09-02-1986 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes ' MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas, met in regular session on Tuesday, September 2, 1986 at 7: 00 P. M. at the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Derek Ammerman. Mrs' Peggy Sewell , Mr. Curtis Hale, Mr, Morris Love, Mr. Willie Benitez , and Mr. John Morgan. Representing tne City staff was Mr' Gus Pappas , City Manager ; Mr. Kenneth White, Parks Supervisor; and Mrs. Susan Marguardt , Secretary. Absent was Mrs. Jayne Chapman. Chairman Derek Ammerman called the meeting to order . Chairman Derek ITEM_NO� M���T95 - ti or additions Ammerman asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. Hearing none, a motion was made by Mrs. Peggy Sewell to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion seconded by Mr . John Morgan. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM--Y�Dr-'_2_-�[}�DICA-[I{]N - OF--'T��E--4TH--BAS�I��L.l=_FIf]~D discussion was opened by Chazroan l.erek ;Ammerman believing that the dedication had already been made. Mr. John norgar/ advised the board that the dedication had been posponed until the end of the month. He believed it would be September 27, 1986. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked if the board would be nctified? Mr. John Morgan invited Recreation Board to attend the dedication and to see all the work that had beer (CIone on the field. Mr. Curtis Hale stated that the field has a quality look about it. Mr . John Morgan stated also that some dirt needed to be moved and get the sign purchased. ITE�--���--��- E���T�_�� Mr . John Morgan opened the discussion that he had checked into the cost of bleachers for the 4th baseball field , as a City purcnase. The cheapest price that he found was $1300. 60 per set an.� $2600. 00 for both units. These bleachers would match what we have now. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked if we nave a uudget'/ Confirming with 11r . 6us Pappas , City Manager , Mr . John Morgan stated he thought the Parks program had $1o,00o. on. Mrs. Peggy Sewell stated that she was in favor o� the bleachers, but would like to project top priorities of what else could come up on the priority list. After some discussion , Chairman Ammerman asked the board if they wanted to have the budget priority list put on the next agenda? Mr. John Morgan stated that what was needed was a workshop to get a long range plan for the parks. Mrs. Peggy Sewell said she would like to see an over-all projection. ITEM -N[ ._ 4 - REETRDOBM PROBLEMS - Mr' John Morgan advised the board that two weeks ago he had checked with Mr. James Johnson in seeing what the delivery time was going to be on the stainless steel fixtures. At that time, we were still looking at about 4 to 6 weeks to get the materials and have them installed to complete the job. Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager addressed the board that several months ago, when Mr. Bill Windham brought two proposed lists on fixing the restrooms. One was $700. 00 for porcelain fixtures to $2250. 00 for stainless steel . At that point Mr. Pappas decided that purchasing the porcelain fixtures would be a waste of money. So the stainless steel was ordered under the assumption that delivery would be in six weeks. Mr. John Morgan said that Mr. Gus Pappas; City Manager made the right decision. He also stated that the teams understood the situation and the only problem was the toliet tissue holders. Mr. Gus Pappas; City Manager , stated that problem would be solved immediately. Joi»' Uorgan aovisad tnn board that mere a, e no more o/emeag doors at Pxin Pavillion. The brick work waA do/'e complements of WSA. He also stated that Don Taylor was going to put up the metal frame door; then have a dead bolt system put on the door . - Mr' John Morgan informed the board that all 4 fields now have a sprinkler system thar is connected to the main control panel . They are now just waiting to test the system out . - With no citizens in the audience, further discussion by trie board ensued. i'|r . John Morgan informed the board that with the coming o+ football and soccer season he will be missing a couple of meetings. Sign up for football and soccer wAl be this Saturday, Seotember 6, 1986. Mr ' Curtis Hale asked if softball leagues were underway. Chairman Derek Ammerman answered that they were supposed to start this evening , but were car.celec due tc rain. Mr. Curtis 4,le asked if the lockanle signs were up ' John Morgan Ftated that the signs were up and they sLa/.d out real well . � w ' ^ - ' ` . Chairman Derek Ammerman stated that he noticed a problem at Kirby Park with the dumpster . That people are throwing box springs, o1d couches in and around the dumpster. He felt the park was getting no use out of it. He also asked if any thing could be done about it? Mr. John Morgan stated the problem of the dumpsters was also in the Community Park. Mr. Pappas; City Manager , made comment that the dumpster is one of the free ones to be used for public use. Mrs. Peggy made comment that the dinner for Retha libbals went very well and was real nice. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Mr. Pappas; Czty Manager , advised the board that next years budget is anle to have a year around fulltime Parks department. There is a lot of maintenance through the winter and rainy months. Mr. John Morgan stated that the picnic table that were purchased last year seem to be never used. Mr. Pappas; City Manager , commented there was some discussion on putting sheds over the tables, but the cheapest was wood and for the materials alone was 51500. 00 which did not include labor . Mr. 6us Pappas; City Manager , addressed the board that he was here on behalf of another 0oard and commission , the Planning 071 Zoning Commission on which he attends requiar] /. hey requesteu that he come aI * ta1 -�uouL a set of circurstances that is beginning to develop from their perspective. They are officially asking the Parks & Recreation Board to review an ordinance that they have before them now for consideration about park land dedication and consider having a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, September 18, l9B6 at 7: 00 P. M. here at tne Community Center . Mr. Pappas; Lity Manaler ` passed out copies U, the board members fv- review. rhe orninance in question has bee., severly chalienged , but has stood the test oF the Supreme Court of 7e:as for park land dedication and wenL to the Supreme Courz by virture a challenge at College StaLion , Texas and it was upheld. This ordinance C- ty of Wylie in it- and we have superjmposeo ac and made a few other changes. Should you choose to meet with the Planning and Zoning Commission , tnis zopy will Ylve you time to read and study it over and consider tne impact of such an ordinance. What this ordiance attempts to do is somewhat like the impact fees and other Fees zhat we have established with in our City. Mr. Gus Pappas; City Manager , pointed out that this ordinance would get the developers who are coming into the City that are going to be developing tracts of land to either dedicate ^ , part of the land for park purposes or pay a fee in lieu of such a dedication so that the parks that already exist can be improved. Mr. Gus Pappas; City Manager , stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the ordinance and some of the things that they brought up were as followed: 1 . Was this the right time for such an ordinance? The best time to try and pass an ordinance is while the City is still growing. 2. Whether or not the fee would be adequate to do the job that we all have in mind. We projected forward based on this ordinance anu came up with an approximate figure generated by the passing of this ordinance assuming what is called first growth. Estimation of above and beyond the dedication of land would generate about 12 million dollars. This probably isn ' t adequate for what we want to do. If that ' s the case the question was brought up as do we raise fees or support a bond issue. Another consideration that came out of this dicussion was is a bond issue so terrible. Parks bonds are usually the easiest to pass in a City. lhis kind of ordinance that people become aware of most likely would be supportive due to the fact that it does not tax them. But in fact it will because toe develuuer wo.`wo have it in the price of the lot . lhis does not war1: 1 i k e the impact fees. This particular ordinance has to function at the time of the development. It would be $225. 00 per dwelling. Mr. Gus Pappas; City Manager , advised the board t.hat he don 't believed the Planning and Zoning Commission was entirely interested in this ordinance because of the fees generated. The developers are happy to dedicate areas like flood plain , utility easements , but when it comes to Flat land to be used for ball fields a developer doesn ' t want to loose their profit. The Planning and Zoning were attracted more by the land than the fee aspect. Mr. Gus Pappas; Lity Manager , asked tne board to study and review in this session as well as in a joint session as to whether or not this ordjance is a good one or if something needs to be changed. This discussion helped to get into anozher problem which we need a master plan for parks. If we hao a record U such a plan , we could make certain demands from the Planning and Zoning Commission for dedicating land parks. Nothing can be done legally without such a plan in existance. / his is also a major reason for the joint meeting to help develop a long range master plan for parks. ^ ` Mr. Gus Pappas; City Manager , submitted a map of what is proposed for parks that we would like to see. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked if the board members could get a copy of the map to also study. Mr. Gus Pappas; City Manager , said he would get them out to the members. The board agreed to meet with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mrs. Peggy Sewell stated that a beautiful place for a golf course would be in the area of FM544 and Hensley Road. Mr. Gus Pappas stated that golf courses are usually in flood plain areas. After a lengthy discussion , Mr. Gus Pappas; City Manager , stated that after a master plan was made up the City would like to go a final step with the staff to work on a Capital Improvement Plan. This is money for the future, making these plans a reality. - With no more business or discussion , Chairman Derek Ammerman asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Curtis Hale made the motion , seconded by Mrs. Peggy Sewell . Meeting adjourned by Chairman Derek Ammerman' ---------------------- Derek Ammerman , shairman Parks & Recreation Board Respectfully submitted: Susan Marquardt , Secretary ~�