06-02-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES JUNE 2, 1988 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board ■et in regular session on Thursday, June 2, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Board Members D. F. Whitlow, Ron Ferguson, Peggy Sewell , Joanie Zeeb, City Manager John Pitstick, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Parks and Recreation Board Chairman John Morgan, Vice Chairman Willie Benitez, and Board Member John Smyder were absent. Chairman Morgan and Vice Chairman Willie Benitez being absent, Board Members D. F. Whitlow, Ron Ferguson, and Peggy Sewell elected Joanie Zeeb as Acting Chairman, with all in favor. Mr. Whitlow stated that he would have to leave at 7:45 to attend graduation ceremonies, so it wasn' t a good idea for him to conduct the meeting. Acting Chairman Zeeb called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 5TH MEETING: Motion was made by Mr. Whitlow to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Ferguson. This motion was carried with all in favor. AWARD OF OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SERVICE: Don White informed the Board Members that Lewis Barber had been volunteering his time to take care of Kirby Park and that for an award of appreciation, we had a plaque made for outstanding community service. Mr. White presented the plaque to Mr. Barber and told the Board Members that Mr. Barber was employed by the City of Wylie Public Works. Ms. Sewell requested that his picture be in the local newspaper. Mr. White said he would set it up. Mr. Pitstick stated that Lewis is a rare employee and that he would work for the City 24 hours a day if he would let him. and that he is also a volunteer fireman, he is a most dependable employee always willing to do what he can and that the City is happy to have hi■ aboard. The Board Members thanked Mr. Barber for his voluntary services. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CO-OP PROGRAM ON GYMNASIUM OPENINGS Mr. Whitlow distributed a copy of a proposal to all who were present. (See attached. ) Mr. Whitlow then read the proposal outloud and asked if the gymnasium would be available during the day. Ms. Zeeb questioned that if it was open during the day, who would watch the kids. Mr. Whitlow stated that some form of supervision would be required, but that he didn' t think it would be a problem, and that he would volunteer some of his time for supervision. Mr. Whitlow also said that there are school guidelines that will have to be followed and that the lease fee for basketball on Saturdays is charged per hour, and no lease is associated for during the week activities. Mr. Whitlow then said that three facilities are used fro■ •id winter to late fall and that the program is running on its own power. Mr. Whitlow suggested that a representative fro■ the Park Board, school system, and City Council all get together on this. Mr. Whitlow added that the City of Denton was awarded a $100,000.00 grant for opening during off shift hours, and that we need to take advantage of everything available, and that we need to expose this to the community by putting it in the local paper. Mr. Whitlow stated that to his knowledge a summer program has never existed, but that the gymnasium can be open because it must be declared an open gym. Ron Ferguson stated that we haven' t had the availability of the gyms, but that the YMCA is coming to town and using it. John Pitstick said that because the City does not have any full time people employed in the Parks Department we are having to borrow the Public Works crew to mow, and at this time the City is not geared up but wants to pursue getting a Parks and Recreation program going, but who will staff it and how will it be paid for, this summer the YMCA is offering senior citizen and youth programs from 8:30 A. M. to 4:30 P.M. , Monday through Friday, and that they are also putting up a basketball court. Mr. Pitstick said in most cities the school provides the building and it is the Cities responsibility to provide the staff, and that he doesn' t know how the City can come up with the people, and it will be a while before the City will be able to provide staffing, and if the gym will be used this summer we will have to find some other source of funding. I';.- D. F. Whitlow stated that the second recommendation of the proposal was critical , the City Council , Park and Recreation Board, and WISD has to establish a co-op program for a mutually inter-dependent agreement, the concept needs to be bought off, it will never work without a mutual agreement set up with the City. Mr. Pitstick said if the Park Board wants to pursue general resolutions and recommendations that if one of their ■embers presented it to City Council that it would have ■ore impact. Mr. Pitstick said Council would have to ask WISD to look at the co-operative program and if it was ever set up what will WISD' s role be and what will the City of Wylies role be. Ron Ferguson said that before he came to this area the old gym was always open, but as the district and community grows you start seeing more difficulties. Mr. Ferguson stated that Mr. Webb and Betty Stevens are in the process of looking at other districts and how they set their policies. Mr. Whitlow said if we can have access to the youth facilities in the summer time during daylight hours, we need to know what restrictions would be enforced, and if the school needs fees, we need to talk about it before hand so that we can be prepared. Mr. Whitlow stated that we need to incorporate non-profit support activities, and would have an excellent co-op program if we all worked together as a task force, and with sponsors there would be no cost and would be self sufficient. Mr. Whitlow said the high school coaches want to hold camps, but when they approach WISD they get defensive reactions, and they can' t understand some of the restrictions. Mr. Pitstick said we needed six months lead time to gear things up, the City doesn' t have the funds to support a full blown program, he would push it through if we had the staff and the money, and that it is frustrating on the Cities stand point. Ron Ferguson stated that YMCA offers alot ■ore than we' ve ever seen, they staff certified professionals, it' s scary. Mr. Whitlow said that we needed to for■ a committee so we will know the format and procedures to go through and what will and will not be permitted. Joanie Zeeb asked Mr. Whitlow if he would like to be in charge of this Committee. Mr. Whitlow said yes. John Pitstick said that the Red Cross is available for swimming lessons, if we can find someone with a backyard pool they will conduct classes, we need to find out what kind of activities the public wants. /6 Peggy Sewell said that we are one step ahead from where we were six months ago, and that WISD needs to bring us guidelines to go by. John Pitstick said that we have a communication problem, WSA, the Park Board, and the City still haven' t gotten together for an agreement. D.F. Whitlow stated that the gym will be available June 15th, and if it' s available who to, where do we go to get an answer, the school ? Mr. Whitlow recommended that the Park Board present to City Council that no one disagrees with the concepts. D. F. Whitlow said he had to leave the meeting and that if they needed his approval on the planting plans that he didn' t have a problem with it. Mr. Whitlow then left. Ron Ferguson asked Mr. Pitstick if they were still legal , since only three were present at this time. Mr. Pitstick said probably not, but that it really didn' t matter. Joanie Zeeb stated that we needed to get more organized for next summers activities. John Pitstick said that alot of the citizens don' t even know what is available. Ron Ferguson asked Mr. Pitstick if the Park Board was going to change in July. Mr. Pitstick said he thought it was but wasn' t sure. Mr. Ferguson asked if it would be changed before the July meeting. Mr. Pitstick said no, Council wouldn' t get to it until the end of July. Peggy Sewell motioned that the Board wait until the August meeting to approve the proposed co-op program. The motion was seconded with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PARK IMPROVEMENT PLANS: Mr. Pitstick showed the Park Board Members the plans for the playground and planting, and explained that the playground equipment was still in good shape it just needed to be redone. Mr. Pitstick stated that volunteers can go ahead and do it this summer, if not the City will be able to do it next year. Peggy Sewell said she had no problem with the plans if someone takes care of it and keeps it looking good, if not then she doesn' t want to approve. John Pitstick said he wished that we had a program. Joanie Zeeb said that we needed an irrigation system in this climate. /7 Peggy Sewell motioned that the plans be approved and do what we can when we can do it, as long as we maintain it. Ron Ferguson seconded the motion with all in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION: John Pitstick informed the Park Board of the State Highway Beautification Program and showed them the plans that had been drawn up. The Park Board Members agreed that this would improve the looks of the City. Mr. Pitstick told the Board Members about the street reconstruction program for this summer, and explained that we were trying to have it completed before school starts, and that there would be alot of complaints because of the streets being torn up. The Board Members were glad that something was being done. There being no other business or discussion, a motion was made by Peggy Sewell to adjourn, with all in favor. John Morgan, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary /1