05-23-1986 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes •
FRIDAY, MAY A: 3, L986
The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas,
had a called meeting on Friday, 1 y 23, 1986 at 6: 30 p.m. at
the Public Works Division Confer.-nce Room at 800 W. Kirby.
Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in
the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman
Retha Tibbals, Mrs. Peggy Sewell , Mr. Curtis Hale, Mr.
Morris Love, and Mr. John Morgan. Representing the City
staff were Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager; Mr. Kenneth White,
Parks Supervisor; and Mrs. Susan Marquardt , Secretary.
Those absent were Mrs. Jayne Chapman, and Mr. Derek
Tibbals called the meeting to order. Chairman Retha Tibbals
asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes. Mr.
John Morgan made motion to accept the minutes as submitted.
Mr. Morris Love seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
ITEM NO. 2 - 4TH BASEBALL FIELD - Mr. John Morgan addressed
the board that the Wylie Sports Association had approximatly
300 kids involved in the baseball program and the three
fields that we are currently using are not adequate to take
care of the WSA needs. What WSA would like to propose is to
develop the 4th baseball field, which is unplayable. The
WSA would like to schedule the field through June 15, 1986.
Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked how long would it take to get the
field ready? Mr. John Morgan replied that they could have
it ready over the weekend. Mr. John Morgan asked if they
understood why we have the uncheduled field? Mr. Curtis
Hale commented that we had some problems with people wanting
a field who were not in the WSA program. Mrs. Peggy Sewell
asked what WSA wanted was both to finish the field and use
the field through June 15, 1986, also would WSA maintain the
field? Mr. John Morgan answered yeS they would. Chairman
Tibbals asked the hours that the field would be in use? Mr.
John Morgan stated the field would be used on Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and a few Saturday afternoons.
The hours would be from 6-7 p.m. There was some discussion
on what was going to be done to the field ater the WSA
season. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked if we had the money for the
dirt? Mr. John Morgan state that the dirt was already on
the field and that the City would do the grading. Mr. Gus
Pappas addressed the board that they were giving the
emphasises in the wrong place, who 's going to do the work
and whether the sand is there is not the issue. The real
issue is that the 4th baseball field was used so that there
would be a place for groups who < not associated with WSA
to play. Organized baseball is copular , that it ' s hard
for WSA to schedule all their gam M on the three fields; so
WSA is asking permission to use t _- 4th baseball field as a
scheduled field, which originally i °. a non-scheduled field.
After some discussion Mr. John Mc g n made motion to allow
WSA to use the 4th baseball field =..s a scheduled field until
June 17, 1966. Mr. Curtis Hale se:o' ded. Motion carried 4-
ITEM NO. 3- SIGNS - Mr. John Morgan dressed the board that
recently we have had a lot of ral and the fields are
unplayable, there have been numeroL-. times, where people
have gone out and torn up the field=.. . I have talked with
Mr. Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer and in his opinion
a lock type sign that would say closed or open would be
great; but he wanted to know who would determine if the
fields are playable or not. Mr. John Morgan stated that Don
Taylor determines if WSA is to play or not. After some
discussion, Mrs. Peggy Sewell made motion to put up two lock
type signs. Mr. John Morgan seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
ITEM NO. 4 - GENERAL DISUSSION - Mr. John Morgan asked
Susan Marquardt how much longer it would be until the
stainless steel fixtures would be in? It is a hazard to
your health to use the restrooms. Mr. Gus Pappas said he
would try to expedite this. Did they not beat out the rest
of the fixtures? Mr. John Morgan asked if the toilet tissue
holders would come in at the same time.
addressed the board that he appreciated the City 's help in
getting the drainage ditch dug, which helps the water
situation when it rains. We still have water from the
parking lot and Eldridge field that washes out. We need to
spend a little money to build a terrace of some sort. It
will take 30-40 loads of sand to get the fields in shape for
next year. I hope that next years budget or this years
budget we could build up the fields because the rain just
washes the sand away. Mr. Gus Pappas stated that the fields
could be an Engineering problem. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked if
Engineering could look at the problem before next year. Mr.
Don Taylor told Mr. Gus Pappas that at the adult tournaments
there 's alot of arguing and fighting. Is it possible to get
a police officer down there when they 're playing? Mr. Gus
Pappas stated that if you wanted an officer to sit down at
the tournaments, then you would have to pay for an off duty
officer. You could contact the Chief of Police. Mr. Gus
Pappas asked who took care of the pay phone? Mr. John
Morgan stated that he remembered some discussion on it. Mr.
Gus Pappas said to his recollection we couldn ' t get any
attention on it; at the same ti. the library wanted one.
We will contact the telephone com; any to see about getting a
pay phone down there. If we car t get a phone, we may be
able to put a radio in the conse. si on stand in order to be
able to contact the police.
Mr. Curtis Hale asked if we were still having trouble with
dirt bikes? Mr. John Morgan said, not as much as last year.
ITEM NO. 6 - ADJOURNED - Chairman Retha Tibbals adjourned
the meeting.
Chairman Retha Tibbals