07-17-2007 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning
July 17, 2007
Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 -7:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex- Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Dennis Larson Chair
Scott Ames Vice-Chair
Tim Bennett, P.E. Board Member
Phillip Johnston Board Member
Ramona Kopchenko Board Member
John Onufreiczuk Board Member
Ruthie Wright Board Member
Renee 011ie Planning Director
Charles H. Lee,Jr.,AICP Senior Planner
Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner
Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal
Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the
required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:
The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the
audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
1. Hold elections for Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name
and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are
not allowed to converse,deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
July 17,2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from June 19, 2007 and July 3, 2007
Regular Meetings.
Public Hearing
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council regarding a change in
zoning from Agricultural (A) to Agricultural/30 (AG/30) District on a five (5) acre parcel,
generally located east of Kreymer Lane, approximately 350 feet south of Brown Street. (1500
Kreymer Lane)ZC 2007 03.
I certi.6 that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 13th day of July, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance
with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this
agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website`004.1;!VtliiK xas.Qov.
Carole ,City Secretary; =� f. Date Notice Removed
''///, s LIE,
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Wylie Planning and Zoning
Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 — 8:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex— Staff Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Vice-Chairman Ames called the meeting to order at 7:58PM due to
Commissioner Onufreiczuk arriving late and stated that a quorum was present.
In attendance were: Vice-Chairman Ames, Commissioner Bennett,
Commissioner Finnell and Commissioner Onufreiczuk. Chairman Larson was
Staff members present were Renae 011ie, Charles Lee, Jasen Haskins, and Mary
Commissioner Bennett gave the invocation and Commissioner Finnell led the
pledge of allegiance.
No one approached the Commissioners.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 5,
2007 Regular Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by
Commissioner Bennett, to approve the minutes from June 5, 2007, regular
meeting with correction on page 1, under Call to Order remove Commissioner
Goss. Motion carried 4 — 0.
Minutes June 19, 2007
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
Page 1 of 5
1. Consider and act upon a Site Plan for Wylie Independent School District,
for the addition of an Agricultural Barn on 36.9 acres, generally located
north of Hensley Lane and west of Sanden Blvd.
Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is proposing an addition to an existing Wylie
ISD Agricultural Barn generally located north of Hensley Lane and west of
Sanden Boulevard. The property is zoned Agriculture (A) and consists of one lot
totaling 36.9 acres.
The proposed structure will be constructed as a 114 feet by 90 feet metal
building totaling 10,260 square feet to match an existing Agricultural Barn in
building material, color, and architectural style. A metal building is allowed in
Agricultural Districts.
With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner
Bennett, and seconded by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, to approve the Site Plan
for Wylie Independent School District Agricultural Barn as submitted. Motion
carried 4 — 0.
2. Consider and act upon a recommendation to City Council to adopt a
Policy to support the Neighborhood A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan as a tool to maintain
and preserve the quality of older neighborhoods throughout the city.
Ms. 011ie stated that the development of Accountable Communities Through
Involvement of Neighborhoods (A.C.T.I.O.N.) will be the tool for each resident
and stakeholder to work together towards greatly improving the quality of life for
all residents of Wylie.
This program encourages community defined plans using a city-guided program,
and will be a long-range plan.
The neighborhood planning process addresses land use, zoning, transportation,
and urban design issues. The goal of neighborhood planning is for diverse
interest to come together and develop a shared vision for their community.
Staff has done an initial survey of the housing stock in five (5) neighborhoods:
Calloway Addition, Southside Addition, the J.M. Butler Addition, Railroad
Addition, and the Bostic Addition. According to the 2000 Census the (H36)Year
Structure Built ranges from as early as 1915 to as current as 2006. The initial
idea is to target those neighborhoods that have a very small number of vacant
houses as a way of stabilizing these blocks. This approach recognizes that
livability and marketability can vary from block to block.
Minutes June 19, 2007
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
Page 2 of 5
Staff recommends the Bostic Addition as the starting point for the A.C.T.I.O.N.
Plan for several reasons. The need is there as well as a desire from some of the
residents in that area to get involved. As you know this section does include
Third Street where the house explosion took place. I think the City's active role in
this community will be well received and possibly serve as a building tool to aid in
bringing some sort of comfort back to this area.
With no questions for staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Finnell, and
seconded by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, to recommend approval to the City
Council to adopt a Policy to support the Neighborhood A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan as a
tool to maintain and preserve the quality of older neighborhoods throughout the
city. Motion carried 4 — 0.
Public Hearings
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council
regarding an amendment to Article II of the Subdivision Regulations
regarding the abandonment of the right-of-way and provide principles and
procedures for the abandonment of the right-of-way.
Ms. 011ie stated that the amendment to Article II of the Subdivision Regulations
regarding the abandonment of the right-of-way was tabled at the meeting on
June 5, 2007. As discussed as the meeting, the purpose of the proposed
ordinance will provide principles and procedures for the abandonment of Right-
Previously there were several abandoned right-of-way processed individually,
with no procedure on how to complete except to submit to City Council and have
them approved. Then the surrounding property owners will go through the
process of purchasing that abandonment, and this was not always done. The
proposed ordinance will require that all adjacent property owners purchase the
property at the fair market value through the city, and then a request for
abandonment will be submitted to the City Council for approval.
The steps for the adjacent property owners will be outlined within the proposed
ordinance, which include having the land appraised, a check for the amount to
finance department, a report submitted to Council for approval, and then the
steps for submitted a replat, if necessary. If the Council denies the request for
abandonment right-of-way, the check will be refunded to the adjacent property
Vice-Chairman Ames opened the public hearing. With no one approaching the
Commissioners Vice-Chairman Ames closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bennett, and seconded by Commissioner
Onufreiczuk, to recommend approval to the City Council to amend Article II of the
Subdivision Ordinance establishing regulations regarding the abandonment of
right-of-way. Motion carried 4 — 0.
Minutes June 19, 2007
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
Page 3of5
2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council
regarding an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Section 2.5.4
(Accessory Buildings) specifying the size and type of material for all
accessory buildings.
Mr. Haskins stated that the amendment for Accessory Buildings was tabled on
June 5, 2007, with the understanding that Commissioner Bennett would submit
further information on hardiboard.
Mr. Haskins summarized the purpose of the amending the requirements for an
accessory building. The Zoning Board of Adjustment has granted numerous
requests for a variance to the ordinance for accessory buildings within the last
three years. The current ordinance does not take into consideration the widely
varying lot sizes and neighborhoods that accessory buildings are placed on. The
current ordinance is outdated in regards to the various types of acceptable
building materials that can be used for accessory buildings.
Mr. Haskins reviewed with the Commissioners the proposed ordinance, which
will use a formula by using percentages of lot size and total lot coverage and
square footage of the main structure. This will take into account the wide variety
of lot and main structure sizes that are currently in use within the City of Wylie.
Mr. Haskins stated that after the June 5, 2007 meeting, staff inserted Kiosk,
which are the temporary buildings set up on existing commercial parking lots.
The proposed ordinance would specify the number of Kiosk allowed on the
commercial lots, as well as being exempt from the masonry requirement.
Commissioner Bennett presented a presentation on several existing accessory
buildings made out of hardiboard, which are crumbling at the bottom due to the
moisture from the ground. The accessory buildings were constructed with no
concrete pad as the foundation.
Vice-Chairman Ames opened the public hearing.
James Griffin, 301 W Kirby Street, #222, Wylie, represented his place of
employment that sells accessory buildings provided by Harlan Corporation, which
are buildings constructed out of T-111 materials (grooved plywood), thicker than
wood material. The cost for the buildings range from $900 to $1500 and
assembled on the property.
Vice-Chairman Ames closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Bennett requested clarification on vinyl exterior or wood with vinyl
exterior. Commissioners discussed in length the type of exterior material, and
the durability of exterior material. Mr. Haskins stated that the ordinance requires
composite masonry, which includes several different types of material.
Minutes June 19, 2007
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
Page 4 of 5
A motion was made by Commissioner Bennett, and seconded by Commissioner
Onufreiczuk, to table the amendment to Zoning Ordinance Section 2.5.4
Accessory Buildings until July 3, 2007, and invite Building Official to attend.
Motion carried 4 — 0.
3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council
regarding an amendment to Zoning Ordinance 2001-48, Article 9
Nonconforming Uses and Structures: amending in its entirety Articles 9
and setting forth procedures to apply current regulatory systems to
projects to the extent reasonably possible and within the confines of the
law and to do all things reasonably possible to protect the health, safety
and welfare of the public.
Ms. 011ie stated that the purpose and intent of this proposed amendment is an
attempt to bring nonconforming properties into conformance with current
regulations. This item was tabled on June 5, 2007 meeting.
Ms. 011ie reviewed the revisions in the proposed ordinance and the current
ordinance, whether the use is single-family residential or commercial uses. The
intent is to encourage the lawful use of buildings and structures to conform to
current zoning regulations, while allowing legally nonconforming uses to continue
operations subject to ordinances regulating the maintenance of the premises and
conditions of operations as may in the judgment of the Board be reasonably
required for protection of adjacent property and the public health, safety and
Ms. 011ie stated that one of the changes in Article 9.5 Expansion of
Nonconforming Uses or Structures. The proposed ordinance eliminates a
statement within the current ordinance which allows a percentage expansion.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bennett, and seconded by Commissioner
Finnell, to recommend approval to City Council to amend in its entirety Article 9
Nonconforming Uses and Structures. Motion carried 4 — 0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by
Commissioner Finnell to adjourn the meeting at 9:10p.m. Motion carried 4 — 0.
Scott Ames,Vice-Chairman
Mary Bradley, Secretary
Minutes June 19, 2007
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
Page 5of5
Wylie Planning and Zoning
Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission
Tuesday, July 3, 2007 — 7:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex — Staff Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:00PM stated that a quorum
was present. In attendance were: Chairman Larson, Vice-Chairman Ames,
Commissioner Bennett, Commissioner Johnston, Commissioner Onufreiczuk,
Commissioner Kopchenko, and Commissioner Wright. Commissioner Johnston
and Commissioner Bennett were not sworn-in prior to the meeting, therefore,
abstained from discussion and voting.
Staff members present were Renae 011ie, and Mary Bradley.
Chairman Larson welcomed new Commissioners Wright, Kopchenko and
Johnston, and reappointed Commissioner Bennett to the Commission.
Commissioner Onufreiczuk gave the invocation and Vice-Chairman Ames led the
pledge of allegiance.
No one approached the Commissioners.
Minutes July 3, 2007
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
Page 1 of 3
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 19,
2007 Regular Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Vice-
Chairman Ames, to approve the minutes from June 19, 2007, regular meeting
with no changes or corrections. Motion failed 2 — 0 — 3, with Commissioner
Kopchenko, Commissioner Wright and Chairman Larson abstaining. The
minutes will be considered at the July 17, 2007 meeting.
1. Consider a recommendation to City Council regarding an amendment to
the Zoning Ordinance Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings) specifying the
size and type of material for all accessory buildings. This item was
tabled from June 19, 2007, Regular Meeting.
Ms. 011ie stated that the item was tabled at the June 19, 2007 Regular Meeting,
to allow additional research for wood acceptable products. The Planning Staff
had communications with the Building Official regarding prefinished and
prefabricated wood as a suitable material. Ms. 011ie also pointed out that under
the exterior walls section, the percent of lot area was revised from three percent
to two percent of the lot area.
Ms. 011ie reviewed the formula as submitted in the packet under the Accessory
Building Examples. The type of material for the accessory building is determined
by the dwelling size and the lot size. This will allow a property owner to construct
an accessory building on a large lot to match the exterior material of the main
building, if the accessory building goes over the two percent formula within the
The only exemption from specifying the type of material the building is
constructed out of is a barn, which is allowed on property within an Agricultural
District zoning. A barn can be constructed of prefinished/prefabricated wood
Chairman Larson questioned the sentence under 5.5.a, which states Wood is
also allowed only if the building is prefabricated and prefinished. Ms. 011ie stated
that the sentence should be "Wood is also allowed only as a prefabricated and
prefinished building."
Commissioner Onufreiczuk expressed opinion on including flooring within the
ordinance, including concrete blocks or concrete slab. Commissioners discussed
in detail the purpose of the accessory building, and the various sizes of an
accessory building.
Minutes July 3, 2007
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
Page 2 of 3
Mr. Samuel Hughey, 1217 E Oak Street, Wylie, spoke in favor of the amendment
for accessory buildings, but questioned the formula including the house size and
lot size. Chairman Larson explained that the current ordinance does not address
the various lot sizes within the City of Wylie, and only addresses size of the
actual accessory building.
A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by
Commissioner Ames, to approve the amendment to the Accessory Building with
clarification that no pressure treated wood is permitted (the building must be
prefinished and prefabricated), and that all accessory structures 100 square feet
or greater be built on cinder blocks or on a concrete base subflooring. Motion
carried 3 — 2.
Ms. 011ie stated that the City of McKinney is hosting a Small Town Planning
Workshop on Saturday, July 28, 2007, and encouraged the Commissioners to
attend. All Commissioners wishing to attend please let Ms. Mary Bradley know
by July 12, 2007.
A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by
Commissioner Ames to adjourn the meeting at 7:45p.m. Motion carried 5 — 0.
Dennis Larson, Chairman
Mary Bradley, Secretary
Minutes July 3, 2007
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
Page 3of3
Wylie Planning and Zoning
Public Hearing
Meeting Date: July 17, 2007 Item Number: 1
Department: Planning
Prepared By: Charles H. Lee Zoning Case Number: 2007-03
Date Prepared: 06/14/07
Location Map,
Exhibit ,Notification List/Map
Exhibits: and Responses
Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding change in zoning from
Agricultural (A)to Agricultural/30 (AG/30) District on a five (5) acre parcel generally located east of Kreymer Lane
and approximately 350 feet south of Brown Street. (1500 Kreymer Lane) ZC 2007-03
Consider a recommendation of approval to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A)to
Agricultural/30 (AG30)District on a five (5) acre parcel, generally located east of Kreymer Lane, approximately 350
feet south of Brown Street. (1500 Kreymer Lane)
Owner: Mr. Terrance Dale Rowe Applicant: Mr. Terrance Dale Rowe
The subject property is located at 1500 Kreymer Lane, approximately 350 feet south of Brown Street and totals 5.0
acres. The property is currently zoned Agricultural and being used for agricultural purposes (horses) and an
accessory building (barn) occupies the middle portion of the property. The property has gentle terrain, native
vegetation including trees and a small pond located on the southwestern portion of the property. There is an existing
150-foot TXU overhead electrical easement along the north portion of the property.
Agricultural zoned property is considered a temporary classification, prior to issuance of permits for construction; a
permanent zoning category is required. The AG/30 District allows for agricultural uses including raising of animals
and providing private stables.
In February 2005, the applicant/owner was successful in receiving a variance from Zoning Board of Adjustment to
allow for an accessory building (barn) on the property without a main structure. At that time, the owner/applicant
revealed to the City his intentions to construct a single family residence on the property.
The Comprehensive Plan designates Low Density Residential for the area of this request. Low Density Residential
is designed to accommodate residential lots in excess of 1 acre in size. Surrounding properties to the south and east
consist of existing mid to low density residential uses.
Page 1 of 2
Page 2 of 2
In summary, the request to rezone property from Agricultural to AG/30 is consistent with the City's Comprehensive
Plan Land Use Map and does conform to the Comprehensive Plan's philosophy.
Notification/Responses: Five (5) notifications were mailed, with three (3) written responses returned favoring the
request and no response opposing the request at the time of posting.
Approved By
Initial Date
RO 7/12/07
Department Director
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APPLICANT: Terrence Dale Rowe APPLICATION FILE #2007-03
1 Kreymer reymer Lane Wylie, Texas 7 098
-- Applicant 1500 Kreymer Lane
0 1 Terrence Dale Rowe i 75098
-- -- --—- --- - � , Texas
Avalon Alain 4306 Miller Road #A2 Blk A Lot 1 - 13-3 9 - OA-001 -1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas 75088
Avalon Addn 4306 Miller
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3 Blk A Lot 2 - 90-O A-0 20-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. _ Rowlett, Texas 75088
— ----- - --
Avalon Addn 2000 Highway 78 North4
Blk A Lot 11 - 90- A-0110-1 City of Wylie _ Wylie, Texas 7 09
Avalon Addn 3 Miller Road #A
5 Blk B Lot 1 l - 9 -OOB- 1 -1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas s 7 088
-— - - — - --Avalon Addn Addn 30 Miller Road #A
Blk B Lot 2 f - 90-OOB-0020-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd _ Rowlett, Texas 75088
Avalon Addn 1311 E. Oak Street
7 Blk B Lot 12 I -8490-DOB- 120-1 Harold Young, Jr. Wylie, Texas 7 098
PO Box 307
O Abst 688-5 Tract 213 P- 33- 0 -213 -1 __ Robert Richard Parker Wylie, Texas 7 098
1500 Kreymer Lane
9 Abst 688-5 Tract 217 l - 3 - -2170-1 Terrence Dale Rowe Wylie, Texas 75098
4306 Miller Road #A
10 Abst 88- Tract 219 f- 6 8-00 -2190-1 DRHorton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas 7 088
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ZONING CASE #2007-03
(Please type or use black irk)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requesteg zoning as explained on the attached public notice forZoning
007 . Case
I am AGAMST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for `
Case# 07 _ Zoning
Date,Location&Time of
Planning g
Commission meeting: Tuesday,July 17, 2007.7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,26100 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 14,2007,
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 73 North, Wylie,Texas
Name: _ig ��
(please print) -
Address: O 3
Date. - c-zeo--7
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
_ 1 am the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
# 007-03.
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Case# 007-03.
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,July 17, 2007,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday, August 14,2007,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas
Name: j ERR EAlcii;
(please print)
Address: /5oc Kir �fff ��� �., ,�� � �� � ,�:�
()U s C, / ro ,,
Signature: ._
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
XF I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
# 07-0 .
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Case# 07-0 .
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday, July 17, 2007,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 14,2007,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie, Texas
Name: _ -i1
(please prir )
Address: P 0 7
Signature: - _ _
Date: 2 2 — —17