05-05-1987 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1987
The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas,
met in a regular session on Tuesday, May 5, 1987 at 7:00 P.
M. at the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street. Notice of the
meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner
required by law. Those present were Chairman Curtis Hale,
Mr. John Morgan, Mrs. Peggy Sewell, Mr. Larry Nickell with
Mr. Willie Benetiz coming in late. Representing the staff
was Mr. James Johnson, Acting City Manager, Mr. Bill
Windham, Director of Public Works, Mr. Ken White, Parks
Superintendent and Susan Marquardt, Secretary. Absent were
Mrs. Jayne Chapman, and Mr. Morris Love.
Chairman Curtis Hale called the meeting to order at 7:05
ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Chairman Curtis Hale
asked if there were any corrections or additions to the
minutes. Hearing none, a motion was made by Mrs. Peggy
Sewell to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion seconded
by Mr. John Morgan. Motion carried 4-0.
MASTER PLAN PRIORITIES - Mr. John Morgan opened the
discussion by asking the board to consider reducing the
number of soccer fields from 100 to 30. Mr. Larry Nickell
asked if we needed 30 fields right now? Mr. John Morgan
replied, that we are fine right now. This is for the next
twenty years. Chairman Curtis hale asked if the priority
numbers were correct? Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public
Works replied, " yes", that the lowest average is the highest
priority continuing down the list to the lowest priority
which is the highest average. Chairman Curtis Hale asked if
60 baseball diamonds were okay? Mr. John Morgan asked to
change the number of soccer fields to 50. Mr. Larry Nickell
asked what the ultimate use is for this plan? Mr. John
Morgan replied, " this is a long range plan for the next
twenty years, a guideline for developing the parks. " Mrs.
Peggy Sewell asked if the wilderness park was on the list?
Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works replied, " yes,
the Lavon Dam/Campground. " Mrs. Peggy Sewell stated that
she wished it was a higher priority. Mr. Bill Windham,
Director of Public Works stated that this is a
recommendation to the City Council and their priorities may
be different. Chairman Curtis Hale stated that I didn 't put
it higher because I felt not everyone would use it. That 's
something we could start on right away with little expense.
The only thing that would be of expense is the manpower in
clearing the area. Chairman Curtis Hale asked how many
acres? Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works replied,
that it 's about the same size as the City Park. Chairman
Curtis Hale asked, " if this becomes a city park, will it be
under the jurisdiction and regulations of the City?" Mr.
John Morgan replied, " yes" and the area is already being
patrolled by our police department. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked
if it will always be available to us? Mr. John Morgan
stated, that we would have to enter into a lease with the
Corps of Engineer. The original idea was a place for the
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to go, where they wouldn 't have
to worry about clearing it out, something to preserve it.
The Boy Scouts may want to go in there and do some clearing.
Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works stated that the
Corp of Engineers will probably want a plan for the property
before giving out a lease. Mrs. Peggy Sewell stated that
she would hate to lose the opportunity of having a
wilderness park. Mr. Larry Nickell asked what else could
happen? Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works replied
that some other type of organization could have the same
opportunity that the City has in getting the land. I don 't
think it 's something that we have to rush out and talk to
the City Council about.
Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works asked Mr. John
Morgan if 50 soccer fields were enough? Mr. John Morgan
replied, " yes. "
Mr. John Morgan made motion to approve the City of Wylie
Park Master Plan Priorities with the exception of changing
the number of soccer fields to 50 instead of 100. Mrs Peggy
Sewell seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
to table this item by Mr. John Morgan. Mr. Larry Nickell
seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
18- Mr. John Morgan asked the board to consider amending the
Parks Ordinance by adding an amendment that I have just
passed out. Mr. James Johnson, Acting City Manager asked if
it was interference with representatives of WSA? Mr. John
Morgan replied that the only time we have really had a
problem was a coupled of weeks ago. There is no ordinance
covering his behavior. Mr. Larry Nickell asked if this is
for the original ordinance, this doesn't mean we can make
them leave? Mr. John Morgan replied, it will give the
police authority to have that person removed from the park.
Mr. John Morgan made motion to recommend to the City Council
to add this amendment to the park ordinance. Larry Nichell
seconded the Motion . Motion carried 5-0.
PARTICIPATION WITH WSA - Mr. John Morgan opened the
discussion by asking Mr. James Johnson, Acting City Manager
if changes could be made in the master plan for this park?
Mr. Johnson, Acting City Manager replied, "yes. " Mr. John
Morgan informed the board and staff that WSA needed a
dedicated, lighted soccer field. We are currently being
forced to play in the outer baseball fields. WSA would like
to build a soccer/football field in the grassy flat area.
The size would be 120 feet long and 50 yards wide. We would
like to put up quartz lights, that 's 4 poles on each side.
Mr. John Morgan also stated that WSA could raise the funds,
with no expense to the City. However, WSA would like to get
permission from the City Council before starting to raise
the money. Mrs, Peggy Sewell asked if this supersede where
the amphitheater was supposed to be? Mr. John Morgan
replied, "it 's right on top of it. " Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked
if there wasn ' t another area that could be used? Mr. John
Morgan replied, "no, we 're running out of area. " Willie
Benetiz asked if the area is just large enough for one
field. Mr. John Morgan said, there is enough room for two,
but right now we are just thinking about one. We would like
to start building it this summer so that it can used this
fall for soccer and football. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked if
there was any land on the other side of town, and didn 't the
City Council approve our proposal for the ordinance which is
relating to the developers? Mr. James Johnson, Acting City
Manager, replied, "the ordinance has been approved, but all
of the development has been started prior to the passing of
the ordinance. Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked if this was a
temporary measure? Mr. John Morgan replied, that it could
be permanent, I just don ' t know. Chairman Curtis Hale asked
if WSA could do this on their own? Mr. John Morgan replied,
"yes, the materials are estimated at $3,000.00 with the
labor free. "
Mr. Willie Benetiz made motion to approve WSA to have a
lighted soccer/football field as we have discussed. Mr.
Larry Nickel seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Chairman Curtis Hale opened the discussion that major park
sites are going to be a direr need in the future, as Gus
said, it would take a bond election to get it done. It
needs to be on everyones mind. Mr. Willie Benetiz asked if
there was any land for sale? Mr. James Johnson, Acting City
Manager, informed the board of the land at Birmingham Farms.
The land has been sold. The Savings and Loan Company would
sell it to the developers. Mr. James Johnson, Acting City
Manger, showed different tracts of land from the master plan
that would be developed in the future. He stated that the
northeast area of the City was good property, but it has
been plated and approved. However, if the developer doesn ' t
build on it soon he will have to start the process all over
again. Mr. Willie Benetiz asked, "in other words we
couldn ' t acquire any land for at least a year?" Mr. James
Johnson, Acting City Manager, replied, if the economy picks
up and developers start building. Mrs. Peggy Sewell stated
that we need some good flat land. Mr. James Johnson, Acting
City Manger stated that what is needed is a Master Plan to
present to the City Council with trails, lights and etc.
Chairman Curtis Hale stated that we need to discuss this
from time to time so that we won 't forget.
ITEM NO. B - GENERAL DISCUSSION - Mr. Willie Benetiz opened
the general discussion stating that he has noticed vehicles
parking on city park property and the City ordinance
prohibits. I would like to see it stopped. Mr. Bill
Windham, Director of Public Works replied, that Ken White,
Park Superintendent is in the process of putting up cable
around the park to keep vehicles out the park area. Bill
Windham, Director of Public Works asked that WSA speak to
their people.
Chairman Curtis Hale asked about the proposal on the soccer
fields from Sherri Cox? Mr. John Morgan replied, this is
something between WSA and the school.
Chairman Curtis Hale asked how the circus went? Mr. John
Morgan replied that they received $3300.00 in advance
tickets. We had a real good turn out.
Mrs. Peggy Sewell asked who the members are on this board;
we are suppose to have nine according to this ordinance?
Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works replied that the
Charter supersede this ordinance.
Mr. Larry Nickell asked, " out of the $10,000.00 budgeted
for parks, have we only used $2400.00 for bleachers?" Mr.
John Morgan replied, "we have also had dirt taken out of the
budget. " Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works stated
that some of the money was used to rebuild the park road.
Mr. Larry Nickell informed the board that several people had
approached him about some basketball courts, which are very
inexpensive. Mr. John Morgan stated that it could be
discussed, but we could not make a motion on it because it
was not on the agenda. He also stated that we could place
two at the end of the parking lot. Mr. Bill Windahm stated
that we could make the courts with the bomag machine with a
1 inch hot mix overlay, sealing it with dry Portland cement.
Chairman Curtis Hale asked if this was inexpensive? Mr.
Bill Windham, Director of Public Works replied, " compared to
concrete, yes. "
ITEM NO. 6 - ADJOURNMENT - Chairman Curtis Hale asked for
motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. John Morgan made motion
and seconded by Mr. Willie Benetiz. Motion carried 5-0.
Curtis Hale, Chairman
Parks & Recreation Board
Respectfully submitted:
Susan Marquardt, Secretary