04-01-1986 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 1 , 1986 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas, was scheduled for 7: 00 P. M. on Tuesday, April l , 1986 at the Community Room at 800 Thomas. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Retha Tibbals, Mr. John Morgan , Mr. Don Hughes, and Mr. Curtis Hale. Representing the City staff were Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works; Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager; Mr. Kenneth White, Parks Supervisor ; and Mrs. Susan Marquardt , Secretary. Those absent were Mrs. Peggy Sewell , Mrs. Jayne Chapman , Mr. Morris Love, and Mr. Derek Ammerman. ITEM NO. I _-_ APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Chairman Retha Tibbals called the meeting to order. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes. The following corrections of the minutes of March 4, 1986 are noted to being that Mrs. Carolyn Jones stated that WSA was putting up the backstop on the 4th baseball field. Mr' John Morgan noted that WSA was not putting in the backstop and that Trent Thompson is to go through the Park and Recreation Board not the City Council . Also, Mrs. Carolyn Jones stated that the 4th baseball field was set up as a practice field. Mr. Don Hughes noted that the 4th baseball field was set up for an unscheduled playing field, first come first serve basis. With these corrections Mr . Curtis Hale made motion to accept the minutes. Mr. John Morgan seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 2 - REPORT ON STUDY FOR BUREULAR ALARM FOR AKIN F^AVIL1-%ON - Mr. Curtis Hale asked if he could give his report at next months meeting. IlEM NO. 3 - REVIEW CH%LDRENS PLAYGROUND - Mr. Kenneth White stated that the swings were up on the playground , and that we were in the process of ordering the slide. Mr. Don Hughes asked if we were going to order any more of the horses like we have at Kirby Park. Mr. Gus Pappas stated that through checking prices we had decided not to order any. Mrs. Retha Tibbals asked if the horses were still at Kirby Park? Mr . Bill Windham stated that they were and that Mr. Kenneth White had stablized them. Mr. Don Hughes asked if the tree was still there that was planted in memory of the child? Mr . Kenneth White stated that the tree was gone and that the plaque had disappeared. Mr. Bill Windham ' ~7 /\ �/) - stated that the tree and the plaque will be replaced. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked if the willow trees that were planted last year were still alive? Mr. Bill Windham stated that the trees did not make it and that they will also be replaced. ITEM NO. 4 - REVIEW PROGRESS OF 4TH BASEBALL FIELD - Mr. John Morgan stated that WSA brought in 3 more loads of baseball sand. Mr. Bill Windham stated that we would bring the roadgrader to smooth it out. ITEM ON. 5 - SUMMER PROGRAM - Mr. Bill Windham informed the Board that we had been in contact with North Texas University. We had three real good applicants that were interested in working for the City of Wylie. This afternoon I received a call from Dr. Bailey telling me that our request for a Senior to do internship to graduate was turned down , due to the fact that we do not hav a fulltime Park Superintendent. Mr. Bill Windham stated that we will still work to get our summer program. ITEM NO. 6 - GENERAL DISCUSSION - Mr. Curtis Hale asked Mr. John Morgan how the signups were coming for baseball? Mr. John Morgan stated that he had about 300 kids. Chairman Tibbals asked if ball practices could be done at the little Valentine Park? Mr. John Morgan stated that practice was done in the evening. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked if there was a problem with seeing if we could use the schools fields? After some discussion Mr. John Morgan stated that maybe we could try and talk with the School superintendent to see about using the schools fields. Mr. John Morgan asked when we were going to seed and fertilize? Mr. Kenneth White stated that after the season was over. Mr. John Morgan also inquired about the sprinkler heads. Mr. Bill Windham stated that they were to be delivered to us this afternoon, but did not come in. Mr. John Morgan informed the board that the Akin Pavillion was broke into once again and did extensive damage along with taking all the candy. Mr. John Morgan asked if we could put up Metal overhead doors. After some discussion , we are to get prices on metal doors. Mr . Don Hughes asked if the mowing of the right of ways were up to us to keep up. Mr. Bill Windham stated that we do the right of ways. Mr. Don Hughes congratulated Mr. Kenneth White and park personnel on a job well done. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked if we could tell if there was much activity at the Valentine Park. Mr. Kenneth White couldn 't tell . Chairman Retha Tibbals also asked if there were going to be swings at the park? After some discussion , a swing set will be moved from Kirby park to Valentine park. ITEM NO. 8 - ADJOURN - Chairman Retha Tibbals adjourned the meeting. Retha Tibbals Chairman 1