02-11-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1988 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday, February 11 , 1988 at 7 : 00 P. M. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman John Morgan, Board Members John Smyder, Peggy Sewell , Joanie Zeeb, D. F. Whitlow, and Ron Ferguson, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Public Works Supervisor Don White, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Councilman Chris DiTota, Councilman Kent Crane and Councilman John Akin. Parks and Recreations Board Member Willie Benitez and Mayor Chuck Trimble and Councilman Cal Westerhof were absent. Chairman Morgan called the meeting to order. OATH OF OFFICE: City Secretary Carolyn Jones gave the oath of office to all the park board members that were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 10, 1987 MEETING: Motion was made by Mr. Smyder to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Mr . Whitlow. This motion carried with all in favor. Chairman Morgan recessed the regular business meeting of the Park Board and convened the Park Board and City Council into a joint work session on the agreement with WSA and City. Councilman Akin stated that the City involved WSA some time back, and have had agreements with them on the park facilities. WSA has been responsible for the ball parks, back stops and etc. The present park has 40 acres, the City Council , Park Board and WSA met and went together to sign the notes to buy this 40 acres. The City applied for a Grant through the Texas Park and Wildlife program. The present agreement was drawn up and adopted in February 16, 1984 . WSA has been a very strong support to the park program. Councilman Akin stated that he appreciated what the Park Board has done for the City Park. Chairman Morgan stated that Councilman Akin built the building where WSA stores their equipment . City Manager John Pitstick said there is $30,000 in the Park Budget . There have been no employees in this department since prior to October, 1987 . One of the larger items cut from this budget was the Park Master Plan, the City Council // had to also cut the Master Plan for the City from this budget year . There are two tractors and mowers and the last payments for these will be next year . Mr . White said back in September and October, the staff paid a contractor to now the park and library areas and Kirby Park. The special purpose equipment in the budget for $725.00 is for the bike racks and for the plumber who looked= at the restrooms to make repairs. City Manager John Pitstick said there is not much money and most of what is in there has been set aside for certain thins. Mr . White also stated that there is a lot of mowing to be done on the Highway right-of-ways and parks and other right-of-ways throughout the City. Councilman Akin said it is hard to keep a volunteer program going. It is a good program, but before long you are standing by yourself. Mr . Smyder wanted to know how the City could pay for 50% of the fertilizer cost if there was not money in the budget for this. Mrs. Jill Tomek said the board is going at this wrong, use high school students and pay them to mow. Chairman Morgan said there was no money to pay them with. Chairman Morgan also stated that there is a volunteer to seed the—park and he has his own tractor . Mr . Whitlow said in the future there could be an issue of scheduling of the fields. There are two soccer entities and at some point and time this issue will have to be addressed. Mr. Smyder said until he was involved with WSA, he did not know that they (WSA) did all the scheduling. Mrs. Tomek wanted to know since the City was small , could the schedule of park activities be posted in the park area . After some discussion, it was noted that the posting of these activities should be in the library as the kids playing in the park would tear them up. We have a lot of problems in the park area from the kids. A questions was brought up about sending the kids that are tearing up through the courts and make them work out their fines . Mrs. Tomek also wanted to know if security lights could be put in the park prior to any work being done. Chairman Morgan brought the two boards back to the subject of reviewing the agreement with WSA. WAS: 1 . Mow and maintain fields (grading and prepare fields, trimming and cleaning) and activity scheduling within the sports complex 2 . Pay all electric expense /� 3 . Be responsible for all supplies 4 . Move water cannon throughout park and set timers for sprinkler system CITY: 1 . Furnish all water and pay for water/sewer bills 2 . Mow and maintain all road right-of-way in park and areas around parking lot, library 3 . Make repairs for anything over $100 .00 per occurrence Councilman DiTota requested that staff check on the insurance and what it would cost to have a lower deductible. City Manager John Pitstick stated that there needed to be one staff member designated for WSA to call incase of problems . Staff person could be Don White. Mr . White stated that there has been problems in the past with the mowers running over the sprinkler heads. When someone from our staff mows , we flag the sprinkler heads. When this system is up and working , there could be some sprinkler heads broken off . Also that sometime the kids take the ball bats and hit the sprinkler heads. Mr . Ferguson said that the kids are getting a bum rap tonight, that it is really from the attitude of the parents that causes these things to happen. The ideal of public service is great, but have the parents serve with the kids. After some discussion, it was suggested that this agreement be on a year to year basis with renewal as of March 1 of each year. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to add that WSA keep a ledger and present this at the time of renewal of the agreement each year. Mr . Smyder said the park belongs to the City and the Park Board should organize and keep the volunteers working. WSA, Volunteers should report to the Park Board. Mrs . Sewell said the volunteer program is good and I am not downing it, but there are times that things are not done right and then you really have problems. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to know if the basket ball court could be marked so we can put the extra asphalt in as contractor have extra. Mr . Smyder said this has been discussed and the problem is like Mrs . Sewell said, the volunteers are good but sometimes it is not done right. Mr . Smyder said that as a board , we have forgotten the City Charter , we as a board are to recommend and report back to the City Council . This board needs to get active and start making these recommends to the Council . The volunteers need to make the plans, bring them to the Park Board and then the Park Board will take it to the Council . Mrs . Sewell stated that we have talked all night about needing volunteers to work for the kids, you must do something for the volunteers for what they are doing. Mrs. Zeeb said we must remember that we are Parks and Recreation and we should make it beautiful as well . Councilman Crane stated that we have a parking lot and we could put some baskets ball goals on this. Chairman Morgan said this has been discussed and the board has said no. City Manager John Pitstick said there is a lot of community support and we are going in different directions, let the staff help the board set priorities for the Park. City Manager John Pitstick also said this summer maybe the volunteers could get a program started in the community room of ping pong , checkers, other games. Mr . Smyder stated on the next agenda to set up list of priorities for the park board with the help of volunteers. Mr . Smyder then challenged the board to list some priorities between now and the next meeting . After future discussion, it was suggested that a special meeting be set to start the volunteer program. There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John Morgan, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary