12-01-1988 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 1 . 1988 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday. December 1st , 1988 in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Board Members Joanie Zeeb, Jill Tomek. Bill Emsoff . David Orr, and Jim Ferguson. Public Works Superintendent Don White. and Secretary Lisa Keith. Chairman D. F. Whitlow and Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson were absent. D. F. Whitlow gave advanced notice of his absence. Bill Emsoff called the meeting to order . With the Chairman and Vice Chairman being absent the Board elected Joanie Zeeb to Chair the meeting with all in favor . OATH OF OFFICE TO NEW MEMBER : The City Secretary was unable to attend the meeting due to the tree lighting ceremony. The oath of office will be given at the January meeting. The Board welcomed David Orr as a member . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 27TH AND NOVEMBER 3RD MEETINGS : Jim Ferguson submitted a change to October 27th minutes. Page 1 . to read . . . Jim Ferguson stated he felt as though visual value, will in the long run, promote business and that 10% of the partial frontage areas would not be sufficient. Joanie Zeeb submitted a change to October 27th minutes, Page 2. If the ordinance is too strict. . . change to. . . If there is not enough room to have a business and parking on a given lot and make it attractive, something must be done. More land acquired or something. We can ' t O. K. any more ugly growth. There being no other corrections or additions a motion was made to approve the minutes with the changes. The motion was seconded with all in favor. • BRIEFING OF LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE PROPOSAL TO P & Z BOARD: Joanie Zeeb stated that two Park Board members attended the P & Z Meeting. Most of the people at the meeting seemed to think a Landscaping Ordinance would be a good idea. Everyone was concerned about how the Chamber of Commerce felt about it. It was decided to get the Chamber of Commerce involved before going any further with it. Jill Tomek said if P & Z does not propose the ordinance to City Council then I think we are obligated to do it. The Board updated David Orr on past discussion of the Landscaping Ordinance. DISCUSSION OF RECREATIONAL TASK FORCE MEETING : Jim Ferguson explained what the meeting was all about and that everyone was present except the YMCA representative. This was the final discussion. The school has no more facilities available for any more programs . We are limited, what we have now is it. The final conclusion is that the City is supporting WSA. The YMCA has been invited to fill in where WSA does not. Such as summer programs : swimming. camping, etc. WSA is responding to every age group that has an interest , in all sports . The YMCA will handle more developmental athletics for younger age groups. David Orr said WSA is willing to work with the YMCA. We have asked the Y to confront us, but they wish to work solely through the City. WSA and YMCA both have to work with the Park Board. Communications has been a real problem. Jill Tomek said I think the majority of the Board is trying to make it the best it can be for the citizens . Jill Tomek explained to David Orr why the Park Board was initially pro YMCA. Jim Ferguson explained the initial concept to David Orr . and how he felt some information was not transmitted the way it was discussed. The YMCA and USA presented their ideas and recommendations to the Park Board. The whole thing was not organized or communicated the proper way. David Orr said I think the whole problem is the YMCA has shown no validity to the Park Board. DISCUSSION OF NATIONAL ARBOR DAY FOUNDATION MEMBERSHIP : Don White distributed a memo to the Park Board Members ( see attached ) . and explained why he wanted to purchase trees. The trees are very young and we would almost have to have a small tree farm to care for them. I want to get everyones feelings on buying a few more trees. Jim Ferguson expressed his concern about how small the budget is and that there are other priorities right now. Jill Tomek said I see what Mr. White is saying . Maybe we could put fences around the trees until they are large enough for the kids to climb. A motion was made to recommend the appropriation of money for trees. The motion was seconded with all in favor . GENERAL DISCUSSION: The Board updated David Orr on the TOPO and playground project. Jim Ferguson said the Park Master Plan is no longer valid. We don' t have the same amount of property. The Park Board will be devising a new Master Plan using some of the ideas from the old one. Don White said we have been trying to remove the ugly pile of dirt at the park. little by little. We have in mind to take all of the excess to build the ultimate soccer/football field. Spread the dirt then go ahead and seed the area and put bleachers in. There would still be a large enough area for a road and more parking. Board Members were in agrement to discuss the possibility of doing this and changing the Park Master Plan. The Board agreed that David Orr needed copies of the minutes of all meetings since July of 1988. Lisa Keith said she would get the copies to him. Joanie Zeeb asked Don White if he could find out who owns the planters in the downtown area or who they need to get permission from to clean them out and get the Garden Club to plant flowers in them. Mr. White said as far as he knew they belonged to the City. and that he would send some of his employees out to remove one half of a foot of the old dirt from the planters. Bill Emsoff asked Mr . White if the Park and Recreation budget was to beautify the City also. not just the Park. Mr . White said it is for all City properties . Some of the Board Members were unaware of this. There being no other business or discussion. a motion was made to adjourn, with all in favor. Joanie Zeeb, Acting Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary