09-20-1983 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes JOINT PARK BOARD and CITY COUNCIL September 20, 1983 7:00 P.M. The Wylie Park and Recreation Board met at 7:00 P.M. on September 20, 1983 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . There was a quorum present. Those present were Chairman Pat Minihan, Retha Tibbals, Stuart Wallace, Lowell Brewster, Richard Parker, Mayor Squires, Mayor Pro Ten Akin, Councilmen Don Hughes, William Martin, Cleo Adams , and Percy Simmons , and City Secretary Carolyn Jones. Those absent were: Don Whitt, Ken Swayze, Al Draper, and Duane Helmberger. At the last meeting of the Park Board, Chairman Minihan said Phase II of the Community Park was discussed. In Phase II there is a need for picnic tables with covers in the south end of the Park. Chairman Minihan would like to get plans in the making for this type of shelters, so the Park Board can go out to individuals and get these shelters donated to the Park. There is a need for plans and price in order to start the plans. Chairman Minihan said a good selling point would be to put plaques on each shelter indicating who donated it. Chairman Minihan appointed a committee to work on this project. The committee was named "Recreational Shelter Committee. " Those appointed to it are: Lowell Brewster, Duane Helmberger, and Ken Swayze. These plans should be for low maintenance and building cost on these shelters. Chairman Minihan also appointed another committee entitled "Phase Two of Community Park. " Those appointed to the committee are Stuart Wallace, Richard Parker, Don Whitt, and Chairman of the committee is Don Whitt. The next Park Board meeting Phase Two needs to be in the making. In putting Phase Two into plans need to remember the shape of the Park has changed a little due to the land swap with Hunt Properties. Need to make use of the entire area. There was at one time a jogging or bicycle path around the entire park area. These are plans without a bond program. Chairman Minihan would like to see a dedication for the Community Park. If plans are rained out again then dedicate the Park through the newspaper with photos of each field and all buildings. Park Dedication Committee was appointed as follows: Retha Tibbals, Pat Minihan, and Al Draper. Hope to have this service within the next six weeks. Maintenance of Park: The Park is governed by Ordinance NO. 78-18. Mayor Pro Tem Akin would like for this Ordinance to stand as the rules for the Park and caring of same. Mayor Squires would like to see WSA help with the mowing and maintenance of the Park so the Park Fund Budget would go toward the tables and playground equipment. At present the Park Fund is being used just for up keep in the Park. Councilman Hughes said WSA used to keep the playing fields mowed in the past and does not understand why they can not do the same now. Richard Parker said he would talk with WSA but that Council should understand that WSA was having.;a hard time just meeting their $3,000.00 a year obligation to the City. Richard does not feel WSA can pay the $3,000.00 to the City plus the Electrical bill and do the mowing of the Fields. Richard Parker also requested from the City Council what they would like WSA to take care of. Richard would like this in letter form so he can present it to WSA at their next meeting. Chairman Minihan request City Council to put together an agreement for WSA and let Richard Parker present it to them. Richard can bring a report back from WSA to the next meeting. Motion was made to adjourn by Stuart Wallace. Seconded by Lowell Brewster. All in favor. Pat Minihan, Chairman