05-05-1986 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MlNUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING MONDA, , MAY 5, 1986 The Parks it Recreation Board for the City of Wylie~ Texas , was scneduled for 7: 00 P. M. on Monday , May 5, 198,-, in the Community Room at 800 Thomas. Notice of tne meeting had oeen posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Vice-Chairman Derek Ammerman , Mr. Morris Love, Mr. John Morgan , and Mr . Curtis Hale. Representing the City sta+f were Mr ' Gus Pappas, City Manager : and Mrs. Susan Marquardt , Secretary. Those absent were Chairman Retha Tibbals, Mrs. Peggy Sewell , Mrs. Jayne Chapman , and Mr . Dill Windham ` Director of Public Works , and Mr . Kenneth White, Parks Supervisor. - Vice-Chairman Derek Ammerman called the meeting to order . Vice-Chairman Derek Ammerman asked for any corrections or additons to the minutes. Mr ' John Morgan made motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Mr. Curtis Hale seconded. Motion carried 4- _COVERS ON_ Lt4j.q.­TABLES.0. - Tabled by acclamation. IT - GENERAL QISCUSSJ{�� - Mr . John Morgan informed the board members that the restrooms were vadalized . The City of Wylie is going to replace the broken fixtures with stainless steel fixtures. Mr . Gus Pappas stated that the porcelain fixtures ran about $700. 00 and the stainless steel ran about $2100. 00. The stainless steel would hold up better than the porcelain. Mr. John Morgan stated that metal overhead doors were getting to be a must . Mr . Gus Pappas asked if there was any reason why in couldn ' t be bricked over and have tne metal door on the side. Mr . Gus Pappas asked the board members if they would like us to get prices on the brick work . After some discussion , Mr . John Morgan made motion to fill in with brick and install the metal door. Mr. Curtis Hale seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Mr . John Morgan stated that he had several complaints from the citizens in regards to the toilet tissue holders in the restrooms. The ones in the restrooms now, get ripped off the walls, and thrown in the toilets. Mr . Gus Pappas stated . . we would loo� into tne stainless steel commercial type hoi der s. Mr . John Morgan asked about the dead bolt lock that is needed down at the concession stand. He thought that Kenneth White, Parks Supervisor was going to get one. Mr . John Morgan stated that the drainage ditch that was put in was doing a good job , but could use some more dirt on the east side o+ the ditch. Who ever does it can just contact Mr' John Morgan. Mr ' John Morgan stated that he has had several observations on different 0aycares using the playground equipment during the day at least two times per day. Mr. Curtis Hale stated that he found someone who is involved with burgular systems. He has the gentleman looking into a silent alarm that would be economical for us. Mr. Gus Pappas addressed the board members that they might consider starting the discussion for next years priorities. Mr. John Morgan asked if there was going to be additional park 1and? Mr . Gus Pappas stated that we woula probably have the lake park on the Birmingnam land and maybe a wilderness park next summer . Mr . John Morgan stated that he thought that we were going to need several more baseball fields. Also that the soccer fields were starting to get crowded. Mr. John Morgan asked about the possibility of another sprinkler system? Mr . Gus Pappas stated that we could possibly look at it at mid year revision. ITEM - Trent Thompson addressed the board members that he would like to finish the other baseball field in Rudy Rowells name. Trent Thompson said that they would donate the labor and get the materials. Mr. Gus Pappas stated that the only thing he would like on the material was that it looked the same and be the same size wire and pipe. Mr. Trent Thompson said that the time frame in finishing out the baseball field would probably be the end of the summer . After some discussion Mr . John Morgan made motion to accept the baseball field. Mr . Morris Love seconded. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 5 - ADJOURN - Vice-Chairm Derek Ammerman adjourned the --------------- --------------- Derek Ammerman Vice-Chairman