11-03-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES NOVEMBER 3. 1988 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday, November 3rd . 1988 in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman D. F. Whitlow, Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson, Board Members Joanie Zeeb, Bill Emsoff , Jill Tomek. and Jim Ferguson. City Manager John Pitstick . Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Chairman Whitlow called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 6TH MEETING : There being no corrections or additions a motion was made to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded with all in favor. PRESENTATION BY WSA : John Pitstick informed the Board that City Council decided that all issues involving WSA and YMCA needed to be funneled through the Park Board, as an advisory board to City Council . Mr. Pitstick said City Council signed an agreement with WSA allowing them to run full activities in the park throughout fiscal year 88/89. WSA is here to inform the Park Board of their programs . David Orr . WSA Treasurer , informed the Park Board of all sports activities offered by WSA. Mr . Orr said WSA has been to several City Council meetings to discuss baseball , field useage, and sharing time with YMCA. WSA does not have a problem with the YMCA. WSA feels threatened as an organization. Now that YMCA is making their pitch to the Park Board it appears that the City is thinking they can get YMCA in and WSA out. I feel offended, as a member of USA. since WSA has held their ground we feel as though the City is attacking us from the Park Board . WSA feels confused as to why we are at a Park Board Meeting discussing this issue. The YMCA was asked to contact us so that we could work together . John Pitstick said the City sent WSA an agreement in early summer . The agreement never got signed, WSA was behind on bills , and the City didn' t hear back from WSA for some time. The City was beginning to think that WSA was out of business . Mr . Orr said WSA has their problems . The agreement was finally signed. Jim Ferguson said the Park Boards interpretation of YMCA coming to Wylie is a matter of co-existence with WSA continuing to provide their activities and YMCA offering activities for age groups not covered by WSA. The Park Board is in agreement that we are trying to accomplish one organization combining all entities for the best interest of the community. Mr. Whitlow said WSA and YMCA should be fed off of one another . John Pitstick said this meeting was not held to knock out WSA or the YMCA.. There was some discussion of WSA' s entry fees as compared to YMCA. PRESENTATION BY YMCA : Vance Burton. Executive Director of the Garland Branch YMCA. presented an overview of YMCA management and said YMCA offers year round sports programs . but we are more than just a sports organization. The YMCA offers programs for all age groups but basically deals with preschool up to the fourth grade. Memberships are available at the YMCA which includes benefits such as free aerobics and nautilus room use. Mr. Burton informed the Board of some entry fees as follows : Soccer - $20. 00 member $30. 00 non-member Basketball - $22. 00 member $32. 00 non-member Baseball - $20. 00 member $30. 00 non-member Vance Burton said YMCA does not provide uniforms . It is up to the team to come up with uniforms. Practices are supervised by the coaches and games are supervised by referees . There are two coaches per team. YMCA has a scholarship program for individuals that cannot afford to pay the entry fees . There was some discussion of YMCA' s liability insurance. Two citizens, Pamela Bosely and Cathy, addressed the Board for permission to disclose some information they had obtained on YMCA. The Board was in agreement to let them speak . Pamela Basely and Cathy distributed a 2 page document to everyone present ( see attached ) . Pamela Bosely and Cathy said we are WSA volunteer soccer coaches and we are here to represent the parents. We went to the Rockwall YMCA to find out exactly what the fees are and what they cover . Vance Burton said YMCA fees and rates vary in each City and are basically set by the needs of the community. There was some discussion of how YMCA selects players for teams . increase in fees, and what the facilities contain. Pamela Basely and Cathy expressed their concern of the parents not being able to afford to put their children in YMCA activities . Vance Burton said the YMCA was invited to this City and we only go where we are wanted. The YMCA is not trying to butt anyone out, we would like to help by covering different age groups. We have met with WSA. City Council , WISD, and the Park Board. Chairman Whitlow said the Park Board is philosphically approaching this, trying to get all entities to work together to provide the best recreational programs for the community. Since WSA offers activities for age groups from third to sixth grade, why can' t YMCA cover preschool through second grade and seventh through twelveth. Then children of all age groups would have the opportunity to participate. Gary. with WSA, said there is no available time left at the gym to accomodate any more teams. Ron Ferguson said WISD would deal with only one entity for scheduling. If two organizations needed gym useage one would have to go through the other for scheduling. 3 I Mr . Whitlow said we need to get with a representative from the school system so there would be no conflict . Surely we can somehow fit in one hour practices and two games on Saturdays for first and second grade developmental basketball . I feel that all of this could be worked out if WSA is willing to let YMCA come to Wylie and do what they want. Vance Burton said if facilities are not available in Wylie some Garland facilities may be available for Wylie use. Ron Ferguson said we need to bring the YMCA to Wylie. WSA offers things that the YMCA does not and vice versa. The Park Board was in agreement of developing an ongoing task force throughout the winter to support ali entities and to discuss a year round program. having a plan of action ready by February 1989. WSA agreed to find out how much community interest their is for first and second grade recreational activities and will report their findings to the Park Board. Mr . Whitlow recommended that WSA continue providing activities for third through sixth grade age groups and add first and second grade. if the solicitation shows an interest, coordinate with the YMCA and form an ongoing task force. The task force should be made up of YMCA. WSA, WISD. the City, and the Park Board. Mr . Whitlow, speaking on behalf of the Board, addressed ali present stating that they have raised some critical issues that have existed for over a year . Both parties brought forth good issues. Thank you for your presentations . DISCUSSION OF PLAYGROUND TOPO : John Pitstick distributed a memo. written by Ron Homeyer. explaining why the playground TOPO has not been done yet ( see attached ) . Mr. Pitstick said due to Mr. Homeyers ii 'iness. adverse weather conditions. and understaffing the City was unable to have the TOPO completed at this time. The City plans to have a TOPO on the playground area by November 15th and the bail field/ library area by December 5th. it should be completed by January. Bill Emsoff said once we get the TOPO the Park Board decides where to place the equipment, the City does the drainage, then the sprinkler system will be set. DISCUSSION OF LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE PRESENTATION TO P&Z BOARD : Chairman Whitlow distributed copies of a proposed Landscaping Ordinance ksee attached ) . Joanie Zeeb said she rewrote the proposed ordinance. It is essentially the same. just simplified. There was some discussion of changes made to the ordinance. Ms . Zeeb informed the Board of the date and time of the P&Z meeting and urged everyone to attend. Mr . Whitlow said the purpose of the Landscaping Ordinance is to standardize businesses and to beautify the environment. This is a touchy issue because you are more or less telling business owners to straighten up their act. We need to approach this issue effectively and diplomatically. I am in total agreement of the basic concept of a Landscaping Ordinance. John Pitstick said the Park Board needs to set up a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce to find out how the businesses feel about an ordinance. You need support from the entire community. building that support every step of the way. I am in favor of a Landscaping Ordinance. The Park Board needs to stick together and move forth with the concept. Mr . Whitlow stated to the Park Board that we need to make a firm stand, and thanked Joanie Zeeb on an excellent lob of piecing together the proposed ordinance. John Pitstick said after you take your recommendation to the P&Z Board. then P&Z will take it to City Council . GENERAL DISCUSSION: Jill Tomek questioned John Pitstick as to whether or not the City has solicited to hire a park worker . Mr . Pitstick said the City won' t be filling that position until February 1st. We have been talking to some of the Public Works employees to see if any of them would be interested in the job. Jill Tomek asked if the Park Board would get to review the applications to insure that an experienced person was hired. Mr . Pitstick said the City would select the worker with every intention of hiring the most qualified individual . The Grounds Maintenance Foreman will be reporting directly to the Public Works Superintendent. 5.. There being no other business or discussion a motion was made to adjourn, with all in favor . D. F. Whitlow, Chairman Respectfully Submitted. Lisa Keith, Secretary