06-04-1985 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes • MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1985 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas :net in regular session in the council chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, June 4, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Don Hughes, John Morgan, Curtis Hale, and Duane Helmberger. Absent were Chairman Retha Tibbals, Derek Ammerman, Don Whitt, and Lowell Brewster. Representing the City Staff were City Manager, Gus Pappas; Director of Public Works, Bill Windham, and Secretary Susan Marquardt, and J.H. Shelter, Parks Supervisor. ITEM NO. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Don Hughes called the meeting to order. Curtis Hale motion to approve the minutes of May 6, 1935 as submitted. John Morgan seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 2 REVIEW PROGRESS ON CHILDRENS PLAYGROUND - Bill Windham introduced J.H. (Slick) Shelter to board members. The board members all commended on how the playground and park looked. A job well done. Don Hughes as about Slopping the pads for the picnic tables. After some discussion not action was taken. ITEM NO. 3 REPORT ON SPRINKLER SYSTEM - Bill Windham informed the board that he, John Morgan and the people from the sprinkler system company met a couple of weeks ago, and they had promised to get started on the following Wednesday. Due to the rain, they had not gotten started as of yet. They are to get started tomorrow, June 5, 1985. No action taken. • ITEM NO. 4 REPORT ON BACKSTOP - Bill Windham stated that the backstop people are also to be out tomorrow to finish up, it is at a wrong angle but they said that it would be fixed. Hohn Morgan stated that since the backstop was put up, there has been a lot of teams practicing on the field. ITEM NO. 5 OPEN SUGGESTIONS ON NAMING PARKS - Don Hughes addressed the board to motion that this be stricken from the agenda for a future meeting . Motion carried 4-0. GENERAL DISCUSSION - Don Hughes asked about the metal door for the Akin Pavilion. Bill Windham stated that we have not yet found a metal door locally, but we did reinforce the door and are still going to get a metal door for the pavilion. John Morgan stated that we also need to tac weld hasps on the doors on the concession stand. Bill Windham said that it will be taken care of. Don Hughes asked for any other suggestions or motions. ' Duane Helmberger wanted to know a little more about budget for next year. What kind of funds are we talking about? After a lenghty discussion, Bill Windham stated that in the next board packet there will be a worksheet for the 1984-85 budget to put down priorities for consideration. No action was taken after a lengthy discussion on • • improvements for the parks such as water lines, restrooms, fountains, the community center and theater. Curtis Hale asked Mr. Pappas in regards to the summertime recreation program. Mr. Pappas stated that this program was asked by Mayor Akin for consideration for the children during the summer to have organized programs for the children. After some discussion, no action taken. Gus Pappas, City Manager addressed the board that he saw last week a presentation by the people who now own the Birmingham land property. They came in to show us not a plat but a drawing of what they intend to do with that property. They want a huge park area out surrounding the lake on the Birmingham property. After a lengthy discussion, it was apparent that they knew we were looking for a park out in that area. The park will be of a natural park. No action taken. Curtis Hale asked John Morgan about the Centruy Club. John Morgan commented that it was to recognize the businesses in the park for WSA. After some discussion no action taken. John Morgan motion for :adjournment. Duane Helrnberger seconded: the motion. Meeting'.was adjourned" by Don Hughes. • Retha Tibbals, Chairman Parks & Recreation Board • ' k?s iy rh ?,• ',