09-04-2007 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission i,i/lt CITY ! YLIE w September 4, 2007 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 4, 2007 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Dennis Larson Chair Scott Ames Vice-Chair Tim Bennett, P.E Board Member Phillip Johnston Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member John Onufreiczuk Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles H. Lee, Jr., AICP Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from August 21, 2007 Regular Meetings. September 4,2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval for a Site Plan for McCreary-FM 544 Addition, Block 1, Lot 1R- A (Auto Zone). Subject property generally located at the northeast corner of F.M. 544 and McCreary Road. 2. Consider and act upon approval for a Site Plan for FM 544-Springwell Addition, Block A, Lot lA (Firestone). Subject property generally located on the north side of F.M. 544 and approximately 365 feet west of Springwell Parkway. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certis that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 31 st day of August, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of W 4 lt yi. w w.wylietexas.gov. SEAL • ' l /7/ui . Carole Secretary Date Notice Removed • :' !y'........••�Q`�``.�. '�.4 k LI Eiio�,0. Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, August 21, 2007 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Staff Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:05PM stated that a quorum was present. In attendance were: Chairman Larson, Vice-Chairman Ames, Commissioner Johnston, Commissioner Kopchenko, and Commissioner Wright. Commissioner Onufreiczuk, Commissioner Bennett was absent. Staff members present were Renae 011ie, Charles Lee and Mary Bradley. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Wright gave the invocation and Commissioner Kopchenko led the pledge of allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one approached the Commissioners. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 7, 2007 Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnston, and seconded by Vice- Chairman Ames, to approve the minutes from August 7, 2007, regular meetings with no changes or corrections. Motion carried 5 — 0. Minutes August 21, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 3 ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval for a Site Plan for The American Bank Addition No. 2, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property generally located at the northwest corner of F.M. 544 and Westgate Way. Mr. Lee stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a 3,000 square foot restaurant with drive-through service on the property. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District and totaling 1.4 acres in size. The property was platted in April 2005, as American National Bank Addition No. 2 which consists of two (2) commercial lots on 1.73 acres. The proposed building will be constructed of brick with at least 20% stone on the front façade. The proposed Site Plan is recommended for approval by Staff subject to additions and or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Commissioner Kopchenko expressed concern of no live screen between the parking lot and the west property line. Mr. Tom Hutch, Arby's, 4014 Dexham Road, Rowlett, Texas, stated that three (3) foot live screens can be constructed along the west property line. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnston, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to approve the Site Plan for The American Bank Addition No. 2, Block A, Lot 1 with staff recommendation, and with stipulations that three foot on center live screen be constructed along the west property line. Motion carried 5 — 0. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an Amateur Communications Tower on an existing residential lot, generally located on the northeast corner of Grassy Glen Drive and Autumn Breeze Drive. (606 Grassy Glen Drive) ZC 2007-07. Mr. Lee stated that the subject property is located at 606 Grassy Glen Drive, and is a pie-shaped, 11,000 square foot lot. In May 2000 when the property was originally platted, the zoning was Single-Family — 3, and in November 2001, city- wide amendments to the Zoning Ordinance rezoned the property to Single- Family — 10/24. The applicant proposes a forty (40) foot Amateur Communication Tower to be erected adjacent to the far northeast corner of the main structure. The Zoning Ordinance requires a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for amateur communications tower within the SF-10/24 zoning district. Minutes August 21, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 3 The house is approximately twenty-six feet in height. The tower will extend fourteen (14) feet above the house. Eighteen comment forms were mailed to surrounding property owners, and one response was received in favor of the request. Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Elree Griffin, 606 Grassy Glen, standing in for the applicant, Mr. Tracy Griffin. A small tower with guy wires currently exists on the property and will be removed once the proposed tower is approved. Mr. Mason Sarles, 1518 Windward Lane, current property owner with an SUP for an amateur communications tower, stated that the tower is self-standing with a bracket attached to the main structure for support. Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Johnston, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an Amateur Communication Tower, generally located at 606 Grassy Glen Drive. Zoning Case 2007 07 Motion carried 5 — 0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Wright to adjourn the meeting at 7:25p.m. Motion carried 5 — 0. Dennis Larson, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Secretary Minutes August 21, 2007 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3of3 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CiTY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 4, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning McCreary-FM 544 Addition, Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Subdivision: Block 1, Lot 1R-A Date Prepared: 08/10/07 Zoning District: Commercial Corridor(CC) Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Exhibits: Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for McCreary-FM 544 Addition,Block 1, Lot 1R-A. Subject property being generally located on the northeast corner of F.M. 544 and McCreary Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for McCreary-FM 544 Addition, Block 1, Lot 1R-A, generally located on the northeast corner of F.M. 544 and McCreary Road. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a 7,000 square foot retail (automotive parts and accessories) building on the property. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District and totaling 1.16 acres in size. Located at the northeast corner of FM 544 and McCreary Road, the vacant property was originally platted in December 2003 as McCreary-FM 544 Addition consisting of two (2) commercial lots on 7.2 acres. Since 2003 through present a series of replats and amended plats coincided with the development of a public storage/mini-warehouse facility on Lot 2R (to the north) and commercial lease space development immediately to the east(Lot 1R-B). The proposed building will be constructed primarily of brick and stone on all sides of the building. The proposed building elevations are consistent in design, color and materials with existing development in the general area. In addition, the site meets and/or exceeds landscape design standards per the Zoning Ordinance. Two points of access are provided to the property via an existing driveway from FM 544 and a proposed driveway along McCreary Road. This item is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 8/30/07 Page 1 of 1 GENERAL NOTES a" - 1 i '1u oFr•' I. PAEacndorrdo ng Feore r eeoqmro yfu t inorl oee bmfwau ellp dmtasuv.n geicmiepy nadtel tao n dbbk fls utsgahl aewsr.ie tshp teiec cw isF oltclnaSt i opn ase :,,,,:vot :::A.4,!!;:.$-1,-_,AFtr = r� ' - r 3- Adlrlisdwak curba and,quttdr"re'pavng,crtbrcuv ts ,d a k , T } � *� outsdthprroopceresieinoprgp-ef-.tonshacte s • , 4r, 6 - i ' Et lis ent. 4. For areas outside the property lines,repair and/or 177,71,11:10iiiitalaill replaceall damagdone to existing elements(sidewalks,n paving,Iagndscapin,etc.)as required by owner and/or�11overnln authorltNAlk bra SITE DATA SUMMARY LOT 2R,BLOCK lam" _,.. 1 i ass r `occ- McCLOT 2,544 ADD/T70N �s, ZONING COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR VOLUME 2006,PAGE 672 ..4Ss`T 9.s.-z9 t'. USE ^ ��° '§ .,....,..,..�...,,. a,=,anik«c"saixe RETAIL N I P.R.C.C.T. VINClNIT"MAC TEXAS LANGFORD PROPERTIES,LLP I I VOLUME 5899,PAGE 3275 NT5 LOT AREA 50,892 SQUARE FEET L o.R.C.C.T. LOT COVERAGE 39,002 SQUARE FEET �" CC—Commercial Corridor District Q —— 6'TALL DUMPSTER ENGLOUSURE PARKING REQUIRED 36 SPACES CONSTRUCTED OF BRICK TO WARE-OUSE O HI -o PUBLIC sTORACsE MATCH BUILDING PARKING PROVIDED 47 SPACES 3¢ DE'''' _i i_ FIRE�11 DRANT I S o' I ,�• SLOG SQ.FT. 6816 \�� III ��� ��" SLOG�IEIGI�T 19'-811 h I N834'19 E 237.91' NB954'75 LANDSCAPE REQUIRED 20% I11� ( I • —!—~ ! ___-,--1 —: • LANDSCAPE PROVIDED 28% �yI A \\ I 1 I s"n<ra'`seer 117: 6'TALL DUMPSTER ENCLOUSURE '/r<wn+�Asr-srtu 4, '�s""� • �16�`j MMATCHRBUILDIN OF G BRICK ToIj1' SE , SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1 ° ' _-- ) BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE 4 OF 8 II I• 0J'_10" 10'R 3'R $U LD I,Ks PLACEMENT e.�ARA4CE6 oRItN1ED TO SI1.EEt a.CO`RY-EIIILDNi @tIRMY-E FACEB NKiN14Y b.MDMWAL B01LgYaB eT�1�IMs=I0p00 b.GG17PLY-B111LDING 6816 Sp1ARE FEET a=60°00'00" 3A 120'00'00" 4=35.3 11,74,:oFr=ZEAATER b.cOIRY-91LDNG6N69rthAEE eau mi I rNaN U INA sa F Fad LN our D G EN Rune �rurPLE euLDNw xacm To a�aTE rtazas b.WA c.Front recede...Mod LO the wee. •( m I ' "W PAFdCING PLACEMENT a.PAR<NG TO SIDE OR REAR OF BIIILDIIY a.CCl'PLY-PARCING ON SIDE OF&IILDRYs, I„ r Itell) '.:('I {"I FIRE HYDRANT b.PARCING S',:g AT LEAST 10'.4fi N'O RGrH FOR FF_aR PPRCRY WITH faEAR . - TI- ENTLAL LOT L.E. b cOFPLY-PAWING DOES NOT AHAT RESIDENTIAL Q.3.2l'43" a' rd:sro ART 010 % F 141-1111`711'"'4':: ::,;,61.24'30. F ACCESSDRIVESa nlNmar cFzauFDTNTwa mGRADNs DF ss' a.ccrPLY a LNON aIaTNG accEss owvEsa.caneNEDAecEss POINrs wITN awaeErlTTRAerscaPL.-eeE AcaeaDF�,E aF aR wI 1h 3 R ® / b.AOLE56 DFFYE AT LEAST 60'FROM IN E�EOTION NA E eEs nODPImTo n'RaDlus b.DEeEeT a n BE EEN EUILDINGe AND s zb.au r a ca:Fcna N e effN mr n u w� p=126°32'Il" Z /_!J�J_/J��Yf I� nnsmeom asosERmrG DEVELOFnwrs GREarER bCOM'�Yr1 Iu�TE�E�a�vEs arm norms THr�N FEE slrE FLa+ N I/ I B�G iREA�6816 v ":1—_—_— D L#bSDAFED TFs;amENr cF ENTwr+cEs ..wA WL h U I''4 I I / PARKING SPACES=4l N I g Q',, / I SUBJECT I �i�"A o' F I a �F �D�La b N S R£E18 RPO561&E GREBIING n2 M s o I / LOT 1R—A,BLOCK 1 l I LOADMG b.DEYELOF::uLASLE To f£ET THE aEOVE ARE FEGNFED`T Ta T31trihY SOR�NED.-nAscNRr Ci\ I TO WWE TIASCMRY&MEMO WALLS WKaATES ">ih 7 IGAL PARKING /II McREARY—FM 544 ADD/7JON _�_ LOT 1R—B,BLOCK 1 ST LL DIMENSIONS I ?0'COSERV EASEME T VOLUME 2008,PAGE 672 _ — I McCREARY—FAf ADD/770N p LW i - ✓OLUME 4509,PAGE 21: r - I � I a.R.c.c.T � P.R.C.C.T. � I VOLUME 2008,PAGE 672 as a l ,� PR.C.C.T. g ; I I KEP McCREARY CROSSING,LP n I) 1 I KEP McCREARY CROSSING,LP a VOLUME 8027,PAGE 5274 V • I W I N I ....1: I IRXUME D.R. PAGE 5274 p � � m m D.R.C.C.T. NEW$1D wAL To r., i T767 so. , MAT H I�XIST�I � I t //e g t.ise Acw�s �2a AccEss cASEn✓cN.. CC-Commercial Corridor District MINII�UMpF4'1DTH I I a PrGF512 O I D —, ( MIxED USE ARGI�ITEGTURAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS O I '',I I I I 2j//1,-' 31' 20 11 -- 94'_8" h p BABE 5T'�'�� DESIRABLE 3 OF 6 Q - I ''� MI vi �I. O BUILDING MATERIALS e.amnarscan,w,,,,,,,,aLear N1< a 6,RlnuuL L..........arO....RLY 0 I 0'SLOPE ___.__ <o- aTure WFATItFAGApE NCC pa,wcat aLa+msae aex aRlPCd iKFanMFYMl.eurourE aua¢mwlsLFrrT+rAer Fararsr FACODE M6T9az1a acaataFa,ra:r nAieaeL6 NgaFx� uxNa //q� b.FD38NRI(1tCI1�i ,,,IW11e UFEaffG'IFEO ir,,/LLDIIHiFAG10F3tlM11E0ENF,,—.. 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"o. 544 MOSES SPARKS SURVEY A5 NO. 849 (120'RICH I—OF—WAY) // (CONCRETE SVRFACEJ // / 4/ // OU NER INFORMATION CONSULTANT INFORMATION //- QED NAMED C // KEP MCCREARY CROSSING,LP CEI Engineering Associates,Inc. // "� ADDRESS ADDRESS: 0 20 30 40' // 6205 CHAPEL HALL BLl/D,,STE 500 T PLANO,TX 15903 30 LB,1 Freeway,Suite 1250 SCALE IN FEET ` ' t� 7"=20 Dallas,TX 15234 PHONE: '': ::'' PI-IONE: SEAL DATE: 5-22-01 1911J488-3131 MATERIAL RICHTEX"225 „ '���� 0 -��� © RICHTEX"131 20'-0"AFF 9 Q rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm I = rlrnnnnnnnnmmmmmn! �C OWENS CORNING=BUGKS COUNTY - COUNTRY LEDGESTONE ICSv 3C�8183) A �D PRE-FINISHED BRONZE COPING= 2"AFF MATERIAL CALCULATIONS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP"'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"'111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIII■■IIIIR"'11111111111111111111111l1 0 5Oi BRICK 159 SQFT. PRE FINISHED RED KYNAR ALUMINUM Ili STONE 250 SQFT. STORE FRONT 33r-SYNTHETIC STUCCO 496 SQ.FT. 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(:$to L` `+``+`j �-'aMUMwxr, d f Y. Sees eCIFICdtlOn5 b.NO PAfKfG aucE RR¢ERiNeN 66'Pa2L4IDDDA340 AiEA 0.GL'FPL,41 PATdCKa GPAQ9 Af£WIM N6a cMAMaG£ Y MINE iE£i FE011fi<D FDR d1 MACE6 �.--p,.,�A.�.., 34�, y � ,, � p c PMKM3RWR1¢lPA2l qe Lud]E ENaLI xaK LNO%bPED ¢FALalLAPE AR-rA lA'OECAMIG tax CR NOIff NEYLEBR[F t0 t-^f �.V rxxoe Aran ca'L...uaawwrM¢aPACEerwrt:Euoecorrtr,`Mnr,.. + "r}g�q�. d QUdntlty 1 aaRlarn aMU NUE taosrxEO Ar¢m Ai uEAer ATECN as -p xt , n �' y Evergreen shrub -Type'C' • ��.,� � � � 'I� � Type VISUAL SCREENING e.rEalr&v eCMElpP di(FA6Ta NDE,0.aNtb 3'NIEYiR t t C i A�{ #°{' me+PUNrED.MawelRcuE�ul+oir�wResurvo'cvlNe.., s } x *t;'ak •k, . ', IL GENERAL NOTES PLANT LIST LANDSCAPNG OF STREET e.ar lFmisox oP IF1AIP®PPoNf ram DEe¢aPED as .camsr-rmnnraw elrtex sxrr£De lr - ��"P'-{J { ` LaFpYJa`FD eREIQ AitL N'MWIDi1L A7kE1 { 5hl>.y y' Ir^ IRONTCKsES b.1,ffFb pEtlllfiFD MEIRElt MRYnfd CR EELta RIb3W- bf41TY.Y-LplaiE iREEa dTE ATAb'lPACN3 d t, - d 4 3E "+;,,.'3A f'• 3 aUANIITY KEY BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SIZE ROOT TmE REMARKS 411101111.11111111.0101.14.414 ,� ��� �,�� +�Issd i C� x I. Ail landscape areas to be grass common o-rEalrED iregs ar leAST e•eaLNm efd'RT.tl9"GLE£R,�bE Pwr,DED � J�, # "'`. r' to region except where other plant 1 1 A "Re O rubra 3"CAL. B&B d Ar''''d'nEAND''''OlETEVN.tlWYal aca'xY-d'PEAmFAIYa DIDELLNKaKUNON P.. tt r'.a} +° 4. 0 Mfrs `4 material is called for. II PEPoMEIER melawace+r ro iNOp]Ir3FA'E. �'�."y,i � ¢��,�;'�§�,� "��Tl.- r�7 k�� 'Red Oak,: *1'; - -JS z 2. All trees and sh ubs to be lanted(n 82 B Lagerstroera o indica z°CAL. B&B DUMPSTERDESKxN •.DII%+ERroaEa* r•Pr.1Au.n++mR�+ •D1.P�,E>:rD�•'r,�Awa�W+�a.EDR:n+eRKK.,,,�„Mw,D�a�ED1aL ,,PEDE,rwAN.D�P..Y-W NADo�a1�NTx 'r r"w` ''` i $i' f u"u mulchbeds li ed a6tri Fit se crate Crape M tie ruTESlaerDrarw eullDNr, ronbra, LViNII1CD¢IERa:11.1=7: =� .. t...L 5 p P - p N T c(k 1 a 'r:1rt turf rass areas. LOT 2R,BLOCK 1 , T 's r w Y4: 71 C Juniperus Sabina"Tamarascifolia glauca' 36"TALL CONT, ea' J ?a T 3. Grass to extend from props ty lines to "Tamorix Juniper" McCREARY-FM 544 AD01770N Pit�,�<:._... 5...,?. - -"''{`` back of ck sidewalks and/or curbs. L,'I VOLUME 2006,PAGE 672 { V° y I P.Re.c.T. N VINGINrri MAP 4. For any landscape area d designated to TEXAS LANGFORD PROPERTIES,LLP remain whether on or off sit remove I � �— trotuME 56s9,PAGE 3275 � NT5 weeds,rocks,construction items,etc.,then D....c.r. scarify area,reseed,and fertilize.R.O.W. O ; ———I CC-Commercial Corridor District curb and''ter' are to be cleaned of waeEuousE debris. Q 2 PU6LIC STOR4GE ''¢ nEc 3. L\ 1 5, Finished grades in landscape islands shall be installed so that they are 1 lower than o the top of the surrounding curb. c , PROVIDE A ltEEp MAT FOR ALL o� � PLANTING AREAS!!i o g NB .9 E 257.91" N89 54'15 \ ''' `" •+•` /y-�+7•�I F° `toY{a , .T£Ry'TCLn%-. ff �� r ` : `j'tor-i+ -2 .Gt71V$ �.0':`��I�` {.+.} • • •fit_• • •••_ '`41 �T.'•'.•• :`•`.�._ k I 86. 10'R 3'R�� ST'S" ••041°33'08 GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES NOooallotru+EE�Er�REws, L=bm°0m'0m" =12m'00'00" _- ExOEPTTofiEho DEADAND I BROKEN BRANCHES. Contractor to provide design drawings a.TFNN aRANCHEs aNp wLlaeE Set root collar or ALL BRANCH nPef er 3, \ at fin.grade I. for approval prior to installation. RETaMMGNORIYPLANTs APE rExcEln EVEr�REEN/ LIp 2.5„ K''' d 5 EMovE e a TOP In 4iiia ::.-J-.-:-:.:::,;;\y,, k 1 .b�= `�I32'illl �._nW o AiNACE EASEMENTBLDCs.AREA=6816 -\ pavement._ hi 2Ir. "~.' oRsz P saz PAGING SPACES=47 '1 `N II 1_ W •`• [ ---_I Plant mixture -\ \ \\ 4=�1` 11:j n a till ass ecified,� �\ SIA _ I��ITI-I I I-III-�-111=I f= T ICAL PACING •`•`. 4 SUBJECT I �-� r--i17111'�-m _ q ScariFy to 4" =IILiII=_=__III=1 'ail o W ST LL DIMENSIONS • ,,,;y io'cosERv EasEME r �� de th d recom dct a LOT 1R-A,BLOCK 1 - •` p p /,t votuMc asov,PACE zf r / BarE root Or ii) ++•*1 aA'.e cr a •° McREARY-FM 544 ADD/AON I` Balled d burlapped .J/ Gontafiner 5tvubs • •"'�� e a VOLUME 2006,PAGE 672 +• `` shrubs Subgr.e WW •c•�If ® P.R.C.C.T. •`•` NTS __....- S14MISU1tl o [ KEP McCREARY CROSSING,LP NEW SIDEWAL 70 • •+(li �' a VOLUME 6027,PAGE 5274 + 1 SHRUB PLANTING MATCH EWALEXIST 4� `•° 0 24'ACCESS EASEMENT ;.� d D.R.C.C.T. � Rubber hose to MINIMUM OF 4'IDTH O `; saeea sa Fr. a9z,_.E. WW NOTE": 2 trunk(s wire from .PLANE To THN AND •++ ' f.fe8 AGWES SHAPE TREL CANOPY. •TT• �,�_� 20' } 31' � 2m' T'� 94'-S" +``•`. ~� trunk(see staking •`••1••; •,`,``.` - stall) s.sEsTnxEsvERcAL L p LOT 1R B,BLOCK 1 AND A16M7E HEIGHT. •• McCREARY—FM ADDIADN StdkB6 t0 be seCU USE nib sraKES PER O -"'? LJ----- - -•V•`•+ • ITOLUME 2(XM;.PAGE 672 t0 tree abOVe firstE q •:• • Px�e.T. lateral branches but o � �•`• •• KEP McCREARY CROSSING,LP no higher than I/2 Tree wrap.See •+'vd -�— // • es" ITOLUME 6027,PAGE 5274 the tree het ht • q� g notes and specs. t0) e 3"to 4"of mulch ell CC-Commerc.Corridor District •;,,, See notes and Mound soil to `,`•.• j min,uSE speciFlcations form"aucr `I+• 15' t— # I `` d=89°55'15" �� 1- `•`•Qt> 3 SPACES s 10'=30' 8'-h�5'� 8` 4 SPACES a I-4m' } T� varies 5 ba III +a 90=<li� 2'-I0" /� _@ III I III 1;, 5' - rI �`!d b'WIDE STIF£P "' Remove burlap E WALK S 4 ® from top I/3 of =—_! _, Stakes to extend ( / ball 18"below tree pit ` `Y4+.101�`` ,y 8 SPACES a Im'=8O'- �;0'9'-} 5 SPACES a Im'-O' ��� '{'—74'-0" Gui meta basket In undist.c{rolNld •• • _ /^ I NTS in several areas 1'REE-PL "RI •- •�• I' I a 2 TREE PLANTING e o • ••o. 4m' t, ,I 0 •-2 rr w r e •..` �` �_ .� LANDSCAPE PLAN ,':.aY%.�.�ri.7 _Ana r ,rib p7 1C�7h9'T �' v�i%.irG—�r n�v �� / h� v R \ •`.c `i++ • r• :.. �^I,': r a{:.h. Ti"' .7X3-:'...-'.-.....:1,.:-. Eat"Imo .• —� - 1k g\. -moo'_+.• �-_•• ••x � '^"•r •*.• 7�- . ` Ng I \/ 1•\ j \89'5.1 19 W \, 224�75_ '� .: / ,°wa r"a sm�icA e s"M iL E (CEVED C/G6T Y `� McCreary FM 544 ADDITION AUG 24 2007 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE TREE LOCATIONS WITH NTMUA PARK BENCH PRIOR TO INSTALLATION E L O Cif 1 LOT IR-A NEW SIWALK TO ® BY MATg EDEXISTING / �j q MINIMUM OF 4'WIDTH M05E S SPARKS SURVEY, AB NO. S V AMTEK or INTERCONTINENTAL Pres6ure t e 'Y'strainer(3m F.M. NO. 544 yp Pressure type (lea'Ricyr--oF-wa r) ockin valve box and vacuum breaker mesh)-I(D(D mesh aT vacuum breaker min.-with emitter (cavcReEsuREAce) SZ / cover with valves with valves o systems. q 0� Double strand"12 Rainbird uick SO'elbow alv.wire,neatly n'nbi:r valve �� Ty pp K'hpp o w'ated OWNER INFORMATION CONSULTANT INFORMATION (Only where shown co er ni le on plans) (len/ih as req'd.) STAKING/GUYING PLAN Stakes as speed. NAM Dicoa I"'Y' ltyp (3)per tree I�A PVC to irrig.< I NAME: Isolation valve �' �' filter � � system NIBCO"f-29 is i Ada ter KEP MCCREARY CROSSING,LP I.P.G.V. �I�I.''iiii. p Rubber hose STAKING DETAIL CEi Engineering Associates,Inc.® 6ii: rchafingguard :ED ARc ADDRESS: PVGFrom metero20' 30' ao' 2 pl,color Guying cable ''•r^. y secured with c.. //�J� PVG GL-2m0 n6tall male Adapt inlet d black clam 86 :,,,,,,,,,,,::::,:::;;:47t,iiii,. � • 'tn' 3D0 LI5J Freewa SUlte 12500EM ' outlet fittin s pMeaiinlineJ c4"to 61,de ih a gpteras q g s ecified Turnbuckle * ANO TX15 3LL BLVD�STE �'re wired thr.tx i cant. tomain line SCALE IN FEET p 1-L/wR/ni le p"gravelin boxth ustblocks ® , asspe if ed i. . of; Da as,TX 152yi pp NOTE:SHOPDRAWIN x9 i0 BE SUBMITTEDroR 10•D GA EXPMIDED 91EEL DIAMOND MESH `,��'¢° ,y1//�E��ECAGEWITH LOCKABLE LID AFID MOUNTED IN CONCRETE FOOTtl`IG'J.MIN.CLEARANCE 3"TOP, VPHV E�Ee'SIDES.(CONTR4C10R 6HALLPROVIDEa IN57ALL PROTECTIVE CaY.aE 1PROVIDE 6HOPGUYING CABLE DETAIL \''','-',. � i -/ DRawirws To eE 5 ffi tiTTED roR CITY APPRovAu '''r`.TP PiaONE NTS G-FIL NTS VACUUM NTS STAKING (912)"1W 88-3131 4 VALVE,REGULATOR,4 FILTER 5 PRESSURE TYPE VACUUM BRKR. 31 TREE STAKING AND GUYING SEAL DATE: 5-22-01 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CiTY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 4, 2007 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning FM 544—Springwell Addition, Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Block 1, Lot lA Date Prepared: 08/24/07 Zoning District: Commercial Corridor(CC) Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Site Exhibits: Design and Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for FM 544-Springwell Addition, Block 1,Lot 1-A. Subject property being generally located on the northwest corner of F.M. 544 and Springwell Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for FM 544 - Springwell Addition, Block 1, Lot lA, generally located on the northwest corner of F.M. 544 and Springwell Road. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop an 8,142 square foot Automotive Repair(minor) building on the property. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District and totals 1.148 acres in size. Located at the northwest corner of FM 544 and Springwell Road. The subject was originally platted in June 2001 as the FM 544-Springwell Addition consisting of two (2) lots on 3.238 acres. The property was replatted in July 2003 to divide lot 1 into Lot 1B (1.344), which currently has a self-serve car wash present, and Lot lA (1.148 acres), the lot being considered for the Firestone. The lot immediately to the west is an automotive repair and resale shop (Corvette Addition). The proposed building will be constructed primarily of brick and stone on all sides of the building. The proposed building elevations are consistent in design, color and materials with existing development in the general area. In addition, the site meets and/or exceeds landscape design standards per the Zoning Ordinance. Two points of access are provided to the property via a proposed driveway from FM 544 and an access easement from the car wash. This item is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 8/30/07 Page 1 of 1 / 18'-8"OVERALL / 8'-0" REVISIONS: C S 17.-4.. /8"-I, I FIELD VERIFY WITH OPENING I A 3'-7" 10'-2" 3'-7" 2 1/2"4,6ALV. ►� , ���ii / ////////////////// / /// � STEEL FRAME �� �������• (TYPICAL) � ��I�•• - r-_o--_a- r-9---Q LATCH w/EYEHOOK ��������������� 1 DAL S R AT ao"H �.�!��i••���������.��� N LA 1�ZrID / 1 2 6" -2� 2'6" % - 24,6ALV.STEEL ��i-A��������� ARE Fi ►.,-.........1 TRAM / 1 o - BRACING BEYOND\Ieyitt. �.�.���.������1 J 1DUMPSTER� jDUMPSTERI I4: . i - _ (100'R. IT�ILROAD / l., �,b 1�.. � o, ROPI6ATE BOLT b'1 ������������������—� _ ) / 7' 0"X 6' CID " 1 7'-O"X 6'-CID " I"ROUND SOLID 5=i VW WIDE x ��.����•�♦���♦���♦� _ S 84 17'42"E VERALL D I ❑VERALL D I e'LONG. SLOT ,��•��jI•���� 4 SSMH o 174.9�_ L J L J ����� � �� i in _ / GUT PIPE ii♦ ,.♦♦♦.`'.♦ ----- __ 2007 N!:A AR!:HITECTURE,INf:.hLL ___ LANDSCAPE _ _ ��� ����������"''�- clr,HTSRESERVEo.THESEP�nNSHEREIN —J a . — HRE THE PROPERTY OF NCh LANDSCAPE --- --_ [15SANITARYJ - GRADE I� , UNDIER AP If.A LE C.pFYRE HOyyED - ' �_ I I/4"O.D-- __ 6'-0' WELD GATE BOLT REINFORCED WITH U-BOLT 1----- _ TO GATE FRAME FASTENED AROUND o BOLLARD f3 THUS) LANDSCAPE PROVIDE I I/4" IN j 17�'DRAINAGE HOLE x r DEEP IN TRASH ENCLOSURE GONG.SLAB TO RECEIVE DETAIL REF 02/CSP I &UTILITY ________ ASEMENr GATE BOLT AT GLOSED """"' PROPOSED OIL/4 \8i I -----__- __ FULLY OPEN POSITIONS Q w SEDIMENT n ___---_ III I Q w INTERCEPTOR , \ I ------ NDTEe DUMPSTERS ? 4 '�� -- GATE BOLT TD BE EXTERIOR ____J OPERABLE FROM EXTERIOR ELECTRI \_% \ 24'MUTUAL ACCESS LEPHON _Flo_o.__o_-=r_I._._I. NOTE (REFERED� r�r l '� LLj-` " \ I EASEMENT PROVIDE ONE LEFT HAND SIDE GATE,ONE RIGHT HAND SIDE GATE :/ • i5 w F I 1 kJ 1 I I T � TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN &DETAIL I � I LLI :_r _.iloo 1 fill L II alp_gli a Z W STORAGE _11 F4 O I Q ~ O N I I ( 1' EXISTING Z d 1 o I �i EUILDING I w I.,1 Q N g it H., 1 I� LANDSCAPE Q 15'-0" W o I PROTO �'i 10 ono I 1 �7 a Z I _ RS-2006-10R r 1 N U ,} CONTACT INFO w 6 Q 1 4 ea TOT®W®011® Q v 60O PAPdC4C L1M u o0.G3C' O Q IDOMESTle =RISER CAR ' 1 4 -------- I I I I I I I I I I (1 l.� !,_ ]"1 1 (ND 1 LI F. WASH 1 OWNER: GAS y Iv 2 111111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAYS 3i COMPANY Y EXISTING BUILDING a 11 ii �n LOT N PLT-EACEcnnu REAL CONTACT: EVE ME ERMENT LANDSCAPE_ 1 1M 1 B EAINTEDBUEE J COLOR NYE, 5949 SHERRY LANE,STE.1570 Q o� 0.746 ACRES DALLAS,TExAs 7522s z as( I MONUMENT SIGN DETAIL 1-?tar, 0 E I 20'-2� RN-O"I� IN-l0" 28'-2" 20-0" 21'-8" FAX:214-363-8409 Z M " �� ARCHITECT: I—E y1 9 ik 'if 1- �s. �,�, ss.00 NCA ARCHITECTURE CO —, 1 ; A CONTACT:KYLE BRUNS 12160 N.ABRAMS RD.SUITE 200 FDC III����■�\\If������ 3.00 � T�' �!E IMME���M I ,.' 45.50 DALLAS,TEXAS 75243 Et - I ��,�li%- 1 �I�� PHONE:214-361-9901 Et i I- L.'', o 0 oPeA. - ®® ®® FAX:214-361-9906 LL LT_ 4 � 10,, - o, o pp : I aJ F TYP.:6)M o,' o LANDSCAPE ADD TSD CIVIL ENGINEER: � / n \_ _ RB o WIDTH FEET ADSCLOCK NN e.00 CET EGINEERING w \ / TRAILER WIDTH $.SS STEERING ANGLE '.28.40 CONTACT:MEW[ KAMT I X ACCESS TO 1 TRACTORTRACK A.00 ARTICULATING ANGLE 70.00 30}0 LBJ FREEWAY,SUITE 1250 PUBLIC ROUTE 6 TRAILER TRACK :8.50 DALLAS,TEXAS 75234 l:lG D LOT 1A L24'MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT PHONE:2 488 6732737 H SGNUMENT 1.148 ACRESIlp TRUCK PROFILE W bl'-9" LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: �, T l CURRENT ZONING CC COMMERCIAL �_ LANDSCAPE I CORRIDOR CEI ENGINEERING = I\ itapW CONTACT:TOM FITZWILLIAM TIRE CAPACITY: 2402 TIRES 3030 LBJ FREEWAY,SUITE 1250 V n PARTS SHELVES: 876 L.F. DALLAS,TEXAS 75234Et '" o LANDSCAPE `r PHONE:972-488-3737 Q ,�I _' �� �:9 54 17 W 172.70 _ BUILDING AREAS: 0 __ __ __ �1., ,_® _ FAX:972-488-6732 lif, 08TING POWER 30'WATER LINE EASEMENT / CUSTOMER WAITING: 1,010 S.F. 2160 N.ABRAMS RD. Illlllllllllll:,;llll P()LF 11'11'1' ""' SERVICE AREA: 4,175 S.F. a sulrE 200 F1RE 20'DEDICATION TO CITY OF WYLIE DALLA s,rx 76243 HYDRANT GRATE INLET INVENTORY: 2,243 S.F. _ 214.as1.sso1 L USED INVENTORY: 247 S.F. o"oi a NCAAR1CH91TECTURE.COnn OTHERS: 467 S.F. o FARM TO MARKET ROAD NO.544 TOTAL 8,142 S.F. i' A _'REo q'R'', (120'R.O.W.) -�� Ps K��''' SITE AREA: 49,807 SF(1.148 AC) E FM 14 -L._ 11 •�,'; LOT COVERAGE: 16.3% - 7* PARKING PARKING REQ AIDED: 34 SPACES 23 SPACES =°o 'T9'F soFi J°= SITE ;, EXP.8%31/08 1 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN SITE DATA VICINITY MAP DATE: O1 I"•20'-0• 24 AUGUST 2007 ''� " CSP-5 o s' 10' zo' o� v Vi 0_ GPJe % ail o�0 ?RU � 1Illfi .`x^Inr FS TEXASOI*i ENE EA 1-800-344-8377 �� yr/q ._.__. ,��%/ SCALE MET C 2 W — --------------L-4-f-1 Lii:j„j t.:[-TT'H`----'-'—.''—'.--4 ' ' Ai ''' i''''' PROPOSED U i -----BOUNDARY UNE 1 TTE .1 8- ,,,, TYPICAL PLANTING WITH QUANTITY AND KEY .. - 6.�1 O ,., (SEE PLANT UST) Y g -r.....__....._. "- t. p2 _ f 1 ( R ARCH PLA ) n. ^� t� � O O ,,.,.•:-,. tlM115 OF SIDEWALKS F r r' � r4f..r..2„_,174.90' Vicinity Map GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES a Q r / f /rr r} fr r'/�r .,,..,,,� Not to Scale A.LOCATE ALL UTIUTtES AND SiTE LIGHTING CONDUITS BEFORE LANDSCAPE i'lli. I� 2 F*' f( / .1 '"' .` CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. �" / /' ��y i - w---.-._ _`' +"""' B.NOTIFY CEI VEERING ASSOCIATES INC.(972-488-3737)OF ANY Y f t '% j t `� /;f ry El LAYOUT OR MATERIAL DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING Y d r /" ___ - - ,✓1''t :,f;`'' _,J ,, '"" _ C.ALL DISTURBED AREAS,EXCEPT AS NOTED,DESIGNATED ON THE !r.f f� r I ;fl —— — GRADING PLAN SHALL BE SOWN WITH GRASS SEED MIX OF 20% W _ �. ,?� `,�:I'r'1 ;�" / / f -..,...__..._ "- ---_ PERENNIAL RYE/70%TURF TYPE TALL FESCUE/10%BERMUDA v' 1:1 t f //r%� -------_..,_._.....,._ E '�� C., --_..... SEED @Y WEIGHT AT A RATE OF 3 POUNDS PER 1,000 S.F. _ tl /r __..__._._. ,.. 1,,�- ��+\� ..._. --_.,_,___...._.. D.F£RTtUZE ALL PLANTS AT THE TIME OF PLANTING KITH TIME RELEASE -'a""� TRASH ENCLOSURE 'i t ^� �' '"" 1 ,f FERTILIZER PER BRANDS SP AFIZ APPUCAAON RATES �. ", DETAIL REF 62/CSP i ,\t/; Z,64.1 r,^ t, ,, .j�i� NCHES uuLCH J �\ :.^t: ,1 :-^ _ . -, •��i�' (SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES _ ,/ ��� a__�, '' '..+: ' ___._ F9R TYPE MUL E. AUTOMATED'Ns `� • ► 7 IRRIGATIONESYST£MAWHICH PROYIDESTCOMPLETENCOVERAGEN OF THE SHE o Lai '! ;, / ,%;y I P sHRue Is e a e.rnET+ (PER CITYS REQUIREMENTS}BEFORE THE INSTALLATION I p p� /. %,a II 1 1 l _ in aE�to surstAP aoPE OF LANDSCAPE MATERIALS.(SEE iRRIGA110N SHEET) LC / ,�, I \ ,/! (,Jf _ I � � PaoN rap ors of BALL p / ' i = ,�!€. 'I% r f, , _........._. ,-....._.._.__._..__. ..._..ry _____,._. .._..... ,,.„....,.. ,,_,,.. ._.._ _,_....__....._.._._.._._....w...,__._...,_........,.__,__._ a�'- eAt�aTLL uD( F.CONTRACTOR SHALL BRING FlNIgH GRADE llP TO TOP OF CURB EL£V— o WMPSTERS r t`' '� 'r -n i /'r t "'_ - ATIOS WITH A MINIMUM OF 4"OF TOP SOIL PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF GS ( \ /� _fr` `�'" _._, ,._ N \ UNDiSTVRBED SUBSOIL SOD. , f SHRUB PLANTING 4 J, f f ........c' � �► G.SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH SHALL BE USED AS A FOUR INCH rLr �� 1 - "- °J DRESSING IN ALL PLAN?EDS AND ARtUN�AIL TREES �"r f�S�.� \_ \\..G�, ,,.� i _.�t-�v s -s a.-,,...... N.T.S.NT (� _ e -rE,r>H 7,1 \— 1 \ \ r SINGLE TREEgE SHRUBS SHALL BE MULCHED LA THE OUTSIDE EDGE 8 ill , � � �_,_: , 1 W 1 I; ,� ' EASEMENT., OF THE SAUCER OR LANDSCAPE ISLAND(SEE PLANTING DETAILS). W P�F�Dr � �. ` i I i.CIS H.ALL TREES SHALL 8E PLANTED IN A PERNOUS AREA NO LESS THAN 1/::/..//`_ � /1��/F�, -... .__._____.._.___.._._ __._..__._.___..._.___..,._________.__.._.__._..._. E IN ANY DIRECTION MEASURED FROM TIi£CENTER OF THE TREE. y :_ 4'WID Vi i. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL 8E MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY AND GROWING CONDIItON,AND MUST BE REPLACED KITH PLANT MATERIAL OF SIMILAR z - - .�- `�p i �" VARETY AND SIZE IF DAMAGED,DESTROYED,OR REMOVED. ' 1/41**,<2,2) LANDSCAPE DETAILS Arr SCfik r,/.17,..'<„,.(//ii fn,, - F 50A TREE PLANTING OIYP.) F 566 SHRUB PLANTING(TYP.) :� ! (F f 1 NcIl1 t�T I `��7a / I �ac� Vf Ef %� ` i I PLAN Q LANDSCAPE NOTES �1 r - / -r lfi /- \♦��/'� r ( 8'2-PLY RUBBER H0 77A STEEL EDGING Z► f f L — '.,:l -,i� f. oouBLE sTkANB iz cnuce vnRE }(r' m D/ %i�� 1 PaNT°m�� ii oRANHO PLANT LIST t O ,, 6 y YhiITE FTAcaNc(TYP.> LLI �►,R "✓ io TREE WRAP SYMBOL ct S p, COMMON NAME ROOT SIZE REMARKS 6 a a p } per" � � N.T.S � � BOTANICAL NAME � � � �R� �.. 1t f, .- Z I N ( _ 4 I i1 MULCH v r Zj '� � 4 INCH DEEP SAUCER 'TREES rrn�{,f.r , r 777,.: Q �i, I „,, g eASTm EE POST LIVE OAK vJ u�i �;�,� n - --- CXF1LL MIX - QV 6 Quartos virginiana 88. 3-col. 10'HT.X 5'SPREAD t g,::',,,!::',i [,.//F6!',''.!',,,,,- 6Imi,r, _,_ lie { r O J =a _ `1 UNDISTURBED SUBSOL ' e.5- r, "- ? "`t•'" it l`/ ij p - ravE v-r r n } PC b UCEDARCrassifoIIa Bta r caf. t0'HT.X 5'SPREAD 6' '�0 , i r," J- IRON TOP 1/3 OF 1HE BALL ' -� ?-iy E �L II , `1° CRAPE MYRTLE --11iii1 g Q N b 1 &B 3'cal. 10 HT.X 5 SPEAD (C!) h ff II i� } J �� 1�' /_`' :"a ..__._._ _..,.....___.,_..._.._.. ..__._...__... ---NOTE SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES FOR THE TYPE OF MULCH MATERIAL TO UST.. w�� ( t ?+ �r 'Dallas'CrRed' I1I�!I 1Y ay �' i1 If f 2 SHRUBS � 'f } 4 zt 'TREE PLANTING i 9 I�, MINIMUM 36'H? L 2 ( ' , CLARA INDIAN HAWTHORN III ii 1.11:::::::?,:i ., .7"' /J r_ ,. A.`. „,, N.T.S. ® 3 Rt 1O5 Raphitolapsis Indfco`Clara'CON?. 5 GAL, 36"O.C. (I I 4 I 5l *..lI 1. � �f/r s it I j fir t i >*Ci. 7"'i re//://2X':iii,I1 's' r I/r' .314 TURF TYPE BERMUDAGRASS SOD i'� A`Y, on da,� C od of on FDC TY zz; LIIIIFT11.111111111111 1) v—i/r/ii I o o �1t r: Akewi,r,, "11 ; I CITY OF WYLIE,TX LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS . ?1 ti* . i, , iDESIREABL£ 't *F�1�" i AREA BASE STANDARD DESIREABLE PROVIDED� � SELECTED � f�( ' _ Jo.AT LEAST2Dx OF SITE SHALLBE LANDSCAPED IN NS,CR,&CC/ �`'' i tom,�l • DISTRICTS:10% .SITE!N ski CC DIg1RIC75 FOR SINGLE ,— .i ' _ .-'r 10,DD1 SQ FF.+10%=11,001 27,148 SQFT.PROVDED X r� __ r.;7,�ii . . __.___.._`.�:.��.`�'�`_`: w..._._._......_�...,�._._...__,_....,_.... ''�......_....._.,_._._..„._.., LANDSCAPING BUILDINGS OF 100,000 SQ FT.OR lAORQ 10%OF SITE IN U AND t{i "��\ //' ACCESS TO I IN DISTRICTS.50.007 SF 20Xa 10,001 S Ff. X PUBLIC ROUTE U R dip. b.LANDSCAPING IS REQUIRED IN THE FRONT YARD. PROVIDED PROVIDED L X LOT L Q .I MUTUAL UA,ACCESS EASEMENT' .`t o.LANDSCAPING IS REQUIRED IN SIDE AND REAR YARDS ADJACENT / \ MONUMENT T0,OR ACROSS THE STREET FROM RESIDENTIAL N/A PROVIDED SIGN r 148.�„ �� 7- ii���4, ^'��.i- i^ --' i.„..,. gr__;,� ._r;_,_.___.....__ µ. _......_.,.........._........_._.....__.. ...... .......__......_....__ HAYS SOPSQ FT.EOFIRLANDSCAPING PERiSPACE 84 SPACCES*50=1,700 r 0-i-10%=1,870 SQ FT. 3,155 SQ FT. X wA "R _ ` .t► Eit d �1`\ l I LANDSCAPING b.NO PARKING SPACE FURTHER THAN 60'FROM LANDSCAPED AREA PROVIDED PROVIDED t70 ,'� f � --'�•v,/ �1, /�®/ `ry�/f r "_ � ( ( OF ON SHE. \.��� -V 1 9 PARKING c.PARKING ROWS 12 SPACES OR LONGER SHALL HAVE LANDSCAPED PROVIDED PROVIDED .//: .r_ LOTS Ol?< I.,_._._ �i\ f','0`i& 1-_—__l- .,i .. ISLANDS AT END. " +�cx e. L` _ d.AU PARKING ROWS SHALL HAVE LANDSCAPED AREAS AT LEAST t /f,� PROVIDED PROVIDED ��j i / u r,. , 1�:— —— —— —— —— —— ——- EVERY 12 SPACE& � 1 t L r_� S+ � y --- WATER LINE'€ EASEMENT-- VISUAL a.REQUIRED SCREENING IN STRIP AT LEAS7 5'WIDE,PLANTS 3'IN / �I r HEIGHT WHEN PLANTED,INCL�E ONE FLOWERING 1REE FOR EVERY 24 / 20 TREES �:& SCREENING LINEAR FEET OF AREA.387 20.i9.35 TREES ,.,,.;,._..._..,.✓ :1 -' t ,,,, , 1 a.AT LEAST 50%OF REQUIRED FRONT YARD DEVELOPED AS z V S BILtTY TRIANGLE_ LANDSCAPED BUFFER,AT LEAST 10'IN WIDTH.172.70°50%=86.35 10 WIDTH+20%=42 PROVIDED X o NSIBIU-,TRIANGLE LANDSCAPING `--R REQUIRED IN BUFFER IN GROVES OR BELTS ON A 30-40 S 5 ,,�,� ,_ �„ , ,,` PROVIDED PROVIDED a k e' FRON EE Eg SPAC{EES R N wl c.REQUIRED TREES AT LEAST 3"CALIPER. PROVIDED PROVIDED I , g d.AT LEAST 4'MEANDERING CONCRETE WALKWAY ON PERIMETER PROVIDED PROVIDED WHEN ADJACENT TO THOUROUGHFARE t' REVISIONS: leHLENE-T%M--kirlOctunri-lccH" PAINT COLOR SCHEDULE: A COLOR BANDING(TYPICAL) ,/-CONT.RIDGE VENT SIGN c_ 20.-4. NOTE:ALL COLORS NAMES INDICATED ARE FOR SELECTION PURPOSES ONLY.SEE PAINT SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION Ai.EL.121.-5" 111 4 12 12 _ BD OE W pNAS,NP TO EUDT TT 00- -- I'SI-TR CI PHI N D j(TYCPEI NC TA L) -14 PREFINISHED GUTTER, KEY COLOR FASCIA,AND REQUIREMENTS REMARKS SPLIT-FACE CMU, _ SIGNAGE N.I.C. SPLIT-FACE CMU, DOWNSPOUTS, Ell .MEGA GREIGE" PAINTED(TYP.)me PAINTED(TYP.)am WHITE(TYPICAL) daWK - LE ',ARBOR BLUE. 4 EBL/FiAlS4C If li••••••211 IMMFAT"71:71i•...I.,....7.14,1•,•o .,=====I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1..101 I I I 1,1 I I I I 1,1 I I I I 1,01 I 1,1 I 1,1 I I I II,MI,I I I 1,4,1 II,I I 0 I I I I I I..iii..I I I I 1,1 I I I I,I I,I I 1,1 I 1,1 I I I II,I I I I 1,1 I I I,I,11,1110 I,I I,I I I,I 1,1 I I II,I 1,1 I I I I,I I IM II,I I I I I I I 1,1 I I I 1,1 I I 11,I I I I I,I II,I I 0 I,I,I I I,I I,1,511.1..01.7,1/4,Wriatva r.am rail i ............ - ' 7 gra .PURE WHITE. GYP.BRD.CEILING AND EXT.SOFFIT ..."."="1191 DOWNSPOUT TO 4 OVEREHLEA1D1D00°R. -i A 1 1.1 1,E M.1 1 M EA T l'l'-1'I N A r LDA CTPN T glog .SAFETY RED. ::;-- 7:===c-:-=== =1=1=, 1=1= E=1=1= ,1 =I =I= =1=1=,1 =1=1'I=I =ME--=1=1= ..---- , STRIPING(TYPICAL) grg 'WHITE" PAINTED(TY')282 ' M/Er-:3===:-3=== ===],== I =1=1=c=1=1= ===,1=== ==_WI,—:1__1L_ 16 -\ ';',1,-,g:E=17E'D'i,T,TFp:S-,'E'1,1-E. NATURAL m / :2.r .,-,7, E===iir.t.===. ==,••=1= Mr I= L 1== =G,7===- =NS L-..=I__I . = El ',LACK. THE"'PER'E FROTECTE. IJZTER7,g17,4t EAnf1''F,1,,L.A. STONE „lie EL.100', It"IOW\\MI . 11117.4 0 6 0 0\ 6 0 6 0 6 ',.1 , 0 W. 0 .,/, , ,..... ,-.,- . gra "SAFETY YELLOW" D.S. D.S. '0 lE\INTPEI rR S IGN CENTER SIGN SIGNAGE N.I.C. CENTER SIGN EU NOT USED DOOR&FRAME, ON PIER ON PIER PAINTED(TYP.)GM EXHAUST] plic "GTE" DOOR&FRAME, l?'VAIVril,3,DffERASR'NSITAFIETY L BOLLARDS,PAINTED PORT(TYP.) PAINTED(Top.)por (TYPICAL)ED pm ',OLDEN WHEAT" GLAZING AND T&B SOLID 0 FRONT„ DIRECTION) ELEVATION PRE-FINISH pial pigi 'WARM STONE. cam .ANTIQUE WHITE. ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF, cap "AWARD BLUE" 4/A3 CONT.RIDGE VENT SIGNAGE NOTES: piE .COOL GRAY. 1.PRIORTY POLE SIGN OR MONUMENT SIGN(MAXIMIZE SQUARE FOOTAGE) 12 EMIE -rAN. SIGNAGE N.I.C. 4 1- 2.CODE RESTRICTIONS FRP BD. 'TAN. 1 PREFINISHED GUTTER, A.REMOVE"MAINTENANCE,REPAIR,TIRES.(.MRT.)TO REDUCE ”OPEN"SIGNAGE-„N: 12 FASCIA,AND SQUARE FOOTAGE CUSTOMER TOILET ROOM PAINT SCHEME COORDINATE WITH 4 DOWNSPOUTS, B.REMOVE SHROUD IF IT COUNTS TOWARD SQUARE FOOTAGE---......._ NOTE:PREP WALLS FOR PAINTING WITH BIODEGRADABLE SOLUTION.PAINT SHEET El FOR WHITE(TYPICAL) C.BOX ONLY REQUIRED WHEN REDUCTION IN TOTAL HEIGHT IS OUTLET LOCATION .....:-...- - NOT ACCEPTABLE OR CODE REQUIRED HEAD SIZE TO BE LESS CEILING PT1 3. iSt 1 THAN LOGO STYLE SIZE PAINT FROM DIMENSION:FLOOR TO 48" PT1 0 D.NON-ILLUMINATED LETTERS PAINT FROM DIMENSION:48"TO CEILING PT1 1 lir,FI'l-r.)FlIITALCj FR<E IN .,7,34,..14444.11:, 3.ORDER OF PRIORTY(AFTER POLE/MONUMENT SIGN): SERVICE AREA PAINT SCHEME 60 EL 1 i'D" .11-- '•',',',—.A.-„„=""zilL41 :::::::::::::::::_::_::_::_::;"---------------%.-, 22w=-11-,r-TT r-TEADETAIL 1 4NSHEETAA6 FOR . T/WINDOW • NOTE:PREP WALLS FOR PAINTING WITH BIODEGRADABLE SOLUTION.PAINT :I F ::::::::::::::::_:_:_:_:_: , MATCH ADJACENT A.ENRTY ELEMENT=PIGMENTED PLASTIC WITH CAP ON LETTERS B.BRIDGESTONE 3x12,USE 2x6 IF REDUCTION PROVIDES TYPE, CEILING PT6 (TYPICAL) 2.PROVIDE DRIP CAP OVER ALL HOLLOW METAL DOORS TO BE PROVIDED PAINT FROM DIMENSION:FLOOR TO 60" PT1 2 PAINT FROM DIMENSION:60"TO ROOF DECK PT1 3 tit,1 .ADDRESS.----..... _. ' • _, PLIT-FACE CMU, 3.PAINT ALL EXPOSED LINTELS C.MRT 18",USE 11"IF REDUCTION PROVIDES TYPE I,TO BE TO MATCH ADJACENT COLOR PROVIDED 6"VINYL NU.ERS :Is I;MI=\\n1.1pi'lriiiilliriatrivegiatnitra-ciatrortriwi.,:.., PAINTED(TYP.)pull D.TIRE BRANDS kilIC E.BOX SIGN ON NON-ENTRY WALL ELEVATIONS IWTHM.1 T NI RSEUFLRATEIIT, 19.-6. J, D.S. KEY DROP BOX 1 14.-0 D.SI, SPLIT-FACE CMU, 4.LOGO LETTER SET REPLACE LOGO SOLE ELEMENTS A*&E.: CLEAR SAFETY 26.-4. E•J• NATURAL E.J• PAINTED(TYP.)plc GLAZING / STONE B..LOGO LETTER SET FOR BRIDGESTONE REPLACES BOX SIGN C..LOGO LETTER SET FOR MRT,IF CODE DOES NOT ACCEPT LETTERSD.NOMT TIRE BRANDS ®LEFT SIDE (DIRECTION) ELEVATION >- *REFERENCE NOTE ABOVE FOR DESIGNATION. CI_ ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF,/ r CONT.RIDGE VENT W=1 4A3 Z Iti 4 TROOP RIDGE SIGN - ........„„..,,... 7 / 0(29 leHLEVEZS'PrNET'110C IMIAAIl\I-ICCI!I'L EkT PV\gjr-,r;rig LOUVERS,SEE MECNANICAL DOWNSPOUT TO __W .__ _ SHEETS.PAINT TO MATCH BE PAINTED TO ... ,....."..,....„SIGNAGE N.I.C. COLOR BANDING(TYPICAL) MATCH ADJACENT -- COLOR BANDING(TYPICAL) ks,_,,,-RFI-,INGD,cc,,;EiNCITAL) 12 STRIPING(TYPICAL) (f)Fin Lij oes -\ '111.1ill i 1111i 1 11'111.1i111.1ilillli111 1'1.1.11111.1Y ::I HI::11,1H:Iiil 1:1X1:1H1H111:1XI:XI:Iii1:1:1HIL,JH ''' Ill 4 XIIIII}I Ilitilllitill'itilliiii, Itilllitillliti'It 11 tl 111'1 liltIllY 1111'1'111'1X H1:1H1 IHIXIX1',HIX 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'l 1.11111.11111.1 Y.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1„ „I 1 SPLIT-FACE CMU. 1111 11111111111111 .. IIIII 111111 1 II„ „„„ „ „„ „„ „ „ „„ „ „„ m „ 1 „„„„„ ,, PAINTED(TYP.)cup 11.0 EL.10,0. D 35-4. 0 PAINTED(TYP.)car C) BOLLARDS,PAINTED . CONDENSOR SEE STONE SPLIT-FACE CMU. (TYPICAL)Gra MECHANICAL PAINTED(TYP.)GEC Ilp IL1.1 @ REAR/(DIRECTION) ELEVATION (..) CONT.RIDGE VENT Et < ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF, 0 4/A3 ,TOP OF R-IDGE 10HUEVEM,piENET_ktrigcrAipA,NrflocHAL 12160 N ABRAMS RD SUITE 200 COLOR BANDING(TYPCAL)I DALLAS,TX 75243 12 PREFINISHED GUTTER, 214 361 9901 - - FASCIA,AND 214 361 9906 FAX NCAARCHITECTURE COM DOWNSPOUTS, WHITE(TYPICAL) 1 , .'EL8/11S4O'FFBIT",-11111t1 iiiiiiiii 1111[1,1 1 1.!1,11.1,11.[I,HH XIX HIH:iXi:iXI r -4 11,97"............................iiiirlirHH;lir /111:1:1HHHI IIIHHIllilliiiiiiiiiiii 1111111110-1,-, iiiiil HHHHIHHill 1 BETPAINTED TOT :i''-:-..*•-, ,--„''; 1 1 1 1 , im O mmm \_STRIPING(TYPICAL) ,C---- - n Wmi'.mmmma.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmM( )1 1 1( ,)i 1 i 1 I 1 I (T Y P.),B L A C K i)M/013 SPLIT-FACE CM-U.- s 12'D" 1 1,-0. D'S• ELECTRICAL METER DATE: PAINTED(TYP.)GEE Vudil\LITD,J8 MATCH E.J. E.J. 24 AUGUST 2007 DOOR&FRAME, BOLLARDS,PAINTED PAINTED(TYP.)pa @ (TYPICAL)Lra RIGHT SIDE (DIRECTION) ELEVATION ir A4 W+ I - .'li'it ��� ,�i.ii: Zoning Ordinance FIGUREc 4-6 SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS PAGE ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE (ALL DEVELOPMENT T MUST COMPLY FULLY (EACH DEVELOPMENT MUST SELECT 4 OF THE WITH ALL LISTED BELOW DESIRABLES LISTED BELOW 55 Building Placement a. Entrances and/or facades oriented to the street. a.Building at the front yard line. b. Building footprints no greater than 20,000 square b. Individual buildings w/footprints=or< 10,000 feet in NS and CR Districts. square feet. c. Multiple buildings placed to create plazas, c.Front facade oriented to the street. courtyards,landscaped areas w connectin walkways. 5 P rl nl� Placement a.To extent possible,parking to side and rear of a. Site lan . . nt of the building. building in NS, CR. and CC Districts. , Building with no more than one row p F b. Parking spaces at least 10'from residential lot line. 57 Access Drives a. Minimum width drive of 24',turning radius oil" ell Ohl-. : - "'I'I A ith ad'acent tracts. 1 25'. b. Direct connection between gm I ings and street. b. Access drive at least 150' from intersection. c.Access drives serving developments greater than 30,000 sq.ft. shall have separated median,or be separated at least 150' from each other. -__ d. Landsca ed treatment of entrances Location of Service a. Service and loadingareas shall not be visi avisible Slya.Not v�s�ble from public street but provide masonry and Loading Areas , from a public street or adjacent residential o . crer ring. _ b. Developments unable to meet the above are required to have masonry screening walls ' wgates. _ 1 ARTICLE 4: NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS Page 51 'i ri n',Vivi.0 Zoning Ordinance FIGURE 4-8 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS PAGE# ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE (ALL DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY FULLY WITH (EACH DEVELOPMENT MUST SELECT 3 OF THE ALL LISTED BELOW) + ! "I' a . + 1 ; 62 Building Materials a.Buildings constructed of brick with at least 20% a.Use of two complementary primary facade stone on front façade in NS,CR, CC,Li an. 'I materials to help achieve facade articulation, pio Districts.Tilt wall construction is pennissib '- : . or architectural detailin and HI districts. --- b.Roofs with pitch greater than 2:12 use specified b. Copy same style entire block. roofing materials. c. Buildings should copy architectural styles and details,design themes,building materials, and colors of the surrounding new development context whin 200 ft of a corner. Articulation,63 Building a.Walls not exceed height width ratio of 1 to 2 without a. Application of base standards to facades not Form and Massing variation in massing of facade. At least 25%of facing a public street. facade ade offset at least 4'. . • e o a chitectural detailing an.T or b. Entrances must be emphasized with architec a materials to provide variety in visual elements. appearance. c. Ground floor facades in NS, CR, & Districts - required specified features along 60%of length. 65 Architectural a. Buildings in the NS and CR Districts shall liall.111 a, Buildings with pitch roofs meeting minimum Compatibility architectural compatible with surrounding - .'_ -..-# - tial development. neighborhoods. b. Buildings with hip roof sections,dormers or b. Buildings in CC District adjacent or within 200' of two or more gable roof sections at right residential areas shall be architecturally corn atible. angles to each other. ARTICLE 4: NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS i LATIO Page 53 '. w Zoning Ordinance FIGURE4-7 LANDSCAPING DESIGN REQUIREMENTS - - PAGE ELEMENT �T#�.1D�iD--- ---------- ----� DESIRABLE ALL DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY FULLY WITH ALL LISTED LOPMENT MUST SELECT 4 OF THE 8 DESIRABLES 8 ' Landscaping in /aL At least 20%of site shall be landscaped in NS,CR,4111a.Landscaping that exceeds the minimum by IRequired Yards &CC Districts; 10%of site in CR&CC Districts pin,1 o _ for single buildings of 100,000 sq ft. or more; 10%41 b.Landscaping[n side and rear yar• not of site in LI and HI Districts. otherwise required. ' b, Landscaping is required in the front yard. - ,,,_„"1c. Landscaping is required in side and rear yards ad scent ,or across the street from residential. 59 Landscaping of . a. Site plans requiring more than 12 spaces required 41 a.Landsca in 1 %or more in excess of I Parking Lots i., have 50 sq.ft.of landscaping per space. & s ace. __ b. No parking space further than 60' from landscape b.Parl iitg Its rit n.o space further than 40 feet area on site. em a landscaped r c. Parking rows 12 spaces or longer shall have , c.Landscaped pedestrian connection to main landscaped islands at end. entrance. /d. All parking rows shall have landscaped areas at least every 12 spaces. 60 Visual Screening dia. Required screening in strip at least 5' wide,plants 3' - in height when planted,include one flowering tree for very 20 linear feet of area. 61 Landscaping of Street .,/a, At least 50%of required front yard developed as 44 a. Use of rock walls or other natural landscape Frontages landscaped buffer,at least 10' in width. eatures. . Trees required in buffer,in groves or belts on a 30— . Increase in minimum width of landscape buffer 40' spacing. by %. Required trees at least 3"in caliper. i c. Provision of special benches,pedestrian d. At least 4' meandering concrete walkway on lighting other streetscape elements. L ---- -- - - perimeter when ad'acent-to thorou l hf are. Page 52 ARTICLE 4: NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS