02-05-1987 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes `
The Planninq and Zoning Commission for the City of Wvlie.
Texas met in a Reqular Meeting on Fe0ruary 5. 198- in the
Communitv Room at 8{«} Thomas Street' A quorum was present,
notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in
the manner required by law. Those nresent were: Vice—
Chairman Brian Chaney, Ben Scholz. Fred Ouellette, R. P.
Miller. Ken Mauk and Jav Davis arrived late. Bill Chapman
was absent. Representing the city staff was Rov Faires,
Code Enforcement Officer and Amanda Maples, 5ecretarv.
The meeting was called to order at 7 : 04 p . m. bv Vice-
Chairman Brian Chaney.
IT _
The vote was recorded wrong for ! rem No. � Amendment to
Subdivision Ordinance on may zMuni slope Proviszon and
retaininn walls - the actual vote should nave been 2-3'
This item died due to a lack o+ action bv tne F'lanninq and
Zoninq Commission.
Ben Scholz made a motion to accept the minutes wzth the
above stated correction. Ken Mauk seconded the motion.
Motion carried 5-0. Jay Davis was not present to
Participate in this vote.
ITJ�Mi_N8^-- p4IN&G--[F. DUPL X--'SECTI{}h�--OF�-'-[�|ESENT'-{3}VE
�, - `'he oeve1oper of this
adOitzon, located on tne east side o4 FM1378- an'zve the
Birmingham tract. is requestinq this chanqe from ouplex to
SF3. The required public notices Mave been posted and the
required letters were mailed to propert" owners within 200
feet of the propertv under conszderatzon.
Mr. Faires stated that the first time this came before the
Planninn and Zoning Commission it was under the name of
Cresent Cove South. This was a joint venture between Mr.
Cook of Arapno East and M,' houssa. However. the
partnership has split and Mr. Cool,: intends to qo forward
with his development me is requestinq this cnanqe oue to a
lack of interest in duplex lots. The staff recommends
approval of this request. Tnis will also have to be
rep1ated which is the next item on your aqenda.
Ken Mauk asked Mr. Faires now this chanqe would effect the
percentaqe ratio of 6F3 housinq in our land use plan .
Mr. Faires stated that the numbers involved in this
particular chanqe were so small that they probablv would not
have an, real effect on the Pero entaqes for
have a down effect on the percentages for 2F'
Ben Scholz asked Mr. Cook now he fe1 + about not havinq a
buffer zoninq between his Single Famil`' zoninq pnd Mr '
Moussa s Multi-Familv zoninq.
Mr' Cook stated that if Mr. noussa built his Multi-F *mily he
would have to put up a Perimeter Fe',ce an`'L-jav clon r
nave a problem with that.
R. R. Miller asked if there woulu oe an^ park land oedicated
from this Property.
Brian Chanev stated that since the property was less than 50
acres the dedication would probably be in money.
Mr. Faires said that the dedication for parks comes in at
thKz, Final Plat staqe and that their only obliqation would
probably be on the part that is replated.
ken Mauk made a motion to recommend to the Council that the
request for rezoninq from 2F ro 5F3 oe accepted. Freo
Ouellette seconded the motion . Motion carried b-0.
additionwas _. ^ , ^~.s^ ~ =.""'. as Cresent Cove Soutri. The
joint venture partnership has split and the north section is
being resubmitted after the preliminary time limit expired
Basic water and sewer service, as well as dra inaqe will not
change. The plat, as presenteu bv rne developer, Baron
Cook. reflects the name change and the rezoninq ' Th
enqineerznq department has revzewed this resubmitted plat
and recommends approval . '
Mr. Faires commented that the 2F zoning had been changed to
SF3 zoning, creating 30 lots in this category.
Baron Cook stated that they have shown Mr. Moussa s part of
the development on this plat, as a shaded area, in order to
show proper ingress and egress to the lots on the south end
of the development. When Mr. Moussa develops, his streets`
sewer and water will all tie in at the south end.
Fred Ouellette asked Mr. Cook if anv of the lots were
smaller that 0 , 200 square feet.
Mr. Cook replied "no. "
Ben Scholz made a motion to accept the Preliminary Plat for
Newport Harbor. Jay Davis seconded the morion. Motion
carried 6-0.
submitted as Preliminary Plat and Final Plat/Construction
Plans as a sequence in order for the school to be able to
draw a Ouilding permit as soon -as pc)ssln
_ 1e for the new
elementary school to 1:.-!e bL111C on tl-le land ric.-sir-InDre- d for
that purpose and included in this addition. The
engineering department has these rl�ats and r1an-F
and recommends approval .
Mr. Faires stated that the school had approached the
developer to purchase a school site to build P. M. Akin
Elementary School , thev reached an apreement and the school.
sent out bids. Upon awarding a contract and applying for a
building permit l informed them that I could not issue a
building permit on an illegally subdivided pzece of
propertv' The school has replated the property subdividinq
out their tract of land to allow them to qo foreward witn
t�e buildinq of the school copv of the contractual
sqreement Oetween the school anc! the developer is included
in vour packet it states that the improvements will be in
Place or the time that the school la opened. Mvself, Mr
Pappas and Mr. Santry have revzeweo this contracr and w'
feel that the school is protected . '' ~
Brian Chaney stated` for the purpose of the new members, that
all that the Plannin9 and Zoninq Commission was to consioer
is the subdivision of the school property so that it becomes
a free standing entitv. We are considerinq the Preliminary
Plat and the Final Plat at the same time in order to speerl
thinqs up for the school .
Fred Ouellette asked whv the school did not show water.
sewer and fire hvdrant plans on their final plat.
Mr. Faires stated that those things were covered in the
contract between the school ano the developer'
Fred Ouellette then asked if Park Land Dedication was
covered in the plans.
Mr. Faires stated that Park Land Dedications did not come
out of school property because it was non-residential
Ben Scholz asked if the roads had been completed.
Mr. Faires said that half of them were in but by the time
the school opens they will all be completed as required by
the contract.
Fred Ouellette made a motion to approve the plats. Ken Maul.::
seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
SETBACKS FOR SF3 - Mr. Tim Terrill of Albritton Development
Company, actinq as a consultant for Aston Development
Companv on the Westgate Subdivision, said that he was
requesting that the rear setback be chanqed for the SF3
housinq in order to allow them to build a larner house on
the lots' He stated that thev ha(..1 found a lot of market
resistance to this size of lot and that in attempcinq to
change tne setback they had spoken w: th the Citv Staff ano
nag determined that this was the best way to achieve this
rather than ask for a varriance.
Mr. Tom Cravens. with Lich liter/Jameson of Dallas, stated
that with this size of lot the house pad could only be 5B
feet deep and that by decreasing the rear setback to 20 feet
it would allow 5 additional feet in which to build a larger
house. He said that 20 feet of rear space was enough to
park a car and still not be at the back line of the lot.
Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney stated, to the Planning and
Zoning Commission, that any decision made on this matter
will not only effect this subdivision, but would effect all
other subdivisions in Wylie.
Mr. Faires stated " I believe that 3 of you were on the
Planning and Zoning Commission at the time that the presenr
requlations were adopted. I question the statments
concerninq the marketinq ability of these lots uecause I
know of some builders who want to build on these lots.
Further. when thev came to my office to discuss chanqinq the
rear setback l informed them that they could not accomplisi--I
this chanqe through a varriance due to a harosIoip which , s
of their own makinq. One of the thinqs that we have tried
re avozo , in our community, is a super larqe nouse on +
small lot. in my opinion we would be making these changes
for one developer who does not want to comp } y, when other
developers and builders in our community ad `ust their plan---
to meet our ordinances. I do not recommend this request for
chanqe. ^
Mr. Tim Terrill statecl that they realized that mistakes were
maoe bv Astor Development in the deptn of the lots, but he
would like to get builders to build on these lots and they
indicate that the lots are too small .
Mr. Jim Douqlas. of Douglas Properties, stated that he has
heard complaints from builders about the lots being too
small . This is a problem subdivision , most of these SF3
lots are qoing to be hard to build on and I would like to
pet builders to build on them. I can understand your not
wanting to change the setback for the entire citv but you
might qrant a varriance on the lots that are going to be
nard to build on. The people that created the problem from
Astor Development are no longer here and we have to market
these lots.
Mr. Faires stated that when this property was being planned
the planner at that time was advised that his conception of
the lot size was misconceived and he said that it met the
qualifications and that the Citv would have to accept it.
This body does not have the authoritv to grant a varriance
and you would have to prove hardship ' there was no nards=p
on this land before it was subdivided.
Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney stated that the Planning and
Zoning Commission did not decide whether somethinq is
marketable or not rather what is best for tne entire city.
If we recommend that this ordinance oe chanqed it will
effect all SF3 subdivisions re9uardless of the case.
Fred Ouellette stated that even with the 25 foot rear
setback you could build the same size house.
Tom Cravens explained that with the extra 5 feet the builder
could have more flexability.
Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney said that they were wantzng to
build SF2 houses on an SF3 lot. " I feel that this ordinance
should stand as it is. "
R. P. Miller asked what size the nomes were that were built
around this property.
Mr. Faires said that the existing homes are 1300 to 1400
square feet and he wants to build 1700 square foot homes.
Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney stated that the Planninq and
Zoning Commission is responsible for protecting home buyers
in that a very small house is not built next to a larqe
Fred Ouellette commented that he felt that the ordinance was
good and should stand as it is.
R. P. Miller maoe at motion to leave the ordinance as zr
stands. Ken Mauk seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Fred Ouellette requested that Mr' Faires see to it that an
item was placed on the next Planning and Zoning agenda to
elect a chairman.
Mr. Faires suqqested that two items be placeo on the agenda,,
one to elect a chairman and one to elect a vice-chairman it
ITEM NO. 6 - ADJOURN - Ken Mauk made a motion to adjourn the
Planning and Zoning Meeting of February 5. 1987. Fred
Ouellette seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0'
8rian Chanev, Vice-Chairman
Planninq & Zoninq Commission
Respectfully Submitted:
Amanda Maples, Secretary