01-05-1989 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK AND RECREATION BOARD
JANUARY 5, 1989
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular
session on Thursday, January 5th, 1989 in the Council
Chambers at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and
notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner
required by law. Those present were Chairman D. F. Whitlow,
Board Members Jill Tomek, Joanie Zeeb, Bill Emsoff , Jim
Ferguson, and David Orr, Public Works Superintendent Don
White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson
was absent.
Ron Ferguson gave advanced notice of his absence.
OATH OF OFFICE TO NEW MEMBER : The City Secretary was not
present to give the oath of office. This business was
tabled until the February meeting.
requested a change on Page 2, last paragraph, completely
omit the entire paragraph.
Jill Tomek submitted a change on page 3, paragraph 3, to
omit "until they ar-e large enough for the kids to climb" .
Bill Emsoff had an addition on page 3, end of paragraph 3 to
read "Bill Emsoff said that maybe they could be kept at the
Public Works facility".
Joanie Zeeb submitted a change on page 3, last paragraph, to
omit "owns the" and insert " is responsible for the
stationary planters in the corners of the street in the".
There being no other corrections or additions a motion was
made by Joanie Zeeb to approve the minutes, provided all
requested changes be made. The motion was seconded by Jim
Ferguson, with all in favor.
that Public Works has built a steel gate to be installed in
front of the bridge before you get to the library. We want
to put up a security gate to shut off access to Community
Park at 10:00 P. M. The City has an ordinance curtailing
traffic after 10:00 P. M. The Police Department will lock
and unlock the gate. Maybe this will help in cutting down
theft at the library and park.
Joanie Zeeb said that it might be reasonable to post a sign
on the gate stating the fine, if trespassing occurs. Don
White said he thought that was a good idea. We should take
that to Council for their approval .
There was some discussion of the hours the park would be
open. David Orr said that on occassion some games extend
after 10:00 P. M. On Saturdays the soccer games start at
8:00 A. M. The Board was in agreement that the park hours
should be 7:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. unless there are scheduled
activities that surpass 10:00 P. M.
Don White said that vehicles would still have access to the
park from the front parking lot at the school . I will get
with the school about installing cable or a fence to close
off that access.
Don White said that the Park Board needed to go ahead and
make their recommendations with the stipulation of who would
have keys to unlock the gate. If you make the
recommendations I will take it to Council .
Joanie Zeeb asked if the gate could be locked without a key.
Don White said we could secure the gate without the use of a
key lock.
GATE AT COMMUNITY PARK: Jim Ferguson said that we need to
see if there is an existing ordinance on this and work from
there. Assuming there is an ordinance it should stipulate
the park hours. We recommend, if there is not a fine in the
ordinance, we suggest there be one, and a stipulation for
the fine if not one, and the Police Department, Don White,
and the Park Worker having keys or the combination to the
Chairman Whitlow recommended the installation of the
security gate at Community Park. The recommendation was
seconded, with all in favor.
Board Members requested a copy of the park ordinance.
GENERAL DISCUSSION: Joanie Zeeb said that she had been
working with the Chamber of Commerce on the landscaping
ordinance. I will be attending one of their meetings to ask
for their help and ideas.
Jill Tomek asked it the Board would be out of line asking to
know about the money coming out of the park budget. Don
White said no, you should be aware of what ' s in the budget,
but also know that I am responsible for it.
Jill Tomek asked if the TOPO had been completed yet. We' re
waiting for the TOPO before we can get anything done on our
list. Don White said that the TOPO has not been done yet.
It' s not that the engineer is avoiding the issue. He has
been preoccupied with the Texas Water Commission.
D. F. Whitlow asked if now was the target time to hire the
park employee. Don White said he turned in the personnel
requisition today.
There was some discussion of more tennis courts in the
Chairman Whitlow said that a Mr . Lloyd Nelson had contacted
him in regards to working out a co-op with cities in regards
to a golf course. The basic concept is proposed to the
City. The City buys it back on a long term agreement. All
the City does is find the land. There was some discussion
of designating the old land fill as a golf course. Mr.
White said he would contact Mr. Nelson and invite him to the
next meeting.
Don White updated the Board on the Highway Beautification
program, explaining that we should begin on the project in
mid March. We will need volunteers for the installation of
trees, shrubs, etc. Jill Tomek said she would need three to
four weeks advanced notice to get the people together, but
that it shouldn' t be any problem finding volunteers. Jim
Ferguson said we might be able to get help from the boy
scouts, Wylie Garden Club, schools, etc.
Don White said that the State is purchasing $25, 000 of
trees, shrubs, supplies, etc. , including the sprinkler
system. They will provide us with everything needed to
complete the project. All we have to do is install
everything according to the plans we submitted to the State,
and provide the signs. Jill Tomek requested that these
plans be provided to the Board at the February meeting.
There was some discussion of things that needed to be done
at Community Park.
David Orr said that the Park Board and WSA are suppose to
get together and decide the best way to put the $3, 000. 00
reveque back into the park. Board Members requested that
this business be put on the Agenda for the February meeting•
and that some of the WSA Board Members he invited to attend
the meeting.
Jill Tomek requested to discuss the Community Park sign at
the February meeting. The Texas Parks and Wildlife requires
the City to install a sign according to their
There being no other business or discussion, a motion was
made to adjourn. The motion was seconded, with all in
D. F. Whitlow, Chairman
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Keith, Secretary