03-03-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING - MINUTES MARCH 3, 1988 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday, March 3 , 1988 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman John Morgan, Board Members John Smyder, Ron Ferguson, Willie Benitez, D. F. Whitlow, Peggy Sewell , City Manager John Pitstick , City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Public Works Superintendent Don White. Ms. Joanie Zeeb was absent. Chairman Morgan called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the February llth meeting were submitted for approval . There being no corrections or additions , a motion was made by Mr . Smyder to approve as submitted. Seconded by Mr . Whitlow. This motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS LIST OF PRIORITIES FOR THE PARKS: Chairman Morgan stated at the last meeting the board was asked to come back with a list of priorities for the parks. Chairman Morgan asked for the board members input . some of the things were as follows : to have a soccer complex , to up grade existing park the best we could with this years budget, to put the sprinkler system in operating order , organize the volunteers for beautification program, get volunteers to work with a senior citizens program in the Community Room, and expand present facilities. City Manager John Pitstick said the volunteers are wanting to work but we have to have plans in order to have things done right. Our problem right now is getting a coordinator for the volunteer programs for the library and park. Staff is trying to kick off a clean up campaign in April . At this time it is set for the third week of April with a big work day scheduled for Saturday of that week. City Manager John Pitstick said we need to set up priorities such as fertilizing the park, or whatever , also Mr . White has some repairs the City is going to try to get done which he will talk about later . Chairman Morgan said since there were no volunteers at the meeting, item three would be pulled. Chairman Morgan asked staff to set up a Saturday morning workshop with the volunteers. Mrs . Sewell stated the wilderness area in the entrance of the lake would be a good place for volunteers to do some work. Mr . Benitez wanted to know if the volunteers worked under the City staff . City Manager John Pitstick said there is a lot of interest from volunteers, but there is a need for a coordinator . Volunteers need to let the coordinator know how many hours and on what days they can work. Mr . Benitez wanted to know if the coordinator could be one of the staff. Mr . Smyder said maybe it should be the engineer, since there was a lot of design work to be done. City Manager John Pitstick said there was no problem with getting the design work done and the equipment out at the area when needed . Chairman John Morgan requested a workshop on Saturday, March 19th at 9:00 A.M. to consider the priority list and schedules for volunteers. DISCUSS WITH WSA PROPOSED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND WSA: WSA President Bob Evans was present and wanted to clarify some of the items in the agreement. Who does the scheduling of the pavilion and was WSA responsible for all sports complex scheduling. City Manager John Pitstick said the sports scheduling was done by WSA, and the citizens should contact Mr . Don White for the pavilion in the park. Mr. Smyder wanted to know if staff had found out about the insurance. City Manager John Pitstick said he would have to check on it . Mrs . Sewell wanted to know if there could be less deductible and more insurance. Mr . Evans stated that in the agreement, WSA wanted it stated to be billed monthly on the electric bills. Mr . Evans also requested help in getting a copy of the tax exempt number or acquiring a new one. Several years ago, the treasurer left and did not return all the papers and today says they are lost. Mr . Evans stated on the agreement where it says WSA is responsible for supplies to add " in sports complex" . Mr. Evans also requested that the board not take action on this until he could take this agreement before WSA and get their input . APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND WSA: Chairman John Morgan stated this item would not have action until such time WSA could present this agreement at their next meeting. SMALL REPAIR JOBS AT PARK: Mr. Don White, Public Works Superintendent, listed the following as jobs he would try to complete soon: 1 . Electrical short - where is it and could someone meet with him and the electrician at night to check this and the lights out. 2 . Tuesday, 3-8-88 has been set up for repairs and resetting of the handicap signs - repair the water fountains and install fence around the fountains . 3 . Motorgrader to clear southeast corner - this will help the drainage 4 . Security locks, scheduled to go with a lock smith and see what kind of locks are needed 5 . New Commode - Mr . White said he has asked several people to look at this but no one has given him an estimate on replacing it . 6 . Water leak - sprinkler system - Mr. Starnes said he fixed the leak at the time he repaired the sprinkler system. There is also a water leak between the library and parking lot that needs to be fixed. 7 . Akin building - do the outside lights work. Chairman Morgan said if you can keep the bulbs in. Mr . Evans wanted to know if there could be some security lights put on this building. /0L' 8 . Move the pile of dirt at the back side of the park Mr . White said his crews would begin work on these projects as soon as possible. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CITIZENS WISHING TO WORK AS VOLUNTEERS IN THE PARK: Chairman John Morgan stated this item would be pulled since this group was not present. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr . Benitez wanted to know if WSA said they had postpone the making of two fields and the lights for them. Mr . Evans said WSA is going ahead with the fields, but not the lights . There being no other business or discussion, a motion was made by Mrs . Sewell to adjourn, with all in favor . John Morgan, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary /3