06-25-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 134 CALLED JOINT MEETING AND WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL AND PARK & RECREATION BOARD MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1990 The City Council of the City Wylie met in a called joint meeting and work session with the Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie on Monday, June 25, 1990 at 7 : 00 PM in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem, Don Hughes and Councilmembers Steve Wright , William Martin , Chuck Wible, Patricia Stemple and Percy Simmons. Parks & Recreation Board members present were Joanie Zeeb, John Burns , B. J. Upshaw, Bryan Glenn and Joe Helmberger. Also present were Paul Beaver , City Engineer, Don White, Public Works Supervisor and Carolyn Jones, City Secretary. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Akin. Mayor Akin welcomed everyone and stated that there was an addendum to the agenda, Item 4 - Discussion on the Land Use Assumption and Capital Improvements Program and Impact Fees. Tally sheets compiled from the survey sent to all water customers were given to all those present by Joanie Zeeb. Ms Zeeb also presented the Five-Year Park Master Plan. There was discussion concerning leasing areas from Corps of Engineers for ballplaying fields. Joanie Zeeb, Steve Wright , Chuck Wible and B. J. Upshaw are to work with Corps of Engineers on leasing land. Joanie Zeeb and Bryan Glenn suggested looking at the property just east of the City Park for additional recreational area. DISCUSSION ON AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF WYLIE AND WYLIE SPORTS ASSOCIATION. Discussion disclosed a need to review the financial statements of the WSA each January. Also , discussion concerning a review of utility bills to determine if there is a need to update this figure. PRESENTATION BY TALEM, INC. RE : INDUSTRIAL WASTE PROGRAM. Mike Wagner of Talem, Inc . stated that Talem is currently managing the program until Paul Beaver , City Engineer is up to date on the program. Mr . Wagner listed five major environmental problems: (1) chemical recycling; (2) landfill; (3) pump and haul; (4) industrial waste and (5) sewer treatment plant. The sewer treatment plant was turned over to North Texas Municipal Water District in April 1990 . A turn-over in personnel has contributed to the delay in 135 solving these problems . It was also noted that the City must have an EPA approved treatment program. The City will receive EPA inspection reports on Holland Hitch, Extruders, Oklahoma By-Products, Hardcast, Sanden International , Lone Star Circuit and Wylie Locker Plant. The City must have an EPA approved program developed and adopted by ordinance within one (1 ) year . The first step to developing such a program is a study. Mr . Wagner stated that the current ordinance may be used, it just needs some additions (amendement of the ordinance) . The cost of the study is estimated at between $10 ,000 and $20 ,000 . Mr. Wagner stated that his recommendation would be for the City to negotiate with North Texas Municipal Water District to work together on this study. Mr . Wagner further made the following recommendations: (1) That the City Council appoint someone in house or hire a consultant to talk to each company. Set up files on each, confer on solutions. (2 ) Hire an environmental scientist (average salary 22K to 34K per year - experience 0 -20 years) . An environmental coordinator will cost more. Mr . Wagner also stated that when this individual is hired, it is better to put him/her on a 6 month probation period, then term contract for at least three (3) years . Be sure that everything is documented. Also , he/she should not report directly to the City Manager , but to the City Engineer . (3) Mr . Wagner also stressed the need to improve communications with all regulatory commissions. (4 ) Also it is important to gain Good Faith Effort status . DISCUSSION ON LAND USE ASSUMPTION AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM AND IMPACT FEES. Roy Faires , Code Enforcement Officer, advised that the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission is to lower growth rate to three and one- half (3-1/2) percent and set fees at fifty (50) percent of what the study shows ($500 water , $600 sewer) . The P&Z must review this at least every six (6) months, and may choose to review earlier than six month interval . Mr . Faires stated that one of the reasons for the mandate from the State of Texas is due to the fact that some cities are implementing impact fees and\e1t�N1��+,4 4'ng the funds into the General Fund rather than iro` to p,f0441 fund . A motion to,i,Ai,i6urn was 'disc , with all in favor . r_ _ 1 r, A EST• d � ��o� n W. Akin, Mayor ,a,,tl§iipl4tt r/ Caroly o X Secretary