05-06-1985 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MONDAY, MAY 6, 1985 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas met in regular session in the council chambers at City Hall on Monday, May 6, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Retha Tibbals, Don Hughes, John Morgan and Don Whitt. Absent were Lowell Brewster, Curtis Hale, Derek Ammerman, and Duane Helmberger. Representing the City Staff were City Manager, Gus Pappas; Director of Public Works, Bill Windham; and Secretary Susan Marquardt. ITEM NO. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Tibbals asked if everyone reviewed the minutes of April 2, 1985. Don Whitt made motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion seconded by Don Hughes. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 2 REVIEW PROGRESS ON CHILDRENS PLAYGROUND - Bill Windham reported that we have the sand in place at the playground. We ;an start spreading it out by hand, also to start closing it in on one side. We have secured the posts, and most of theboards. The swings have also arrived and are assemble. Just a matter of finishing the leveling, and closing it in to start to assemble this week. Don Hughes asked if the weather stays good, how long will it take to finish. Bill Windham replied that if the weather stays good we can go in Wednesday and start erecting and could be through or almost through by Friday afternoon. Don Hughes also inquired about the picnic tables. Bill Windham stated that they are on order and that we will check on delivery. The pads are poured for the tables. ITEM NO. 3 REPORT ON SPINKLER SYSTEM - Bill Windham reported that on the sprinkler system the bid of $12,300.00 reflected in the packet did not include the $400.00 for the automatic system. A contract of the sprinkler system was passed around. The council approved for (2) two fields. Don Hughes asked if the trenches could be dug up, laid and covered back up in (1 ) one day. Bill Windham replied that it could be 2 1/2 days to complete. He also stated that the company installing the sprinkler system are to do one field at a time. John Morgan stated he would like to talk it over with the baseball people. Bill Windham to call and make arrangements tomorrow. ITEM NO. 4 REPORT ON BACKSTOP - Bill Windham passed around the contract for the backstop. The figures that were submitted before are not the same thing that we had out there. The council wanted the same thing that is out at the field now. This bid has not been approved by the Council . Don Hughes made recommendation to submit bid to council as is. Chairman Tibbels asked to be put in a form of a motion. Don Hughes motioned. John Morgan seconded. The motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 5 OPEN SUGGESTIONS ON NAMING PARKS - Chairman Tibbels addressed the board as to having thought about suggestions for naming the parks. Gus Pappas, City Manager suggested that some sort of pattern in making a list of names that would be used as parks that became available. Gus Pappas suggested maybe to stop thinking about naming the parks after citzens or the community. Be an excellant time to start working up a list to name them after something else. As parks come available just take them off the list. Chairman Tibbels commented on the good suggestion. She also asked the board about leaving the large park named as it is; Wylie Community Park. After a lenghty discussion the board agreed to come back on naming the parks, with more input by members. ITEM NO. 6 RECOGNITION AND APPRICIATION TO LONE STAR GAS COMPANY - Bill Windham stated that we received a $50.00 donation to the Parks & Recreation Department to help purchase trees for the park from Lone Star Gas Company. After some discussion, Chairman Tibbels asked for recommendation that we send letter of thanks to the Lone Star Gas Company. Don Whitt motioned. Don Hughes seconded. The motion was carried 4-0. GENERAL DISCUSSION - Bill Windham asked if we could talk to the city council or city manager to get authorization on putting up a sign at the entrance of the park, about off the road vehicles, motorcycles, three wheelers and etc. Gus Pappas stated that Public Works could do anything they wanted to do to get control of the problem with the off the road vehicles. Bill Windham promised to put a metal door in at Akin Pavilion. John Morgan also stated that the fire ants is a big problem all over the fields. Bill Windham told the board we now have our fire ant posion in. John Morgan asked the board to consider these items : more trash barrels at the park, Don Hughes suggested barrels with plastic liners. After some discussion Bill Windham said he would check into the trash clans and poles. No action taken. John Morgan addressed the board on the WSA main event, Century Club. WSA Board would like to put up signs to recognize the businesses in the park. No action taken. John Morgan asked what was going to happen with the sale of the water cannon? There was some discussion on the water cannon. No action was taken at this time. Gus Pappas addressed the Board that this is the time of year that City staff begins to work on drawing up a new budget. Would like to have the Parks & Recreation Board to think over the next couple of meeting on what they would like to include in priorities for next years budget. Gus Pappas was asked by Mayor Akin to pass on for consideration, that he believes we have reached a point to consider a summertime recreation program for the children. No action was taken after a lenghty discussion. , , Don Whitt motion for adjournment. Don Hughes seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned by-Chairman Retha Tibbals. Retha Tibbals, Chairman Parks & Recreation Board