09-03-1985 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas met in reg.; lar
session in the community room at the library on Tuesday, September 3 , 19: 5
at 7 :00 p.m. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted
for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman
Tibbals, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Morgan , Mr . Love, Mr. Ammerman, Mrs . Chapman ,
Mr. Hale, Ms . Sewell . Representing the City Staff were Mr. Pappas , City
Manager, Mr. Windham, Director of Public Works , and Ms . Marquardt, Secretary .
ITEM NO. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Chairman Tibbals called the meeting to order .
Mr. Hughes motioned to approve the minutes of June 4, 1985, and July 2 , 1985
as submitted . Mr. Morgan seconded the motion . Motion carried 6-0.
ITEM NO. 2 ELECTION: VICE-CHAIRMAN - Chairman Tibbals asked for nominations
for Vice-Chairman. Mr. Hughes nominated Mr. Ammerman and Ms . Chapman
seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
informed the board that the information was requested by board members 3
or 4 months ago . The problem with the scoreboard was the placement of them.
Mr. Morgan recommended that this be tabled from the agenda . Mr. Hale seconded
the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
ITEM NO. 4 DISCUSSION POSSIBLE GAZEBO - h1r. Windham informed the board that
Mayor Akin has graciously donated a check to the Parks Department for material
to construct a small gazebo. After some discussion Mr. Hale suggested that
the gazebo be over the new water fountain . Mr. Morgan seconded the motion to
recommend to the City Council . Motion carried 6-0.
LEASE COMMUNITY CENTER - Mr. Pappas addressed the board on consideration for
Community Room Rental Ordiannace. In item #2 the board added charges for
damages . Item #7 they added a 25% deposit on advance bookings and there would
be no sub-let policy. Item #8 that a police officer would be on duty at their
expense. If they state that there would be no alcoholic beverages and there
were alcoholic beverages found on the premises , they would be terminated fron
the premises immediately with no refund. The board members added 3 extra line
items : Item 10, adult supervision during hours of rental . Item 11 , nothing
to be attached to the walls and ceilings . Item 12 , Right after presentation
Park board review future rentals with bad experiences. Violators to come
forward to the board members and present their case. After a lengthy discussion
Mr. Morgan made motion to approve the rules and recommend to the City Council .
Mr. Ammerman seconded the motion. The vote was 6 for, one vote tasted against
by Mr. Love and Chairman Tibbals did not cast a vote.
ITEM NO. 4 - REVIEW PRIORITY LIST FOR BUDGET 1985-86 - Mr. Windham informed
the board members that this was the list discussed back in July, 1985 when
there was not a quorum. Chairman Tibbals open for other suggestions other
than what was on the list in packet. After a lengthy discussion the following
items were recommended to the City Council for the consideration in the
Budget for 1985-86, #1 Seed & Fertil izer, $1 ,000.00; #2 Continue working
on new plaground equipment, $2,000.00; #3 Restrooms at the pavilion was deleted
at this time, #4(8) new picnic tables was changed to covers for picnic tables
at Community Park costing around $2,500.00; #5 1/2 basketball court, S500.00;
for a full basketball court and 2 backstops costing around $1 ,500.00; #6
1andscaping,$2,000,.00, #7 tables & chairs to be purchased as needed $5,000.00
to furnish all chairs and tables that are needed. #8 The gazebo around the
water fountain. These are recommendations to the City Council .
reviewed the possibilities of having an organized summer program for the
children. After a lengthy disussion no action was taken .
ITEM NO. 8 CITZENS PARTICIPATION - Sharon Sigman stated that she was very
pleased to hear that they were considering a summer program for children .
Mr. Hughes motioned for adjournment.
Mr. Morgan seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Tibbals .
Retha Tibbals
ADDENDUM: Mr. Windham presented the boards proposal for the gazebo to Mayor Akin .
Mayor Akin decided to resend his offer.
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