04-23-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Monday, April 23, 2007 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Board Members present were: Anne Hiney, Brandi Lefleur, David Willey and Frankie Delgado. Board Members Benny Jones and Donna Larson were absent. Staff present was: Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Parks Superintendent, Bill Nelson; Assistant Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Board Secretary, Dionna Covington. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No one was present for citizens' participation. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 26, 2007 meeting and Special Meeting on April 9, 2007. Board Action Board Member LeFleur made a motion and seconded by Board Member Hiney to approve the Minutes of the March 26, 2007 meeting and the April 9, 2007 Special Meeting. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board Member Jones absent. Board Member Donna Larson arrived at 6:40 p.m. 2. Consider and act upon the submittal of a grant application from the Texas Safe Routes to School Program sponsored by the Texas Department of Transportation. Minutes—April 23, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 Staff/Board Discussion Mike Sferra addressed the Board and stated that staff became aware of this grant opportunity about six or seven weeks ago. Staff was asked by the City Manager to contact Wylie Independent School District regarding their interest and participation since this grant involves safe routes to schools. Mr. Sferra has been working the WISD federal grant writer and provided background information to the Board. It was noted that one aspect of the grant is that expenditures incurred by the city is 100% reimbursable, once approved. Mr. Sferra stated that staff would like to link some of the schools through the parks with eight foot trails and put sidewalks where there currently are no existing sidewalks. It was noted that in some areas of town, where children that live less than 2 miles to school, children have to be bused to school because there are no safe sidewalks. Mr. Sferra stated that with safe sidewalks, bus routes can be eliminated and that through this grant children will be encouraged to walk or bike to school which is a healthy lifestyle. It was also noted by Mr. Sferra that this will have a positive impact on the environment. Mr. Sferra stated one hurdle that he is having right now and that he would like to see completed is the installation of a hike and bike trail within the TXU gas easement located on the northern edge of Collins Estate. East of Community Park is a new development, Collins Estate, and the city was dedicated a 15 foot access easement across the northern border of it. It was noted that this goes all the way to old 544 and across the street from it is Bozman Farms. The intent was that all of the children from Bozman Farms could cross old 544, get on the trail, cross the creek into the park and be at Harrison and Burnett Schools. It was noted that TXU had stated that they would not allow a concrete trail in their easement. Mr. Sferra stated that he has been in contact with a TXU representative to investigate this further. Board Member Willey asked if this is specifically because it is a gas pipeline. Mr. Sferra stated that the pipeline is 600 psi that runs through residents back yards. Discussion followed regarding the location of pipelines. Mr. Sferra stated that the grant would need to be submitted to the State by May 25, 2007. Chairman Chesnut asked what was the reason for denial by TXU. Mr. Sferra stated that TXU would not allow anything built on top of their pipeline or parallel to it. It was explained that TXU are concerned with timely replacement or repair of their pipelines. It was noted that if TXU ever needed to do any repairs or replacement of their pipeline, any construction built parallel or on top of their pipeline would make it difficult for TXU. It was also noted that TXU does not mind the city crossing or running perpendicular to the pipeline because this would be minimal trouble to get to their pipeline, if needed. Mr. Sferra stated that WISD did pass a resolution and staff has a resolution included in the item that will be presented to City Council at its May 8, 2007 meeting. Board Member Hiney asked about the funding limitations. It was noted that $750,000.00 is the amount of the grant and that staff will apply for this amount and will use whatever funds granted for this purpose. It was noted that fund amounts are allocated each year until 2009 and that staff could apply every year. Discussion following regarding the connection of hike and bike trails. Mr. Sferra stated that this would be brought to City Council at the May 8, 2007 Council meeting. Board Action Board Member Willey made a motion and seconded by Board Member Delgado approving the submittal of a grant application from the Texas Safe Routes to School Program sponsored by the Minutes—April 23, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 Texas Department of Transportation. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board Member Jones absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Staff updates: • April 24, 2007 City Council Meeting Mid-Year Budget-Skatepark. Staff/Board Discussion Chairman Chesnut asked if any members will be in attendance at the Council meeting to provide support for this item. It was noted that Board Members Hiney and Larson will be at the Council meeting. Mr. Sferra stated that Council members had questions regarding existing irrigation and if the irrigation will have to be moved. It was noted that 150 feet of irrigation and three heads will have to be moved and that this can be completed in-house. Mr. Sferra also stated that he had received feedback from the City Manager and the Assistant City Manager regarding the proposed skatepark and that he answered questions that were asked regarding the skatepark location and safety issues. Board Member Hiney asked what is included in the mid-year budget request. Robert Diaz stated that staff has included funding for the Recreation Center Enterprise Plan and additional funding for the Wylie WAVE program. • Founders Park Bond Project Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Diaz updated the Board on the status of this project. It was noted that the consultant is conducting surveys and gathering data. It was noted that staff anticipates having information within a couple of weeks from Halff Architects. • Recreation Center and other City Facilities Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Sferra stated that Mr. Williamson, City of Wylie Finance Director, will be presenting financial cost analysis information at the April 24, 2007 Council work session. It was noted that discussion at the Council work session will also involve costs associated with the tax rate and financial data in regards to construction timeline of the Recreation Center, Library and City Hall. Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Diaz briefly updated the Board regarding Wylie Wave. It was noted that on the first Saturday of registration for Wylie Wave, 135 children registered. Registration is currently at 160 children. Mr. Diaz also noted there is a waiting list for scholarships. The Board was also informed that a Minutes—April 23, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 new bus was received for senior citizens. It was noted that 8-10 seniors per week are utilizing the bus. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Chairman Chesnut and seconded by Board Member Hiney to adjourn. The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 7:17 p.m. Da Chesnut, Chairman ATTEST: /7- tv,ilzyty Gayle Wahon ecretary Minutes—April 23, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4