07-07-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES JULY 7, 1988 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday, July 7th, 1988 at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman D. F. Whitlow, Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson, Board Members Joanie Zeeb, John Smyder, Bill Emsoff , Jill Tomek, Jim Ferguson, Public Works Superintendent Don White, City Manager John Pitstick, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Don White asked John Smyder to chair the meeting thru item number two. John Smyder called the meeting to order. OATH OF OFFICE TO NEW MEMBERS: City Secretary Carolyn Jones gave the oath of office to all new Park Board Members that were present. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1988 THRU JULY 1989: John Smyder opened the floor for nominations for chairman. Ron Ferguson nominated D. F. Whitlow, the nomination was seconded. John Smyder entertained a motion to close nominations, with all in favor. By majority rule board members elected D. F. Whitlow as Park Board Chairman. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1988 THRU JULY 1989: D. F. Whitlow opened the floor for nominations of Vice Chairman. John Smyder nominated Ron Ferguson, nomination was seconded. Board members elected Ron Ferguson as Park Board Vice Chairman. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 2ND MEETING: Ron Ferguson requested that a change be made on page 3 - remove the word "scary" and insert the words "it' s a positive move for Wylie". Motion was made by Chairman Whitlow to approve minutes with one correction, motion was seconded with all in favor. �■.� '�+ DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL OF COMMUNITY POOL: Mr. Whitlow said we need to find out what it will take to establish a community pool ; size, cost, location, foundation, and future needs. What are the critical steps? John Pitstick said that he would present to Council preliminary figures, but that the Park Board needs an overall plan to present to Council to include location options. The City needs a pool . The YMCA is booked up with swimming lessons this summer, and are having to use Rustic Oak Apartments pool . When the City puts in a pool the YMCA will staff it in the summer. Joanie Zeeb said that a year round pool would be better than one used just for the summer. With the nearby lake the children of this community need swimming lessons. Mr. Pitstick said the pool could possibly be built in a way that a structure could be built around it at a later date. Maybe the City and WISD can go in together enclosing the pool . Mr. Whitlow said that a self sufficient concept idea is what we need. John Pitstick said that concessions and other things will help in bringing a profit. Mr. Smyder said the Park Board should be just as concerned as City Council about monies. The Park Board needs to work on locating funding sources. Mr. Whitlow recommended that the matter be formally looked into. Alot more information is needed before presenting this to Council . Lets move forward and compile as much information as we can in the next month and have a discussion at the August meeting. APPROVAL TO HAVE PARK PARKING LOT LINED: John Smyder said the most numerous complaint about City Park is the parking situation. By having lined parking areas it would add 20% more parking space. John Pitstick said since the City doesn' t have a striper that we could either purchase or rent one. The cost of purchase is somewhere around $150. 00. Don White said once we had a striper it would only be a matter of a few days to get the parking lot painted. Mr. Smyder said that instead of taking this to Council that he would leave it up to Public Works to get the job done. DISCUSSION OF POLICE SUPPORT OF CITY ORDINANCES DURING HIGH USE PERIODS OF THE PARK: John Smyder said he recalled an ordinance being passed stating that no two wheeled vehicles would be allowed in certain areas of the park. WSA took the leadership role in disciplining offenders, it doesn' t work. We need the Police Departments support. A small sign is posted, but a larger one needs to be installed. Kids are still in violation, some people are getting injured by kids on skate boards, etc. Mr. Pitstick said that the City is trying to build a reserve police force and it may be helpful in this case and would be good training for the reserve officers. John Smyder said he would get with WSA on scheduled events and then contact the Police Department as to the dates and times of high useage. GENERAL DISCUSSION: In updating the new members, Mr. Pitstick went over the planting and playground plans. New members requested copies of the plans and meeting minutes for the past year. Jill Tomek brought up that a sprinkler system needed to be included in the planting plans for proper watering. John Pitstick informed the Board Members that the YMCA service is an extension program of the Garland YMCA. We have to show support to the YMCA for a multitude of years before they will show more permanent support, such as erecting their own building. The YMCA is ready to take over some things to include the scheduling of all events. By letting the YMCA go ahead it will solve alot of WSA' s problems. John Pitstick told the board he needed direction on their priorities before we go into the next budget year. There is not enough money to cover everything, we' ll have to take it one step at a time. There was some discussion on the need of at least one full time City employee for upkeep and maintenance in the Parks Department. All board members agreed on the need of discussing the Park Master Plan, and decided to schedule a Park Board Workshop on Thursday, July 21st, 1988 at 7:00 P. M. Mr. Whitlow requested that a mark-and-wipe board and eraseable markers be available for use at this meeting. D. F. Whitlow stated that he felt the Park Board was suffering from not meeting more than once per month. Mr. Pitstick informed him that they could meet anytime they felt it necessary with proper notification. There being no other business or discussion, a motion was made by D. F. Whitlow to adjourn, seconded by Bill Emsoff, with all in favor. D. F. Whitlow, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary