS THERE SHILL H FA SEPARATE D A N d fTABdSN t INSTALL M.SPARKS SURVEY AND OTTER MELON AND PARKIINY IMPROVEMENTS STALL BE NCLIFDED N PAYMENT TTO REMOVAL NA REPLACEMENT OF PAWLENT DAMAGED BY j 1-1T"A.iz"DROP.WI'N TEE I SOUTH FORK MOBILE THE LIMP SARI BID RDA FOR MOM RESTORATION. CONSTRUCTION AGINOES DUTSEIE THE UNTS SHOWN ON THE flAS. THE VDIMPRL A85T. N0.849 1-1z"RESE CCE T IC IPE/f ovArrzT 037. 7 REDUCER HOME PARK 1 CONTRACTOR SIQIL GICMDE ADEOwJE TRAFFIC T CONTROL THAN oEs A SUCH OWNER SOLO STRBE R PLACEER WA AGE CONDUCTOR 00 ALL CAM BE M FES LYVAIECT TO 10- 1z"LA VOL. ITCH PG. Rot OF TRAFFGE MA M1AGIIEN MIO 9BE NOT DCLOSEIN MORE TNMI OIE LANE REPINED ORLE MUST M REPLACED AND THE SUCH WORK. STALL BE SOWN WON PROP.20"MNIfR LAIC JNO MITCNELL SURVEY OF TRAFFIC. ALL SIONAM SINLL M PRONGED N ACCORDNICE ERN THE ROTOR IT E FOR All COSTS NOTES O TO SUCH WORK. ..,___^.v....��. I ABST. N0. 589 MOST REMO VER90N Or THE FETUS NANIAI OF TRAFFIC CONTROL A REFER TO GENERAL PROJECT O SHEET 2 FOR IDOIRONLL MACES. CONTRACTOR SHALL PRONM A TPMTIC CONTROL RAH PRIOR TO REOMREMENTS. r" `r�.' s... BECOMING CONSTRMTION AND SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY AT'EAST 2 MORKNG yw,,°'""'I,y,µ,`" E CITY OF WYLLE DAYS N ADVANCE OF NN PROPOSED UNE CLOSTIRES. ALL COSTS RELATED r moo....w,.. v... • • `N - , 580 - I 9 576 i '' �Ewsr.crouNo%LNE I I i 76 m w.L ON o.a2s-� • - 572 — • -- — —_ i i I 572 • • J T 66 568zo.wE,ivy-T.6o 1 I 5 Ir j 564 i i • s1.PAfMcaas,acre� I I .TdT1.r, c9Dsogre i '.. I i — ' zo'En w/cuss Rr ; , zo" •wu w/cuss 9r EM9Ex�PEYr er 4 56D 560 . or 7POV CITY .... I • — l D=ER cur I --- T CITY Mo' 31 A/.10"w 7. !w/m•o I I OF WYLIE, TEXAS ^ �� n STEEL ENCASE PIPX We.7.0CA) i I I I McCREAR! ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LWE 6i ho an 6ro1ER 1NNroE GI I I • Is+oo PLAN - PROFILE F j THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR .. STA. 0+00 TO STAR 4+00 2 `�$ E I --�- BIDDNG.µ PURPOSES. j_ BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. . I v e ry h , , : _ittocrsommocunnt CONSULTING ENGINEERS ? I ([- w I I ( Y 4I1'LF V 4 4 I I • • I I -�DATE �aS`/ Ss nnWcr duvx IC .Nun T006-124 R� 6+0o t+00 2+00 '..,,--r„,, PROW'r1O..O.. RJL PuL AFT.2007 3 I CITY OF MURPHY I P.O SA 7+at2D2 I a B ( - Du EDMi MILL RIBORu ® •/PAD EN 39I597$ rOMe-nrsYo't r. --_® ]O BDMMMILLqL •/• r/��=.. a •ac wuu w rtISI3Y f Dar1 $ . - v_- `_ rQ-= Yxa /-/0''rime BEAU— •= /a�ua - - -- -�= "-��- _= =_ �, HFDOE ( PI SA 0.21.5/ \` N 70613H-5257 91m E 1S57J/1.D76J CO 20� gm e-lJT7s•2S"RE to UHT Ez6T.CONC.PVYT. R.RAEDV!A1561TL M MF17ER/ _� /-A7•JTIs�"IE+Mo I N ,1.1. N. 1E;E I YN/ w �_ (CRY LIMIT) -��aa Ir Bn a a R¢" 2 r .-O I i `N O ��McCREARY ROAD OR MN - r O - a� FF a+ao�� --���•- D N� _,W B$00 6 7 o SIRwI 1 Y W DI Jnl Mm EAST.CONC.PAR. RE4WE t REPLACE RCAOIE t ROWE 17 gg CU WSW'SAW i f IO COSY CREPE MIME �— M E=.S =ORE EVE N TOP t CARER OF x p S�1 p1 r� g� at-- CI1 cm (� {a a 6 a a a < M010 /N G TBESu HENJW11 NEST SCE OF likERERRY L� d 4s R R R G.;3 ppL C�.�� FF--0-0 RT C'' 1 ! ( Z x ) y ( Z I N X DWI AT INTER LBE SA N+la n uGP � x , '�� VP IrJ' RT.RgTNY1 17FaliIR N 7065A4T.67D�t E 2552725%56 I Z I RT.PMiRM 10 QEY..560.RT f n NOTES. Z `' I.CONTRACTOR SMALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT ILL EXITING TREES NO OTTER TO TRYSC CONTROL SRAl1 BE*ICL10E0 N THE LUMP SUM BID TE4 FOR �- 4EDNV TO EQUALIMPROIEMENTS ORC DAMAIX 0OIURro7ICONSTRUCTION ACTS/DIES AND SKILL I TNW CONSTRUCTION KAAIES 1 CONTRACTOR L UWT TRENCH ROTH TO II FT.FRON STA 0+M TO SG 52ae0.TRAFFIC CONTROL R 2. 4 tl SOUTH FORK MOBILE HOME PARK HAVE BEEN C01PIE1E0. ALL COSTS RELATED TO RESTORING THE EASING TREES, PAYMENT FOR PMEMENT REMOVAL AND R PLACETI IIf SIWL BE UNITED TO WASIRRmoxn VOL 42T3, PC. 2673 080101 OI SYSTEMS.OU65 ARO OT1ER YEOMAN AM1 PARNRR RIP0.0VDIEN6 SNAIL BE SNOMI ON 7NE PLANS. THERE SN1LL RO RO SE►ORATE PAYMENT FOR REYWN ANO SOLE N im JNO MITCHEIL SURVEY INCLUDED N 71E(01N SUM DC ITEM FOR HEWN pLSFORATON. REPLACEMENT OF(1AVEIIENf OAYAGE0 B'F CONSTRUCIAN AL4RIIES OIISOF THE LIMITS MST. N0. 589 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL PRO'AE ADEQUATE Twine CONTROL MF/SURFS SUCH AS SIGIWi0 SIANN ON THE PI/VLS. 1HE OIMIEP SHALL OETERMIIF MENU DANCE OU790E AND FIAfAIOI Nq SNIAIL NMOT CLOSE MDIE TNW ONE IAIE ai TIMfFC. Ni SNNAOE PLAN tDDls OW BE REPANFII oR MNIST BE PFDVCED AND TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL I ,w_H.....*el......v.�.. SILLLL POMADED N A[CORON CE NMI ENE Y051 RECENT VERSION OF THE TEXAS BE SOLELY • AESPON59E FOR ALL COSTS RELATED 10 SUCH I/ORI(. .draw www.A r...win••r:.r ICITY OF WYLIE WNWL a TRAFBC CONTROL OEMCES. CONTRACTOR SIMLL MACE A TRAFFIC CONTROL 4.REFER TO GEN OVAL PROJECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 FOR ADDITIONAL REOUREMENIS.RAN I �M ,�"• "'^ I I I I 1 IMORIQODAYS IN ADVANCE NC PROPOSED ALL COSTS a i •-•..u.. INEGINNIC CONSTRUCTION AND SHILL NORM THE COY LEAST 2 • • I • — i 1 ; • -• — '- - LANE CLOSURES• i - 572 572 : t , Mil 1 I 1 ' _ i_ - I ! L 7-- I I 568 • 1 T I I 564 • • I 564 i ! ( ( I ; —I — �----i I I ! 1 I - { -I - ic, ZO'M,G AV-tee: j -�— I I i 560 560 L I I I I I I i s�n�wt ON a+es g — - -- i-_� - -- - --- -i- - - - j —I I T j I I i i 556 556 I • I ! �-+P -- I sQ7,LF. RIN E D04 ORM A i t , __4___...--- I 1 t Ry C114.21.[+_ I • „e I a � 552 ' 552 I i I i f 9+00 i �— t � I I L. i. J- ; a- L 1 —' . — r -- .. { I i —i jF CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS • I 548 1 ! i I i 1 aR I ' UC REARY ROAD WATER D5TRI6UT1ON LINE 6' I I I - 1 j -I - a4 �-- —J PLAN - PROFILE _ 6+00 • I I I 1 THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR K+ STA 4+00 TO STA 9+00 L.L.P.• • • A g li I j I A I I AND PUMR RPOS ...... BIRKHOFF,CO TRJllnHCG l vcw s i ( // '[FHsCONWAY, WY,taw Rgp I I : I • I ..e/'9'flY7 }'�aIid�'M mru AC )C-C) 20f16-I2{ BI ! 4+00 ! 1 1 5+00 --- I 6+00 ; I 7+00 wt eawA• RE woe ANN 2007 4� gnu+ CITY OF MURPHY 1 is I P.L 5S7A90 1111Irf57.57 6NO( 2 G P.L 62 6..b FRO I I i N menzosl6r RE g I\ E 13s1J1J.7111 ® 4QCORf ME j EIOP•k•, 2 0®3 ow `,, x S� 0 0 /i .N Q-- G 1 a"—� 4`..' Ny j \�R` 1`DOR � ROM Mtn /T • r Ow a � " , _—i fw .. - =- \\ KY �•.. ''� am=._� 0 0 . .e \i1 \\ Ply.STA. 114.I72 — r1. N Max A.S3 11 \\ N/OBIlJ7d7/1 t7 • PROPOSED 117• n Na 11 \\ E ISSIJ2 61116 TOOT.CONE P'IYT. I. G N SAM?U NE E a 11 \\ A IrJ6rr•LE. —�—�� o ij +M asRxx ii �_ r� �robn PC CITY LIRA ��� IMO • S�Lv R•Cr i i R1 w \ q McCREARY ROAD N Pi le•RCP 7T RCP ----__ h V)La , _..--t..B JO'RCP {'OVc 1N Cr _ Wy W •- m 1 lam 7/N0 �6 tI%-c- MO ! 1 i _ t�1si.CREPE s sEA 16r19 TO ,r^E' r1?+an _. .__ ._ 1 C.1 m I 115 1F.AO'WATER LINE MIRE!NEra.Arr N 7D61)IFO.6611 EXbT.CONC.PYYE. NE2KAF t NEPIACE I p= RBI Srb' I/Sera s7m ENCASE LYiDY.E•OAK E IS52QV.661J fYaE.cTFEPf FrrR7ef 10 V HEADWALL NEST IA-CREAK( SQUARE CUE 6Y MP t coinrR OF 3 N APE"(:I, NCO REBUS"t NSEAII CO t- Non NORTH00l o� ETEARS m �.� ��� ®.�1-20'6/TIERI2Y W YE a � —� ` ME NO RATTER/.RE SR HI/6 »F �� n�.� pCM N 706566E61A f ISSFJ1JR656 w a Fs1cN L---aA..:�...A....�.J Q 1 T - ��Y7�'�1 R "Y3e" LTul. .-.. 7 & Rtv.SWAY r 7 Z I RTJMOIOM SCR0IMC • W41 RT./MWM 6TJN6RIM R.rl1WAM RTJRgWM VP W R.TADIM SrgiEL 1r eP Z ..--..-.....mr.-- O I.CONTACTOR SHILL DIMO N 70 PROTECT ALL 1NT1S TREES NO OTHER WORM DAYS M ADVANCE OF ANY PROPOSED LATE CLOSURES.-ALL COSTS RELATED o M 4f M SOUTH FORK MOBILE HOME PARK 4 MPROMEMott5 FROM D ICOMN TO EQUAL OR 1109 WE TO CONSTRICTION ACTPAIE AND SHALL RESNIK THE TO CONTRACTOR NFFIC COMM444.4. SHALL 1E RKOLAED M THE LUMP SW MD REM FOR ti1NFC ' VOL 4213,PG.2873 HNC MED1 COMPLETED. ALL COSTS RELATED CONDITION TO SIONHC THE ORIGINAL AFTER�TIff6. S i FOR REHOVAE A UWE ND REPLACEMENT NCH MOTH TO salt RATED 10 AREAS SHORN OM STA.D.H0 TO STA ON PAYMENT IaRORw SOU M TEST I JNO MITCHELL SURVEY Mi104110N S.YS1E16.CRASS NO OTHER MEEK*AND PARKWAY RW0DTEMS SHALL RE PlI S THERE SHILL RE NO SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR REMOVAL NO REPIACDR D Cf w. w.w� 1. NO. 589 INCLUDED M THE LIMP SIM MO HEM FOR MEDLNT RESTORATION. PMELIDR DAMAGED EN CONSTRUCTION AC7MIE5 OUTSIDE THE WITS SHORN ON THE PLANS. z CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVDE ADEQUATE MOM C3M1R0L MEASURES SUCH AS SFRNGE RE OH11FR SHALL DETERMINEMEMHER 01440E OUTSIDE PUN LAMB CM BE REPNRED OR mem••"w�..s...�...a"�"r,w NO FUN DI NO MILL NOT CLOSE MORE THM ONE LANE OE TRNHSOAVEC. ALL SE MIST ME REPLACED NM THE CONTN1CTCR STOLL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS I CITY OF WYLIE 51NLL BE PRaT000 M ACCORMMCE'NTH THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF NE TEXAS RELATED TO SUCH 110MK. `~w" R'"""" MANUAL OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEMCE. CONTRACTOR SNAIL P0OADE A TRNTC CONTROL A.REFER TO GENERAL PROJECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 TOR MOIROMI.REOUMDENTS. *Mon PLAN PRIOR TOBEGINNING BEGINNING CONSTRUCTOR AND STALL N07FY TIE Cm Al(FAST 2 • j I I I / • An=its IlimMillillA- 1 , I j I 568 I • - 564■ Ille illill ■© 564 560I 1 W °o ® I 1—560 .011 I—I-t— zo'w.c 0v-a ss �j f /� ®/%v/ - i ® io•w.c (w 24as 556 556 I ---. . — I i + j + I r • 552 �- -- --- ■ 01� I I — 552 • I 1 IF)LF.IJMwc�Q(76 1 -I _1r5LrA? et 14 s0• r. „ , — _ ._ 20•w r/CLASS et ,.,., , „ ,.• s ::• ,L.1 t — I -i.. - - —I -_-- - 27 rl W tl,is_ .. 6 -- ---E--- j T IN crimp, �1 t f R 548 548MM. likilli t r fi _ I 1` — • - + j ; CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS t� I 544 T I • w h a i I McCREARY WATER DISTRIBUTION UNE 1 ..._ I --, - r +cYr Y R99V -- r }- 13+00 PLAN — PROFILE I I I „ THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR r.L STA. 9+00 TO STA. 14+00 i. 1 I t; E `, 1 - 1 BODING.CONSTRUCTION. ___ _ �. ..-._� oI • 5 3 I i I •j, - �. I T I rt iRM DERKHO CONSULTINGLENONFfRs CONWAY, & I i �P• Rr �R .o�.rREND Pamir. ma p@ J I I I I N V .Ji 4 4 V I it p1,n• NOOK a." ,.00CC,Dame JRC nmac 2006-124 Rug E 9+00 t9+GOT 11+00 12+00 I 7 .....,00*o... RR AmA A,m,2007 5 t I CITY OF MURPHY I I I WNW I P.O STA 18479.J1 9404= P.O SIX 18+79.90 ALR2 1155 5 I -.P[STA 1++d6.32 SCREENING RILL - _ 0 g TA ` �'. e 6 2651 ` N 7A630+0.%!I LLCM DEC x C 1'OM IP' \� __ d. ,-- • L7A0M9/t N67Af1 W E 155TJ7I.787B raspN Nx xEv F'RA C _ '' R ` W 1-27"JJ'/501D•0.rM7 MASH t INSTALL -�� ��- � �� L �� '�'/ qIR /-11Y 1175'00"BADS -- ��� . px --•--- �- N 8 J []MOLT CoLION o i PRLI°OSED 20' INLETsu /e+ro SM. CO WATER LANE €060 CONC.Pour. I \ ',H nsJ+aD.oz56 �I .I ROOOI£a REPLACCI \� �.� E 15RJ16/867 I N • O N EXIST J-ASA I (CITY LIMIT) T\ 1 6'&BLOW INSTALL assr. C N v ism O x w McCREARY ROAD M e •N A' O J',f 6'OM 0 r7 10 4u, W r� 3- ....... -. l6+��__ �'T-..YIN 7lLLJ// IB+G7 • �� �_L W� "is+aR J_/� mwa2oars rn I .. Z ........ ___-__- EMI REAIOIE t REPLACE E 2557370.6866 �� REMOVE a REFUGE EXISTING SAG7✓ N - STA. 17+10 TD SIA 18+i"J I — Of la J £X5/MC SIGN 83 LF.z0"INiFR(R•f N IXIST.CONC.PORT. -w/JO"OA.STEEL ENCASE. O�A • (J '— !MIS�J/8"7MCKI AN �- O) 18N E _ C=T SUDt3�CUT N Ip^t CENTER Of ONO'7:5-0-----N __a uTN Tx"NCI �j I G OT �M I" RLMO AT M NCAPPILL a t Of 18 KM W INLT. AT O p TO ORNE A7 MDR f.RE STA I4+18 n II I I _ _ _ 0 N XAA596S6169,f 151132I9656 GC Le PL 57A 15+1N.03 I r IKON!MON FTML A? r REV 560..9J N 7063071.06I2 I 2 E 2557J11.7793 A=1/7r u•R7 NOTES; "��� ' I ALMeSN&INSTALLm L.CONTRACTOR SMALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT ALL EXISTING TREES AND OTHER WORKING DAYS N PINNACE OF ND PROPOSED LANE CLOSURES. NJ.COSTS RELATED I MI 10 R I-10"11'1300"8£7Y ISMPROVOR FROM NIS FR DANCE DUE TO CONSTRUCTER ACIM6 ID THE R A MOLL RESTORE TOT TRAFFIC CONTROL SMALL BE NCLUDED N THE LUMP SLAT BID REM FOR WIFE COMM- MEDIAN TO EQUAL OR BETTER CONDMON THAN DRKAOL MIER CONSTRUCTION AERATES S.CONTRACTOR SHALL LIMIT TRIO CH MOTH TO B FT.FROM STA 0+40 TO STA.52+60. PAYMENT H AMA SOUTH FORK MOBILE HOME PARK HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. ILL COSTS RELATED TO RESTORING THE EXISTING TREES. FOR PAVEMENT RFLOVAL AND REPLACEMENT SHALL BE UNITED TO AREAS SHOWN ON THE yr Y D VOL 4213, IRRIGATION SYa1UIS.CRASS AND OTHER HEWN AND PARKWAY YPROVOIDQS SHILL BE DIMS. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR REMOVAL AND PEPLACEMOJT OF M � 4�; PG. 2873 INt2.UCED N THE LOW SIN BID REM FOR MEOW RESTORATION. PAVEMENT WARDED Br CONSTRUCTION ACTMTIES OUTSIDE TIE LRxTS SHOWN ON DC PLANS. I .RHO MRCHELL SURVEY 1 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE TRAFTLC CONTROL MEASURES SUCH AS SC RAGE THE OMER SHALL DETERMINE WHETHER DAMAGE OUTSIDE PLAN UNITS CAN BE REPASEO OR «.. ABST. NO. 589 MO DAMPEN MD SHILL NOT CLOSE.MORE THAN ONE LANE OF TRAFFIC. ALL MIME MUST BE REPLACED MO THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY REM'0NSNLE FOR AL COSTS I .-.I *N�-�n bis SHALL BE TRAFFID N ACCORDANCEC CONTROL SWITH RECENT VERSON TRAFFIC CONTROL l C MOS RELATED TO SUCH PROJECT MOTES ON SHEET 2 TOO NATIONAL REQUIREMENTS. „y,s y„u.... CITY OF WYL/E PUN PRIOR TOBEGINNING cONSTRuciaM AND SHALL NOWT AAT LEAST 2 RETEN TO GENERAL j $ _ y� . I j i I HyHT-._;9i I!!iH �. J-Ir 1 564 564 1ST. L �. I ! b. N 1 j I I j I 1 jA Ealsi.ro•I OF FLINT I - - - - - « 560; — — ' 1 , �j- �. _ j i ' i /I I_ F �/ _ -W 560_ I I j I I I IN_ • *.{v. - �zo'M.E.QY+o - - 0 2 556 556 I I I I -r I 'o.� I I I � 1 , I x v o III • I I I 20'WC.coy 040i I T h _ t • oa -�_ I - • ,I ! Mil 1'4, : "905r. 552 552 ` ) q De1t • f V 1 I j 1 1 ik.�q, _ I _ M I I 1 I I R` ; I 'n -I 8F'A"Ex GUI f I - //I/ 20 ML ISV q•1" 1 I ,1 5 , 548 548 i i 1 I i _.1._ 1 • -I �=— I i I I I I 1 I JFOLFI ARIA C 906 OQ18 1 ,• ; I 1 I i I , 20.HO w/CAASAB+ N7 BY ' _ .. SIEEiC E74CM5E IAI°E J ` #Pf 1 $j .R----�. - ---� i CUr. I 'BY DIAPER N(4V --1ce,, 1 ! n I m ¢v Z.a r j 1 544 j 544 1 I �I _ I i _ 19+Tb _ r—i —+— ! I_ — 1 7 —�.' CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 540 • �� L N` McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE i L°v PLAN - PROFILE n I I I • t• na. • �� I � •5 I I - T005E DOCUMENTS M$E FOR STA. 14+00 TO STA. 19+00 x'• I I i l t. .t*i ^; I ; BIDDING.CONSTRUCTION. s 0� ' BIRKHOFF,HENDRECKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. .4 .� y_ r _ .- _' -t .4.__L. _ � �. - .- - �--_- �- lA CONSULTING ENGINEERS I{ ; 1 ' i I .., • _ 4,.; tir - _- DATE F,-pA �I,v°10 MIONC 006/ RJL o0xn. 200S-24 s¢T PM (k� T4+00.: i 15+00 16+6� 1 17+00 y„w,� 6 k. I .-- .. CITY OF MURPHY I .-..., I : I IST.CHANNEL LCONSIFVC7 TEMPORARY 4'MILAC.PAVEMENT 1 1/2'11WE D(385 ST) -------------------_7-" ---.... , --,,- - 2 1/2"7YPE A(385 ST) mt I 1 __ In . es, CONTROL Pt 32 ••• --•.....—_____ ... i0 • vr Hes -_______ _________ cn '.. i 0 0 II HMUNILD3.6 ..i FO EL SPIV MST.CONC.PVIAT REMOVE&REPLACE tali = oo(T, --____ wo ST REINFORCED .„. DR Igli 8 e —,o ________ - _____• . on+ • lc N .....____—_____ --_______ -- e-CY umrr)- - CM I &a NT, ••• ...i:T..- Ne 23+00 La I , T.:3 Zi CV SIMI 3 5.21 3 x •i 0 0, EXIST.CONC PAR. RE1101£6 RONACE C6 2 MST.CONC.PVNT 235 L.1 FLU DEPTH SAW CUT IDOSTIVG SIGN N TERI 516. SCR 5074WIE CUT Ay MP i CATER OF HEADWALL ii0r SOF OF INCREARY . ..,.... . .......*.a:a a.=.. a,i_ rs or MI UP On) LP VIP ROAD MORN OF CREETSCE Errors • k . rrr. ) ,,,c) cm=:, MAC AT NITER UNE STA 44.7B I 'Z'r.... LT AMIN. \,,,,,,,,,,,,, i R.T.PIANINA R.T.R.DMIN SCREEN/AC SAL RTPHOINNA LP IMP ity.N.D.A 0 i 0 N T0659818189.E 25523229656 ittINOTRIP IT Titer.... R.T.N43144. up OP my... 17.11, LUtE 56093 P I.SEC 19+13.63 fl 2 LEM: 1 I I/70634723906 E 2552122.1002 8-11170:75.CC MARSH a NSTALL - .4 I.CONTRACTOR SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT ALL MING TREES MD OAR ./2 WORKING DAYS DI AVARICE SE AM'PROPOSED LAIC CLOSURES. ALL COSTS RELATED ANN. RESTORETIC 10 TRAFFIC CONTROL SMALL BE REUSED IN TIE LUMP SIN BIO ITEM TOR TRAFFC CONTROL SOUTH FORK MOBILE HOME PARK IMPROVEMENTS FROM DANCE OUE TO CONSTRUCTION oTrorivs moPATTERS . --, 26 .4 M I I-20'11'1500'KM VOL 4213, PG. 2873 JNO 1ARCHELL SURVEY ABST. NO. 589 NMI TO EQUAL OR BETTER CONDITION THAN ORCINIL AFTER CONSTRUCTION ACINTIES 3 CONTRACTOR SHALL LIME TRENCH MOTH TO IS FT FRON STA.6040 TO STA.32.00. P RAVE BEEN COMPLETED.. ALL COSTS RELATED TO RESTORING DIE COSTING TREES. FOR PAVENENT REMOVAL ANO REPLACEMENT SHILL BE UNITED TO AREAS SWIM ON ThE IRRIGATICN .RAD.GRASS AM/ODER MORN MID PARKWAY IIARREAEHENTS SHALL BE RAG. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR RENOAAL MID REPLACEMENT OF RCLUDED M THE LUMP SUIT MD ROA FOR MEDIAN RESTORATION. PAVEMENT DAMAGED HT CONSTRUCTION ACTMIRS OUTSIDE DIE UNITS SHORN ON THE KANS. I SCORE 1TII EGNE.1 MET 111..... ..rn•ern**Ix war*of ekts I CITY OF WYLIE C LuNTANLIUR SHALL PROMISE ADEQUATE TRMTC CONTROL MEASURES SUCH AS=NAGE THE OWNER SHALL DETERMINE SETTER MAME OUTSIDE PIM MITTS CON BE REPAIRED OR NM FUIGICH MID SHALE NOT CLOSE MORE MAN ONE INC OF TRAFFIC. ALL SIGNAGE MUST BE REPLACED MO TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS NAPA I BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MUST RECENT VERSION OF THE TEXAS RELATED TO SUCH KIRK, NARA OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEICES CONTRACTOR MINA PRINCE A TRAFFIC CONTROL 4.REFER TO CETERA.PROJECT NOTES CM SHEET 2 FOR AMMONIA REQUIREMENTS. •Prtern enrikerir a re rt.rare. Rum PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION ANO SHALL Noir(THE all AT LEAST 2 r z 7., , , i 1 1 , 1 , , I 1 T . • 1 , I , 1 ! , . ___ ,- , 1 i , I • - , • 1 • , L 1 1 - ___3. -I ' I ' -i- . ,.----, :— 1 1 1 , 568 568 ,, F I i , , , i , 1 i 1 i ,_,_ I-711 . , , , I 1 , , 1 , ! , , I _L_ 1 1 --- ! 1 -- N I . 11- ,, . , 4 -I--- ' --, , - --T- . , ' .T. I 1 -. 1/EXIST.TOE OF TIVIIT.1 : i I I i- 1 564 : . 1--- 564 _ 1 TROT GROU4 LINE _____ 11 _,___ __— _,1 ' [ , 1 : ' -L --+ ' • .',- - , 111 -444,--------T-- ' " / , , I -!--I 4--- ___. --- —'---,—.I----=•--', -•-•-• --t----T- 1 . I t > • , --.- , 1 r--I— : 4 — 4 — , 1 , 1 . , 556 1 --..... , , : . : 1 i i , i . , i 556 , 1 I I •. _ ; 1 , , .. . , 7-w.i. ON 1.0.701 I ! . ---- , . -7- L . 552 1 . .. __ __ ; . : , 1 I • 1 552 Ik f----- , , 500 L.F'ARM'C 905,DR18 i . 1 . I , 202.14/ciAss go*eNBEDICNT en , , R ' 1 t . 1 - . . , ' I 1 .. 1 , i . • , , • opoil CUT 1 , , . , I ., Z." I ' 548 , ; 548 t , , . i , : i 1 ' . 1 I: I - , ; • , : : , 24+00'. 1 • , , . . . . . • , , . . , , ' 1 : CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ! . . i. . , 544 , ! 1 ' , 1 i McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION UNE , ! , , . 1 , 23-1.0o • PLAN - PROFILE i [ , . : ' t THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR STA. 19+00 TO STA. 24+00 44r.`Yt.' .. .4.A' • MOOING.CONSTRUCTION. y•, ' 1 , .i- . 1 I . ' MR PURP S R,,I., * . BIRKHOIFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. -- CONSULTING EICOMENs ' i I — 19+00 200 . . , I 1 ' 21.030- • , . 22+00 Omm.M.43 1 DAM ci4M11.4.42/OLL7 4.11."....e•)MEC:DIWOLOr JRC M., 2E06-I24 ..,.•340 4,.........s. IAINCC1 Nowa. NIL DAM: June.20D7 ma.. 7 CITY OF AIURPHY I P.R.AA 25.0655 6 '' , AA 16+52 E[ N 7069016S7613 FIA®W'9N A NSW( I F A I - _ E 1531J77879N 1-20 42"AT SS PROPOSED f1A9A6N!MSGtt I-20.46'ECCENnPM RELAXER t WATER LANE PULL APE � \. 1-16"BUTTERFLY VATIC PROPOSED 16" g 16 tr.,:u'IEL.BY MfF cur WATER LANE Y __ IN LF:la"ws.w 'LTN LD WWLT S1EFL EACASEACYT PPE 10 OR I ._-< n w E MAO 00 ��C THICK)BY o7,11E1P THAN .--: , ., •S— O rIoOD IMNIT R11R UI ._,... C ,-Cr 90 BEAD 0 —r u —.u N O - __—r __ter I.— 7-12.GAIf NALAE M+ F MT __rs�— .—ru--- rai '`__�_ 1-HALL'LEE s COI ON •r _ ..�._.. LL CONVECT TO EAST. 11'WC RN I N N If/ '�-- — ! 1 Jl� I W y MRE 10 CITY LIMIT) NiQ _ [AS/wu SALT' J� �-q McCREARY. ROAD W 1BN 576.• N W ..--__ �-��' +OHO N)Z HGOIRIL NE5I STELE INCREAAV --L. A 70 9 —� 1�-^L ROW NORM LY C CEOSQE fYU1E2 I. • ZO01' -- tOb �• /L ®�` 4OI —._�_-- �t� __��U AWE AT NOIR LIE STL 4I+16 • J P7 SLl 1S+S7>D SAL 16+16 F N T1 560267B9.C 1SS7J1J%56 ' EXIST.CONC.PM. EIEX 560.9J 66 LF.10"NOM U E N/ �IMXE k RlPfIL'£ SPEID Q 6 =py I EXIST.CONC.NWT. JO"pt STEEL fnCNSC S/AC S1CN 'FIT M G ��- Y E)N I PPE We NCO ,j W/PAD W/PAINM i TD RI p1 I . % 1 > STOPS WRKQ O fiNA POOL _ v "' E--a � MODEL RNl FFNOE „�� �� ��Z IMIRDNlN O w p--- -� is uc" / n m y SOU Al NO ` SAWING NMl RTPMINM }�% O N NOTES:l. Z 1 i sc. , i.CONTRACTOR SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT ALL EXISTDIG TREES AND OTHER MARKING DAYS IN ADVANCE OF ANT PROPOSES ONE CLOSURES. ALL COSTS l=J. { i IIPN0IEMFXTS FROM DAMAGE DOE TO CONSTRICTOR ACTMIIES ANO SHALL RELATED RESTORE roc MEDIAN TO EOWL OR BETTER CORRIDOR THAN GWGRNAL 41100i 3.TO TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL AC VOLUMED Rl THE LUMP SLIM BO GU FOR Fa I N/7064187.2772 WNSTRIRTON ACMTTIES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. ALL COSTS RELATED TO MAIM CWIROL I SOUTH FORK MOBILE HOME PARK E 155171052" RESTORING THE EDSTPNG TREES.IRRIGATION SYSTEMS,GRASS NO OTHER 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL LIMIT TRENCH MOON TO II TT.MEN SA 0H0 TO STA ( d-871071 LT. MOM AND PARKWAY MPRSIMENTS SHILL BE INCLUDED IN THE LUMP SUM S2*110. PAYMENT FOR PRYEMERT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMIOR SAL BE UNITED BD Rd FOR YEOIAM RESTORATION. i CONTRACTOR SHILL PROADE AOEOIUIE TRAFFlC CONTROL MEASURES SUCH TO AREAS SHOW ON TAO PUNS. THERE SHALL BE MO SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR VOL 4213, PG. 2673 I°MRl PPE . REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT TNMACED B!CONSTRUCTOR ACIATTES / LINO MITCHELL SURVEY AS 4GNAGE AN KIER 0 FI NIT SHALL NOT CLOSE MORE THAR ONE LIRE OF OUTSIDE THE TADS SIGMA ON TIE PANS. DE OM ER SHALL DETERMNE MIST. NO. 589 I TRAFFIC ALL SCRAM SHILL.BE PROVIDED ACCORDANCE WITH TIE MOST WHETHER DAMAGE OUTSIDE PLAN LIMITS CAN BE REPAIRED OR MUST Et REPLACED I I RECENT VERSION OF THE TEXAS WAY/OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. NO E CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS RELATED I I CONSTRU TSOR SHALL SHA N AT TRAFFIC COCST AT LEAST ASTN PRIOR 10�CRMRD RERCT WORK. �� I . CONTRACT'TDN ND SHALLAR EOATATHE CRY AT LA 2 A.TOOFER TO PRO.IECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 FOR ADDITIONAL REOIMEMEMS. CAMPBELL/WYLIE PARTN=RS • I ...$ I -I I VOL 4343 P0. 13-70 R �-T I I I ..I.. ""..Y.. - _ 1 JOHN MRCHELL SURVE'T Y i REST. N0. S89 I .., `" 1 i I 572 572 — } i__� ! t • _? C/T! OF N''YL/£ I :' i I :2-EXlsr.GRDLND RIFE i I — � 56B it — -jj HILL. I Ip+1.A71 _ 16!W.L.AN+7.80�ij I LEY WC. ON+0.70% aEdccTR i {It i • h j 556 171LF IONIC 9 t6 I :66 L!10'I:! N/ ,'ON 1 - 114 L.F.AMAIN C 904 0T6 ; f 101 WL S A/GTASS 6+_016E0MAF'T BY spa®1ClSE APE(3/6 /AEw) • t LT.�E01CM BY i J • I l6'N.L W/CUSSD IC'UT i 9/blAl7F 1T1L4[YEA'CUT LWfN CI? 1 V 552 1 352 - 29+00' + I + �• It LF.AI11YA C 10P18 I ,*. 548 j 1 h ( I'' • 20 NJ-N/ N ciir WENT I ; CITY OF WYLIEI TEXAS T i McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE I i h i oi$� 28+00 PLAN — PROFILE I THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR STA. 24+00 TO STA 29+00 -_ '- --- RIDDING.CONSTRUCTION.S. Teorr BERKHO HENDFU &CONWAY,L.L.P. - _ 3 I M Ch I I - --- e1 'CONSO yO ENDMEERS�I J L i I II _ 2006-124 SKEET.n — i 1-OO I I I _ , 1 i . • I i 4 � Nv,.V I I__-__.. TE: _14,Om7 y� ,s,d t '"°'`n xAINLOT AC w.ox WL A .MITT.,ZDDT 8 25+00 26+00 27+00 '�. ^" 4 I CITY OF MURPHY a I STA JTr90 I N 7GK1818.7J37 E 1551318080E S I :WNW It ASLTTE F-J"CGNNANOON PRO OSED 16" MP WORE ASSEFB.r 1-I'0Ea MiNW- e yr w WATER(NE * M/w UP PANDA v IRJ SM AK MILL -- —_,—, —81._7 OM row r aKQ—r.. C OP ewR"C =,.:os V r 0 () 3 D«C Clcr ss— Cta Va Ra aR 9 e e �0 V 0 W� LV 9MN COMMPt.Si 0 RCS O +N I EMIRIAM I N O 4 NtV Et5574.0.A 1.1 N+ a N (CITY LIMIT) h n N laMcCREARY ROAD r CV ITiZ F. FA Jl+cv •..v fav Js- W N J EOM.CONC.PLANT. EXIST.CONC.MIT. Tq- EE AYYQC A.REPLACE I k URA Exd791C SIGN OO 7&F SIB• O ,_ Y t4 1,�= SDUIRC CUT AV TOP N CENTER OF ..., ROW NORM Or CR1285106-E-STATES n ,_,. ...._ .. .,_____.......__, ..Rao AM iEN[E D NO MPMf AT MN1TR LANE SA H+1B O N 706598.16169.E 15523119658 ,D$i n &EV.560.93 Z I CAMPBELL/WYLIE PARTNERS NOTES ' I VOL 4343, PG. 1370 I.CONTRACTOR SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT ALL 005MG TREES AND OTHER TORIRNG OATS N ADVANCE OF ANY PROPOSED 0 CLOSURES. NI COSTS RELATED IYPROAEYENTS FROM RANGE DOE ro CONSTRUCTION ACTIURES AND STO L RESTORE THE TO TRAFFIC COWIROL.9Na BE NCLUOEO N THE LIMP SIM BD REM FOR TRECH CONTROL. 0 m M n JOIN MFTCHELL SURVEY WWI TO[OWL IN DR BETTER COMMON THAN ORIGINAL AFTER CONSTRUCTION AMITIES I.CONTRACTOR MAIL UTNE TRENCH WIDTH 10 8 Ft.FROM STA 0140 TO STA.52+80. PAneir ASST. NO. 589 HAVE BEEN COYPIETED. ALL COSTS RELATED TO RESTORING THE 005TNG RITES. FOR PAFTENT ONAN-LAID REPANATE P MALL BE UNITED TO MID SHOWN ON TILE IRRIGATION 1104 L.GRASS ANO OTHER*OM AND PARATMT R@ROWNENTS 9WL BE PLANS. THERE SWILL BE NO SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF ' SOU N FFEI NCLIDED II THE LIMP SUM BD REM FOR MEDIAN RESTORATION PAVEMENT DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTMUES OUTSIDE TIE UIRIS SOWN CN THE OPLANS. OR L CONTRACTOR SHALL PRO1DE AOEOWTE TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES SUCH AS SCARCE THE OMER SHALL CETERINNE WITTIER DAMAGE OUTSIDE RAN LAMS CAN BE WARRED OR CITY OF WYLIE SHALL Oaio SHATI N ACCOR CLOSE MORE THAN ONE LANE OF DANCE WITH LOST RECENT VERSION OF THE MIME MUST TEXAS RELATED TORE REPLACED MID.THE CONTRACTOR DOLL BE SPILT RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS ",.,°"'.,O....,IN TE•I..«*vs modfla MANUAL OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEICES. CONTRACTOR SHALL MANE A TRAFFIC CONTROL 4.REFER TO GENERA PROJECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 FOR ADDITIONAL REOURENENTS. . ..:.. PLAN PRIOR TO BEGINNING COHSiRUCIION AND SHALL NOTIFY TIE Cm AT LEAST 2 :C^^.1.1.I. s • ' • 1 I 576 j I j 576 o m.GRouNo MITE y _:.,:•. Ig 572 1 _ — ( — 572 5 T I 1 56E • I I rB wt ow+o ms I Ts•Fri T.Bas 568 I 16 wE. ON+12Eu 564 , 564 560 i _ • sso i I I I 500,LP..AWED C 905.DRIB - I - { • N 16"W.L W1 CIASS 94 fMREO18bl5 BY - _ __.__ 'O._____--_______ -._ _. ,__...__ �__.. -I _-.-._._ ______--_—— poEN CUT -.__—__— _.____-. _ _—.—___ — _ 556 t � 1 k 556 i 552 .._ I I I •I — _ CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS e • I 1 I 1 i T ' 1 MCCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION DINE e I 1 3�0o J PLAN — PROFILE j 1 ___ THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR w T STA. 29+00 TO STA. 34+00 A ( -- I - I 3. 3 1 i BDDNG,CONSTTRICTDN, A ' BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. q CONSULTINGI y, ! _� — �H` __ I .. ..---. __.._DATE: / '"7 1.,, �a R n�.onulR JtC RAOAcr 2006-124 v.ct E J— 30+00 3t+D0 —32r+�0 -- RA .Mne.2m7 9� f ,, I Cm' OF MURPHY I I i. I d I y SIA SB+DO N L TURNS//t INSTALL D 16" I I N �` 1-Tr BUTT RALY MILL£ ! I 1GIlER LIVE I o e W N _ - _ SCREEING WEL CM CM 01 .. , i '& I I a i fBD S WAIL I O 03 •..• 3•NICx w IXY •u u=CM r OAK ou T-POST_f• • --T _ �'alf UDR e O ` _ R 05 ru •Xv �.._ — �01 N•RCP—/ L N O i MNI _ .r. I 1N+ F W (CITY LIMB) 3,,,,,,,,),- k I! �\ i�Mto �� ��� N .W n rL McCREARY ROAD rA \`_-- WM , 2_ i 3B.Bo �{ v) ry _ .Es 00 R J'6.00 1 1 In wz FJ N ROOT.COIL.PVAR. AB LIF.6 16'1N7fR LAVE w/ COST.CONC.PAR. n- 7I'pl STEEL DOM i C a Y l 5 3 PIPE(J/B Ter �' n= TOMSOME CUT AV TOP B CEVIEW Of MVO ---___ i� ®Nv "tom O —,:.— —,ram---,ram--.—,r.---.r.,— --.r.= ^— HCADlellL MOT WC Of&CRE M' n .• In< ROAD NO PM OF LXffASIDE ESTAIE5 1-�— UDWO ARl• �_ __ - O m DRIVE A7 INTER LAVE SDI H+ra 11pTF5 Z I ,� �� ,IOW All�i , •� � ��� 1b O O, 0 ' n 7V 560.9 J 9,f I577171 96S6 I.CONTRACTOR SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT ILL EXISTING TREES AND WORKING OATS N ADVANCE OF NIT'PROPOSED LANE CLOSURES. ALL II 1 Vww1 xx 0'.Km GINNER IIIPRO/E1ENT5 FROM oAIWDE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION COSTS RELATED �,, I spy F E \ i�m OI Md ••PSTO = ACONITES MO SHAD.RESTORE DE MEOW TO EQUAL OR BETTER TO TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL fE INCLUDED N THE LUMP SUM LED ITN FOR �e S < St \ t 0 .---,....-- COMMON THAN ORCRML AFTER CdSTRUCrpN ACTMTES HAVE BEEN TRAFFIC CONTROL. ` uC11t TXR[E1NC HAIL I o » a o COMPLETED. ALL COSTS RELATED TO RESTORING ME DOSING TREES 1 CONTRACTOR RLNI WIT TRENCH WIDTH TO B FT.FROM SEA C H40 TO N. s i I700*11 N SMELTS,GRASS ANO OTHER MEOW AND PARKWAY STA.52+80. PARENT FOR PAVEMENT RMDVN.MO REPLACEMENT 51WL • 0 W iiiMI IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE NCLUDED N THE LUMP 51M 8D Rc71 FOR BE WIRED 70 AREAS SHOWN ON ME PLANS. THERE SHALL BE No o g® CREEKSIDE ESTATES ...Mx MOM RESTORATION SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR REMOVAL AND REPI CEMENT O PAVEMENT CAMPBELL/WYLIEN S I - YO 1 3, �k PHASE T I SOLE M FEET 1 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADD:NATE TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES (WAGED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTMEES LTUTSIOE THE DM15 SHOW ON THE SUCH AS W AGE NO EM EN AND%PAL NOT CLOSE MORE THAN PUNS. THE OWNER SHALL DOWSE WHETHER MANGE OUTSIDE PLAN PARTNERS I I i ' • CARNET N, SLOE 893 „�,,,, ONE LANE OF TRAFFIC. NL SWAGE SAIL BE PROVIDED N UNITS CAN BE REPAIRED OR MUST BE REPLACED AND THE CONTRACTOR VOL. 4343.PO. 1370 ACCORDANCE ND THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THE TEXAS MANUAL SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE171 FOR ALL 1000 RELATED TO SUCH WORK. JOHN MRCHELL SURVEY V �" 1. OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. CONTRACTOR RANI PROVIDE A A RE-ER TO GENERAL PROJECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 FOR NIIHMNAL MST. NO. 589 C/TY OF WYLIE I .'.A=-+•,. TRAFNC WRTRUL PW1 PRIOR TO MINING CONSTRUCTION MO REOURNENIS. I w --swctrNOTIr t.�,.,r-AT�.Ecr z • I • i • -—--- ----• - -- - — -- --- --- --- --------- 572 • --= �Df6T.OROOND 572 >: 568 ; I i i EXIST T�w'Pnrt • I . r , b _ 568 i I - 564 • 560 £ _ _. 75.W.L Lav oeze ( 560 556 ITN L A• I •C'PM wle 4n OP I6 W.L.w/ r'1A4 426 6n DBl i I 556 . l6-M._w/ B+'EMBDMENT BY STEEL SCISC PIPE p •7PPa) _!.- 16'W.L. CLASS BY. Y_ _—--_�_ ^�Y GIICR IAEW cur; CHOP -� I 552 • • A I 552 • I 3CTY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 548 • 38+OU_i_. .__ MLCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION UNE • — —. — — y-. P F— { Y PLAN RO ALE THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR .«.� STA. 34+00 TO STA. 39+00 • C . iRDDNc.(AK puNCiroN, r� 51 BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. • -._ I I N MT PUFF s -I (X)NSIAnHG ENGINEEWS s • o. i _ 1 - I ��nroc Nrua Tee.. \ I - I_ I I I4 V HATE: IC(�. Z a•A�y l cT 0* AL moat N06-1P4 sn¢r n 54+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 •.r"..' MAIM RA 0N. aA,•,2007 10 E I CITY OF MURPHY 1 iPROPOSED 16• REMOVE tr.EAETAL BEAREPLACM GUARD FEACYI E IA"W WATER LNIYE w/TEMMN4L maw SECKW in w)LWa 'f p 4 rr::,2 "uwRP M 1f . IA 11GP 2•aNN o! raQ— ' 1B`•, -,•--- ________ +M 1, --_--- . . -- .. -- .—_----'�— - N Q in in III (CITY LIMB) - � 10 @ NWI r �-CEMCCREARY ROAD , (N< Z Mnl 40400 IT OIO u+�m u~ L' A W. � nW z _^ EKIST.CONC.PVMT. EXIST.CONC.PM. {`J z F- P 4 rP O /�- ' O __ ' 4•NW I= ,E1pW[.EST OF DSOMME CUT AV TOP&CAPER OE a Rost,NORTH OF CRQLSOE ESTATES y,LL DRAT AT MOD?ONE STA 4147E N 70659816789.E 25323235,656 I I ILA,56E.93 CREEKSIDE ESTATES tl4IE5: PHASE 1 I.CONTRKTOR SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT NJ.DISDNO TREES AHD OTHER WORKNG DAYS N ANANCE OF ANY PROPOSED LANE CLOSORES. ALL COSTS REUTED '--...... I I CABINET N, SLIDE B93 NPRO4ENIS 0000 DAMAGE POE TO CONSTITUCTDN ACImTES ArD SIMLL lE5IOE tNE 10 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIINL RE NCLI OED M THE LUw SW tp ITEM FOR tPAFFN:CONTROL 1 MEDIAN 10 EOWLL OR BE TOR CONDORIN 11NN ORIOWLL AFTU CONSIRUCNOM ACIMTIES 3.CONTRACTOR SN41 LAM TRENCH MOTH 10 R FT.FROM SEA 0+40 TO'St 52.80. PAYMENT 0 20 AP D CITY OF WYLIE ILANE BEEN COMPLETED. ALL COSTS REUTEO TO RCSTORNO THE EWING TREES, FOR PAVEMENT REMOv40 AND REPLIGDIENT SWLL BC LIMED TO AREAS SHORN ON THE IRRIGATION xoRaauN IniiTZZI TION STOWS,GRASS AND ODER ODOM MO PIRKYPY ILNROODIFNIS MULL BE PLANS. OVALN NS. THERE L BE M0 SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACFMOEI OF MOL AEO N THE U IP SUM LTD ITEM FOR MEDLAR RESTORATION. PAVEMENT MEWED BY CONSTRUCTION AMITIES OUTSIDE TIE LAR19 SHORN ON THE PUNS. I BENT N RI, CONTRACTOR SHAW PROVIDE AOEO UNTO CONTROL MEmSIIgES SUCH SD AS NAGE THE OWNER SHALL L DETERMINE WHETHER AGE 0UI9 AM 0E PLAN LAMS CAN BE REPAEED OR W AN AND OMEN D 51WL NOT CLOSE MORE TON 0EE LANE CF TRAFFIC. ALL=MACE MUST BE REPLACED AND THE CONTRACTOR9MLL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS "�'I.ro.Ir,,wwoo O . w a O.SHALL BE PRODED N ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECFHT LERSION OF THE TIDOS REUTEO TO SUCH WORIE. AIANIIAL OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DOMES. DOITIRACTOR SIMLL PROVIDE A TRAFFIC CIRO NE 4.REFER TO GEOM.PROJECT NOTES OH SHEET 2 FOR ADDITIONAL REOIREMD1T5. I " U' ..,.w of ih000 PLAN PRIOR TO DEGMING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY AT LEAST 2 ue • f F I 1 E1BST.GROUND LINE1 564 — - - - - - - -- - ' S64 ' • T6'IEL Av-24.00% 560 1 560 T/s"w:L Av-RdOX I 16'EL DN-0.TOx _ I - - (_ _ j I. _ I . I 1 1 556 I I I J 1 1 , 556 1 I I • 552 t - ♦♦♦ 552 I II I 500 i,:ANA C Sax me I I II ,6"Kt.w/CLOxSSN6+EMPEDMOIT 8Y 8 548 • i ( ' _548 3 i ., } I / Nb - 544 ! ( f --- 44+00 544 44 — Ne` OF WYIIE, TEXAS 540 I 1 Y 1 f g _ _'v▪_.. MCC CITY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE — 8 43+00I PLAN — PROFILE THESE WcuMFms ARE FOR STA. 39+00 TO STA. 44+00 6 I ; ! . 3 -- &WING•CONSTRVCiId1, , RIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. CONSULTING BNGINEP-RS g __ ,pc >a,NO $ V V _' - I j __� 1 V _ _-J—__—_-. • ..!. DATE: .a'�Y>7 't 4▪ j Feuer aw�o PATE 2O1G-124 ', SE 1 39+0iS-- �40+00 41+b0 42+00 y RE ,tune,2307 I CITY OF MURPHY C PROPOSED 16" { r. su u+.B 1641ER LNE f 8 Eo . j AN M660TAZ357 in E ZSSZ0076P76 h A RII I fLMMSN t NSTACC 4uP T10P I N I-6'BIOII C1'F - MAW n.1D F....4.1 tF p 1\ -_ NILIE ASSEMBLY Imo,ReCS N I O -ii, TO L.F r ALP.f 2 +M I NeMat a BtrUCE "L uw 3PM Is:O 4'N NLD Lt..ADA BEAN MORO FENCE 0...SD.10 M+ Np Y N�' SNO"R1uTE CuwDRAL E.ARNLER Maim (CITY LIMIT) I N Aft . N i FOR TERMINI ANCHOR ROM1 McCREARY ROAD h NWI IN nrt 47.00N h ( Z N D6 �� :»�� Y _ - n W E e n III III A N+97 ro 5L111+17 — ---a� SPEED Exsi.CONC.WIN 02 (VI _ I II II I 40 LF 16'RH7FR LAE w/ EXIST.tout.PORT. 5-IN �� v o _:--t=- :. NA To< r` I_ll}II� a•Psm ' Orcuw 0 a 0 a a ���e 0 4'OAK O • ��O Y IBM 316.- - \• .Rrn ��/ O \ a / 0 OM • DM H Z SOW(COT N FOR I CENTER OF a Z 480 t I J IIII I.b INS o Gi // liat 01711E Al NN7DP LAZE VA H+16 • 1 �---- / N 706390618A E 25S23119656 I ( \ CREEKSIDE ESTATES EPA,30093 • • PHASE 1 CABINET N. SUDS 693 ^..o.--- . I I.CONDUCTOR SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT ALL EOSMPIG TREES MID OTHER WORKING DAYS IN POUNCE OF MY PROPOSED LANE CLOSURES. AL.COSTS RESTED 0 20 Y N NPROVERIENTS FROM WINGE DOE 70 CONSTRUCTON ALTNRES AND SHALL RESTORE ME 10 WANE CONTROL SHALL NE INCLUDED N THE LUMP SUM BD ITEM FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL. MEDINA TO FOIL CR BETTER CONDITION MAN ORIGINAL AFTER CONSTRUCTION ACTNMES 3.COLTRPCTOR SHALL.LOOT TRENCH WIDTH TO 8 FT.FROM STA 0+40 10 STA.52+80. PAYMENT( NBROIVL HIVE BEEN COMPLETED. ALL COSTS RELATED TO RIMMING TIC EXISTING TREES. FOR PAVOIENC RDNNN.NA REPIACEMFNI SHALL BE UNITED TO AREAS SHOWN ON THE PALIN NRGARON 52+10 a,ORNTO AND OTHER MECUM AND PARKWAY RFROIENEINTS SHALL BE PING. HERE SHALL BE NO SEPRMTE PAYMDO FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT THEM NOLAED N THE LUMP SUA BD ffEM TOR 11EONN RESIOITKN. PAVEMENT DAMMED BY C005IRUCT1011 ACIIVIIES OUISIOE TIC 1*015 SHORT ON I/C R'LAMS 1 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMOS AOEONLTE 1RNFC CONTROL MEASURES SUCH AS SWINGE ME OWNER SPILL DETERMINE WHETHER MANGE OUTSIDE PLAN UNITS CM BE REPINED OR - M AM RAGMEN MID SILL NOT CLOSE MORE MAN ONE LODE OF TRAM. ALL SCRAG( MUST BE REPLACED AND 711E CONTRACTOR SHOJI BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FO!ALL COSTS A,�,.....7 SHALL BE PREMED ED N ACCO ONCE WITH THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THE TERNS RELATED TO SUCH FOR(. CITY OF WYLIE YW VL OF TRAFFIC CW ROL MACES. CONTRACTOR S M L MAC E A TRNNC COMRO. 4 REFER To CENSUS PROTECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 FOR ADDR OWL REOUNEMEN S WrIttent„w.: !1.,,,M.^ no I BEGINNING CONSTRUCT Al LEAST 2• —i - I �__ -' PLAN PRIOR TO BE ION AND SHALL NOTIFY THE CRT 564 17 • i WI ® �u5.LNo AID LINE I 564 6 1 560 I I L I 76 W.I. ON+/soar f I I I - - - I - 0 5 H 1 �._ -. L I i I I I - I w I ;- - AY -�-.� � i •-• .-_-.t.. _.-` ---- - - -- - ------- !6'r� Av-afar I �- I I , 552 552 / - - jv 2v DN s7rt J -• - 4z7 LE.:pN 4'C NM j • -• -r I -r - - • • 548 548 I I PIPE(3/6' • I I I 16 IL w/gwri•9+ERE!`cNfNl r tam* I9IZ07 I _.,._1• awEN I--1---— '"j - - --I - ` I - I — ' - I - { I ' I I.` • I I ►544 5441 I --- I • ( I 49+00 j ' -- I I j • I CITY OF WYUE TEXAS 7 Lf ANw4 CAR;Ave . i I 1 : ; I I i - I • 540 ( - n BY o ev CUT e I - I NtCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE L ' o h ,: I -- -- ; 4a+Da L_ PUN — PROFILE i I I I , 1 I i i THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR S�tlp" STA. 44+00 TO STA. 49+00 ' 2 �! �? H I I I I __ FROONG,CONSTRUCTION, BIRKHOFF,I�NDR[CKS&CONWAY,L.L.T. • _ `' CONSULTING ENGINEERS I !£�ttllt' TheATIrra Wm I I I - I -__ I _. I HATE: NOa DOOM AC MADAM iW6-121 '� KC f 44• 4'1�i I 1 44+00 45+00 46+00 47+00� ti.yR��y Nam xenw» RA NwN,2007 12� I CITY OF MURPHY HUM EQ(AD R I.CONTRACTOR 9w1 EN0EM0R 10 PROTECT ALL EXISTING TREES NO OTTER MPROMEA EN15 PA STA 52+3f.65 NICN= FROM OAM4GE ouE 70 CONSTROCTON ACIMTES ND SHINL RESTOHE TI1E MEAN,TO WARNING GA EOINI.CR DOTTER IOIDIIION 7HW1 oRONAL 1(109 ChJSIMCTON ACMNTES LOVE BEO, P.L STA 51+3677 FWD. • E UNE • PHONE ESING!! i�/76471 �o.�t 1l APO m Y WRNS/DMs COS BE ROLM TING IRRIGATION��• PNOT A.600000'Rr. SW BD OEM roe WWI RESTORAtW. a 1-BOO-DIG-TESS MANS)!t INSTALL i CON101610R gm/PRWIOE/OEOWM:TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES SUCH AS SONAOE V AT LEAST 72 HOUR$ -6"60 NOV NO FLAGMEN NM SHALL NOT CLOSE MORE TRW ONE LANE OF TRAFFIC. Al STORAGE PRIOR TO SKILL BE PR011Dm M ACCORDANCE WHINE MOST RECENT YERSON OP DE TExAS @S EXCAVATION IN IB- I I MANUAL OF TRNFO CONTROL COM. CONTRACTOR 9w1 PROaDE A IONIC CONTROL S THIS - L m `\�� 1 PLAN PRIOR TO BURPING coMSi1RKTOM AND sNV1 NDTRI'ME an'AT Lf16T 2 MUER R'ORAM DAYS II IONNCE OF ANY PROPOSED LONE CLOSURES. ALL COSTS REIATE0 TO / .0.--,.. TRNTC m N CONTROL SHILL DE NCLUO THE LUMP SUM BD REM FOR TRAM CONTROL In El �\` ` STA 53+03 1 CONTRACTOR SMALL LA61 TRENCH ROTA To B F1.FROM STA.04-4D TO N q hw LRs .. ` N 7D66637.66% (� w w s`'\ f 1357369.JI/i SG SNB0. PAYMENT FOR PN'OENT REMOVAL NM REPLACEMENT I $ 0 n ow / , ` C 1552 t A0T L - STOLL BE LAMED TO TEAS SIM ON THE PANS. MERE SNAIL BE ▪ +M ow- Pi STA 53+07.39 NO SEPARATE PATIENT FOR REMOVAL AND REPIALF.AENT OF PAKJAEO i-J'CONBIN/0KW --N 7066Q79.6636 p6D BY coNSTRUCT0R...MATES IOU&SOS THE WITS SHORN ON 04 I % \`, 1- MILKA 0401.6r A-2910273% TIN MANS. ME OWNER SKILL 1(1STEB WEINER OAWGE OUTSIDE y /' ` . i-!'dl Lr4vA7LF A-T9Y117.U"Rf. PLAN UNITS C50 . REPAIRED OR MAT BE REPLACED AHD THE € /`! YN IL.RArSN a AK0KL CONTRACTOR SHVLL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS RELATED n ss ,` /-L6'30 REND 10 SUCH WORK. I d N EAST.ASPIC PANT. C'McCREARY ROAD `Y\` 4. TO GENERAL PROJECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 FOR 40ORONAL NW 3 SO+Ltl SON v v- - ¢.-. -*� �•,�4- _� -__.. • J F:: ����� 1 1 a STA 53+IT L..REPTAC[ f• �R 1 1 /&WASH t INSTALL Sin AC NWT.. RELATE t.RPLACf 1TT ,,V 11 / I-l6'BU/7UTRY NNW • I-„ 0(376 Sr) E%6T.(XMC.PYMT. 6'REM.cox..PNM7.N/ 0, ,II MI STA . , 11 CUf N 70^t Q7AER L1FAL to A(3%St) 6"Olt 71PCATED A.BUR40E 1 N _.. I 1 /d101RILL NEST SDP CrLA7517 OF t ��� i ,76//57I C scN I AUTO Ag711 OF MEOW Ne 7TEARESTATES 0 IITi1T -- i R' 1N - I CITY OF PARKER TPR£AT METER LA'E STA e++/6 L m I I N TO65%S67Ef9,f T53T31J.9656 Z # ?0 /�Q r aM 4.FAN 4,twc 4 9AN :DNI O r T I I McCREARY/DONIHOO - 1005 560..9J k. 9� 0 • L6A/T 0 '• 11 I I F+ �IFR _ 0 cm / O4'NA O V s•erO : • }1�' v LTD. cM . ! •\ —_ // ,� _ .. I T'J I cc VOL.5992, PG. 2525 o D a D I I \ -- 77L� A[LUE£t REPEALY 1 i 1 SQUIRE T. LEWIS SURVEY i "\ —7 j CREEKSIDE ESTATES *OCR L I I B MIST NO 52=— I *OCR 1 SENE N FEE, \\ PHASE 1 ���- 1��I 1 _ CABINET N. SLIDE 893 N 7066635.5406, E 2552412.7902 yyy"'"', .y yymma'=yy i I MATCH LINE STA. 53+50 ry`el o.�' CITY OF WYL/E F 1 T . i 1568 568 ; I j i — mjmnL till , 1 E 1 1 1 . { mii 1111 1564 j MST. OP OF 564 — ' , 1 t 111111111111E11 .111. L • { • 560 • llIMIll NMI I 560 76'IEL ON-z7as il� 556 I- I T6'w.L 1— ( I HIM 1-. zM • cw+0.20.i I I I I - _ 556 I I f , - j f { j 430 LF. C xi ael6 r i I 1®� 552 j 552 II_- 7: N.L.JY/CLA557+ N7 _-. i 548 ' i 548• "•. - - i 1. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS • 544 — • I I I . McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE IMMIll I I — i — ( - S3+ ++r,o - PUN — PROFILE III THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR A.F7 STA. 49+00 TO STA 53+50 —* MOOING.coNSTRucna+, s BLRKHOFF,HENORICK.S&CONWAY,L.L.P. i I I Z. ,•.AD PUN-+. - I P1+axEDls • -; CONSULTING lc:E@� I--V % --T 1 I I -DATE: �T1!T�' `1.AA«"eyt`' ~r.o�c�noun.,. RJR eM04 ct June,- sRn.a E •+J'H 4+00 51+00T 52+00 / I CITY OF PARKER I tames: --'\ss I.CONTRACTOR SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT NI COSTING TREES OTHER IIAPROVOAENTS FROM DAMAGE DUE ? I __ - .. I CONSTRUCTION ACTMITAA Y TREES WANED NITIH A0 a \y ROW?I?MAY BE REMOVED FOR CONSTRUCION. ALL -- IAMBS OCR 1?HAMETEM BAT ME TRIMED FOR i I PRISED 16" _ CONSTRUCTION SHILL BE COMER WITH TREE MOUND —• t�M PALM WEOETED.AFTER TREE CONSTRUCTER ERE 040 OS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. TREES E P NS SAKI BE OTHER NOl1ER LAVE McCREARY/DONIHOO -- THAN 11105E SHOWN ON THE HAMS Dr( BE IIREPLACED WITH AN MOMENT NCH DIAMETER of RED ON(OR e I PARTNERS, mI CEDAR ELM TREE IN A LOCATION ALONG THE PROJECT AS N LTD. w 1 SELECTED RI THE ODLER. THERE STALL BE NO OR'm ` •• IV �•. a SEPARATE PAY REM FOR PROTECTION OF TREES 0R OTHER VOL.UIR 5992, PG. 2525 nieNlnNNa2 N RpNOCICNIS FROM STA.52+80 TO THE ENO OF n I souTRe r. Eewls wTaEr Id PERWAFIYO E TTTT.TTa7 F7/IWf'S7YMM SERER n PROJECT CTH AT TO 79+32.19. +' ABST. NO. 529 ENw.SSR.89 BY OPENS 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DONATE A CHANNEL AND + I - N 0 EONSIRUCT A BERM PARALLEL TO THE WATERLINE FROM 9 +N - ___ _-y lD 0 SEA 82+20 TO THE IXSTNG GHRE CO NEAR 5TA 77+50. h + THE CHANNEL AND BERM SILL BE CONSTRUCTED I) AHROUDO TO THE DETAIL SOWN ON SHEETS 15 NI I LET -- - n N THROUGH 19. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE PAYMENT I NI L N FOR CONSIRIICTON OF TIC CIANIIEL OR BERM MIS ALL H W I." e. M 50 C0 ~ 2-to,i9 Tay. '+. W F CAPPROPRATE ITEMS END SCHEDULE. OSTS SHAU.EC CONSIDERED AS SUBSOMAY TO THE r � � S7+W , H I.CONTRACTOR SHALL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION Al STA. 70 ! Z 0( --..-- r..---••----• R (CITY LIMIT) ...FENCE �'', 00150 1 W a REFER TO GENERAL PROJECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 FOR 3 h —>� :� -->� >a—� 17 J MDORTONNAL REOIMDIENTS. Will N r C)h I mN EXIST CONC.PWT, _ E �m �— .0 --SUMMER DUNE r s�--ru N SAA37rAFOSLtS6+LM IL�p~ ® �®�� 21 LF. 16•MINER LAEE Or 1 Lo 2 . 0 -- -- OTTER 2Nw crEN LT/7 M/ N. z� i , —� I r Ii , m . . { I i II CREEKSIDEE ESTATES —�_ f —i nN 6 N rr t LIVER cr ME IN TE f'FN. SUDE 1 ""M om:1 CABINET N. 893 HEADWALL SOOT SOE OF JA:CRE.LRV 18 _ i 1 DAV0 AT DM C1•SICCRE 504. ESTATES n I I I N7Q T'� 552&.000s6 ••i wa ,.— C/TY OF WYLIEELEV.56095 • I B I 564 I • i 564 i -t- t • 1 4 3 I x !. , I ! f • 560 ,_ ! 5 60 7 - -EAST.GROUND i I- -- j __ _- _..., —.: - — —r — ! 556 ! — — t I g 556 _ —IT --- T— I , r _ 1 I I � I I 552 i 552 ---: -- rs wE. :v .--H. _Z /-FvruRE+e RCP , --. l I N -I —I.-_THIN.. RCP I 548 1 i Vie•wE av ¢vzs, 548 r ._ - -- i y _ I ~-'s A`t'gv Rn12,,,, �� I__—.L 544 rn c r AIN N C AOS cwTa _ I I I S I I I i 544 —t �— i �_ �I CITY OF WYUE, TEXAS w 540 I I ; _ MCCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE g I _ • __— sB+O0 PLAN — PROFILE - — - I — THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR STA 53+50 TO STA. 58+00 • ! - BODING.CONSTRUCTION. T%�' 4?. - BERKHOFF,ETENDEucICS&CONWAV,L.L.P. _ I ' RANT •wt�owolrnu cnHwlrmG F.NOmE6R5 T v 1 —_ ZI Z. __ I wTE: .® 1mZ 1 A _LRE 2oa-uA 53+50 54+• 1 55+00 56+� 57+00 `L'},. moscr ICCIIIOYA RA ..re June,2007 1. I STA s6+3+10 STA 58+64 CITY OF PARKER I KIM I ii CLASS Y"EMEEOMCM PORING GROUND 2' i.CONIRAL TREES AN SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT RC WE r� �r TRE FUSING ES D OTHER RPROVENORS FROM 1 LL D STA 56t0 ro 57A s8t0➢ _A 66 McCREARY/DONIHOO DAAYOE DIE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTnms. ONLY 9 Lr. 16'TINIER LAZE 81'011171 NV/PKN CUT / N 0666733673 PARTNERS, TREES NAMED WTH A BOLD?0?MAY 9E 18 C 7066825V97337J ROAMED FOR CONSTRUCTION. ALL IlA®S OVER t? /I001 AtNSTAIL LTD. 16' -II, ,,,_ DINKIER THAT ARE DOMED FOR CCOSTRUCTNRL e AWrssOLE GROUT I J-6" 011 Orr HP ASSY VOL 5992, PG. 2525 *ITER C _ SHALL DE AHED ANTED NTHCON TREE N;D6nEs I9ae \..37RZ'1J I�lT, INMAXE PL STA J9+SSt67 SOME T. LEWIS SURVEY . .- N 70668727752 BEEN COIPLEfED. TREES THAT ARE ROAMED I. / C 1Js3071.H7J ABST. NO. 529 .---� r r OTHER BE LTHANACE THOSE N EOU ON NT PLANS SHALL M H DIAMETER 21 Rd 111 -� •-J r 7102 r .-� .-+ ..---, r ^, �, .-, r r r .-+ .-� r r r �. .--.+ en OF RED WdI�OR CEONitEEll/TREE N LOCATION �, �, 1-16"u,.ArA17 r .• ALUM ME PROJECT AS SELECTED BY THE OWNER. r �'-"' �"' .5. . `--' ^--' �--' .� r r r r .--. .---. r r THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE PAY DEN FOR (O •-' •-' r •--' r •--' •--J r r 15 •--' .--� r r r---, •-•-� .---, r r r r N ROY rSOF TREES OR OTHER THE END OFMPRNEIENTS • O IE7 44 r .---� •-� r r r •--� r r .--' •-, '-' �� .---' r �-. .-+ '� �' •---- �' .� r O STA 79+S2.19. PROJECT AT + Y � --�_ r r r r .-.M�-.fir r r r r .� r r r r r r r .-� r r n THE CONTRACTOR SHALL N 1! _ ^+ x CONSTRUCT A BEIeI PARNIEL�TO DE RIlERl1NE yTy� r •--+ r r •--+ •--+ r •--J • •-+ r r r in tto FROM STA. 62+20 THE TO THE EXISTING HEEL AND BEIDI ANE. EA n N .� � ����,,. r e IN %�•--� •--� •� .-� r r .-� r r .--. r r r r r r , NBE < I,' \ ♦' `•-' i-' .-• r r .-. r ,� N CONSTRUCTED 1140uGH UN6 TO THE PETAL SHOWN N W ��_�' I 1Y C[' x-rss au i-1/'DN ♦ ♦for—_, 3'�+�--� —`••••r-•—c �--� • ,-- 7---TT BE I�q 5 PA�RATE VATIEMT FOR Cd61M TION OF 1m.cY Ar,.ri..ri�r +r.. -..�.. .4.41 y .d'V L=• Jr .-' •-� •--, •--, —n \ . x0•DN '''IIIWE~/ITHECHANNEL OR KERN MID NL COSTS SFNLL BE W^ ��,..� • .. CONSIDERED AS SU8904RY TO THE APPROPRIATE N I W RENS OF THE BID SCHEDULE. ',, ``# /6'Wf S/1Y x6 Maao FEW( 1 N Z T.CONTRACTOR SHALL BEM CONSTRUCTION AT STA I b •// \l"" 'Ft': rµ7v (CITY LIMB) I • 79+29.ro 10'or', �� 6UP'l) IWITO A.REFER TO OENERM PROJECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 Ilire V R" 0A FOR NINT00P L REOURE1ENIS. H p 05 SEW IA V i 10 BY OOAERS II 70668721951PI SPL 6J 1 IO< <0 r REEKSIDE ESTATES E T��6 I — IIR x PRASE t 6i'TAWI'sri5a wsiAL Ii STA 59+96 CREEKSIDE ESTATES re I P.T.STA.59t90.J3 N 7066814..4213 790 PHASE 2 I CABINET N. SUDE 893 / r-Is"JO'BEAO I N 7P66651.790J 4 JOHN MRCHNO SURVEY589 i E 25530r/6149 auPARSrr N M7K[ COMM FT n CABINET P, SLIbE 211 Z 1 e.HS9.33-R7. r-3" p N Fx NVL I Al STA JB+i[90 � a/t741 N 70N702.7W I N 70666487082 ------1 .1 I-76•IS 6EV M7 NlLtf ASsfitAY E 2I6]A0.0101 0 ID M q I S55.769D57#6 / I 1-+"DAL MANHOLE O..55#11 e .WPODO"LT. /\ T "RON� 1 1-15-'N 6r END I I J911 J76 NAL W 1¢1 .. ITnii 1 16"4 e BEND I SIXHSE cur 9r RW G CENTS'Olr II \ 1 E i Hamel EAV ApPM r CREGS56d E see Of STATES won �^.M�'••"""a w.'M.. I 1 �: L2DIf AT MITER UNE 57A.Htl6 . ^.+ .., €� CITY OF WYLIE �7DRs 169 E Sss7JSL9656 F .K ' I a4 $,L"r 1 1 I 1 ( I 1 = e i ( �* I I I �xlsr cRouNo 5561 �� ( � g . 1 1 I I � i 1 i I I I 1 556 N ( -1 I r-LI iN I I�n t- _- I I I I i I I ; i -� I I _ I / I , i I I I i 552 552 _\ .\ 1 { I I — nJr ra•I ! ', i. I I 1 j I 548 16 W.L. 6I I I ! 16"wL ON-0 J2x - II 548 _ a WI. ON+rsaax I 1 I 1 T T6 ( i I I• I ; 5M 5441 .42vmWHnullyOl Il_ _. I I - i f Ib'•w i k 1 !�, i I I i I j o I 1 540 i I 540 C Ste' UP '�L. 6 L. 1 I I 436,LF AIM C 904 O TI I I 1 3 '16"l�L R M/.-_S-�I,_y`S 116 JYL.w/LTASS f69EDY0J1 Br i - j I { I �' CTATS BIl ENL�tAArN1I 1 OPEN CL1T... I I I 1 1 1 536 ,_, BK OPE 1 I ; v I 536 J I 1 I 1 63+D0 i • 1 { I ! CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 1 5321 �3 a �3 B2 I McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION UNE I .:%4 P•�` i 62+00 PLAN — PROFILE 1 00 . __ THESE DOCUNENIS ARE FOR STA.• 58+00 TO STA. 63+00 I k 1 ! Imo! �>< �., ,I I{ , j BIDDING CONSTRUCTION. BIRICHOFF,HENDRICTGS&CONWAY,I..LP. I e l e I N^ I y I �..is L'ON6UL THa]IOmRLRs s S .n I4 a v I a.v O. I DATE: '7�NO0I � nwltt Dc.,m� AAC rw[ct: Z006-174 1 #T•. '58+00 59+00 ,—3L'+00 s— 1+33— ter,,,+ O..stt Lk OM Awe.MDT 15 @ I CITY OF PARKER • IMCCREARY/DONIHOO •r -tlr_ PARTNERS, k I VOI- LTD. rYIMtiSEI 16' oasnM CROW, •'-I, A r 599Z PC. 2525 114 1ER L i SOUREABSf T._ NO.529 tEW65 SURVEY [ _ _ JI r ,__, ,-_, r r r r r r r r r r r r r ,--- r r r r ,--.• r r r r .-+ r r r r ,-' r r r r r IV r r r r r r r r r r r ,-, r r O NM r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ,---, r CO r r r r r r ,----, r ,-PROPOSED/3' r ,--, r r r r r r .-, .--, ,---, ,--. ,--_. r r r r r .---, r r r r ,-+ r •--� r r r r r r r r r r ..-. ,� r r ,-, r r r r r r a O +MI In r r r r r ,-, r r r ,-, r r ,-, r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r M+ i 049 N r r r r r r r r ,----, rco 11 f N r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r �, r r �, r r r r r r ,—, r r r r r W O <N-, ,---, r r r r .-. ,---, ,..... r �' N MI 516: SOWN-CVr IN TOW A'CENTER OE 1~/2 W m r ,--•, ,--. 6+� r�11.=6=0�r .- --r rpe v r ,---, r r ���r e i vs'L.ri r-.c r.r < AGDWALL war sec or McCREM? G"'r-'r�i.q'��.rr,••K.m0-m, -r.w�,�m,.a r�ra.M,=.r:_s,_ r �- r r r r--, r _. • f 7 W 0 ROAD £Ai 47 R 44 78 j •• Z 9.7 J '� •• �� ., I� ,• ....s M W f2E1:360.9J7E9,E SSS2373%36 J 93 .900 RACE. Iz E (CITY LIMIT) N� N U HQ1E5 SKILL CDI.CONTRACTOR ENBEAVOR TO PROTECT ALL EXISTING TREES NO OTHER2 DAPR9 EMENTS FROM HMII M DAMAGE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTES. ONLT TREES co H 2 m MARRED EARTH A BOLD 71R MAT BE REMOVED FOR CONSTRUCTION. ALL LIMBS CO< 0 OVER 1?DMMETER THAT ME TRIMMED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PAINTED LO WITH TREE MOUND PANT FMEDIATELT AFTER CONSTRUCTION AERATES HAVE O Z BEEN COMPLETED. TREES THAT ARE REMOVED OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN a N THE PLANS SHALL BE REPLACED NTH MI EQUNN.ENE►CAR ORJETER OF RED OM OR CEDAR ELM'TREE IN A LOCATION AMC THE PROTECT AS SELECTED Br Z THE OWNER. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE PAT REM FOR PROTECTION OF TREES OR OTHER MPROAEMENTS FTCY STA 52+80 TO THE END OF PROJECT AT CREEKS ESTATES L TTHHEE 7 CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE A CHANNEL AND CONSTRCT A BERM 0 10 AO Y PARALLEL 10 THE%REPUTE FROM STA 62+200 TO THE EXISTING CHIOHIEL NEAR OMB CABINET P,SLIDE 211 STA 77+50. THE CHNINEL AND BERM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO MAU N FEET THE DETAIL SHOWN ON SEEDS 15 THROUGH 19. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE PAYIEIYI FOR CONSTRUCTOR OF THE CHANNEL OR BERM AND ALL '""""o"""""'^'"itl" b wwas COSTS SmMI BE CONSOERED AS SUBSCVRY TO THE APPROPRINT ITEMS OF THE END SCHEDULE. •J.„....................^ CITY OF WYLIE 7.CONTRACTOR SKILL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION AT STA 79+29.70 4.REFER TO GENERAL PROJECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 FOR MOTIONAL REOURET.IENTS. "�^A^m �^+.��•. E _ I • • i i 7 - 55� -_ • 06sT.MOUND LINE I i 556 • • • • • 552 ' • • • • - I I i I 552 I i • 1 i 548 548 I r • • I I 1 —{- j I rR•we 0Y o ras 1 ! I 76 w.L ON-055%_ I 544 • i • - — I • I _ i544 • 540 . — --- • • - . 1 3G0 L.P.ARM`9DfX CRIB I 76'.AL.W/CLASS 4.EA T BY 1 - --------- -- : - - ^---- - 540 cur awEro I .. 536 • • I I 536 ( 68+00 i I - CITY OF WY TEXAS 532 • c • • •• • — 1 I • MCCR ROAD WATER ID STRIRUTION LNE h - - _ a • R. s�+oo PLAN - PROFILE , g S,He•lw STA. 63+00 TO STA. 68+00 • - • I E MOMG OTISIR ETON �P BIRKHOI'P.AENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.4P. g : T _.^.__1 C'W4TILnNG B,VGING6TS = - __ .._...-- ._.. ..__ -----.__ - - --. - -I _ bY.Tar g • 1 Mb I. I I • I __- ! i ,I•4 w7E:.5. .�/ oLclY7 °4 M Ln AL�Rk .NC N.o[cx 2006-tN- sar.n ([ 63+00 >I 4+C0 +� 3b+0� 'a�l,tv,, RA. Ms June.2007 16 0V. 1/»M-rmr[ wV+i�.\l .l I14\0o*\mo6iz4-iren nm,uu: a nm smc ii.v..r naim w:swc ox V„/mm :Mt ■■■■■■E ■■_ MATCH STA. 7066868.2131, E 255385.1604 ___ A.. uii:®i C:uu 77 7-1 Il l l l l l l l 1111111111 11111111 III 1111111111 01111111 iu:rnini M ottiiiii 1 . 1111111 ; 1111111111 ailllilll ■ : 1 llllllll i: : :: Bill lil Illitihil1:lill@ ; 111 :iiillllll _f--Ii' :. ' : l l l l l l l l ; llllllll r 1UIflU ` y l l l l l l i l 1 1__ iiilinii +:.-!L-I1111IM a_I:iI1,IM,-:I II,I Il.=li _1r____1,_ ._ 11i. ,. 47 ' l ialllum ____ . � a� � llllllll 1 l � I I11!111!LL ■ o i� i llllllllllNE iA P -`1;r_ 7mi � Il 1 l l 1 l l l� Como �� $ ki ll l l l l $illllll l l lil l l l l --- i llllllll ,1„ I1 idbi'44/1101111F i l 1 l l l l l %a I p al ii + 1"I�� � llllll 4, � 1 �_ T r� �� t! N li se , 11llllll11. . Ui m 111111111 1 o 4 S EL ' 317.71 N 7066876.6733, E 2554351.0888 I 1G__-. MATCH LINE STA. 73+00 1PIN 1 ra 51 _1 Ma I 1 Ali m 1 -_ —I— 111111 d ewe i. g ' --�- -- EIt ;z m N c - E E E Ei1l a "� � I • i ' t. • CITY OF PARKER ? I E0379W M CMN. 2'r � a McCREARY/DONIHOO MC le-PARTNERS, I LTD. PROPOSED 16' .E11 T� VOL. 5992, PG. 2525 NGITER LAME SOUIRE T. LEWTS SURVEY 1- ' ASST. NO. 529 a) r l"'' r--' CO ' m� r r r r ,_ r r I 0O r r r r ,--. IT- - I 1. O• r r r r rF1ARtur r PN2°VSED 15' O WL .N r r r r r _--a_--__ — -_ IA+ 1&/576 `N� N SYYNRE CO7 AV TOP t CEHJER OF F-W —7i:17 —2Sr— -76iiET- . ... �7+[tom-- _ I- MEADOW!REST SKC OF mccREAR1' N I- I.. N WI- RO O NORTH OF CREE74ROE ESTATES r��-t I c N ORAf Al M7ER LAE SA.+4'+l6 W M R 7O659MT6769.E 25S252J.9656 J ic woo T LE CREEKSIDE ESTATES l H/e Rut a_o= s6�'9J PHASE 3 I sfif J U n C (CITY LIMIT) N iF�. (AUG. 2005) INFO ONLY N= Iin t--coID 1.CONIma.TOW • SINLL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT ALL EXISTING TREES ARC OTTER 00 u • AD - IINROJEMENTS FROM DAMAGE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTMTES. OILY TREES CO r TD MARKED MTH A BOLD?X?MAY BE REMOVED FOR CONSTRUCTOR. ALL LIMBS TO Q O MR I?DIAMETER THAT ARE TRIMMED FOR COLATRUCTIOtl SHALL BE PANTED TD z n TRIT TREE ROUND PART W THAT ARE AFTER CONSTRUCTION THOSE S NAVE 0 t 7 CUIIRot PT.t1 BEEN RCOMPLETED. TREES 1IN7 ARE REMOVED OTTER THAN THOSE SHORN ON N I Z 1o4sTX07 THE PENIS$1NLL BE REPLACED WITH AN EOUNAENT INCH DIAMETER OF RED E 25510 O26S0"IER-7- THIS OR CEDAR ELM TREE IN A LOCATION ALONG THE PROJECT AS SELECTED BY Z CREEKSIDE ESTATES \ D..STEIN THE OWNER. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE PAY HEM FOR PROTECTION OF I PHASE 2 j TRIMS OR OTHER WPROYENENIS FROM STA 52+80 70 THE END OF PROJECT AT: GENET P.RUDE 211 AA 7ONTRA 9. o m o N / 2.11E CONTRACTOR SHAL FREXCAVATE A CHV.624E ATO THECONSTRUCT A EERY NOIR6X6L rw E PARALLEL TO TIE WATERLINE ROM STA 62+10 TO THE T CHANEL NEAR SUE N RU STA 77+50. THE woe MA BERM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO THE DETAIL SHOWN ON SHEETS IS OUGT 19. THERE SHALL BE ND SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHANNEL OR LEIN AIL!ALL ....n M. COSTS SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS SUBSIDIARY TO THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS CV THE BID SCTfDIR.E. P. "dn. "� ,'"""" CITY OF WYLIE T.CONTRACTOR SHALL BECK CONSTRUCTION AT STA 79+29.70 :...,..i.. 4 REFER TO GENERAL PROJECT NOTE ON SHEET 1 FOR ADDITIONAL REOUIREMENTS. _ __ , 552 i 552 I I I -{ 1 ' I 4 l I I I "TosT.GRO LRJE , ,i — I_ ` — • - - I — j �— — — — — j 548 548 1 I I I I 544 I I I i I I II t " 544 1 I 1 i I I - I ,_ j I t 16'IN_ 01V-0-52,T I i 540 I I I 1 r • I I I 1 ,-16•AL 0A-05.2% 540 i y j 536I I I I �� ����J 536 I t I I I I- SW L AEq C 900 LMi( I I I I I 1 3 I 1 1 IE"Wt;W/CUSS 6+E'ADEDIERT iBY I L 1 RR!,S1A 97+91J7 a I- j - - ! ----. ----t i —Q°tir VT 1 't I FL_tn--Kc-5.7Lzr r I 5321 1 I I I1 tI 79+00 1 532 i ( I I j I I i i_ -- I ; i i T I — i —` e CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 528 II I I I I 1 I I I II I T 1 I av MCCREARY ROAD WATER DSTR�UTION LINE — I • I : — - I i I • -- I 1 37+00 - 1 PLAN — PROFILE j I i EBIDD DOCUMENTS PRE FOR * STA. 73+00 TO STA. 78+00 a I I I I I i 1CONSTRUCTION.s's. `,. BERKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.I-P. �_ b : I _.L . •___L _ --' .• CONSULTp�ENGINEERS �- I I 1 DATE: t,+,+N0TA 4' nwcn D... AC mum M106-124 a*aT w T 75+00 74+00 75+00 76+00 tiw., arc,xom... LE ux. .A.s.2007 18 I a I CITY OF PARKER CITY O WYL/ ! McCREARYPART/DONIHOO PAl S �IBJ /-I (CITY LIMIT) I I CAMPBELL/WYLIE I LTD. 77 n 7ssA9sa I PARTNERS I I (`,, I I FUTURE IVOLUIR 5992. PC,. 2525 7TJRMSIY+Assn STA 6$907.70 rs isTu REAo ( r.54 i CREEKSP IDEE ESTATES I I SOUIRE T. LEWIS SURVEY I 1 ABST.NO.529 Io•RNLTL I ''.,I FURNISH A.NUN( I L.H. AIARSHALL SURVEY ;', I r-16•l500.EXIST.Tr ABST. NO. 594 t c I PROPOSED 16" \ t. NO REMOVE EXIST. rs'vLLc CO INTER • I AN7EJRAE•M.LI I•, I oI 1. I g^ spew rc eon: eF oTros� I I t i n4 M N. + -�------ y` I 2 H • a tN +-_-_ __ ...1 rNM ' I �' I .awrcvnw7 I OFMernaF rtAD1MVE REST stag a Jk[72LARI 6•Rol -1 4010 NORTH OF mirror GSEAres W hr2• --.----_ I I -- I L °RM'AT TRUER iarsssEsres,`'cEusu7Jsass Z SO "'Er I-- I I I ELEV.540.93 ii J`- ,1..� - hm 4� Uq (CITY LIMIT) ° W - I -� `- I 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT ALL COSTING TREES AND OINER 1to YPROYDIENTS FROM ONAGE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION AUNTIES. ONLY TREES 100 (BURG I _L L I I. TIVER�IT wAQTERai°T41i PR TRpPIED FOR CO BE RUINED NSTRUCT 514NJ.BE PPARIE CONSTRUCTION. ALL D -- N I- -1 ! - IIRH TREE WOULD PANT MMIEDLATELY LATER CONSTRUCTION ICTNRIES CORE n Ai STA 79fw.37 I I ! N 7066Me7.IT72J I I I I ! MNPLYI REPU m 1154 Mlwl°E DOERHM.Arc B a o YEIERS"OWNOF RED Z E TSH95137 5 CREEKSIDE ESTATES 1 I OAR OR CEDAR ELM TREE N A LOCATION ALONG TIE PROJECT AS SELECTED BY CREEK SIDE ESTATES 70 1�� PHASE 4 1 THE OWNER PERE SHALL 8E NO SEPARATE PAY MN FOR PROTECTION OF PHASE 3 I 1 I I . TREES OR Owl YPRO,EIEHTS FROM STA.52+80 TO TIE END OF PROJECT AT a 7L a co (AUG. 2005) INFO ONLY 1-14•RT00'REAP I I I o I I TSTA.IE»+52.79. I MOBMN I I W I 2.RE CONTRCTOR SHALL EXCAVATE A CNINNEL MID THE RRUCr A BERM I TOLE W Rn 1 i I wI ! STEN771 TO THE wATTTQYE FROM STA.■429 TO ONE T cIVL+R II NEAR I STA.T7+50. THE CHNJNEL AND BERM SILL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORONG TO I 1 I THE DETAIL SIgMN ON SHEETS 15 THROUGH 19. THERE SHILL M NO I I I W J COSTS E PAYMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE ONNMEL OR KERN NE ALL I rend M. . I I U COSTS SIWl BE CONSIDERED AS suese RY TO THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS OF I +��^ •�•' I I I I TIE so SCHEDULE I ,•` � r CITY OF WYLIE T.CONTRACTOR SHALL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION AT STA.79+29.70 W... �.L A REFER TO GENERAL PROJECT NOTES ON SHEET 2 FOR ADDHDNAL REOUREIENTS. g552 , 2 I T j i___:__ ati z 1_ 1 13 .. I �— . I i i - ' i i 552 ! I '. i i 548 548 I 1 1 I 544 EXIST.CROUID LR I �_ • �� i 1 i . 544 _ �` 1 1\ — I ---- — 1 , I j ? 540 ---------t TB'W.L AV-0.20B _I - _� _ ; 5361 i 536 I I I I6-W.L ON-100.0E : i ' i I. �_.. — —i + I- r 1 - I.- .. 532 + 532 i i I Ot.16'M.L.oN-0BOA, I i -- I - I Ij9.7 X.F.ARM CI R05 mid I ' ' I - { -- 1 .__._- �rcoJ.-rf- s/aSALEAkeY1 --1- -"� , ! 1.. i 1 L _I t CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 528 I « :< ' ' ; ; I 1 ' I Al I I 1 AIcCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION UNE • PLAN - PROFILE '� m I 1 Q; I • - THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR .,, STA. 76+00 70 STA. 79+29.70 ■ i -N� - Bo06w.coNsmucnoN. i = hL, I 1 i I ��% BIRKAOFF,HENDIC�S&CONWAY,L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS • aoewrneLe Ta ,Nr,.Tu. .II. .I S I i I I I DATE n 9m 7 ;q•w^° / CI mme ,WC 2000 124 WIT,n 1 1E 78+00 _a v I — 79+00 _h,• I '�"°o„y ,.." a=moot VA wa. Awe.2001 19 M MIN. 22-1/4"OPENING APPROX. BOLTED FRAME& CODER FINISHED FOR HS-20 TRAFFIC LOAD GRADE 3"COMBINATION AIR VALVE(1ZG.) APCO MOD(OR APPR. EDU14AL7 Call 4 if 0 PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE MANHOLE J"GATE VALVE isigfl SEAL =N 9" % 9" /2" InnidigniSiWilli 2000 P.S1 CONC. BASE • N0 4 BARS 0 12"0.C.E.W. 7'-6"OUTSIDE DIAMETER OR S0L/AR£BASE 3600 P.S.I. CONCRETE AIR RELEASE VALVE W/MANHOLE 1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS McCRFARf ROAD WATER DISiPoBUfIDN UNE MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS }t E Docurwls M E rOx `fie &DDRU:CON51RDC110N' s,,1" BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. C CONSULTING ENGINEERS fl�m.[ctt isu, TE, /9,0e,7 �E'0°�r woRc,crime dIC 2006-00 M2T w i �K}!b• =Ro.w+c RIL Jur.IW7 20 SO e MOW WHIM RIM le.OW.w�t WLNK nevr-a . W W ss_ D r--""ein I* L C } i I.: ( it)kil, . A_ 1 m n i q ra LL- , _1', WWI Wilt III e ! �N as 1 k 1 11 I ills '^ t ! R to sFli _ !i i r .0 R iIIIk ' adillillmowi � dil It film- I a lac o Li , kg 1 11 wig 7 ����� as 11 �L. 1 . illi g......eljliAki11111111d r•.:: 1 " �i�, t �a �� � ; y —_ Ia 441 ill; i �� / �, i c 1 1 Rlgtci gl"t 111 pit € A 1, my! 11 a 1 i '' 1 I — <T1•/ \ 1111111111111UNIIIII NM MNli 1 I 1 z S26 1Y li i z i pFF t W U IA C ■. I Si 0 - htir'' .:,. .Ai --- , . .1 " . 8 i i " n 3 tia !IdE 5�;t 7- 0 : R ti - 4* e . ! 0 t , Ilu ill u i4 . 'o' I semisso t, t . 1 b 4 di wn�.i �h•Fi 6 al h m Rt g A$3� I ri ; Cog;si 11 111 � lk 4 IN 4,,„ vl A.,kg .6 th . Aril , i , tw, . 1 !I Iii gi igi i tt Sinn hi �a 4 it!.1 i l b is ra kii10.11 8 $t �3 t VI.4, t s zt. f 1 01 1. riot wirt0a t. too 41_ kiiii ..1 a� II I Jr A _,,„.. 1,4, v z:i an :,-' iii 1 I- .1•Mil ; la e a' CIIIIICilliAllrl al I IMMO UV Mlle 1%,'i-t:22411.- 111 WAYSIEll .4 . OVUM IC 1US OYOLI ROM NERINA11,10I0S.10 i IYAL CONC.M Oa 1A111 V NI LOCMON Or v*1.0 O. 13 s.Ar' -LI y 5_ ta....._ In — !.4 4. wax CONC.CIA FACE OF al Ulf.slTO{'CM AT LOCATION �r — Or IA for SOMEH � s (M�ML Dale.rA)a• no�•cols ZLNAT sc11FJLAu1E1Ml ar B.C. I nm�,,,--�,' I gr.) our. . (iTR) RI F 23 ‘sR y 'Jr II 444 41 11111111111. ILdto s I,' q%-- . 14 II . W-1 @ 1 [ . 1 11 , li C 01 . . . . ,. g - if il '! , ij 1 .1 SyKi,+ 11117,“- F F r 8 • r • r r r ii I ! 11414141 11; lxl�g�c �� 11 i �cii x��l s '� �c!ic T'8 x 3 �1;14"1 1; 9 $ ta_ Ig611sccllc4 11 ; i Oirill IP ! 41 111 1 fi" 141! Xd! 911 Iii I I ag ! ill 'Iii Ii t lafs 414 t 14 MR 1111/ I 1* 3 "Ill 41 "1 Oil 1 rig fill ill glii mall I i • g 0 — Is 1 1Z";11;i1 11 ell! 11! ! !!1 Igi 11 A TA I O 151 l i1 , 11 i i sal r1 c3 m ll "I \ .. 1 c K1c� g '� m iz 2. l111= I! I SAP 711! I II 14 ;III gel °II BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave.,#220 Dallas,Texas 75231 Fax(214)361-0204 Phone(214)361-7900 JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. PAUL A.CARLINE,P.E. MATT HICKEY,P.E. July 9, 2007 Mr. Chris Hoisted, P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie 949 Hensley Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: McCreary Road Water Distribution Line Recommendation for Award of Contract Dear Mr. Hoisted: We checked the bids received at 2:00 p.m. on July 6, 2007, for construction of the McCreary Road Water Distribution Line project and are returning the original bid documents and bid bonds with this letter. Three (3)copies of the Bid Tabulation are also enclosed for your use. Morrow Construction Company of Lavon, Texas, submitted the lowest bid for the project. The Base Bid amount is $816,664.48 and the Alternate Bid Item(RPZ Meter) amount is $31,840.00. The total amount for the Base Bid plus the Alternate Bid Item is $848,504.48. We have experience working with Morrow Construction Company on a similar project and in our opinion, they are qualified to successfully complete this project. Accordingly, we recommend that the City of Wylie accept the bid of Morrow Construction Company and award them a contract for construction of the McCreary Road Water Distribution Line project. The amount of the contract will depend on whether or not the alternate is included in the project. We believe the best option is to award a contract in the amount of$848,504.48 for the Base Bid plus the Alternate Bid Item. We are returning the original bids and bid bonds received yesterday from Morrow Construction Company and the other bidders. We understand you will return the bid bonds. We are available to discuss this matter at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Joe R. Carter, P.E. Enclosures j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\letters\k\recotrmend-award.doc BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave.,#220 Dallas,Texas 75231 Fax(214)361-0204 Phone(214)361-7900 MEMORANDUM To: Chris Hoisted,P.E. From: Joe R. Carter,P.E. Sent via Email Date: Revised February 22,2007 Subject: Water Distribution System 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan At your request, we reviewed the Water Distribution System 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan as outlined by the City of Wylie Agenda Report dated November 14, 2006. We met with you and Mike Sferra yesterday to discuss the 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan and how funds should be allocated. The budget costs listed in the Agenda Report were based on information contained in the Impact Fee Report. Since the time of that report we have begun detailed design on several elements in the Water Distribution System Capital Improvement Plan and we have better information for more precise opinions of construction cost. Based on the results of our meeting we recommend the following projects to be included in the Water Distribution System 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan: 730 Service Area(High Pressure Service Area) Project Budget Cost Newport Harbor 2.0 MG Ground Storage Tank $1,700,000 • Newport Harbor Pump Station Improvements(1 pump) $ 160,000 Newport Harbor(FM 1378) Water Distribution Line No. 1 $1,400,000 McCreary Road Water Distribution Line $ 990.000 Total High Pressure Service Area $4,250,000 679 Service Area (Low Pressure Service Area) Project Budget Cost Nortex 1.5 MG Ground Storage Tank $1,275,000 Nortex Pump Station Improvements(1 pump) $ 150,000 SH 78 Distribution Line No. 1 (NTMWD to Eubanks) $ 540,000 Brown Street Distribution Line $ 300,000 *NTMWD Pump Station Improvements $ 985,000 Total Low Pressure Service Area $3,250,000 j:klerieallwyliell-4090 several sweiees1104•ntmwd pump seer water moddlhudt1ledya4.tu.m(2).doe Page 1 of 2 City of Wylie 2/22/2007 Water Distribution System 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan Page 2 of 2 *Important Note The "NTMWD Pump Station Improvements" budget amount of $985,000 is the approximate construction cost for the originally planned first phase of improvements to the NTMWD Pump Station. Increasing the pumping capacity at NTMWD or building a new pumping facility is essential to be able to serve any heavy industrial type of demand along State Highway 78 over the next five years. The improvements included in the stated budget amounts will allow for some light industrial or commercial development along State Highway 78 over the next five years without completing the NTMWD Pump Station Improvements. During our second meeting with the NTMWD regarding the proposed pump station improvements they informed us that an air gap must be provided. That requirement more than doubles the probable cost of the pump station improvements (adding$1.2M to $1.3M). The NTMWD has indicated that it is unlikely they will pay for construction of the additional pump station and related facilities necessary to provide an air gap but this is not known for certain until a formal request is made. The remainder of the SH 78 Distribution Line is also required to provide sufficient water for Heavy Industrial demands along State Highway 78 and the approximate construction cost of the portion of that project not included in the 5-Year CEP is$1,320,000. If the NTMWD will not participate in the cost of improvements at the current NTMWD Pump Station site and the Brown Street Pump Station option is selected the approximate construction cost of the first phase of improvements is $3,900,000 requiring $2,915,000 more than is included in this bond proposal. l � cc: Mike Sferra Mindy Manson Larry Williamson jAeloia.nwylie\I.4090 gene al amvices%104-ntmwd pump sin water moaenbncrs k\5yrcip-n at(2).doc BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2006124 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Date: 29-Jun-07 Project: McCreary Road Water Distribution Line Southfork Mobile Home Park to Creekside Estates Phase 4 By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Amount BASE BID Furnish&Install 20-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard 1 Embedment 2,334 L.F. $ 78.00 $ 182,052.00 Furnish&Install 20-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/30-Inch Steel 2 Encasement Pipe 318 L.F. $ 475.00 $ 151,050.00 Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard 3 Embedment 5,071 L.F. $ 65.00 $ 329,615.00 Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut w/24-Inch Steel 4 Encasement Pipe 30 L.F. $ 150.00 $ 4,500.00 Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/24-Inch Steel 5 Encasement Pipe 140 L.F. $ 450.00 $ 63,000.00 Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Other than Open Cut w/Pressure 6 Grout 60 L.F. $ 250.00 $ 15,000.00 Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard 7 Embedment 18 L.F. $ 45.00 $ 810.00 Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/20-Inch Steel 8 Encasement Pipe 34 L.F. $ 350.00 $ 11,900.00 9 Furnish&Install 20-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly Valve w/Extended Operator 1 Ea. $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 10 Furnish&Install 16-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly Valve w/Extended Operator 3 Ea. $ 5,500.00 $ 16,500.00 11 Furnish&Install 12-Inch Gate Valve w/Extended Operator 2 Ea. $ 2,400.00 $ 4,800.00 12 Construct 3"Combination Air Release Valve with 4'Diameter Manhole 3 Ea. $ 4,500.00 $ 13,500.00 13 Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 4'Diameter Manhole 2 Ea. $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 14 Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 20 L.f.6"Water Line&Plug 1 Ea. $ 2,750.00 $ 2,750.00 15 Remove&Replace Existing Reinforced Concrete Pavement 130.5 S.Y. $ 72.00 $ 9,396.00 16 Construct 4"Temporary Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 385 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 16,170.00 17 Remove&Replace Existing 6"Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 376 S.Y. $ 52.00 $ 19,552.00 18 Full Depth Saw Cut Existing Reinforced Concrete Pavement 277 L.F. $ 4.00 $ 1,108.00 J:\Wylie\2006124\specs\tech\P&BS-2.xis Page 1 of 2 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2006124 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Date: 29-Jun-07 Project: McCreary Road Water Distribution Line Southfork Mobile Home Park to Creekside Estates Phase 4 By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Amount 19 Perform Wet Connections 3 Ea. $ 1,750.00 $ 5,250.00 20 Design,Provide and Maintain Traffic Control Devices and Flagmen 6 Mos. $ 900.00 $ 5,400.00 21 Remove&Replace Metal Beam Guard Fence 150 L.F. $ 45.00 $ 6,750.00 22 Construct Guardrail Extruder Terminal 1 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 23 Restore Median Including Trees,Irrigation Systems,Street Signs and Grass 1 L.S. $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 24 Design&Implement Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 1 L.S. $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 25 Design Trench Safety Plan&Provide Trench Safety Systems 7,422 L.F. $ 3.00 $ 22,266.00 Subtotal: Base Bid:, $ 931,869.00 ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 Al Furnish&Install RPZ with Meter&Vault 1 L.S. $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 Subtotal: Alternate Bid No. 1: $ 30,000.00 Total: (Base Bid + Alternate Bid): $ 961,869.00 Contingencies and Miscellaneous Items: 5% $ 48,093.45 Total: $ 1,009,962.45 USE: $ 1,010,000.00 J:\Wylie\2006124\specs\tech\P&BS-2.xls Page 2 of 2 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS McCreary Road Water Distribution Line Southfork Mobile Home Park to Creekside Estates Phase 4 BID SUMMARY Bids Received at 2:00 p.m., Friday,July 6, 2007 Base Bid Alt. Bid #1 Total Amount Bid Base Bid Alt. Bid#1 Total Amount Bid Contractor (Items 1 - 25) (Item Al) (Base+Alternate) Contractor (Items 1 - 25) (Item Al) (Base+Alternate) 1. Morrow Construction 7. KCK Utility Construction, Inc. P. O. Box 158 103 N. Allen Drive Lavon, Texas 75166 $ 816,664.48 $31,840.00 $ 848,504.48 Allen, Texas 75013 $ 907,769.40 $25,200.00 $ 932,969.40 2. UtiliTex Construction, L.L.P. 8. Texas United Excavators, LLC 2300 Peachtree Rd. P. O. Box 111520 Balch Springs, Texas 75180 $ 820,065.50 $30,000.00 $ 850,065.50 Carrollton, Texas 75011 $ 928,428.00 $27,000.00 $ 955,428.00 3. Four D Construction, Inc. 9. Gin-Spen, Inc. 11200 Seagoville Rd. 780 W. Kennedale Parkway Balch Springs, Texas 75180 $ 826,523.55 $26,250.00 $ 852,773.55 Kennedale, Texas 76060 $ 912,322.20 $45,000.00 $ 957,322.20 4. Wright Construction Co.,Inc. 10. Quality Excavation, Ltd. 601 W. Wall Street 5620 Highway 377 Grapevine, Texas 76051 $ 861,401.65 $26,350.00 $ 887,751.65 Aubrey, Texas 76227 $ 929,438.20 $30,207.74 $ 959,645.94 5. Saber Development 11. East Texas Contracting, Inc. P. O. Box 540186 P. O. Box 307 Dallas,Texas 75354 $ 873,535.45 $30,500.00 $ 904,035.45 Seagoville, Texas 75159 $ 1,001,375.50 $35,000.00 $ 1,036,375.50 6. Fox Contractors, Inc. 12. Tri-Con Services, Inc. P. O. Box 951 3010 W. Main Street Midlothian, Texas 76065 $ 872,790.00 $37,000.00 $ 909,790.00 Rowlett, Texas 75088 $ 1,330,298.00 $37,000.00 $ 1,367,298.00 J WylieA2006 124,specs'tech P&BS-2 x1s TABULATION OF BIDS BID OF BID OF BID OF BID OF Date: July 6,2007 Project: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. Monow Construction UtiliTex Construction,L.L.P. Four D Construction,Inc. Wright Construction Co.,Inc. McCreary Road Water Distribution Line CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.O.Box 158 2300 Peachtree Rd. 11200 Seagoville Rd. 601 W.Wall Street Southfork Mobile Home Park to Creekside Estates Phase 4 Dallas,Texas Lavon,Texas 75166 Balch Springs,Texas 75180 Balch Springs,Texas 75180 Grapevine,Texas 76051 • Item Approximate Unit Bid Unit Bid Unit Bid Unit Bid No. Quantities Unit Description Price Extension Price Extension Price Extension Price Extension BASE BID 1 2,334 L.F. Furnish&Install 20-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard Embedment $72.78 $ 169,868.52 $75.00 $ 175,050.00 $77.10 $ 179,951.40 $69.00 $ 161.046.00 2 318 L.F. Furnish&Install 20-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/30-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $325.00 $ 103,350.00 $355.00 $ 112,890.00 $438.10 $ 139,315.80 $440.00 $ 139,920.00 3 5,071 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard Embedment $56.72 $ 287,627.12 $61.00 $ 309,331.00 $53.80 $ 272,819.80 $47.15 $ 239.097.65 4 30 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut w/24-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $105.00 $ 3,150.00 $160.00 $ 4,800.00 $152.60 $ 4,578.00 $87.00 $ 2,610.00 5 140 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/24-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $257.00 $ 35,980.00 $275.00 $ 38,500.00 $346.75 $ 48,545.00 $375.00 $ 52.500.00 6 60 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Other than Open Cut w/Pressure Grout $140.00 $ 8,400.00 $140.00 $ 8,400.00 $287.70 $ 17,262.00 S280.00 $ 16.800.00 7 18 L.F. Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard Embedment $40.38 $ 726.84 $52.00 $ 936.00 $208.90 $ 3,760.20 S145.00 $ 2,610.00 8 34 L.F. Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/20-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $195.00 $ 6,630.00 $275.00 $ 9,350.00 S344.80 $ 11,723.20 $355.00 $ 12,070.00 9 1 Ea. Furnish&Install 20-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly Valve w/Extended Operator $3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 $4,350.00 $ 4,350.00 $6,405.00 $ 6,405.00_ $11,570.00 $ 11,570.00 10 3 Ea. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly Valve w/Extended Operator $3,050.00 $ 9,150.00 $2,895.00 $ 8,685.00 $5,590.00 $ 16,770.00 $9,800.00 $ 29,400.00 11 2 Ea. Furnish&Install 12-Inch Gate Valve w/Extended Operator S1,622.00 $ 3,244.00 $1,850.00 $ 3,700.00 $1,577.00 $ 3,154.00 $1,800.00 $ 3,600.00 12 3 Ea. Construct 3"Combination Air Release Valve with 4'Diameter Manhole $4,421.00 $ 13,263.00 $3,995.00 $ 11,985.00 $3,050.00 $ 9,150.00 $4,400.00 $ 13,200.00 13 2 Ea. Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 4'Diameter Manhole $4,450.00 $ 8,900.00 $3,650.00 $ 7,300.00 $2,400.00 $ 4,800.00 $4,400.00 $ 8,800.00 14 1 Ea. Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 20 L.f.6"Water Line&Plug $2,350.00 S 2,350.00 $2,325.00 $ 2,325.00 $1,833.00 $ 1,833.00 $1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 15 131 S.Y. Remove&Replace Existing Reinforced Concrete Pavement $75.00 $ 9,825.00 $119.00 $ 15,589.00 $96.00 S 12,576.00 $110.00 $ 14,410.00 16 385 S.Y. Construct 4"Temporary Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement $55.00 $ 21,175.00 $75.00 $ 28,875.00 $39.65 $ 15,265.25 $44.00 $ 16,940.00 17 376 S.Y. Remove&Replace Existing 6"Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement $75.00 $ 28,200.00 $88.00 $ 33,088.00 $55.30 $ 20,792.80 $82.00 $ 30,832.00 18 277 L.F. Full Depth Saw Cut Existing Reinforced Concrete Pavement $3.00 $ 831.00 $2.00 $ 554.00 $13.00 $ 3,601.00 $5.00 $ 1,385.00 19 3 Ea. Peifoim Wet Connections $4,500.00 $ 13,500.00 $3,150.00 $ 9,450.00 $3,092.00 $ 9,276.00 $5,700.00 $ 17,100.00 20 6 Mos. Design,Provide and Maintain Traffic Control Devices and Flagmen $3,500.00 $ 21,000.00 $700.00 $ 4,200.00 $1,750.00 $ 10,500.00 $1,650.00 $ 9,900.00 21 150 L.F. Remove&Replace Metal Beam Guard Fence $12.00 $ 1,800.00 $30.00 $ 4,500.00 $20.00 $ 3,000.00 $32.00 $ 4,800.00 22 1 Ea. Construct Guardrail Extruder Terminal $4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $2,325.00 $ 2,325.00 $3,680.00 $ 3,680.00 $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 23 1 L.S. Restore Median Including Trees,Irrigation Systems,Street Signs and Grass $40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $22,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $18,322.00 $ 18,322.00 $40,300.00 $ 40,300.00 24 1 L.S. Design&Implement Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $27.00 $ 27.00 $1,650.00 $ 1,650.00 $24,900.00 $ 24,900.00 25 7,422 L.F. Design Trench Safety Plan&Provide Trench Safety Systems $2.00 $ 14,844.00 $0.25 $ 1,855.50 $1.05 $ 7,793.10 $0.50 $ 3,711.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID (Items 1 Through 25) $ 816,664.48 $ 820,065.50 $ 826,523.55 $ 861,401.65 ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 Al I L.S. Furnish&Install RPZ with Meter&Vault $31,840.00 $ 31,840.00 $30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $26,250.00 $ 26,250.00 $26,350.00 $ 26,350.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 (Item Al) $ 31,840.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 26.250.00 $ 26,350.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID (Base Bid + Alternate Bid No.1) $ 848,504.48 $ 850,065.50 $ 852,773.55 $ 887,751.65 J:yWyGe'2006 124yspecstech,P&BS 2.xls Page 1 of 3 TABULATION OF BIDS BID OF BID OF BID OF BID OF Date: July 6,2007 Project: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. Saber Development Fox Contractors,Inc. KCK Utility Construction,Inc. Texas United Excavators,LLC McCreary Road Water Distribution Line CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.O.Box 540186 P.O.Box 951 103 N.Allen Drive P.O.Box 111520 Southfork Mobile Home Park to Creekside Estates Phase 4 Dallas,Texas Dallas,Texas 75354 Midlothian,Texas 76065 Allen,Texas 75013 Carrollton,Texas 75011 Item Approximate Unit Bid Unit Bid Unit Bid Unit Bid No. Quantities Unit Description Price Extension Price Extension Price Extension Price Extension BASE BID I 2,334 L.F. Furnish&Install 20-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard Embedment $85.10 $ 198,623.40 $79.70 $ 186,019.80 $90.50 $ 21 1,227.00 $88.00 S 205,392.00 2 318 L.F. Furnish&Install 20-inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/30-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $375.00 $ 119,250.00 $425.00 $ 135,150.00 $432.00 $ 137,376.00 S475.00 $ 151,050.00 3 5,071 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard Embedment $63.55 $ 322,262.05 $54.00 $ 273,834.00 $54.00 $ 273,834.00 $58.00 $ 294,1 18.00 4 30 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut w/24-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $145.50 $ 4,365.00 $145.00 $ 4,350.00 $164.00 $ 4,920.00 $205.00 $ 6,150.00 5 140 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/24-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $320.00 $ 44,800.00 $345.00 $ 48,300.00 $406.00 $ 56,840.00 $385.00 $ 53,900.00 6 60 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Other than Open Cut w/Pressure Grout $180.00 $ 10,800.00 $157.00 $ 9,420.00 $406.00 $ 24,360.00 $375.00 $ 22,500.00 7 18 L.F. Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard Embedment $115.00 $ 2,070.00 $127.00 $ 2,286.00 $177.00 5 3,186.00 $140.00 $ 2,520.00 8 34 L.F. Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/20-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $245.00 $ 8,330.00 S305.00 $ 10,370.00 $301.00 $ 10 234.00 $400.00 $ 13,600.00 9 I Ea. Furnish&Install 20-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly Valve w/Extended Operator $8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $6,200.00 $ 6,200.00 $4,300.00 $ 4,300.00 $7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 10 3 Ea. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly Valve w/Extended Operator $6,100.00 $ 18,300.00 $4,500.00 $ 13,500.00 $2,960.00 $ 8,880.00 $3,000.00 $ 9,000.00 11 2 Ea. Furnish&Install 12-Inch Gate Valve w/Extended Operator $1,450.00 $ 2,900.00 $1,350.00 $ 2,700.00 $1,650.00 $ 3,300.00 $1,625.00 $ 3,250.00 12 3 Ea. Construct 3"Combination Air Release Valve with 4'Diameter Manhole $4,500.00 $ 13,500.00 S3,250.00 $ 9,750.00 $6,290.00 $ 18,870.00 $3,600.00 $ 10,800.00 13 2 Ea. Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 4'Diameter Manhole $7,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $4,300.00 $ 8,600.00 $5,690.00 $ 11,380.00 $4,800.00 $ 9,600.00 14 1 Ea. Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 20 L.f.6"Water Line&Plug $6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $1,650.00 $ 1,650.00 $2,740.00 $ 2,740.00 $2,050.00 $ 2,050.00 15 131 S.Y. Remove&Replace Existing Reinforced Concrete Pavement $75.00 $ 9,825.00 $76.00 $ 9,956.00 $99.00 $ 12,969.00 $49.00 $ 6,419.00 16 385 S.Y. Construct 4"Temporary Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement $30.00 $ 11,550.00 $27.00 $ 10,395.00 $66.00 $ 25,410.00 $12.40 $ 4,774.00 17 376 S.Y. Remove&Replace Existing 6"Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement $55.00 $ 20,680.00 $37.40 $ 14,062.40 $83.00 $ 31,208.00 $30.00 $ 11,280.00 18 277 L.F. Full Depth Saw Cut Existing Reinforced Concrete Pavement $4.00 $ 1,108.00 $4.00 $ 1,108.00 $2.20 $ 609.40 $5.00 $ 1,385.00 19 3 Ea. Perform Wet Connections $4,500.00 $ 13,500.00 $2,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $3,390.00 $ 10,170.00 $3,625.00 $ 10,875.00 20 6 Mos. Design,Provide and Maintain Traffic Control Devices and Flagmen $1,250.00 $ 7,500.00 $1,800.00 $ 10,800.00 $1,650.00 $ 9,900.00 $2,000.00 $ 12,000.00 21 150 L.F. Remove&Replace Metal Beam Guard Fence $5.00 $ 750.00 $75.00 $ 11,250.00 $55.00 $ 8,250.00 $30.00 $ 4,500.00 22 1 Ea. Construct Guardrail Extruder Terminal $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $3,295.00 $ 3,295.00 $600.00 $ 600.00 23 1 L.S. Restore Median Including Trees,Irrigation Systems,Street Signs and Grass $25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 S80,620.00 $ 80,620.00 $27,500.00 $ 27,500.00 $20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 24 1 L.S. Design&Implement Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $3,300.00 $ 3,300.00 $10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 25 7,422 L.F. Design Trench Safety Plan&Provide Trench Safety Systems $1.00 $ 7,422.00 $0.40 $ 2,968.80 $0.50 $ 3,711.00 $7.50 $ 55,665.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID (Items 1 Through 25) $ 873,535.45 $ 872,790.00 $ 907,769.40 $ 928,428.00 ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 Al 1 L.S. Furnish&Install RPZ with Meter&Vault $30,500.00 $ 30,500.00 $37,000.00 S 37,000.00 $25,200.00 $ 25,200.00 $27,000.00 $ 27,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 (Item Al) $ 30,500.00 $ 37,000.00 $ 25,200.00 $ 27,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID (Base Bid + Alternate Bid No.1) $ 904,035.45 $ 909,790.00 $ 932,969.40 $ 955,428.00 J.AWylieA2006124'specsVtechVP&BS-2.xls Page 2 of 3 TABULATION OF BIDS BID OF BID OF BID OF BID OF Date: July 6,2007 Project: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. Gin-Spen,Inc. Quality Excavation,Ltd. East Texas Contracting,Inc. Tri-Con Services,Inc. McCreary Road Water Distribution Line CONSULTING ENGINEERS 780 W.Kennedale Parkway 5620 Highway 377 P.O.Box 307 3010 W.Main Street Southfork Mobile Home Park to Creekside Estates Phase 4 Dallas,Texas Kennedale,Texas 76060 Aubrey,Texas 76227 Seagoville,Texas 75159 Rowlett,Texas 75088 Item Approximate Unit Bid Unit Bid Unit Bid Unit Bid No. Quantities Unit Description Price Extension Price Extension Price Extension Price Extension BASE BID I 2,334 L.F. Furnish&Install 20-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard Embedment $71.50 $ 166,881.00 $98.20 $ 229,198.80 $105.00 $ 245,070.00 $130.00 $ 303,420.00 2 318 L.F. Furnish&Install 20-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/30-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $438.00 $ 139,284.00 $452.00 $ 143,736.00 S446.00 $ 141,828.00 S477.00 $ 151,686.00 3 5,071 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard Embedment $50.00 $ 253,550.00 $57.00 $ 289.047.00 $87.00 $ 441,177.00 $86.00 $ 436,106.00 4 30 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut w/24-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $160.00 $ 4,800.00 $171.50 $ 5,145.00 $107.00 $ 3,210.00 $450.00 $ 13,500.00 5 140 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/24-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $354.00 $ 49,560.00 $390.00 $ 54,600.00 $340.00 $ 47,600.00 $450.00 $ 63,000.00 6 60 L.F. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Other than Open Cut w/Pressure Grout $165.00 $ 9,900.00 $403.00 $ 24,180.00 $306.00 $ 18,360.00 $540.00 $ 32,400.00 7 18 L.F. Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Open Cut with Standard Embedment $76.50 $ 1,377.00 $226.00 $ 4,068.00 $74.75 $ 1,345.50 $1,000.00 $ 18,000.00 8 34 L.F. Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore&Jack w/20-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe $315.00 $ 10,710.00 $415.00 $ 14,1 10.00 $304.75 $ 10,361.50 $750.00 $ 25,500.00 9 1 Ea. Furnish&Install 20-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly Valve w/Extended Operator $8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $6,745.00 $ 6,745.00 $20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 10 3 Ea. Furnish&Install 16-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly Valve w/Extended Operator $6,100.00 $ 18,300.00 $2,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $5,080.00 $ 15,240.00 $9,000.00 $ 27,000.00 II 2 Ea. Furnish&Install 12-Inch Gate Valve w/Extended Operator $1,573.00 $ 3,146.00 $1,600.00 $ 3,200.00 $1,460.00 $ 2,920.00 $4,000.00 $ 8,000.00 12 3 Ea. Construct 3"Combination Air Release Valve with 4'Diameter Manhole $4,650.00 $ 13,950.00 $6,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $3,988.00 $ 11,964.00 $10,000.00 $ 30,000.00 13 2 Ea. Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 4'Diameter Manhole $5,900.00 $ 11,800.00 $5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $4,200.00 $ 8,400.00 $15,000.00 $ 30,000.00 14 I Ea. Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 20 L.f.6"Water Line&Plug $3,300.00 $ 3,300.00 $2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 $1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 S3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 15 131 S.Y. Remove&Replace Existing Reinforced Concrete Pavement $61.00 $ 7,991.00 $75.00 S 9,825.00 $45.00 $ 5,895.00 S135.00 $ 17,685.00 16 385 S.Y. Construct 4"Temporary Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement $20.00 $ 7,700.00 $38.00 $ 14,630.00 $22.00 $ 8,470.00 $30.00 $ 11,550.00 17 376 S.Y. Remove&Replace Existing 6"Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement $42.50 $ 15,980.00 $59.00 $ 22,184.00 $26.00 $ 9,776.00 $50.00 $ 18,800.00 18 277 L.F. Full Depth Saw Cut Existing Reinforced Concrete Pavement $3.00 $ 831.00 $4.00 $ 1,108.00 $4.00 $ 1,108.00 $5.00 $ 1,385.00 19 3 Ea. Perform Wet Connections $3,050.00 $ 9,150.00 $3,500.00 $ 10,500.00 S3,300.00 $ 9,900.00 $5,000.00 $ 15,000.00 20 6 Mos. Design,Provide and Maintain Traffic Control Devices and Flagmen $1,250.00 $ 7,500.00 S3,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $300.00 $ 1,800.00 $1,500.00 $ 9,000.00 21 150 L.F. Remove&Replace Metal Beam Guard Fence $45.00 $ 6,750.00 $40.00 $ 6,000.00 $8.00 $ 1,200.00 $50.00 $ 7,500.00 22 1 Ea. Construct Guardrail Extruder Tenninal $600.00 $ 600.00 $1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 23 1 L.S. Restore Median Including Trees,irrigation Systems,Street Signs and Grass $75,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $22,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 24 I L.S. Design&Implement Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan $11,300.00 $ 11,300.00 $5,900.00 $ 5,900.00 $1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 $20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 25 7,422 L.F. Design Trench Safety Plan&Provide Trench Safety Systems $10.10 $ 74,962.20 $1.20 $ 8,906.40 $0.25 $ 1,855.50 $3.00 $ 22,266.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID (Items 1 Through 25) $ 912,322.20 $ 929,438.20 $ 1,001,375.50 $ 1,330,298.00 ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 Al 1 L.S. Furnish&Install RPZ with Meter&Vault $45,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $30,207.74 $ 30,207.74 $35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $37,000.00 $ 37,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 (Item Al) $ 45,000.00 $ 30,207.74 $ 35,000.00 $ 37,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID (Base Bid + Alternate Bid No.1) $ 957,322.20 $ 959.645.94 $ 1,036,375.50 $ 1,367.298.00 J:,Wyle2006124\specslech\P&BS-2.xis Page 3 of 3 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK TO CREEKSIDE ESTATES PHASE 4 CITY OF WYLIE PREPARED BY BIRKHOFF HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 GREENVILLE AVENUE, #220 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 JUNE, 2007 BID BOND FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY -- -- - Hartford, Connecticut 06183 - • Bond No. • 0767 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Morrow Construction as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal,and Farmington Casualty Company , ,of Hartford,Connecticut,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut,as Surety,hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto The City of Wylie, Texas (: as Obligee,hereinafter called the Obligee,in the sum of Five Percent of Greatest Amount Bid • Dollars($ 5% of GAB ),for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made,the said Principal and the said Surety,bind ourselves,our heirs,executors,administrators,successors and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents. . WHEREAS,the Principal has submitted a bid for McCreary Road Water Distribution Line NOW,THEREFORE,if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid,and give such bond or bonds as maybe specified in the bang or• Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt -payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof,or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds,if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the - penaly hereof between the amount specified In said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party,to perform the Work covered by said bid,then this obligation shall be null and void,otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 6 day of July, 2 0 0 7 . , . . Morrow Construction J s P. Fulton (Witness) (P al)(Sea) BY: ill I( 45742---s--u--,rsj . /� Will Morrow • (rye) ,Les.....,.,Les.....,.,Les.....,.,,, • ��,c 2 a es P. Fulton . (Witness) FARMINGTO CASUALTY COMPANY By C -� ./"7 �� Chris M. Hill (Attorney-in-Fact) . • • Printed in cooperation with the American Institute of Architects(AIA) by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America. The language in:this document conforms exactly to the language used in AIA Document A310,February 1970 edition, S-1869-G(07-97) i WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER POWER OF ATTORNEY ' • g a TRAVELERS Farmington Casualty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company t Seaboard Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America i St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company R 1 ', (�Q Attorney-In Fact No. 214950 Certificate No.O O 15 7 7 .J lJ O € KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Seaboard Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York,that St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company and St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota,that Farmington Casualty Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America are ! corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut,that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland,that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa,and that Fidelity and 1 Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin(herein collectively called the"Companies"),and that gP the Companies do hereby make,constitute and appoint {E P Cash R. Harbaugh,Chris M.Hill,and Donald G.Murray t C ge F 6 t of the City of Dallas , State of Texas ,their true and lawful Attorneys)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to sign,execute,seal and acknowledge any and all bonds,recognizances,conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons,guaranteeing the performance of 1 contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. i i 16th € IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Companies have caused this instrument to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed,this April 2007 day of , Farmington Casualty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company ..Su . 0.l y,� SIWE) .ava+,,,,eM• f�,N_�M r HV., iY Aly� •,,7Y G nnnn^�;♦ V y(��,(. J 2r'r. (FyyyyS' !!-. .SG-- /:?.............., gJp' S 4 "44.C� 0. MO I OV'V.'YJ�• * O G �P- �Q: RROR 9 4 i ';'4Ci• 4 % .17 P F fi 6 PicomCRATED W - m .ioo _4 i•mt ;W:eo t., .e i •S fNRTFp��9 � �£ I982 o e ae-- n_- '..1 t7 . 1 s77 1 s 2 '^ tiR.:�� 1 =Z; c NARiFCRD. T t .' ( '� a•.$ �: i o: CONN. o CONN. e a. 896 y°q 1 ' 1951 s� EAL,.o. It,.SEAL o d y + ��F ays .. .>co. � _ •f r \,.S as r ky„ 0" .i 0 e/ 4 '''OFN (J' `4,'„;„��ts� \;S.ANva= 1S+^ .:r� 74: n�an r �r •�i Ag4, .0'I State of Connecticut By: - City of Hartford ss. Georg Thompson,'enior ice President On this the 16th day of April 2007 before me personally appeared George W. Thompson, who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc.,Seaboard Surety Company,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do,executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. (TAR T!TIn Witness Whereof,I hereunto set my hand and official seal. e My Commission expires the 30th day of June,2011. G�AUBUG * Marie C.Tetreault,Notary Public w" s ellf 58440-8-06 Printed in U.S.A. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER • This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Comp;,.y,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,which resolutions are now in full force and effect,reading as follows: RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President,the Treasurer,any Assistant Treasurer,the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds,recognizances,contracts of indemnity,and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking,and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her;and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman,the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company,provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary;and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that any bond,recognizance,contract of indemnity,or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when(a)signed by the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice II President.any Second Vice President,the Treasurer,any Assistant Treasurer,the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary;or(b)duly executed(under seal,if required)by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that the signature of each of the following officers:President,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents,Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached. III I,Kori M.Johanson,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,of Farmington Casualty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters. Inc., Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety,Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,which is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this 6 day of July ,20 Al7 Kori M.Johans Assistant Secretary 3 e 3 <�, 1•l1•IFr j. 6 0 ITN Np .:! 1NSu4 PITY ANO sw tY�y� GASU,� StY�rr F10.EM"nry,,,y � ,+ 9... J y, IY'G'_"p "� p[�oPPy0Fi71�' r'b ^� GcepoRmED * �' tr,*. �Y's QO::........,� �,F`JP �i, 4 •l, �� •y.. '1' 1 Jjr LORPOq .3�• Z 1982�'O 19/! B. �v. in .72• zz. .mj l.1 �T IW OORPOR4Tf cjnt - P. nicaRNEN y` a S 19J�1 J� 3 �'•5E AL,o ,,, o"; W N ONN�• �WNN. £-: m 1866 N 9 + � > as ��. r 6:SS1LLlt o �y �� d e -y Zi` y s� Ec d........:�a I It1 i v of mpr,4,�" f r �°'r•`.... tea= �li l S NNN✓ r bi �a A To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney,call 1-800-421-3880 or contact us at www.stpaultravelersbond.com.Please refer to the Attorney-In-Fact number, the above-named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. { E A WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK TO CREEKSIDE ESTATES - PHASE 4 CITY COUNCIL John Mondy,Mayor M. G. "Red" Byboth,Mayor Pro-Tern David Goss Kathy Spillyards Merrill Young Rick White Carter Porter CITY MANAGER Mindy Manson CITY ENGINEER Chris Hoisted, P.E. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES Mike Sferra TABLE OF CONTENTS ADDENDA NOTICE TO BIDDERS PROPOSAL AND BID SCHEDULE PBS-1 to PBS-7 STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT SF-1 PERFORMANCE BOND PB-1 PAYMENT BOND PB-2 MAINTENANCE BOND MB-1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS SC-1 to SC-23 LIST OF APPLICABLE NCTCOG SPECIFICATIONS COG-1 to COG-2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO NCTCOG: GENERAL PROVISIONS GPC-1 to GPC-4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO NCTCOG: CONSTRUCTION METHODS CM-1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS C-1 to C-5 ,+•�EOFTF%1 Fw \P.• . •Its1 +, THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FINAL AND 'eiri. •.*�� ARE FOR CONSTRUCTION,BIDDING,AND *.' � ••*�� PERMIT PURPOSES. J RICHARD CARTER i(,r,9 •64008 0::4Q.7 `•. /9 �07 f O'o'�G�STE��•.���'r ate: tttttS/ONAL Ems••" ` j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\index.doc CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTICE TO BIDDERS McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK TO CREEKSIDE ESTATES PHASE 4 Sealed bids will be received in the office of the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, 2000 North Highway 78, Wylie, Texas 75098 until 2:00 p.m., July 6, 2007, and then publicly opened and read for furnishing the all necessary materials, machinery, equipment, fuel, superintendence, insurance and bonds and for performing all work required for the construction of the McCreary Road Water Distribution Line, the Base Bid for the project including approximately 2,652 linear feet of 20-inch water line, 5,301 linear feet of 16-inch water line and 52 linear feet of 12-inch water line together with all necessary appurtenances and the Alternate Bid including furnishing and installing a RPZ Meter with a Vault together with all necessary appurtenances. Bidders must submit Cashier's or Certified Check, issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Wylie, or Bid Bond issued by a bonding company satisfactory to the City of Wylie, payable without recourse to the order of the City of Wylie in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the largest possible bid submitted as a guaranty that Bidder will enter into contract and execute Bond and Guaranty in the forms provided within ten (10) days after Notice of Award of Contract to him. Bids without required check or bid bond will not be considered. The successful bidder must furnish Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract price from a Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as Surety. The Owner shall give notice of award of contract within sixty (60) calendar days following the opening of bids. The low bidder must qualify within five (5) working days after bid opening, by submitting such additional evidence as may be required by the City. The low bidder must furnish Certificates of Insurance that meets the City requirements within twenty(20) working days after bid opening. Should the bidder fail to produce evidence satisfactory to the City on any of the foregoing points, he may be disqualified and the work awarded to the next responsible bidder so qualifying. The City of Wylie reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities. In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the bids, the City of Wylie reserves the right to consider the most advantageous construction thereof, or to reject the bid. Unreasonable (or "unbalanced") unit prices will authorize the City of Wylie to reject any bid. Bidders are expected to inspect the site of work and to inform themselves regarding all local conditions. Plans, specifications and bidding documents may be examined without charge at the office of Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P., 7502 Greenville Ave., #220, Dallas, Texas 75231, and may be acquired on request at the office of Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. for the price of Forty Dollars ($40.00)per set(this amount is non-refundable). j\clerical\wyhe\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\notice.doc PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS FOR McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK TO CREEKSIDE ESTATES PHASE 4 The undersigned, as bidder, declares (1) that the only person or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; (2)that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm, or corporation; (3) that he has carefully examined the Form of Contract, Notice to Contractors, specifications and the plans therein referred to; and (4) that he has carefully examined the locations, conditions, and classes of materials of the proposed work. The undersigned agrees that he will provide all the necessary labor, machinery, tools apparatus, and other items incidental to construction, and will do all work and furnish all the materials called for in the contract and specifications in the manner prescribed therein. It is understood that the following quantities of work to be done at unit prices are approximate only, and are intended principally to serve as a guide in evaluating bids. It is further agreed that the quantities of work to be done at unit prices and material to be furnished may be increased or diminished as may be necessary to complete the work fully as planned and contemplated, and that all quantities of work increased or decreased, are to be performed at the unit prices set forth below except as provided for in the specifications. It is further agreed that lump sum prices may be increased to cover additional work not shown on the plans or required by the specifications, in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions. Similarly, they may be decreased to cover deletions of work so ordered. It is understood that the work is to be completed in full within the time designated. Accompanying this proposal is a Cashier's or Certified Check or Bid Bond in the amount of 5%of the Greatest Amount of Bid Dollars ($ ). The bid security accompanying this proposal shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidder. In the event the City accepts the proposal and the bidder fails to execute a contract, and file a performance bond (100% of total contract price) and a payment bond (100% of total contract price), if required (performance bond, if project is over $100,000 and payment bond if project is over $25,000), within ten (10) days after its acceptance, the bid security shall become the property of the OWNER and shall be considered as payment for damages due to delay and other inconvenience suffered by the OWNER on account of such failure of the bidder. A separate maintenance bond will be required for projects less than $100,000.00. Otherwise, it is included with the performance bond. It is understood that the OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all bids. j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\p&bs-l.doe PBS-1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS McCreary Road Water Distribution Line Southfork Mobile Home Park to Creekside Estates Phase 4 BID SCHEDULE BASE BID Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount Furnish&Install 20-Inch Water Line by Open Cut 1 2,334 L.F. with Standard Embedment complete in place,the sum of (.5s ,52 r - Dollars and Cents per Lin ark o 0 Furnish&Install 20-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore 2 318 L.F. &Jack w/30-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe complete in place,the sum of _ _ 9 _ 3. era 63 y 3 .- 0 .O r) LA Aoud ollars and - 1\c, / Cevk-3 Cents per Lineal/Foot Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut 3 5,071 L.F. with Standard Embedment complete in place,the sum of ' - Dollars and �. Cents per Linear Foot Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Open Cut 4 30 L.F. w/24-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe complete in place,the sum of _ tas.c>b 3/150, Or) ` ‘ - C.,-) sy_ Dollars and v of L2.vnk3 Cents per Linear oot Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore 5 140 L.F. &Jack w/24-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe complete in place,the sum of Dollars rand VNcJ / C. vt 5` Cents per Linear Foot J\Wylie\2006124\specs\tech\P&BS-2.xls PBS-2 BASE BID Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount Furnish&Install 16-Inch Water Line by Other 6 60 L.F. than Open Cut w/Pressure Grout complete in place,the sum of _ Dollars ` %} ` and 'v'p I revv-t 5 Cents per Linear Foot Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Open Cut 7 18 L.F. with Standard Embedment rcomplete in place,the sum of . Dollars and Cents per tAie4r Pot Furnish&Install 12-Inch Water Line by Dry Bore 8 34 L.F. &Jack w/20-Inch Steel Encasement Pipe complete in place,the sum of , and l�C? / C.e—vA — S Cents per Linear Foot Furnish&Install 20-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly 9 1 Ea. Valve w/Extended Operator complete in place,the sum of Dollars and Ntku c �int.S Cents per Each Furnish&Install 16-Inch Direct Bury Butterfly 10 3 Ea. Valve w/Extended Operator complete in place,the sum of AQ 3b6b, 60 Si Oz) Dollars and V\tv> C p vy Cents per Each Furnish&Install 12-Inch Gate Valve w/Extended 11 2 Ea. Operator complete in place,the sum of ��- Dollars and 'V\ vt- Cents per Each ]\Wylie\2006124\specs\tech\P&BS-2.xis PBS-3 BASE BID Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount Construct 3"Combination Air Release Valve with 12 3 Ea. 4'Diameter Manhole complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 4'Diameter 13 2 Ea. Manhole complete in place,the sum of 6b.cab ,ci C) Dollars and y\el Cents per Each Construct 6"Blow-off Valve with 20 L.f. 6"Water 14 1 Ea. Line&Plug complete in place,the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each Remove&Replace Existing Reinforced Concrete 15 131 S.Y. Pavement complete in place,the sum of 975.0 C, 1*c(,* g.C)O Dollars and y� Cents per Square Yard Construct 4"Temporary Hot Mix Asphaltic 16 385 S.Y. Concrete Pavement complete in place,the sum of Dollars �and � ,\ Cents per Square Yard Remove &Replace Existing 6"Hot Mix Asphaltic 17 376 S.Y. Concrete Pavement complete in place,the sum of Dollars and h� Cents per Square Yard 7\W ylle\2006124\specs\tech'P&B S-a xis PBS-4 BASE BID Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount Full Depth Saw Cut Existing Reinforced Concrete 18 277 L.F. Pavement complete in place,the sum of 3.o Dollars and Cents per Linear Foot 19 3 Ea. Perform Wet Connections complete in place,the sum of Dollars �C3b coo 13 600 C3 0 and hp Cents per Each Design,Provide and Maintain Traffic Control 20 6 Mos. Devices and Flagmen complete in place,the sum of p a I I C>CGG Dollars and INt) Cents per Month 21 150 L.F. Remove&Replace Metal Beam Guard Fence complete in place,the sum of j oo .c,0 Dollars and y\C.,, Cents per Linear Foot 22 1 Ea. Construct Guardrail Extruder Teiiuinal complete in place,the sum of Dollars >.� Cj©°.f G and Cents per Each Restore Median Including Trees,Irrigation 23 1 L.S. Systems, Street Signs and Grass complete in place,the sum of Dollars and ^�, Cents per Lump Sum 1-.\Wylie\2 006124\specs\tech\P&BS-2.xls PBS-5 BASE BID Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount Design&Implement Storm Water Pollution 24 1 L.S. Prevention Plan complete in place,the sum of _ �. Dollars and p Cents per Lump Sum Design Trench Safety Plan&Provide Trench 25 7,422 L.F. Safety Systems complete in place,the sum of Dollars and y� Cents per Linear Footi . TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID (Items 1 Through 25) S I L)LL S wyre\2oo6124\specs\tech\P&ss-z xis PBS-6 ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount Al 1 L.S. Furnish&Install RPZ with Meter&Vault complete in place, the sum of 31 4:06, C.C> 31) V{Z"66 �y�- -- Dollars and Cents per Lump Sum TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 (Item Al) 3 Y-1 C3 SUMMARY OF BID TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID (Items 1 Through 25) $�5I Ljv L�{ - 11-c6 TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALTERNATE BID NO. 1 (Item Al) $ 3i` CC A'1 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID (Base Bid + Alternate Bid No. 1) $ $)5c -4 I J:\W vlie\2006124\specsuech\P&BS-2.xls PBS-7 In the event of the award of a contract to the undersigned, the undersigned will (1) furnish a Performance Bond for the full amount of the contract, (2) a Payment Bond for the full amount of the contract, (3) secure proper compliance with the terms and provisions of the contract, (4) insure and guarantee the work until final completion and acceptance and (5) guarantee payment of all lawful claims for labor performed and materials furnished in the fulfillment of the contract. The undersigned hereby proposed and agrees to perform all work of whatever nature required in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, and to complete all items of work within One Hundred Fifty (150) consecutive calendar days after issuance of the work order. The work proposed to be done shall be accepted when the City is satisfied that work is fully completed and finished in accordance with the plans and specifications. The undersigned certifies, that the "prevailing rates" shown in the Special Conditions shall be the minimum wages paid and agrees to certify that the minimum wages have been paid, upon completion of the project. The undersigned certifies that the bid prices contained in this proposal have been carefully checked and are submitted as correct and final. NOTE: Unit and Lump Sum prices must be shown in words and figures for each item listed in this proposal and in the event of discrepancy the words shall control. Receipt is hereby acknowledged for the following addenda to the contract documents: Addendum No. 1 dated 4 Received 772147 Addendum No. 2 dated Received Addendum No. 3 dated Received Addendum No. 4 dated Received Addendum No. 5 dated Received Contractor shall submit General Certificate of Insurance as part of the sealed bid. 'Met, o e C- c NA. Contractor By: N.V\zi-t `c- (please print name) Signature: Title: C>w) :1*+� Seal and Authorization PtD . EA 1 e c6 (If a Corporation) Address 1--av vk /e.-XqS -75- City, County, State and Zip c1) S3-133 et c1"7 gJ13- C 1 Telephone Fax No. E-Mail Address: j\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\p&bs-3.doc PBS-8 STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF COLLIN } THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into this day of A.D. 2007,by and between The City of Wylie of the County of Collin and State of Texas, acting through Its Mayor and City Council thereunto duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part,hereinafter termed OWNER,and of the City of , County of and State of , Party of the Second Part,hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the Party of the First Part (OWNER), and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith, the said Party of the Second Part(CONTRACTOR), hereby agrees with the said Party of the First Part(OWNER) to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows: McCreary Road Water Distribution Line and all extra work in connection therewith,under the terms as stated in the General Conditions of the Agreement and at his(or their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials,supplies,machinery, equipment,tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto, and in accordance with the Notice to Contractors, General and Special Conditions of Agreement, Plans and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Specifications and addenda therefor, as prepared by Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P., Consulting Engineers, 7502 Greenville Avenue, #220, Dallas, Texas 75231 herein entitled the ENGINEER, each of which has been identified by the CONTRACTOR and the ENGINEER, together with the CONTRACTOR'S written Proposal, the General Conditions of the Agreement, and the Performance and Payment Bonds hereto attached; all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire contract. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within ten(10) days after the date written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the same within (calendar days), after the date of the written notice to proceed,subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General and Special Conditions. THE OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR in current funds the price or prices shown in the proposal, which forms a part of this contract, such payments to be subject to the General and Special Conditions of the contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties to these presents have executed this Agreement in the year and day first above written. City of Wylie Party of the First Part(OWNER) Party of the Second Part(CONTRACTOR) By: By: John Mondy,Mayor Attest: Attest: Barbara Salinas,City Secretary j:\clerical\wylie\2006-I24 mccreary road wrspecs\tech-spec\std-form.doc SF-1 PERFORMANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF COLLIN } KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That of the City of County of ,and State of ,as principal,and authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals,are held and firmly bound unto The City of Wylie (Owner),in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ) for the payment whereof;the said Principal and Surety bind themselves,and their heirs, administrators, executors,successors and assigns,jointly and severally,by these presents: WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Owner, dated the day of , 2007,to construct the McCreary Road Water Distribution Line which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform said Contract and shall in all respects duly and faithfully observe and perform all and singular the covenants, conditions and agreements in and by said contract agreed and covenanted by the Principal to be observed and performed, and according to the true intent and meaning of said Contract and the Plans and Specifications hereto annexed,then this obligation shall be void;otherwise to remain in full force and effect; "PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of(Article 5160 for Public Work) (Article 5472d for Private Work)* of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amended and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein." Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications, or drawings accompanying the same, shall in anyway affect its obligation on this bond,and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument this day of ,2007. Principal Surety By: By: Title: Title: Address: Address: The name and address of the Resident Agent of Surety is *Not applicable for federal work. See "The Miller Act,"40 U.S.C. §270. j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\bonds.doc PB-1 PAYMENT BOND STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF COLLIN } KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That of the City of County of ,and State of , as principal, and authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto The City of Wylie (Owner), in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ) for the payment whereof,the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns,jointly and severally,by these presents: WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Owner, dated the day of , 2007,to construct the McCreary Road Water Distribution Line which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall pay all claimants supplying labor and material to him or a subcontractor in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract,then, this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amended and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications or drawings accompanying the same, shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument this day of ,2007. Principal Surety By: By: Title: Title: Address: Address: The name and address of the Resident Agent of Surety is • j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\bonds.doc PB-2 MAINTENANCE BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS } } KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN THAT , as Principal, and , a Corporation organized under the laws of ,as sureties, do hereby expressly acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the , a Municipal Corporation,Texas, the sum of Dollars and Cents ($ ),which this amount is of the total contract amount of($ ),for the payment of which sum will and truly be made unto said , and its successors, said principal and sureties do hereby bind themselves,their assigns and successors jointly and severally. THIS obligation is conditioned;however,that whereas,the said has this day entered into a written contract with the said to build and construct which contract and the plans and specifications therein mentioned,adopted by the are hereby expressly made a part thereof as through the same were written and embodied herein. WHEREAS, under the plans, specifications, and contract, it is provided that the Contractor will maintain and keep in good repair, the work herein contracted to be done and performed, for a period of two(2)years from the date of the acceptance of said work, and to do all necessary repairs and/or reconstructing in whole or in part of said improvements that should be occasioned by settlement of foundation, defective workmanship or materials furnished in the construction or any part thereof or any of the accessories thereto constructed by the Contractor. It being understood that the purpose of this section is to cover all defective conditions arising by reason of defective material and charge the same against the said Contractor, and sureties on this obligation, and the said Contractor and sureties hereon shall be subject to the liquidation damages mentioned in said contract for each day's failure on its' part to comply with the terms of said provisions of said contract. Now, therefore, if the said Contractor shall keep and perform its' said agreement to maintain said work and keep the same in repair for the said maintenance period of two (2) years, as provided, then these presents shall be null and void, and have not further effect,but if default shall be made by the said Contractor in the performance of its' contract to so maintain and repair said work, then these presents shall have full force and effect, and said City of Wylie shall have and receive from the said Contractor and its' principal and sureties damages in the premises, as provided; and it is further agreed that this obligation shall be a continuing one against the principal and sureties, hereon, and that successive recoveries may be and had hereon for successive branches until the full amount shall have been exhausted; and it is further understood that the obligation herein to maintain said work shall continue throughout said maintenance period, and the same shall not be changed, diminished or in any manner affected from any cause during said time. IN WITNESS THEREOF,the said has caused these presents to be executed by and the said has caused these presents to be executed by its'Attorney in fact and the said Attorney in fact ,has hereunto set his hand,the day of ,2007. SURETY: PRINCIPAL: By: By: WITNESS: ATTEST: Secretary NOTE: Date of Maintenance Bond must not be prior to date of Contract. j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\m-bond.doc INDEX SPECIAL CONDITIONS SC.O1 General SC.33 Documentation to Accompany Applications SC.02 Location of Project for Payment SC.03 Scope of Work SC.34 Partial Payments SC.04 Owner,Engineer, Consulting Engineer& SC.35 Application for Final Payment Inspector SC.36 Retainage SC.05 Examination of Project Site SC.37 Sanitary Facilities SC.06 Site Subsurface Conditions SC.38 Permits and Rights-of-Way SC.07 Qualification of Bidder and Award of SC.39 Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act Contract SC.40 Lights and Power SC.08 Forms,Plans& Specifications SC.41 Antitrust SC.09 Addenda SC.42 Cash Flow Schedule SC.10 Allotted Completion Time SC.43 Progress Reports &Meetings SC.11 Owner May Suspend Work SC.44 Construction in Public Roads SC.12 Liquidated Damages SC.45 Construction Data SC.13 Copies of Plans and Specifications Furnished SC.46 Shop Drawings &Engineering Data SC.14 State and City Sales Taxes SC.47 Quality Control SC.15 Insurance SC.48 Preliminary Field Tests SC.16 Referenced Specifications SC.49 Final Field Tests SC.17 Trade Names and Materials SC.50 Pre-Construction Conference SC.18 Property Lines&Monuments SC.51 Site Administration SC.19 Existing Structures & Service Lines SC.52 Fences, Improvements and Drainage SC.20 Public Utilities and Other Property Channels SC.21 Project Maintenance SC.53 Lines and Grades SC.22 Cleanup and Restoration of Property SC.54 Superintendence by Contractor SC.23 Guaranty Against Defective Work& SC.55 Correction Period Extended Warranties SC.56 Overtime Work SC.24 Coordination With Others SC.57 Handling Materials Not Approved SC.25 Use of Explosives SC.58 Applicable Codes& Standards SC.26 Barricades, Lights and Watchmen SC.59 Dust Control SC.27 Disposal of Waste& Surplus SC.60 Pollution Control SC.28 Water for Construction SC.61 Project Access SC.29 Construction Schedule SC.62 Tree Protection& Stand of Grass SC.30 Contractor's Warranty of Title SC.63 TPDES General Permit Approved for SC.31 Contractor's Continuing Obligation Construction of Storm Water SC.32 Waiver of Claims SC.64 Wage Rates j.\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\index-sc.doc CITY OF WYLIE (OWNER) McCREARY ROAD WATER DISTRIBUTION LINE SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK TO CREEKSIDE ESTATES PHASE 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS SC.O1 GENERAL On site inspection shall be performed by the Owner's The provisions of this section of the specifications Representative employed by the Owner as his shall govern in the event of any conflict between them representative to observe the construction on behalf and the "General Conditions of Agreement." of the Owner. The Owner's representative will observe and check the construction in sufficient detail SC.02 LOCATION OF PROJECT to satisfy himself that the work is proceeding in This project is located in the northwest portion of the general accordance with the contract documents, but City of Wylie, Texas, along McCreary Road from just he will not be a guarantor of the Contractor's south of the Southfork Mobile Home Park to the west performance. property line of Phase 4 of the Creekside Estates Specific areas of responsibility of the Owner, subdivision. The nearest major intersection to the p p project is McCreary Road and F.M. 544. The plans Engineer, Consulting Engineer, and Inspector will be include a map with the location of the project. identified at the Preconstruction Conference. SC.03 SCOPE OF WORK SC.05 EXAMINATION OF PROJECT SITE The work to be performed shall consist of furnishing Prospective bidders shall make a careful examination all plant, insurance, bonds, labor, materials, fuel and of the site of the project, soil and water conditions to equipment and related appurtenances, and performing be encountered improvements to be protected, all work required for construction of the McCreary disposal sites for waste materials not designated to be Road Water Distribution Line including salvaged, and as to method of providing ingress and approximately 2,652 linear feet of 20-inch water line, egress to private properties and methods of handling 5,300 linear feet of 16-inch water line and 52 linear traffic during construction of the entire project. The feet of 12-inch water line together with all necessary City Engineer, Mr. Chris Holsted, P.E., may be appurtenances as shown in the Plans. contacted at (972) 442-8091 to secure entry into private property for examination of the project site. SC.04 OWNER, ENGINEER, CONSULTING SC.06 SITE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ENGINEER AND INSPECTOR Owner is the City of Wylie, Texas and their duly The City of Wylie did not have a geotechnical authorized personnel and agents. All notices, letters, investigation performed on the site of this project. and other communications directed to the Owner shall Each Bidder shall be responsible for making his own be addressed and delivered to: interpretation of the character and condition of the materials that will be encountered. Each prospective Mr. Chris Holsted, P.E. Bidder may, at his own expense, make additional City Engineer surveys and investigations as he may deem necessary City of Wylie to determine conditions that will affect performance 949 Hensley Lane of the Work. Wylie,Texas 75098 Engineer: an agent designated by the Owner to SC.07 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDER AND assume the duties and responsibilities assigned to AWARD OF CONTRACT Engineer in the Contact Documents, with the It is the intention of the Owner to award a contract for corresponding rights and authority. the work included in this project on the basis of the Consulting Engineer is Birkhoff, Hendricks & lowest acceptable bid submitted by a qualified bidder, Conway, L.L.P., 7502 Greenville Avenue, #220 as detecmined by the Owner. Dallas, Texas 75231, or such other Engineer Prior to award of contract, the bidder shall submit employed by the Owner and authorized by the Owner such evidence as the Owner may require to establish to act in any particular position. j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-1.doc SC-1 the bidder's qualifications to satisfactorily perform the cost of the project is bid. The time bid for the work included in this project. Information that may completion of the project shall appear on the Proposal be required shall include (1) the bidder's current Form and shall be based on time starting on the date financial statement including amount of funds readily of the issuance of a Notice to Proceed. The Notice to available to commence and carry out the work, (2) a Proceed shall consist of a written request by the list of equipment available for this project, (3) a list Owner for the Contractor to proceed with of projects that have been satisfactorily completed by construction of the project. In the event no Notice to the bidder that are of the same general type as Proceed is given, the Contract Time will commence included in this contract, together with the names, to run ten (10) days after the day on which the Owner addresses and phone numbers of persons familiar delivers the executed Agreement to the Contractor. with this work, and (4) other information that may be Completion of this project at the earliest time possible pertinent to the bidder's qualifications. is important and the time bid will be considered during the evaluation of the bids. In no event shall Should the bidder fail to produce evidence the McCreary Road Water Distribution Line take satisfactory to the Owner on any of the foregoing more than One Hundred Fifty (150) calendar days points he may be disqualified and the work awarded to complete after the issuance of a Notice to to the next bidder so qualifying. Proceed. A calendar day is any day of the week or month,no days being excepted. The Owner will notify the successful bidder, in writing, within sixty (60) days after the date of SC.11 OWNER MAY SUSPEND WORK receiving bids, of its acceptance of his proposal. The Contractor shall complete execution of the required Owner may, at any time and without cause, suspend bonds and contract within ten (10) days of such the work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than 90 days by notice in writing to Contractor notice. and Engineer that shall fix the date on which work SC.08 FORMS,PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS shall be resumed. Contractor shall resume the work on the date so fixed. If submitted in writing by the Forms of Proposal, Contract and Bonds, and Plans Contractor, as provided for in the General Conditions and Specifications may be obtained from the office of and Special Conditions of the Contract and approved the Engineer, Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P., by the Owner, the Contractor will be allowed an Consulting Engineers, 7502 Greenville Ave., #220, increase in contract price or an extension of the Dallas, Texas 75231, for Forty Dollars ($40.00) per contract time, or both, directly attributable to any set, which amount is non-refundable. suspension. SC.09 ADDENDA SC.12 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Bidders desiring further information or interpretation Time is an essential condition of the contract. Should of the plans and specifications must make request for Contractor fail to perform the work in the allotted such information to the Engineer prior to forty-eight time as stated in the Agreement and in the Special (48) hours before the bid opening. Answers to all Conditions, Contractor shall pay to Owner by such requests will be given in writing to all bidders in deduction of monies due the Contractor or may addendum foiiii and all addenda will be bound with become due to the Contractor, as liquidated damages and made a part of the contract documents. No other and not as a penalty, Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) explanation or interpretation will be considered per day of default, unless extension of time granted official or binding. by Owner specifically provides for the waiving of liquidated damages. Any addenda issued prior to twenty-four (24) hours before the opening of bids will be mailed or delivered SC.13 COPIES OF PLANS AND to each Contractor contemplating the submission of a SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED proposal on this work. The proposal as submitted by the Contractor will be so constructed as to include Five (5) sets of plans and specifications shall be any addenda if such are issued by the Engineer prior furnished to the Contractor, at no charge, for to twenty-four(24)hours before the opening of bids. construction purposes. Additional copies may be obtained at the cost of reproduction plus 10% upon SC.10 ALLOTTED COMPLETION TIME request. The Contractor will bid the time allotted for the construction of the project in the same manner as the j:\clencal\wylie\2006-124 roecreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-l.doc SC-2 SC.14 STATE AND CITY SALES TAXES The following limits apply on the required policies: The OWNER qualifies for exemption from the state a) Workmen's Compensation&Employer's Liability and local sales and use taxes, pursuant to the This insurance shall protect Contractor against all provisions of Section 151.309 of the Texas Limited claims under applicable state workmen's Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act. Therefore, the compensation laws. Contractor shall also be Contractor shall not pay such taxes which would protected against claims for injury, disease, or otherwise be payable in connection with the death of employees, which, for any reason, may performance of this contract. not fall within the provisions of a workmen's The Contractor shall issue an exemption certificate in compensation law. This policy shall include an lieu of the tax on the purchase,rental or lease of: "all states" endorsement. a) all materials, supplies, equipment and other The liability limits shall be not less than: tangible personal property incorporated into the Workmen's Compensation Statutory real property being improved; and Employer's Liability.... $1,000,000 ea. occurrence b) all materials, supplies, equipment and other b) Comprehensive Automobile Liability tangible personal property used or consumed by the Contractor in performing the contract with the This insurance shall be written in comprehensive Owner. form and shall protect Contractor against all claims for injuries to members of the public and Materials and supplies "used in the performance of a damage to property of others arising from the use contract" include only those materials actually of motor vehicles, and shall cover operation on or incorporated into the property being improved and off the site of all motor vehicles licensed for those supplies directly used to incorporate such highway use, whether they are owned, non-owned, materials into the property being improved. Overhead or hired. supplies and supplies used indirectly or only The liability limits shall be not less than: incidental to the performance of the contract with the Owner are not included in the exemption. Bodily Injury $1,000,000 ea. occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate Under "reasons said purchaser is claiming this exemption: in the exemption certificate, the Property Damage $1,000,000 ea. occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate Contractor must name the Owner and the project for which the equipment, materials and supplies are being c) Comprehensive General Liability purchased, leased or rented. This insurance shall be written in comprehensive SC.15 INSURANCE form and shall protect Contractor against all Satisfactory certificates of insurance for all coverage claims arising from injuries to persons other than listed herein shall be filed with the Owner prior to his employees or damage to property of Owner or starting any construction work on this contract. others arising out of any act or omission of Insurance shall include Owner and Engineer as Contractor or his agents, employees, or additional insured parties with respect to general subcontractors. liability and automobile liability policies. The liability limits shall be not less than: All liability policies shall contain cross liability and severability of interest clause. The policy shall Bodily Injury $1,000,000 ea. occurrence include a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City $1,000,000 aggregate and the Engineer with respect to workers' Property Damage $1,000,000 ea. occurrence compensation, general liability and auto policies. $1,000,000 aggregate The certificate shall show the Project Name. d) Notification of cancellation or change in The insurance company shall be licensed to do insurance carriers or agencies shall be given to business in the State of Texas and have an AM Best the Owner 30 days prior to such cancellation or rating of A- or better and financial category XII or change and satisfactory current certificates of greater. insurance shall be furnished at the time of such change. j.\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-l.doc SC-3 e) Installation and Materials Risk require the use of such specifically designated This insurance shall be of the "all risks" type, shall material, article or process. be written in completed value form, and shall SC.18 PROPERTY LINES & MONUMENTS protect Contractor, Owner, and Consulting Engineer against risks of damage to buildings, The Contractor shall protect all property corner structures, and materials and equipment. The markers, and when any such markers or monuments amount of such insurance shall be not less than the are in danger of being disturbed they shall be properly insurable value of the Work at completion. referenced and if disturbed shall be reset at the expense of the Contractor. Installation and Materials risk insurance may be in the form of an installation floater, and shall SC.19 EXISTING STRUCTURES & SERVICE provide for losses to be payable to Contractor, LINES Owner, and Engineer Architect as their interests The plans show the location of all known surface and may appear. The policy shall contain a provision subsurface structures. However, the Owner assumes that in the event of payment for any loss under the no responsibility for failure to show any or all of coverage provided, the insurance company shall these structures on the plans, or to show them in their have no rights of recovery against Contractor, exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure Owner, and Consulting Engineer. shall not be considered sufficient basis for claims for SC.16 REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS additional compensation for extra work or for increasing the pay quantities in any manner Where reference is made in these specifications to whatsoever, unless the obstruction encountered is specifications compiled by others, such reference is such as to necessitate changes in the lines or grades, made for expediency and standardization from the or require the building of such work, provisions for material supplier's point of view, and such which are not made in the plans and proposal, in specifications referred to are hereby made a part of which case the provision in these specifications for these specifications. extra work shall apply. SC.17 TRADE NAMES AND MATERIALS The Contractor shall verify the locations of all No material, which has been used for any temporary existing utilities and irrigation system components sufficiently in advance of the construction so that if it purpose whatever, is to be incorporated in the permanent project without written consent of the is necessary to change or move a utility, the progress Owner. All materials incorporated in this project of the work will not be delayed. shall be new and free from defects. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection Where materials or equipment are specified by a trade of all existing service lines crossed or exposed by his or brand name, it is not the intention of the Owner to construction operations. Where existing service lines discriminate against an equal product of another are cut, broken or damaged, the Contractor shall manufacturer, but rather to set a definite standard of immediately replace the service lines with the same quality or performance, and to establish an equal type of original construction, or better, at his own cost basis for the evaluation of bids. Where the words and expense. "equivalent", "proper", or "equal to" are used, they The Contractor shall be required to comply with the shall be understood to mean that the thing referred to General Project Notes and other notes shown in the shall be proper, the equivalent of, or equal to some Plans. Contract plans show known existing utilities other thing, in the opinion or judgment of the that may be crossed by the proposed improvements. Engineer. Unless otherwise specified all materials Contractor shall, in the presence of the Owner, shall be of the best of their respective kinds, shall be uncover all utilities prior to the submission of shop in all cases fully equal to approved samples and shall drawings or installation of proposed improvements. never have been used for any temporary purpose whatsoever. Notwithstanding that the words "or If the information indicates that there is a conflict equal to" or other such expressions may be used in between the existing utility and the grade and/or the specifications in connection with a material, alignment of the proposed pipeline, the Contractor manufactured article or process, the material, article shall submit a revised profile and/or plan for review or process specifically designated shall be used, by Owner and Engineer. unless a substitute shall be approved in writing by the Engineer, and the Engineer shall have the right to j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-1.doc SC-4 SC.20 PUBLIC UTILITIES AND OTHER project shall be thoroughly cleaned and delivered by PROPERTY the Contractor in a bright, clean, polished and new In case it is necessary to change or move the property appearing condition. of the Owner or of a public utility, such property shall SC.23 GUARANTY AGAINST DEFECTIVE not be moved or interfered with until authorized by WORK& EXTENDED WARRANTIES the utility company or Owner. The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner against It will be the Contractors responsibility to contact the any repairs which may become necessary to any part proper authority, and set up a field meeting to verify of the work performed under the contract, arising by uncovering of the utility and determine the from defective workmanship or materials used location and elevation of each major utility described therein, for a period of two (2) years from the date of above, at least two weeks prior to crossing the utility. final payment of the work unless otherwise specified. If field conditions vary from those shown on the All special guarantees and manufacturer's warranties contract plans, the Contractor shall notify the Owner that extend beyond the one-year correction period and the Consulting Engineer immediately of field shall be issued directly to the Owner by certificate. conditions to be encountered, so sufficient time exists to make any necessary adjustments in line or grade. SC.24 COORDINATION WITH OTHERS Failure by the Contractor to make proper and timely In the likely event that other contractors are doing verification of the above-described utilities shall be work in the same area simultaneously with this justification for rejection of claim for extra cost by project, the Contractor shall coordinate his proposed the Contractor. construction with that of the other contractors. If, after field verification, it is necessary to change or Where connections, or other special items required move the property of a property owner or of a public for testing, are required between the work being utility, 7 days notice shall be given before such performed under separate contracts the plans show change, and such property shall not be moved or the responsibility for each Contractor. interfered with until authorized by the property owner SC.25 USE OF EXPLOSIVES or the utility company. The right is reserved to the property owner or public utilities to enter upon the Use of explosives will not be allowed. limits of the project for the purpose of making such changes or repairs of their property that may be made SC.26 BARRICADES, LIGHTS AND necessary by the performance of this contract. WATCHMEN SC.21 PROJECT MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights and danger signals, shall The Contractor shall maintain, and keep in good provide such flagmen, watchmen, and such other repair, the improvements covered by these plans and precautionary measures for the protection of persons specifications during the life of this contract. or property and of the work as necessary. Barricades shall be painted in a reflective color that will be SC.22 CLEANUP AND RESTORATION OF visible at night. From sunset to sunrise, the PROPERTY Contractor shall furnish and maintain at least one During Construction: The Contractor shall at all times light at each barricade and sufficient numbers of keep the job site as free from all material, debris and barricades shall be erected to keep vehicles from rubbish, as necessary or as directed by the Owner and being driven on or into any work under construction. shall at least once a week remove same from any The Contractor shall be held responsible for all portion of the job site or when it becomes damage to the work due to failure to provide adequate objectionable or interferes with the progress of the precautionary measures such as barricades, signs, project, or operation of existing facilities. The lights, flagmen and watchmen to protect the work and Contractor shall restore the job site continuously and whenever evidence is found of such damage the maintain all areas until the Owner's final acceptance. Contractor shall immediately remove the damaged portion and replace it at his cost and expense. The Final: Upon completion of the work, the Contractor Contractor's responsibility for the maintenance of shall remove from the site all plants, materials, tools barricades, signs, and lights, and for providing and equipment belonging to him or his subcontractors flagmen and watchmen shall not cease until the and restore the site to an appearance acceptable to the Owner has finally accepted the project. Owner. All equipment and materials installed for this j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-l.doc SC-5 SC.27 DISPOSAL OF WASTE & SURPLUS SC.31 CONTRACTOR'S CONTINUING All trees, stumps, slashings, brush or other debris OBLIGATION removed from the site as a preliminary to the Contractor's obligation to perform the work and construction shall be removed from the property. The complete the project in accordance with the Contract Contractor shall select sites for dumping and shall Documents shall be absolute. Neither obtain any required permits. No burning will be recommendations of any progress or final payment by allowed. Engineer, nor the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion, nor any payment by Owner SC.28 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION to Contractor under the Contract Documents nor any The Contractor shall make the necessary use or occupancy of the project or any part thereof by arrangements for securing and transporting all water Owner, nor any act of acceptance by Owner nor any required in the construction, including water required failure to do so, nor any correction of defective work for mixing of concrete, sprinkling, construction by Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not testing, flushing, etc. The Contractor shall provide in accordance with the Contract Documents. water as required at his own expense. SC.32 WAIVER OF CLAIMS SC.29 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The making and acceptance of final payment shall Before work is started, the Contractor shall prepare a constitute: detailed schedule of all construction operations that a) A waiver of all claims by Owner against shall indicate the sequence of the work, the time of Contractor other than those arising from unsettled starting and completion of each part, and the Liens, from defective work appearing after final installation dates for any major item of equipment. inspection or from failure to comply with the The schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer for requirements of the Contract Documents or the review at least 10 days prior to beginning terms of any special guarantees specified therein. construction operations. b) A waiver of all claims by Contractor against Owner may require Contractor to add to his plant, Owner. equipment, or construction forces, as well as increase the working hours, if operations fall behind schedule SC.33 DOCUMENTATION TO ACCOMPANY at any time during the construction period. The APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT Owner may withhold monthly payment estimates so long as the Contractor does not continue to maintain Contractors Applications for Payment shall be the construction schedule. accompanied by the documentation specified herein. The Contractor shall give the Owner at least 7 days a) Materials and Equipment notice of any work, such as pipe connections, which If payment is required for materials and equipment will stop existing pumping operations or flow in not incorporated in the work but delivered and existing water or sewer lines. Such work shall be suitably stored at the site, the Application for fully coordinated with the Owner and be pre- Progress Payment shall be accompanied by approved by the Owner. invoices and such data, satisfactory to Owner, as will establish Owner's title to the material and SC.30 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF equipment and protect his interest therein, TITLE including applicable insurance. Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Payments for such materials and equipment shall work, materials, and equipment covered by any be based only upon the actual cost of the materials Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the and equipment to Contractor and shall not include project or not, will pass to Owner at the time of any overhead or profit to Contractor. payment free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests, and encumbrances (hereafter in these Failure to properly store materials and equipment Special Conditions referred to as "Liens"). will be cause to withhold payment for those materials and pieces of equipment. Non-receipt of operation and maintenance manuals, as required, will be cause for Owner to j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-1.doc SC-6 consider withholding partial payment for that SC.36 RETAINAGE particular piece of equipment. See individual Owner shall retain from progress payments, until specifications for required operation and payment is due under the terms and conditions maintenance manuals. governing final payments, amounts as follows: b) Schedules and Data Each Application for Progress Payment shall be a) Retention of 5 percent of payments authorized. accompanied by Contractor's updated schedule of b) A full 10 percent may be retained any time the operations, or progress report when required by work falls behind schedule, the additional 5% Owner, with such shop drawings schedules, retainage shall be deposited in an interest bearing procurement schedules, value of material on hand account and the interest earned paid to the included in application, and other data specified or Contractor along with the final payment. reasonably required by Owner. An updated cash flow schedule shall accompany each partial SC.37 SANITARY FACILITIES payment request. Contractor shall furnish temporary sanitary facilities SC.34 PARTIAL PAYMENTS at the site, as provided herein, for the needs of all construction workers and others performing work or The General Conditions of Agreement, which are a furnishing services on the project. part of the Contract Documents provides, among other things, that each month the Contractor shall Sanitary facilities shall be of reasonable capacity, submit a statement showing the total value of work properly maintained throughout the construction done and materials delivered on the site of the work period, and obscured from public view to the greatest during the previous month. This is interpreted to practical extent. If toilets of the chemically treated include only work accomplished in constructing the type are used, at least one toilet will be furnished for project and materials to be fabricated into the project, each 20 men. Contractor shall enforce the use of such and the cost of mobilizing, cost of bond and insurance sanitary facilities by all personnel at the site. premiums and other items that do not result directly in actual value of work accomplished shall be pro- SC.38 PERMITS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY rated, throughout the project. The Owner will provide rights-of-way for the purpose Cleanup and restoration of property on completed of construction without cost to the Contractor, by areas of construction is essential on this project. securing permits in areas of public dedication or by Restoration shall commence at the beginning of each obtaining easements across privately owned property. section of work on the project and progress forward It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor,prior to with no breaks or stops. No restored areas shall be the initiation of construction on easements through considered for reimbursement unless the restoration is private property, to inform the property owner of this continuous and complete. intent to begin construction. Before beginning construction in areas of public dedication, the The cutoff date for partial payments shall be the 25th Contractor shall inform the agency having jurisdiction of each month instead of the last day of the month as in the area forty-eight (48) hours prior to initiation of specified in the General Conditions. The Contractor the work. shall submit the monthly estimate for payment to the Owner no later than the 28th in order for the Owner SC.39 CLEAN AIR ACT AND CLEAN WATER to mail payment for an approved estimate by the 10th ACT of the following month. The monthly estimate form to be submitted shall be furnished to the Contractor Contractor is responsible for compliance with all by the Owner. applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under Section 306 of the Clean Air Act, Section 505 SC.35 APPLICATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT of the Clean Water Act, Executive Order 11738, and In addition to all the requirements of the General Environmental Protection Agency regulations. Conditions, the final Application for Payment shall be SC.40 LIGHTS AND POWER accompanied by all other documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including Affidavit of Bills The Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, Paid, Waiver of Lien, Consent of Surety to Final temporary lighting and power facilities required for Payment, complete record drawings and other data or the proper prosecution of the work. • schedules as Owner may reasonably require. j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-l.doc SC-7 SC.41 ANTITRUST In addition to roads and entrances cut by construction The Contractor hereby assigns to the Owner any and excavation, if any other roads or streets in the area are all claims for overcharges associated with this used by the Contractor or Subcontractors during the contract, which arise under the antitrust laws of the progress of construction and are damaged by the United States 15 U.S.C.A. Sec. 1, et seq. (1973). Contractor in the opinion of the Owners representative, the Contractor, when directed by the SC.42 CASH FLOW SCHEDULE Owner's representative, shall immediately repair such damage. In the event the repairs and maintenance are A schedule for cash flow payments shall be submitted not made in a reasonable period of time and it to the Engineer at the pre-construction conference. becomes necessary for the State, County or Owner to The schedule shall include the projected monthly make such repairs, the Contractor shall reimburse the progress payment over the entire length of the State, County or Owner for the cost of such repairs. contract. The Contractor shall, at all times, keep a sufficient SC.43 PROGRESS REPORTS & MEETINGS width of the roadway clear of dirt and other materials If the work falls behind schedule, Contractor shall to allow the free flow of traffic on the project site. The Contractor shall assume any and all submit additional progress reports at such intervals as responsibility for damage, personal or otherwise, that Owner may request. may be caused by the construction along roads or Each progress report shall include sufficient narrative private drives. to describe current and anticipated delaying factors, Utility installations in or through the Texas their effect on the construction schedule, and Depai talent of Transportation (TxDOT) rights-of-way proposed actions the Contractor will take to complete shall conform to the requirements contained in the project within the time allotted. TxDOT Utility Accommodations Policy adopted in If considered necessary, the Owner will schedule July 1974, along with the current revisions thereto. meetings to discuss progress with the Contractor, and SC.45 CONSTRUCTION DATA the Contractor shall make himself available to the Owner for all such meetings. The Contractor shall keep one record copy of all Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, Modifications, SC.44 CONSTRUCTION IN PUBLIC ROADS and Shop Drawings at the site in good order and Contractor will be responsible for complying with all annotated to show all changes made during the federal, state, county and city regulations pertaining construction process. These shall be available to to construction in public roadway and traffic safety. Engineer and shall be delivered to him for Owner No public road shall be entirely closed overnight. It upon completion of the work. shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to build and maintain all weather bypasses and detours, if SC.46 SHOP DRAWINGS & ENGINEERING necessary, and to properly light, barricade and mark DATA all bypasses and detours that might be required on Engineering data covering all equipment and and across the roads involved in the work included in fabricated materials to be furnished under this this contract. contract that shall be permanently incorporated to the project shall be submitted to Engineer for review. The Contractor shall make every effort to complete This data shall include drawings and descriptive construction and allow immediate access to adjacent information in sufficient detail to show the kind, size, property at driveway entrances located along the arrangement, and operation of component materials roads. Owners or tenants of improvements where and devices; the external connections, anchorages, access and/or entrance drives are located shall be and supports required; performance characteristics; notified at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the and dimensions needed for installation and time the construction will be started at their drive-ins correlation with other materials and equipment. or entrances, and the Contractor shall provide Concrete mix designs shall be submitted for review. temporary ingress to entrance drives where necessary. The Contractor shall be responsible for all road and All submittals regardless of origin, shall be stamped entrance reconstruction and repairs and maintenance with the approval of Contractor and identified with of same for a period of not less than one year from the the name and number of this contract, Contractor's date of final acceptance of the project. name, and references to applicable specification paragraphs and Contract Drawings. Each submittal j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-1 doe SC-8 shall indicate the intended use of the item in the work. other than those called for by Engineer on previous When catalog pages are submitted, applicable items submissions. shall be clearly identified. The current revision, issue number, and date shall be indicated on all drawings It will be Contractor's responsibility to schedule the and other descriptive data. submission of submittals so as not to impede the scheduled construction activities or affect the Contractor's stamp of approval is a representation to completion date. Owner and Engineer that Contractor accepts full responsibility for determining and verifying all Any need for more than one resubmission, or any quantities, dimensions, field construction criteria, other delay in obtaining Engineer's review of materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, and that submittals, will not entitle Contractor to extension of he has reviewed or coordinated each submittal with the Contract Time unless delay of the work is directly requirements of the work and Contract Documents. caused by a change in the work authorized by a Where indicated in the equipment schedule section Change Order or by failure of Engineer to return any each submittal shall include a statement prepared by submittal within 21 days after its receipt in Engineer's the originator of the drawings and data, certifying office. compliance with the Contract Documents except for deviations that are specifically identified. The Engineer's review of drawings and data submitted by Contractor will cover general conformity to the All deviations from the Contract Documents shall be Drawings and Specifications, external connections identified on each submittal and shall be tabulated in and dimensions that affect the layout. Engineer's Contractor's letter of transmittal. Such submittals review does not indicate a thorough review of all shall, as pertinent to the deviation, indicate essential dimensions, quantities, and details of the material, details of all changes proposed by Contractor equipment, device, or items shown. Engineer's (including modifications to other facilities that may review of submittals shall not relieve Contractor from be required as a result of the deviation) and all responsibility for errors, omissions, or deviations, or required piping and wiring diagrams. responsibility for compliance with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall accept full responsibility for the completeness of each submission, and, in the case of When the drawings and data are returned marked a resubmission, shall verify that all exceptions MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED, NO previously noted by Engineer are accounted for. EXCEPTIONS TAKEN, or RECORD COPY, no additional copies need be furnished. A minimum of five copies of each Drawing and necessary data shall be submitted to Engineer. SC.47 QUALITY CONTROL Engineer will not accept submittals from anyone but Scope: The Contractor has sole responsibility for Contractor. All submittals shall be consecutively Quality Control of materials and the installation numbered in direct sequence of submittal and without furnished on this project. division by subcontractors or trades. Re-submittals shall bear the number of the first submittal followed An independent commercial testing laboratory by a letter (A, B, etc.) to indicate the sequence of the acceptable to the Owner and Engineer shall be re-submittal. retained by the Owner to perform tests requiring the Contractor shall submit a sixth copy of each submittal services of a laboratory to check for compliance with directly to the Owner. Two copies of the reviewed the Contract Documents. The laboratory shall be submittals will be returned to the Contractor. staffed with experienced technicians, properly equipped, and fully qualified to perform the tests in When the drawings and data are returned marked accordance with the specified standards. REJECTED or REVISE AND RESUBMIT, the a) Testing Laboratory Services Furnished by corrections shall be made as noted thereon and as Contractor instructed by Engineer and five corrected copies resubmitted. Unless otherwise specified, Contractor shall be responsible for all testing laboratory services in When corrected copies are resubmitted, Contractor connection with concrete materials and mix shall in writing direct specific attention to all designs, the design of asphalt mixtures, gradation revisions and shall list separately any revisions made tests for embedment, fill, and backfill materials, and all other tests and engineering data required j:\clerical\wvlie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-1.doc SC-9 for Engineer's review of materials and equipment Owner shall terminate the services and engage a proposed to be used in the work. In addition, the different testing laboratory. Contractor is solely responsible for all testing laboratory services required for the items noted c) Verification Testing for Correction of Defective above during the entire period of work to verify Work compliance with the specifications. Contractor When testing made on behalf of the Owner shall pay all costs for services. indicates that work performed or materials b) Testing Laboratory Services Furnished by Owner provided is not in "compliance" with Contract for Field Monitoring Only Documents, subsequent testing shall be performed on the work and/or corrected work in The Owner and/or testing laboratory personnel order to verify compliance with the Contract contracted by the Owner for the benefit of the Documents. Owner shall perform Field Monitoring Tests. Owner shall pay the costs of the Field Monitoring The Contractor shall be responsible for payment Testing. Tests made in the field or laboratory of all subsequent testing and all associated may include tests on concrete, asphalt mixtures, services including testing, evaluation by Engineer moisture-density (Proctor), relative density tests and Owner, inspection, and associated on embedment, fill, and backfill materials, steel, administrative costs, which are required to paint or other materials and equipment, during or accomplish this task of verifying "compliance" of after their incorporation in the work. The work with the Contract Documents. Engineer and or testing laboratory personnel will "Compliance" shall mean that work which is perform field sampling and testing, with verified to be in accordance with the "strict minimum interference with construction explicit written language" of the specifications or operations. Engineer shall determine the exact drawings as interpreted by the Engineer. time and location of field sampling and testing, and may require such additional sampling and Payment of subsequent testing by Contractor shall testing as necessary, for the express purpose only include the situation where although the test of monitoring the materials furnished by results indicate the work is not in "compliance" as Contractor. Material and installation compliance described in the paragraph above, the work may with contract documents is .solely the be acceptable to Owner according to the responsibility of the Contractor. following criteria: the work may be determined by evaluation to meet the design intent, and is in Contractor shall furnish all sample materials and accordance with industry standards and codes, cooperate in the sampling and field-testing and the work is determined to be acceptable by activities, interrupting the work when necessary. the Owner. In addition, the Owner may require Contractor shall furnish personnel, equipment and reimbursement by the Contractor for the facilities to perform sampling and field-testing difference in value of the "specified work" and activities when so required by the Owner. When "accepted work" as determined by the Engineer. sampling or testing activities are performed in the field by the Owner's representative or testing d) Transmittal of Test Reports laboratory personnel, Contractor shall furnish all Written reports of tests and engineering data assistance necessary for proper results, including furnished by Contractor for Engineer's review of notification of Owner upon completion of any materials and equipment proposed to be used in phase of construction requiring tests or the work shall be submitted as specified for Shop certification prior to final acceptance. Contractor Drawings. shall also construct facilities for storage of materials that comply with the applicable ASTM The testing laboratory retained by Owner will standard for storage of tested materials. furnish four copies of written report of each test Owner will not retain a testing laboratory against performed by laboratory personnel in the field or which Contractor has reasonable objections, and laboratory, two copies of each test report will be if at any time during the construction process the transmitted to the Owner, and one copy to services become unacceptable to Contractor, he Contractor and one copy to the Consulting may request in writing that such services be Engineer within 5 days after each test is terminated. The request must be supported with completed. evidence of improper testing. If Engineer and Owner determine that sufficient cause exists, j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-I.doc SC-1 0 e) Trench Safety-Geotechnical Services to indicate that products or constructed The Contractor shall be solely responsible for works are in compliance with the Contract properly designed trench safety systems to be Documents. used for any type subsurface condition found on this project. The furnishing of soil information 3) Assist the Engineer, Owner, and Owner's by the Owner, or the lack of soil information in testing organization to perform quality- no way relieves the Contractor of his obligation. monitoring activities. 0 General 4) Provide personnel certified to perform the test required. The Owner shall employ and pay for the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform h) Quality Monitoring Activities By The Owner all initial inspections, tests, or approvals required Quality monitoring activities of the Owner and for Field Monitoring. The Contractor is solely Engineer through their own forces or through responsible for maintaining that the quality of contracts with materials testing laboratories and work is in accordance with the Contract survey crews are for the purpose of monitoring Documents. No construction activities requiring the results of the Contractor's work and quality laboratory testing shall be performed unless a control activities, if deemed necessary by the certified technician is present. The Owner, at his Owner and Engineer, to verify that the work is in option, may perform additional tests as quality compliance with the requirements of the Contract monitoring. Quality monitoring activities of the Owner and Engineer, or failure on the part of the Documents. Owner or Engineer to perform tests on 1) Quality monitoring activities of the Owner constructed works, in no way relieves the and Engineer in no way relieves the Contractor of the obligation to perform work and Contractor of the obligation to perform furnish materials conforming to the Contract work and furnish products and constructed Documents. work conforming to the Contract g) Contractor's Responsibilities Documents. 1) Control the quality of work produced and 2) Failure on the part of the Owner or verification that the work performed meets Engineer to perform or test products or the standards of quality established in the Contract Documents. constructed works in no way relieves the Contractor of the obligation to perform • Inspect Contractor's work performed, work and furnish materials conforming to subcontractors and suppliers. Correct the Contract Documents. defective work. 3) Testing and Quality Control services shall • Inspect products to be incorporated into the include but are not limited to the following: project. Provide only those products that comply with the Contract Documents. a. Reinforced Concrete Pavement • Analysis of Aggregates • Verify conformance of the work and products • Check Concrete Batch Design with the Contract Documents. • Slump and Air Content Tests • Provide consumable construction materials of • Flexural/Compressive Strength adequate quality to provide a finished product that complies with the Contract Documents. Tests • Perform tests as indicated in this and other b. Embankment and Trench Backfill sections of the specifications. Schedule the • Moisture -Density Curves time and sequence of testing with the Owner • Field Compaction Tests and Engineer. Testing is to be observed by c. Structural Concrete the Owner, Engineer, or designated representative. • Mix Design • Batch Plant Weights and Moistures 2) Provide Certified Test Reports as required • Slump and Air Tests by the SUBMITTALS section. Reports are • Compressive Strength Tests j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wI\specs\tech-spec\sc-1 doc SC-I I d. Water Line Materials • Accept or reject any portion of work. • Pressure Test • Perform any duties of the Contractor. • Bacteriological Test • Stop the work. i) Delivery and Storage SC.48 PRELIMINARY FIELD TESTS Handle and protect test specimens of products As soon as conditions permit, the Contractor shall and construction materials at the construction furnish all labor, materials, and instruments to allow site in accordance with recognized test preliminary field tests of equipment and materials. If procedures. the preliminary field tests disclose any equipment or material furnished under this contract that does not j) Verification Testing comply with the requirements of the contract 1) Verification testing shall be performed when documents, the Contractor shall, prior to the tests performed by the Owner indicate that acceptance tests, make all changes, adjustments, and materials or the results of construction replacements required. activities are not in conformance with Contract Documents. SC.49 FINAL FIELD TESTS Upon completion of the work and prior to final 2) Verification testing is to be provided at the payment, all items installed under this contract shall Contractor's expense to verify products or be subjected to acceptance tests as specified or constructed works are in compliance after required to comply with the contract documents. corrections have been made. The Contractor shall furnish labor, fuel, energy, 3) Tests shall comply with methods recognized water, and all other materials, equipment and or recommended by the Owner's testing instruments necessary for all acceptance tests, at no laboratory and approved by the Engineer. additional cost to the Owner. Distribute test reports for verification testing as follows: SC.50 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE No. of Copies Prior to the commencement of work at the site, a pre- Owner 2 construction conference will be held at a mutually Resident Project Representative 1 agreed time and place. The conference shall be attended by: Engineer 1 Contractor 1 • Contractor and his superintendent • Principal Subcontractors together with Principal k) Non-Conforming Work suppliers and manufacturers representatives 1) Contractor shall immediately correct any • Engineer work that is not in compliance with the • Representatives of Owner Contract Documents or submit a written • Others as requested by Contractor, Owner or explanation of why the work is not to be corrected immediately and when the Consulting Engineer corrective work will be performed. Unless previously submitted to Owner, Contractor 2) Payment for non conforming work shall be shall bring to the conference a tentative schedule for withheld until work is brought into each of the following: compliance with the Contract Documents. • Progress • Cash Flow 1) Limitation of Authority of the Testing Laboratory • Procurement 1) The testing laboratory representatives are • Values for progress payment purposes limited to providing consultation on the test performed in an advisory capacity. • Shop Drawings and other submittals 2) The testing laboratory is not authorized to: The purpose of the conference is to designate • Alter contract document requirements. responsible personnel and establish a working relationship. Matters requiring coordination will be j.\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-I.doc S C-12 discussed and procedures for handling such matters Temporary channels required to provide adequate established. drainage during construction shall be provided and The agenda will include: maintained by the Contractor. No separate payment shall be allowed. • Contractor's tentative schedules • Transmittal,review and distribution of SC.53 LINES AND GRADES Contractor's submittals The Owner had the Engineer establish the horizontal • Processing applications for payment control points and benchmarks as shown on the Plans. • Maintaining record documents The Contractor shall give the Owner and Engineer at least three (3) working days notice prior to the need • Critical work sequencing for establishment of additional control points and • Field decisions and Change Orders benchmarks. Establishment of the horizontal control • Use of premises, office and storage areas, and benchmarks by the Owner shall in no way relieve security, housekeeping, and Owner's needs the Contractor of the responsibility of constructing the work in accordance with the alignment and grade • Major equipment deliveries and priorities as shown on the Plans. Owner will preside at the conference and will arrange The Contractor will be responsible for all field and for keeping the minutes and distributing the minutes construction staking. Any work performed without to all persons in attendance. being properly located may be ordered removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. SC.51 SITE ADMINISTRATION Contractor shall be responsible for all area of the site The cost of replacing any stakes or property used by him and all Subcontractors in the monuments, which were disturbed by the Contractor, performance of the work. He will exert full control shall be charged against the Contractor and deducted over the actions of all employees and other persons from the payment for the work. with respect to the use and preservation of property and existing facilities, except such controls as may be SC.54 SUPERINTENDENCE BY specifically reserved to Owner or others. CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall have on the project at all times, SC.52 FENCES, IMPROVEMENTS AND as his agent, a competent Superintendent capable of DRAINAGE CHANNELS reading and thoroughly understanding the plans and Fences or other improvements removed to permit specifications and thoroughly experienced in the type construction shall be replaced in the same location of work being performed. The Superintendent shall and left in a condition as good as, or better, than that have full authority to execute orders or directions and in which they were found. There shall be no separate to promptly supply such materials, equipment, tools, pay item for fences removed or damaged beyond the labor and incidentals as may be required. Such limits shown in the plans. superintendence shall be furnished irrespective of the amount of work subcontracted. The Contractor at his expense shall provide temporary fencing for maintenance of site security. The Contractor shall be responsible for supervision of Temporary fencing, with gates, to restrain livestock all work performed by subcontractors at all times shall be provided through areas where livestock are during construction. pastured, unless the Contractor makes satisfactory arrangements with the landowner and/or tenant. The SC.55 CORRECTION PERIOD temporary fence shall be installed on the easement If, prior to two years after date of final payment or lines or right-of-way lines. There shall be no separate payment for temporary fencing to protect livestock. such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special Where surface drainage channels or drainage guarantee required by the Contract Documents, any structures are disturbed or altered during work is found to be defective, Contractor shall within construction, they shall be restored to their original seven (7) days of notification by Owner, without cost condition of grade and cross section as soon as to Owner and in accordance with Owner's written possible. instructions, either correct such defective work or, if it has been rejected by Owner, remove it from the site and replace it with non-defective work. If Contractor j\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-I.doc SC-1 3 does not promptly comply with the terms of such Safety Laws. The Contractor shall take appropriate instructions, Owner may have the defective work safety and health precautions to protect the work, the corrected or the rejected work removed and replaced, workers, the public, and the property of others. and Contractor shall pay all direct and indirect costs Reference to the standards of any technical society, of such removal and replacement, including organization, or association, or to codes of local or compensation for additional professional services. state authorities, shall mean the latest standard, code, specification, or tentative standard adopted and Nothing in these Contract Documents concerning the published at the date of receipt of bids, unless correction period shall establish a period of limitation specifically stated otherwise. with respect to any other obligation, which Contractor has under the Contract Documents. The SC.59 DUST CONTROL establishment of time periods relates only to the Contractor shall take responsible measures to prevent specific obligations of Contractor to correct the work, unnecessary dust. Earth surfaces subject to creating and has no relationship to the time within which his dust shall be kept moist with water or by application obligations under the Contract Documents may be of a chemical dust suppressant. Dusty materials in sought to be enforced, nor to the time within which piles or in transit shall be covered when practical to proceedings may be commenced to establish his prevent blowing. Machinery, motors, instrument liability with respect to his obligations other than to panels, or similar equipment, shall be protected by specifically correct the work. suitable dust screens with proper ventilation included. The Contractor shall issue all special guarantees and SC.60 POLLUTION CONTROL manufacturers' warranties that extend beyond the one-year correction period directly to the Owner Contractor shall prevent the release of sanitary without continued involvement. wastes, sediment, debris and other substances resulting from construction activities. No sanitary SC.56 OVERTIME WORK wastes will be permitted to enter any drain or No work shall be scheduled between 7:00 p.m. and watercourse other than sanitary sewers. No sediment, 7:00 a.m. or on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal City debris or other substance will be permitted to enter holidays without permission of Owner. Should sanitary sewers and reasonable measures will be Contractor desire to work on these days, he shall taken to prevent such materials from entering any contact the Owner, in writing, for approval at least 48 drain or watercourse. hours in advance. However, emergency work may be SC.61 PROJECT ACCESS done without prior permission. Tie-ins and connections to existing facilities will be made at time Access to the project shall be limited to McCreary authorized by the Owner. Road. If additional access is required or desired it shall be acquired by the Contractor, with written SC.57 HANDLING MATERIALS NOT approval from the affected property owners being APPROVED provided to the Owner. Such approval shall be The Contractor shall remove from the site any delivered to the Owner prior to use of additional materials found to be damaged, and any materials not access. Contractor shall be responsible for all street meeting the specifications. These materials shall be repairs necessary for use of unapproved streets. removed promptly, unless the Engineer will accept SC.62 TREE PROTECTION & STAND OF the materials after repairing. Materials found to be GRASS damaged, or not acceptable to the Engineer after installation, shall be removed or replaced as directed. Contractor shall coordinate all aspects of the work to Inspection before installation shall not relieve the ensure that existing trees are protected. Contractor from any responsibility to furnish materials meeting the specifications. Prior to the beginning of work where trees are located in the easements the Contractor shall submit proposed SC.58 APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS plan for protection of trees for review by Owner. Alternate methods shall be submitted for review References in the Contract Documents to local codes should the Owner find the initial method prove to be means any applicable Federal, State, and local laws, inadequate or unacceptable. code, and regulations, including, but not limited to, the requirements of the Occupational Safety and There shall be no removal of trees unless with the Health Act of 1970 and the Texas Occupational Owner's specific written approval or indicated j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-I.doc SC-14 specifically on the plans with a bold "X". If 3) Complete and submit an NOI to the TCEQ unauthorized removal of trees occurs, the Contractor (using the TCEQ form) to the address listed shall replace the removed tree with an equivalent inch on the form prior to the commencement of diameter of the same type tree at least 3-inches the construction. caliper each, or shall pay fair market value of the removed tree at his sole expense. The Owner shall 4) Submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) have the right to select either replacement or once the site has reached final stabilization. reimbursement. 5) The NOI and NOT Forms and Instructions Qualified nurserymen shall perform the replacement are attached. of trees removed without authorization at the sole expense of the Contractor. B. 1 to Less Than 5 Acres Disturbed A "Stand of Grass"is obtained when an area that is to For construction projects that will disturb 1 or be seeded or hydro-mulched has at least 70% of the more acres, but less than 5 acres, including the area covered with grass at least 1-inch high. Areas larger common plan of development: designated to be seeded or hydro-mulched shall obtain a "Stand of Grass" prior to qualifying for 1) Obtain a copy of the TCEQ CGP (TPDES acceptance by the Owner and additional seed, Permit No. TXR150000). fertilizer and water or hydro-mulch and water shall be applied until a"Stand of Grass" is obtained. 2) Develop and implement a storm water SC.63 TPDES GENERAL PERMIT APPROVED pollution prevention plan(SWP3). FOR CONSTRUCTION OF STORM 3) Complete and post a site notice. WATER TPDES Construction General Permit, Permit No. 4) Before construction begins, TXR150000, was approved, signed and became effective on March 5, 2003. • If the site qualifies, complete and submit a Low Rainfall Erosivity Waiver The Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Form. (TPDES) program implements the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) • Or complete and post a site notice. program in the state of Texas. The EPA Region 6 (Template at the end of TPDES Permit (located in Dallas) has administered the Phase I storm No. TXR150000) water general permit for construction activities disturbing 5 or more acres within the state of Texas For construction projects that will disturb 1 or until the TPDES permit has been issued. On March 5, more acres, but less than 5 acres, and are part of 2003 the TCEQ became the permitting authority for a larger common plan of development or sale these discharges. This general permit also covers that will disturb 5 or more acres, refer to 5 or storm water discharges from Phase II construction More Acres Disturbed. activities that disturb at least 1 acre and less than 5 acres. Further information may be obtained from the C. Smaller Sites Executive Director's Response to Comments and the TXR150000 Fact Sheet. For construction projects that will disturb less than one acre and are not part of a larger A. Work Begun On or After 3/5/2003 - For common plan of development, coverage under construction projects that started after the this permit is not required. issuance of the TPDES general permit and that will disturb 5 or more acres: If the construction activity develops into a larger project, then permit coverage may be required at 1) Obtain a copy of the TCEQ CGP (TPDES that time based on the total number of acres that Permit No. TXR150000). will be disturbed: 5 or More Acres or 1 to Less Than 5 Acres. 2) Develop and implement a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWP3). j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-1.doc S C-15 Completing the Notice of Intent for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the TPDES Construction General Permit (TXR150000) A.Construction Site Operator Information Type of Operator Check boxes and Customer Reference Number Check only one box. These boxes designate the operator's status as a TCEQ"customer"—in check... if this customer... other words,an individual or business that is involved in an activity that we regulate.We assign each customer a number that begins with"CN," Individual is a person and has not established a business to do followed by nine digits.This is not a permit number,registration number, whatever causes them to be regulated by us. or license number.In the remainder of this section,we will use"this customer"to mean the operator for Part A of the form. Sole is a business that is owned by only one person and • If this customer has not been assigned a Customer Reference Number Proprietorship— has not been incorporated.This business may or if this number is unknown,check"New"and leave the space for the D.BA. • be under the person's name Customer Reference Number blank. • have its own name("doing business as,"ord.b.a.) • If this customer has already been assigned this number,enter the • have any number of employees operator's Customer Reference Number and: • Check"No Change"if all the remaining customer information is the Partnership is a business that's established as a partnership as same as previously reported.However,you must still complete most defined by the Texas Secretary of State's Office. blanks in this form for this notice of intent to be valid. Corporation meets all of these conditions: • If this customers information has changed since the last time it was • is a legally incorporated entity under the laws of reported to the TCEQ,check neither box and complete the any state or country remainder of this notice of intent. • is recognized as a corporation by the Texas • Do not enter a permit number,registration number,or license Secretary of State number in place of the Customer Reference Number. • has proper operating authority to operate in Texas. Name Federal,state, is either an agency of one of these levels of Enter the legal name of this customer as authorized to do business in county,or city government or the governmental body itself(It a utility Texas. Include any abbreviations(LLC,Inc.,etc.). government(as district,water district,tribal government,college appropriate) district,council of governments,or river authority, Mailing Address check"Other"and write in the specific type of Enter a central and general mailing address for this customer to receive mail government) from the TCEQ.For example,if this customer is a large company,this Other fits none of the above descriptions.Enter a short address might be the corporate or regional headquarters.On the other description of the type of customer in the blank hand,for a smaller business,this address could be the same as the site provided. address. If this is a street address,please follow US Postal Service Independent Operator? standards.In brief,these standards require this information in Check"No"if this customer is a subsidiary or part of a larger company. Otherwise,check"Yes." this order • the"house"number—for example,the 1401 in Number of Employees 1401 Main St Check one box to show the number of employees for this customer's entire • if there is a direction before the street name,the one-or two- company,at all locations.This is not necessarily the number of letter abbreviation of that direction(N,S,E,W,NE,SE,SW,or employees at the site named in this NOI. NW) • the street name(if a numbered street,do not spell out the Federal Tax ID number—for example, ti St,not Sixth St) All businesses,except for some small sole proprietors,should have a • an appropriate abbreviation of the type of street—for example, federal taxpayer identification number(TIN).Enter this number here.Use no St,Ave,Blvd,Fwy,Exwy,Hwy,Cr,Ct,Ln • if there is a direction after the street name,the one-or two-letter prefixes,dashes,or hyphens. Individuals and sole proprietors do not need abbreviation of that direction(N,S,E,W,NE,SE,SW,or NW) to provide a federal tax ID. • if there is a room number,suite number,or company mail code State Franchise Tax ID City,State,and ZIP Code Corporations and limited liability companies that operate in Texas are Enter the name of the city,the two letter USPS abbreviation for the state(for issued a franchise tax identification number.If this customer is a corporation exarl�e,TX),and the ZIP Code.(Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it.) or limited liability company,enter this number here. Country Mailing Information DUNS Number If this address is outside the United States,enter the territory name,country Most businesses have a DUNS(Data Universal Numbering System) code,and any non-ZIP mailing codes or other non—U.S.Postal Service number issued by Dun and Bradstreet Corp.If this customer has one,enter features here.If this address is inside the United States,leave these it here. spaces blank. B. Billing Address Phone Number and Extension We will mail the annual fee invoice for this site to the address entered in this This number should correspond to this customer's mailing address given section. earlier.Enter the area code and phone number here.Leave"Extension" blank if this customer's phone system lacks this feature. Name Enter the legal name of the person or business to which we should mail this Fax Number site's fee invoice each year. This number should correspond to this customer's mailing address given earlier.Enter the area code and fax number here. Mailing Address Enter the specific mailing address to which we should mail this site's fee E-mail Address invoice each year.If this is a street address,please follow the US Postal As with the mailing address,this should be a general address that is Service standards as described under"A.Construction Site Operator appropriate for e-mail to this customer's central or regional headquarters,if Information"on page 1 of these instructions. applicable. City,State,and ZIP Code If"No Change"was checked for this customer, Enter the name of the city,the two-letter USPS abbreviation for the state you may skip the rest of the fields in this part of the form and (for example,TX),and the ZIP Code.(Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it) continue to the next part of the NOI. Country Mailing Information If this address is outside the United States,enter the territory name, country code,and any non-ZIP mailing codes or other non—U.S.Postal TCEQ-20022-Instructions(05/03) Page 1 of 2 j'\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-I.doc SC-16 Service features here.If this address is inside the United States,leave can be found in the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System these spaces blank. Construction General Permit(7XR150000). C.Project I Site Information Estimated Area of Land Disturbed Check boxes and Regulated Entity Reference Number Provide the approximate number of acres that the construction site will These boxes designate this site's status as a TCEQ"regulated entity"—in disturb. It is appropriate to enter a value less than 5,only if the project is other words,a location where an activity that we regulate occurs.We assign part of a larger common plan that disturbs five or more acres. If the each regulated entity a number that begins with"RN,"followed by nine acreage is less than 1,enter 1. "Disturb"means any clearing,grading, digits.This is not a permit number,registration number,or license excavating,or other similar activities. number. Is the site located on Indian Country Lands? • If this site has not been assigned a Regulated Entity Reference Number or if this number is unknown,check"New"and leave the space for the Check"Yes"only if the site is on a reservation or other areas designated by Regulated Entity Reference Number blank. the federal government as Indian Country Lands.If not,check"No" • If this site has already been assigned this number,enter the Regulated Entity Reference Number and: Destination of Storm Water Discharge • Check"No Change"if all the remaining information is the same as The storm water from your site eventually reaches a receiving water body previously reported.However,even if there has been no change, such as a local stream or lake,possibly via a drainage ditch. The discharge you must complete this section at least through"E-mail Address"for may initially be into a municipal separate storm sewer system(MS4).Check this NOI to be valid. the appropriate boxes for whether storm water is discharged into an MS4. If • If this site's information has changed since the last time it was you checked"Yes"to"An MS4?",then enter the name of the entity that reported to the TCEQ,check neither box and complete the operates the storm sewer—often a city,town,or utility district,but possibly remainder of this notice of intent. another form of government. • Do not enter a permit number,registration number,or license number in place of the Regulated Entity Reference Number. You must also provide the name of the water body that receives the discharge from the construction site(a local stream or lake). Storm water Name may be discharged directly to a receiving stream or via a storm sewer Enter the name by which you want this site to be known to the TCEQ. system. If known,please include the segment number if the discharge is to a classified water body. Mailing Address For a map that includes segment numbers,go to: Enter the specific mailing address for this site.If this is a street address, hitpJ/WwW 1es segment umbers,go to: ldatsfhKMex html please follow the US Postal Service standards as described under"A. Construction Site Operator Information"on page 1 of these instructions. If the project!site's mailing address is the same as what is provided in D. Contact Section A,you may enter"Same as Section A". Give all the relevant information for the person whom TCEQ can contact if there are questions about any of the information on this form—perhaps the City,State,and ZIP Code same person who completed the form. Enter the name of the city,the two-letter USPS abbreviation for the state(for example,TX),and the ZIP Code.(Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it.) E. Payment Information Provide the number and account holder name from the check or money Physical Address order used to pay the$100 application fee. Enter the physical address of the site itself,TCEQ staff should be able to use this address to find the site. Please follow the US Postal Service F. Certification standards as described under"A.Construction Site Operator The operator must sign and date this statement to validate this NOI.Be sure Information"on page 1 of these instructions. If the project!site does not to enter the full legal name of the person signing the form and the relevant have a physical address,enter"No Address". title—for example,"Operator,'"Vice-President,'or"Partner."Use the "Prefix"blank for such titles as Dr.,Mr.,or Ms.,as desired.Use the"Suffix" City,County,and ZIP Code blank for such designations as Ph.D.,Jr.,Sr.,III,or J.D.,if applicable. Enter the name of the city,the county,and the ZIP Code.(Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it.) This information must be provided even if you have For a corporation,the application shall be signed by a responsible corporate entered"No Address"in the previous field. officer.A responsible corporate officer means a president,secretary, treasurer,or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal Location Access Description business function,or any other person who performs similar policy or Enter a physical description of the location of the site based on highway decision-making functions for the corporation;or the manager of one or intersections and/or permanent landmarks. more manufacturing,production,or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding$25 Latitude and Longitude million(in second-quarter 1980 dollars),if authority to sign documents has Enter the latitude and longitude of the site in either degrees,minutes,and been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate seconds or decimal form. procedures.Corporate procedures governing authority to sign permit applications may provide for assignment or delegation to applicable For help obtaining the latitude and longitude,go to: corporate positions rather than to specific individuals. httpl/mvw.trrrcc.etate"bcueIglaidrgview.html For a partnership or sole proprietorship,the application shall be signed by a Standard Industrial Classification(SIC)Code and Activity Description general partner or the proprietor,respectively. Provide the SIC code that best describes the construction activity being For a municipality,state,federal,or other public agency,the application conducted at the site. shall be signed by either a principal executive officer or a rankng elected official.For purposes of this application,a principal executive officer of a For help with SIC codes,go to: federal agency includes the chief executive officer of the agency,or a senior http:llwww.osha.govloshstatslsicser.html executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency(e.g.regional administrator of the United In addition to the SIC code,you must also provide a description of the States Environmental Protection Agency). construction activity being conducted at the site. This may include such descriptions as:"Apartment Building Construction"or"Shopping Center Questions? Construction." If you have questions about any of the information on this form,contact our Storm Water Program at 5121239-4671 or look for"Storm Water"on our Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Web site: This plan identifies the areas and activities that could produce contaminated www.tceq.state.tx.us runoff at your site and then tells how you will ensure that this contamination is mitigated.For example,in describing your mitigation measures,your site's plan might identify the devices that collect and filter storm water,tell how those devices are to be maintained,and tell how frequently that maintenance is to be carried out You must develop this plan before you complete this NOI.This plan must be available for a TCEQ investigator to review on request.Specific requirements for the development of the plan TCEQ-20022-Instructions(05/03) Page 2 of 2 • j'\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wi\specs\tech-spec\sc-l.doc SC-I7 Notice of Intent(NOI)for Storm Water Discharges TCEQ Office Use Only Associated with Construction Activity under the TPDES Permit Number:TXR151-1__ __1 -NO ■4 j•— TPDES Construction General Permit(TXR150000) GIN Number: I1 TCEOFor help completing this application,read the TXR150000 NOI Instructions (T CEQ-220022-Instructicno). A. Construction Site Operator [New ONo Change Customer Reference Number:CN Name: Mailing Address: City. State: Zip Code: Country Mailing Information(if outside USA)Territory: Country Code: Postal Code: Phone Number: Extension: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Type of Operator: 0 Individual 0 Sole Proprietorship-D.B.A.0 Partnership 0 Corporation 0 Federal Government 0 State Government 0 County Government 0 City Governmerd 0 Other: Independent Operator? 0 Yes 0 No Number of Employees: 0 0-20 0 21-100 0 101-250 0 251-500 0 501 or higher Federal Tax ID: State Franchise Tax ID Number: DUNS Number: B. Billing Address Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: Country Mailing Information(if outside USA)Territory: Country Code: Postal Code: C. Project!Site Information ONew ONo Change Regulated Entity Reference Number:RN Name: Mailing Address: City: State:_Zip Code: Physical Address: City. County:— Zip Code: Location Access Description: Latitude:_°_' " N Longitude:_°_' " W Degrees(°),Minutes('),and Seconds(") Latitude: Longitude:— Decimal Form Standard Industrial Classification(SIC)code: Also,describe the construction activity at this site(do not repeat the SIC code): Has a storm water pollution prevention plan been prepared as specified in the general permit(TXR150000)? DYes ID No Estimated area of land disturbed(to the nearest acre): Is the project/site located on Indian Country Lands? 0 Yes 0 No Does this project/site discharge storm water into a municipal separate storm sewer system(MS4)? El Yes 0 No If yes,provide the name of the MS4 operator: Provide the name or segment number of the water body that receives storm water from this project/site: D. Contact-If the TCEQ needs additional information regarding this application,who should be contacted? Name: Title: Phone Number: Extension: Fax Number: E-mail Address: E. Payment Information-Check/Money Order Number: Name on Check/Money Order: F. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Construction Site Operator: Prefix: First: Middle: Last: Suffix: Title: Signature: Date: If you have questions on how to fill out this form or about the storm water program,please contact us at(512)239-4671. Individuals are entitled to request and review their personal information that the agency gathers on its forms.They may also have any errors in their information corrected.To review such information,contact us at(512)239-3282. The completed N01 must be mailed to the following address. Use the attached document to submit the$100 application fee. Please note that the NOI and application fee are submitted separately to different addresses. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water&General Permits Team;MC-228 P.O.Box 13087 Austin,Texas 78711-3087 TCEQ-20022(05103) Page 1 of 2 • j:\clerical\wylie\2006-I24 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-l.doc SC-18 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Payment Submittal Form The storm water application fee shall be sent under separate cover to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. This form must be used to submit your Storm Water Application Fee. Please complete the following information, staple your check in the space provided at the bottom of this document, and mail it to: BY REGULAR U.S. MAIL BY OVERNIGHT/EXPRESS MAIL Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Financial Administration Division Financial Administration Division Cashiers Office, MC-214 Cashier's Office, MC-214 P.O. Box 13088 12100 Park 35 Circle Au stin,TX 78711-3088 Austin,TX 78753 Fee Code:GPA Storm Water General Permit: TXR150000 Check/Money Order No: Amount of Check/Money Order: Date of Check or Money Order: Name on Check or Money Order: Facility 1 Site Name: Facility I Site Physical Address: City: Zip Code: Staple Check In This Space TCEo-20022(05/03) Page 2 of 2 j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-l.doc SC-19 Completing the Notice of Termination for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the TPDES Construction General Permit (TXR150000) Who May File a Notice of Termination(NOT)Form B. Construction Site Operator Information Permittees disturbing 5 acres or more (or part of a larger Customer Reference Number common plan of development or sale disturbing 5 acres or This number designates the operator's status as a TCEQ more)who are presently covered under the Texas "customer"—in other words,an individual or business that is Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) involved in an activity that we regulate.We assign each customer Construction General Permit must submit a Notice of a number that begins with"CN,"followed by nine digits. This is Termination (NOT)when final stabilization has been not a permit number,registration number,or license number. achieved on all portions of the site that is the responsibility mIn the remainder of this section,we will use`this customer"to of the permittee;or another permitted operator has • If can the operator this customer or Part B of the form. assumed control over all areas of the site that have not Reference has not been assigned a Customer been finally stabilized and all silt fences and other Number, leave the space for the Customer Reference Number blank. temporary erosion controls have either been removed, • If this customer has already been assigned this scheduled for removal as defined in the SWP3, or number, enter the operator's Customer Reference transferred to a new operator if the new operator has Number. sought permit coverage. Erosion controls that are • Do not enter a permit number, registration designed to remain in place for an indefinite period, such number, or license number in place of the as mulches and fiber mats,are not required to be removed Customer Reference Number. or scheduled for removal. Final Stabilization occurs when either of the following Name conditions are met: Enter the legal name of this customer as authorized to do business in Texas. Include any abbreviations(LLC, Inc., (a) All soil disturbing activities at the site have been etc.). completed and a uniform(e.g, evenly distributed, Mailing Address without large bare areas)perennial vegetative cover Enter a central and general mailing address for this with a density of 70%of the native background customer to receive mail from the TCEQ. For example, if vegetative cover for the area has been established on this customer is a large company,this address might be all unpaved areas and areas not covered by the corporate or regional headquarters. On the other hand, permanent structures,or equivalent permanent for a smaller business,this address could be the same as stabilization measures(such as the use of riprap, the site address. gabions, or goetextiles)have been employed. (b) For individual lots in a residential construction site by if this is a street address,please follow US Postal either: Service standards. In brief,these standards require this information in this order: (1) the homebuilder completing final stabilization as ■ the"house"number—for example,the 1401 in specified in condition (a)above;or 1401 Main St • if there is a direction before the street name, (2) the homebuilder establishing temporary the one-or two-letter abbreviation of that stabilization for an individual lot prior to the time direction (N, S, E,W, NE, SE,SW, or NW) of transfer of the ownership of the home to the • the street name(if a numbered street, do not buyer and after informing the homeowner of the spell out the number—for example, 6th St, not need for, and benefits of,final stabilization. Sixth St) (c) For construction activities on land used for agricultural • an appropriate abbreviation of the type of purposes(e.g. pipelines across crop or range land), street for example, St,Ave, Blvd, Fwy, Exwy, final stabilization may be accomplished by returning Hwy, Cr, Ct, Ln the disturbed land to its preconstruction agricultural • if there is a direction after the street name, the one- use. Areas disturbed that were not previously used for or two-letter abbreviation of that direction (N,S, E, agricultural activities, such as buffer strips immediately W, NE, SE, SW, or NW) ■ if there is a room number, suite number, or adjacent to a surface water and areas which are not being returned to their preconstruction agricultural use company mail code must meet the final stabilization conditions of condition City, State, andZlP Code (a)above. Enter the name of the city,the two-letter USPS A. TPDES Permit Number abbreviation for the state (for example,TX), and the ZIP Provide the TPDES permit number assigned to the Code. (Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it.) operator of the construction site. TCEQ-20023-Instructions(09102) Page 1 of 2 j\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-I doc S C-20 '-°r"IEE Notice of Termination (NOT) for Storm TCEQ Office Use Only Water Discharges Associated with TPDES Permit Number:TXR15I- -I—I- -NO �� Construction Activity under the TPDES GIN Number: I--I—I—I--I—I—I—I Construction General Permit(TXR150000) TCEQFor help completing this application,read the TXR150000 NOI Instructions(TCEQ-20023-Ins,tructiens). A. TPDES Permit Number: TXR15 B. Construction Site Operator Customer Reference Number:CN Name: Mailing Address: City: State:-- Zip Code: Country Mailing Information (if outside USA)Territory: Country Code: Postal Code: Phone Number: Extension: Fax Number: E-mail Address: C. Project t Site Information Regulated Entity Reference Number: RN Name: Physical Address: Location Access Description: City: County: -- Zip Code: D. Contact- If the TCEQ needs additional information regarding this termination, who should be contacted? Name: Title: Phone Number: Extension: Fax Number: E-mail Address: E. Certification I certify under penalty of law that authorization under the TPDES Construction General Permit(TXR150000)is no longer necessary based on the provisions of the general permit. I understand that by submitting this Notice of Termination, I am no longer authorized to discharge storm water associated with construction activity under the general permit TXR150000, . and that discharging pollutants in storm water associated with construction activity to waters of the U.S.is unlawful under the Clean Water Act where the discharge is not authorized by a TPDES permit. I also understand that the submittal of this Notice of Termination does not release an operator from liability for any violations of this permit or the Clean Water Act. Construction Site Operator Representative: Prefix: First: Middle: Last: Suffix: Title: Signature: Date: If you have questions on how to fill out this form or about the storm water program,please contact us at(512)239-4671. Individuals are entitled to request and review their personal information that the agency gathers on its forms. They may also have any errors in their information corrected.To review such information, contact us at(512)239-3282. The completed NOT must be mailed to the following address: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water&General Permits Team; MC -228 P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 TCEQ-20023 (02/03) Page 1 of 1 j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-I.doc SC-22 SC.64 WAGE RATES All employees of the Contractor on the work to be performed under this contract shall be paid the prevailing wage scale in this locality for work of a similar character, and in no event less than the minimums prescribed in the following schedule: j:\clerical\wylie\2006-I24 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\sc-1 doc SC-23 WAIS Document Retrieval Page 1 of 3 ENERAL DECISION: TX20070035 05/11/2007 TX35 Date: May 11, 2007 General Decision Number: TX20070035 05/11/2007 uperseded General Decision Number: TX20030035 -tate: Texas construction Type: Heavy ounties: Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Kaufman and Rockwall ounties in Texas. water and Sewer Lines/Utilities (Including Related Tunneling here the Tunnel is 48" or Less in Diameter) Modification Number Publication Date 0 02/09/2007 1 05/11/2007 * PLUM0100-002 05/01/2007 Rates Fringes "lumbers and Pipefitters $ 25.35 7.67 SUTX1991-004 09/23/1991 Rates Fringes Laborers: Common $ 6.533 Utility $ 7.467 Pipelayer $ 7. 828 ower equipment operators: Backhoe $ 10.804 Crane $ 10. 942 Front End Loader $ 9. 163 Tunneling Machine (48" or less) $ 9.163 ruck Driver $ 8.528 ELDERS - Receive rate prescribed for craft performing peration to which welding is incidental. nlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope of the classifications listed may be added after award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses 29CFR 5.5 (a) (1) (ii) ) . n the listing above, the "SU" designation means that rates listed under the identifier do not reflect collectively ..ztp://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=Davis-Bacon&docid=TX20070035 6/19/2007 WAIS Document Retrieval Page 2 of 3 bargained wage and fringe benefit rates. Other designations ndicate unions whose rates have been determined to be revailing. WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS PROCESS - . ) Has there been an initial decision in the matter? This can e: * an existing published wage determination a survey underlying a wage determination a Wage and Hour Division letter setting forth a position on a wage determination matter ' a conformance (additional classification and rate) ruling ,n survey related matters, initial contact, including requests for summaries of surveys, should be with the Wage and Hour egional Office for the area in which the survey was conducted ecause those Regional Offices have responsibility for the Davis-Bacon survey program. If the response from this initial contact is not satisfactory, then the process described in 2 . ) nd 3 . ) should be followed. With regard to any other matter not yet ripe for the formal rocess described here, initial contact should be with the ranch of Construction Wage Determinations. Write to: Branch of Construction Wage Determinations Wage and Hour Division U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 , . ) If the answer to the question in 1. ) is yes, then an interested party (those affected by the action) can request view and reconsideration from the Wage and Hour Administrator See 29 CFR Part 1. 8 and 29 CFR Part 7) . Write to: Wage and Hour Administrator U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 he request should be accompanied by a full statement of the interested party' s position and by any information (wage payment data, project description, area practice material, tc. ) that the requestor considers relevant to the issue. 3 . ) If the decision of the Administrator is not favorable, an ' .iterested party may appeal directly to the Administrative eview Board (formerly the Wage Appeals Board) . Write to: Administrative Review Board U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 . ) All decisions by the Administrative Review Board are final. —4://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=Davis-Bacon&docid=TX20070035 6/19/2007 WAIS Document Retrieval Page 3 of 3 END OF GENERAL DECISION __tp://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=Davis-Bacon&docid=TX20070035 6/19/2007 LIST OF APPLICABLE NCTCOG SPECIFICATIONS The NCTCOG Specifications Items listed below specifically apply to this project. This list is intended to show the scope of work and the Items which are specifically anticipated to apply. However, should one Item refer to another Item not specifically listed below, that referenced Item will also apply as if listed. Similarly, should the construction of other Items, not specifically listed below, be required, the applicable Items of the NCTCOG Specifications shall govern unless otherwise specified in the Plans or Supplementary Special Conditions. DIVISION 100: GENERAL PROVISIONS Item 101 Definitions and Abbreviations Item 102 Proposal Procedures Item 103 Award and Execution of Contract Item 104 Scope of Work Item 105 Control of Work Item 106 Control of Material Item 107 Legal Relations and Contract Responsibilities Item 108 Prosecution and Progress Item 109 Measurement and Payment. DIVISION 200: SITE PROTECTION AND PREPARATION Item 201 Temporary Erosion, Sedimentation and Water Pollution Prevention and Control Item 202 Landscaping Item 203 Site Preparation DIVISION 300: ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION Item 301 Subgrade, Subbase and Base Preparation Item 302 Asphalt Pavement Item 303 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Item 305 Miscellaneous Roadway Construction DIVISION 400: ROADWAY MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION Item 401 Crack Sealing Item 402 Pavement Cut, Excavation and Repair j:1clerical\wyl1e\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\nctcog specs.doc COG-1 DIVISION 500: UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION AND APPURTENANCES Item 501 Underground Conduit Materials Item 502 Appurtenances Item 504 Open Cut—Backfill Item 505 Open Cut—General Conduit Installation Item 506 Open Cut—Water Conduit Installation DIVISION 700: STRUCTURES Item 701 General Structures Item 702 Concrete Structures DIVISION 800: MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Item 801 Barriers, Warning &Detour Signs and Fences Item 805 Electrical Components and Conduit Item 806 Metals Materials j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wi\specs\tech-spec\nctcog specs,doc COG-2 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PROVISIONS (Current for the 4th Edition, dated October 2004,with Latest Amendments) PART 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS-DIVISION 1, CITY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The General Provisions of the North Central Texas Standard Specifications shall be modified and clarified by the addition to the following requirements to the various items. Except when specifically stated, none of the requirements of the General Provisions shall be deleted. Item numbers with a plus (+) sign indicates items added to the Standard Specifications. Where NCTCOG Specifications are updated or item numbers between these Special Provisions and the NCTCOG General Provisions do not agree, the title or intent of the subject heading shall control. ITEM 102.11 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS Change the second sentence of Item 102.11 to read: "Proposal may be rejected for any of the following specific reasons,but not necessarily limited thereto:" ITEM 102.12 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS Change the first sentence of Item 102.12 to read, "Bidders may be disqualified and their proposal not considered for any of the following specific reasons, but not necessarily limited thereto:" ITEM 103.2 AWARD OF CONTRACT Substitute the following: The Owner intends to issue a purchase order for this project within thirty(30) days after the date of opening bids on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid submitted by a qualified bidder, as determined by the Owner. The Contractor or Contractors shall complete execution of the required Bonds and Contract within ten(10) days of such notice. Within five (5) working days after the bid opening, the low bidder shall submit such evidence as the Owner may require establishing the bidder's qualifications to satisfactorily perform the work included in this project. The minimum information required shall include but may not be limited to the following: (1) Current Financial Statement. (2) Letter of Auditor's opinion. (3) Previous years Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Change of Financial Position. (4) List of projects that have been satisfactorily completed by the Bidder that are of the same general type as included in this contract, together with names, addresses and phone numbers or persons familiar with this work. (5) Other information that may be pertinent to the Bidder's Qualifications. Should the bidder fail to produce evidence satisfactory to the Owner on any of the foregoing points he may be disqualified and the work awarded to the next bidder so qualifying. j:\c)encal\wylie\2006-120 nortex pump station\construction bid\specs\tech-spec\city-gp.doc GPC-I ITEM POLICY ENDORSEMENTS AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS Add the following: (5) "Should any person sustain bodily injury or property damage within the limits of this project, the Contractor or his insurance agent shall investigate and report immediately his findings in writing to the Owner. The Owner, in his sole discretion, may elect at any time to file for coverage directly under the Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability Policy." ITEM 103.6 NOTICE TO PROCEED AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK Change the second and third sentences of 103.6 to read: "The Owner will notify the successful bidder, in writing, within thirty (30) days after the date of opening bids, of the acceptance of the proposal. The Contractor or Contractors shall complete execution of the required Bonds and Contract within ten(10) days of such notice." ITEM 105.3 SHOP DRAWINGS,PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES Delete this section in its entirety and substitute therefore Section SC. 34 SHOP DRAWINGS &ENGINEERING DATA in the Special Conditions. ITEM 105.4 CONSTRUCTION STAKES Delete in its entirety and substitute therefore the following: The City of Wylie will furnish and set control points for this project as shown on the plans. Establishment of the aforementioned control points by the Owner shall in on way release the Contractor of the responsibility of the correctness of the control points or the responsibility for checking to ensure that the work is constructed to the lines and grades as shown on the plans. The control points set by the City of Wylie will be set sufficiently in advance of the work to avoid delays. The Contractor will be held responsible for the preservation of all control points, and if, in the opinion of the City of Wylie, any of the control points have been carelessly or willfully disturbed by the Contractor, the cost of replacing them will be charged against him and deducted from the payment for the work. The Contractor shall furnish and set free of charge additional stakes and other materials and templates necessary for making and maintaining points and lines, including layout stakes, line and grade stakes for grading,paving, culverts,bridges, structures and appurtenances. The City of Wylie will perform such checking of the Contractor's stakes as considered necessary by the City of Wylie. Such checking by the City of Wylie will in no way release the Contractor of his responsibility for the correctness of the stakes or the responsibility for checking to insure that the work is constructed to the lines and grades as shown on the plans. ITEM 106.5+ WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements for securing and transporting all water required in the construction, including water required for mixing of concrete, sprinkling, testing, flushing, flooding, or jetting. The City of Wylie shall provide water as required at the expense of the City, unless the proposed facility fails pressure tests. Any party requesting the use of a temporary meter on a fire hydrant in the City of Wylie shall execute an agreement with the City of Wylie and shall deposit with the City of Wylie j:\clerical\wylie\2006-120 nortex pump station\construction bid\specs\tech-spec\city-gp.doc GPC-2 the amount required by ordinance. Such deposit shall be returned upon payment of all charges for water use, and upon return of the meter, fittings, and wrench in their original condition. Stationary meters shall be locked to fire hydrants at all times. Installation, set up and service fees shall be in the amounts established by ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person to open or close any fire hydrant used to obtain water for any purpose with any tool or device other than a standard accepted fire hydrant wrench, which can be supplied by the City of Wylie. All stationary fire hydrant meters shall be read monthly at their location in the field. All mobile fire hydrant meters are to be brought to the Wylie Utility Meter Depai intent, Wylie, Texas,between the 1st and 10th of each month to be read. Representatives of the Wylie Utility Meter Depai tiiient shall read temporary fire hydrant meters monthly, and bills rendered at the current rates for all consumption. Customers using such meters shall comply with the written procedures implemented by the Director of Public Works with regard to making the meters available to be read by representatives of the Wylie Water Department. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to make such meter available to be read by representatives of the Wylie Utility Meter Depai tinent, as required - by written procedures issued by the Director of Public Works. Upon conviction of violation of the above requirements punishment shall be by fine not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day on which a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense. ITEM 107.2 INDEMNIFICATION Delete Item 107.2 in its entirety and substitute therefore the following: The Contractor and his sureties shall indemnify, defend and save harmless the OWNER and all of its officers, agents and employees, ENGINEER and all of its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character, name and description brought for or on account of any injuries, including death or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of the operations of the Contractor, his agents, employees or subcontractors; or on account of any negligent act, omission or fault of the Contractor, his agents, employees or subcontractors in the execution of said contract; or on account of the failure of the Contractor to provide the necessary safety devices; and shall be required to pay any judgment, with cost, which may be obtained against the Owner or Engineer growing out of such injury, including death or damage. ITEM 107.14 STATE AND LOCAL SALES AND USE TAXES Delete in its entirety and substitute therefore the following: Recent legislation has removed the sales tax exemption previously provided by Section 151.311 of the Tax Code covering tangible personal property purchased by a contractor for use in the performance of a contract for the improvement of City-owned realty. It is still possible, however, for a contractor to make tax-free purchases of tangible personal property, which will be incorporated into and become part of a City construction project through the use of a "separated contract" with the City. A "separated contract" is one, which separates charges for materials from charges for labor. Under such a contract, the contractor becomes a "seller" of those materials, which are incorporated into the project, j:\clerical\wylie\2006-120 nortex pump station\construction bid\specs\tech-spec\city-gp.doc GPC-3 such as bricks, lumber, concrete, paint, etc. The contractor issues a resale certificate in lieu of paying the sales tax at the time such items are purchased. The contractor then receives an exemption certificate from the City for those materials. (This procedure may not be used, however, for materials, which do not become a part of the finished product. For example, equipment rentals, form materials, etc. are not considered as becoming "incorporated" into the project.) Utilization of this "separated contract" approach eliminates the need for bidders to figure in sales tax for materials, which are to be incorporated into the project. Bid items that contain non-taxable materials are identified in the Bid Schedule for this project. The successful bidder will be required to complete a Contract Form provided by the Owner identifying and separating non-taxable materials from the labor and taxable materials that are not incorporated into the finished project. The completed contract form will be used to develop the "separated contract" and will determine the extent of the tax exemption. ITEM 108.2 PROSECUTION OF THE WORK Add the following to the end of the first paragraph: "regardless of the expected completion date set forth in the Contract Documents." Delete the third paragraph in its entirety. ITEM 108.14+ ANTITRUST The Contractor hereby assigns to the Owner any and all claims for over-charges associated with this contract which arise under the Antitrust Laws of the United States, 15 U.S.C.A. Section 1, et seq, (1973). j.\clerical\wylie\2006-120 nortex pump station\construction bid\specs\tech-spec\city-gp.doc GPC-4 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION METHODS The North Central Texas Standard Specifications shall be modified and clarified by the addition of the following requirements to the various items. Except when specifically stated, none of the requirements of shall be deleted. GENERAL Delete the North Central Texas Standard Specifications for measurement and payment and substitute therefore the measurement and payment specifications in these Technical Specifications. ITEM 303. Dowel Bars. (Add the following at the end of this section) When dowels are required for transverse contraction joints they shall be accurately placed on the spacing as shown on the plans. They shall be referenced in such a manner that the exact location of placement can be determined prior to sawing the transverse contraction joint. The City Engineer shall approve the method of reference prior to commencement of paving operations. ITEM 504.3.1 Excavation. (Add the following at the beginning of the paragraph) Prior to start of excavation the Contractor shall remove and stockpile the Topsoil and protect the Topsoil from contamination during construction. After the trench has been refilled, topsoil shall be replaced to the extent that rock, excavated from the trench, will be completely covered by at least 6-inches of topsoil. ITEM 504.5 EMBEDMENT 504.5.1 General (Add the Following to the end of the first sentence) Rock Cuttings from the trench or sand will not be permitted in the pipe bedding for water lines in the City of Wylie. 504.6.1 Excavated Material (Add the Following to the end of the first sentence) The material used in the backfill shall be pulverized to the extent necessary to produce a free flowing material free of clay balls and rock fragments larger than 6-inches diameter in the longest direction. j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\cm-1.doc CM- 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION Cl - PIPE MATERIALS C 1.01 GENERAL The following water pipe is acceptable for this project in accordance with the NCTCOG Standard Specifications, item number and AWWA Standard designation. C 1.02 WATER PIPE MATERIALS All water pipe shall be designed to withstand the a working pressure or 150 psi plus a transient or surge pressure of 75 psi for a total transient or surge pressure of 225 psi. All water pipe also shall be designed for maximum height of cover loading while empty assuming a density of 120#per cubic foot for soil plus HS20 loading. The following water pipe materials will be considered for this project: A. Ductile Iron Pipe (Pressure Rating 150 psi)—Cement Mortar Lined&Bituminous Painted Exterior (4 mils)with Polyethylene Encasement NCTCOG Item 501.7,AWWA C 105, C105, C 110, C150, C 151 B. Polyvinyl Chloride Water Pipe (DR18 -Pressure Rating 235 psi) NCTCOG Item 501.14,AWWA C905 C. All joints on ductile iron pipe shall be bonded for electrical continuity along the pipeline. D. Insulation kits are required between all dissimilar metals. E. Full-faced Red Rubber Gaskets shall be utilized at flanged connections F. Flanged bolts and nuts shall be A307, Grade B or A325 (Type 3 Corten). All flanged connections below grade shall be sealed in concrete. C1.03 PRESSURE TESTING Pressure and testing shall be in accordance with NCTCOG Standards. Piping shall be pressure tested against bulkheads. Pressure testing against valves is not acceptable. C 1.04 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING Bacteriological tests shall be in accordance with NCTCOG Standards. Water Samples shall be taken to North Texas Municipal Water District Facilities for testing. C 1.05 PAYMENT All costs for furnishing and installing the water pipe and fittings materials under this section of the specifications shall be included in the appropriate items of the Proposal and Bid Schedule. j;\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\civil\c1-pipe materials.doc C-1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION C2 - VALVES C2.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK The equipment to be furnished under this specification shall consist of the valves on this project complete with all appurtenances as specified herein. C2.02 BUTTERFLY VALVES All Butterfly Valves for installation underground in the City's distribution system through 54-inches shall be in accordance with this specification. All butterfly valves furnished shall conform strictly with the latest specification C-504 of the American Water Works Association Standard for rubber-seated butterfly valves and must comply with the following supplementary details and changes or addition. A. Body: The body shall be cast-iron ASTM A126 class B and shall have face to face dimensions in accordance with AWWA Standards for short body, Class 150-B. All butterfly valves shall have a floating body seat ring to compensate for change in direction of flow to assure bottle-tight seal in either direction. B. Shaft: Valve shafts shall be an 18-8, Type 304 stainless steel. Valve disc and shaft shall be attached by means of an 11011 ring sealed 304 stainless steel taper pin. Valve shaft seal, shall consist of 11011 rings in a removable bronze cartridge. C. Disc and Seat: The valve disc shall be ductile iron ASTM-A536, Grade 65-45-12. Valve disc shall be of the offset design providing 360 degrees un-interrupted seating. The resilient seat shall be natural rubber bonded to an 18-8, Type 304 stainless steel retaining ring secured to the disc by 18-8, Type 304 stainless steel set screws. Resilient seats in all sizes shall be adjustable and replaceable in the field. D. Operator: Butterfly valve operators shall be of the traveling nut design. All operators shall have adjustable mechanical stop limiting devices to prevent over travel of the disc. Should an adjustment of the disc be required to maintain bottle-tight seal, this adjustment shall be made externally without removing the operator housing cover. All operator adjustments shall be made under pressure and without the possibility of dirt getting into the operator lubricant. Any adjustments thru the lower shaft will not be acceptable. Valve operator shall be capable of seating and unseating valves and operating their full stroke against the pressure of the City's distribution system. operating mechanism shall be sealed in a lubricant reservoir and shall turn on an anti-friction thrust washer. All operators installed underground shall be furnished with an operator extended to within 6" of the finished ground elevation. E. Operation: Unless otherwise shown in the plans, all valves shall open counter clockwise. F. Valve Ends: Valve ends shall be flanged unless otherwise approved in writing by the Owner. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate the ends of the adjoining pipe with the type valve end he proposes to use. All interior valve ends shall be flanged end x flanged end. G. Testing: All valves seats shall be tested at 150 psi as described in AWWA C-504 and in addition shall have a shell test of 300 psi. Any leakage shall be cause for rejection. H. Paint and Protective Coatings: All butterfly valves furnished under these specifications shall be painted on exterior as specified in AWWA C-504, with asphalt varnish. j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\civil\c-2 valves.doc C-2 All ferrous metal surfaces in the internal part of the valve shall be protected with a two-part thermostat epoxy coating to a nominal thickness of 4 mils for corrosion protection and shall be of a color that is easily identified as an epoxy coating. This shall be applied in shop. The thermostat epoxy coating shall be a two-part epoxy and shall function as a physical, chemical and electrical barrier between the base metal to which it is applied and the surroundings. The coating shall be non-toxic and shall not impart taste to water. The coating must be formulated from materials deemed acceptable per the Food &Drug Administration Document Title 21 of the Federal Regulations of Food Additives, Section 121.2514 entitled Resins & Polymeric Coatings. The coating shall have a satin finish and shall be suitable and touchup with the same coating material without sanding or special surface preparation or application of heat in excess of room temperatures. All butterfly valves located inside the pump station building shall have flanged ends and the exterior coating shall be epoxy(Tnemec Series 20, 3 mils DFT). I. Experience and Certification: Butterfly valves furnished under these specifications, shall be manufactured by a firm that has been producing valves of this general type continuously for the past five (5)years. C2.03 AIR RELEASE AND AIR AND VACUUM RELEASE VALVES A. Standards ANSI/NSF: Standard 61 AWWA C512: Air Release Valves for Water Works Service B. Manufactured Products Each air valve shall have a cast iron body, bronze, or stainless steel trim and stainless steel float. Float shall be baffled to prevent air from blowing valve closed until air is exhausted. Valve body, float, etc., shall be designed to be the class as the pressure class of the adjacent pipe in which it is installed. Air valves shall be manufactured by the Valve and Primer Corporation (APCO), Golden Anderson or Val-Matic Manufacturing Corp. Top of valve assembly is to have hood as indicated. Valve inlet shall be N.P.T. for 2-inch and smaller valves. Air valves shall be designed for 150-1b. working pressure. C. Installation Carefully handle and install valves vertically in such a manner as to prevent damage to any part of the valves. Installation shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions. Provide nuts, bolts, and gaskets where applicable. C2.04 GATE VALVES Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Owner, all Gate Valves furnished shall be for direct buried service, 6 inches through 48 inches in diameter, shall be Resilient Seated Gate Valves that conform strictly with the latest specification C-500 or C-509 of the American Water Works Association Standards and must comply with the following supplementary details, changes or additions. a) Body: Gate valves shall be iron body designed for a working pressure of 200 psi. All valves shall be hydrostatically tested at 200 psi and shell tested at 400 psi. Any leakage during testing shall be cause for rejection. For ease of repair the body, bonnet and stuffing box shall be flanged together with ASTM Grade B bolts and nuts. Each valve shall have the maker's initials, pressure rating, and year in which manufactured cast in the body. j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\civil\c-2 valves doc C-3 b) Stems: Stems shall be machined from manganese bronze rod with an integral forged thrust collar machined to size. The stems shall be non-rising and equipped for nut operation, which shall be opened by turning to the left. c) Stem Seals: Amended to read: Stems shall be 0-ring sealed either above or below thrust collar. An antifriction washer shall be located above the thrust collar for operating torque. d) Stem Nut: Amended to read: Stem nut can be either integral cast with valve disc or separately installed into disc. Nut shall be waterworks bronze. Manufacturer shall submit an exact formula used to determine number of turns required to affect complete closure of each size resilient seated valve supplied under these specifications. e) Paint and Protective Coatings: All valves furnished under these specifications for direct burial shall be painted on the exterior as specified in AWWA C-509 with asphalt varnish, for valve installation inside the pump station the exterior shall be coated with an epoxy equivalent to the interior valve coating. All ferrous metal surfaces in the internal part of the valve shall be protected with a two-part thermostat epoxy coating to a nominal thickness of 4 mils for corrosion protection and shall be of a color that is easily identified as an epoxy coating. The thermostat epoxy coating shall be a two-part epoxy and shall function as a physical, chemical and electrical barrier between the base metal to which it is applied and the surroundings. The coating shall be non-toxic and shall not impart taste to water. The coating must be formulated from materials deemed acceptable per the Food & Drug Administration Document Title 21 of the Federal Regulations of Food Additives, Section 121.2514 entitled Resins and Polymeric Coatings. The coating shall have a satin finish and shall be suitable for field overcoating and touchup with the same coating material without sanding or special surface preparation, or application of heat in excess of room temperature. Operations on valves larger than 12-inches shall be orientated to allow vertical operation from the ground floor of the pump station regardless of valve orientation. f) Experience: Valves, furnished under these specifications, shall be manufactured by a firm that has been producing valves of this general type continuously for the past five (5)years. g) Valve Actuators shall include all gearing, scrapers, etc., for horizontal operation of the valves as shown in the plans. All actuators shall be for direct bury service. Exterior valves may be set in vertical position. h) All interior gate valves shall be flanged end x flanged end. i) Approved Material for Valves • Mueller Resilient Seat • American Darling Resilient Wedge • U.S. Pipe&Foundry"Metro-Seal"Resilient Wedge • Waterous "Series 500 Resilient Wedge • Kennedy Resilient Wedge • Clow Resilient Wedge j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mccreary road wI\specs\tech-spec\civi1\c-2 valves.doc C-4 C2.05 MANHOLES FOR AIR RELEASE VALVES AND BLOW-OFF VALVES Manholes shall be furnished and installed as detailed on the plans as required. C2.06 PAYMENT All costs related to furnishing and installing valves including manholes as indicated on the Plans and described under this specification shall be included in the proper bid items of the Proposal and Bid Schedule. j:\clerical\wylie\2006-124 mecreary road wl\specs\tech-spec\civil\c-2 valves doe C-5 7A/ Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 24,2007 Item Number: 3 Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Melissa Beard Account Code: 100-5181-56510 Date Prepared: July 10, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $40,698.93 Exhibits: IRS letter Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-24 amending Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 budget) and approving an appropriation of funds in the amount of$40,698.93 to be paid to the IRS for tax liabilities incurred in calendar year 2004. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2007-24 amending Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 budget) and approving an appropriation of funds in the amount of$40,698.93 to be paid to the IRS for tax liabilities incurred in calendar year 2004. Discussion The Internal Revenue Service has been auditing the City of Wylie for the calendar year 2004 since last October. The major areas of concern were vendors not receiving 1099s, employees receiving taxable benefits that were not reported as wages, public officials' pay not being subjected to social security and Medicare, and city employees being paid as contract labor instead of as employees with the proper payroll deductions. After extensive research and negotiations with the IRS, the final assessment has been received. $19,200.64 is tax due for additional wages including everyday wear, moving allowances, day meals, and amounts paid to judges, prosecutors, and animal control workers. $2,624.64 is tax due for reclassified wages for public officials. $18,873.65 is tax and penalties due for vendors without a TIN on file and no 1099 on record. The total amount due from the City is $40,698.93 payable by July 30, 2007. Since this audit, the City has put in place the necessary steps to eliminate future tax liabilities on these issues. We have contacted City vendors whom we needed 1099's from and have brought our files up to date. We started withholding Social Security and Medicare on City Council members, Judges and Prosecutors. Starting in October clothing allowances, cell phones and day meals will be run through payroll. As a result of putting these controls in place, the IRS has agreed not to audit the City for 2005 and 2006. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LW 7/10/07 City Manager ITM IN /o'7 Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2007-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2006-56 (2006-2007 BUDGET) AND APPROVING AN APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,698.93 TO BE PAID TO THE IRS FOR TAX LIABILITIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") has investigated and determined that it will be beneficial and advantageous to the citizens of Wylie to amend the 2006-2007 budget adopted by Ordinance No. 2006-56 for the purpose of paying the IRS for tax liabilities incurred in calendar year 2004, WHEREAS, the City Council has further investigated and determined that such an appropriation is necessary and appropriate, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 : Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 Budget). Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 Budget) is hereby amended to allow for the following appropriation: That Forty Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety Eight dollars and 93/100 ($40,698.93) be added to account 100-5181-56510 to be expended for the purpose of paying the IRS for tax liabilities incurred in calendar year 2004. SECTION 3: Savings/ Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed Ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the Ordinance. Any remaining portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof Ordinance No.2007-24 Ordinance Amending 2006-2007 BUDGET IRS-Tax Liabilities Page 1 irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 5: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 24th day of July, 2007. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST TO: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of publication in The Wylie News—August 1, 2007 Ordinance No.2007-24 Ordinance Amending 2006-2007 BUDGET IRS-Tax Liabilities Page 2 ��AL � DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY tiw x INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Washington, DC 20224 ��-° RECEIVED S�RVIG� JUN 2 2 2007 TAX EXEMPT AND GOVERNMENT ENTITIES FINANCE DIVISION June 18, 2007 TO: 3007 Knight Street,Room 100 Shreveport,Louisiana 71105 City of Wylie 2000 N.Highway 78 Taxpayer Identification Number: 75-6000719 Wylie,TX 75098 For Assistance,you may call (318)683-6311 Person to Contact: Claire F.Bullock Re: 2004 exam Employee Identification No.: 72-18110 Office Hours: 8:30am to 5:00pm I have completed the examination of your records. Tax was found due as follows— 1. 2004 additional wages form 941 —Everyday wear, moving allowances, day meals, and amounts paid to judges, prosecutors, and animal control workers were not included in taxable wages for 2004. Form 2504 for your 941's is enclosed assessing tax on these items. The tax due relating to additional wages totals $19,200.64. If you agree with these adjustments please sign form 2504 for form 941 and return with full payment by July 9, 2007. If the tax is agreed and full paid no interest is applicable. Withholding taxes assessed totaling $11,911.08 can be abated if you submit forms 4669 & 4670 to the appropriate Service Center. On form 4669 the employee subject to additional withholding must declare under penalties of perjury that the income in question was reported and all taxes paid on their personal return. V'2. 2004 reclassified wages form 941 —Elected officials were reclassified to employees for 2004. Form 2504-WC adjusting elected officials is enclosed assessing tax on these workers. The tax due for reclassified wages totals $2,624.64. If you agree with these adjustments please sign form 2504- WC and the related closing agreement and return with full payment by July 9, 2007. If the tax is agreed and full paid no interest is applicable. Three closing agreements with original signatures should be returned. 3. Form 1099—Delinquent 1099's are due for 13 vendors. Please file forms 1099 & 1096 for these thirteen vendors with your response on July 9, 2007. 4. 2004 form 945 — In 2004 you did not have TIN's on file for 9 vendors who should have been issued a 1099-MISC. The total amount paid to these vendors was $55,109. Per Internal Revenue Code Section 3406 since the payee failed to furnish his taxpayer identification number you should have withheld tax equal to 28% from these payments. Form 2504 for form 945 is enclosed assessing backup withholding on these payments. The tax due equals $15,430.52. Penalties for failing to file form 945 and pay the appropriate amount of tax equal $5,709.29. Based on forms 4669 which you submitted $2,343.32 of the tax assessed is being abated per audit. The total due for form 945 equals $18,796.49. If you agree with these adjustments please sign form 2504 for form 945 and return with full payment by July 9, 2007. In addition also submit form 4670 for the three forms 4669 which you submitted. If the tax and penalty are agreed and full paid no interest is applicable. ,�-y DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY z�` ®,. ® •o INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 'p�,"�-p' �4 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20224 5 TAX EXEMPT AND GOVERNMENT ENTITIES DIVISION The remaining withholding taxes assessed per form 945 can be abated if you submit forms 4669 & 4670 to the appropriate Service Center. On form 4669 the vendor subject to withholding must declare under penalties of perjury that the income in question was reported and all taxes paid on their federal income tax return. The total amount due on July 9, 2007 is $40,621.77. If you have any questions regarding the reports enclosed, please call me at 318-683-6311. Thank you for your help in this matter. Siinc�e-rely, 1 n Cil_ _Cim,Q' () . '-CYC! (-- Claire Ford Bullock FSLG Agent Enclosures: Form 2504-WC Form 2504 for 941 Form 2504 for 945 Closing Agreement List of delinquent 1099's due Publication 5 & 594