08-14-2007 (City Council) Agenda Packet /VI Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, August 14, 2007— 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North John Mondy Mayor M. G."Red" Byboth Mayor Pro Tern David Goss Place 1 Kathy Spillyards Place 3 Merrill Young Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.Qov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS • Battle of the Badges Award Presentation (I Duscio, Assistant Police Chief/R. Corbin, Fire Chief) CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. August 14,2007 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Approval of the Minutes from the July 24, 2007 Regular Meeting and the July 31, 2007 Special Called Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the Mayor to execute a water line easement, in the amount of$13,064.00, with McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. for the McCreary Road water transmission line. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) C. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-21(R) authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Collin County Commissioners Court to include the City of Wylie and its extraterritorial jurisdiction in the Collin County Environmental Health Care Services program. (J. Bray, Building Director) REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearings 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change in zoning from Agricultural (A) to Agricultural/30 (A/30) District, generally located east of Kreymer Lane and approximately 350 feet south of Brown Street. (1500 Kreymer Lane) ZC 2007-03 (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary The subject property is located at 1500 Kreymer Lane, approximately 350 feet south of Brown Street and totals 5.0 acres. The property is currently zoned Agricultural and being used for agricultural purposes (horses) and an accessory building (barn) occupies the middle portion of the property. Because the property was in a holding zone of Agricultural, it must now convert to permanent zoning prior to construction and prior to the issuance of building permits. The Comprehensive Plan recommends low density residential for the subject property. The AG/30 District allows for agricultural uses including raising of animals and providing private stables. Surrounding properties to the south and east consist of existing mid to low density residential uses. 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Thoroughfare Capital Improvements Plan. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Executive Summary On June 26,2007 Council adopted an Ordinance setting the date for a public hearing on the Thoroughfare Capital Improvements Plan. Section 395 of the Local Government Code specifies the process necessary for the implementation of impact fees which includes a public hearing to discuss the thoroughfare CIP. The CIP identifies projects necessary over the next ten years to serve the projected growth of the City. General Business 3. Consider, and act upon, reimbursement to Parsons-Warner, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $76,001.75, for the installation of a 12-inch water line along Lakefield Drive. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) August 14,2007 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 Executive Summary The City of Wylie's Water System Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) identifies the improvements to the system necessary to serve the future growth of the City. The water model that was developed as part of the CIP indicated that a 12-inch water line would be necessary along the extension of Lakefield Drive from Parkside Drive to FM 1378. The project was included in the most recent Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update as shown on the attached tables. The construction of the water line has been completed by the developer of the Parkside subdivision. 4. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-25 amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances, establishing a School Zone for certain streets; establishing Prima Facie Maximum Speed Limits during school hours in such zone; providing for installation of signs and markings; regulating vehicular and pedestrian traffic and providing for a penalty for the violation of this Ordinance. (J. Duscio, Assistant Police Chief) Executive Summary Due to the vast development of Birmingham Farms subdivision,the City of Wylie and Wylie ISD found it necessary to add an additional school crossing guard at Park Blvd.and Georgiana.The current school zone on Park Blvd. starts on Country Club and ends just east of Cheyenne. The school zone starts back east of Georgiana and ends at Westgate Way. Staff is requesting Council approve one continuous school zone on Park Blvd.from Country Club to Westgate Way. 5. Consider and act upon Resolution No. 2007-22(R) accepting the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2007-2008; accepting the calculation of an effective tax rate; establishing dates for public hearings on the proposed property tax rate; and providing for the publication as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Executive Summary In accordance with the"Truth in Taxation"laws of the State of Texas,notices must be published and two public hearings must be held if an entity's proposed tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate. Since the proposed tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate, the City is required to vote on the proposed tax rate and publish the results of the roll call vote at least seven(7)days prior to the first scheduled public hearing on August 23, 2007. A 2"d public hearing is scheduled for August 28, 2007. The Council may not adopt the tax rate at these hearings. Instead,at the end of the second hearing,it must set and announce the date,time and place of the meeting at which it will vote on the final proposed tax rate.This meeting must take place no less than three (3) days and no more than fourteen (14) days after the second public hearing.The City Council's vote on the tax rate is scheduled for September 11,2007. The proposed budget is based on a tax rate of$0.73325 per$100 valuation. Any change in the proposed rate will require revision of the proposed budget.The City is required by law to follow certain meeting and notice(publication)guidelines identified in the"Truth in Taxation"guide. 6. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-23(R) authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Right Of Way Agreement between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District to construct and maintain fiber optic telecommunications cable and conduits in the streets and Right Of Ways of the City of Wylie, Texas. (J. Butters, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary WISD currently has a fiber network in the Cities ROW. WISD needs to run fiber to the new schools and create a continuous loop. In the past,there has been confusion when fiber has had to be relocated because of street repair or construction.The purpose of the proposed agreement is to agree upon and document the parties' responsibilities, going forward. The proposed agreement does not change the basic terms that we have operated under,in that,we have never charged WISD for the use of ROW but the district does obtain permits and follow ROW construction standards. August 14,2007 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III,Section 13-D. WORK SESSION • 3rd Work Session for Proposed FY2007-2008 Budget ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 10th day of August, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.Qov. may .��F SI1112007 Carol hrlic ,City Secretary 7 Date Notice Removed SE A • •• .. 71: Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tern Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman Carter Porter, Councilman Merrill Young and Councilman David Goss (arrived at 6:18 p.m.). Councilman Rick White was absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director Renae' 011ie; Assistant Police Chief, John Duscio; Building Director, Johnny Bray; WEDC Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tern Byboth gave the Invocation and Councilman Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There were no citizens present to address Council during Citizens Comments CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Approval of the Minutes from the July 10, 2007 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Minutes—July 24, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 1 B. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-20(R) suspending the July 30, 2007 effective date of the proposal by ATMOS Energy Corp to implement interim Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program Rate (GRIP) adjustments for gas utility investment in 2006; authorizing participation with the ATMOS Cities Steering Committee (ACSC) in a review and inquiry into the sufficiency of the filing and the basis of the proposed rate adjustments; authorizing intervention in administrative and court proceedings involving the proposed GRIP rate adjustments; requiring reimbursement of reasonable legal and consultant ratemaking costs; and requiring delivery of this resolution to the Company and Legal Counsel. (M. Manson, City Manager) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-23 amending Zoning Ordinance No. 2003-25, Section 2.5.4 (Accessory Buildings). (R. 011ie, Planning Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the City of Wylie as of June 30,2007. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) E. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of June 30, 2007. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilmen Goss and White absent. REGULAR AGENDA General Business 1. Consider, and act upon, a chain link fence in lieu of masonry fencing for the TXU— Lavon Switching Station located at the NWC of Eubanks and Brown Street. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that at its March 28, 2006 meeting Council approved Zoning Case 2006-19 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development for mixed uses to allow for Commercial and Industrial uses for the Lavon — TXU Switching Station. The applicant presented the plans reflecting a chain link fence at the southwestern portion of the property, separating the switching station from the parkland along Rush Creek. It was Council's direction to have an 8' masonry wall along Brown Street and adjacent to the park. Council further allowed the applicant to return to Council with an alternative other than masonry only if areas were not found to be engineering sound. The applicant is requesting that the western wall be constructed of chain link fencing in lieu of masonry. Minutes—July 24, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 2 Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked if anyone had been out to the location to view the area in question. Several Council members replied that they had been to see the location. Mayor Mondy asked if any council member had a concern regarding the change in fencing material. Mayor Pro Tem Byboth commented that the only concern he had was to clarify that this was not to use the chain link for the entire area but only a portion of the fenced area. Mayor Mondy replied that this was to allow chain link ONLY for the northwest corner. Councilman Porter added that he had no problem with the change but asked if a portion of the masonry materials could be used to build an entry to the park area in lieu of using this material for the northwest corner of the TXU location. Applicant Comments Mr. Bill Harper, representative of Oncor Electric (a subsidiary of TXU) addressed Council. He asked if Council was referring to some type of a formal entrance into the park area. He reported that there was approximately 1,000 feet of material that would have been used at the northwest corner for masonry fencing and that he would commit TXU to work with the City to construct some type of entry feature with a possible archway at the entrance to the park. He asked the Mayor who the contact person for the City would be. Mayor Mondy replied that it would be the City Manager. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth to approve the use of chain link fence along the northwest corner of the switching station in replacement of masonry and allow TXU to build a stone entry feature entrance for the park. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilman White and Goss absent. Mayor Mondy asked Council to delay consideration of Item #2 until after consideration of Item#3 and until the arrival of City Engineer Hoisted. Consensus of Council was to delay consideration. Councilman Goss arrived at 6:18 p.m. 2. Consider, and act upon, award of a contract, in the amount of $848,504.48, to Morrow Construction Company for the construction of the McCreary Road Water Distribution line. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) Staff Comments City Engineer Hoisted addressed Council stating that the City of Wylie Water Distribution System 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan identifies the projects necessary to be completed over the next five years to support the projected growth of the City. The McCreary Road water distribution line is necessary to meet the peak demands around Southfork Mobile Home Park in the upper service area. The project includes approximately 2,300 linear feet of 20-inch water line, 5,000 linear feet of 16-inch water line, and related valves and appurtenances. Mayor Mondy asked City Engineer Hoisted what other projects Morrow Construction had completed for the City in the last ten years. Mr. Hoisted replied that they had completed the Kreymer Lane paving project; he noted that they had also done some other utility projects for the City. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman Porter to award a contract, in the amount of$848,504.48 to Morrow Construction Company for the construction of the McCreary Road Water Distribution line. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Councilman White absent. Minutes—July 24, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 3 3. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-24 amending Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 budget) and approving an appropriation of funds in the amount of $40,698.93 to be paid to the IRS for tax liabilities incurred in calendar year 2004. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that the Internal Revenue Service has been auditing the City of Wylie for the calendar year 2004 since last October. The major areas of concern were vendors not receiving 1099s, employees receiving taxable benefits that were not reported as wages, public officials' pay not being subjected to social security and Medicare, and city employees being paid as contract labor instead of as employees with the proper payroll deductions. After extensive research and negotiations with the IRS, the final assessment has been received. He noted that there was a slight difference in the amount listed on the request for payment from the IRS and this agenda item. The reason he explained, involved the accrued interest up to the Council meeting to approve such an appropriation. He noted that the IRS had agreed to lower the assessed penalties from $49,127.26 to the amount presented tonight, and agreed not to audit 2005 or 2006 if payment was made for 2004 and proper procedures were put in place. He explained to Council that those procedures were either currently in place or would be implemented with the new budget in October. Mayor Mondy asked how the City got to this point of auditing. Mr. Williamson explained that several cities had been audited in the past couple of years and he believed this is due to finding discrepancies in the taxation of employee benefits that could be taxed, that affect certain jurisdictions. He reported that many other jurisdictions are going through the same audits now. Mayor Pro Tern Byboth asked if the payment of this request would bring the City and all others involved current to the changing of procedures. Mr.Williamson replied that it would. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman Young to approve Ordinance No. 2007-24 amending Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 Budget) and approving an appropriation of funds in the amount of $40,698.93 to be paid to the IRS for tax liabilities incurred in calendar year 2004. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilman White and Goss absent. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinance No.'s 2007-23 and 2007-24 into the official record. Mayor Mondv convened into Executive Session at 6:20 p.m. citing exception §§551.074 Personnel Matters. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§ 551.074 Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting Regarding the employment contract for the City Manager for conditions; extending the residency requirements beyond July 31, 2007 due to delays in construction of the residence. Minutes—July 24, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 4 Mayor Mondy reconvened into Open Session at 6:30 p.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session, including but not limited to: 1. Consider, and act upon, amending the Employment contract between the City of Wylie and Mindy Manson and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all amendments related thereto. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman Porter to amend the Employment contract between the City of Wylie and Mindy Manson regarding the residency requirement and extending the time for residency from July 31, 2007 to September 3, 2007. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Councilman White absent. Mayor Mondy convened into Work Session at 6:35 p.m. WORK SESSION • Discussion regarding the City of Wylie FY 2007/2008 Annual Budget. (M. Manson, City Manager) City Manager Manson and Finance Director Williamson presented the draft of the 2007-2008 Budget. A power point presentation was shown with highlights. Some of those highlights included the General Fund Projected Revenues for the coming year at $21,398,244; showing percentages of each revenue category. The proposed General Fund expenditures were calculated at $21,394,070. Comparison charts from FY2003-2004 to 2007-2008 for assessed property valuations, comparisons of General Fund balances for the past five years, and General Fund statements of revenues and expenditures were also presented. Mr. Williamson explained the property tax distribution calculations and noted that the certified rolls were not in, but he was able to acquire the amount and calculate the tax revenue generated by the tax roll, to include that figure in this presentation. City Manager Manson explained that she had requested that each department keep their expenditures as flat as possible. She explained that the department budgets are based on this years' budget divided by the number of households. This cost per household is kept constant throughout the Long-Range Plan. As the number of households increase, each department's budget increases proportionately, while cost per household remains the same. She reported that this proposed budget was balanced. She also reported that the 0 & M was the same as last year (.56196) as requested by Council and calculated in the long range financial plan. Ms. Manson presented the Utility Fund and reported the projected revenues at $10,347,000. and expenditures proposed at $9,841,740. Capital Improvement Program expenditures were projected to be $33,953,600. for FY2007-2008. Mayor Mondy requested staff to review the phone policy and explore other options; he also asked that the Fire Department Alarm Monitoring Program be included in the proposed budget. Council requested two additional work sessions to review the proposed budget. Minutes—July 24, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 5 ADJOURNMENT With no other business before Council Mayor Monday adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—July 24, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 6 Budget Workshop Fiscal Year 2007-2008 CITY OF WYLIE Budget Workshop Agenda • Review the decisions/assu mptions affecting the 2007-08 Budget. • Presentation of the Long-Range Financial Plan and methodology used to develop it. • Presentation of 2007-08 Budget and its relationship to the Long-Range Financial Plan. • Discussion Decisions/Assumptions Affecting the FY 2007-08 Budget • Moving forward with construction of the City Hall, Recreation Center, and Library with groundbreaking currently scheduled for Summer 2008. • Recreation Center revenues to offset all personnel costs including insurance. • With the exclusion of the expanded operating costs for the new Library and Recreation Center, the rest of city government should operate using the current O&M Tax Rate of $ .56195. • Once the Library, City Hall, and Recreation Center come online, the estimated Total Tax Rate, including I&S, would max out at $ .94 in FY 2010-11. • Future revenue assumptions include the addition of a big box store in 2010. • Other revenue assumptions for FY 07-08 include: Housing Units Started 800 Sales Tax Revenue per Household $190 Franchise Fees per Household $150 Licenses & Permit Fees per Building Permit $1,153 Long-Range Financial Plan and Methodology • City Staff has developed a Long-Range Financial Plan that keeps the base O&M Tax Rate at $.56195. • Each departmental budget is based on this years' budget divided by the number of households. This cost per household is kept constant throughout the Long-Range Plan. • As the number of households increase, each department's budget increases proportionately, while cost per household remains the same. • Additional revenues received in excess of the Long-Range Plan will be allocated for expenditures based on priorities. Base Financial Plan Tax Rate Constant & Salaries of Recreation Center Covered By Fees Recreation Center, City Hall and Library Built in 2010 with Big Box FY09 FY10 IRVI FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Required O&M Tax Rate per plan 0.5620 0.5620 00 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 Required I&S Tax Rate per plan 0.1913 0.1868 , c 0.2463 0.2344 0.2238 0.2138 0.1977 Required Total Tax Rate (Base case) 0.7533 0.7488 0.8083 0.7964 0.7858 0.7558 0.7597 Add Library and Staff 0.0303 0.0317 0 0.0442 0.0457 0.0470 0.0482 0.0492 Add City Hall 0.0000 0.0161 0.0248 0.0231 0.0216 0.0202 0.0189 Add Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0346 # ► 0.0276 0.0357 0.0334 0.0313 0.0294 Total Tax Rate for Library, City Hall, Recreation Center 0.0303 0.0824 0.0966 0.1044 0.1020 0.0997 0.0975 Grand Total 0.7836 0.8312 u a 0.9049 0.9008 0.8878 0.8755 0.8572 7-1 Difference 0.1123 0.0211 g -' 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Financial Plan Using Constant Service Costs per Household The following spreadsheet evaluates each department's cost of delivering services to every household in the City of Wylie. The departmental cost of delivering these services per household remains constant from FY 07-08 through FY 15- 16. Increases in each department's budget is dependent on additional households being added to the City's tax base. FY 2007-08 Recommended Budget and A( Proposed Capital Improvement CITY OF WYLIE Program Average Home Tax with Proposed Tax Rate Average Home Value: 151,400 Current ' ena + ► Tax Rate �� t ° ' ` City ►f ie .7 � ��� `: ��� ► WIS 1. . $a2, .- Collin a � .� . ,� t - t7 � � # x '?e v r � x i" - r , t 5 Year Ad Valorem Tax Rate History 0.74 *.73325 0.73 0.72 .70678 0.71 .705 .695 .695 0.7 0.69 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 * 2007-2008 Preliminary Tax Rate f ' i. . General Fund ProjectedRevenues FY 2007-08 $21 , 398 ,244 $551,000 $ 325,000 $ 450,000 3% 2% 2% $ 2,229,000 11\ Ad Valorem Taxes 10% 0 Sales Taxes $395,480 II Franchise Fees 2% ■ Licenses & Permits $ 977,750 ■ Intergovernmental Revenues 5% • Service Fees $ 1,980,000 II Fees 9% $ 2,600,000 $ 11,890,014 0 Interest & Misc. 12% 56% ■ Transfers from Other Funds Assessed Property Valuations 2200 i $ Zo24.7 2000 i $ 1785.5 1800 i $ 1566.7 1600 1 o $ 1395.3 1400 / $ 1130.9 . ir•••••iiiii •. 1000 li 800 il Tzi 400 II 200 o � 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Average Single Family Home Value for 2007-08 is: $ 151,400 Annual axReceipts 5 - 8. 4.5 - t. 0 4 - it)' = in d : 3.5ItIt- mo 3 - es- 2.5 -- - 2Alla 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-2008 *Includes budgeted figures for FY 06-07 and projected figures for FY 07-08. General Fund Expenditures By Function FY 2007-08 $21 , 394 , 070 $ 773,040 4% $ 2,463,700 Transfers to 12% Other Funds Community Services $ 6,098,310 29% $1,630,040 General 8% Government Streets $ 1,363,390 6% Development Services $ 9,065,590 42% Public Safety General Fund Expenditures By Category FY 2007-08 $21 , 394 ,070 Salaries & Wages $ 680,736 $ 1,105,050 $ 4,561,069 3% 50/0 Supplies 21% • Contractural Services • Maintenance $1,234,079 $ 13,040,095 6% 64% • Transfers to Other Funds General Fund Balance 25,000,000 0 Total ct Expenditures 20,000,000 Q �� Fund Balance o 0 15,000,000c. :7„,., 1--1I i, .t, : x`. 5,000,000Y .:,,i,i,,,:: : , 4 X, L Iy 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 * Includes Projected Figures for FY 07-08 Utility ProjectedFund Revenues FY 2007-08 10 347 000 ■ Service Fees $ 8,617,000 83% Interest & Miscellaneous $ 230,000 Income 2% $ 1,500,000 14% IN Transfer from Other Funds (Sewer Impact Fees) Utility Fund Expenditures By Department FY 2007-08 $ 9 , 841 , 740 $ 440,530 $ 1,081,020 5% 11% UtilityAdministration 7 Utilities- Water $ 455,980 5% Engineering 111111111111 $ 497,380 $ 6,498,320 5% 66% . 1111/ Utilities- Sewer Non-Departmental $ 868,510 9% Utility Billing Utility Fund Balance 12,000,000 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 10,000,000 4 :: 4-o + 8,000,000 .� �` Fund Balance 0 6,000,000 Re 4I `—' 000,000 -:,:::-.. ` 2,000,000i' 0 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 * Includes Projected Figures for FY 07-08 Capital Improvement Program FY 2007-08 Expenditures 33 , 953 , 600 ❑ Parks & Rec Public Buildings ■ Streets $ 5 027,600 15% : :::::::::ts 1°/° s 51�3 1°I° • Fleet/Heavy Equipment %o�0% • Miscellaneous Capital Improvemen t Projects ComingOn-Line FY 2007-08 Highlights Founders Park $ 4,750,000 New Fire Station Three $ 2,650,000 New Library $ 515,000 New City Hall $ 590,000 Recreation Center/Parks Admin $ 620,000 Brown Street (West) $ 150,000 Ballard Street ('99 Bond) $ 1,250,000 Nortex Ground Storage Reservoir No. 2 $ 1,275,000 Newport Harbor 2.0 MG Ground Storage $ 1,700,000 Newport Harbor/FM 1378 Distribution Line No. 1 $ 1,396,000 Tahoes for Police Department (1) $ 33,000 Equipment for Tahoes (4) $ 71,500 Utility Truck for Water Department $ 31,000 FY 2007-08 Recommended Budget Highlights Employee Salary & Benefits Assumptions • Insurance costs are expected to increase by 15% • Step Increase of 2.5% • Cost of Living Allowance Increase of 1 .5% FY 2007-08 Recommended Budget Highlights New Positions Department Position(s) • Municipal Court Deputy Court Clerk • Information Systems Computer Technician • Parks Administrative Secretary • Library Addition of Thirty Part-Time Hours • Utility Administration Accountant • Fire 6 Firefighters (3 regular/3 Captains on July 1st) • Police Quartermaster 4 Patrol Officers (2 hired Oct. 1 St, 2 hired April 1st) School Crossing Guard FY 2007-08 Recommended Budget Highlights Existing Position Upgrades Department Change/Upgrade • City Secretary Reclass Administrative Secretary Upgrade to Full-Time Records Clerk • Information Systems Reclass Computer Technician to Supervisor • Police Reclass Administrative Secretary Reclass Officer to Sergeant Upgrade to Full-Time Records Clerk • Fire Reclass Administrative Secretary • Library Reclass Public Services Librarian • Utility Administration Reclass Secretary 1 to Administrative Secretary • Utilities (Water) Reclass Crewleader to Water Quality Specialist • Engineering Reclass Inspection Supervisor • Utility Billing Upgrade to Full-Time Utility Billing Clerk FY 2007-08Recommended Budget Highlights • $750,000 for General Fund Street Improvements • Addition of Modular Office Building for Parks/Recreation • $100,000 to Pave City Property on Jackson Street for Downtown Parking • Phone Allowance to Comply with IRS Regulations • GIS — NCTCOG's "iCommunity" Combines internet and map technology with local government planning, economic development, and geographic information systems (GIS) resources. Allows citizens to access/print neighborhood maps featuring zoning and parcel boundaries. #A, Provides detailed information on economic development sites. .*. Provides city staff with access to GIS assets through a web browser. � Access http://www.nctcog.org/ris/icominunities.asp for additional information and listing of cities using iCommunity. Click on the city links to access their individual iCommunity systems. • Possible Debt issues in 2007-08 +:• Issuance of$12 million CO to cover costs above voter authorized bonds for Library, City Hall & Rec Center. Issuance of$38 million CO for voter authorized bonds. •f• Issuance of $2 million CO to cover costs above voter authorized bond for Fire Station Three. Opportunities for Citizen Review & Input • Proposed Budget Filed with City Secretary 08/03/2007 • Adoption of Resolution Setting Dates of Public Hearings 08/14/2007 • 1st of Two Public Hearings on the 2007-08 Tax Rate 08/28/2007 Hold a Public Hearing for the FY 2007-08 Budget 08/28/2007 • 2nd of Two Public Hearings 08/30/2007 Schedule & Announce Meeting to Adopt Tax Rate 2007-08 08/30/2007 Information regarding the proposed budget also will be available at Smith Public Library and online at www.wylietexas.gov/budget Questions ? City Manager Mindy Manson 972-442-8120 mindy.manson@wylietexas.gov Finance Director Larry Williamson 972-442-8141 larry.williamsonwylietexas.gov 11: Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Special Called Work Session Wylie City Council Tuesday, July 31, 2007 - 5:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Mondy called the Special Called Work Session to order at 5:10 p.m. with the following Council members present: Mayor Pro Tern Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Carter Porter and Councilman David Goss (arrived at 6:55 p.m.) Councilman Rick White was absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. . WORK SESSION • Long Range Strategic Plan (M. Manson, City Manager) City Manager Manson introduced Lowell Douglas Kiel, PhD, Professor of Public Affairs and Administration for the University of Texas at Dallas and graduate assistant, Rhiannon Prisock Dr. Kiel introduced the agenda for the meeting. He explained that some pre-work had been completed through surveys sent to staff and Council and stated that most of the responses showed continuity between views of the City. Dr. Kiel asked Council to perform some tasks to determine their views in regard to what they would like to see "more of" in Wylie and "less of" in Wylie. Some of the items mentioned were: quality retail, expanded uses and more viable downtown, more shopping, health care, community college, and a manicured look to the entire city. In the "less of" category some of the items mentioned were: less traffic congestion, foreclosures, lower tax rates, and less misinformation received by the public. Council reviewed the issues in reference to long term and short term goals and identified seven priorities for the next few years. Priorities identified were: retail development; transportation; branding (communicating to the public the character and strengths of Wylie); lake development; jurisdictional and boundary issues; the redevelopment of downtown and S. Ballard; and higher education. Minutes—July 31, 2007 Special Called Work Session Wylie City Council Page 1 Dr. Kiel explained that the next step in the process would be to look at each strategy to identify what is needed to address and implement each item. He explained that depending on the strategy of each issue, most city departments would be active in attaining these goals. There would need to be measurable progress reports submitted over the next few years to assist in reaching each goal. Council members looked at the goals in order of importance and discussed implementing a tier approach by dividing the priorities into groups with highest priorities in tier 1. It was mentioned that even if the higher priority group was focused on first, all groups would be given attention throughout the process. Direction from Council was to allow the City Manager to recommend language for each issue and report back to Council during another follow-up work session. ADJOURNMENT With no other business before Council, Mayor Mondy adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—July 31, 2007 Special Called Work Session Wylie City Council Page 2 I/it Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2007 Item Number: B Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: 08/07/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Easement Subject Consider, and act upon, authorizing the Mayor to execute a water line easement, in the amount of$13,064.00, with McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. for the McCreary Road water transmission line. Recommendation Motion to authorize the Mayor to execute a water line easement, in the amount of $13,064.00, with McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. for the McCreary Road water transmission line. Discussion The McCreary Road water distribution line is necessary to meet the peak demands around Southfork Mobile Home Park in the upper service area of the water system. The project includes approximately 2,300 linear feet of 20-inch water line, 5,000 linear feet of 16-inch water line, and related valves and appurtenances. A construction contract has been awarded to Morrow Construction Company in the amount of$848,504.48 for the construction of the water line. The water line is located in the median of McCreary Rd. and along the south property line of a tract of land owned by McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. Certificates of Obligation in the amount of$990,000 have been issued for the construction of the project. In the past, the City has compensated landowners for easements at a rate of fifty percent of the appraised value of the property. The compensation for this easement is calculated to be $13,064 (0.8709 acres * $30,000/acre * 50% = $13,064). Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH �/�/ 8/7/07 City Manager MIT I \ b' 1 i 07 Page 1 of 1 WATER LINE EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § McCreary/Donihoo Partners,Ltd.(hereinafter called"Grantor"),for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars($10.00)to it cash in hand paid and other good and valuable considerations,paid by City of Wylie,Texas,2000 Hwy. 78 North,Wylie,Texas 75098(hereinafter called"Grantee"),the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed,have granted,sold and conveyed and by these presents does grant, sell and convey unto the City of Wylie,an exclusive water line easement which shall be used,among other things, for the purpose of placing,constructing,operating,repairing,maintaining,rebuilding,replacing,relocating,and removing utility water lines and services,together with the customary uses attendant thereto,under,across and along the following described property situated in Collin County,Texas,to-wit: SITUATED in the Squire T.Lewis Survey,Abstract.No. 529,Collin County,Texas,and being 0.8709 acres of land,more or less,more fully described in Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said City of Wylie,its successors and assigns,the above-described easement perpetually. The conveyance includes a 30-foot temporary construction easement generally located on the north side of the permanent easement as described in Exhibits"A"for the purpose of excavation,construction and laying of said underground water line. The said temporary easement granted herein and described will terminate and cease upon the completion of the installation and testing of said underground water line. The Grantee herein,its successors and assigns,shall have and it is hereby granted the rights of ingress and egress for all purposes incidental to said grant upon the conditions that the Grantee will at all times after doing work in connection with the construction,alteration or repair of said underground easement,restore said premises to substantially the same condition in which same were found before such work was undertaken. This instrument shall not be considered as a deed to said property or any part thereof,and the right is hereby reserved to Grantor,its successors and assigns,to use such property to landscape and build and construct fences,driveways,parking lots and other associated improvements over or across said easement;provided,however, that in no event shall a wall, structure or building of any type other than those previously described or any piling, pier or isolated footing of any wall, structure or building be placed directly on said easement. This instrument shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. This agreement,together with the other provisions herein,shall constitute a covenant running with the land for the benefit of Grantee and Grantor and their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, has caused this Easement to be signed,and has caused its acceptance of this Easement to be evidenced by the signatures of its duly authorized officers this day of , GRANTOR: By: Its: GRANTEE: ATTEST: By: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , ,by ,the of Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's Printed Name: My commission expires: STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , ,by ,the of Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's Printed Name: My commission expires: May 15, 2007 CITY OF WYLIE FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION FOR PERMANENT WATER MAIN EASEMENT McCREARY/DONIHOO PARTNERS, LTD. BEING a tract for a permanent water main easement of variable width and being over,under and across a tract of land described as 81.2254-acres situated in the Squire T. Lewis Survey, Abstract No. 529, in Collin County, Texas, conveyed to the McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. by a deed now of record in Volume 5992, Page 2525 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said easement being more particularly described as follows: The bearings and distances cited in this description were based on field surveys conducted in March 2006 and April 2006. The surveys for this project are based on the Texas Plane Coordinate System. BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod found at the southeast corner of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. tract, said point also being an interior northwest corner of the remainder of a 114.1554-acre tract of land conveyed to Campbell/Wylie Partners by a deed now of record in Volume 4137, Page 1120 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas; 1. THENCE S 88°58' 30"W,along the south property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd.tract and north property line of said Campbell/Wylie Partners tract passing at a distance of 5.50 feet a 5/8"iron rod found at the northeast corner of Creekside Estates,Phase 3,and passing at a distance of 488.67 feet a 5/8"iron rod at the northwest corner of Creekside Estates,Phase 3 and at the northeast corner of Creekside Estates, Phase 2, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas,according to the plat filed in Cabinet P,Page 211 of the Plat Records of Collin County,Texas,and continuing a total distance of 848.93 feet to a point for corner; 2. THENCE S 89° 01' 55" W, continuing along the south property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. tract and the north property line of said Creekside Estates, Phase 2, a distance of 1,110.57 feet to a point for corner; 3. THENCE N 45°59' 12"W,departing said property line,a distance of 28.26 feet to a point for corner; 4. THENCE S 89°00' 48"W,a distance of 84.94 feet to a point for corner; 5. THENCE S 59° 01' 15"W, a distance of 39.89 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the south property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. tract and being in the north property line of the Creekside Estates,Phase 1,an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas, according to the plat filed in Cabinet N, Page 893 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas; 6. THENCE S 89°01' 55" W, continuing along said property line, a distance of 571.59 feet to a point for corner, said point being the southwest corner of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. tract and being in the centerline of McCreary Road; 7. THENCE N 00°55' 48"W, along the west property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. tract and the centerline of McCreary Road,a distance of 10.00 feet to a point for corner; 8. THENCE N 89° 01' 55" E, being parallel with and ten feet perpendicularly distant from the south property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. tract, a distance of 558.91 feet to a point for corner; Page 1 of 2 j:klaic wylie\2006-124 mmcary road wNficld notta4ncercary-don0ao-w,t.doc City of Wylie May 15,2007 Field Note Description for Permanent Water Main Easement McCreary/Donihoo Partners,Ltd. 9. THENCE N 59°01' 15"E,not parallel with the south property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd.tract,a distance of 49.88 feet to a point for corner; 10. THENCE N 89°00'48"E,a distance of 95.18 feet to a point for corner; 11. THENCE S 45°59' 12"E,a distance of 28.27 feet to the point for corner; 12. THENCE N 89° 01' 55" E, being parallel with and 15 feet perpendicularly distant from the south property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. tract, a distance of 1,104.36 feet to a point for corner; 13. THENCE N 88° 58' 30" E, continuing parallel with and 15 feet from the south property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. tract, a distance of 805.65 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the east property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd.tract and being in the west property line of the remainder of said Campbell/Wylie Partners tract; 14. THENCE N 44° 01' 15" E, no longer parallel with the south property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners,Ltd.tract,a distance of 19.04 feet to a point for corner; 15. THENCE N 88° 10' 04" E, a distance of 29.39 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the west property line of said Campbell/Wylie Partners tract and in the east property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners,Ltd.tract; 16. THENCE S 01° 49' 37" E, along the east property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners, Ltd. tract and the west property line of said Campbell/Wylie Partners tract, a distance of 28.87 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.8709-acres(37,938 square feet),more or less. Also, a temporary construction easement being 30 feet in width and being parallel with and adjacent to the north lines of the above described permanent water main easement and being from the west property line to the east property line of said McCreary/Donihoo Partners Ltd.tract and containing 1.8529-acres,more or less. Date: Page 2 of 2 j:kkricai wylic\2006.124 muroary road%Meld naadncerwy-dondoo-wm.doc McCREARY/DON9100 I PAR7NERS, LTD. t I ffCONSI: ESM7: (12529 AC.) VOL 599Z Pa 2525 SOUff?E T. MOTS SURVEY &1ST NO. 529 N 8870'04'E- 29.39' _S. - f--N 8901'55"E- 1104.36' . ,_... N 44•01.151 -_19.04'—, \ g , ....._ --me—Tr—Tow .•7=-/-T- .. .---_ --_______v______________ ..._ ,. .._.,.....,_______„___________ _ .„.... , \S 021Et'489r.3....7"E --- • ,T S arserso.w- 84693' cp 3 IRE LR.f: I S.F. P.O.B 37,938 _ -0 s arorar w- ma 7' ...1 0.8709 AC a- I e PHASE 2 r''''/CREEKSIDE ‘I- CPEEKSIDE ESTATES C•1 : P, pa 211 ARSE 3 i ESTATES .-- - __.f. PHASE 4 o ..--- CAMPBELV WYUE PARTNERS t M. 4137, pa 1120 o McCRE4RY/DON/H00 0-1 o. • PARTNERS. LTD. z v., 12 . OL 599ZC 2525 SONE 7 LEMf1.219 AC) VE as ABST #a 529 3 v 0 li N 89-01.55-E- 1104.36' ou' co eial ./' v- EN S Dr'1'55"W- 117ö57' \-t 1 G o 37,938 SF I I Cs/ •%1.7 2,1,EsT,4 Ts AC E 0.8709 . lic • cAa P. pa 211 7N, -I- 0 50 100 150 ..,' u/ 1.. •• BASS Or BEARING' 15 ........ '" - -- -- — — — --- — — STATE OF lEGIS PLANE a) HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET •—. COORDOWE SYS7D1 2 a. I \ N 59'01.15-E- 49:1889.00' 48.E- 95.18' -‹ L CONSR6—ESAIT. McCREARY/DOND100 . VOPLAR599rNEALZ5 — --r— S 4559'12'E-2d27' x 0.8529 AC) SQUIRE 7: LEWIS SUPPE,' ABS7: NO. 529 --7-—,_ _ _ _ _ , ,_, , ,,s,),Ft•W- taco' r4 . N 119-0135"E- 55191' N_ N worm-E- 1104.36' m 1 S 8,01'55"W- 571.59' -., ' -4t .- \ ----N. 7/2" , 0 S 89'01'55"W- 1110.57' § x< V1 SUMMER DRIVE \ ifitr N 45502"W-28.26' i 1 0 37,938 SF. s BMW'w- 64.94' _..i o • 0.8709 AC 1 S 59'01'15"W- 39.89' M 1 \ I CREEKSIDE 47ES I RASE 1 _---------- 1 N. I CAR N, Pa 893 \ I 1 1 o I t -., in in CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS d w w BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. M cCREARY ROAD WATER LINE CONSULTING ENGINEERS May,2007 7502 GREENVILLE AVE.,#220 DALLAS,TEXAS 75231 214-361-7900 PERMANENT WATER MAIN EASEMENT PLOT SCALE: 1:100 PLOT STYLE: 1 1 x1 7.ctb PLOTTED BY: MOLDHAM ON 5/15/2007 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2007 Item Number: C Department: Building/Health (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Johnny Bray Account Code: 100-5181-56040 Date Prepared: August 3, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $35,000 Resolution and Interlocal Exhibits: Agreement Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-21(R) authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Collin County Commissioners Court to include the City of Wylie and its extraterritorial jurisdiction in the Collin County Environmental Health Care Services program. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2007-21(R) authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Collin County Commissioners Court to include the City of Wyllie and its extraterritorial jurisdiction in the Collin County Environmental Health Care Services program. Discussion The original interlocal agreement between the City and Collin County was executed on February 11, 2003. The County is requesting an amended contract that sets October 1, 2007 as the effective date and allows for renewal terms for five (5) additional one (1) year periods, with the approval of the County and the Municipality. Previous to February, 2003, the City utilized Code Enforcement and Building Inspections personnel to provide environmental health services. Currently state law requires that these inspections are done by registered sanitarians. Environmental health services include the inspection of day care facilities,restaurants, schools, food service facilities, public swimming pools,bed and breakfast establishments and hotels/motels. Currently, the cost to hire a registered sanitarian would be $45,000 -- $50.000 per year for salary only. Equipment and benefits would be additional. The Interlocal Agreement will cost the City an annual amount that would is calculated at $.80 cents per each inhabitant of the City,based on the most recent population established by the North Central Texas Council of Governments. This cost has remained the same since 2003. It is less costly for the City to contract with Collin County to provide these services. Collin County will be utilizing registered sanitarians to provide these services at the current proposed cost of$28,320. The cost for this item is budgeted in the 2007-2008 fiscal budget. Approved By Initial Date Department Director JB�/� 8/ 3/07 City Manager If V I ce s D/ Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-21(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY OF COLLIN INCLUDE THE CITY OF WYLIE IN THE COLLIN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT FOR SAID PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the County of Collin, Texas, operates the Collin County Environmental Health Care Services, which is a local health department existing pursuant to the Local Public Health Reorganization Act, Chapter 121 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. WHEREAS, the Collin County Environmental Health Care Services perform public health functions that the County of Collin is authorized to perform including, but not limited to, environmental services to protect and promote public health; and WHEREAS, Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code authorizes agreements to increase efficiency and effectiveness of local governments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS; Section 1. The Commissioners' of the County of Collin are hereby requested to include the City of Wylie in the Collin County Environmental Health Care Services Program. Section 2. An official copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Commissioners' Court for their consideration. Section 3. The Mayor of the City of Wylie is hereby authorized to enter into an Interlocal Agreement for participation in said program. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie on the 14th day of August, 2007. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2007-21(R) Collin County Environmental Health Care Services 4:11 OLLI COUNTY 111 Office of the County Purchasing Agent July 9,2007 CITY OF WYLIE Mayor John Mondy 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 Re: Environmental Services Agreement Dear Mayor Mondy: Please find the above mentioned Agreement enclosed. Please sign and return all four(4) copies to my attention. Upon completion,one(1) fully executed copy will be returned to you for your files. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, 4 (gcutia /inn , Paula Smith Contract Administrator Collin County Purchasing Department 200 S. McDonald, Ste. 230 McKinney, Texas 75069 • (972)548-4165 • Metro 424-1460 Ext. 4165 INTERLOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on the 14th day of August, 2007 by and between the City of Wylie ("Municipality"), and Collin County("County"), local governments of the State of Texas. RECITALS 1. The County operates the Collin County Environmental Health Care Services, which is a local health department established pursuant to the local Public Health Reorganization Act, Chapter 121, Texas Health and Safety Code ("The Act"). 2. The Collin County Environmental Health Care Services performs public health functions that the County is authorized to perform including, but not limited to, environmental services to protect and promote public health. 3. The Municipality desires to obtain certain environmental services from the County to be performed for Municipality's residents to their health and welfare. Therefore, under the authority of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, Texas Government Code, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS 1.01 Environmental Services. The term "Environmental Services: means Services provided by the Collin County Environmental Health Department. These services shall include, but are not limited to: a. inspections of the day care facilities b. inspections of restaurants, schools and other food service facilities c. inspections of public swimming pools d. inspections of hotels and motels e. inspections of bed and breakfast establishments f. investigating any other environmental health complaints g. investigating complaints related to the activities listed in a-e above 1.02 Inspection. The term"Inspection"means an on-site examination to Determine whether the facility being inspected is in compliance with the Municipality's Standards. 1.03 Municipality Standards. The term"Municipality Standards"means state and local ordinances and regulations that have been adopted by the Municipality which are applicable to the facility being inspected. SECTION 2. TERM 2.01 Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the 1st day of October,2007, and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of one(1) year. At the County's option,and with approval by the Municipality,the Agreement may be renewed for five(5) additional one(1)year periods. 2.02 Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving ninety(90)days written notice to the other party. SECTION 3. SERVICES 3.01 Services to be Provided. The County agrees to provide to the Municipality's residents, on behalf of the Municipality,the Environmental Service or services required for the enforcement of state ordinances and regulations. 3.02 Time of Performance. The County agrees to perform the services required by the Municipality under this Agreement,within three(3) working days of receipt of any complaint or request by the Municipality. Provided however,the Municipality may request emergency inspections at their sole discretion and the County agrees to inspect accordingly. The applicant must request of the Municipality an inspection as defined in accordance with the City of Wylie Food Service and/or Retail Food Store Ordinance as it exists or may be amended. 3.03 Notification to Municipality. The County agrees to notify the Municipality in writing on report forms provided by the Municipality of the results of the County's inspection within five(5)working days of the inspection. SECTION 4. NONEXCLUSIVITY OF SERVICE PROVISIONS The parties agree that the County may contract to perform services similar or identical to those specified on this Agreement for such additional governmental or public entities as the County,in its sole discretion sees fit. SECTION 5. COMPENSATION 5.01 Basic Charge. The Municipality shall pay the County a yearly Basic Charge calculated as$.80 per each inhabitant of the Municipality as determined by the most recent North Texas Council of Government population projections for the services to be performed under this Agreement. On an annual basis,the City will pay$28,320 to the County for providing the above mentioned services. This amount shall be due each year regardless of the amount of services performed by the County. The Basic Charge shall be paid by the Municipality each year in four (4)equal quarterly installments. The first installment shall be due on October 1, 2007. The remaining installments shall be due at three(3) month intervals from the date of execution of this Agreement and when the County submits an invoice to the City for the amount due. 5.02 Inspection Charge. In addition to the Basic Charge set out in Section 5.01, an Inspection Charge in an amount determined by the Collin County Commissioners' Court shall be collected by the County from the person receiving the services for each inspection performed by the County under the terms of this Agreement. The County shall bill the person receiving the service for the Inspection Charge. The Municipality shall be exempt from all charges made pursuant to this section. 5.03 Source of Payment. The Municipality agrees that payments which it is required to make under this Agreement shall be made out of the Municipality's current revenues. 5.04 Issuance of Permits. The Municipality and County agree that requests for services under this Agreement shall be made by the business or property owners. Complaints received by the Municipality shall also be referred to the County for services. The Municipality may further request inspections on its own initiative. SECTION 7. CIVIL LIABILITY Any civil liability relating to the furnishing of services under this Agreement shall be the responsibility of the County, except as herein provided. The parties agree that the County shall be acting as an independent contractor for the Municipality in performing services contemplated by this Agreement. The County shall hold the Municipality free and harmless from any obligation, costs,claims,judgments, attorney's fees, attachments,and other such liabilities arising from or growing out of the services rendered to the Municipality pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or in any way connected with the rendering of said services,except when the same shall arise because of the willful misconduct or negligence of the Municipality. SECTION 8. AMENDMENT This Agreement shall not be amended or modified other than in written agreement signed by the parties. SECTION 9. CONTROLLING LAW This Agreement shall be deemed to be made under, governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Venue shall be in Collin County,Texas. SECTION 10. NOTICES 10.01 Form of Notice. Unless otherwise specified, all communications provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered,whether actually received or not, seventy-two (72)hours after deposit in the United States mail, first class,registered or certified,return receipt requested,with proper postage prepaid or immediately when delivered in person. 10.02 Addresses. All communication provided for in this Agreement shall be addressed as follows: (a)if to the County, to: Collin County Environmental Health Services 825 N. McDonald, Suite 170 McKinney,Texas 75069 (b)if to Municipality, to: City of Wylie Building Inspections 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 Or such person at such address as may from time to time be specified in a notice given as provided in this Section 10. In addition,Notice of Termination of this Agreement by the Municipality shall be provided by the Municipality to the County Judge of Collin County as follows: The Honorable Keith Self Collin County Judge Collin County Courthouse 210 S. McDonald Street McKinney,Texas 75069 SECTION 11. CAPTIONS The heading to the various sections of the Agreement have been inserted for convenient reference only and shall not modify,define,limit,or expand the express provision of this Agreement. SECTION 12. OBLIGATION OF CONDITION All obligations of each party under this Agreement are conditions to further performance of the other party's continued performance of its obligation under the Agreement. SECTION 13. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,each which, shall be deemed an original for all purposes. SECTION 14. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY The parties agree that no party has waived its sovereign immunity by entering into and performing their respective obligations under this Agreement. SECTION 15. EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO ENFORCE THIS AGREEMENT The County and the Municipality have the exclusive right to bring suit to enforce this Agreement, and no other party may bring suit, as a third-party beneficiary or otherwise,to enforce this Agreement. SECTION 16. PRIOR AGREEMENTS SUPERSEDED This Agreement constitutes the sole and only agreement of the parties hereto and supersedes any prior understanding of written or oral agreements between the parties requesting the services to be provided under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. "COUNTY" "MUNICIPALITY" COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS BY: BY: TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: Attested by: Title: Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 07/25/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 3 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change in zoning from Agricultural (A) to Agricultural/30 (A/30) District, generally located east of Kreymer Lane and approximately 350 feet south of Brown Street. (1500 Kreymer Lane) ZC 2007-03 Recommendation Motion to approve a change in zoning from Agricultural (A) to Agricultural/30 (A/30) District, generally located east of Kreymer Lane and approximately 350 feet south of Brown Street. (1500 Kreymer Lane) ZC 2007-03 Discussion Owner: Mr. Terrance Dale Rowe Applicant: Mr. Terrance Dale Rowe The subject property is located at 1500 Kreymer Lane, approximately 350 feet south of Brown Street and totals 5.0 acres. The property is currently zoned Agricultural and being used for agricultural purposes (horses) and an accessory building(barn) occupies the middle portion of the property. Because the property was in a holding zone of Agricultural, it must now convert to permanent zoning prior to construction and prior to the issuance of building permits. The Comprehensive Plan recommends low density residential for the subject property. The AG/30 District allows for agricultural uses including raising of animals and providing private stables. Surrounding properties to the south and east consist of existing mid to low density residential uses. In February 2005, the applicant/owner was successful in receiving a variance from Zoning Board of Adjustment to allow for an accessory building (barn) on the property without a main structure. At that time, the owner/applicant revealed to the City his intentions to construct a single family residence on the property. Notification/Responses: Five (5) notifications were mailed, with three (3) written responses returned favoring the request and no response opposing the request at the time of posting. Planning and Zoning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval of ZC2007-03. Approved By Initial Date Department Director 1)1 RO 7/25/07City Manager r 1 7 '[)7 Page 1 of 1 /�. ce• -'i -f f " • 'I,i rJ �r _•-�l ' fl .j-/- '== f-�""" Subject �� .- Property �- i 1g State Hi9hwOy No. S I ter` j j i T�- i State Hi.hwa No. �� lo lb _ _�_�___..-------�._---- r —T �� a Dili iiill i 11 1.1111111 '�y' r !� I! =�y�� v�III1` 11111 I Iillln I11 j r-__1 �_ _ �, 'Lamb i� ion.. Hub 1 pin.. in NI �.. . 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I 1 I i i i • (1 j) ;\ t I 1 U-H I G �I , I 1 1 LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2007-03 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Terrence Dale Rowe APPLICATION FILE #2007-03 1500 Kreymer Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS I Applicant 1500 Kreymer Lane 0 1 Terrence Dale Rowe Wylie, Texas 75098 Avalon Addn 4306 Miller Road#A 2 BIkA Lot 1 R-8490-00A-0010-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas 75088 Avalon Addn 4306 Miller Road#A 3 8Ik A Lot 2 R-8490-00A-0020-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett,Texas 75088 Avalon Addn 2000 Highway 78 North 4 BIk A Lot 11 R-8490-00A-0110-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Avalon Addn 4306 Miller Road#A 5 BIk 8 Lot 1 R-8490-00B-0010-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett, Texas 75088 Avalon Addn 4306 Miller Road#A 6 BIk B Lot 2 R-8490-00B-0020-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett,Texas 75088 Avalon Addn 1311 E. Oak Street 7 Bik B Lot 12 R-8490-00B-0120-1 Harold Young, Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098 PO Box 307 p 8 Abst 688-5 Tract 213 R-6688-005-2130-1 Robert Richard Parker Wylie,Texas 75098 1500 Kreymer Lane 9 Abst 688-5 Tract 217 R-6688-005-2170-1 Terrence Dale Rowe Wylie,Texas 75098 4306 Miller Road#A 10 Abst 688-5 Tract 219 R-6688-005-2190-1 DR Horton Texas, Ltd. Rowlett,Texas 75088 PO Box 127 C) 11 Abst 688-5 Tract 220 R-6688-005-2200-1 Timmy Ray Kreymer Blue Ridge,Texas 75424 12 13 14 15 16 II' 17 X = Agaill5+ 18 V C�= o r 'R 4R 3R 2 1 O21 22 23 1 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 1 B A 8 A B A B • 1 Tr Der I Tr 22o r 1 i 1e ,z. r .-r re ,; '� �, �ti�£�.s��r -, s ' s * e ��� �. �t�,�t' �, �e� ,eta Ava.lDI t ANr 1 . y q ,," ,, Tc,, F t,;„ , �} h »L ,�`,,,,*wa d��V14:1 7 t ';# 7 ' 1 �'.a' -pi 1 i+i tx. � `$ v fSY'asg'f4 , dGLI 1 # z ? r 's` it 1 a 1r.� ' a �' * IIT1 Y^4 & t s;t ,.-,„„..,..,-1 r, HQ r x tT^ S a yi M { t3sa rfy A Yqc t z `2 1 , ^s -�*y*1r„rf. 3 114;1 "' S: #r 2k ? r ,,'9em x : i #'.. „g ' F iw 1 f # ,: t -" ' ' a `, ,„A •` ,,8, , td `"1" 4 sy:+�y ' . as" e 1l 1 > 't P �z ; >:k4 k a ; � , 1 . Fx9 10 ax s t8 T 15 i 14 I III 30 31 1 — .._ I if 2 1 35 111 I 33 I OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2007-03 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2007-03. l am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2007-03. Date,Location&Tune of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,July 17,2007„7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 14,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: tcA+42 q/2/la-7Z___ (please print) Address: F t2 x 302 Signature: dd.-------V Date. G --2. .- 2407 COMMENTS: Z '4res t.•d PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 V I am FOR the requested zoning gas explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2007-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2007-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,July 17,2007,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 14,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 1ERRCAlCL . - 01,ve_. (please print) r Address: /5c G K!` Q._t/j^r), - ,�,53 IN •-_'' , . Lu ' e. I )c 0 ' g r ---------7 Signature: --._.0-- (M , L!�----`-- Date: 4-3/4 COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2007-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2007-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,July 17,2007,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 14,2007,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 1 y, R R f_t (please print) Address: P O B 1 7 Signature: , Date: ► "' � - o COMMENTS: NQO*00'O()" W 3$7 3R" A • • 0 —t CD 0 3 CD to 742 co Distance From Wt Fence is 203 LF t Distance From Sotth Fence line is 219 LF Z Distance From North Fence is 87 IF 0 oo w Distance From TXU Utility Easement Set Rack is I I IF p 0 F cn m . .0 U on y§ L I 0 r • a • o L i r O W 1.. - PP no 7 :A K --I z 0 • • 0+ .Kt LSt :I..(N1.U11sf1US Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2007 Item Number: 2 Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: 08/07/07 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: CIP, Display Subject Hold a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Thoroughfare Capital Improvements Plan. Recommendation N/A Discussion On June 26, 2007 Council adopted an Ordinance setting the date for a public hearing on the Thoroughfare Capital Improvements Plan. Section 395 of the Local Government Code specifies the process necessary for the implementation of impact fees which includes a public hearing to discuss the thoroughfare CIP. The CIP identifies projects necessary over the next ten years to serve the projected growth of the City. The CIP was last adopted on July 25, 2006. The update is necessary to add Hensley Lane and Springwell Parkway to the capital improvements plan. Potential development in the western portion of the City has made the construction of these roadways necessary. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 8/07/07 City Manager , 1 I 01 Page 1 of 1 Table 1 Thoroughfare Capital Improvement Plan City of Wylie 2007 Roadway Impact Fee PROJECT BOUNDARY PROJECT LENGTH TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST OF TOTAL COST CONSTRUCTION COST FINANCING ELIGIBLE ARTERIAL NUMBER FROM TO EXISTING DESCRIPTION (ft) COST TO THE CITY CITY PORTION FOR RECOVERY FM 1378 W1 FM 544 W Brown St 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 3,600 $ 6,900,000 $ 1,633,350 $ 1,029,011 $ 2,662,361 'FM 1378 W2 W Brown St Parker Rd 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 12,000 $ 14,970,000 $ 14,970,000 $ 9,431,100 $ 24,401,100 11/Brown Street W3 FM 1378 Ballard Ave 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 9,500 $ 12,645,000 $ 12,645,000 $ 7,966,350 $ 20,611,350 II Hensley Lane W4 Hensley Hooper Road --- Build a 3-lane undivided section 3,000 $ 2,965,000 $ 2,965,000 $ 1,867,950 $ 4,832,950 Country Club Road W5 FM 544 Hooper Road --- Build a 4-lane divided section 5,500 $ 6,800,000 $ 6,800,000 $ 4,284,000 $ 11,084,000 McMillen Road W6 Lewis Country Club(FM 1378) 2 lanes Realign and build a 4-lane divided section 7,150 $ 9,410,000 $ 9,410,000 $ 5,928,300 $ 15,338,300 McCreary Road W7 FM 544 Maxwell Creek Road --- Build a 4-lane divided section 4,100 $ 6,550,000 $ 6,550,000 $ 4,126,500 $ 10,676,500 i Springwell Pkwy. W8 FM 544 Hensley Lane --- Build a 4-lane undivided section 2,700 $ 2,850,000 $ 2,850,000 $ 1,795,500 $ 4,645,500 Hensley Lane W9 McCreary Hooper Road --- Build a 4-lane undivided section 5,100 $ 5,095,000 $ 5,095,000 $ 3,209,850 $ 8,304,850 Sub Total $ 68,185,000 $ 62,918,350 $ 39,638,561 $ 102,556,911 Alanis Drive El Century Way S Ballard 3 lanes Build a 6-lane divided section 5,500 $ 9,940,000 $ 9,940,000_$ 6,262,200 $ 16,202,200 Alanis Drive E2 Twin Lakes FM 544 3 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 2,770 $ 3,080,000 $ 3,080,000 $ 1,940,400 $ 5,020,400 Kirby Street E3 SH 78 Birmingham 4 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 1,500 $ 1,965,000 $ 1,965,000 $ 1,237,950 $ 3,202,950 Stone Road E4 Birmingham S Ballard 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 900 $ 1,122,000 $ 1,122,000 $ 706,860 $ 1,828,860 Stone Road E5 Ballard Akin 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 2,750 $ 3,110,000 $ 3,110,000 $ 1,959,300 $ 5,069,300 S Ballard Avenue E6 Stone Rd Alanis Dr 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 3,700 $ 4,140,000 $ 4,140,000 $ 2,608,200 $ 6,748,200 li ,S Ballard Avenue E7 Alanis Dr County Line 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 6,500 $ 7,430,000 $ 2,184,500 $ 1,376,235 $ 3,560,735 'Stone Road E8 Atkin Vinson 2 lanes , Build a 4-lane divided section 11,200 $ 12,965,000 $ 12,965,000 $ 8,167,950 $ 21,132,950 Brown Street E9 SH 78 Stone 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 11,000 $ 13,505,000 $ 13,505,000 $ 8,508,150 $ 22,013,150 SH 78 E10 Eubanks Spring Creek Pkwy 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided highway section 3,200 $ 3,552,000 $ 3,552,000 $ 2,237,760 $ 5,789,760 Sub Total $ 60,809,000 $ 55,563,500 $ 35,006,006 $ 90,668,606 I Grand Total: I $ 128,994,000 I $ 118,481,850 I $ 74,643,566 I $ 193,125,416 City of Wylie-2007 Roadway Impact tee Page 7 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project:FM 1378 Improvements FM 544 to West Brown Street By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Iltem No.l Description I Quantity I Unit I Price I Amount Project Description:6-lane Divided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length 3,600 L.F. Normal Width Each Side 37 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.50 feet ,Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8% by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 36 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 144,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 31,019 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 279,167 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 31,937 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 159,683 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 1,038 Tons $ 115.00 $ 119,363 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 14,070 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 28,140 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 30,299 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 1,060,465 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 500 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 20,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 400 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 16,800 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 14,550 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 101,850 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 3,722 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 126,556 11 Handicap Ramps 10 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 15,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,071,024 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Pavin• Improvements $ 683,438 13 250'Bridge(51'Wide) 2 Ea. $ 600,000.00 $ 1,200,000 14 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 400 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 80,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 1,963,438 15 Signalization Improvements at West Brown Street 1 L.S. $ 240,000.00 $ 240,000 16 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 3,350 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 201,000 17 Street Lighting Improvements 3,600 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 288,000 18 Railroad Crossing Upgrades 1 L.S. $ 350,000.00 $ 350,000 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics and Signal Improvements: $ 5,113,462 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 767,019 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics and Signal Improvements Subtotal: $ 5,880,481 Pro'ect Cost 1 er Linear Foot: $ 1,633.47 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 489,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 95,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 10,000 Signalization Design(Estimated): $ 22,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 616,000 Project Total: $ 6,496,481 l l 1 1 1 I $ 6,500,000 I Ript-of-way Acquisition 100'x Len h=8.0 Acres @$50,000/Acre : $ 400,000 1:\Clerical\Wylie\2007126\Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\W 1-FM 1378 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project: FM 1378 Improvements West Brown Street to Parker Road By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST (Item No.I Description Quantity I Unit I Price I Amount Project Description:6-lane Divided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length 12,000 L.F. Normal Width Each Side 37 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.25 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8%by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 120 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 480,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 100,000 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 900,000 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 114,400 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 572,000 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 3,718 Tons $ 115.00 $ 427,570 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 50,400 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 100,800 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 108,533 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 3,798,655 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 660 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 26,400 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 2,300 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 96,600 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 39,027 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 273,187 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 13,333 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 453,333 11 Handicap Ramps 46 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 69,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 7,197,545 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Paving Improvements $ 2,375,190 13 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 300 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 60,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,435,190 14 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 12,000 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 720,000 15 Street Lighting Improvements 12,000 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 960,000 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 11,312,735 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 1,696,910 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 13,009,645 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 1,084.14 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 1,030,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 180,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 200,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 1,410,000 Pro'ect Total: $ 14,419,645 USE ROUNDED 11 I I l $ 14,420,000 Right-of-way Acquisition (40'x Len th=11.0 Acres a�$50,000/Acre): $ 550,000 J:\Clerical\Wylie\2007126\Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\W2-FM 1378 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project:West Brown Street FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST (Item No.1, Description I Quantity I Url Price Project Description:4-lanes of a future 6-lane divided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length 9,500 L.F. Normal Width Each Side 25 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.50 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8% by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 95 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 380,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 85,185 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 766,667 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 60,720 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 303,600 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 1,973 Tons $ 115.00 $ 226,941 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 38,640 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 77,280 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 56,222 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 1,967,770 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 1,050 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 42,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 1,000 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 42,000 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 67,633 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 473,433 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 10,222 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 347,556 11 Handicap Ramps 20 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 30,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 4,657,247 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Paving Improvements $ 1,536,891 13 300'Bridge(51'Wide) 2 Ea. $ 700,000.00 $ 1,400,000 14 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 600 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 120,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 3,056,891 15 Signalization Improvements at Westgate Way 1 L.S. $ 240,000.00 $ 240,000 16 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 9,500 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 570,000 17 Street Lighting Improvements 9,500 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 760,000 18 Railroad Crossing Upgrades 1 L.S. $ 350,000.00 $ 350,000 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics and Signal Improvements: $ 9,634,138 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 1,445,121 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics and Signal Improvements Subtotal: $ 11,079,259 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 1,166.24 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 875,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 153,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 80,000 Signalization Design(Estimated): $ 22,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 1,130,000 Project Total: $ 12,209,259 USE (ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST$10,000): $ 12,210,000 Right-of-way Acquisition (40'x Length=8.7 Acres @$50,000/Acre):I I $ 435,000 J:\Clerical\Wylie\2007I26\Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\W3-WBrown BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project:Hensley Lane Existing Hensley Lane to Hooper Road By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Descrittion LQuantity L Unit Price I Amount Project Description:3-lane Undivided Thoroughfare,37-feet B-B,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length 3,000 L.F. Normal Width 37 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.50 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8%by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 30 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 120,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 10,185 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 91,667 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 13,108 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 65,540 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 426 Tons $ 115.00 $ 48,991 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 11,550 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 23,100 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 12,436 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 435,260 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 60 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 2,400 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 200 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 8,400 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 5,920 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 41,440 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 1,528 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 51,944 11 Handicap Ramps 4 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 6,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 894,742 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Paving Improvements $ 295,265 13 250'Bridge(51'Wide) 1 Ea. $ 600,000.00 $ 600,000 14 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 400 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 80,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 975,265 15 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements(75%Normal) 2,700 L.F. $ 45.00 $ 121,500 16 Street Lighting Improvements(75%Normal) 3,000, L.F. $ 60.00 $ 180,000 $ - Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 2,171,507 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 325,726 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics and Signal Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,497,233 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 832.41 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 194,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 44,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 24,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 262,000 Project Total: $ 2,759,233 USE ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST$10,000):_ I I _,$ 2,760,000 Right-of-way Acquisition (60'x Length=4.1 Acres R$50,000/Acre): Ls tl 205,000 1:\Clerical\Wylie\2007126 Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\W4-Hensley BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project:Country Club Road FM 544 to Hooper Road By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No.1 Description J Quantity l 7;i71 Price__Amount Project Description:4-lanes of a future 6-lane divided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length 5,500 L.F. Normal Width Each Side 25 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.50 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8%by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 55 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 220,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 49,537 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 445,833 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 35,310 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 176,550 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 1,148 Tons $ 115.00 $ 131,971 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 22,470 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 44,940 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 32,694 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 1,144,290 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 150 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 6,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 500 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 21,000 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 38,972 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 272,806 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 5,944 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 202,111 11 Handicap Ramps 10 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 15,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,680,501 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Paving Improvements $ 884,565 13 150'Bridge(51'Wide) 2 Ea. $ 355,000.00 $ 710,000 14 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 400 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 80,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 1,674,565 15 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 5,300 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 318,000 16 Street Lighting Improvements 5,500 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 440,000 17 Signal Improvements at Hensley 1 L.S. $ 240,000.00 $ 240,000 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 5,353,066 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 802,960 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics and Signal Improvements Subtotal: $ 6,156,026 Protect Cost per Linear Foot: $ 1,119.28 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 500,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 94,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 22,000 Signal Improvements Design(Estimated): $ 22,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 638,000 Pro'ect , $ 6,794,026 USE (ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST$10,000): $ 6,800,000 Right-of-way Acquisition (Developer Donated): L $ - J:\Clerical\Wylie\2007126\Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\W5-Country Club BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project:McMillen Road Paving and Drainage Improvements McCreary Road to FM 1378(1/2 from McCreary Road to Lewis) By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No.1 Description l Quantity I Unit J Price I Amount Project Description:4-lanes of a future 6-lane divided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length 7,150 L.F. Normal Width Each Side 25 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.50 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8% by unit weight 1 112ight-of-way Preparation 72 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 288,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 63,657 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 572,917 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 45,375 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 226,875 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 1,475 Tons $ 115.00 $ 169,589 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 28,875 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 57,750 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 42,014 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 1,470,490 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 500 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 20,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 400 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 16,800 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 50,325 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 352,275 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 7,639 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 259,722 11 Handicap Ramps 14 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 21,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 3,455,418 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Paving Improvements $ 1,140,288 13 275'Bridge(51'Wide) 2 Ea. $ 645,000.00 $ 1,290,000 14 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 500 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 100,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,530,288 15 50%of Signalization Improvements at McCreary Road 1 L.S. $ 120,000.00 $ 120,000 16 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 6,875 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 412,500 17 Street Lighting Improvements 7,150 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 572,000 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics and(50%Signals)Improvements: $ 7,090,206 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 1,063,531 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics and(50%Signals)Improvements Subtotal: $ 8,153,737 Project Cost per Linear Foot: > $ 1,140.38 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 680,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 130,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 25,000 50%of Signalization Design(Estimated): $ 11,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 846,000 Project Total: $ 8,999,737 USE (ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST$10,000): I $ 9,000,000 Right-of-way Acquisition (50'x Length=8.2 Acres 4$50,000/Acre): $ 410,000 J:\Clerical\Wylie\2007I26\Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\W6-McMillen BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project:McCreary Road FM 544 to South City Limit By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No.1 Description 1 Quantity I Unit I Price I Amount Project Description:4-lanes of a future 6-lane divided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length 4,100 L.F. Normal Width Each Side 25 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.50 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8% by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 41 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 164,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 37,963 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 341,667 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 27,060 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 135,300 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 879 Tons $ 115.00 $ 101,137 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 17,220 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 34,440 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 25,056 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 876,960 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 300 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 12,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 400 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 16,800 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 29,667 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 207,667 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 4,556 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 154,889 11 Handicap Ramps 8 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 12,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,056,859 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Paving Improvements $ 678,763 13 300-ft.Bridge(51'Wide) 2 Ea. $ 700,000.00 $ 1,400,000 14 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 500 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 100,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,178,763 15 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 4,100 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 246,000 16 Street Lighting Improvements 4,100 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 328,000 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 4,809,622 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 721,443 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 5,531,066 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 1,349.04 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 420,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 90,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 30,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 540,000 Project Total: $ 6,071,066 USE (ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST$10,000): $ 6,080,000 Right-of-way Acquisition S 100'x Length=9.4 Acres @$50,000/AcreL $ 470,000 J:\Clerical\Wylie\2007126\Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\W 7-McCreary BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project: Springwell Parkway FM 544 to Hensley Lane By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. DescriQtion J Quantity I Unit f Price Amount I Project Description:4-lane undivided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage(70'ROW) Project Length 2,700 L.F. Normal Width Entire Street 49 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.50 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8% by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 27 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 108,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 17,500 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 157,500 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 16,830 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 84,150 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 547 Tons $ 115.00 $ 62,900 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 5,670 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 11,340 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 16,170 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 565,950 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 300 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 12,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 400 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 16,800 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 3,670 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 25,690 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 3,000 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 102,000 11 Handicap Ramps 8 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 12,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 1,158,330 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Paving Improvements $ 382,249 13 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 500 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 100,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 482,249 14 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 2,700 L.F. $ 50.00 $ 135,000 15 Street Lighting Improvements 2,700 L.F. $ 70.00 $ 189,000 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 1,964,579 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 294,687 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,259,266 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 836.77 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 198,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 41,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 36,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 275,000 Project Total: $ 2,534,266 USE (ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST$10,000): $ 2,540,000 I Riet-of-way Acquisition 100'x Length=6.2 Acres a.$50,000/Acre $ 310,000 1:\Clerical\QWylie\2007126 Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\W8-Springwell BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project:Hensley Lane McCreary Road to Hooper Road By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No.1 Description Quantity Unit I Price Amount 7 Project Description:4-lane undivided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage(70'ROW) Project Length 5,100 L.F. Normal Width Entire Street 49 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.50 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8% by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 51 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 204,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 33,056 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 297,500 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 31,790 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 158,950 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 1,033 Tons $ 115.00 $ 118,820 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 10,710 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 21,420 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 30,543 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 1,069,005 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 300 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 12,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 400 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 16,800 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 7,170 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 50,190 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 5,667 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 192,667 11 Handicap Ramps 8 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 12,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,153,352 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Paving Improvements $ 710,606 13 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 400 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 80,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 790,606 14 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 5,100 L.F. $ 50.00 $ 255,000 15 Street Lighting Improvements 5,100 L.F. $ 70.00 $ 357,000 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 3,555,958 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 533,394 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 4,089,351 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 801.83 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 314,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 66,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 34,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 414,000 Project Total: $ 4,503,351 USE ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST$10,000): I I I $ 4,510,000 Right-of-way Acquisition (100'x Length=j1.7 Acres @$50,000/Acre)] L $ 585,000 J:\Clerical\Wylie\2007126 Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\W9-Hensley BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 07-Jun-07 Project:Alanis Drive West Century Way to South Ballard Avenue By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST 'Item No.I Description I Quantity ' Unit ' Price Amount Project Description:A 6-lane Divided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length 5,500 L.F. Normal Width Each Side 37 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.00 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8%by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 55 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 220,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 74,074 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 666,667 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 47,667 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 238,333 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 1,549 Tons $ 110.00 $ 170,408 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 20,832 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 41,664 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10%for Intersections) 44,860 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 1,525,240 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 200 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 8,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 200 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 8,400 9 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 21,813 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 152,690 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 5,511 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 187,378 11 Handicap Ramps 6 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 9,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 3,227,780 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 30% of Paving Improvements $ 968,334 13 520'Bridge(51'Wide) 2 Ea. $1,200,000.00 $ 2,400,000 14 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 150 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 30,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 3,398,334 15 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 4,980 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 298,800 16 Street Lighting Improvements 5,500 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 440,000 $ - Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 7,364,914 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 1,104,737 Paving,Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 8,469,652 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 1,539.94 Engineering,Surveying&Geotechnical Investigation(Estimated): $ 644,000 Material Testing and Quality Control(Estimated): $ 130,000 Right-of-way Preparation(Estimated): $ 36,000 Subtotal,Professional Fees(Estimated): $ 810,000 Project Total: $ 9,279,652 USE 1ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST$10,000): $ 9,280,000 Right-of-way Acquisition ngth-700 x 120'=13.2 Acres(a $50,000/Acre): L 660,0001 J:\Clerical\Wylie\2007126 Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\E1-Alanis W BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 08-Jun-07 Project: Alanis Drive East Twin Lakes to FM 544 By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Descri tion Quanti Unit Price Amount Project Description: 4-lane Divided T6oroughfare, 12-foot lanes, 8-inc6 thick, reinforced concrete street wit6 curbs and under round storm draina e Project Length 2,770 L.F. Normal Width Each Side 25 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavatioo 2.75 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8°/a b unit wei ht 1 Ri t-of-wa Pre aration 28 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 112,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 28,213 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 253,917 3 12-inch Lime Treated Sub ade 18,282 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 91,410 4 H drated Lime 65#/S.Y. 594 Tons $ 115.00 $ 68,329 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb lus 5% for Median O enin s 11,634 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 23,268 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement lus 10% for Intersections 16,928 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 592,480 7 Reinforced Concrete Drivewa s 300 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 12,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 600 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 25,200 9 Finish Grade and Soddin ( lus 10%outside ROW 13,239 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 92,672 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk both sides) 3,078 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 104,644 11 Handica Ram s 10 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ I5,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 1,390,920 12 Under round Storm Draina e Im rovements 33% of Pavin Im rovements $ 459,004 13 Offsite Storm Draina e Im rovemen[s 290 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 58,000 14 Box Culverts with Headwalls 1 L.S $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 642,004 15 Landsca in & Irri ation Im rovements 2,770 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 166,200 16 Street Li htin Im rovements 2,770 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 221,600 $ - Pavin , Draina e and Aesthetics Im rovements: $ 2,420,724 Miscellaneous Contin encies: 15% $ 363,109 Pavin , Draina e and Aesthetics Im rovements Subtotal: $ 2,783,833 Pro'ect Cost er Linear Foot: $ 1,004.99 En ineerin , Surve in & Geotechnical Investi ation Estimated : $ 230,000 Material Testin and Qualit Control Estimated : $ 42,000 Ri t-of-wa Pre aration Estimated : $ 20,000 Subtotal, Professional Fees Estimated : $ 292,000 Pro'ect Total: $ 3,075,833 USE ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST $10,000): S 3,080,000 Ri t-of-wa Ac uisition Develo r ponated): $ J:\Clerical\Wyiie~2007126Utoadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\E2-Alanis E BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Project: Kirby Street SH 78 to Birmingham ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST 2007126 Date: 08-Jun-07 By: JRC Item No. Description Quantity I Unit Price Amount Project Description: 4-1ane Divided Thoroughfare, 12-foot lanes, 8-inch thick, reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length Normal Width Each Side Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 1,500 25 3.00 8%-by L.F. B -B feet unit wei ht 1 Right-of-way Preparation 15 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 60,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 15,000 C.Y. $ 10.00 $ 150,000 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 9,900 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 499500 4 Hydrated Lime P, 65#/S.Y. 322 Tons $ 115.00 $ 37,001 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5% for Median Openings) 6,300 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 12,600 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10% for Intersections 9,167 S.Y. $ 36.00 $ 330,012 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 500 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 20,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 1,000 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 42,000 9 Finish Grade and Sodding (plus 10%outside ROW 5,178 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 36,244 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk both sides 1,667 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 56,667 11 Handicap Rams 20 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 30,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 824,024 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 45% ofPaving Improvements $ 370,811 13 Offsite Stone Drainage Improvements 300 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 60,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 4309811 14 Landscaping & Irrigation Improvements 1,500 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 90,000 15 Street Lighting Improvements 1,500 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 120,000 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 1,464,835 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 219,725 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 1,684,561 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 1,123,04 Engineering, Surveying & Geotechnical Investigation (Estimated): $ 150,000 Material Testing and Quality Control (Estimated): $ 24,000 Right-of-way Preparation (Estimated): $ 21,000 Subtotal, Professional Fees Estimated : $ 195,000 Project Total: $ 1,879,561 USE ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST $10,000 : $ 1,880,000 Riot-of-,aRiot-of-,!X Ac uisition ( 50' x Len = 1.7 Acres $50,000/Acre: $ 85,000 JAC1erica1\Wylie\2007126 Roadway CMEng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.x1s\E3-Kirby BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: Project: Stone Road W(a) Birmingham to South Ballard Avenue By: ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST 08-Jun-07 JRC Item No.1 Description I Quanti Unit I Price Amount Project Description: 4-lane Divided Thoroughfare, 12-foot lanes, 8-inch thick, reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length Normal Width Each Side Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 900 25 3.00 8% L.F. B -B feet by unit wei ht 1 Right-of-way Preparation 9 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 36,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 9,000 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 81,000 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 5,940 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 29,700 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 193 Tons $ 115.00 $ 22,201 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5% for Median Openings) 3,780 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 7,560 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10% for Intersections 5,500 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 192,500 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 450 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 18,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 500 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 21,000 9 Finish Grade and Sodding (plus 10%outside ROW 3,889 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 27,222 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk both sides 1,000 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 34,000 11 Handicap Rams 10 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 15,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 484,183 12 Under round Storm Drainage Improvements 40% of Paving Improvements $ 193,673 13 Mile Storm Drainage Improvements 125 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 25,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 218,673 14 & Irrigation Improvements 900 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 54,000 15 -Landscaping Street Lighting Improvements 900 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 72,000 $ Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 828,856 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 124,328 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 953,185 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 1,059.09 Engineering, Surveying & Geotechnical Investigation (Estimated): $ 102,000 Material Testing and Quality Control (Estimated): $ 17,000 Right-of-way Preparation Estimated): $ 30,000 Subtotal, Professional Fees Estimated : $ 149,000 Project Total: $ 1,102,185 USE (ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST $10,000): $ 1,102,000 Ri t-of-wa Ac uisition 20' x Lean = 0.4 Acres $50,000/Acre): $ 20,000 JAC1erica1\Wy1ie\2007126 Roadway CMEng-Es6mates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\E4-Stone W(a) BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Project: Stone Road W(b) South Ballard Avenue to Akin Lane ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST 2007126 Date: 08-Jun-07 By: JRC Item No. Description Quanti Unit Price Amount Project Description: 4-lanes of a future 6-lane Divided Thoroughfare, 12-foot lanes, 8-inch thick, reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length Normal Width Each Side Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 2,750 25 3.00 8%-by L.F. B -B feet unit wei ht 1 Ri t-o way Preparation 28 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 112,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 27,500 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 247,500 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 18,150 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 90,750 4 H drated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 590 Tons $ 115.00 $ 67,836 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5% for Median Openings) 11,550 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 23,100 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10% for Intersections 16,806 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 588,210 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 270 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 10,800 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 800 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 33,600 9 Finish Grade and Sodding (plus 10%outside ROW) 16,378 S.Y. 1 $ 7.00 $ 114,644 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk both sides 3,056 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 103,889 11 Handicap Rams 16 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 24,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 1,416,329 12 Under round Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Paving Improvements $ 467,389 13 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 50 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 10,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 477,389 14 Landsca ing & Irrigation Improvements 2,750 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 165,000 15 Street Lighting Improvements 2,750 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 220,000 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 2,278,718 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 3419808 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,620,525 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 952.92 Engineering, Surveying & Geotechnical Investigation (Estimated): $ 240,000 Material Testing and Quality Control Estimated): $ 44,000 Right-of-way Preparation (Estimated): $ 40,000 Subtotal, Professional Fees Estimated): $ 324,000 Project Total: $ 2,944,525 USE ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST $10,000): $ 2,950'000 Ri&t.of-,!X Ac uisition (50' x Lena = 3.2 Acres P$50,000/Acre): $ 160,000 JAC1erica1\Wy1ie\2007126 Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\E5-Stone W(b) BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: Project: City of Wylie South Ballard Avenue Alanis Drive to Stone Road Project No. 2007126 ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Date: 08-Jun-07 By: JRC Item No. Description I Quanti Unit Price Amount Project Description: 4-lanes of a future 6-lane divided Thoroughfare, 12-foot lanes, 8-iuch thick, reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm draina e Project Length Normal Width Each Side Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 3,700 25 2.50 8% L.F. B -B feet by unit wei ht 1 Right-of-way Preparation 37 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 148,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 34,259 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 308,333 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 24,420 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 122,100 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 794 Tons $ 115.00 $ 91,270 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5% for Median Openings) 15,540 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 31,080 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10% for Intersections 22,611 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 791,385 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 360 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 14,400 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 500 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 21,000 9 j Finish Grade and Sodding (plus 10%outside ROW 26,689 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 186,822 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk (both sides) 4,111 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 139,778 11 Handicap Rams 12 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 18,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: I $ 1,872,168 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of PavinA Improvements- $ 617,815 13 Mite Storm Drainage Improvements 150 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 30,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 647,815 14 Landscaping & Irrigation Improvements 3,700 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 222,000 15 Street Lighting Improvements 3,700 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 296,000 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 3,037,984 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 455,698 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 3,493,681 Project Cost eer Linear Foot: $ 944.24 Engineering, Surveying & Geotechnical Investigation Estimated):, $ 334,000 Material Testing and Quality Control (Estimated): $ 57,000 Right-of-way Preparation (Estimated): $ 42,000 Subtotal, Professional Fees Estimated): $ 433,000 Project Total: $ 3,926,681 USE ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST $10,000): $ 3,930,000 Ri t-of-wa Acquisition ( 50' x Len = 4.2 Acres $50,000/Acre): $ 210,000 JAClerical\Wylie\2007126 Roadway CIP\Eng•Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\E6-S Ballard N BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 08-Jun-07 Project: South Ballard Avenue County Line to Alanis Drive By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Quanti Unit Price Amount Project Description: 4-lanes of a future 6-lane divided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes, 8-inch thick, reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm draina e Project Length Normal Width Each Side Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 6,500 25 2.50 8% L.F. B -B feet by unit wei ht 1 Right-of-way Preparation 65 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 260,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 60,185 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 541,667 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 42,900 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 214,500 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 1,394 Tons $ 115.00 $ 160,339 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5% for Median Openings) 27,300 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 54,600 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10% for Intersections 39,722 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 1,390,270 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 420 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 16,800 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 800 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 33,600 9 Finish Grade and Sodding (plus 10% outside ROW 47,533 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 332,733 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk both sides 7,222 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 245,556 11 Handicap Rams 16 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 24,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 3,274,064 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% ofPaving Improvements $ 1,080,441 13 Multiple Box Culverts with Headwalls 1 L.S. $150,000.00 $ 150,000 14 Mite Storm Drainage Improvements 250 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 50,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 1,280,441 15 Landscaping & Irrigation Improvements 6,500 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 390,000 16 Street Lighting Improvements 6,500 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 520,000 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 5,464,506 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 819,676 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 6,284,181 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 966.80 Engineering, Surveying & Geotechnical Investigation (Estimated): $ 553,000 Material Testing and Quality Control (Estimated): $ 100,000 Right-of-way Preparation (Estimated): $ 36,000 Subtotal, Professional Fees Estimated): $ 689,000 Project Total: $ 6,973,181 USE (ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST $10,000 : $ 6,980,000 Ri t-of-wa Acquisition ( 60' x Len = 9.0 Acres 2 $50,000/Acre): $ 450,000 JAClerical\Wylie\2007126 Roadway CIP\Eng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.xls\E7-S Ballard S BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007126 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: Project: Stone Road Paving and Drainage Improvements Akin Lane to County Line By: ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST 07-Jun-07 JRC Item No. Description Quantity I Unit Price Amount Project Description: 4-lanes of a future 6-lane divided Thoroughfare,12-foot lanes, 8-inch thick, reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage Project Length Normal Width Each Side Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 11,200 25 2.50 8% L.F. B -B feet by unit wei ht 1 Right- f-waPreparation 112 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 448,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 103,704 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 933,333 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 73,920 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 369,600 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 2,402 Tons $ 115.00 $ 276,276 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb (plus 5% for Median Openings) 47,040 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 94,080 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10% for Intersections 68,444 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 2,395,540 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 1,800 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 72,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 2,000 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 84,000 9 Finish Grade and Sodding (plus 10% outside ROW) 82,522 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 577,656 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk both sides) 12,444 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 423,111 11 Handicap Rams 50 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 75,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: $ 5,748,596 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% ol'Paving Improvements $ 1,897,037 13 Multiple Box Culverts with Headwalls I L.S. $350,000.00 $ 350,000 14 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 800 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 160,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 2,407,037 15 Landscaping & Irrigation Improvements 11,200 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 672,000 16 Street Lighting Improvements 11,200 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 896,000 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements: $ 9,723,633 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 1,458,545 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics Improvements Subtotal: $ 11,182,178 Project Cost eer Linear Foot: $ 998.41 Engineering, Surveying & Geotechnical Investigation (Estimated): $ 930,000 Material Testing and Quality Control (Estimated): $ 170,000 Right-of-way Preparation (Estimated): $ 45,000 Subtotal, Professional Fees (Estimated): $ 1,145,000 Project Total: $ 12,327,178 USE (ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST $10,000): $ 12,330,1000 11 Ri ht-of-wa Acquisition 50' x Length = 12.7 Acres a $50,000/Acre : I I I I $ 635,000 J:\C1erica1\Wy1ie\2007126 Roadway CMEng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.x1s\E8-Stone E BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: Project: East Brown Street 2007126 08-Jun-07 SH 78 to Stone Road By: JRC ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No.1 Descri tion Quantity I Unit I Price Amount Project Description: 4-lanes of a future 6-lane divided Thoroughfare, 12-foot lanes, 8-inch thick, reinforced concrete street with curbs and undcr2round storm draina e Project Length Normal Width Each Side Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 11,000 25 2.50 8% L.F. B -B feet by unit wei ht 1 Right-of-way Preparation 110 Sta. $ 4,000.00 $ 440,000 2 Unclassified Excavation 99,537 C.Y. $ 9.00 $ 895,833 3 F4 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade 70,950 S.Y. $ 5.00 $ 354,750 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 2,306 Tons $ 115.00 $ 265,176 5 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5% for Median Openings) 45,150 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 90,300 6 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(plus 10% for Intersections 65,694 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 2,299,290 7 Reinforced Concrete Driveways 750 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 30,000 8 Side Street Concrete Transitions 2,000 S.Y. $ 42.00 $ 84,000 9 Finish Grade and Sodding (plus 10%outside ROW 66,156 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 463,089 10 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk both sides 11,944 S.Y. $ 34.00 $ 406,111 11 Handica Rams 40 Ea. $ 1,500.00 $ 60,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal: I $ 5,388,549 12 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements 33% of Pavin R Improvements $ 1,778,221 13 220' Bride 5F Wide 2 Ea. $ 517,000.00 $ 1,034,000 14 Multiple Box Culverts and Headwalls 2 L.S. $ 200,000.00 $ 400,000 15 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 600 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 120,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal: $ 3,332,221 16 Landscaping & Irrigation Improvements 10,700 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 642,000 17 Street Lighting Improvements 11,000 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 880,000 Paving, Drainage and Aesthetics and Signal Improvements: $ 10,242,770 Miscellaneous Contingencies: 15% $ 1,536,416 Pavin ,Draina a and Aesthetics and Signal Improvements Subtotal: $ 11,779,186 Project Cost eer Linear Foot: $ 1,070.84 Engineering, Surveying & Geotechnical Investigation (Estimated): $ 980,000 Material Testing and Quality Control (Estimated): $ 172,000 Right-of-way Preparation (Estimated): $ 68,000 Subtotal, Professional Fees (Estimated): $ 1,220,000 Project Total: $ 12,999,186 USE ROUNDED UP TO NEAREST $10,000 : $ 13,000,000 Ri t-of-wa AESuisition 40' x Length = 10.1 Acres $50,000/Acre): $ 505,000 JAClericaMylie\2007126 Roadway CMEng-Estimates\Conceptual Budgets.x1s\E9-E Brown Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 14, 2007 Department: Engineering Prepared By: Chris Holsted Date Prepared: 08/07/07 Item Number: 3 (City Secretary's Use Only) Account Code: Budgeted Amount: $622,090 Exhibits: Water Impact Fee Table Consider, and act upon, reimbursement to Parsons -Warner, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $76,001.75, for the installation of a 12-inch water line along Lakefield Drive. Motion to approve a reimbursement to Parsons -Warner, LLC in an amount not to exceed $76,001.75. The City of Wylie's Water System Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) identifies the improvements to the system necessary to serve the future growth of the City. The water model that was developed as part of the CIP indicated that a 12-inch water line would be necessary along the extension of Lakefield Drive from Parkside Drive to FM 1378. The project was included in the most recent Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update as shown on the attached tables. The construction of the water line has been completed by the developer of the Parkside subdivision. The impact fees include $622,090 for the construction of the water line and the total construction and engineering cost for the portion installed in Lakefield Drive is $76,001.75. Parsons -Warner, LLC is requesting reimbursement for the construction of the line. The current water impact fee fund balance is approximately $708,000. Initial Date Department Director CH/�/� 8/7/07 City Manager V 1i 0 Page 1 of 1 OFFSITE WATER LINE COST Parkside Phase I Wylie, Texas Tipton Engineering, Inc. 07/26/07 Description Unit Qty Price Amount OFFSITE WATER 12" Water Main LF 1,650 27.05 $44,632.50 6" Water Main LF 50 13.20 660.00 12" Valve EA 4 1,450.00 5,800.00 6" Valve EA 4 581.50 2,326.00 Fire Hydrant EA 4 2,000.00 8,000.00 Cast Iron Fittings TONS 1.8 2,885.00 5,193.00 Concrete Blocking CY 9 95.00 855.00 Connect To Existing EA 1 351.00 351.00 Test LF 1,700 0.25 425.00 Trench Safety LF 1,700 0.50 850.00 Construction Costs of Improvements and Oversizing $69,092.50 Engineering and Construction Staking $6,909.25 Total Amount of Offsite Water Line Costs $76,001.75 CP4741.xls N, 7�— _- _ µ dive 40 20 0 40 T. INSTALL 2" - ------- - ---------- ---- ---- --- ---- -- 5 . . ........ lIE 4 rt 1-:21i5D� �,Pgglosment 1; 1 2, ta-r.-�-Woms,:� L.L.C. ,, r T- , E 9 TO 12 114 15Ili L 7 ------ T- c rt 11 11 11 IN % �i 24 0 ACC 6 th — — — — — — — L 75 41 a R=32 CL=153.46 q T-95. J-11 29— 23 22 21 ---27 26 1 25 2 .0=, CL=m Mm R 5'aE-J U. A. � !tw!n mqh-,.l �. ­t,bd y om�s/r,ta dkwwo— b —t.MrmWCOw+ 470-dart-W ftff..L°""n. ST WATER & SEWER PLAN a.. EARNSDE PHASE I WYLJE, TEXAS f-M TrFTON ENGINEERIN r. Ir 19 ALI", 1z, V� : T- • F=*ypi— Wate, mid 5—.F-'Betdi 5-e eit, Table No. 11 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 10-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Water Linec Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. (211412006) Project No. Year Project Size Opinion o Construction Cost (1) Debt Service (2) "Total Project Cost LI 2005 Creekside Distribution Line No. 1 20" $ 866,000 $ 545,581 $ 1,411,581 L2 2005 Creekside Distribution Line No. 2 16" - 20" $ 416,500 $ 262,395 $ 678,895 L3 2006 Newport Harbor Distribution Line No. 1 12" - 24" $ 1,396,000 $ 879,480 $ 2,275,480 F.M. 1378 Distribution Line No. 1 LS 1 2008 12" $ 449,000 $ 282,870 $ 731,870 L Testgate Waterline Crossing at F.M. 5 L7 2007 State Highway 78 Distribution Line No. 1 20" - 24" $ 942,000 $ 593,460 $ 1,535,460 L8 2008 State Highway 78 Distribution Line No. 2 16" - 24" $ 830,500 $ 523,216 1 $ 1,353,716 L9 2009 Hensley Lane Distribution Line No. 1 12" $ 916,000 $ 577,080 $ 1,493,080 L10 1 2005 East Alanis Drive Distribution Line 12" $ 250,000 $ 131,250 $ 381,250 L11 2010 Lake Travis Drive and Canyon Lake Drive Waterlines 8" $ 99,000 $ 62,370 $ 161,370 L12 2012 East Side Water Distribution Lines 12" $ 473,000 $ 297,990 $ 770,990 L13 2012 Woodbridge Water Distribution Line 8" - 12" $ 740,000 $ 466,200 $ 1,206,200 L14 2007 Pressure Reducing Valve Vaults 8" - 12" $ 314,500 $ 198,135 $ 512,635 L 15 2007 Brown Street and Sanden Water Lines 12" $ 300,000 $ 189,000 $ 489,000 Subtotal: Water Lines S 8,658,000 1 S 5,428,292 1 S I4,086,292 Pomnina and Stnraae Facilities 11 oject F1,o. Yctu Project Capacity Opinion o Construction Cost (1) Debt Service (2) Total Project Cost PI 2005 Nortex Pump Station Improvements - Phase 1 2.3 MGD $ 163,000 $ 102,690 $ 265,690 S 1 2005 Creekside Elevated Storage Tank 2.0 MG $ 2,883,260 $ 1,816,454 $ 4,699,714 P2 2006 Nortex Pump Station Improvements - Phase 2 5.9 MGD $ 358,000 $ 225,540 $ 583,540 S2 2006 Newport Harbor Ground Storage Reservoir No. 2 2.0 MG $ 1,255,200 $ 790,776 $ 2,045,976 P3 2006 NTMWD Pump Station Improvements - Phase 1 6.1 MGD $ 941,000 $ 592,830 $ 1,533,830 P4 2007 Newport Harbor Pump Station Improvements - Phase 1 8.3 MGD $ 160,000 $ 100,800 $ 260,800 S3 2007 Nortex Ground Storage Reservoir No. 2 1.5 MG $ 913,000 $ 575,190 $ 1,488,190 PS 2008 Newport Harbor Pump Station Improvements - Phase 2 11.5 MGD $ 160,000 $ 100,800 $ 260,800 P6 1 2009 NTMWD Pump Station Improvements - Phase 2 9 MGD $ 130,000 $ 81,900 $ 211,900 P7 1 2012 Nortex Pump Station Improvements - Phase 3 8.8 MGD $ 135,000 $ 85,050 $ 220,050 S4 1 2012 Ballard Elevated Storage Tank Replacement 1.5 MG $ 2,675,000 $ 1,685,250 $ 4,360,250 S5 2012 New ort Harbor Ground Storage Reservoir No. 1(New) 1.0 MG $ 844,000 $ 531,720 $ 1,375,720 S6 2012 Nortex Ground Storage Reservoir No. 1 (Replace) 1.0 MG $ 675,000 $ 425,250 $ 1,100,250 P8 2014 NTMWD Pump Station Improvements - Phase 3 10.9 MGD $ 136,000 $ 85,680 $ 221,680 Subtotal: Pumping and Stm-age Facilities S 11,428,460 $ 7,199,930 $ 18,628,390 JX1,n,W\Wy1ie\=16CRWWsgtepW w-WW CIRXWWY - 26 - Birkhoff, Hendrick, and Conway, L.LP. 210112006 TABLE NO. 14 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSED CIP - WATER LINES Average Unit rn u are bared in 2005 donna unlert otherwise indicated. Pmjetrr not in Phase I ofCIP include 23%for engineering and miscellaneous m tiagencia. Pmje a in Phase l ofC1P include proposed enginmringfceand ISX for mice<llaneous wnlinge ies. All pm*a include SISIL f of open cut inuallolion for easemenu unless they are planned to be consbuGed within erirting right-of-t v. Utilized Ca aci S Utlllzed Ca achy Avg. Unit Debt 20 Year Debt Total 20 Year Pipe Length Diameter Date of Const. Date Cost Total Capital Service Service Utilizing Project Number (F[,) (inches) Cost (S) interest Simple Interest Cost (S) During During Rate 2005 2015 Fee Period 2005 2015 Fee Period Project No. Ll - Creekside Distribution Line No. 1 1730 Service Area] This prcject wmects the existing 16' waterline east of the Creekside Estates Subdivision to the existing 12" waterline at Creekside Estates Drive 1 352 5,1001 20 S121.91 S621,750 S391,703 S1,013,45 0% 85% 95% $0 $961,435 S861,435 I 199 1,400 24 $174.46 S244,250 $153,879 S398,1 0% BS% 85% s0 S338,409 $338,409 I 375 1 0'A 95% 95% So SO SO subtotd: 6,500 2005 5866.000 6% SM5,581 S1,411491 SO 51,199,1144 S1,1"M4 Project No. 2 - Creekside Distribution Line No. L2 [730 Service Area] This project connects the existing 12" waterline along McMillan Road and McCreary Road to the existing 12" waterline south of Creekside Estates Phase? 2 1 123 1 140 16 5403.64 1..J $35,601 S92,III 0°/. 85% 85% SO $78294 178,294 2 3JS 2,500 20 $144.00 SJ59,990 5226,794 S586,784 0% 85% 85% SO 5498,766 5498,7ti6 Subtotal: 2,640 2005 S4I6,500 6X 5262�95 $678,8 SO S577,060 S577,060 Project No. L3 - Newport Harbor Distribution Line No. 1 [730 Service Area] c Newport Harbor Pump Station will sme the High Pressure Scrviw Area The Ne Harbor Distribution line will allow for future growth in the High Pressure Service Area 2 399 740 20 S208.31 $154,152 $97,116 $251,268 0% $5% 95% SO $213,578 5213,578 2 386 5,150 is $146.99 S757,010 S476,916 S1233,92 0% 95% 85% SO S1,048,837 S1,048,837 25 SO OX 0 % 0' SO SO SO 2 24 SO 0%. 0% (r $0 SO SO 2 403 s0 0%s 0% 0% SO SO SO 2 400 1,590 16 $145.30 $231,031 S145,550 S376,581 0% 85% 85% SO $320,094 S320,094 2 401 SO O% 0% 0% So So SO 2 219 2,400 12 S105.75 $253,807 $159,698 S413,705 0% 85% 85% $0 131'.641 S351,649 Subtotal: 9,880 2006 SI'396,000 6% 5879,480 S2,275,480 SO 5[,934,158 S1,934,15 Project No. L4 - Creekside Distribution Line No. 3 [730 Service Area] This p,oject begir, west of the Creekside Elevated Surage Tank and connects to the existing 16" watMine along MXrcary Road 2 211 5,100 16 EI11.37 $568,000 5357,840 1925,840 0% 85% BSY SO S716,964 S786,964 2 371 s0 0°A 0 % SO S0 SO Project No. L5 - F.M. 1378 Distribution Line [730 Service Areal This project connects the existing 12" waterline along F.M. 1378 at Brown Strect to the exiiii ing 12" wataline in Iakefield Drive 2 361 4,900 12 $91.63 S449,000 S282,870 $731, O% 85% 85% SO $627,090 S622,090 2 361 tYR W. 0°/. SO s0 SO 2 153 0% 01A 0% SO SO SO Subtotal: 4,900 2008 S449.990 6X 5282,870 5731 SO S622,090 S622,0 This project connects the existi 20' walalinc alon Westgate Waynorth of F.M. 544 to the existing12" waterline south of F.M. 544 2 385 150 20 S650.00 S97,5001 1 $61,425 S158,925 OX 85-A 8S% SO 5135,086 S135086 Subtotal: 150 2006 $97,500 6% 561425 S158 $0 $135086 $135,0 Project No. L7 - State Highway 78 Distribution Line No. 1 [679 Service Areal This .m w rn the exisiing waterline near Bimun ham Avenue to the existing 14" waterline in Brown Strew 2 374 2,900 20 5232.06 S672,970 5423,9i1 31,096,941 0% 90°A 90% SO $987,247 3987,247 2 376 0°h 0°A 0% SO SO 10 2 379 1,150 24 $233.94 S269,030 S169,489 5438,51 0% 90% 90-/ $0 S394,667 $394,667 2 362 S 06/1 0'A $0 SO So Subtotal: 4,050 2006 S942p00 6% 5593,460 31,5J5,4 SO S1.381,914 51,381,914 - t0 . �6 J J x 0 N V r__ 0 0 PI r` 0 FACSIMILE of AIA FORM G702 PROJECT: Parks�ie Phase 1 APPLICATION AI: 5 DISTRIBUTION TO: TO: Parsons-)Plarner, L.L.C. Owner 4925 Greenville Ave., Suite 1020 PERIOD TO: W25F230' Engineer Dallas. Texas75206 OVJhJEP.: Parsons -Warner. GlVll ENG'NEER Tipton Eagiteedrrg, Inc. u. Donn CHANGE ORDER WM1ARY Change On6er3approved by (01•nner war 7?25=7 ADDITIONS DEDUCTONS C$WNGE ORDER ki ",344.45 CHANGE ORDER A2 $3 532 I)o CHANt;- DRDFR.43 5*.0470.50 Usage ordevs $23,346.94 $0.00 ,application is made For Draw. as shown oetow in connecuun wall the Contract Documents) and Agreement(s) Continuation Sheet Per Form G703, is attached. 1. SCHEDULED CONTRACT VALUE W1,679'40 2. CHANGE ORDERS $23,346.95 5705,D26.35 3. REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT 4. TOTAL CCIAPLETED TO DATE S653,471.35 5. RETAINAGE K5,347.14 6. TOTAL LESS RETAINAGE S588.124.22 7. PREVIOUS ORAN REQUESTS $578.626.52 S. STORED A,ATERIALS S0.00 $0.00 9. DRAW REQUEST ADJUSTMENT ('F REQ.)' 10.CURRENT DRAW DUE FROM OWNER $9,497.70 CONTRAC70R'S CERTIFICATION 11, BALANCE TO FINISH INCLUDING RETAINAGE $116,902.14 Four ConsWetion Inc. certifies -hat to lhe':estof It's kncrnlec:3e, information end bel'ei the Was covered by th,s Drar+: Request nas been completed in axordance w1h the Contract Documents, tral all amaunts have been pad by It", Contractor far Work for W%ici prr;:ear Ceticates for Paprmt were issced aid ' draws received kom'he Owne , and that uarro_nt payment shorn herein Is nua due Four D Const Inc. Date. Jas .Daniel . it of ralra s Y�!•inessed a•uf Verified By. Chet Hollaway, Controller 'Draw RequeMAdjuslmeriwas req-.fired for the Fallowing reasons. PROJECT: Parks1de Phase 1 DRAW # b UNIT SCHEDULED PREVIOUS THIS TOTAL COMPLETED °% BALANCE J. TEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK QUANTITY BID PRICE VALUE APPLICATIONS APPLICATION TC DA7E COMPLETED TOrLNISH 0 101 12" PVC DR-18 1,455.00 $27.05 S39.357.75 $39,357.75 SOAO $39,357.75 100%$D.00 100%$0.00 102 9' PVC DR-18 A, 335.00 $16.40 571,094.00 S71,094.00 $G.00 $71,094.00 100% $0.00 103 6' PVC DR-18 135.00 S13 20 $1,782.00 $1,782.00 $O.N $1,782.00 1 DO% $0.00 104 12"Gate Valve 4.00 $1,450 00 $5.800.00 $5.800.00 $0.00 $5,800.00 100°% $0.00 109 a" Gate Valve 14.00 $84400 S11,816.00 $11,1516.00 5000 $11,816.00 $6.396-50 1000A $0.00 10B 6" Gete Valve 11.01) S581 50 $2,000.00 $6,396.50 $22,000.00 $6.396.50 $22,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22.D00.00 100% SO 00 107 Fire Hydrant 11.00 116.00 $71.50 $8.294.00 50.00 $5,294.OG S8.294.00 100% SO 00 108 Meter Box t12.00 $432.00 S48,384.00 $48,304.00 SOOD S48,384.00 IDo% 5400 109 1" Service 110 1" Service on Ex. A1air by Bore 4.00 51,445.DG S5,780.00 $5,780.00 59.00 $5,780.30 100% 1O0`h $0.00 $0.00 i11 Cast Iron Fittings 4.00 $2,685-00 S11,540.00 S11,540.D0 $0.00 $il,540.00 $1,615.00 100% $0.00 112 CDnc. Blocking 11.00 $95.00 $1,615.00 $1.615.00 S702.0D $0.00 $0 00 $702.00 100°% 50.00 Conn. 8" PVC to Ex. 6' PVC 2.00 $351.00 $C.25 $702.00 $1.481.25 $1,461.25 $0.00 $1,481.25 100%$0.00 r A Testing 5,92500 5.92 5.00 $0. t 0 $592.50 $592.50 $0.00 5592.50 100% $0.90 115 Trench Safety 116 Corm. 12" PVC fa Ex. 12" PVC 1.00 1 $465,00 $A65-00 $0.00 S465.00 $465.00 10007c $0•0 $0.00 SUBTOTAL - WATER i237,100.00 $228,341.00 $8,759.OD $237,100,00 100%. SO.00 201 8"PVC SCIR-35 4,803.00 $19,60 S94,138.80 $94,138.80 5000 S94,138.80 544,285.00 100% 100% $0.00 202 C Manhole 17,00 $2,605.00 $44.285,00 $44,265.00 S0.00 $5,110.00 t00% $0.00 203 4'DropM'annde 1,00 $5,110.00 $5,110.00 S5,110.00, $0.00 $0.00 $32,86000 100% $0.00 204 4" SS Lateral 106.00 $310.00 $32.860.00 $32,860.00 $4,635.00 $0 00 $4,835,00 111-096 SC.00 205 4" SS Lateral on Ex. Mair 10.00 S483.50 S4,835.00 $1,794.0 $0.00 $1;794 00 $1,794.00 10D% $0.00 206 Adjust Ex. Manhole 3.00 2.00 S598.00 S302.00 S$04.00 $604.00 $0.00 5604,DD 100% $0.00 207 Conn. To Ex_ Manhole 4,803.00 $0.26 $1.200.75 $1,200.75 $0.00 $1,200.75 10044 $0.00 208 Testing 20D Tren :h Safety 4,8413,00 $0.25 S1.200.75 $1,200.75 5D GO $1.290.75 100% $0.00 210 Sowcut, Rem. a Replace Ex. Pvrn4. 30.00 S80.D0 S2,400.00 $2,400.00 SO.00 S2.400.00 1DD% 100% SO.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL -WASTEWATER $188,42830 $186,634.30 $1,794.00 $188,428.30 100% $0.00 301 48"Class III RCP 187.00 $114.65 $21,439-55 S21,439.55 S0.00 $21,439.55 100% $0.00 302 "Class III RCP 29.OD $71,45 $2,072.05 52,072.D5 $'3.00 $2,072-05 $0.00 1 30" Class 111 RCP 156.00 S53.49 $8,338.20 $8,338.20 $0 CO $9,338.20 100% 100% S0.00 304 27" Class Ill RCP 168.00 S46 55 S7,820.40 $7, 920.40 $0 00 SO.00 $7,820,40 $15,620.85 f0D% {$0.00) CO 305 2411Class III RCP I°O 399.00 S39.15 $15,620.85 St4,792.00 $15,62D.85 S14,792.00 50.00 $14,792.00 100°0 $0.00 ci 306 21"Class III RCP 430,00 918.00 $34.40 $29.80 S27.356.40 $27,356,40 $0.00 $27,356.40 100% WOO 307 1a" Class III RCP 200A0 $33.15 56 630A4 $6,630 00 $0.00 $6.630.00 100% $0.00 308 19' PVC SDR-35 309 j 15` PVC SDR-35 690.00 S27 35 $18 871.60 $18.871.50 SO 00 S18.871.50 100% SO.00 d 310 12" PVC SDR-35 97600 $2190 $19,184.40 $19,184.40 5000 $19,184.40 DD55 100% (50.00) ($0.00) LL 311 8" PVC SDR-35 428,G0 $16.70 $T147.60 57,147.60 SO.00 S7,147.60 $0.00 N 312 48" Type B Headwall 3,00 S2,175.00 $6,525.00 S6,525 OD $1.575.00 $1,075.00 100% 100%% $0.00 313 36" Tyne B Headwall 1.00 $1,575.00 51,575.00 $1,575-00 $D.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,075.00 100`i6 S0.00 r 314 21° Type AHeadwall 1.00 $1.075.00 $1,075.OG $1,075.00 $1,225.00 $0-00 S1,225.0.0 IOD'Y6 $0.00 0 315 27" TypeA Headwall 110 6.00 S1.225,00 52,850.00 $1,225.00 S17.100.00 S17,I00.00 50.00 $17,100.00 100% $0.00 N 316 15' Sid. Curb Intel 4.00 $2,275.60 S9.103.00 $9,100.00 $0.00 $9,100.00 100% $D.40 317 10'Std.Curb Inlet 3.00 $1,660.00 S4,980.00 $4,980.00 80 00 $4,900.00 100%k $0.00 ti 00 318 5' Sid. Curb Inlet 319 12" Catch Basin wt Grate 37.04 $665.00 b24.605.00 SO.00 SO 00 50.00 09, $24,605.0 $t0.200.00 320 Rock Rip Rap vil Filter Fabric 204.00 $50.00 $10,200,00 $0.00 $0.00 $D.00 045 RETAINAGE $3,935.78 $7.109.40 $178.20 $580.00 $1,181.60 $639.65 $2,200.00 $829,40 S4,8313 40 $578.00 $1.154.00 $161.50 $7D.20 $146.13 S59.25 $46.50 $9,4/3.88 $4,428.50 $511.00 S3 286.00 5483.50 $179.40 S60.40 $120 08 $12 D.08 S240.00 $2,143 96 S201.21 S833.82 $782.04 S1,562.08 $1,479.20 $2,735.64 $663.00 S1,887.15 $1.918.44 S714.76 S652.50 $157.50 $ 407.50 5122.50 $1.710.00 $910,00 $498.00 $0, 00 $0.00 all Wye Conn. 16,00 $25.00 $400.00 S400 OD SO GO $400.00 100% S0.0D $40.00 322 Trench Safety 4,93500 $13.25 S1.233.75 $1,233.75 5000 S1.231.5 10D% $0.00 $123.38 323 WRCP 86.00 $21.41) $1,840.40 $1,940.40 5030 51,840.40 t00% ($D.00) S%a4.04 324 Type AStorm Manhole 3130 $2,40:.00 $7,215.00 57.215.00 $0.00 $7,215.00 , 100% $0.DO S721.SO 323 24" PSET-SP 2.00 $1_527.00 $3.054.00 $3,054.00 $0.GO $3,054.00 100% $0.00 $305.40 326 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 SO.00 $D.00 D°% $0.00 WOO 327 Maintenance Bond 1.00 $16,750.OD $16,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 D°% $18.750.00 50.00 SUBTOTAL -STORM DRAINAGE CHANGE ORDER** $256,151.10 $9.344.45 $204.696.10 S9,344.45 $0.00 $0.00 $204.594.10 $9,344.45 80% $51 565,00 $20,459.61 $934A5 501 502 CHANGE ORDER 82 S3.592.00 $3,532.00 so. DO $3.532.00 $353.20 503 CHANGE ORDER #3 S10,470.50 $10,470.50 SO.00 S10.470.50 $1,047.05 $04 $0.00 60.00 S0.00 $0.00 $0.00 505 SO.00 s0.O0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 506 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 607 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.00 506 $0.00 woo, 50.00 $0.00 $23,346.95 SO.00 $2,334.70 SUBTOTAL - CHANGE ORDER COSTS S23,346 95 $25,346.25 $0.00 TOTAL -BUDGETED COSTS $705,02435 $642,918.35 $1C.553.00 $653,471.35 93% sS1,555.00 $65,347.1d L PROJECT: ParksIde Phase 1 ITEM N0. OESCRIPTIONOFWORK _ "' 10117, 12, PVC DR-18 1z, 102 8" PVC DR-18 L19 103 6" PVC DR-18 104 12" Gate Valve 105 8" Gate Valve 106 5" Gate Valve co r` a� m N N r` m X N 0 0 N r- co c 108 iMeter Box 109 1V Service 110 1" Service on Ex. Main by Bure 111 Cast Iron Fi16n s 112 Conc.IHwAn 113 Conn. 8" PVC to Ex. 8" PVC nn 127 PVC to Ex. 12" PVC Milk ITEMS PVC SDR-35 :1anh c',e Drop Manhole SS Lateral SS Lateral on Ex. Main husl Ex- Manhole - inn. To Ex. Manhole 210 ISawcul, Rem. & Replace Ex. Pvml. ' SANITARY SEINER ITEMS 391 49' Class Ill RCP 302 36' Class III RCP 303 30' Class I II RCP 304 27' Class I II RCP 305 24' Ciess III RCP 306 21' Class III RCP 111 n( o FOREMAN: DATE: REDUCTION PREVIOUS THI3APPLICATHNI BALANCE WANTITY 8iD JIF ANY KEC.) APPLICATIONS WORK IN PLACE STORED MATERIALS TO FINISH 1,455.00 1,455.00 O.DD 4,335.00 4.335.00 0.00 135.00 135,00 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 14.0D 14.OD 0-01D 11.00 11.00 0.00 11.00 11.00 0.00 116.00 0.00 116.00 D.00 112-00 112.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 17. DD 17.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 5,925.0D 5,925.00 0.00 5.925.D0 5,925.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 4,803.00 4,003.00 0.00 17.00 17.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 10600 106.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0-00 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 2.0D 2.00 0.00 4,809.00 4,803.00 0.00 4,903.00 4,803.00 0.00 30.00 1 30.00 0.00 ISTD0 187.00 0.00 29.00 29.00 0. D0 156.00 156.00 0.00 %8.00 168.00 0.00 399.00 399.00 0.00 43000 430.00 0.00 918.00 918.00 0.00 308 1 B"PVG SDR-35 200.00 200.00 0.00 309 15" PVC SDR-35 69Q00 69D.00 0.00 310 12" PVC SDR-35 876.00 976.00 0.00 311 8 PVG SOR-35 428.00 428.00 0.D0 312 48" Type B Headwall 3.00 3.00 0.00 313 36" Type B HeadwaN 1.0D 1.00 0,00 314 21" Type A Headwall 100 ----too 1.00 000 315 127'TyK AHead, vall 1.00 0.00 316 15' Std, Curb inlet 6.00 &00 O.DO 317 1 C' Std. Curb Inlet 4.00 4.00 0.00 318 5' Std Curb hilet 3.DO 3.00 37.00 312 12" C atch Basin wJ Grate 37 00 0.00 204.00 320 Rock Rip Rap wl FSter Fabric 204.00 0-00 1 1 0 321 Wye Conn. '6.00 16.00 0.00 322 Trench Safety 4.93500 4,935.00 0.00 323 IF RCP 86.00 86.00 9.00 324 Type A Storm Manhals 3.00 3.00 0.00 325 24" PSET-SP 2.00 2.00 0.00 326 1 1 0.00 327 Maintenance Bond 1.00 0.00 1'00 L. STORM SEWER ITEMS 0.00 0.00 Sol 502 0.00 0.00 503 O.DO 000 504 O.DO 0.00 SOS 0.00 0.00 SOS 0,00 0.00 SaT DAM 0.00 SC8 O.DO CHANGE ORDER ITEMS 0.00 ?F.: ITEM CHANGE ORDER 91 CHANGE lReduce) LOCATION REVISED UNIT CHANGE ORDER VALUE SCHEDULED ADDITIONS, (REDUCTIONS) VALUE NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK QUANTITY 110 Increase (if l noose) QUANTITY PRICE NET AFFECT 401 6' Gate Valve 14.00 3.00 17.00 $844.00 $2.532.00 462 2" Flush Valve 0.00 2.00 2.DO $1,475.00 $2.95D.00 403 48' Class III RCP 187A0 24.DO 211.CD $114.66 S2.751.60 404 18' Class II I RCP 918.00 8.00 926.00 $29.80 $23SAD 403 6' PVC SOR-35 428.DA 51.00 479.00 $16.70 $851.70 406 Trench Safety 4,935.00 83.00 5,018.00 $C.25 $20.75 407 0.00 0.00 50.00 408 0.013 0.00 $0.00 409 0.00 0.00 $D.00 410 0.00 0.00 $0.00 411 0.00 0.03 S0.OD 412 D.00 0.00 $0.00 413 0.00 0.00 $0.00 414 0.00 0.00 $0.00 415 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $9,344.45 f0.00 $9,344.45 TOTAL- CHANGE ORDER #1 CHANGE ORDER #2 CHANGE CHANGE ORDER VALUE SCHEDULED ITEM IReduce) LOCATION REVISED UNIT ADDITIONS (REDUCTIONS) VALUE NO. OPSCRIPTLON OF WORK QUANTITY BM Increase (BIncrease) QUANTITY PRICE NET AFFECT 401 12' PVC DR 18 1,455,00 80.00 t,535no $27.05 $2,164.00 402 8' PVC DR-18 4,335.00 80.D0 4,415.00 $16AC $1,312.00 403 Testing 5,925.OG 160.00 6,085.00 $0.25 $40.00 404 Trench Safety 5,925.00 160.00 6,085 DC $0.10 $16.00 405 0.00 0.00 $0,00 406 0.00 0.00 $0.00 407 p.00 U.00 $0.0D 40& 0.00 0.00 S0.00 409 0.00 0.00 S0.00 410 0.00 0.00 $0.00 411 0.03 0.00 $0.00 M 0.00 0.00 $0.OD 413 0.00 0 013 so 414 0.00 0.00 $0.00 418 0.00 0.00 $0.00 53,532.40 b0.00 50,832.00 TOTAL - CHANGE ORDER $2 r- 0 0 CJ r- O m O 0 .,4 m 0 0 m r- m ca m N N f- CHANGE ORDERIf3 CHANGE {Reduce} LOCATION REVISED UNIT CHANGE ORDER VALUE SCHEDULED ;REDUCTIONS) VALUE ADDITIONS ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORN CUANTITY BID Increase I0 In.reasel QUAMTIrY PRICE NET AFFECT 401 12" PVC DR-16 1,535.00 235.00 1,770.00 $27.05 58,356.75 402 12"Gate Valve 4.00 1.00 5.00 $1,450.D0 S1,450_00 403 ' Gate Valve '1.00 1.00 12.00 $581-60 $581.60 11.00 1 A0 12.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 404 Fire Hydrant 6.085.00 235.00 6,320.00 $0.25 $58.75 405 406 Testing Trench Safety 6.1385 00 235.00 6,320.00 $0.10 S23.50 0.00 0.00 $O.OD 407 0.00 O.Go $0.00 406 0.00 0.00 $D.00 409 0.04 0.00 $0.DD 41C OM 0.00 SO.OD 411 0.03 0.00 S0.00 412 O.CO 0.00 $D.00 413 ODD 0.0C $0. 00 414 0 00 OAG $0.00 416 1 1510,470.50 50,00 $10,470.60 OTAL •CHANGE ORDER #3 0 w- PROJECT: Parkside Phase 1 I-UIttnahn: ./,. r r * V++I �• ITEM NO, DESCRIPTION OF WORK QUANTITY BID C.0QUANTITY REDUCTION tIF ANY REQ.) WORK W*yu- BALANCE 70 FUSN PREVIOUS THISAPPLICATION APPLICATIONS WORK IN PLACE STORED MATERIALS 101 12" PVC DR-18 1.455.00 1,456.00 D.00 102 8" PVC DR-18 4,335.00 4,335.00 0.00 103 6" PVC DR-1 a 135.00 135.00 0.00 104 12" Gate Valve 4-DO 4.00 0.00 1D5 8" Gate Valve 14.00 14.00 0.00 IDS 6" Gate Valve 11.00 11.00 0.03 107 Fire Rydrant 11.00 11.00 0.DO 108 h4eterBox 116.00 0.00 136.00 109 l' Service 112.00 112.00 0.00 110 l'Service on Ex Main by Bore COD 4.00 0.00 111 Cast Iran Fillings 4,00 4.00 0.00 112 Conc. Blocking 17.00 17.00 0.00 113 Conn. 8" PVC to Ex. 8" PVC 2.00 2.OD O.DO 114 Testing 5,925.00 6,925.00 0.00 115 Trencfi Salletv 5,925.60 5,925.00 0.00 116 Conn. 12" PVC to Ex. 12" PVC WATER ITEMS B" PVC SDR.35 1.00 4.803.00 0.00 4.603.00 1,00 O.DO 201 202 4' Manhole 17.00 17.DO OAO 2D3 4' Qiop Manhole 1.00 1.00 0.00 204 4" SS Lateral 106.00 1 C6.00 0.00 205 4" SS Lateral on Ex. Main 1D.00 10.00 0.00 206 Ad ust Ex. Manhole 3.D0 0.00 _ 3.00 207 Conn. To Ex. Nsanhole 2.00 2.00 0.00 208 Testing 4,80.00 4,803.00 000 209 Trench Safety 4,803.00 4,803.00 0.00 210 Sawcut, Rem. & Replace Ex. Pumt, 30.00 30.00 0.00 7,77 SAWFARY SEWER ITEMS 187.00 1$7,00 0, OD 301 48" Class Ill RCP 302 36" Gass Ill RCP 29.00 29.00 O.00 363 30" Class III RCP 156.00 156.CD 0.00 304 27" Class III RCP 168.D0 168.00 0.00 305 4" Class III RCP 399.00 39901) 0.00 306 21" Class Ill RCP 430.00 430.00 0.00 307 18" Class III RCP 918.00 918.00 O.DD 3DB jr PVC SGR-35 200.00 20D.00 0.00 309 15-PVC SDR-35 690.00 690.D0 0.00 31D 12" PVC SDR-35 876.00 876.OD 0.00 311 8" PVC SDR-35 426.0C 428.00 0.00 312 48" Type B Headwall 3.D0 3.00 0.00 313 36" Type B Headwall 1.00 1.00 0.C3 314 21" Type A Headwall 1.00 1.00 0.01) 316 27" T pe A Headwall 1.00 1.D0 0.00 316 15' Sid. Curb Inlet 6.00 6.00 0.00 317 10'Sid. Curb tnlet 4.00 4.00 0.00 318 5' Std. Curb Inlet 3.00 3.00 0.00 319 112^ Catch Basin wr Grate 37.00 1 0.00 37.00 320 lRock Rip Rap wl Filler FatAc 204.00 1 0.00 204.00 a 19 321 Wye Cann. 16.00 16.00 0.00 322 Trench Safety 4,935.00 4.935.00 0.00 323 15" RCP 86.00 86.00 0.00 324 Type A Storm Manhore 3.00 3.00 0.D0 325 24" PSETSP 2.00 2.0D 0.D0 325 1 1 0.00 UT Maintenance Bond 1.00 0.00 1-00 STORM SEWER ITEMS 0.00 0.00 501 502 0.00 0.00 503 0.00 0.00 Sm 0.00 0.00 505 0.00 0,00 506 0,00 0.00 507 0.00 0.00 SOB 0.00 0.00 JCNANGEORDERITEMS _ CITY OF Meeting Date: August 14, 2007 Department: Police Department Prepared By: Asst. Chief John Duscio Date Prepared: July 19, 2007 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Item Number: 4 (City Secretary's Use Only) Account Code: Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Ordinance Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-25 amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances, establishing a School Zone for certain streets; establishing Prima Facie Maximum Speed Limits during school hours in such zone; providing for installation of signs and markings; regulating vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance. Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2007-25 amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances, establishing a School Zone for certain streets; establishing Prima Facie Maximum Speed Limits during school hours in such zone; providing for installation of signs and markings; regulating vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance. Due to the vast development of Birmingham Farms subdivision, the City of Wylie and Wylie ISD found it necessary to add an additional school crossing guard at Park Blvd. and Georgiana. The current school zone on Park Blvd. starts on Country Club and ends just east of Cheyenne. The school zone starts back east of Georgiana and ends at Westgate Way. Staff is requesting Council approve one continuous school zone on Park Blvd. from Country Club to Westgate Way. Department Director City Manager Initial JD Date 07/26/07 Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO.2007-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 2004-25 AND ARTICLE IV, SECTION 110-133 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL ZONE FOR CERTAIN STREETS; ESTABLISHING PRIMA FACIE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS DURING SCHOOL HOURS IN SUCH ZONE; PROVIDING FOR INSTALLATION OF SIGNS AND MARKINGS; REGULATING VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") finds it necessary to amend Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances to coordinate with the change in school attendance times and to establish maximum speed limits within the areas and at the locations named and designated in the body of this Ordinance, all within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City"), and in the immediate vicinity of school areas, during periods of time when the schools are in session and school children are going to and from schools and playgrounds; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is necessary for the protection and safety of pedestrians crossing streets in school areas to establish maximum speed limits and to prohibit the overtaking and passing of motor vehicles within the school zone; and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City to amend Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances as set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: FINDINGS INCORPORATED. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: AMENDMENT TO SECTION 2 OF WYLIE ORDINANCE NO.2004-25 AND ARTICLE IV SECTION 110-133 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. Wylie Ordinance No. 2004-25, Section 2 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances are hereby amended as follows: Ordinance No. 2007-25 Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 re: School Zones Page 1 494365-1 "School Zones a) Vehicle speed and operation generally: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or drive any vehicle at a speed greater than the speed designated or posted, or to overtake or pass any other vehicle in any school zone as may be marked or designated within the City during the hours indicated upon signs erected in such zone, or whenever children are present in such zones, or when such zones have an alternating flashing light in operation. b) Speed limits: The following prima facie maximum speed limits hereafter indicated for motor vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe. Such maximum speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for motor vehicles traveling upon the main street or highway, or parts of the main street or highway, and no motor vehicle shall be operated along or upon such portions of the named streets or highways within the corporate limits of the City in excess of the speeds set forth as follows: 1) Twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 2:40 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., on school days, on the following streets: a. On Brown Street from a point one hundred fifty feet (150') west of the point of its intersection with Rustic Trail to a point three hundred sixty feet (360') east of the point of its intersection with Westgate Way. b. On Birmingham Street from the point of its intersection with Williams Street, one hundred fifty feet (150') south to the point of its intersection with West Stone Road. C. On Park Boulevard from the intersection of Westgate Way, west to the intersection of Country Club (FM 1378). d. On Westgate Way from the intersection of Park Boulevard, south one hundred fifty feet (150'). 2) Twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 2:40 p.m. to 3:15 p.m., on school days, on the following streets: a. On Kirby Street from a point two hundred feet (200') east of the point of its intersection with Memorial Drive to the point of its intersection with Birmingham Street. b. On Springwood Lane from the point of its intersection with Lanwood Drive to the point of its intersection with W.A. Allen Boulevard. C. On Lanwood Drive from a point five hundred twenty five feet (525') north of its intersection with Springwood Lane, south to the point of its intersection with Heatherwood Lane. Ordinance No. 2007-25 Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 re: School Zones Page 2 494365-1 d. On Heatherwood Lane from its intersection with Lanwood Drive to 250 ft. west of intersection with Castlewood Drive. e. On W.A. Allen Boulevard from a point five hundred fifty feet (550') north of the point of its intersection with Springwood Lane to a point two -tenths (2/10) of a mile south to the intersection of Stone Road. f. On Stone Road from a point four hundred feet (400') west of the point of its intersection with Allen Road to a point east of the point of its intersection to Stonehedge Drive. g. On Lanwood Drive west to Castlewood Drive. h. On Heatherwood Drive from W.A. Allen to the intersection of Lanwood Drive. i. On Heatherwood Drive, south two hundred fifty feet (250') to the intersection of Bentwood Drive. j. On Park Boulevard from the intersection of Country Club Road, west one hundred fifty feet (150'). k. On Cheyenne Road from Park Boulevard, north to one hundred fifty feet (150') north of the intersection of Tuscalosa Drive. 1. On Tuscalosa Drive from the intersection of Cheyenne Road, east five hundred feet (500'). in. On McCreary Road from the intersection of Riverway Lane, south one thousand feet (1000'). n. On McCreary Road from the intersection of Riverway Lane, north one thousand feet (1000'). o. On Riverway Lane from McCreary Road, east two -tenths (2/10) of a mile to one hundred feet (100') west of the intersection of Meandering Drive. p. On Appalachian Drive from the intersection of Riverway Lane, south one hundred fifty feet (150'). q. On Springtide Drive from the intersection of Riverway Lane, north one hundred fifty feet (150'). 3) Thirty (30) miles per hour between the hours of 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., on school days, on the following streets: a. On FM 544 from the intersection of Country Club, east one thousand feet (1000'). b. On FM 544 from the intersection of Country Club, west one thousand feet (1000'). 4) Thirty-five (35) miles per hour between the hours of 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 2:40 p.m. to 3:15 p.m., on school days, on the following streets: a. On Country Club Road from the intersection of Park Boulevard, south five hundred feet (500'). Ordinance No. 2007-25 Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 re: School Zones Page 3 494365-1 b. On Country Club Road from the intersection of Park Boulevard, north one thousand feet (1000'). 5) Twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 2:40 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., on school days, on the following streets: a. On Stone Road from the intersection of Ballard Street, east to one hundred feet (100') west of the intersection of John Akin Lane. b. On Pirate Drive from the point of its intersection with Hilltop Street to a point of its intersection with Ballard Street. C. On Hilltop Street from the point of its intersection with Pirate Drive to a point of its intersection with Stone Road. d. On Kirby Street from the intersection of Birmingham, east to Ballard Street. e. On Ballard Street from the intersection of Stone Road, south to two hundred feet (200') north of the intersection of Stoneybrook Drive. The speed limits contained in this section shall not be effective until signs giving notice of such regulations are posted upon or at the entrances to those portions of the street or highway affected as may be most appropriate in accordance with the Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices, as amended, promulgated by the state department of transportation. The city manager or his duly authorized representative is authorized and directed to cause to be erected such appropriate signs." SECTION 3: PENALTY PROVISION. Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 4: SAVINGS/REPEALING CLAUSE. Section 2 of Wylie Ordinance No. 2004- 25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 of the Code of Ordinances shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other ordinance. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: SEVERABILITY. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, Ordinance No. 2007-25 Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 re: School Zones Page 4 494365-1 subsection, clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 6: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication as required by the Wylie City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this 14th day of August, 2007. John Mondy, Mayor ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of publication in The Wylie News - August 22, 2007 Ordinance No.2007-25 Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2004-25 and Article IV, Section 110-133 re: School Zones Page 5 494365-1 CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Date: August 14, 2007 Department: Finance Department Prepared By: Larry Williamson Date Prepared: August 3, 2007 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Item Number: 5 Account Code: — Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: (City Secretary's Use Only) Resolution, Effective tax rate Worksheet Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-22(R) accepting the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2007-2008; accepting the calculation of an effective tax rate; establishing dates for public hearings on the proposed property tax rate; and providing for the publication as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. Motion to approve Resolution No. 2007-22(R) accepting the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2007- 2008; accepting the calculation of an effective tax rate; establishing dates for public hearings on the proposed property tax rate; and providing for the publication as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. In accordance with the "Truth in Taxation" laws of the State of Texas, notices must be published and two public hearings must be held if an entity's proposed tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate. Since the proposed tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate, the City is required to vote on the proposed tax rate and publish the results of the roll call vote at least seven (7) days prior to the first scheduled public hearing on August 23, 2007. A 2nd public hearing is scheduled for August 28, 2007. The Council may not adopt the tax rate at these hearings. Instead, at the end of the second hearing, it must set and announce the date, time and place of the meeting at which it will vote on the final proposed tax rate. This meeting must take place no less than three (3) days and no more than fourteen (14) days after the second public hearing. The City Council's vote on the tax rate is scheduled for September 11, 2007. The proposed budget is based on a tax rate of $0.73325 per $100 valuation. Any change in the proposed rate will require revision of the proposed budget. The City is required by law to follow certain meeting and notice (publication) guidelines identified in the "Truth in Taxation" guide. The official detailed effective tax rate calculation is available in the office of the Collin County Tax Assessor/Collector (Kenneth L. Maun) in McKinney. 'A copy is also maintained in the Finance Department for the Council and public to view. Department Director City Manager Initial LW Date 08/3/0 � U Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-22(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX RATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008; ACCEPTING THE CALCULATION OF AN EFFECTIVE TAX RATE; ESTABLISHING DATES FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX RATE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICAITON AS PROVIDED BY THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie has received the calculated effective tax rate as presented by the Collin County Tax Assessor/Collector's Office; and WHEREAS, the proposed tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate and the Statute requires two public hearings in order to entitle the City Council to consider acceptance and adoption of an ordinance levying a proposed tax rate of $0.73325 per $100 valuation; and WHEREAS, the Texas Property Tax Code Chapter 26, as heretofore amended, provides the specific procedures in which to consider the proposed tax rate; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, does hereby accept the rate of $0.73325 per $100 valuation as the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2007-2008. SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, met in a public meeting on August 14, 2005, and accepted this resolution with a majority vote as follows: Mayor John Mondy YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Mayor Pro Tern Red Byboth YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember David Goss YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember Richard White YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember Merrill Young YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember Kathy Spillman YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT Councilmember Carter Porter YEA NAY ABSTAIN ABSENT SECTION 3. Public hearings shall be held on August 23, 2007 and August 28, 2007, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the Wylie Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas, to receive public comment regarding the proposed tax rate. SECTION 4. The content and vote taken on this resolution shall be published in the official newspaper of the City as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 14th day of August 2007. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2007-22(R) Vote to accept Tax Rate FY2007-08 PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION CALCULATIONS FY2008 FY2007 Tax Year 2007 Tax Year 2006 TAX ROLL: Assessed Valuation (100%) $2,024,768,993 $1,785,589,736 Rate per $100 0.73325 0.70678 Tax Levy Freeze Adjusted 14,846,536 12,620,191 Tax Levy - Frozen (Disabled/ over 65)' 415,550 Total Tax Levy 15,262,086 12,620,191 Percent of Collection 100% 100% Estimated Current Tax Collections $15,262,086 $12,620,191 SUMMARY OF TAX COLLECTIONS: Current Tax 14,846,536 $12,620,191 Revenue From Tax Freeze Property 415,550 $335,478 Delinquent Tax 252,404 100,000 Penalty and Interest 40,000 TOTAL TAX COLLECTIONS $15,514,490 $ 13,095,669 DISTRIBUTION: FY2008 FY2008 PERCENT TAX RATE OF TOTAL FY2007 AMOUNT GENERAL FUND: Current Tax $0.56195 11,378,107 $10,034,049 Revenue From Tax Freeze Property 318,470 269,218 Delinquent Tax 193,438 79,021 Penalty and Interest 31,610 Total General Fund $0.56195 76.638% $11,890,014 $ 10,413,898 DEBT SERVICE FUND: Current Tax $0.17130 3,468,429 $2,586,142 Revenues From Tax Freeze Property 97,081 66,260 Delinquent Tax 58,967 20,979 Penalty and Interest 8,390 Total Debt Service 0.17130 23.362% 3,624,477 $ 2,681,771 DISTRIBUTION $0.73325 100.000% $15,514,491 $ 13,095,669 FY1996 365.5 FY1997 402.1 FY1998 426.9 FY1999 463.4 FY2000 542.5 FY2001 624.1 FY2002 754.4 FY2003 929.2 FY2004 1130.9 FY2005 1395.3 FY2006 1566.7 FY2007 1785.5 CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Date Department Prepared By: 08-14-07 City Manager Jeff Butters Date Prepared: 07-13-07 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Item Number: 6 Account Code: Budgeted Amount: (City Secretary's Use Only) N/A Exhibits: Resolution/Agreement Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-23(R) authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Right of Way Agreement between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District to construct and maintain fiber optic telecommunications cable and conduits in the streets and Right -Of -Ways of the City of Wylie, Texas. Motion approving Resolution No. 2007-23(R) authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Right of Way Agreement between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District to construct and maintain fiber optic telecommunications cable and conduits in the streets and Right -Of -Ways of the City of Wylie, Texas. WISD currently has a fiber network in the Cities ROW. WISD needs to run fiber to the new schools and create a continuous loop. In the past, there has been confusion when fiber has had to be relocated because of street repair or construction. The purpose of the proposed agreement is to agree upon and document the parties' responsibilities, going forward. The proposed agreement does not change the basic terms that we have operated under, in that, we have never charged WISD for the use of ROW but the district does obtain permits and follow ROW construction standards. Department Director City Manager Initial JB M Date 7-13-07 �- �v-�, Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO.2007-23(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN FIBER OPTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS CABLE AND CONDUITS IN THE STREETS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, Texas Government Code, authorizes units of local government to contract with one or more units of local government to perform governmental functions and services; and WHEREAS, Wylie Independent School District (WISD) has a need to have and maintain fiber optic telecommunications cable and conduits in the streets and rights -of -way of the City of Wylie, Texas; and WHEREAS, The City of Wylie, Texas and the Wylie Independent School District desire to construct and install a fiber optic network described in Exhibit "A" underground within the rights -of -way of the City of Wylie, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; Section 1. The Mayor of the City of Wylie is hereby authorized to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Wylie Independent School District for the construction, installation and operation of a fiber optic telecommunications network. Section 2. The Interlocal Agreement shall be for a period of twenty (20) years and shall automatically renew on the anniversary date of the Effective Date for terms of five years each unless written notice to terminate is given 180 calendar days prior to the expiration date of the current term. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie on the 14`h day of August, 2007. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2007-23(R) Interlocal Agreement with WISD-Fiber Optics INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE TEXAS AND THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CONCERNING FIBER OPTIC NETWORK This agreement ("Agreement") is made by and between the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"), and the Wylie Independent School District ("WISD"), acting by and through their authorized representatives. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, Texas Government Code, authorizes units of local government to contract with one or more units of local government to perform governmental functions and services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to construct and install a private fiber optic network being further described in Exhibit "A" (hereinafter defined as the "Facilities") underground within the rights -of -way of the City of Wylie (hereinafter defined as the "Rights -of -Way"); and WHEREAS, WISD has a need to have and maintain fiber optic telecommunications cable and conduits in the streets and Rights -of -Way of the City of Wylie, Texas; and WHEREAS, Wylie desires to grant WISD the right to locate and operate the WISD's Facilities in the Rights -of -Way; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and on the terms and conditions set forth herein, and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I PURPOSE 1. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the parties to plan, construct, install, maintain, and operate their fiber optic cable systems. ARTICLE II TERM 2.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period of twenty (20) years commencing upon the last date of execution hereof (the "Effective Date"). Thereafter, this Agreement shall automatically renew on the anniversary date of the Effective Date for terms of five years each ("Renewal Term") unless either party has given the other party written notice to terminate one hundred eighty (180) calendar days prior to the expiration of the then current term. FIBER OPTIC NETWORK INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - Page 1 2.2 This Agreement shall terminate: (i) Upon the expiration of the term hereof; (ii) Upon the abandonment of the Facilities or discontinuance of the use thereof by WISD; (iii) Upon the failure of WISD to correct any violation or cure any default under this Agreement after ninety (90) days written notice of said violation or default from Wylie; (iv) Upon the mutual agreement of the parties. Upon termination of this Agreement, WISD may either remove WISD-owned facilities or leave and abandon such WISD-owned facilities within the Facilities. If the Rights -of -Way are altered because of WISD's removal of the facilities, WISD must return the Rights -of -Way to its prior condition after the alteration occurs. ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS 3.1 "Public Services Director" shall mean the City of Wylie Public Services Director, or designee. 3.2 "Commencement of Construction" shall mean the grading and/or preparation of Rights -of -Way for construction of the Facilities. 3.3 "Completion of Construction" shall mean: (i) substantially completed in accordance with the approved plans; and (ii) the Facilities have been accepted by both parties. 3.4 "Construction Documents" shall mean the plans and specifications submitted for the construction of the Facilities and approved by Wylie. 3.5 "Effective Date" means the last date of execution of this Agreement. 3.6 "Emergency" means a reasonably unforeseen occurrence with a potential to endanger personal safety or health, or cause substantial damage to property that calls for immediate action. 3.7 "Facilities" means a private fiber optic network consisting of duct space, manholes, conduits, underground passageways, and other equipment, structures and appurtenances and all associated transmission media used in the provision of Network Telecommunications Services, and being further described in Exhibit "A". The Facilities shall consist of WISD owned facilities. 3.8 "Force Majeure" shall mean strikes, riots, acts of God, shortages of labor or materials, war, governmental approvals, laws, regulations, or restrictions, or any other cause of any kind, whatsoever which is beyond the reasonable control of a party. 3.9 "Wylie" means the City of Wylie, Texas. FIBER OPTIC NETWORK INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - Page 2 3.10 "Network Telecommunications" means the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user's choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received 3.11 "Network Telecommunications Services" means the offering of private Network Telecommunications directly to the user, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the user, regardless of the Facilities used. The term shall not include the offering of any services to the general public. 3.12 "Rights -of -Way" means the surface, the air space above the surface, and the area below the surface of a public street, highway, lane, path, alley, sidewalk, boulevard, drive, bridge, tunnel, easement or similar property in which Wylie holds a property interest or exercises rights of management or control, but excluding railroads rights -of -way and parks. 3.13 "Specifications" shall mean the plans and specifications for the Facilities prepared by Capco Engineering, and which are incorporated herein by reference. 3.14 "Term" shall mean the initial term and any renewal term. 3.15 "WISD" means the Wylie Independent School District. 3.16 "Use" means the occupation, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and operation of the Facilities in and under the Rights -of -Way for the provision of Network Telecommunications Services in connection with and in direct support of WISD's governmental functions as may be required from time to time. ARTICLE IV USE OF RIGHTS -OF -WAY 4.1 Grant to Use Rights -of -Way. Wylie hereby grants to WISD the non-exclusive right and privilege to use the Rights -of -Way in order to provide Network Telecommunications Services in connection with and in direct support of WISD's operations. This Agreement, and the rights granted hereunder, shall not be exclusive, and Wylie reserves the right to grant a similar use of the Rights -of -Way during the term of this Agreement. Wylie agrees to waive Rights -of - Way fees and Permit Fees that are lawfully applicable to school districts, and any other fees and expense for WISD's Facilities during the term of the Agreement. However, WISD is required to obtain the proper permits from Wylie. 4.2 Limited Grant. Nothing in this Agreement grants WISD the right to operate or to provide telephone service, cable television service or Open Video Service in Wylie, or to use the Rights -of -Way for any purpose other than the provision of Network Telecommunications Services in connection with and in direct support or promotion of WISD's governmental FIBER OPTIC NETWORK INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - Page 3 functions, unless and until WISD makes application for and is granted a franchise or appropriate authorization by Wylie. 4.3 General Conditions of Use. WISD shall not construct, reconstruct or install any telecommunication facilities in the Rights -of -Way or excavate any Rights -of -Way without first notifying the Wylie Public Services Department and obtaining a permit therefore as required by Wylie's ordinances. If approval is required, it shall be given if the proposed excavation is in compliance with the requirements of Wylie's ordinances. The Public Services Director shall be notified immediately by phone, email, and in writing within two (2) business days regarding work performed under Emergency conditions. WISD shall comply with Wylie's Right -of -Way Management Ordinance and all related ordinances for the use, occupancy, excavation and restoration of the Rights -of -Way. The failure of WISD to obtain a permit from Wylie prior to excavation of any Rights -of -Way, except in the event of an Emergency, shall subject WISD to a stop -work order from Wylie and/or enforcement action pursuant to the applicable Wylie ordinances and/or other applicable laws. 4.4 Construction and Maintenance. In all matters relating to this Agreement, WISD agrees to comply with Wylie's Right -of -Way Ordinances, as amended from time to time, and all other applicable laws and ordinances. Approval by Wylie of this Agreement shall not constitute a warranty by Wylie that WISD's plans conform with federal, state and/or local codes and regulations applicable thereto. All work in connection with the Facilities shall be done at such times and in such manner as determined by the Public Services Director so as not to unreasonably interfere with the use of the Rights -of -Way. In construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of the Facilities, WISD shall keep the Rights -of -Way in a neat and safe condition and in good order and operating condition. If Wylie determines that WISD has not complied with the requirements of this Agreement or with Wylie's Right -of -Way Ordinance and all related ordinances, Wylie shall so notify WISD, in writing, stating the specific deficiencies and giving WISD reasonable time to correct said deficiencies, such time to be determined within the sole and reasonable discretion of Wylie. If WISD fails to correct said deficiencies within the time prescribed by Wylie, Wylie may correct or cause said deficiencies to be corrected, at the sole expense of the WISD. 4.5 Relocation of Facilities. a. Wylie reserves the right to lay, and permit to be laid, sewer, gas, water, electric, storm drainage, Telecommunications Facilities, and other pipelines, cables, conduits, or other facilities in, above, over and across the Rights -of -Way and to permit to be done any underground and overhead installation or improvement that may be deemed necessary or proper by Wylie in, across, along, above, or under any Rights -of -Way occupied by WISD's Facilities, and to change, alter, improve, expand or improve any curb, sidewalk, alley or street, or the grade of any street, curb, sidewalk or alley or the Rights -of -Way. b. WISD recognizes that it is allowed to place Facilities in the Rights -of - Way at the convenience of Wylie, and shall relocate WISD facilities at the request of Wylie. Such relocation shall be completed within 180 days after FIBER OPTIC NETWORK INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - Page 4 notification or within a mutually agreed time period. Such relocation shall be at WISD's expense. C. Upon notice in writing from Wylie that changes in the Rights -of -Way are required pursuant to the Wylie's police power in such a manner as will necessitate the relocation of WISD Facilities in the Rights -of -Way, WISD shall relocate its Facilities at no expense to Wylie so as to permit the construction of such improvements when ordered. Should WISD fail to relocate its Facilities within 180 days after receipt of notice, Wylie may relocate or cause the WISD's Facilities to be relocated at the sole cost of WISD. ARTICLE V FACILITIES 5.1 Construction of the Facilities. WISD shall: a. Prepare bid specifications for the invitation for competitive bids or other lawful method for the construction of the Facilities. b. Install a one and a half inch conduit with pull -boxes exclusively for the WISD use. C. Evaluate bid proposals and award a contract in accordance with procedures applicable to Texas school districts. d. Keep accurate records of account showing all cost incurred for the Facilities, payments made, and funds contributed by the parties for payment of the costs of the facilities. e. Receive, evaluate, and approve change orders for the construction contract(s) for the Facilities. f. Review and approve or disapprove all requests for partial payment submitted by the contractor(s), pay approved request, and distribute copies of same to Wylie. g. Subject to events of Force Majeure, or other reasonably unavoidable events or circumstances, cause Commencement of Construction of the Facilities to occur on or before July 25, 2007 and to cause Completion of Construction of the Facilities to occur on or before June 30, 2008. 5.2 Construction Manager. It shall be the responsibility of the Construction Manager to oversee and manage the construction of the Facilities and to cause the Facilities to be constructed in accordance with the construction contract and this Agreement. Cost of the Construction Manager shall be paid by WISD. FIBER OPTIC NETWORK INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - Page 5 5.3 Costs of Construction. WISD shall be responsible for all cost of construction of the Facilities. 5.4 Ownership. The Facilities owned by WISD shall be identified and listed in a Facilities Map to be prepared after Completion of Construction, and which shall be incorporated herein and attached as Exhibit `B". 5.5 Extensions of the Facilities. WISD may elect to extend or enlarge their facilities provided such extension or enlargement does not compromise or affect the integrity of the Facilities as a whole. For purposes of this section, the installation of new fiber optic cable into existing ducts shall not be considered an extension, enlargement or new construction. Wylie agrees to the extent allowed by law not to unreasonably withhold consent to the extension or enlargement of WISD's Facilities. 5.6 Maintenance of the Facilities. Upon the completion of construction, WISD shall be responsible for the maintenance of WISD's Facilities. ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS 6.1 Notice. Any notice required or permitted to be delivered shall be deemed received when deposited in the United States Mail, postage pre -paid, registered or certified mail, or by hand delivery or by facsimile transmission to the respective parties at the address set forth below or such other person and address as may be designated in writing by a party: If intended for Wylie: With copy to: City of Wylie Jeff Butters, Assistant City Manager 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75043 If intended for WISD: With a copy to: Wylie Independent School District Attention: David Spann 951 S. Ballard Wylie, Texas 75098 6.2 Assignment: This Agreement may not be assigned without the express written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 6.3 Severability: In the event any section, subsection paragraph, sentence, phrase, or word herein is held invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional, the balance of this Agreement shall stand, shall be enforceable, and shall be read as if the parties intended at all times to delete said invalid section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase, or word. 6.4 Recitals: The recitals to this Agreement are incorporated herein. FIBER OPTIC NETWORK INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - Page 6 6.5 Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and constitute one and the same instrument. 6.6 Exhibits: The exhibits to this Agreement are incorporated herein. 6.7 Governing Law: The validity of this Agreement and any of its terms and provisions as well as the rights and duties of the parties shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas; and venue for any action concerning this Agreement shall be in Collin County, Texas. 6.8 Entire Agreement: This Agreement represents the entire agreement among the parties with respect to the subject matter covered by this Agreement. There is no other collateral, oral or written agreement between the parties that in any manner relates to the subject matter of this Agreement. 6.9 Indemnification: a. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, WISD SHALL SAVE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS WYLIE, ITS OFFICERS, ELECTED OFFICIALS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND LIABILITY BY REASON OF DAMAGE OR INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) ARISING FROM OR ON ACCOUNT OF THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE WISD IN CONNECTION WITH THE WISD'S EXERCISE OF ITS AUTHORITY HEREUNDER, EXCEPT AND TO THE EXTENT SUCH DAMAGE OR INJURY ARISES OUT OF THE WYLIE'S SOLE NEGLIGENCE. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY CONTAINED HEREIN, IN NO EVENT SHALL WISD BE LIABLE TO WYLIE FOR ANY PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGE, OR LOST PROFITS ALLEGED TO HAVE BEEN INCURRED BY ANYONE. b. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, WYLIE SHALL SAVE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS WISD, ITS OFFICERS, ELECTED OFFICIALS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND LIABILITY BY REASON OF DAMAGE OR INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) ARISING FROM OR ON ACCOUNT OF THE NEGLIGENCE OF WYLIE IN CONNECTION WITH WYLIE'S EXERCISE OF ITS AUTHORITY HEREUNDER, EXCEPT AND TO THE EXTENT SUCH DAMAGE OR INJURY ARISES OUT OF WISD'S SOLE NEGLIGENCE. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY CONTAINED HEREIN, IN NO EVENT SHALL MURPHY BE LIABLE TO WISD FOR ANY PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGE, OR LOST PROFITS ALLEGED TO HAVE BEEN INCURRED BY ANYONE. FIBER OPTIC NETWORK INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - Page 7 C. NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF ANY IMMUNITY AVAILABLE TO EITHER PARTY UNDER LAW. d. IN ALL INSTANCES IN WHICH A PARTY IS OBLIGATED TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE OTHER AS PROVIDED FOR IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE INDEMNITOR'S OBLIGATION SHALL BE CONDITIONED UPON (i) THE INDEMNITEE GIVING THE INDEMNITOR WRITTEN NOTICE OF ALL CLAIMS, DAMAGES, LOSSES, SUITS AND ANY OTHER EVENTS WHICH ARE IN ANY WAY RELATED TO OR ASSERTED BY INDEMNITEE AS A BASIS FOR SUCH OBLIGATION, WHICH NOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN TEN (10) BUSINESS DAYS AFTER INDEMNITEE BECOMES AWARE THEREOF, AND (ii) THE INDEMNITOR SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONTROL THE DEFENSE OF SUCH MATTER AND TO DETERMINE THE DISPOSITION OF SUCH MATTER EXECUTED this 14th day of August, 2007. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS LOIN JOHN MONDY, MAYOR ATTEST: CAROLE EHRLICH, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: LOW JULIE FORT, CITY ATTORNEY EXECUTED this day of )2007. WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FIBER OPTIC NETWORK INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - Page 8