05-05-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING - MINUTES MAY 5 , 1988 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday, May 5 , 1988 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Board Members John Smyder, D. F. Whitlow, Ron Ferguson, Joanie Zeeb, Public Works Superin- tendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Chairman John Morgan, Board Members Willie Benitez and Peggy Sewell were ab- sent. Chairman Morgan and Vice Chairman Willie Benitez being absent , Board Members D. F. Whitlow, Joanie Zeeb, and Ron Ferguson elected John Smyder as acting Chairman, with all in favor. Acting Chairman Smyder called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES : The minutes for March 3rd and March 19th meetings were submitted for approval . There being no corrections or additions, a motion was made by Acting Chairman Smyder to approve as submitted. The motion was seconded with all in favor. APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN WSA AND -CITY OF WYLIE FOR RECOM- MENDATION TO CfiTY COUNCIL : Mr. White said that himself and City Manager John Pitstick had reviewed the agreement submitted by WSA and that some items needed to be clarified. Mr. White then passed out a list of recommended changes submitted by himself and City Staff to be reviewed by the Park Board. Mr. White then pro- ceeded to discuss the changes as follows: WSA Item 3 -Pay all electric utility expense . Recommended change to read - Pay all electric utility expenses monthly for the sports complex. All Park Board members agreed to this change . WSA Item 4 - Be responsible for all playing supplies used for WSA activities . Recommended change to read - Be responsible for all playing supplies used for all sports complex activities. Mr. Fer- guson said that this change will present a problem to WSA because the schools also have sports activities at the complex . WSA Presi- dent Bob Evans stated that WSA should only be responsible for WSA activities. Mr. Smyder suggested that the word playing be removed from the original agreement . All Board Members were in agreement . Mr. White recommended an addition to be inserted as Item 5 - Insure that the park gets sufficient watering (set timers , move water can- non, and fertilize) . Mr. Smyder said it ' s a bear to use the water cannon and the odds are slim to none on useage . Don White said that the City doesn' t have enough man power to move the water cannon around and that when its not raining enough that maybe we can use the fire trucks, at least in the soccer fields . He also said that it would be alot faster with a fire truck because it covers a wide area in one sweep and would only take a couple of hours . Mr . Smy- der recommended to remove the words "move water cannon" . Ms . Zeeb asked if it could still be used if someone wanted to use it . Mr . White informed her that it would be available . Ms. Zeeb suggested that "water cannon available for use" be inserted into the agree- ment. Acting Chairman Smyder asked if everyone agreed to remove "move water cannon" and insert "water cannon available for use" . All were in agreement . Mr . White said that him and Bob Evans would work something out to water the fields . City of Wylie Item 5 - Pick up and empty all trash receptacles weekly. Don White stated that the dumpster is too small and that a larger dumpster would be the answer. The City will agree to provide a larger dumpster if WSA will agree to pick up the trash and empty the receptacles into the dumpsters . All Board Members agreed. Mr. White then stated that if everyone was satisfied with the agreement he could have it retyped and submitted to council Tues- day night. Acting Chairman Smyder motioned if there was not any further discussion on this item to put it to rest and recommend the revised WSA and City of Wylie Agreement be submitted to City Council for approval . The motion was seconded with all in favor . GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr. Whitlow asked if anyone had heard any- thing from the volunteers. Mr. White said he hadn't heard from anyone since March. Mr. Smyder asked if a coordinator had been appointed yet. Don White said no, but that John was working on getting some landscaping drawings done up so we would have some- thing to show the areas where volunteers can get to work on. No one can do anything until we have detailed plans. Mr. Smyder stated that at a previous meeting everyone had agreed to start on the playground area. Mr. White said that no one had contacted him for supplies or anything . We need a coordinator. If you know anyone that will take on that responsibility he would be glad to talk to John about it . Mr. Whitlow said that we have to take what we have and make the best of it . Mr. Whitlow asked if WSA waters the fields every night . Volunteer Gary Starnes stated that the two fields on the north end get watered every other day, brut that the other two fields are not being watered because costly repairs need to be made . Mr . White stated that another repair estimate was needed and that he would look in the budget for money to fix the other two fields. Bob Evans said he would get a new estimate as soon as possible . Mr. Starnes stated that he could go ahead and repair the watering system and have the City of Wylie reimburse him. Mr. Smyder asked how long it would take to reimburse the money. Mr. White said that if the money was available it would take just a couple of days . Mr. Smyder said that it was prudent for Gary Starnes to talk to Rob Evans about it, rather than us arbitrarily saying go ahead. Mr. Whitlow said that based on the City of Wylie and WSA agreement the City pays for repairs exceeding $100. 00, and that the bid will exceed that. Mr. Smyder said that it is no longer considered a bird, it' s a fact of set cost. Bob Evans: said that a man has donated a tractor, drill , and labor for the fields , all we need now is a donor for the grass seed, Bermuda grass is expensive . Ms . Zeeb asked how much money we were talking about . Bob Evans said that it hasn' t been figured out yet . Mr. Whitlow said that Jill Tomek had mentioned a donor in a pre vious meeting . Don White said that he would contact her and find out what has happened. Mr. Whitlow said that one guard rail post on one of the north fields was out and that it needed to be reset. Bob Evans and Mr. Smyder said that if more Sakrete is needed they both have some they can donate . Mr. Smyder said that he noticed some of the small repair jobs had not been fixed yet. Mr. White said that the locks were changed, the restrooms are finished, and part of the sprinklers are fixed. An electrician donated his services for the lights around the Akin building, but the big lights are too expensive and feels that it' s not feasible to do this year. Bob Evans said that the frame and doorknobs at the concession stand are off and that a new frame and door is needed. Mr . Evans also added that a professional needs to look at it because they have repaired it as much as they can. Don White said that he would look into it. Gary Starnes asked if a coordinator for the park has been found yet. Mr. Smyder said that only a coordinator for the Clean-Up Committee has volunteered and that no one has contact- ed Don White. Mr. Starnes said that he would volunteer until they found someone else . Mr. Smyder said that Jill Tomek had found a volunteer and that the board told her to go ahead with it. We were under the impression that she had the material and volunteers, the whole nine yards and nothing has been done . Mr. Starnes said that he could get the materials. Mr. Smyder said that he would have to contact John Morgan and find out what ' s going to happen. Mr. Smyder said that he didn't even know that Valentine Park existed until a few days ago, and that he noticed there was a playground and ballfield, and that it was being mowed and taken care of. Ms . Zeeb asked where the park came from. Mr. White informed her that K- C. Swayze had donated it and that last year it legally became City property, and that there is probably enough room for three soccer fields if it ' s kept up . Mr. Smyder said he was glad to see Kirby Park utilized. Mr . White stated that his volunteers take care of that park every Saturday, and that John had told him that the people at Methodist Church wanted to take over the maintenance of Kirby Park. Mr. Whitlow asked if any suggestions had been made for Community Room uses and what the Library hours were . M•r. White said that there is a Womens League and they may have suggestions on uses for benefit activities, and that he wasn' t sure of the hours . There being no other business or discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Smyder to adjourn, with all in favor. John Morgan, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary