09-01-1987 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING - MINUTES 7 : 00 P. M. SEPTEMBER 1, 1987 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regular session on Tuesday, September 1, 1987 at 7 : 00 P .M. in the Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in a time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman John Morgan , Peggy Sewell , Joanie Zeeb, D.F. Whitlow, John Smyder , Don White, Acting Director of Public Works , Candi White, Secretary, and James Johnson, Acting City Manager arriving late. Willie Benitez and Larry Nickell were absent . Chairman Morgan called the meeting to order . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for the August 4 , 1987 meeting . Ms . Sewell asked that the spelling of Tibbal be corrected in the minutes . A motion was made by Ms . Sewell to approve the minutes with the noted correction. Ms . Zeeb seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN: Ms . Sewell made a motion that Willie Benitez be elected Vice Chairman by acclamation . Mr . Smyder seconded the motion . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSSION AND REVIEW OF PARK MASTER PLAN: Mr . Smyder asked if the master plan included maintenance or if it was proposed in addition to maintenance. Chairman Morgan and Mr . White stated that it is in addition to the maintenance. Mr . Whitlow asked how the master plan was put together. Chairman Morgan explained that the City Manager and the Park and Recreation Board discussed the things they felt would be needed by the time the City reached maximum population, which he believes to be 170 ,000 through year 2000 . At that point they put a priority on each item on a one to ten scale. Chairman Morgan also explained that any time there was a question on the master plan that he or Ms . Sewell would probably remember how it was put together . Mr . Whitlow asked when the master plan was put together . Chairman Morgan said they worked on it for approximately six or seven months and that it started in 1986 . Chairman Morgan pointed out a map of the master plan and explained that nearly everything in green on the map is either committed or should be committed soon, as parks property. Chairman Morgan also explained that the area around the cotton gin could be jogging trails and below it would be picnic area , but most of what is seen on the map could not be used as a sports complex of any type, because it is flood plane or an area underneath the big power lines . Chairman Morgan went on to explain that where the Sanden plant is going to be, he believes that the plan is to develop on that property a 30 acre park site, mainly for their employees to enjoy, but that it will be a joint effort of the Park and Recreation Board , the City, and Sanden' s management , and that there could possibly be an area for some sports there, but other than that there really is nothing at this time . Mr . White, Director of Public Works , explained that there would be another area , where Springcreek Parkway joins the area east of the new Municipal Complex , that Mr . Cook is going to propose to the Planning and Zoning Commission to donate portions of the flood plane to the parks , if the engineers can design it to drain the water, and that the area would be a beautiful soccer field . 1/ Mr . Whitlow asked if the number of 60 baseball diamonds is comparable to Garland who ' s population is about 175 ,000 . Chairman Morgan explained that it is close, but he has not been able to get an actual number from Garland . Mr . Whitlow felt like 60 baseball fields seemed like an awful lot. Mr . Smyder added that Garland has several baseball fields that are not being utilized and that the board might keep that in mind if they are going to use Garland as a guide . Chairman Morgan explained that anything in the master plan can be changed and that it is not etched in stone . Ms . Sewell added that it is much easier to change it down rather than to change it up . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR A WATER FOUNTAIN AT THE PARK PAVILION: Chairman Morgan explained that this is the covered pavilion at the park where the picnic tables are, and that the water has been stubbed out on that side of the road and is already in place. Chairman Morgan said to build a stainless steel fountain without the stone, it would cost approximately $150 .00 to $175 .00 . He also said there had been complaints about the fact that there is no water or restrooms by the pavilion , but that restrooms would be a little expensive to build . Chairman Morgan told the board that they could recommend to the Council that they put a fountain at the pavilion, and asked Mr . White, Director of Public Works , if he could have a price for the Council before that meeting . Mi. White said that he could get prices together and that it could be presented to the Council . A motion was made by Ms . Zeeb to recommend to the Council that a water fountain be put at the park pavilion . The motion was seconded by Ms . Sewell . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR PLACING SIGNS AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE BALL FIELDS PROHIBITING BICYCLES, SKATEBOARDS , VEHICLES: Chairman Morgan stated that we already have in the City Ordinance and at the park entrance, a sign prohibiting wheeled vehicles , but he has seen an 80 year old woman almost be knocked over by someone on a skateboard, and the bicycles coming in and out on the sidewalk could be dangerous as well . Mr . Smyder questioned the effectiveness of another sign, when we are having trouble enforcing the sign at the entrance. Chairman Morgan stated that the sign at the entrance doesn ' t specify skateboards and bicycles . Ms . Zeeb suggested that the board recommend that the police go to the park a couple of times so that word would get around in a hurry. Chairman Morgan felt that the police have bigger problem areas than the park, and that anyone associated with Wylie Sports Association or anyone who was using the facility, could ask parents to have the children remove the bicycles . Ms . Sewell asked how many signs would be needed . Chairman Morgan said two signs would be needed and that he felt one should be placed by the pavilion and one midway in the parking lot , where people walk the most . Mr . Whitlow asked if the signs were put up, where would the children put their bicycles . He also felt like a problem with bicycle theft might arise if there is not a good place to put bicycles . Chairman Morgan suggested that this item be tabled until the next meeting and add a bicycle rack to the recommendation. Ms . Sewell felt like a bicycle rack might give people an incentive to keep their bikes off the fields . Ms . Sewell also stated that the board could go ahead and make a recommendation to the Council to get the signs and then get cost estimates for the bicycle rack for the next meeting . A motion was made by Ms . Sewell to recommend placing signs at the park prohibiting bicycles , skateboards , and vehicles . Ms. Zeeb seconded the motion . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO AMEND THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS TO LANDSCAPE: Ms . Zeeb handed out ordinances from various cities , including Piano, Richardson, Dallas , Boulder , Colorado, and a small town in North Carolina . Ms . Zeeb stated that she took these ordinances to Roy Faires , Code Enforcement Officer for the City, and he said that the City doesn' t have the personnel to administer this kind of ordinance. Ms . Zeeb stated that she then took the ordinances to Mayor Trimble, who told her to go ahead and present it, as we can' t decide what the City is going to be by the personnel that we have now. Chairman Morgan stated that the board could recommend that the Planning and Zoning Commission adopt this ordinance, but that he would like to have time to read and absorb the information. Mr . Whitlow stated that it looks as though the ordinance was well put together and that he would like to see much more natural terrain in Wylie than what he sees in Garland and Plano , and that it would be better to start now while Wylie is still small . Mr . Smyder asked if this ordinance specifies anywhere that this is for commercial property. Ms . Zeeb said that he could find that information on page two and that it does apply for commercial property. This item was tabled until next meetings agenda . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO BOMAG A ROAD FROM THE CORNER OF THE PARKING LOT AROUND THE BALL FIELDS TO THE BACK SIDE OF THE CONCESSION BUILDING: Chairman Morgan explained that the approximate cost was on page 6 in the packet . Mr . White, Director of Public Works , stated that the figure on page 6 is a wrong figure and should be $2800 .00 for asphalt instead of $28 ,000 .00 . Ms . Sewell asked Mr . White if it was $4786 . 00 to prepare the soil with the bomag and $2800 .00 to do the asphalt . Mr . White said that was correct . Chairman Morgan stated that the $4700 .00 could put to better use than for a road to the concession stand, as when it is dry a truck can still get in and out even as it is at this time. Ms . Sewell asked if a coke truck would still be able to get in and out to make deliveries and if they would still have to drive on the concrete sidewalk, as she was concerned about the possiblity of the concrete breaking . Chairman Morgan said that a coke truck could get in and out and would have to drive partially on the concrete, and that since Mr . White has been on staff , is now having the sprinkler heads staked , so that the truck doesn' t run over the heads . Mr . White explained that the concrete might would last for awhile, and that it would just depend on how the truck was driving on the concrete, and that if it was wet , there would be more tendancy that the concrete would give. Mr . Smyder expressed the fact that he didn' t understand why it was necessary for a coke truck to drive to the concession stand to make deliveries , when he has a cart that he can use to deliver the drinks , as they do at other places where they make deliveries . Chairman Morgan said that they could have the coke delivered on carts also . Ms . Sewell asked who else needs to drive on the fields besides the coke man. Chairman Morgan explained that a pickup has to be on the fields everyday to drag the baseball fields before every game, during the baseball season , and that every spring approximately 20 loads of clay are delivered and distributed among the fields , and a dump truck delivers the clay. The board agreed that the $4700 . 00 could be put to better use elsewhere and no motion was made . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR A DEPOSIT FROM USERS OF THE EQUIPMENT IN THE PARK ( i .e. VOLLEYBALL NET, /3 BASKETBALL NET) : Chairman Morgan explained that this item was on the agenda , as the City had bought a very expensive, metal volleyball net, and someone borrowed it and never returned it , and at this time the City doesn' t have a volleyball net. Mr . White, Director of Public Works , suggested that when someone comes to the public works department to reserve the pavilion, that if they want to use a volleyball net , that a deposit for the net also be required until the net was returned. He also felt that the deposit should at least be enough to purchase another net , should someone not return it . Chairman Morgan expressed his concern about the procedures of holding a deposit , and felt that it would be better to hold that check, and give the same check back, rather than depositing the check and then having the City write another check as a return on the deposit . Mr . White said he would speak to Mr. Johnson about this type procedure. Ms . Sewell felt that there should be a time limit on how long the net could be out at one time. Ms . Zeeb agreed with Ms . Sewell , as there might be someone else who would want to use the net when it was still checked out . Ms . Sewell made a motion to recommend that a deposit be charged for the use of the volleyball nets, equivalent to the cost of the net . The motion was seconded by Ms . Zeeb. The motion carried with a 3 to 2 vote. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWO VOLLEYBALLS AND TWO VOLLEYBALL NETS: Mr . Whitlow asked if there was any other type of sign in sign out equipement in the City. Mr . White explained that there are, such as hydro meters , where a deposit is required for a builder to use the meter to attach to fire hydrants . Mr . Whitlow also felt like the ideal situation would be to have some kind of building located at the park where an employee could check equipment in and out . Ms . Sewell stated that hopefully we will have a Parks and Recreation Director budgeted in the future . Mr . Smyder pointed out that we need to remember that in the City, we haven' t ever had a facility at the parks , and therefore nobody would know the difference in having to go to the public works department to check out equipment . He also added that as the City grows , the plan could be modified. Ms . Zeeb said that she would like to see a permanent net put back up at some point , so that those people who have their own ball could bring it to the park, rather than having to check out a net . Chairman Morgan suggested that until the City can implement these other suggestions , that the board recommend to the Council that the City buy two cheaper volleyballs and nets , and budget a permanent net for next year . Mr . Smyder made a motion to recommend the purchase of two volleyballs and nets. The motion was seconded by Mr . Whitlow. The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR A BASKETBALL COURT: Chairman Morgan stated that the best place for a basketball court is just north of the pavilion between the playground and pavilion, and that using the bomag machine to prepare the site and contract out the asphalt or concrete slab would cost aproximately $12 ,000 . 00 . Mr . White , Director of Public Works , stated that he met with Jay Davis , who builds basketball courts . and got a set of plans of a combination basketball and tennis courts , fenced and lighted , which would cost about $27,000 . 00 . He also stated by cutting that in half for just a basketball court , it would probably be closer to the $12 ,000 if the City does part of the work, and this is concrete . Mr . White stated that Mr. Davis would also coat the concrete with a sport sealer . Chairman Morgan stated that there is only $10 ,000 to work with for the 1987-88 year . Mr . White expained that a court could probably be built for $10 ,000 , but wasn' t real sure how well constructed it would be, or how long it would V last . Mr . White stated that he just couldn ' t recommend to build one that would only last for a few years . Chairman Morgan felt like a basketball court would be one of the most utilized facilities for adults , as well as children . Chairman Morgan stated that it would still cost $12,000 even for an asphalt court . Ms . Sewell said that if there was any possible way to use concrete that it would last much longer than asphalt . Ms . Zeeb agreed , and that also the concrete could be poured to where it would drain better . Chairman Morgan said that with this black dirt , the concrete is going to shift and there is no way to have a court that would drain perfectly. Chairman Morgan also stated that if the City is going to build a court , he would like to see the combination court built . A motion was made by Ms . Sewell to table this item. The motion was seconded by Mr . Smyder . The motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None . GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr . Whitlow again felt like the combination basketball and tennis courts was a unique design, but was concerned that there might be a problem of someone wanting to play basketball , when someone else wanted to play tennis , as with soccer and football using the same fields. Ms . Zeeb said the idea is appealing to her , as it can be used for more than one sport . Mr . Smyder stated that some citizens had approached him with the condition of the road leading into the park. Mr . White explained that the bomag machine had been used on the road with the intention of surfacing it with asphalt. However , it has been next to impossible to find an asphalt crew who isn' t already busy somewhere else. Ms . Sewell added that the road that was there is a prime example of something not being done right the first time, and trying to compromise, due to lack of proper funds . Mr . White stated that asphalt is a material that has to be worked and used alot in order to keep it alive and working and any water that stands on it will ruin it . Mr . Smyder also has been asked about the sprinkler system in the parks and questioned why those were not being used . Chairman Morgan said that Starnes Plumbing will inspect the two that don' t work and that he will get an estimate from them to get them fixed . Mr . Smyder said that the citizens were concerned about the large cracks in the ground . Mr . Whitlow inquired as to how we can turn the existing fields to good quality fields with a limited budget . Chairman Morgan explained that the City first bought a water cannon with a coil operated cable. He went on to say that you pull the cable out , attach it to a stationary object , hook it up to a fire hydrant and the cable will move it back. Mr . Whitlow mentioned also that the field that the band marches on has very thick grass , but 40 yards out it is not thick. Chairman Morgan explained that the fields were seeded and fertilized this past year, but were not watered . Mr . Smyder said that we need volunteers , due to the City hiring freeze. Chairman Morgan said the only problem with that , is the fact that volunteers are very willing to volunteer, but a lot of times they don' t show up to work. Mr . Whitlow said that the board could be a driving force to improve the fields , backing the Wylie Sports Association . Mr . Whitlow stated that he wasn' t sure how the Council approves or disapproves certain things , but feels a better use of the money would be to build quality fields out of what we already have. Chairman Morgan stated that it costs approximately $1 ,000 to seed and fertilize the fields , and that we need to fertilize more than just the outfields, including the fields behind the library. He also stated that in his opinion with the seeding , fertilizing and much more watering the fields would be in quality condition. Chairman Morgan asked Mr. White if money was budgeted for a person in the Parks Department for next year . Mr . White said he is hoping to hire four employees for the department , and is hoping to hire someone with knowledge of parks as a supervisor . Chairman Morgan asked Ms . Zeeb if she has considered putting some of the trees that were donated to the City out by the picnic tables at the park. Ms . Zeeb said yes , and that the plans were to plant the trees in the fall . Ms . Zeeb also said that some of the trees would go in the courtyard at the new municipal complex, and would also like to have any suggestions from other board members , as to where they would like to see some other trees planted . Mr . Whitlow asked about the possibility of co-op agreements between the schools and parks and recreation. Chairman Morgan said that as a board, they had never entered into any agreement with the schools . Ms . Sewell said that the members of the school board came to a park board meeting in the spring and seemed to be very enthusiastic. Ms . Sewell said that she did think there was some question of liability on the school ' s part and they wouldn' t let the City put up basketball goals on their property. Chairman Morgan said that he would be talking to Coach Shaffer and would ask him about an agreement again. Ms . Sewell suggested that we might invite some school officials to another meeting . Chairman Morgan asked Acting City Manager , James Johnson about retaining a check for a deposit on a volleyballs and net and then giving the check back once it had been returned . Mr . Johnson said if the check wasn' t kept for a long period of time, he wouldn ' t have a problem with it , as the policy for finance is to deposit checks on the same day. ADJOURN: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned . John Morgan, Chairman Respectfully submitted: Candi White, Secretary