04-19-1983 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes WYLIE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD
MINUTES - April 19, 1983
The Wylie Park and Recreation Board met at 7:00 P.M. , on April 19,
1983 in the Tower Suite at First State Bank with Chairman Pat Minihan
presiding. There was a quorum present. Those present were: Lowell
Brewster, Retha Tibbals, Don Whitt, Al Draper, Stuart Wallace, Ken
Swayze, City Manager Lee Vickers , and Carolyn Jones. Mr. Richard
Parker and Duane Helmberger were absent.
Wylie Community Park Status: Mr. Lee Vickers reported the work was
almost complete on the head walls at the park entrance, with only
clean up on the ditch area and moving of some dirt and the job
would be completed. Mr. Vickers also requested that the gate being
made for the Park entrance be located on the north side of the bridge
going into the park.
Mr. Lee Vickers reported that we need an additional 1900 feet of cable
to complete the fencing around the Park. Texas Power & Light is
looking for some cable for us at reasonable charge.
Mr. Lee Vickers also reported that due to lack of funds, the hand
blowers for the restrooms at the park had not been ordered until
recently. As soon as they are delivered they will be installed
in the restrooms.
The Wylie Lions Club will be purchasing and installing another water
fountain at the Park. Chairman Minihan said that John Morgan told
him that Percy Simmons would be pouring the concrete slab for the
fountain and doing most of the installation.
Mr. Lee Vickers also reported that the Park is almost ready for a
final inspection from the Texas Park Board. One more major project
is to get the Park sign made and installed at the entrance. The
Board agreed that Mr. Vickers should go ahead and order this sign
and have it installed. Mr. Vickers would like to have the final
inspection before we have the Park Dedication. It is expected that
the Texas Park Board would go ahead with the inspection as long
as we show purchase orders for the other three bleacher pads and
they would not have to be installed at the time of inspecion.
The Board agreed that some type of walk way or drive way be installed
from the parking lot to the concession stand in order for the delivery
trucks to service the facilities prior to games or activites. Mr. Lee
Vickers said that Mr. W. A. Allen had come out of retirement and
would be working on this road again this year as he had done in the
past. Mr. Allen will be mixing a solution similar to a lime base
with the dirt and then roll and pack it down. This was done last
year and the trucks did not seem to have any trouble getting in or
out during the rainy weather.
The Board agreed that a sign was needed for the water fountain in
Akin Pavillon. This fountain was donated to the Park by the Kiwanis
The ramp for Akin Pavillon is to be made of concrete with rough
finish for traction for wheel
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Akin Pavillon cost approximately $12,000.00. J. W. Akin donated part
of this and Ken Swayze and his sons did the work. The building has
more value to the Park and City than what the building cost.
Mr. Stuart Wallace inquired as to how much land the Park now consist
of since the Hunt Land exchange has been completed. Mr. Vickers
reported that the park still consist of approximately 41 acres.
Mr. Stuart Wallace than made the suggestion that the creek line
have some type of marking or fence row in order that all the
citizens visiting the Park would know the boundry lines.
PARK BOARD TERMS: Mrs. Retha Tibbals, Mr. Ken Swayze, and Mr.
Pat Minihan terms will be up in June of this year.
Mr. Al Draper, Mr. Duane Helmberger, and Mr. Richard Parker will
be serving on the board through June, 1984.
Mr. Don Whitt, Mr. Stuart Wallace, and Mr. Lowell Brewster will
be serving on the board until June, 1985.
Chairman Minihan stated that while we all have the option of being
relieved as the terms expire, I wish you would consider remaining
on the board if possible until all phases are completed.
Bill Coker, Randall Gaston, and Thomas J. Mayes have volunteered
to serve on the Park Board as needed. Chairman Minihan asked the
board if they would like to add these three or put their names on
a waiting list as replacements terms are completed. This was
presented for the members to think about until the next meeting.
Summer Schedules: Mr. Roy Taylor is in charge of the baseball
schedules for this summer.
Soccer fields on Highway 78 are being used for this Spring season,
but will be moved to the Park fields for fall soccer. Chairman
Minihan requested that W. S. A. go ahead and paint the soccer goals
which were made by Mr. Ellis and have them ready for fall season.
Mr. Stuart Wallace said that W. S. A. had the paint and would see
that these goals were painted.
This grass is coming up and is in much better shape this year
compared to last year. Baseball fields have been maintained and
are in very good condition.
We need to get the trash bins out and set around the ball fields,
since the games will be starting within the next few weeks.
Some of the Board members say we still have a few problems with
motor bikes. riding through the grounds area and not on the drive-
way and parking lot. There is not as much of this since the post
and cables have been installed but there is still a few people
riding around on the ball fields.
The Board requested that the gate be finished and put up in the
entrance to the Park and that the Wylie Police Department be in
charge of locking up the Park at night and unlocking the gate
in the mornings. The gate post will be 18" deep and will be set
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in concrete and should keep the public out after hours.
Mr. Stuart Wallace wanted to know if the City has come up with a
policy in order to keep the fields from being scheduled with more
than one game at a time. The Board agreed that W. S. A. should
be in charge of scheduling games and keep some type of records.
Mr. Don Whitt suggested that the Board draw up arrangement for
use of the fields plus policies that state who will be in charge
of the Park and programs coming up. Mr. Lee Vickers
said that such a policy and arrangement had already been made and
Chairman Minihan requested he be given a copy of this at a later date.
PHASE II - FUTURE PROJECTS: Chairman Minihan said the Chamber of
Commerce is attempting to come up with a program and financing
to build a swimming pool which would be located in the Park Area.
Chairman Minihan said he would like to see some type of building
at the Park for Community use (Community Center). Mr. Stuart
Wallace ask what he was calling a Community Center. Chairman
Minihan said it would be for City meetings, different group
organizations to use, senior citizen programs, etc. The building
would be approximately the size of the Methodist Church fellowship
hall or the Catholic church new building.
Mrs. Retha Tibbals would like to see an auditorium facing the
High School , this building would be joined to a Community Center.
The board would also like to see some type of jogging path around
the park.
The Park Board would like to have capital improvement funds set
up in the 1984 City budget.
MEETING: The Board agreed that they should meet each month through
the remainder of this year. The Board will meet the third (3rd)
Tuesday night of each month at 7:00 P. M.
The next meeting Chairman Minihan will appoint committees to do
study and work on the remaining Park Phases.
There being no further business, Stuart Wallace made a motion to
adjourn, seconded by Lowell Brewster. All in favor.
Pat Minihan, Chairman