02-04-1992 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 466 MINUTES - JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL & PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD FEBRUARY 4 , 1992 The City of Wylie City Council and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board met in a called joint session on Tuesday, February 4 , 1992 at 7 :00 PM in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH78 N. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Councilmen Jim Swartz , William Martin, Don Hughes, Ortie Messenger and Percy Simmons. Parks Board members present were Chairman John Burns , B. J . Upshaw, Willie Calverley and Jerry Smith. Also present were members of the Wylie Sports Association (WSA) Dave Clanton, John Collins, Rick Bradley and Don McCarter. Representing the City staff were Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones, Parks Director Bill Nelson and Secretary Barbara LeCocq. ITEM NO. 1 - DISCUSS FUTURE ATHLETIC FIELDS FOR COMMUNITY PARK: Dave Clanton of the WSA stated that they had received a $5000 donation from Brookshires to be used for improvements to the playing fields at Community Park. Members of the WSA further stated that soccer fields nos . 1 and 2 would be ready for play this season. The WSA wants .-., the dirt that is on site to be spread and leveled on fields 3 & 4. They are also requesting a sprinkler system for all four fields . Plant grass after the sprinkler system has been installed. A layout of the park was shown, which showed the placement of the new fields. The placement of the fields has been changed from that shown on the adopted master plan for the park. John Burns , Chairman of the Parks Advisory Board advised that the Parks Board had not seen this altered layout before this meeting . Councilman Martin asked how much additional funding over the $5000 donation would be needed to do the work requested by the WSA. Bill Nelson listed quotes on the irrigation of the fields as $3000 for field #1 ; $2050 for field #2 and $1600 each for fields 3 & 4 . Total $9150 . Councilman Martin asked if all the $5000 donation is going to improve the fields. There is not enough money in the Community Park fund to make up the difference . The City will use staff to do the dirt work on the fields. There was some discussion regarding future parks for the City , i .e . , Birmingham land, landfill and Sanden. WSA members asked for a decision on the work on the fields tonight . Percy Simmons said the Parks Board should have been approached about these requests and submitted their d 6 7 recommendation to the Council for action. The Parks Board regular meeting is scheduled for February 24 ; however, John Burns said they would be willing to meet in a called meeting in order to facilitate the decision making process . Meeting scheduled for February 20, 1992 . Recommendation will be presented to the Council on February 25 , 1992 . WSA asked for the dirt work to start in the meantime . There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor John Akin. / ) 7-----7 J n Akin, Mayor Red tfully submitted: / /ix. 4, \o���������tt�t6Fse�tr rriii�frify,�i a, arbara Le oc , Secretary SEAL�.��p - P 1 riir, I-I E, *.,.1e