11-05-1987 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING - MINUTES . l_O F. M. NOVEMBER 5. 1987 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday. November 5. 1987 at 7: fix) F . M. in the Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been Posted in a time and manner required by law. Those present were Vice-Chairman Willie Benitez. Peggy_ Sewell . Joanie Zeeb. D. F. Whitlow. John Smvder. Don White. Director of Public Works. Theresa Burris. Secretary. City Secretary. Carolyn Jones. Those absent were Chairman John Morgan and Larry Nickell . Vice-Chairman Benitez called the meeting to order. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTS: The minutes submitted for approval were for the September 1 . 1987 meeting. Joanie Zeeb mentioned that the new Commerical Landscaping ordiances that had been handed out at the last meeting was a composite of ordiances from other Cities. so that the proposed for the use by the City of Wylie. could construct their own ordinances. DISCUSS RECOMMENDATION FOR THE 1968 BOND PROGRAM FOR COLL I N COUNTY - OPEN SPACE: The Collin County Open Space will have a meeting every Wednesday. members of the City Council , Planning and Zoning, Parks and Recreation are encouraged to attnd. The next meeting is Wednesday. Novembeer 11 , 1987. Don White, Public Works Director, will present the Wylie Park Plan to the Collin County Open Space Committee. Part of the Open Space Program is 71 /2 mile trail from Brockdale Park to Collin Park and we would like to tie our Parks into their plans. Peggy Sewell mentioned that the Developers have to give a percentage of their land for Parks. Joanie Zeeb said that we should mark all the gullys, riverbottoms for Parks. Peggy Sewell feels we need flatlands too. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR CLOSING THE CITY PARK TO COMPLETE ROAD REPAIRS: Don White Director of Public Works mentioned that the road will be closed November 19. 1987 for repairs. But if it rains it would be cancelled again. The road will be open for traffic again on that Friday. J _ DISCUSS RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO MAKE A CHANGE IN THE SUBDIVISION ORDlANCE REGARDING LANDSCAPING REQUIREEEME OMMERICAL PROPERTY: Joanie Zeeb Presented a proposed Commeercial Landscapinq Ordiances and Peggy Sewell mentioned that some of the plant material description was quite complicated. Don White. Director of Public Works. asked if it would be on the City right-way or private land and if it was legal to force people to landscape their own property. Joanie Zeeb said it would be on private land and it is legal to regulate landscape on commerical property. Peggy Sewell said that buyers are always leary of restrictions. Joanie Zeeb stated that if we have a pretty area everything will sell better. Peggy Sewell asked about the corner where the Ladylike Shop has its parking. Joanie Zeeb said probably we would have different restrictions for the 3 blocks of Downtown Wylie. Peggy Sewell agreed with that. Vice-Chairman Willie Benitez. said he felt we should proposed this ordiance to Plannzn and Zoning. John Smyder felt we should recommend to the City Council that we have guidelines. Commerical Landscaping ordiances and the committee recommend that the City Council " Planning and Zoning look at it and decide how they want to use it. Mr. Whitlow. moved that we send the proposed ordiances to Planning and Zonznq . Joanie Zeeb seconded it. DISCUSS METHOD OF CANCELLATION OF MEETINGS: Joanie Zeeb Proposed that meetings should not be cancelled unless they voted on it at previous meetings. City Secretary, Carolyn Jones. stated that if there is nothing for the agenda there will not be a meeting. John Smyder mentioned that many things we should have talked about has fallen thru the crack and die. He said if nothinq else he would like it if we could qo thru the mintues and find agendas for the next meetings. Joanie Zeeb stated that we should always work on the Master Plan. Vice-Chairman, Willie Benitez, mentioned that we need to get what needs to be on the agenda for next meetings. City Secretary, Carolyn Jones~ asked if everyone had received the new deadlines dates' everyone said yes. Peggy Sewell said that sometimes she wasn ' t home wnen the packet was delivered so if there was no packet she would not be sure if it had actually been delivered and she ask if someone could call her if the meeting was called off. Mr. Whitlow moved that meetings would not be cancelled. Joanie Zeeb seconded it. The motion carried with all in favor. , GENERAL DISCUSSION: John Smvder asked for cost estimates on bicycle racks. Don White. Director of Public Works. said that they were less than $-_700. 00 and will bring exact prices and sizes to next meeting. He said that the signs have been ordered and take 5 to 8 weeks for delivery. John Smvder brought UP that he was going to ask Coach Shaffer for information on using school Property for Parks and Park activities. He also asked who is supposed to care for the Parks. John Smvder asked if we have a scale drawing of the Parks. Mr. White. said Yes. John Smvder is going_ to get them and make some tentative plans for their use. Mr. D. F. Whitlow asked about the maintance cost. labor mowing, fertilize and electricity. City Secretary. Carolyn Jones. said they could 'yet the exact expenditures from last year and the budget for •_om:ng year. The electric is paid by WSFI. anyone that wants to use the lights notify the Police Department and the Police will log them in and out. Mr. Don White. mentioned that City Manager. John Pitstick. is trying to get someone to design a new Park Plan. Mr. White also mentioned that the old steel volleyball net has been located and will be put permanantly . Joanie Zeeb said that if the people bring the temporary volleyball nets back late they should be charged a penalty. Carolyn Jones. mentioned that she would have a park map for ever,vone for the next meeting. DJOURNMENT: Joanie Zeeb made a motion for the meeting be closed. Mrs. Sewell seconded it. Motion carried with all in favor. Willie Benitez. Vice-Chairman Respecfuily Submitted: Theresa Burris. Secretary 5