01-22-1987 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING CALLED MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1987 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas, met in a called session on Thursday, January 22, 1987 at 7: 30 P. M. at the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Vice- Chairman Curtis Hale, Mrs. Peggy Sewell , Mrs. Jayne Chapman, Mr. Morris Love, and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Absent from the Parks and Recreation Board were Chairman Derek Ammerman, Mr. John Morgan and Willie Benitez. Representing the staff were Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager; Mr. Roy Faires, Codes Enforcement Officer; Mrs. Amanda Maples, Secretary: and Susan Marquardt, Secretary. Vice-Chairman Curtis Hale called the meeting to order at 7: 50 P. M. AND PARK MASTER PLAN - Vice- Chairman Brian Chaney opened the meeting by explaining to the new members of the Planning and Zoning Commission that the Dedication Ordinance had been reviewed several months prior to this meeting by both boards. This ordinance is set- up to allocate funds or property from developers for parks in the City of Wylie. Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager; asked if he could explain the Park Master Plan then go into the Dedication Ordinance. Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager informed the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Board had been working for weeks on a Parks Master Plan consisting of both current and future park sites within the City of Wylie. The master plan should not be considered as a final plan; that will probably take about one month to 45 days to get to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager; went on to say that the Parks and Recreation Board would make their decisions and recommendations directly to the City Council . In the area of the park development, the City Council relies on both the Parks and Recreation Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission to make recommendations for the future development of the parks in the City of Wylie. The Parks and Recreation Board feels that this plan can be amended. Mr. Fred Ouellette asked where the park zones are? Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager replied, that the park zones were not mentioned on this map but they have discussed using the Lift Station Districts as the parks zones. If you pass the master plan you could make it apply to the Lift Station Districts. Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney asked if the Parks and Recreation Board members had any questions? Vice Chairman Curtis Hales replied that our board had already given our approval at the last meeting. Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney asked if the Parks and Recreation Board could give any other information in regards to the Park Master Plan. Mrs. Peggy Sewell stated that different things would be made up at different locations such as jogging trails, bike trails playgrounds and etc. The parks will not all be the same. -��� SAERNING THE PROPOSED PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE -- Vice -Chairman Brian Chaney moved on to the Park Land Dedication Ordiance. Mr. Roy Faires, Codes Enforcemnt Officer wanted to reafirm that this ordinance has been tested through the Supreme Court in November of 1984 and it was up held in favor of College Station. Mr. Ben Scholtz asked in Section 1A, the remodeling of structures? Mr. Pappas, City Manager; stated that the City Council , under the Home Rule Charter, has decided that recreational areas are important and developers should Provide them whether they are developing new subdivisions or tearing down old subdivisions and rebuilding them. It would not qualify for just one individual home, however, if you have a block of old homes being torn down that would apply. Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney asked on Section 4 pertaining to parks being located on 50 acre tracts of land. Mr. Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer replied, that with the size of major parks they should be taken out of large tracts of land so that the developer would have a better opportunity to recover financially from the dedication of the land. Mr. R. P. Miller asked if the locations of these parks would be designated to major roads? Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager replied that this ordinance establishes a rule which says that no longer can a developer develop a subjivision without having any consideration for parks, he must do something. The specific location of the park will be delt with by each of the boards coming as near as possible to the Master Plan. Then in reviewing the plat you will see the park. At this time you will look at whether the park is in the right place and if the access and utilities are adequate to the park. Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager informed both boards that the ordinance will not be popular with the developers. However, It is unrealistic to think that the City of Wylie will have good parks in the future without the ordinance. Vice-Chairman Curtis Hale asked if this ordinance would discourage development in Wylie. Vice Chairman Brian Chaney said that he had visited with some developers that had built in Austin. Their comments were about how restrictive Austin is. They tell the developer how many trees to put in and even what kind, this ordinance is not nearly as restrictive as that and Austin is growing all the time. Mr. Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer predicted that within one year at lest five cities would be calling on Wylie wanting a copy of this ordinance. Mr. Jay Davis asked if the charge of $225. 00 would be enough to cover the cost of building these parks? Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager replied, No , but it would greatly reduce the cost of bond issues. Mr. Fred Ouellette stated that the Parks and Recreation Board should be added to Section 4 and "This which are to supportive of these parks. "be removed from this section. Mrs. Peggy Sewell made recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission to recomend to the City Council the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. Mr. Morris Love seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. The Planning and Zoning Commission also approved the ordinance, see Planning and Zoning minutes of January 22, 1987. ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL CONCERNING A PARK MASTER PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE - Vice- Chairman Curtis Hale stated that the Parks and Recreation Board accepted the Parks Master Plan at a previous meeting. Mr. Morris Love stated that the Parks and Recreation Board voted on the park zones previously, maybe 3 months ago. Mrs. Jayne Chapman went on to make motion on the park zones, and Mr. Morris Love seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. The Planning and Zoning Commission accepted the Parks Master Plan and added the use of the Lift Station Districts as the Park Zones. See Planning and Zoning Commission minutes of January 22, 1987. ITE - With no more business or discussion, Vice-Chairman Curtis Hale asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Morris Love made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Jayne Chapman. Meeting was adjourned by Vice-Chairman Curtis Hale. Curtis Hale, Vice-Chairman Parks & Recreation Board Respectfully submitted: Susan Marquardt, Secretary ,75�