03-19-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
MARCH 19, 1988
The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in a workshop session on
Saturday, March 19, 1988 at 9:00 a .m. in the community room at the Library.
A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time
and manner required by law. Those present were chairman John Morgan,
Board Members John Smyder, Ron Ferguson, Willie Benitez, and D.F. Whitlow.
Also present were Public Works Director Don White and Secretary Lisa Keith.
Board Members Peggy Sewell and Joanie Zeeb were absent.
Chairman Morgan called to meeting to order.
brought up the use of a school system volunteer program in reference to
using students in a judicial system for vandalism punishment. Don White
said other cities have used this system and it has worked out well . A
judge sets the guidelines and is always there to help them out. Kids can
be cruel to other kids. Mr. Ferguson said it was also used in conjunction
with history classes to teach children the judicial system.
Chairman Morgan motioned to recommend to council to begin landscaping in
the beautify Wylie program. All were in favor.
Mr. Whitlow said that the quality of existing acreage needs to be a priority
to include edging, mowing, etc. on a long term basis.
Mr. Whitlow said that the sprinkler system timer needs to be fixed so that
they can fertilize the grounds. Mr. White stated that the sprinkler system
does work and can be turned on manually, but that he would check into getting
the timer mechanism repaired or replaced.
Mr. Smyder said that the development of the trail system by the dam needs to
be a priority. The Corp of Engineers said they would lend a helping hand.
Mr Whitlow said that the Chief of Police was suppose to be getting together
with the Corp of Engineers on this issue. Mr. Smyder also stated that a
small trail system would be satisfactory.
Mr. Whitlow wanted suggestions on the use of the community room. Proposed
suggestions are open to the public fund raisers, ping pong, teen room with
a disc jockey, etc. Mr. Whitlow then stated that they would need to know
what maintenance expenses would be. It was suggested that the community
room be rented to the public for $36.00 per half a day. Mr. Whitlow said
the problem would be finding someone to be in charge of the facility while
the events were taking place. It was suggested that whoever rents the
facility should be in charge of and responsible for it.
Mr. White suggested that when and if anything is recommended to council ,
that it be mandatory for at least one Park Board Member to attend the City
Council meeting.
Mr. Ferguson said that they must have help from the citizens. It was suggested
that they distribute flyers to all of the schools so that the students will
take them home to their parents. Chairman Morgan stated that there has to be
a coordinator for all volunteers.
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Jill Tomek asked if the sand in the playground could
be removed and replaced with pea gravel . Chairman Morgan said that 3 to 4
inches of pea gravel should be put down.
Jill Tomek said she has a friend who does park renovations and donates old
equipment to cities, and that she will check into it for Wylie donations.
Jill Tomek asked if a summer basketball program had been developed yet.
Chairman Morgan said they would have to check into whether or not the gym-
nasiums or parking lots could be used for the program.
Jill Tomek said she would like to get started on landscaping the parks.
Mr. Ferguson suggested that she get in touch with Gary Starns to get the
plans for the new soccer and baseball fields before meeting with the
Jill Tomek asked if they could get state funding for maintenance on the
parks. Chairman Morgan said that because the state funded one half the cost
of building the park that we were not eligible for maintenance funding unless
we have a major addition.
Jill Tomek asked why the commode in the ladies restroom had not been replaced
yet. Mr. White stated that the commode has been purchased, all we have to do
is find a plumber for installation.
APPROVAL OF PRIORITY LIST: Chairman Morgan moved to vote on approval of
priorities as follows :
1 . Appoint a coordinator for the volunteer programs.
2. Get started on the volunteers fixing the playground equipment.
3. Begin the landscaping of the parks.
4. Community room uses.
5. Development of the trail system by the dam.
All were in favor.
There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in
John Morgan, Chairman
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Keith, Secretary