09-01-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD
SEPTEMBER 1 . 1988
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular
session on Thursday, September 1st, 1988 in the Council
Chambers at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and
notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner
required by law. Those present were Chairman D. F. Whitlow,
Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson. Board Members Joanie Zeeb and
Jill Tomek. Public Works Superintendent Don White, and
Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Members John Smyder , Bill
Emsoff . and Jim Ferguson were absent.
John Smyder telephoned in advance and excused himself from
the meeting.
Chairman Whitlow called the meeting to order .
D. F. Whitlow and Joanie Zeeb recommended some changes be
made on the minutes for both meetings. Joanie Zeeb motioned
to approve the minutes to include the recommended changes.
Seconded by Jill Tomek, with all in favor .
introduced herself and said the school system hopes that the
City and school can work together towards whatever is best
for the community. Ms . Stephens informed the members that
she is in public information and the Community Director.
She explained that their purpose is to open the facilities
for community use. After the normal school session is out
the doors are open to the entire community, covering all age
groups. Community education is an important part of the
community. They offer classes for Fall , Winter , and Spring
sessions. The instructors are highly qualified. Over 1200
people have participated in classes this year . They also
sponsor a gold card club for citizens over 65 years of age,
at no charge. and entitles them to free admission to all
school sponsored activities . One senior citizen is awarded
Senior Citizen of the Year , based on their contribution to
community support. Betty Stephens said she is responsible
for scheduling all WSA basketball activities .
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Mr . Whitlow told Ms. Stephens that the Park Board invited
her to the meeting to figure out the best way we can
cooperate, and how to create additional joint programs. We
need to know the schools criteria to get some of our ideas
into programs. We also need to know how flexible the school
is to new ideas .
Betty Stephens said until last summer there wasn' t much
community interest in summer activities. Ron Ferguson said
in the past WISD offered tuition based programs, arts and
crafts, languages. and computer programs. The first summer
only 15 families participated and the second summer only 19.
The break even point was much higher than that. Jill Tomek
said at that time Wylie was really growing with new families
moving in, they were more involved in getting settled. Ron
Ferguson said I disagree, the problem is money. Betty
Stephens said we are convinced that there is an interest
now. We want to get it going, but we want to do it right.
We will have to work together discussing every aspect of all
the needs. Everyone must have a positive attitude. and the
programs need to be very strong.
Betty Stephens said we send questionaires home with the
students on the community needs. We have gotten good
response. Jill Tomek said it' s also a good idea to insert a
questionaire in with the water bills . Betty Stephens said
it' s a good idea to take a survey before making arrangements
for programs to find out exactly what the community wants .
D. F. Whitlow said basketball camps draw participation.
Pepsi sponsors these all over the metroplex . The one in
Plano drew about 200 kids. To bring this into Wylie would
be great. We can submit a request to be put on their list,
but there is a cost factor involved. We need to leverage
the basketball program. How flexible is the school system
on a basketball program? Betty Stephens said we have talked
about this before. The Athletic Director is willing to work
with the athletic department in working with summer church
camps for summer .
Mr . Whitlow said we need to look at innovative programs.
Grants are available for doing unusual things with programs.
Betty Stephens said the only days open for additional
activities are Wednesday night and Sunday. WISD does not
want to create any controversy with the church
organizations. We would have better luck with Wednesday
rather than Sunday. Mr. Whitlow said we are just trying to
look out for the youth and senior citizens and we need to
get all organizations together that want to be involved.
Betty Stephens said if you want to recommend a program for
next summer , get with me and we will discuss it. I hope we
can talk about it and get something going. But there are a
few expenses to consider, air conditioning, full time
employee, electricity, etc.
Mr . Whitlow said we have an unofficial agreement with YMCA
taking over the sports programs for the youth, and explained
that WISD would have to work with the YMCA. Betty Stephens
said it' s a good idea to only work with one or the other. I
have no problem working with them. Mr. Whitlow said we just
ail want to work together as a team. Betty Stephens said
WISD is especially happy to see the YMCA here, they offer
summer activities where we are unable to. We want to
support them, but at the same time we don ' t need to have
duplicated activities.
The Board Members discussed YMCA ' s programs and procedures
with Betty Stephens.
Betty Stephens said let me know when it is best for all of
us involved to meet. I appreciate you inviting me here
tonight and look forward to getting to know you better .
More good than anything will come out of things like this.
needed to discuss this so that everyone can attend the
meetings. Don White said the regular session needed to
remain on a Thursday night because the calendar is full with
other board meetings. but it didn' t have to be the first
Thursday of the month.
Some Board Members discussed changing the time from 7 :00
P. M. to 7: 15 P. M. or 7 :30 P. M. 7 : 00 P. M. makes it difficult
for some members to get to the meetings on time.
Mr. Whitlow told Board Members if their personal schedule
interfered with the next scheduled meeting to voice it at
the prior meeting and we would try and make the appropriate
changes so that it will fit into everyones schedule.
a map, provided by the City, to all Board Members present.
and explained that the map layout included the City of
Wylie, Lake Lavon, existing Parks, and designated Park
Don White stated, John Pitstick wanted me to inform you that
he thinks it would be best for the Park Board to work with
what we already have at this point.
Joanie Zeeb instructed the Board Members to mark on their
maps the Equestrian Trail which starts at Brockdale Park and
runs all the way to Eastfork Park. and is nine miles long.
There are gates at both ends that horses can get through and
it is also for hiking. It is a really nice dirt trail that
is maintained mostly by volunteers.
Don White informed the Board Members that we may wind up
with another small park adjacent to Glen Knoll Mobil Home
Park. The owner of the mobil home park has said he may
donate swing sets and some other items for this park. if it
works out.
Joanie Zeeb said we need to zone about 50 feet along the
creek beds of Muddy Creek and Rush Creek to prevent
development and erosion. Jill Tomek said the City will
probably fight us and say it' s too small for a park and the
City will have to maintain it. Ron Ferguson said creek bed
areas are considered green belts and doesn' t have to be
maintained. Don White said the Stone Grove addition has
already been put in but maybe you can get a zoning change
before the second phase begins . Mr. White said you will
have to approach P & Z for rezoning and tell them your
recommendations . You have to catch it before the developer
does anything with it. Claim the land and tell P & Z what
you want. Mr . Whitlow said he would find out what
information the Board has to have before approaching P & Z.
delay discussion of this order of business until John
Pitstick is present.
stated, Council is still thinking about a pool . When we
borrow the money for the land fill , they may ask for an
additional $100, 000 for putting in a pool in the Spring of
89. Hopefully this will cover the cost of the pool ,
fencing, pumps. showers , concession area, and locker rooms.
Joanie Zeeb said if we have a summer pool we will only have
three months of revenues and will take a long time to pay
back the money.
Jill Tomek said it might be a good idea to ask people to
donate $1 . 00 with every water bill remittance to help pay
off the pool .
Mr. Whitlow said we need to discuss the design of the pool .
It needs to be designed in a way that it is sports and
family orientated.
Don White said I believe John Pitstick has the preliminary
figures on the pool cost.
Betty Stephens said the Park Board would have to talk to the
School Board. Park Board Members were in agreement of
approaching the School Board proposing a joint venture as
soon as they get all the information they need.
Board Members agreed to rediscuss this at the next meeting.
They need the figures from John Pitstick.
Whitlow said it is critical for one or two Park Board
Members to be on the YMCA Board. Being at the chain of
command level . decisions are made and it is the letter of
the law. We need to know what will be required on time
commitments, etc. Don White said I think John Pitstick has
a schedule of meetings for the YMCA.
Board Members were in agreement to table this item until
such time as all Board Members are present.
agreed that meeting in the City Managers Conference Room was
a more relaxed atmosphere and they seemed to get more
accomplished as opposed to meeting in the Council Chambers .
Don White said at the pace this board is moving. in the near
future you will see citizen participation at the meetings.
If citizens attend the meetings we must have seating
facilities for them. So the regular sessions will have to
remain in the Council Chambers. However , workshops can be
held in the City Managers Conference Room.
Jill Tomek said if we have to stay in the Council Chambers
it would be better if we could pull the tables together .
Don White said that is fine. We' ll put a microphone in the
center of the table to record the minutes.
felt it was imperative that the City have a landscaping
ordinance. Don White said the proposed ordinance has alot
of good things in there, but some of it needs to be toned
Mr. Whitlow said he would like to see a City ordinance
restricting car dumps on main City thoroughfares.
Ji11 Tomek said when home owners of key downtown areas sell
their homes the City needs to rezone so that the property
would have to be bought as a business property. Mr. Whitlow
said these areas could also become primo park land.
Jill Tomek said the railroad track area along SH78 is an
eyesore. It would be a good idea to plant 18 foot tail
fotina evergreen to obstruct the unsightly view. Joanie
Zeeb said the State is planning to widen SH78, therefore we
need to postpone any planting until after widening
Board Members agreed to discuss a landscaping ordinance at
the next meeting.
GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr . Whitlow distributed a list of all
non-profit organizations to all Board Members present and
stated we need to work with these organizations. Jill Tomek
said the Womens League is getting more organized and I think
they can be a big help to us.
Mr . Whitlow distributed a Board Members List to all Board
Members present and said it is helpful to have this list in
case we need to contact anyone.
Mr . Whitlow stated if the Park Board wants to approach any
organization in writing we must have prior Council approval .
Mr . Whitlow said the City agreed to maintain a Parks and
Recreation resource file at City Hall so it will be
available to us at meetings.
Jill Tomek said we need a copy of the minutes of the WSA
meeting. Lisa Keith said I don' t know if any minutes were
taken. but I will find out and get back with you.
Board Members agreed to meet in a workshop session in the
City Managers Conference Room on Thursday, September 22nd at
7: 15 P. M.
There being no other business or discussion. a motion was
made by D. F. Whitlow to adiourn. The motion was seconded
with all in favor .
D. F. Whitlow. Chairman
Respectfully Submitted.
Lisa Keith, Secretary