01-06-1987 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING - MINUTES JAN0ARY 6, 1987 7:O0 P. M. The Parks & Recreation Board of the City of Wylie met in regular session on luesday, January 6, 1987 at 7: 00 P. M. at the Community Room. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Vice Chairman Curtis Hale, Willie Benitez , Morris Love, Jayne Chapman, City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Acting Public Works Director Kenneth Moelling. Those absent were Chairman Derek Ammerman, Peggy Sewell and John Morgan. Curtis Hale, Vice Chairman called the meeting to order . TES: Minutes were submitted for approval for the December 2, 1986 meeting. Mr. Hale questioned the statement of the school saying WSA could not use the school gyms. Mrs. Chapman said she had also heard the track had been closed to the public. Motion was made by Mrs. Chapman to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Benitez . All were in favor . R{��OMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCI T FOR FISCAL yEAR_1987-88 TO INCLUDE PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR: This is a position that has been discussed several years and there is a need for a full time Parks and Recreatiori Director. City Manager Gus Pappas said if this is a desire of the board, then there would need to be a memo sent to the Council requesting this position be a part of the 1987-88 budget. Mrs. Chapman asked about using college student. City Manager Gus Pappas said this was looked at last summer , but to hire two students, you need a full time person with a degree over them for the student to receive credit. Mr . Hale asked where the swimming pool was on the priority list , City Manager Gus Pappas said it was not on the list . Mr. Hale said the next step is to approve the Park Land Use Plan and then put together the priority list for the park . Al ] were in agreement of sending a memo to the City Council requesting a full time Parks and Recreation Director . APPROVAL OF PARK MASTER All All were in agreement of approving the Park Master Plan. Mr . Hale said that Mr. Morgan would like for WSA to meet with the Park Board so WSA would know what the board was planning for our parks. APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION OF PARK DEDICATION ORDINANCE: After some discussion, it was decided to have a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission on January 22, 1987 to make ready the Park Dedication Ordinance for the City Council approval . . Motion to adjourn with all in favor . _.................................. ............. ........____ .................. .... __ Curtis Hale, Vice Chairman Respectfully submitted: -------------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary