04-07-1987 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1987 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie. Texas, met in a regular session on Tuesday, April 7, 1987 at 7:00 P. M. at the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Curtis Hale, Mr. Morris Love, and Mr. John Morgan, Mrs. Peggy Sewell, and Mr. Larry Nickell. Representing the staff was Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works, Mr. Ken White, Parks Superintendent and Susan Marquardt, Secretary. Absent were Mrs. Jayne Chapman, and Mr. Willie Benetiz. Chairman Curtis Hale called the meeting to order at 7: 10 P. M. ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Chairman Curtis Hale asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes. Hearing none, a motion was made by Mrs. Peggy Sewell to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion seconded by Mr. John Morgan. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 2 - LIGHTING 4TH BASEBALL FIELD - Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works opened the discussion by telling the board that Mr. Ken White, Parks Superintendent had contacted several companies to get estimates on lighting of the 4th baseball field. Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works stated that Mr. John Morgan has one estimate that we received from Morrow Electric in the amount of $.34, 500.00. Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works asked Mr. Ken White, Parks Supeerintendent how many companies he was in contact with? Mr. Ken White, Parks Superintendent replied that he had three (3) companies that came out and looked at the field, but at the moment I have only received one written estimate. Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works said he thought it would be alittle premature to take action this evening with only one estimate in. Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works suggested to the board that they table the item until next month hoping the other estimates will come in. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked who did the other fields? Mr. John Morgan replied, that Case Construction had put the other lights up. Mr. John Morgan asked the board since this item was tabled could we talk about lights? Mr. John Morgan informed the board that the light poles are 50 foot high, which we need a bucket truck to have access to get them out. Right now we have access to that type of truck for a couple of days. Mr. John Morgan informed the board that light bulbs cost about $100.00 per bulb. We need about 24 light bulbs, the cost is about $2400. 00. Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works stated that this was beyond his authority. Chairman Curtis Hale asked if we had the clay for the fields? Mr. John Morgan replied, that the clay was in and that we are playing on it already. Mr. John Morgan informed the board that the snack people do the dragging of the fields. Mrs. Peggy Sewell made motion to order 24 light bulbs. Mr. John Morgan second the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Curtis Hale asked Mr. John Morgan if we had enough garbage cans for the fields? Mr. John Morgan replied, Yes. Mr. Larry Nickell asked if the water fountains worked? Mr. John Morgan replied, that they were working last week. ITEM NO. 3 - NATIONAL HALF-TIME - Sherise Matlock introduced her self to the Parks & Recreation Board Members. She informed the board that she wanted to see if they could have a one day summer work shop on a one time basis. The City of Wylie would under no obligation. It would cost $8.00 per child, which would run from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Then at the end of the day there will be a showoff to show the parents what the students has learned. If there seems to be some interest in this clinic would like to come back maybe once a month or even once a week. Mr. John Morgan asked it this was just for one day? Sherise Matlock replied, yes it would be a one day clinic just to see how the interest would be. Chairman Curtis Hale asked how they would advertise ? Sherise Matlock replied, she would put an ad in the paper and flyers to the schools. She also said that they would use the Community Room for registration. The actual clinic would be held outside. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked if there was an age limit? Sherise Matlock replied, that usually 1st grade on up with some junior high students. We would like to have a pre- registration Sc' that we know how many staff needs to come. Mr. John Morgan stated in his opinion, he thinks it great. Mr. Bill Windham stated that we have been accused that we favor the male sex in the community, and the female need to be a part of the activities also. Mr. John Morgan asked when they would like to have the clinic? Sherise Matlock replied, she would like to have it around the first of June right after school lets out. She went on to say, if the Parks & Recreatin Board approves, would mabe have the clinic once a week. This would include dance, baton twirling and etc. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked if one days fee was $8. 00, what would the cost be if its once a week? Sherise Matlock replied that she would have the cost later on if the clinic was a success. Mrs. Peggy Sewell stated that she would be interested. Mr. John Morgan made motion to accept National Half-times proposal. Mr. Larry Nickell seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works informed the board that in order to use the hall without a fee, you would need to go before the City Council. Mr. John Morgan asked for a short recess. Mr. John Morgan informed the board that per Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager, Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works has the authority to start processing in the purchase of the light if there was a vote and approval. Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works stated that he would transport the information to Chris, Purchasing Agent in the morning. ITEM NO. 4 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - None. ITEM NO. 5 - GENERAL DISCUSSION - Chairman Curtis Hale asked about the bleachers, goals, and trash container had been approved by the City Council? Mr. John Morgan replied, No, the farmer had plowed up the field and it is no use to use being plowed under. Chairman Curtis Hale asked that the members from WSA please join the Parks & Recreation Board. Chairman Curtis Hale asked how many were on the board for WSA? Mr. John Morgan replied, that they have 15 voting members, and most of them are heavily involved in the sports. Chairman Curtis Hale asked if there were commissioners for each sport? Mr. John Morgan replied, Yes, 4 commissioners. A member from WSA stated that they have 300 children in baseball, 200 in soccer, 166 basketball and 60 children in football. Mr. John Morgan stated that the reason for the joint meeting with WSA and Parks & Recreation Board was so that WSA will know what the Parks & Recreation Board have planned down the road. Mr~ John Morgan showed WSA the master park plan~ A member from WSA asked what the projection was on a gymnasium? Is it estimated within the next 4 years? Chairman Curtis Hale stated that the community park is the only one right now that is suitable. We would need a bond issue to have anything like this. Mr. John Morgan asked WSA if they had any questions? A member from WSA asked if this is all thats projected for the City of Wylie? Mr~ John Morgan replied, this is all committed now. Some has not been released to the City yet, but it is committed. What about the Gymnasium? Mr. John Morgan re pIied that the gym is going to be a multi use building that can be built inexpensive. WSA would use it for basketball, other uses would be for setting up domino tables and card tables where the senior citizens could go in and use as they please. It would be a metal type building on a concrete slab. WSA asked if there was any other facility that we are considering? Mr. John Morgan reeplied, that the City of Wylie has passed an ordinance where builders come in and they must give some property for parks. The first time this happens, it could relieve our soccer fields- A member from WSA stated that if the fields had been built up properly then the fields wouldn ' t need so much material each year to get them ready for the season. There was some discussion about some ditch work and the ditch that belongs to the school . Mr~ Bill Windham, Director of Public Works informed WSA and the Parks & Recreation Board that he would check into the ditch. Mr. John Morgan informed everyone that there were numerous problems in the park. The sprinkler system leaks, can 't use the outfields because the control to the sprinkler system is by 3rd base, at lease til we lower and bury the controls. Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works informed everyone the problems is meter boxes, we are working on getting some in. If the boxes don ' t come in in a lengthy time, we are going to get some sheet metal and put over the controls. The only probIem with that is the meter reader needs to read it every month. WSA stated they can ' t even use the field. Mr' Bill Windham, Director of Public Works stated that we would try and have it fixed this week or by the end of next week~ WSA asked if then the field could be dragged ? WSA also stated that there was a larq«* tournment coming up with it set up with 4 field- Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works replied, he would try and do his best. Chairman Curtis Hale asked WSA about their thoughts on the Park Director. Mr. John Morgan replied, it maybe 2 or 3- years. We have discussed it at our WSA meetings. Mr. Gus Pappas, City Manager is the authority on this situation. We could have summer programs for the small children. It is a fulltime position where WSA wouldn ' t have to worry about marking fields. changing lights and etc- All WSA would worry about it scheduling the fields. WSA asked if we thought he could come in and take over immediately, and would he have a staff on hand? Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works replied, that he would have Ken White and 3 other people already on board~ WSA asked if they would still have an association? Mr. John Morgan replied, we would still have a non-profit organization' We would just go through the Park Director to use the fields. Mr. John Morqan informed WSA about Valentine Park. He expalained where it was and how to get there. Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works stated that it was a nice neighborhood park but no one uses it. A WSA member told the Parks & Recreation Board about a proposal that they were going to be recieeving from Cherri Cox about soccer fields. Hopefuly with this proposal they are considering soccer and baseball fields around the schools. Chairman Curtis Hale stated that a few months ago we had the superintendent from schools here meeting with the Parks & Recreation Baord to discuss future joint ventures, at that time they were all for it. Mr- John Morgan asked everyone to qo to the circus Thursday and Friday night. Chairman Curtis Hale asked when WSA officially takes over the fields for the Summer? WSA replied, that April 27, 1987. A WSA member informed the Board that May 16, 1987 is a tentative date, but would go to the City to see if they could have a parade to kick off their season~ Mr. John Morqan welcomed Mr. Larry Nickells to the Board. ITEM NO. 6 - AD - Chairman Curtis Hale asked for motion to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Peggy Sewell made motion and seconded by Mr. John Morgan. Motion carried 5-0. Curtis Hale, Chairman Parks & Recreation Board Respectfully submitted: Susan Marquardt, Secretary