03-05-1985 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes NN
TUESDAY , MARCH 5 , 1985
The Parks and Recreation Board for the City of Wylie , Texas
met in regular session in the council chambers at City Hall
on Tuesday , March 5 , 1985 at 7 : 00 P . M . A quorum was present
and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and
in the manner required by law . Those present were Chairman ,
Retha Tibbals , Derek Ammerman , Don Hughes , Curtis Hale , John
Morgan and Don Whitt . Absent were Lowell Brewster , Stuart
Wallace and Duane Helmberger . Representing the city staff
were City Manager , Gus Pappas ; Director of Public Works ,
Bill Windham; Secretary Betty Snow and Secretary Barbara
LeCocq .
The meeting was called to order at 7 : 00 P. M. by Chairman
Tibbals .
ITEM NO . 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Tibbals asked if
there were any additions or corrections to the minutes .
Chairman Tibbals said she felt the large park should be
referred to as the Community Park rather than the City Park .
She asked for comments . After some discussion , Don Hughes
made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion
seconded by Curtis Hale . Motion carried 6-0 .
Chairman Tibbals asked City Manager Pappas to make a
presentation to the board concerning the short and long
range plans for city parks .
City Manager Pappas first presented a copy of the P & R
budgets to each member . He then introduced Bill Windham ,
Director of Public Works who will be the staff
representative to the Parks & Recreation Board and his
secretary , Betty Snow who will keep the minutes . Mr .
Pappas then explained that the new Home Rule Charter
establishes the Parks & Recreation Board and the board will
act in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters
concerning the parks and recreation activities of the City .
The actions of the board will be transmitted by letter to
the City Council for their consideration and action . Mr .
Pappas then explained the changes in the configuration of
the park from that shown in the original artists concept
drawing . He pointed out the location of the mini-park
located behind Valentine Lane , recently donated to the city .
Mr . Pappas also pointed out on the map areas where the city
would like to develop parks in the future . One such area is
on FM 3412 just south of the lake located on the Birmingham
Trust land . Council is working with the developers for the
dedication of park land to, be kept in a natural state , with
the possible use of the lake for fishing . Also the Muddy
Creek area has some potential for a strip park along the
creek bank . Possibly another formal stylized park on the
Northeast side of the city and another strip park in the
south quadrant of the city . Mr . Pappas said the cite would
keep the board informed when park areas are acquired .
ITEM NO . 2 - ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN - Don Whitt nominated
Lowell Brewster for vice-chairman , nomination seconded by
Curtis Hale . Don Hughes moved the nominations be closed .
Lowell Brewster elected unanimously .
Bill Windham reported that the pavillion at the community
park is now completed . The sidewalks are poured and the
picnic tables in place . At the mini-park ( Valentine Lane
park) the posts for the backstop are not yet set . They are
on site but have not yet been set by T . P . & L. Don Hughes
asked if we are planning to do some landscaping around the
pavillion . Bill Windham said there are plans for
landscaping and hauling sludge to be spread to encourage a
good stand of grass for the area . Don Hughes also asked
when we would be planting trees . Mr . Windham said that it
is difficult to set a time frame since park personnel is
seasonal and the actual time for planting is now , before the
seasonal personnel are on board . However , these projects
will be carried out as soon as possible . Gus Pappas noted
that Mr . Windham feels it would be more effective to hire
one full-time parks employee rather than two part-time
employees .
representing the W. S . A . stated that there is a severe
problem with watering the baseball fields at the park . They
would like to have a spinkler system similar to that en the
practice fields at the school . Mr . Morgan also stated that
there were volunteers willing to dig the trenches for the
pipe and a donor for the P . V . C . pipe . lie also stated thet
they need supervisory personnel . Mr . Morgan stated that the
W. S .A . would match any ci;y funds used for the sprinkler
system . Don Whitt said he would get in touch with th(
installers and designers of the school ' s sprinkler system .
Derek Ammerman said he would get some prices from a supl; lle ,
he is familiar with .
called on Don Hughes . Mr . Hughes asked where the memhe !
of the board would like to locate some covered picnic tabl s
for the park . And in conjunction with this item he teit
they should consider some playground equipment . Mr . Hughes
commented that the park should be fitted out to serve
families and those people not involved necessarily with the
organized sports activities in the park . Don Whitt stated
that he felt they should look at the area and make a plan
that would incorporate the picnic tables and the playground
area rather than to randomly place the tables . After some
discussion agreement was reached on placing tables a .lon,; t `,r
creek bank more or less ringing the playground area in
semi-circle configuration . The playground area would H
approximately adjacent to the pavillion area , thus makins�
the playground centrally located . Discussion ensued
concerning the cost of the tables . Mr . Pappas and Mr
Windham reported that the tables could be made for a cost
about $200. 00 per table including a concrete pad . Johi.
Morgan made a motion to build five ( 5 ) tables to be located
along the creek bank area . Motion seconded by Don flushes .
Motion carried 6-0 .
Additional discussion concerning a sprinkler system was
held . Several avenues were explored . Mr . Pappas explained ,
after hearing of the potential of revenue from league
tournaments , that a lease purchase plan might be worked out
through the city with a pay-out for the W . S . A .
Don Hughes said the mayor was interested in seeing the
fourth baseball field developed for the use of the general
public . He was not advocating the formal type development
such as that of the other three fields , just a backstop and
a graded lot with bases for a pick-up game or scrub field
for the use of the general public , those not involved with
the organized sports of the W. S . A . The city staff has
agreed to gather prices for a backstop and report back to
the board .
John Morgan said the W . S .A . has acquired some sandy loam and
would like for the city staff to spread it for them . Ise
also wanted to know what could be done about the motorcycles
and three-wheelers that are damaging the fields . Mr . Pappas
said the greatest deterrent is to ticket the violaters .
Chairman Tibbals asked if there was any further discussion .
There being none , she asked for a motion to adjourn . Don
Whitt made the motion to adjourn and Don Hughes seconded .
Meeting adjourned by Chairman Retha Tibbals .
Retha Tibbals , Chairman
Parks & Recreation Board