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08-21-2007 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission i,i/lt CITY ! YLIE w August 21 , 2007 teWylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OFWYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, August 21, 2007— 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Dennis Larson Chair Scott Ames Vice-Chair Tim Bennett, P.E. Board Member Phillip Johnston Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member John Onufreiczuk Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles H. Lee,Jr.,AICP Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse,deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from August 7, 2007 Regular Meetings. August 21,2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval for a Site Plan for The American Bank Addition No. 2, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property generally located at the northwest corner of F.M. 544 and Westgate Way. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an Amateur Communications Tower on an existing residential lot, generally located on the northeast corner of Grassy Glen Drive and Autumn Breeze Drive. (606 Grassy Glen Drive) ZC 2007-07 ADJOURNMENT CERTIF ICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 17th day of August, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government dr�e and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a t� Wile. courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of W,Kl�A\ hsttei, 'wlietexas.gov. Vr• �VVV• '��-: E vi -7 Carole Ehr• , i Secretary 1. -f31 l Date Notice Removed Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, August 7, 2007 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Staff Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:02PM stated that a quorum was present. In attendance were: Chairman Larson, Vice-Chairman Ames, Commissioner Bennett, Commissioner Johnston, Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and Commissioner Wright. Commissioner Kopchenko was absent. Staff members present were Renae 011ie, Jasen Haskins, Charles Lee and Mary Bradley. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Onufreiczuk gave the invocation and Commissioner Bennett led the pledge of allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one approached the Commissioners. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 17, 2007 Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Vice- Chairman Ames, to approve the minutes from July 17, 2007, regular meetings with no changes or corrections. Motion carried 6 — 0. Minutes August 7, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 6 ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval for a Site Plan for Best Corner Wylie Addition, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property generally located at the northeast corner of SH 78 and W. Kirby Street. Mr. Lee stated that the applicant is proposing to redevelop and combine two existing commercial properties located at the northeast corner of SH 78 and W Kirby Street. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District totaling 0.594 acre in sizes. There are two existing buildings on the site. The existing building on the hard corner measures 1,648 square feet and the other building measures 1,710 square feet. In the mid 1990s TXDOT acquired portions of this property and most recently the City of Wylie has acquired portions of the property for improvements to SH 78 and right-turn lane at the intersection. The property owner was compensated for all of the acquisitions. The applicant is proposing retail uses for both buildings on the property. The site work will consist of landscape improvements, resurfacing of pavement, relocation of drive way and considerable alterations to building elevations. Proposed modifications to exterior of buildings will include application of stone veneer to the front, sides and rear elevations on both buildings. In addition, the applicant proposes to relocate the main entrance of Building #1 to the north. The applicant proposes to meet architectural design requirement by applying stone veneer to all sides of both building. The stone veneer will serve as the primary material for both building. A final plat accompanies this item and is on the current agenda for Commission's review. Therefore, staff supports and recommends approval of the site plan subject to: Additions and alterations as required by the engineering plans, and Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council approval of the Final Plat. Mr. Stan Haddock, 221 Country Club Drive, Heath Texas, represented property owner/applicant of the subject property, stated that Metro PCS will lease the building on the hard corner. In June 2007, a proposal was submitted for parking alternative to allow both existing structures to share parking, however that request was denied by City Council. At the meeting in June 2007, a recommendation was made to change the main entrance to the building on the hard corner to face the north. To achieve that recommendation allows for additional landscaping around the hard corner and up to the road. The entrance to the property from SH 78 is located seventy-three feet north of the southern property line. Minutes August 7, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 6 A motion was made by Commissioner Bennett, and seconded by Commissioner Johnston, to approve the Site Plan for Best Corner Wylie Addition, Block A, Lot 1. Motion carried 6 — 0. 2. Consider a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat for Best Corner Wylie Addition, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property generally located at the northeast corner of SH 78 and W. Kirby Street. Mr. Lee stated that a Site Plan is on the current agenda for Commissioner's review. The property totals 0.59 acres and will create one (1) commercial lot, with two existing buildings. The applicant proposes to combine two existing tracts into one, establish property boundaries, and dedicate the necessary fire lanes and access easements to accommodate the redevelopment of the property. With no questions for the applicant or Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Johnston, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Final Plat for Best Corner Wylie Addition, Block A, Lot 1, the property being generally located at the northeast corner of SH 78 and W Kirby Street. Motion carried 6 — 0. 3. Consider a recommendation to City Council regarding a Replat for Cooper Junior High School, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property generally located northwest of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. Mr. Lee stated that the property was originally developed and subsequently platted in the summer of 2006 to accommodate Cooper Junior High School. The purpose for the Replat is to dedicate right-of-way for Hooper Road and the necessary utility easements to accommodate the new Draper Elementary School. With no questions for Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Commissioner Johnston, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat of Raymond Cooper Junior High school, Block A, Lot 1, generally located at the northeast corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. Motion carried 6 — 0. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an Industrial (Outside) use on 1.88 acres, generally located east of Eubanks Lane and approximately 1,080 feet south of SH 78. ZC 2007-04. Minutes August 7, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 6 Mr. Lee stated that the owner of the property has submitted a letter requesting that the item be withdrawn from consideration. In summary, the request was for an Specific Use Permit to operate a gunite processing, distribution and storage facility. Staff supports the owner's request and recommends the Commissioners to accept the request to withdraw this item. Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commission, Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. With no questions for Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Bennett, and seconded by Commissioner Johnston, to recommend approval to the City Council to accept the withdrawal for the SUP for Industrial, (Outside) use on 1.88 acres, generally located 3501 Eubanks Lane, Wyndham Estates Phase 3, Lot 1. Motion carried 6 — 0. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council regarding a request to amend Planned Development 2002- 52 to accommodate Neighborhood Services (NS) zoning on 2.03 acres within the PD district, property generally located at the northeast corner of Collins Boulevard and FM 544. ZC2007-05 Mr. Lee stated that the subject property is located at the northeast corner of Collins Boulevard and FM 544 within the Bozman Farms Estates and Lake Trails of Bozman Farms Planned Development (PD 2002-52). In March 2006, the City Council adopted an amendment to PD 2002-52 for the subject property, to allow for Day Care Facility uses on the property. Four notifications were mailed, with no written response returned. The request proposes to amend the PD to allow for Neighborhood Services (NS) zoning. Mr. Lee reviewed the uses allowed within a NS District, which will allow medical office, professional office, restaurant without drive-through, more of a low impact commercial type uses. The PD specifies NS with only certain uses allowed by right and others with an SUP, and Ms. 011ie questioned the applicant if the request was to allow NS as permitted in the Zoning Ordinance or as outlined within the PD. Mr. Phil Clegg, Red Group Development, 1771 International Parkway, Suite 127, Richardson, Texas, applicant/developer of the subject property, stated that the intent was to allow all uses as spelled out within the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Wright questioned the location of the pond and direction and impact of drainage on the adjacent property. Mr. Clegg stated that the pond is in the back of Lot 1 and Lot 2. The rough grading has not been done, and an engineer has not looked at the property yet. Minutes August 7, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 6 Commissioner Bennett questioned the use spelled out in PD for lot 2, with the configuration of Lot 2 more on Collins Circle than adjacent to Lot 1 which is on FM 544 and Collins Boulevard. Mr. Clegg stated that Lot 28 adjacent to Lot 2, is maintained by Homeowner's Association and is not intended to be developed as a single-family residential use. There are several high gas meters located on Lot 2, as well as several utility easements. The lot would be very difficult to develop as a stand alone property. Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commission, Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to recommend approval to the City Council, regarding a request to amend Planned Development 2002-52 to accommodate Neighborhood Services (NS) zoning on 2.03 acres within the PD District, property generally located at the northeast corner of Collins Boulevard and FM 544, Zoning Case 2007- 05. Motion carried 5 — 1, with Commissioner Bennett voting in opposition. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A) to Townhouse (TH) District on a 5.0 acre parcel, generally located northeast of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. ZC 2007-06 Ms. 011ie stated that the subject property is located on the northeast corner of Lynda Lane (CR 389) and Forrest Ross Road. The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject property to allow for townhouse development. The proposal will include approximately 24 townhouse units on 5 acres. The property is a triangular shaped tract that is bordered by Heavy Industrial (HI) District to the north and west and a Planned Development District (Wylie Lakes) currently under construction for mixed use development including residential of varied densities and commercial uses to the east. The entire tract will be developed to Townhouse (TH) District standards with a minimum of 3,500 square feet for exterior lots with side yards and 3,000 square feet for interior lots without side yards. Minimum dwelling size shall be 1,200 square feet. The applicant is not requesting any variance from the Ordinance. The applicant is proposing to gain access into the development from two points, both from County Road 387 (Forrest Ross Road). This item was presented in 2006 as a request for Townhouse development. The previous request included approximately 41 Townhomes on the 5 acre tract with three points of access, two from County Road 387 (Forrest Ross Road) and one from County Road 389 (Lynda Lane). Five (5) notifications were mailed, with one written response favoring the request returned. Minutes August 7, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 5 of 6 Mr. Alan Adkins, 5949 Sherry Lane, Suite 1220, Dallas, Texas, represented the owner of the property, stated that there are several issues surrounding the property, thus making it a very challenging development. With the property being in a triangular shape, on the north side Lynda Lane, which is a County dirt road, and on the other side, Forrest Ross Road, which is a paved two-lane County road. The two roads intersect at the southwest corner of the subject property. Mr. Laurence DeBerry, 8277 PR 5397, Lavon, Texas, developer for the subject property, stated that although the proposed concept plan includes alleys, once engineering and architecture reviews the subject property, alleys may not be included. The proposed concept plan is in a draft format, a preliminary plat will be submitted once the zoning is approved. The development will not construct 40 lots. One of the safety issues, which were presented in 2006, was to have Lynda Lane come through the proposed development and end at Forrest Ross Road. Currently, Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road intersect at the V-shaped southwestern tip of the property, where several accidents have occurred. Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commission, Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. The Commissioners requested that the applicant present two options to Council. Option 1: as presented with two points of access onto Forrest Ross Road. Option 2: bring Lynda Lane through the proposed development and tie into Forrest Ross Road to eliminate the potential safety issues previously mentioned. A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Commissioner Johnston, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A) to Townhouse (TH) District on a 5.0 acre parcel, generally located northeast of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road, Zoning Case 2007 — 06. Motion carried 5 — 1, with Commissioner Ames voting in opposition. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Onufreiczuk, and seconded by Commissioner Ames to adjourn the meeting at 8:30p.m. Motion carried 6 — 0. Dennis Larson, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Secretary Minutes August 7, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 6 of 6 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CiTY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 21, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning The American Bank Addition Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Subdivision: No. 2, Block A, Lot 1 Date Prepared: 07/31/07 Zoning District: Commercial Corridor(CC) Exhibits: Site Plan, Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for The American Bank Addition No. 2, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property being generally located on the northwest corner of F.M. 544 and Westgate Way. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for The American Bank Addition No. 2, Block A, Lot 1 generally located on the northwest corner of F.M. 544 and Westgate Way. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a 3,000 square foot restaurant with drive-through service on the property. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District and totaling 1.4 acres in size. Platted in April 2005, American Bank Addition No.2 consisted of two (2) commercial lots on 1.73 acres. A bank kiosk with ATM & drive through facilities was developed on Lot 2 (hard corner) at that time. Vacant property to the immediate west and north are zoned CC. Property to the east, across Westgate Way, is also zoned CC and has been developed for restaurant uses (Chili's). Additionally, property across FM 544 is zoned CR and is currently occupied by two drive-thru restaurants and a convenience store. The proposed building will be constructed of brick with at least 20% stone on the front facade. The proposed building elevations are consistent in design, color and materials with existing development in the general area. In addition, the site meets and/or exceeds landscape design standards per the Zoning Ordinance. Two points of access are provided to the property via existing driveway from FM 544 and Westgate Way currently serving the bank kiosk. This item is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Page 1 of 1 o -i 1\ 0„ ,rn z 1'R \\ rn — Y LETTERING J\\.� N BLACK /� p RI SERVEr1 , 2 F'Q PARKING I \\ UNIVERSAL c� H.0 LOGO \\ } W.BROWN ST. TN_ \\ ilk WHITE �.m \\ • z ill J/B„ a i.R.- BLACK TRIPE - -- S 84'16•E 177,1= �\ 8 �P d io _ n 2 pD IBLUE BACKGROUND —Tom- Imo. 4' R=582,50 \\ FM 544 w 'a WHITE BACKGROUND I \ �rr \A CB=S 20'42.36"E\\ W K7ReY ST) WYLIE r \\rko 1 s�' \\. CH=15.06' \\\ \ 0 0 v vWi I_ 12. I III \\• L=15.06' N Lu '•LETTERING I \ MEANDERING \\ \ Or 1�,.�� > \ 2 VAN IBLACK 111 \4.SIDEWALK \\ �'� 0 1 1/2'LETTERING I \ 1\4 \\ \\ z"P• a O v ACCESSIBLE I BLA3/8"STRIPE \\ ,A \\ \\ 11 BLACKI \ 1\ 1A \\ Z CIC mWHITE BACKGROUND \\ I�;� , WATER • \\\�'\\, �----- RESERVED PARKING SIGN \ �``, \��EASEMENT Q\\\11\ �I r \ ��� \\ \� IIII ,Il II VICINITY MAP \ ``,\\ R=517.50 •• v �I II NTS I ,xr.,oar.a••A w•rmw 11112 \ \\'' 1 CB=N OS' ' W. ----- � it I \ \I C.- .97 1 \ L=229.85' 31.D3' II 1 11 . \• -. 1 el 150' 87,76' PROPOSED LIFT \ 1, \\ a� 15.55' 20' FOACEO MAIN D \ 1' 11 . O 10.•M O O`er O O i ' II °\ I SITE SUMMARY C 1 Al I °'- \\ 9 on \I u \�\.••. - LOT 1, BLOCK A Lu 1 am it TRASH ENCLOSURE .' III II1 I 1.40 ACRES OR 61,125 s.f. <(I) W/8'MASONRY 2 11 • �'I 11 >=• VOL. 4497, PG. 1611 D.R.C.C.T. ('Q SCREENING WALL Al '',1 Q I >G MATCH BUILDING LI/A '1 tI� 11. 3,� BUILDING FOOTPRINT: 3015 s.f. (4%) *+ N LaJ LIGHTING / FIXTURES 7 I �11 II W EXTERIOR: CAST STONE & CONCRETE BLOCK 0 w 120 - 10' A — 11 1, I 1 . - \ BUILDING HEIGHT: 1 STORY (26') 0 w 001 moo _ M , L I PROPOSED LAND USE: RESTAURANT W/DRIVETHRU re 41 O = 0, 0 RJ1.5' 1�.ARRIERy J / _BOARD - �O R_o' Yo-FREE W I ZONING: CC COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR MENU \ ,� Rto AMP 3 SIDE SETBACKS: (F.M.544-25') (WESTGATE WAY-50') / `7RAPSE I I LANDSCAPE. 31,603 s.f, (42%) 0 1- 0 1- 1 N .26 , i0.06' PARKING REQ.: OCCUPANT LOAD (74) / 3 = 25 TAPER TO -z I PARKING PROVIDED:38 SPACES ` M g 0 AID-WIDE \ ,�16 HANDICAP PROVIDED: 2 SPACES 1 cuRa IP- --1' I - a EX.DRIVEWAY. 1- '�s,s TOTAL PARKING: 40 SPACES Q hith.„1 10I 22, de / - R. .416" B 46.34'56"W 1 I s� I 0 I =42.97' /r S I ARBY'S / R2' I I 1\\l'i ■� RESTAURANT , \. , „ Lr46,27• i�t F I111111111111F PICA�}}-UP \wlNbow a6R10' /R=� \� WII ae C..i=g 10 18' 9.6 7' �b 1 s CB-N 29 48'01. I> II I 83' o I I RESERVED pN J'�_ �\� I II r I di. op,1�PARKING /.F�, . •�L=29i3z3 ,, I!I II o /�= �, \\ I II 1, / �`'^�^ / \\ \I 1 1 I DATE Oh eked COMMENT 4.5' vsn u \\ I TAPER TO- y 1L---__ - . ' / \‘ % • I I 11 1 - 1 0 A 6"WIDE 5. NO R \\ 1 11 07/23/2007 OS 09 007 JF 1ST REVIEW CURB V P� � /� ,'. 1 il 11 1 �L R15' � / Clary \ \\ ��// 1 •. illllll�llllll �� y �� , 11 i 10. --Jr / �. / j //�� LDT 2.BLOCK A 11 1 1 11 QO\ // THE ANERICAN NA ONAL II I I0 mw� EX.CD ETE y y BANK ADDITION N0�2 I I I 1I ���� 1 O ti / 0.327 ACRE 1 ,, N U // Y. ING I r / 14.233.82 SQ.FT, I I ,42r2a / II1 2Rl / II ____- /. _ '--� SCALE.1 =20 N / 0 .LP / sai.,s / EX.8"WATER NE 10' 9iir / PRO`�SED '0�"W /%/ /I II I I 25.LANDSCAPEI/ FI"E / 111 SEOFT95 . 1BUFFER - I y H ikl:ANT / 79' \ —— /// -= ----- ��__�,�,�, Ii____,,,, �!/L=32.s9• �� __---_ ---_________;,/ // I� I I 1t?.......1-,EIq� 4:7- I PROPOSED O_ •' t I II ACHI / ME NDERING SI IGN w 11 L—— —— / �� I IMICHAELN.PEEPLE6 1 '4'-IDE ALK �� N i .� 32.23' / / n ..............................MN ....... ' 1v�, ��••. o ¢m ' O Il // / %// BURIED TELEPHONE UNE I I J SITE /r� _ ��'� e---:-l.114,M�alleI.J. _ -. I\ ranrrN s I •'**/ I I \ 1.40 ACRE TRACT iPiiJyp/llp� ___ 5z$,9�,�E��,°s�„ �_� :IL � II LOT 1 BLOCK A sss eox szaz, .., Ky s '_=—,-BARRIER �_`_--_--- • --- B'WATER LIE------ ' —>— THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK FREE EX.DRIVEWAY ` _ �- -— _ RAMP. `_= Lsz1=-=L= c,,� �� ADDITION NO.2 -------------- — _-- _—_—____--_---______ II VOL. 4497, PG. 1611 D.R.C.C.T. W. F.M. HIGHWAY N0. 544 ———— — - __—_———— Ex•3s"sD __ ARBY'S RESTAURANTS Mr N'+� ----- - �ARBY 5-kFSTATJ17APt lRel,P---MIOWNER ICHAE VIL ENGINEER S SHEET N0. F.M, 5 4 4 -- - �, ARKwgY— F.M. 644 & WESTAGE WAY y, RDWLETT,TX T�€RS&PLANNERS 120' Z CONTACT:TOM T,HOCH TX 130 E.Rosemeode Pkw,., ,Nc 207 WYLIE, TX Tex..75007 ( R.O.W,) (zt 4)895-6761 Carrolli(972,416-1968 P 1 (214)731-9949(Fox) , , TIP V.IF125 PIN'9'+NACL/-E e ELE 119PA Fir/ PRE-FINISHED STANDING p11111 e MP .. r/ :. STUCCO \ s•� , ,......:.............. ......:.......... ...........,.... ..,:....•..,.....................................:..,................. ....,...... ....: ... .......... ....:H....... ............,...................... .i. ...,.. .. ......,...... ... . ..,..: "V„ACCENT GROOVE- • e . .-- T — — "v"ACCENT GROOVE T — • • • • • • • SIGNAGE TO BE CENTERED RSPArchitects,Ltd.withStephenJ.FaMsc,TXp17179 OVER STOREFRONT, CAULK 1220MarshallStreetNE M2.677.7100 SIGN TO STUCCO- • - t. • • • • • LE. • •• • • • • 7. • - • •u. Minneapolis 612.677.74SSfax ,...,._ :-. .... -.:.,..: _ .. �.... .. � ,.-. ._.... ..:... .., ;. .._. 55 3 036 www.rsparch.com TRUSS BEARING , ,• ,,> _. _.. .....,, «. . :,.,, .. ,t. .. ,.. <: ,. .., �_ ,... � - P _.... .. ...-.._ ..,..., :_._ ...v ,":.... ..,:-. ..C..:�. .:... ..,-...- _,.,...... ." ... -_.., ... _..�..... ..__.�. .._ .,... .,, ,.. t+w• .... ,-:tic:: ELEV.111'6" TIP IF CMU ELEV.111'-4" / Certification STONE BEYOND MTL FLASHING , FTc --�- r / PcOLOR To MATCH cru I ACCENT BAND,PAINTED / ` NOT FOR BACKLIT AFRAMEWN INPAING ONTED ALUMTO � � � I I o" � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONSTRUCTION MATCH STOREFRONT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPLIT FACE BLOCK y y P = / / / P FIELD BLOCK I/ -I/ III ' / 1 LIMESTONE BASE MATERIAL jl' -�I '� ` Il OELEVF 100R D' 11- L- ALUM,&GLASS STOREFEONT SYSTEM W/INSULA CLEAR RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION Signature GLAS.(SEE TED SCHEDULE) 0 Stephen J.FaUtSfh Registration No. MrSCALE, 1/4'=1'-0" 17179 410 PRE-FINISHED MTL,COPING ® Exp.Date 31 DECEMBER 2007 oTIP IF PINNACLE ELEV.125'-9'+/- 12 ProiectFor ARBY'S"HAT LOGO"IN LED. PRE-FINISHED MTL,COPING 72 y PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY UNA-CLAD MTL,WALL PANEL OWNER, COLOR ALMOND t. PRE-FINISHED MTL,COPING LADDER REST 78'21 3/8" 2'-8" / STUCCO CORNICE,PAINTED ✓ PAINT T❑MATCH STUCCO LIGHT FIXTURE PE OTIP IF FRAMIN G LINE OF ROOF ELEV 119'4' .:. 2 STUCCO- J..... .. Arbg ___LA g ,-„„,-,, �- ;LCNTEP''VE E...........:..,.....•••••....•...• .• •. ...7-..L.. .H.,... * ' :''' 1—::;.M—I—'1i.: .'............:-......1:..:.....'.......1.,i.A..:•...'.........'.•........::.:.....:......,....•1::,..:.g.:.*1....,......-.:..:6i....:,:.:..—.•......i-.,:..:.,.....''.-......7:,.:.-. --- •......•.,..p....•.•..*.....A... 1 .E:.8.....'E.'7•'• '....•. � �,�- =- : -- SIGNGE T❑BE CENTERED �� � - - - - ��'��' OVE STOREFRONT, CAULK -. — �■. 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BASE BLOCK- / (678)514-4100 F.(6713)514-5348 u u P ii l _'i' OFIN.FLIIR /Ti17 7— I � 1—� �-'� F--� F--� I ELEV.1D0'-0' I I — MIRROR ALUM,FINISH AT ALUM,&GLASS STOREFEONT Pro;""°' 5101.075.01 ^Y"PORTION OF STEEL, SUPPLIED SYSTEM W/INSULATED CLEAR CIRCUIT BREAKER CT CABINET/METER PROPOSED GAS MTL,DOOR AND FRAME AND INSTALLED BY GLAZING GLASS,(SEE SCHEDULE, DISTRIBUTION PANEL RE MEP METER LOCATION PAINT TO MATCH SPLIT Drawn By CONTRACTOR, G.C.TO PROTECT RE MEP RE MEP FACKE BLOCK BCO ©HRONT ELEVATION CLOSURE TIENE TORN OUT ©REAR ELEVATION 411) Checked By KD LOSURUCTIEC LIMESTONE BASE MATERIAL IV SCALE, 1/4,1'-D' SCALE 1/4'=1'-0' — — TIP IF PINNACLE Date 14 AUGUST 2007 NOTICE The designs shown and de�cii6ed herein including all technical drawings, PRE—FINISHED MTL,COPING e�apnics,andmode�emeieof,aiepiopiietaiy3ndcannothecopied,dup�vaador commercially exploited whole or in part,without expicss written pcimission of STUCCO CORNICE,PAINTED ASPA cI teas Tle aeaila6le fo l mired re e a d evali�ato by cliente, EMERGENCY OVERFLOW EXP,JOINT Igo BACKLIT AWNING ON ALUM, o t to s,ga en e t:ge ties,ve das id office pe so ne ad O da cev tl tl-Not ce. RELIEF SCUPPER. FRAME PAINTED TO STUCCO TYP,OF 3 MATCH STOREFRONT roPidgmase„i-c cs,rm./scar n�.�anc iwo�..vu��grestisesed \>\ T P IF RAMING mil 4 X410 ' IELEVF119'-4'� h • • • • • • - ACCENT GROOVE • • • • • • • • • • • t.� STONE BEYOND • _ • • -SIGNAGE To BE CENTERED \ ® - • 1 . • • • 1 I! ..� OVER STOREFRONT: CAULK �..,.� - SIGN TO STUCCO I • -.. • D PAINTED w " ... . • .� STONE BEYOND Mark Date Description TRUSS BEARING 6'-8" �r�MMMMMMMMMMMM ELEV.111'6' TIP IF CMU �+ a , _____________________��__. _____________ - ELEV.111'-4' ARBY'S oIIIIII.3'-4" 3'-4" ®n============= mo MTL,FLASHING ---- -......������� COLOR TO MATCH CMU v ����� �� WYLIE,TEXAS ====================---- ��������������� S v �y �t t BACKLIT AWNING ON ALUM, ======================== =■■============= N I I N I I t FRAME PAINTED TO N==================== === ® ■I============== - MATCH STOREFRONT ======================== =============== I I I piESPLIT T FACE BLOCK EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 6"C❑NC,FILLED i\ ____________—______�___ —__________—_ � t t t I it FIELD BLOCK STEEL PIPE BOLLARD (PAINTED YELLOW) r \ \-= y wel �� ,_2 LIMESTONE BASE MATERIAL ®/f/®/V dV/V/®/ /®/ /r/,/r/F r/®/r/r/r/F/,/ r/®,,/®,r Pr,/,/®/�/®/®/®/®/®/®/r/®/rA/I /®/,®® ,®®i. � . . .i%.■mil_ \ \ P I ELE FIV.N.FLR 100'II-0' II 0 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION DRIVE-THRU WINDOW - ALUM&GLASS STOREFEONT FRAME COLOR TO MATCH SYSTEM W/INSULATED CLEAR A_4 LJ ' SCALE 1/4'=1'0" STOREFRONT FRAMES, GLASS,(SEE SCHEDULE) SEE SHEET A-1 FOR SPEC, LANDSCAPE NOTES >g 2 PLANTING NOTES, 1 1. -PO%CMZ<TII\n-ri ICIMRSI!F RZIID_I'Aril-NTH 6. AENED TDEETATIErgRA TREPEEUNATZGIN D i; ALL LINES,UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, EXECUTION. 1.PLANT SIZE,TYPE AND CONDITION SUBJE CT TO CITY APPROVAL. 2.ALL PLANT MATE RIAL TO BE NURSERY GROW N STOCK. , I,13,' ilk PIPES AND STRUCTURES VVHETHER OR 7. ALL PLANTING BEDS AND TREE PITS 3.CDNTRACTOR RESPDNSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE DF ALL PLANT MATERIAL NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE ARE TO RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 2"OF UNTIL PROJE CT ACCEPTANCE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE MULCH TOP DRESSING,AS SPECIFIED. 4.ALL CON1AINER GROWN PLANTS TO HAVE FULL,VIGOROUS ROOT st. F, FOR LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND SAVE THIS OPERATION UNTIL NEAR SYS TE M,COMPLE TELY ENCOMPASSING CONTAINER. A. UTILITIES AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FINAL INSPECTION. 5.ALL PLANTS WE LL ROUNDED AND FULLY BRANCHE D. ALL TRE E S WITH , . ' B ire FOR CDSTS INCURRED DUE TO DAMAGE 8. ALL SHRUBS PLANTED UNDER THIS SPRE AD TO 2/3 OF HE IGHT. A ,6 OR REPLACEMENT OF SAID LINES, CDN TRACT ARE TO BE POCKET- 6.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OW NE R WITH PRE FE RRE D MAIN TE NANCE , . -. ' . g I ,,UTILI TIES OF STRUCTURES CAUSED PLANTED PER DETAILS. SCHE DULE OF ALL PLANTS AND LAWNS. 2 BY HIS FDRCES. 9. ALL EXCESS EXCAVATION IS TO BE 7.MAINTAIN AND PROTECT VISIBILITY TRIANGLE WITH PLANT MATERIAL PER WYLIE DO NOT WILLFULLY PROCEED WI REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. CITY STANDARDS AT ALL ENTRANCE 5 TO SITE. ''''''&1-, • d CONSTRUCTION,AS DESIGNED,WHEN 1-r 10. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE 8.SE E DETAIL SHEE T FOR PLANTING DE TAILS. A ii ' , IS OBVIOUS THAT UNKNOWN FOR ALL IRRIGATION CHANGES AND 9.CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FDR LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIE S.INCLUDING ---_--__ .84.87.10.E 177 . , , TV OBSTRUCTIONS OR CONFLICTS EXIST MODIFICATIONS AS CALLED OUT ON BUT NOT LIMITE D TO TE LE PHONE,CABLE,E LE CTRIC,GAS WATE R AND SEWER. ANY DAMAGE TO UTILITIES TD BE REPAIRED BE CON-fRACTOR AT r- _______._______ \\ SBIA"CUT X.-• , . . % Tphul IARiNC4ADYEs -Nr.H AS VUEO HB EgN D'I I'll IC:NHS ThE PLANS AND CROSS SECTIONS. 11. ALL WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED NO COST TO OWNER. \\*b..., -I A .±..- ........).7— \\ , IW CO T Lu < (0 SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION I 1 , 3 AGAINST ALL DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP 11.QUANTITIES ARE PROVIDED AS A COURTESY AND NOT INTENDE D FOR 01.28.53" \\ a X.E OF THE OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR AND MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE BID PURPOSE S. CONTRACTOR TO VE RIFY ALL QUANTITIES PRIOR TO Ix,\,-,,` ,L,Lj E 0 0— SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE. PRICING '' \\r.,„EL, \\\. CH=15.0S. FOR ALL NECESSARY REVISIONS DUE 12. ALL SINGLE TRUNK TREES ARE TO 12. INSTALL STE E L E DGING BE TWE E N PLANTING BEDS AND ALL OTHE R \ \ z c.— C,11-E TO FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH BE STAKED: HOSE AND GUY WIRES LANDSCAPING. FILE ALL CORNE RS SMOOTH. 1.15.06. M IW 1,Lu NOTIFICATION. OVERLAPPED. I \ ii \•. _ vi 3. THE CROWN OF ALL PLANTS SHALL 13. COVER AREAS TO BE PLANTED WITH Jr.::Z..i..:1:, it,i_____4_101,,,,S,E4G 2 BE SLIGHTLY HIGHER,AFTER SETTLING, 3"APPROVED ORGANIC MATTER,1. I 1,,,,,':',..7-R\, 111 \\:41'AS7DEEWALK , ir) THAN ADJACENT SOIL. PINE BARK MULCH,AND 15-5-10 ' TRnPCOCINI\STLAEC FOR IZINAALOLVIZEG OR FERTILIZER AT THE RATE DF 15 LBS. 4 PER 1000 SQUARE FEET OF BED AREA. aGIE`FlpDs , 12D. I ..,,,4°,g \ raj ' \\ VICINITY MAF' ADDING TDP SOIL AS NEEDED FOR THE 14. AFTER SPREADING SOIL VEGiElflAVTON `, W. , INCLUSION OF THE SOIL AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS IN BED AREAS,TILL it'. .1P-.. I TOTS ' 15' . i % \ AS NEEDED IN THE PREPARED GROUND TO A DEPTH OF B". COVER BEDS. 15. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE I . AU,,,,21 e4tr „eoes,\ a(-- A VVATER • \ 5. ALL GROUND COVERS ARE TO BE AN'AS-BUILT"PLAN OF LANDSCAPE PIAN viEw dila 1 ),, I , , ,..1....A-4' f%, \\,.EASEMENT. - \\\- ALIGNED IN STRAIGHT EVEN ROWS AND IRRIGATION UPON COMPLETION I %\\ TSPI2111GLASERALOIWI\TPO'NCE.rFir THE PLANT LIST. \ 'tilt, .0 '.-1;,..,::::31' R.517.50 '• \ - , ISIF_ETAiEk3S.4AURS7ISRIDENEL742MbS /—HOSE AND GUY WIRE \ la \, ,..-26.55. , PER SINGLE TRUCK TREE. /7 21-RE:A021/"E X13!RL:1:EFZE1OP I , Thr • ANIMA biliLlt AMMON NO/ fil \ % ' C."°Er-.- W. NOTES: -\Malai I it"...t.%,\, I '.IC;229.:... SITE SUMMARY I 0 - ''''''' \II '1.REIADVE WIRE OR NYLON TWINE FROM BALL , , '1 411Pill 40. 4,110 c) S., ,...i '1.°4-ro ii,CBRLETKO RA 61,125 s.f. 3.SEE AlTACHED LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR OTHER ,- I 11 Ili''"'#1 1-!''.*J • I .-,0 lif %_,• _ v,.. . , . . ..VOL.4497,PG.1611 D.R.C.C.T. 0 ›- ..8,!Cm:fill „1,' rOIMANALLTILDEESTDTHVBALL'LA"' 0, .. --e, ititir (CO Le, '"'" \ Ill \\ . . -. . BUILDING FOOTPRINT:3015 s.f.(4%) --ir2,----______ lit I , :. EXTERIOR:CAST STONE 8,c CONCRETE BLOCK C '111.411. Wk.n Lir jiff ,ANT,N,,,,,,, 1 0 Al ' . . BUILDING HEIGHT: 1 STORY(2,) PROPOSED LAND USE:RESTAURANT W/DRIVETHRU CO ---''. 1 "/ -lot got - ZONING: CC COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR a. Li, • • ,, ..;::Ii T, \ $ ,i ill 1(4- (0) SIDE SETBACKS:(F.M.544-25')(WESTGATE I ORNAMENTAL TREB PLANTING DETAIL I 1,,,,Q, ;CI) et 0 IV - Tc.:„..,,-.4 it \\\,.- . - LANDSCAPE:31,603 ''"''' it ei. ' ' ==1A0.\:/ICTDAVALff(74)/ Ll'I',IF --r id. V)lyi 000000 I CO 0 I. k . HANDICAP PR DVIDED:2 SPACES I 11\ Z • TOTAL PARKING:40 SPACES U) L°I— \ ,,,,-,,,,, ' 1 II ,,..... .i„ L Al , _ :;=n„.,,L 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 ON)o o 1 7414-711" \Co 4Te 0 co _ z411 -6---, Lill -, .6.. \ 1/4-1,1 00041000 /irp 4..., ..:-::,x,-,-:-.-,,,,.:::::,,,,,,,,,,,„:„,.,,,-„, igi, z•-I ;sr 4f .- rz >- 7.7777,3ty: iplb,....-.'...Ario- gR,I=1,:,:sIE,,LFLiEr\m,G.072i \ 0 •AA.B., ....-_____-- ' . LANDSCAPING DESIGN REQUIREMENTS to , .4- . BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE ,ft In =WliUrrr 1 .411P.,..616.411P!‘ % 0 ., . " II:4 . .•.:,;.,... ...:....,,,:",...,..",..,..,.. ,ak/ . N 84",-: , D, Lit,„RDEcs LI= Fi_ile,71.,,1,,,, t,,,,,fel:0,0,,,,,Ore00,,s,:thfteztoyres,,,1.0%of s,te b/L=7=5Ide and rear yard nOt ii. 'LL"EV=ALEA:EET AhDIEL7Ir',1=Anr,N.IrEZ"AN.(:BAL"D'...M 'AorDt'ViHFLMERIN'TREE') III,1 , -"ft,, , I lir . YARDS . I \ / / - . . , c.'d,LattITZ:Z.Theed.rreV;r:dr=t,t M'e2,",,rfge.P""ded' 4 ,-- 1 . - ___ ,A, ,;,T:IPIN:,772,Z7,,,I;;;;;P:c7sreg'red •cil-sagrtl.IZ''eg.1`1%°''''''"exces"f TREE PLANTING 1 \ iiil 414.11/1_,_:1-1h7.-111.64,"_141,20'7,, ":,0'...:::-...::'..:.:.....7.. \\\ 1, 1 .5.9, ---, • DscAp.. b.No parlung space further than 60'from l'andscaped b.Parlung lots.th.space further than NOUN COVER PLANTING DETAIL t lie (FOR SINGLE AND MULTI-STEM TREES) -__- .....-- I .. 'a 1,41, I \::,)/' .. '-! .44',." t PARKING p..7.4, i=4 I :7:k7t,%,.12..ce..i.er th.„h.ve riflid:fp:PpneddVt=21..to 1)1 row.shall have landscaped areas at Z",;itelr2ODO s.f. ff REBID.ALL LABELS I ARBY'S ,:15 I/ 1 1 R E ST30A0oUsR,AN T,•:.,',*111/, 7 . .. C11:27.. I., .I\ 1 i ..AL .,equ,red screerbng b,stnp at least 5'wde,plants .I 1 Provided:2000 s.f.t I SCREENING for.;,:mreuretteodtzt"---— w t.a e. 1 ees Priohvidredp:5'Xyr3t'eSThrrub Screen .1=4 I P7140 I i • R=40 O.\\ II q1(11 . a' e DU ANTITIE S ARE PROVIDE D AS A COURTE SY AND NOT INTENDED FOR BID PURPOSES. CONTRACTOR 411011k , IT,..___. R4144 CB-N",E 1 P'.I Ill'LANDSCAPING l'40,:s=nrd:iree. P l' q TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIE S PRIOR TO PRICING.ALL 3"TREES SHALL BE BALLED AND BURLAPED. -gmallik_...- 1 ar=''''''l lillif,': / ) ///' ...,CL):21.84.7 .''''', 1!I Ill' F7.YTRAEGEET. PI e ti'l=v4Z:L:dalFeraFtolUPite!"' ng:IebrfOt="e'en'''. 1 Common I Botanical Name Size Quantity Spacing ,%,,iri•Arab7ri;-\, aANATLLIUNAEN AV;,,,igER :6 \ I ) ' z . //i'---------------,,,.• \\ I II Sidewalk provided FINISHED GRADE • 1 25'Buffer with 25,landscape ilii li il ,iiii ii........ 1 , ,, ' . Ill I II 9,Lcrj,n0 DATE ......,..ed COMMENT AN Annual Color 4"container 125 s.f. NOR. W1,1-7111111 kin d 1(Ilk-.: I \ , 1,,,, ,...NN ,), 0110 , IIII co , /- ' ,. . • 07/23/2007 JEF --- AJ Asian jasmine/Trachlespermum asiaticum 1 Gallon 250 s.f. 12"o.c. -!Illindatlt Z2r,,2er"gr.A2.-, \ fLI'lli--,,,.----- ' ;;':''"'"';'' /, ..°'). (1 .'\ % I 1 II 'tc D2_,Z07 JF 21517,-:EtTnN ib ..J.,, iii-%,„,7 ..,„ .„,.,,,- ...,, i.,.i.7 ' Itit ,-4., ,6-;-*- I.\lj --\,> , , , II BG Bermudagrass/Cynodon dactylon sod 19,1-' — AMIAENDED SOIL BACKFILL 1 / ,I,.., ,,,,,,A,`,..,,,,,y,' ,,,,,,, / g' /. m V • I , II I lilt . . .,, , \ ,- xe z c M Crape Myrtle/Lagerstroemia indica 8'to 10'height 11 I \ • \. -,--__,,,, fi) ___.411111111111111k A--, 0 ,.'.• / CP Chinese Pistache/Pistachio chinensis As Shown II - I POCKET LOVED SHRUB DETAIL >' / I) I I I II A .) 0 10' 20' 40' DBH Dwarf Burford Holly I Ilex Cornuta'nana' 5 Gallon 27 3'o.c. 11". ICC\ • 0 ,A, 41)42 rIIII-41.47/ / r rz , , „ ,,, , 1 _DG Decomposed Granite 3"Depth I c, \ ,,-r•.' w II* / . . /. / . . L5,.FLEA,NDSCAPE[iii'; l .•'.1,,,,..........1... 111111) IL: 7 f:::34°2:67 .. 0 4, // ) , SCALE,l''=20' DVV desert willow/Chilopsis linearis 10 Gallon 6 As Shown \ _:,l'oe.;::..°,'S,,,,i,,,.,,,z..._.7.,,...1111_,,I... / / ',/ I HDN Harbour Dwarf Nandina IN andina domestica'Harbour dwarf 3 Gallon 35 1.5'o.c. :.' .1 11-.:,1.1k *.' . / 6, ;;VT". ,. . liii 9 -. yi/ t/ ii oteer;N IC Italian Cypress/Cupressus sempervirens 7 Gallon 5 As Shown „ __ IH Indian Hawthorne'Snow VVhite'OR aphiolepsis indica 5 Gallon 37 3'o.c. il Co 6........,1A5WPAPAlf-W,0:0-elkiiiets;i1 [-" . I iii ,„ ,. •,.,„ ,0- - - -- -- , , II PROPOSED LO Live Oak/Quercus virginiana 3"B&B 7 As Shown '''EnDEEZAr‘iii, at Nillr ve....., 1 il i/ ....PEEPLEB L _I-- VW AN L_i,...., LR Liriope'Big Blue'/Liriope muscari'Big Blue' 1 Gallon 145 12 o.c. 011111111ra. UP\....:.•:•' I :8 . ' Ti , EIURIED TELEPHONE UNE -'%'7644770r MBN Moonbay Nandina/Nandina sp.'Moonbay' 3 Gallon 16 2'o.c. I,- .isk• aNrftm, .1,1 a I il I ( .,,- 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN ..e. t...,,_ _p_earipoi_uni--j.. .-.- ,, ri-g,,..,,,L ,•,-/ MGR Martha Gonzales Rose/Rosa sp.'Martha Gonzales' 3 Gallon 3 5'o.c. rg EiN2Zr"s'" I 1.40 ACRE TRACT __ _,_i_ CV, '-----------,,—____.____________ __, LOT 1 BLOCK A NRS Nellie R.Stevens Holly/Ilex x'Nellie R.Stevens' 10 Gallon 5 4.5'o.c. --- \--7 r WATER LINE---1 RB Oklahoma Redbud tree ICercis reniformis,'Oklahoma' 10 Gallon 6 As Shown EiNt... - . . '',-------_ _,-,---ii—----> ,-- /, THE MERICAN NATIONAL BANK RO Red Oak/Quercus texana 3"BOB 3 As Shown -— ADDITION NO.2 _-11---- --_ -_—_-_----==-------=--- — VOLI. 4497, PG. 1611 D.R.C.C.T. RBR Natural Stone Border-Color to match building color 12"stones 80 s _ .f. W. P.M. HIGHWA r NO. 544 ——,---,„---———----==--1-_-._---_-__- ---,--=—--[x.--3'.11_,-- —AARBY'S RESTAURANTS SHEET NO. RR River Rock VVashed 3" 200 s.f. (fir.....) r.m. 5 4 4 ARBY'S RESIAURANTIVP— —TICHI'ENA.PGINEEEPELER—S ---—-- - -rhil. 644 tt WESTAGE WAY SE Steel Edging all beds 2.25 I-'KEVIER.75nix ENGINEERS,,LANNERS - VX Chaste Tree/Vitex agnus-castus 15 Gallon 1 As Shown CONTACT.TO9M,111/701 1.°E.R...c.orr=%,::= ,14,6 E'6' (972)416-1968 (214)731-9949 CF., WYLIE, TX LS-1 r PlanningWylie and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE - - AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: August 21, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee,MCP Date Prepared: 08/13/07 Zoning Case Number 2007-07 Location Map, Letter Exhibit,Pictures,Notification Exhibits: List/Map and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit(SUP) for an Amateur Communication Tower on an existing residential lot ( Harvest Bend Addition,Block B Lot generally located on the northeast corner of Grassy Glen Drive and Autunm Breeze Drive. (606 Grassy Glen Drive)ZC 00' - Recommendation ommendation Consider a recommendation of approval to the City Council regarding an SUP for an Amateur Communication Tower located at 606 Grassy Glen Drive. Discussion Owner: Mr. Tracy Y. Griffin Applicant: Mr. Tracy Y. Griffin The subject property is located at 606 Grassy Glen Drive, originally platted in May 2000, the pie-shaped 11,000 square feet lot was zoned SF-3 at that time. November 2001 city-wide amendments to the Zoning Ordinance rezoned the property to SF-10/24. A two-story,2,400 square foot single family house was built in late 2001. Single Family-10/24 District (SF-10/24) is intended to accommodate medium-density residential areas to provide housing for most ofthe omr unit 's population. The applicant proposes a forty 0 foot Amateur Communication Tower to be erected adjacent to the far northeast corner of the existing house on the property. The Zoning Ordinance requires a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for amateur communications tower within the SF-10/24 zoning district. An SUP provides a means ofoversight and evaluation by the ommission and City Council of certain uses as to its probable effects upon adjacent properties and the community's welfare by assuring appropriateness and compatibility with surrounding land uses. The Zoning Ordinance defines amateur communications tower as an antenna that transmits amateur radio (HMI), citizens band, or both spectrums, and that receives any portion of a radio spectrum. Federal regulations, specifically the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) control the operations and licensing of individual amateur radio operators. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of Although FCC & State regulations prohibit local governments from complete restrictions/prohibitions regarding amateur radio operators; g a federal rules allow local governments to exercise acceptable health, safety and aesthetic considerations within local ordinances and regulations. Subject to City Council granting an SUP for this use; the Zoning Ordinance limits are as follows: • One amateur communications tower per site. • Maximum two 2 antenna mounted on one tower • Maximum 900 square feet for single antenna and 1,400 for two antennae. • No portion may encroach into required front, side or rear yard. • Tower may not exceed seventy-five feet in height. Over—air transmission and receptions are governed by FCC regulations; although the possible local interference impacts should be considered in evaluating this request if imposition of regulations is deemed reasonable. Surrounding properties north, south, and east are zoned F-1 o 4 and have been developed for single family residential uses. (Harvest Bend Subdivision) The immediate larger property to the west is zoned SF-10 , with a fairly large metal barn occupying the center of the tract. In summary, the homeowner is requesting an SUP to erect a 40 foot high communications tower(antenna for a HAM radio operator)adjacent to the northeast corner oftheir existing two-story house. The house is approximately twenty- six feet in height. The tower will extend fourteen 1 feet above the house. The base of the tower will be set back twenty-seven feet from the rear and side property lines. The location of the applicant's lot within the subdivision and placement of the base of the proposed tower within the required side and rear setback yards lends itself from objectionable influences towards surrounding properties. In addition, the potential value of regional radio operators in time of emergencies to assist in offering alternative communication links can be a consideration. Based on the above measures, staffrecommends approval. Notification Responses: Eighteen 1 notifications were mailed, with no written response returned favoring the request and no response opposing the request at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director • i 7.-.' '''I-'a r---1-••-•r-"'i-.'y------- ---__ i / / 1 - • .1...-7,-.."1.---—• 1 : •/ i 1 A i i 1 1 . , i I : 1 : :. 1 i il . . I: : t iq 3 1 .•. .• .• •• ,...••. .. •. 4.......•. .....,..... I I 9if : !di di ;• i .• i 1„: 3; I I 1 1 ... .• 1 1: ; - . 1 ; :1 1 ..-.•-••-„_,..i L _1 L.__.... . ..-. ,, 1 i i 2 1. 1.1. .,. ... ..... . ................i.i.i............ ..1 I ! ! I 1 I Subject . .• . 1 i . . ! i ........__,..,i-----! . , . !Property L..,...._....! ... . , r 1 i - I ! 1 i ! i • I 1 i • i i I i ! .- i ! I i i • 1 1 r..----1-,—...i,....,si r"------1 .. J.. , i• : 1 ' I _ ! ; 1 -• 1 1 1 . .• 1 - ; 1 i 1 rn. , i .• - i --t..7 ,-r7-77--. --,..:_a--.- --,cE.z.u.-&-- -..--''-1- - .--i-- ..,i, --.1 ! I •- •- i i....,. . - • 1 1 1 : r.•-••-•• /. 2 i , ! ! ! I •••''-:\ 1 1 1 , ; ; I ! t i i i i i. f VII 1111111111,0 .. -.:,::,\. , i • . , i---------t i I I 1 I I__ A rA. :,t.• • -rL7.1..',-itr. ,-7:`--_-_ •:.-4--, ,-.-.,-.. -- .:-.,. ..:1.-..-_- „P,:: • . :1 _...... J ; t 1 ; i 1 III Ilk VIL \ i I 1 I i . . ?-. : 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I - 1 t . I I ! i ? T i I i c ! ! / - !‘:1- ..-- ! i , !... i , 7- _--- da ForrrnouTri i rive :Autumn eeze thit' 1 I " - r 01E111.an e 17:ow st 11 j-n-_ ill1111111111 . i 1 i ___i ,.. di mi Nag-L ow, 1 _ ,. [TI . ; : 11141 . 77 ; __ _ .71.„. _ 11 _, F _.._._._.__.._.._......_..._.._.._.._.._._.._ ii - Dr- .MI , ..,____,-M _ :,-,-- ----- -- - , . "-------, ' .._,,,„_,:_;..-,.-- 1 11111'`1=1 4 0 ••-•.... -•.-._ ......-p• •• 1....i• ....--7,1:1-7-15friEr-i•-•1:) ,-.. -- ..-.1- = „,.,-,..6 .MI MI I 15 11.1 III ." _-:,---• m =11: ' - L 'n in Edifm . 4P--:/ ''7 MI Ili _..-r im=imp ;7:,,-.. = ___, milmos 1 I IMAM J c 40 NM_ IMM .-'-'-'' I ... I 1 1111 W Air , -/ i ,i • ; 1 „ill di _ , .. 2 1 P.%%7171 4 ottly f_ one I 1110 i : 1 - i . J .- , •-.- , i I el I i _Ill IIII all"un'' ii* *11 ' ' r..— ! i 0111111,1111 111111!I. 11144*Ar.:1' I ::: • i I illnimaz. us. 1 ME . ! LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2007_07 . • My name is Tracy Y. Griffin. I hold a general class Ham Radio License, I have an immense passion for ham radio. My family has been in Wylie since 1989. I have lived here for 2 h years. 1 would Like to erect and antenna tower for my radios and have applied to the city for a permit. I would appreciate your consideration of this matter. Tracy Y. Griffin .�k t _ v .. r#*-.�- .f -. _ fr_.. ...,-. ..;• .� f f.F .4_. v ..... _ ;" •.�+o _'t v. �_� '<` - _. ..� i #YY+ict_t b , UFYYPLAI r i The le to certlf y that I have, this date, made a careful and accurate eurvey on the ground or propert9 located i et No. - .506 ORA L.EM 1;i1R1VE ,in the city of WYLIE .... .....Tea Lot No. 13 Block No. B -- - -- I of _ HAIRVec.T sew t to the City of WYL IE COLL.I .Taxes. according to the MAP JH E _____ k recorded In Volume r at Page 945 of the MAP--- _ Records of COLLIN County.Texess. 1w E . e S ..,,, iiilimpii—+ -21•50 .-- i y t yyf SS i GRASSY 5LJ c2fRive $ 50' R. r w I R l '1 4:d e� OR. - *i / i = . 4638I • V f t, ii � ., T. , ii 'i I \ . a ' .* 1 -. ,1.4.3. 1yv _ , } L I E5L ' Fly .4. . - --a;-. ' . iil 1 1 •. , 1 FJ. 3 1 a . * L - 401. , # nil r iis . \ *ilir • • • ...141 . * ' � 4 4. 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' ••.:''• •‘' 1 1 "• ' •ft ' -• ,1 - - '„, .--- • - , -- --_, .- - - „_,--- _ NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT:T: Tracy Y. Griffin APPLICATION FILE 00 - . __ 07 606 Grassy Glen Drive Wylie, Texas 75098 Di ' BKABST LOT CT` 'A LOT/TRACT 1.D. PROPERTY OWNER �E ADDRESS II MEM ApplicantGrassy GlenDrive Trac Y. Griffin Wylie, Texas 7 098 III Harvest Bend#1 506 Grassy Glen Drive Blk B Lot 4 f- 7-OOB-0040-1 David id Kiser Wylie, Texas 75098 N Harvest Bend#1 600 GrassyGlen Drive Brk R-4447-00B-0050-1 Gilbert Watt Wylie, Texas 75098 Harvest Bend#1 602 Grassy Glen Drive 4 Blk B 6 1 -44 7-OOB-00 0-1 Gloria Jordan Wylie, Texas 7 098 IHarvest Bend#1 604 Grp Glen Drive Bik B f - 7-OOB-000�i � Brian McCord Wylie, Texas 75098 Harvest Bend#1 606 GrassyGlen Drive 6 Blk B 8 47-OOB-0080-1 llree Griffin Wylie, Texas 75098 il Harvest Bend#1 08 Gras Glen Drive Blk B l - -OOB-0�90�1 Te s � uya Griswold Wylie, Texas 75098 Harvest Bend#1 201 Autumn Breeze Drive 8 Blk B 10 f-4 7-O B- 10B-1 Jacqueline Henriksen Wylie, Texas 75098 Harvest Bend#1 203 Autumn Breeze Drive 9 Blk B 11 l -4 -OOB-0110-1 Carey Peoples Wylie, Texas 75098 Harvest Bend#1 205 Autumn Breeze Drive 10BR 1 f-47-00B4O - r� e 1 0 1 David Reed Wylie, Texas 7 098 IIHarvest Bend#1 Secretary of Housing&Urban Dev, 5040 Addison Circle#300 Bik D Lot 7 1 - 47-OOD-0070-1 ado Souothwest Alliance Asst Nil•rs Addison, Texas 75001 111 Harvest Bend#1 203 Terrace Drive Blk 8 f-447-00D-0080-1 Shelly 1andervoort Texas 75098 Harvest Bend#1 Wylie r II 201 Terrace Drive Blk D 9 !-47-OOf -00 -1 Neil Sheer i e Harvest Bend #1 � � T xas 75098 200 Autumn Breeze Drive 14 Bf k D 10 1 - -OO D-O 100 1 Rai•h Ward le, Texas 75098 I Harvest Bend#1 202 Autumn Breeze Drive Blk D 11 -4 47-OQD-0110-1 Becrtriz Patten ie e Wyk � Texas 75098 Harvest Bend#1 204 Autumn Breeze Drive 1 Blk D 1 l -44 -OOD-0 � ri e 1 0 1 Jane Borland Wylie, Texas 75098 El Pcirker-Schuerhoff Addn 634 N. Ballard Avenue --- Lot 1 -91 8-000-001 A-1 Patricia Schuerhoff Wylie, Texas 75098 Parker-Schuerhoff Addn PO Box 307 18 --- Lot 1 B -91 B-000-001 B-1 Richard Parker le,Texas 75098 PO 8°X SO�pQB �\e,'�exas 70�� `,0 Box2ds 75221 �2lchajd Pa�ke� pa\ias.hex do .pOQ.p02�� ec�ic De1ivE'�CO ue�ha��'d R 9�58 O �ot E.\ patker�Sc`ot 2 6 Q�p.02b�'1 R�b9 . 14 '(tart�b Ili20 WA 101,11100 so.. 'giia.$l..i•. fail 30_ • ii100ii.i• $$ lavoio 39 24 23 22 21 20 Sze Driv :I ,oe Drive IA:�� 13 12 11 10 1 OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #20071=07