10-06-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES OCTOER 6. 1988 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday. October 6th. 1988 in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson. Board Members Joanie Zeeb. Jill Tomek, and Jim Ferguson. City Manager John Pitstick, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Chairman D. F. Whitlow. Board Members John Smyder and Bill Emsoff were absent. D. F. Whitlow and Bill Emsoff gave advanced notice of their absence. With Chairman Whitlow being absent Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson chaired the meeting. Vice Chairman Ferguson called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 1 MEETING : Jill Tomek recommended some changes be made. Joanie Zeeb motioned to approve the minutes to include the recommended changes . Seconded by Jim Ferguson with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF WSA AGREEMENT: John Pitstick distributed copies of the City of Wylie/WSA Agreement and Resolution #88-10-11 -88-1 . Mr . Pitstick said that City Council is letting WSA proceed for one more year. Park Board Members reviewed the agreement and showed some concern in certain areas as follows : 1 . Coordinate planned activities so no overlap will occur . 2. The $3. 000. 00 to be put back into the park will be at the direction of Park Board input. 3. Terms of the agreement be continually evaluated by the Park Board. 4. If WSA does not uphold the terms of the agreement the City is subject to withdrawal the agreement. 5. Change agreement item to read ----schedule all outdoor sports activities in the Wylie Community Park. John Pitstick strongly recommended that some of the Park Board Members attend the City Council meeting on November 11th to express their concerns . Both WSA and YMCA will be at the meeting. It would be a good idea for all entities to be present. John Pitstick promised the Park Board Members that he would express their concerns at the Council meeting if they were unable to attend. Mr . Pitstick explained that the resolution was drawn up to encourage WISD and YMCA to jointly work together . All members present were pleased with the resolution. Jim Ferguson expressed his concern over the City not putting together a joint program. John Pitstick said that the Park Board may be the key in getting all entities together working jointly. DISCUSSION OF LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE : John Pitstick said that the P & Z Board would like to have a joint meeting with the Park Board to discuss a landscaping ordinance. The Park Board agreed to the need of discussing this. and planned to attend the P & Z meeting scheduled for November 7th. Members set a workshop date of October 27th to prepare for the P & Z meeting, with the single topic of discussion being a landscaping ordinance. The Board Members requested Mr . Pitsticks recommendations prior to the workshop meeting and asked if the City would supply them with a copy of the proposed ordinance. DISCUSSION OF COMMUNITY PARK SWIMMING POOL: John Pitstick said the City will borrow the money to close the landfill in January or February and Council has discussed adding $200, 000. 00 or more to build a swimming pool . The total cost of the pool will be approximately $500. 000. 00 to do it right. /5 SELECTION OF PARK BOARD MEMBER FOR YMCA : John Pitstick said that the YMCA Board consists of 17 members. He recommended that Ron Ferguson be selected from the Park Board since he is also involved with the school district. Mr . Pitstick stated that he also needed to attend the YMCA meetings since he dealt with all entities. Joanie Zeeb nominated Ron Ferguson. The nomination was seconded with all in favor . Joanie Zeeb nominated John Pitstick. The nomination was seconded with all in favor . John Pitstick said he would obtain a list of YMCA scheduled meetings and get with Ron Ferguson. GENERAL DISCUSSION : Joanie Zeeb asked why the playground rennovation had not been completed yet. Jill Tomek apologized and said she has not had time to organize the project. John Pitstick said that we needed to postpone the rennovation until we get a TOPO. The French Drain can' t go in until after this is done. Mr . Pitstick said he would contact Ron Homeyer and prioritize the TOPO. There being no other business or discussion, a motion was made by Joanie Zeeb to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Jill Tomek with all in favor . Ron Ferguson. Vice Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith. Secretary • ;I