01-28-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 28 , 1991 The City of Wylie Park Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 p .m. on Monday , January 28 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law . Members present were Chairman Bryan Glenn , Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw , Members Peggy Sewell , Willie Calverley , Charles Stetler , and John Burns . Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Bill Nelson and Secretary Sandy Stevens . Scott Brown was absent . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 14 , 1991 WORK SESSION. Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw made a motion for the minutes to be approved as they 7_ Land . Charles Stetler seconded the motion . Motion carried with all in favor . STATUS REPORT: A) KIRBY PARK IMPROVEMENTS . Director Bill Nelson stated that the swings are on order and expected to arrive soon, wood chips were being put under thy, playground equipment the following morning , the merry-go-round and picnic tables have had been repaired and painted , the volleyball poles have been welded in place and the drinking fountain is to be picked up in Garland this week . Headed that four Crepe Myrtles have been transplanted from City Hall , the flower bed has been cleaned out and the sprinkler system has been drawn up and almost ready for bids . Mr . Nelson said the grass will be planted after the sprinkler installation . B) WOMEN ' S LEAGUE TREE DONATIONS . Mi: . Nelson said that he received $195 . 00 for: the purchase of three trees . He said he bought a Live Oak and a Red Oak for Community Park and a Yaupon Holly tree for Kirby Park . C) HWY . 78 TREE INSTALLATION. Mr . Nelson said that 46 Bradford Pears , 3 Live Oaks and 13 Crepe Myrtles haves been delivered to Public Works . He added that. 48 more Crepe Myrtles are due to be received soon . D) COMMUNITY CENTER AND LIBRARY IMPROVEMENTS. Director Nelson stated that the shrubs and trees had been removed from the library bed and the bed had been tilled . He added that Public Works :i.nstA led 2" ::leove under the sidewalks for waterlines and lighting lines to be fed through the conduit . E)AKIN ROAD PROJECT. Mr . Nelson said that this project is on hold until the street department completes their work . F)VALENTINE PARK - LETTER MAIL OUT. Mr . Nelson explained that he is working on a l ettei to he mailed out to the perimeter residents of Valentine Park , addressing their opinions of making it a passive playground and park . /7 . G) W. S.A. 1) AKIN PAVILLION, COMMUNITY CENTER, CONCESSION STAND. Mr . Nelson said that all of the equipment is to be moved out of the Akin Pavillion by Monday , February 4th and will be stored in the Community Center storage area . He said that the main items to be moved from the Concession Stand are 2 refrigerators , 1 ice machine and some miscellaneous things , but there is no set date yet . 2 ) FENCE INSTALLATIONS . Mr . Nelson said he is waiting to hear from the W . S . A . as to when they will be installing the fence . He added that he told them they need to talk to the Code Enforcement. Dept . for specifics on the fence . 3 )BACKSTOPS (COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN) . Mr . Nelson said he will discuss this with 1110 community Park Master Plan discussion because it overlaps . H) PROPOSAL FOR ATHLETIC FIELD USAGE. Mr . Nelson stated that he had turned a proposal in for Mi . Dashner ' s approval earlier that. clay . He added that U. 6.=ti ri goal is to be fair for everyone using the f i el ds . The question was asked if the fee would be retreact i_ve and i i the W . S . A. would be allowed to trade equipment for the fee . I ) RECYCLING PROGRAM FOR CITY . Director Nelson said that the City has BFI working on a curbside recycling ing program. He added that he will continue researching various such projects . DISCUSS POSSIBLE USAGE OF PROPERTY DONATED BY SANDEN . Director Nelson said someone needs to meet with a Sanden Representative to try to get more uphill land , east of the flood area already donated , before developing it . He added that it would be good for nature trails and picnic tables , but the top of the hill would be needed for a parking lot . It was stated that the most expensive part of the project would be the parking area , but the trails and tables would be inexpensive to develop . The suggestion was made that a member be present at the meeting with the Sanden Representative . Chairman Bryan Glenn volunteered to attend the meeting with Bill Nelson . DISCUSS LAKE LAVON PARKS. Mr . Nelson said he feels this should be postponed until other points of interest are met . He sa.icl he is unsure of any of f.ei of something for Si. a year and then the city becomes responsible for the maintenance . The board agreed that much more research needs to be done into the maintenance costs , the budget proposed for it and possible uses of the parks . DISCUSS COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLANS. Mr . Nelson said that the map was drawn in June 1979 . He added that it doesn ' t serve the need as an athletic facility . Mrs . Peggy Sewell stated that when the map was drawn , Wylie wasn' t as large as it is presently and it met the needs for that time . Vice Chairman Upshaw said that the park needs more parking lots , accesses and soccer fields . Mr . Nelson stated that he would work with the High School and determine if possibly their parking lot could join the park ' s , allowing for more parking area . The question was raised if the City would be held liable if emergency equipment were unable to get through the roads . The members agreed that the roads and accesses needed to be worked out before starting the soccer fields . Vice Chairman Upshaw said a water system and seeding is needed to make the fields playable at the present time . He suggested using volunteers to save money . Chairman Glenn said to get the fields playable until the roads are decided upon . Mr . Nelson suggested using temporary or portable backstops . Chairman Glenn said they are too small and inadequate for anything besides tee-ball . Mr . Nelson stated that Mr . Flowers had drawn some that would be foldable , movable and could be anchored down . He added that they would cost several hundred dollars to construct each one . Vice-chairman Upshaw suggested wrapping net around the soccer goals for backstops for the tee-ballers . ADJOURN. Mrs . Sewell made a motion to adjourn . Vice- chairman Upshaw seconded the motion . Motion carried with all in favor . .-" � Bryan Glenn, Chairman Respectfully submitted, (;C �` ' L ` • � Sa4dy Stevens , Secretary