03-26-1981 (City Council) Agenda Packet .4; O F C> LAKE ' ,t LAVON WYLIE •• LAKE RAY HUBBARD AGENDA JOINT PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE MARCH 26, 1981 7:00 P.M. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION 1. Conduct joint public hearing on proposed zoning ordinance. 2. Consider request for approval of final plat for Holiday Terrace Riverview Townhouse Addition. CITY COUNCIL 1. Conduct joint public hearing on proposed zoning ordinance. 2. Conduct request for multiple family (townhouse) zoning Holiday Terrace Riverview Addition. 3. Consider approval of preliminary and final plat for Holiday Terrace Riverview Townhouse Addition. 114 NORTH BALLARD P.O.BOX 207,WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 PHONE(214)442-2236 SUGGESTED ORDER OF PROCEDURE (AGENDA) 1. Mayor. / i ,called he .meeting to order. The invocation given by C , i Ili 41,0, h A 2. Mayor introduce members of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council to the public in attendance and make any preliminary remarks that he might have concerning the ordinance. 3. Mayor introduce Dr. Joe Fulgham who will conduct the public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance. 4. Dr. Fulgham give brief summary of work done by the Planning & Zoning Commission and the consultant, J. T. Dunkin, in preparation of the proposed ordinance and introduce Mr. Dunkin who will explain the ordinance in concept for the public. 5. Hear those present who might have questions or comments about the proposed ordinance. 6. Dr. Joe Fulgham call the public hearing to a close and call for a recommendation by one or more members of the Planning & Zoning Commission for adoption of the proposed ordinance. After the motion is made and seconded and the ordinance is voted for recommendation to the Council , Dr. Joe Fulgham will thank the visitors present for their participation and turn the meeting over to Mayor Akin. 7. Mayor Akin will ask for discussion by members of the City Council on the proposed ordinance and will conduct whatever public hearing he feels is necessary for the City Council to make a decision for or against adoption of the ordinance. 8. Mayor will close the public hearing for the Council 's portion of the meeting and will call for a motion and a second to adopt the new zoning ordinance. 9. After the ordinance is adopted the Mayor will divide the meeting into two portions: one portion for the Planning & Zoning Commission to consider its number two item and the other portion for the City Council to consider its number two and three items, assuming that the Planning & Zoning Commission would recommend approval of the preliminary and final plat for Holiday Terrace Riverview Townhouse Addition. 10. If desired the City Council can act upon the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission for the approval of the townhouse zoning for Holiday Terrace Riverview Townhouse Addition. 11 . If so desired, the City Council can consider approval of the preliminary and final plat for Holiday Terrace Riverview Townhouse Addition. 12. Adjourn meeting. MAR 2 3 RFCVD 3314 W. Ohio Ave . Midland, Texas 79703 March 19, 1981 City of Wylie 114 N. Ballard Street P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 City Secretary: A few days ago I received a card from the City of Wylie stating that the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission will meet for a joint public hearing on March 26, 1981 for the purpose of considering the adoption of a revised comprehensive Zoning Ordinance . In considering adoption of a revised Zoning Ordinance, the City Council and Zoning Commission requests comments from property owners to be given at the meeting. As it is impossible for me to attend the meeting, it is necessary for me to write a letter to the City Secretary as the Notice states. The Legal Notice of Public Hearing which was mailed to me does not state what the revised zoning ordinance is that the Council is considering adopting; therefore, it is a little difficult, as a property owner, to make comments when there is no clarification on the mailed notice as to what the revised ordinance states-- property location being considered, what kind of zoning, etc . - and, since I am presently living about 350 miles away, it is not convenient for me to stop by City Hall to review the copy of the Ordinance and District map under consideration. Therefore, I will just state that I am a property owner of the Belle Storey Estate located at 302 S. Ballard in Wylie, Texas, and if the Zoning Commission has any intention of wanting to zone my piece of property there for Commercial zoning, I am opposing it at this time . Presently, Ihave the house there rented to a family, but it is my homeplace, I do not want an increase in taxes, as could be the case in Commercial zoning, and if I should decide in the future to return there to live, I would like to know that my property is still zoned for Residential purpose . There are families next door to my house and in that same block who are now living there in their homesteads, and I am sure that they feel as I do about the block remaining residential. My property may not be included in the revised plans of the Council, but, as I stated above,not knowing what the revised proposals are, I have expressed my comments in the best way I know to do. Sincerely, jam_fr;, honita Storey The suyjgssted introductory remarks for Dr. Joe Fu i aham, Cr 1 ri .ali 0, _ and Zoning Commission. First, I would like to endorse the statements made by the Mayor to the effect that we are convinced that the City of Wylie will grow in the future. To assist in preparing for future growth, the Planning and Zoning Commission has worked for many months with consultant J. T. Duncan and the engineering firm of Hogan & Rasor to prepare the comprehensive community plan and of course the new zoning ordinance One of the most basic of all methods of controlling the growth in the development of a City is to control the land use of the City and the area surrounding the City. The City of Wylie and its extra territorial area of jurisdiction was studied in the preparation of the land use plan and we anticipate that the zoningordinance can be extended to include the area of extra territorial jurisdiction as the City experiences growth in the future. The Planning and Zoning Commission felt that one of the key aspects of proper development of the City in the future involved more flexibility in the use of land for future development The present zoning ordinance was rather inflexible, in that it did not provide for any type of Condominium or Townhouse Development it did not provide for planned development and much of the language had become obsolete in the old ordinance. The multitude of amendments which have been adopted since original zoning ordinance was adopted in 1963 make it almost impossible to truly interpret the intent of the old zoning ordinance. I would like to emphasize that the proposed zoningordinance does not actually change any of the zoning districts within the City, but simply provides more flexibility for future zoning . It is my pleasure at this time to introduce the City' s Planning and Zoning consultant, Mr. J. T. Duncan, who will explain the new ordinance to you in concept. Posted : 3-20-81 Time: 1:39 p.m. LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Wylie's City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission will meet for a joint public hearing on March 26, 1981 , for the purpose of considering the adoption of a revised comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. This meeting will be held in the R. F. Hartman Elementary cafeteria, located at 510 S. Birmingham at 7700 P.M. , March 26, 1981 . In considering adoption of a revised zoning ordinance, the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission requests any comments you have as a property owner to be given at this meeting, either by appearing in person the evening of March 26, or by furnishing a letter stating your comments to the City Secretary prior to this meeting. For your convenience, a copy of the Ordinance and District map under consideration by the two bodies is available for review in the City Secretary's office located in the City Hall at 114 N. Ballard. DPRFT CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE Prepared by J. T. Dunkin & Associates Urban Planners and Landscape Architects Garland, Texas August, 1980 Financed Through the Department of Community Affairs of the State of Texas CPA-TX-TDCA-1058 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1 Enacting Clause 1 2 Purpose 1 3 Zoning Districts Established 1 ,µ 4 Purpose of Zoning Districts 2 5 Zoning District Map 3 6 Zoning District Boundaries 4 7 Annexed Territory Temporarily Zoned 5 8 Compliance Required 5 9 Use of Land and Buildings 6 u- Schedule of Uses 6 Definitions and Explanations 13 New and Unlisted Uses 18 Planned Development District 19 u Specific Use Permits 20 Relationship of Use Regulations to Other Laws 21 Flood Plain Prefix to Zoning District 22 10 Area Regulations 23 Lot Area 23 Lot Width 24 Lot Depth 25 Front Yard 26 Side Yard 28 Rear Yard 30 Maximum Lot Coverage and Floor Area Ratio 31 11 Height Regulations 31 12 Off Street Parking and Loading 32 .. 13 Sign Regulations 34 14 Accessory Building Regulations 35 15 Special Area and Use Regulations 35 ro- 16 Creation of Building Site 36 17 Platting Property Not Permanently Zoned 36 18 Completion of Building Under Construction 37 19 Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance Required 37 20 Nonconforming Uses and Structures 37 21 Board of Adjustment 38 22 Procedures for Changes and Amendments 40 23 Penalty for Violations 41 24 Preserving Rights in Pending Litigation and Violations Under Existing Ordinances 41 25 Validity 42 SECTION 1: ENACTING CLAUSE 1-100 The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas , as passed and approved by the City Council on the 24th day of April , 1962, together with all amendments thereof, is hereby repealed, and that there be enacted in lieu thereof the following Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, 'together with a map creating and delineating Zoning Districts, and to read as follows: SECTION 2: PURPOSE 2-100 It is hereby declared to be the purpose and intent of the City Council in enacting this ordinance that the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the city. They have been designed to lessen the congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements. They have been made with reasonable consideration, among other things, for the character of the district, and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses specified; and with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the City consistent with a Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 3: ZONING DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED 3-100 The City of Wylie, Texas is herein divided into eleven (11) Zoning Districts, with such Districts being of the shape and area deemed best suited to carry out the purpose and intent of this Ordinance and with uniform regulations and restrictions in each District for the erection, construction, alteration, repair, and use of buildings, structures , and land as herein set forth. The eleven (11) Districts herein established shall be known and cited as: Abbreviation Zoning District A Agricultural District SF-1 Single Family Dwelling District-1 SF-2 Single Family Dwelling District-2 2F Two Family Dwelling District MF Multiple Family Dwelling District MH Mobile Home District R Retail District B-1 Business District-1 B-2 Business District-2 I Industrial District PD Planned Development District FP Flood Plain Prefix 1 SECTION 4: PURPOSE OF ZONING DISTRICTS 4-100 Each Zoning District herein established is provided for a specific purpose and in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan for the location of various types of uses throughout the City as follows: 4-101 A, Agricultural District: This District provides for the continuance of farming, ranching and gardening activities on land now utilized for these purposes. When land in the "A" category is needed for urban purposes, it is anticipated the zoning will be changed to the appro- priate zoning categories to provide for orderly growth and development in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. Newly annexed territory may be temporarily zoned as "A" , Agricultural District until permanent zoning is established. Once land in an "A" category has been placed into another District, the intent of this ordinance is that such land shall not be changed back to an "A" category by any subsequent request for a change. 4-102 SF-1, Single Family Dwelling District: The SF-1 category provides for a minimum residential building site of 8,000 square feet. Develop- - ments under this District will have a low density and development characteristics similar to those now existing in most platted subdivi- sions . 4-103 SF-2, Single Family Dwelling District: The SF-2 District will accomo- date higher density residential developments with related churches, public and private shcools, and open spaces. Single family detached developments, such as patio, courtyard or cluster homes, which seek minimum lot area requirementsless than the SF-2 District, are to be placed under the Planned Development District. 4-104 2F, Two Family Dwelling District: The 2F dwelling district is provided for the purpose of permitting transitional residential development. This district shall be used for two family structures and single family attached structures. 4-105 MF, Multiple Family Dwelling District: The MF District permits multi- family developments of densities not to exceed fifteen (15) units per acre. Regulations are designed to protect the residential character and prevent overcrowding of the land by providing minimum standards for building spacing, yards, height, off-street parking, and lot coverage. 4-106 MH-Mobile Home District: The MH District establishes a category with appropriate standards for the development and placement of mobile home units. 4-107 R, Retail : Retail developments are intended to be developed under the standards of the Retail District which set forth requirements for off- street parking, building setback, height and screening. Standards are designed to permit a compatible relationship between the retail develop- ment and adjacent residential areas. 2 4-108 B-1, Business District-1: The B-1 District accomodates service and commercial uses which by their nature of operation of use are generally not compatible with the retail functions. Uses in the B-1 category will normally be in an enclosed structure or building. 4-109 B-2, Business District-2: A use which requires considerable space for display, sales or open storage, or by the nature of the use is generally not compatible with uses in the B-1 District, are located in the B-2 Business District. 4-110 I , Industrial District: The Industrial District is characterized by industrial development of warehousing, distribution, manufacturing and non-manufacturing industrial uses. Industrial uses which are compatible when special consideration is given to the design and operational characteristics of the use are listed. 4-111 PD, Planned Development District: The PD, Planned Development District provides a zoning category for the planning and development of larger tracts of land for a single or combination of uses requiring flexibility and variety in design to achieve orderly development with due respect to the protection of surrounding property. Uses, or a combination of uses, include residential , retail , office, medical , and industrial areas. 4-112 FP-Flood Plain Prefix: Zoning Districts located in low lying flood plain areas along major streams which are subject to periodic inunda- tion may be preceded by the prefix FP, indicating a sub-district. Areas designated FP may be used only for those uses listed in the provisions of Section 9-800 until the area or any portion thereof located in FP sub-district has been approved by the City Council . Approval shall only be given after engineering studies determine that the area or any portion thereof is suitable for uses in the District and building construction or development would not create an obstruction to drainage nor a hazard to life or property and that such construction is not contrary to the public interest. SECTION 5: ZONING DISTRICT MAP 5-100 The bouhdaries of the Zoning Districts set out herein are delineated upon the Zoning District Map of the City of Wylie, said Map being a part of this Ordinance as fully as if the same were set forth herein in detail . 5-101 Two (2) original official and identical copies of the Zoning District Map are hereby adopted being the signature of the Mayor and the attesta- tion of the City Secretary and shall be filed and maintained as follows : 1. One copy shall be filed with the City Secretary and retained as the original record and shall not be changed in any manner. 2. One copy shall be filed with the Building Official and shall be maintained up-to-date by posting thereon all changes and subse- 3 quent amendments for observation in issuing Building Permits, Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance, and for enforcing the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Reproduction for public distribution may be periodically made of the Zoning District Map. SECTION 6: ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES 6-100 The District Boundary Lines shown on the Zoning District Maps are usually along streets, alleys, property lines, or extensions thereof. Where uncertainty exists as to boundaries of Districts as shown on the official Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply: 6-101 Boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerlines of streets, highways or alleys shall be construed to follow such center- ,.. lines. 6-102 Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lines. 6-103 Boundaries indicated as approximately following city limits shall be construed as following city limits. 6-104 Boundaries indicated as following railroad rights-of-way shall be construed to be the line midway between the rights-of-way lines or boundaries. 6-105 Boundaries indicated as approximately following stream or creek center- lines shall be construed as following such centerlines. 6-106 Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in 6-101 through 6-105 above shall be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the original Zoning Maps shall be determined by the scale of the Map. 6-107 Whenever any street, alley or other public way is vacated by official action of the City Council or whenever such area is franchised for building purposes, the Zoning District line adjoining each side of such street, alley or other public way shall be automatically extended to the centerline of such vacated street, alley or way and all area so involved shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. 6-108 Where physical features on the ground are at variance with boundaries shown on the official Zoning District Map, or when the interpretation for the zoning of a parcel of property cannot be resolved by the application of subsections 6-101 through 6-107 , the property shall be considered as "A" , Agricultural District temporarily in the same manner as provided for newly annexed territory, and the issuance of a building permit and the determination of permanent zoning shall be in accordance with the pro- visions provided in Section 7 for temporarily zoned areas. 4 SECTION 7: ANNEXED TERRITORY TEMPORARILY ZONED 7-100 All territory hereinafter annexed to the City of Wylie shall be tempor- arily classified in the "A" Agricultural District until permanent zoning classifications are given the area by the City Council after public hearing. • 7-101 The procedure for establishing the permanent zoning on any annexed terri- tory shall be the same as is provided by law for amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. 7-102 In an area temporarily classified as "A" , Agricultural District 1. No person shall erect, construct or proceed or continue with the erection or construction of any building or structure or add to any building or structure or cause the same to be done in any newly annexed territory to the City of Wylie without first applying for and obtain- ing a Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy therefore from the Building Official or the City Council as may be required herein. 2. No permit for the construction of a building or use of land shall be issued by the Building Official other than a permit which will allow the construction of a building permitted in the "A" , Agricultural District, unless and until such territory has been classified in a zoning district other than the "A" , Agricultural District, by the City Council in the manner provided by law except as provided in subsection 3 following. 3. An application for a permit for any use other than that specified in paragraph 2 above shall be made to the Building Official of the City of Wylie and by him referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration and recommendation to the City Council . The Plan- ..., ning and Zoning Commission, in making its recommendation to the City Council concerning any such permit, shall take into consideration the appropriate land use for the area and the Land Use Plan for the City of Wylie. The City Council , after receiving and reviewing the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission may, by major- ity vote, authorize the issuance of a Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy or may disapprove the application as their findings may indicate appropriate in the public interest. SECTION 8: COMPLIANCE REQUIRED 8-100 All land, buildings, structures or appurtenances thereon located within the City of Wylie, Texas, which are hereinafter occupied, used, erected, altered or converted shall be used, placed and erected in con- formance with the zoning regulations prescribed for the Zoning District in which such land or building is located as hereinafter provided. 5 SECTION 9: USE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS 9-100 Land and buildings in each of the Zoning Districts may be used for any of the listed uses but no land shall hereafter be used, and no building erected, altered or converted which is arranged or designed or used for other than those uses specified as permitted uses in the District in which it is located according to the following Use Schedule and in accordance with the provisions of the following sections of this Ordi- nance. 9-200 SCHEDULE OF USES Not permitted Permitted • Specific Use (see section 9-600) (00) Number following use defined use in Section 9-300 6 SCHEDULE OF USES �• •1 0� Qo ac)4::? o 0*/ c:!_. rb<14.71 ,,, cf? .,;.7 cg:b �N o1� 1C' G� 1p ^ c .� �`' c a ety "" SF- SF TYPE OF USE A 1 2 2F MF MH R B-1B-2 I PD 9-201 PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL USES Single Fame y) Dwel l ing, ��x gam, .J . . Detached ;1 ': , SiHpqLtaced Te ar�ijy) Dwelling, '"�"` _ -. Two Family Dwelling (3) Multi-Family Dwelling (4) ,:_ Boarding or Rooming House (5) Mobile Home Park (6) ® r • @r Hotel or Motel (7) llsz F- ;; Mobile Home (6 (a) r 9-202 — ACCESSORY AND INCIDENTAL USES Accessory tBuil� �y, -,, Residential Q - Community Center, Private (9) Y{ ` .. . Farm Accessory Building (10) °. , [ `w 1-7 III F & ; Guest House, Detached (11) " t '' ram. :s Stable, Private (12) P : ..4„ 4 m q. Swimming Pool , Private (13) !Y . TerneQrary F' ld or Construction Ottice (.14 Home Occupation (15) Tennis Court , Private �� e �. e 9-203 UTILITY AND SERVICE USES Electric Substation • • • • • • "' • Electrical Transmission Line '� d 4 Fire Station +_ , ` k :. .: Gas Line and Regulating Station '` 2� "`,ate .a " Local Utility Line (16) v '" _x 44�;_p Radio T?le ision or Microwave • • • • • • • ``' • Tower ] Commercial adi or.Television - ,� 7 Transmitting station Public or Private Utili hop" `� tr and Ma i riSenance Area L18�) • • SCHEDULE OF USES �� �' � O� o(1 ti 03 03 43� F � 2 , - `-'c. �� �tr Q CI' c .) cc SF- SF TYPE OF USE A 1 2 2F MF MH R B-1..-2 I PD 9-203 UTILITY AND SERVICE USES, CONTINUED Sewage Pumping Station �`` �� Telephone Exchange, Switching . • • . 1 11 • AO I S11- • • — Te hone or lit ! ity :usiness f RSY: x# Office Z) c K y 9. Water Reservoir, Pumping Station ' or Wells ` 9-204 EDUCATION, INSTITUTIONAL, SPECIAL USES Airpolrt , Heliport or Landing • • ® ® • 6 ie Cemetery or Mausoleum � • • • • • • • • • • • Church or Rectory (20) '" ' '` ' �4, Private School (21) • • • • • • silk ... Day Nursery, ay C mp • or , Kindergarten (22� ® • ® ® • Farm, Ranch or Orchard (23) Hospital , General Acute Care (24) • • � � Hospital , Chronic Care (25) • • ' A Li r -Galley or Museum ' ` _.�— - tt ,� �u��Y� �rLb) Y ® • • • • • ` Lodge or Fraternal Organization • NursingHome2�r Residence Home • • or Aged Schoora _ �ti)ercial Trade or , C C(L QQ ® Scb000J , Public or Denominat1onaI ll )) 9-205 RECREATION, ENTERTAINMENT AND SOCIAL USES Conroe cial Amusements, Indoor • • .' Commercial Amusements, Outdoor 1 ) Golf Course, Public (32) • • • • • • • • Private Club (33) • • • • • • • Park, Vlaygrouncr, re571Mi FrT Center, Publ i cap Theatre, Indoor Theatre, Drive- In 8 ¢� o cj SCHEDULE OF USES � ' �� os' oQF o o, a ti0 QL �� •����vao `ram �o <¢' �j' 'Go ,�� Qa SF- SF TYPE OF USE A 1 2 2F MF NIH R B-1B-2 I PD 9-206 SIGN AND IDENTIFICATION USES Advertising Sign (34) r x Agricultural Sign (35) Apartment Sign (36) 1111111 Construction Sign (37) Development Sign (38) General Business Sign (39) I.R.S.: Institutional Sign (40) Name Plate (41) Real Estate Sign (42) 9-207 OFFICE, FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL USES Bank or Savings and Loan Clinic, Medical or Dental (43) Laboratory, Medical or Dental Medical Appliance, Fitting and Sales Mortuary or Funeral Home aF � Office, General Optical Shop Studio, Art, Music Ceramics Drama, Speech (44) Studio, Recording and Broadcasting Letter and Mimeograph Shop rs 9-208 PLANTS, PETS, ANIMALS AND RELATED USES Animal Clinic or Hosp. , House- hold Pets, No Oitsi�e lyE AnOutsi ma i iKus ns or osp. wi de Animal Pound, Public or m -� - . .. ... .__ Private41 Garden Shop and Plant Sales, Inside Plant Nursery or Greenhouse (45) ■ 9 Feed Store 'c, SCHEDULE OF USES �� o�� 3� '1 03� / SF- SF- TYPE OF USE A 1 2 2F MF MH R B-1 :-2 I PD 9-208 PLANTS, PETS, ANIMALS AND RELATED USES, CONTINUED Stables, Commercial (46) ■ ' Veterinarian Ottice, No Hospital ,- Kennels with Outside Run 111 Florist Shop 9-209 RETAIL SALES AND PERSONAL SERVICE USES Antique Shop, Enclosed x Bakery or Confection Shop, Retail ,, Barber or Beauty Shope Book, Camera or Card Shopx � `' " Clothing and Apparel Store `xa L • Cleaning and Laundry Pick-up fi£‹F Station Discounret Variety or Department Sto Drug Store Dra ery, Needlework or Weaving p �„ Shop4; Food Store111111111111i z Furniture or Appliance Store iii Handicraft or Hobby Shop z F '' Key Shop Laundry or Dry caning m� Self Service • ' -0° Health Studio Paint, Wallpaper or Hardware L Personal Service Shop • Photography Studio b : r Shoe Repair Restaurant Without Drive- In (47) Restaurant With Drive- In (48) ® x � s M,yy� Secondhand -Store, Turn i t re ors Clothing, Inside Only (49) u. Pawn Shop 10 Quick Sop (5v 0)5 rice Food or Beverage -� „ SCHEDULE OF USES � O�'a oQ� a ,(I,o� �a o, ,� tea ,tea,teak,'""Q �� c SF- SF-- TYPE OF USE A 1 2 2F ME MH R B-1:-2 I PD 9-209 RETAIL SALES AND PERSONAL SERVICE , CONTINUED Tool Rental , Inside Only '� t � ogtoaa.e rai er •enta tutsi •e 9-210 MOTOR VEHICLES AND RELATED SERVICE USES Auto Laundry auto ass, Mu er, eat over • .dam _ •...�_ `�.... Auto Parts and Accessories, NewIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII s= uto, otorcycaes, lew or 3dp _ Auto, "otorcyc e a es, 'ew or Used, Outdoor Auto Repair Garage • Auto Painting and Body Shop Gasoline, Service Station, Car Care Center Auto Storage or Sales Lot Mobile Home Sales Truck Parking Lot or Garage 9-211 STORAGE, PROCESSING AND COMMERCIAL USES Bus Station # �y�� 1), Ba3. Bo y Bottling Won�tWholesale Building Material Sales (51) C Pr ommeercniaainl or aun.ry, T Radio, Te ,evision, Appliance ® Repair ,52) Furniture Repair and Upholstery • Cabinet Shop Engine or Motor Repair Machinery Sales, Service Machine or Welding Shop Job Printin Lithographer` or Printing �1ant ;' 11 Motor Freight Terminal SCHEDULE OF USES ti t v F �� � o kTr 1 Q: 0 �� O j Oct_gi Li Jy 1 SF SF TYPE OF USE A 1 2 2F •1F i•1H R B-1B- I PD 9-211 STORAGE , PROCESSING AND COMMERCIAL USES , CONTINUED Lumber Yard Newspaper and Commercial Printinc nk ,; .. Open Storage, Enclosed ® , M Plumbing, Heating, Air Condit ioninq Shops Maintenance or Contractor Yard Warehouse and Enclosed Storage Light Fabrica. ticon and Assembly Processes (53) i 9-212 INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING USES Manufacturing Processes (54) T��3 Other ManUtacturin d Industrial Uses 155) • 9-300 DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS APPLICABLE TO USE SCHEDULE: The following definitions and explanatory notes suppliment, restrict and define the meaning and intent of the use regulations set forth in Sections 9-201 through 9-212. 1. Single Family Dwelling (detached) - A detached building located on a platted lot or separate building site which is designed for and occupied by not more than one (1) family. 2. Single Family Dwelling (attached) - A building located on a platted lot or separate building site which is designed for and occupied by not more than one (1) family and which is attached by one or more common wall (s) to another similar single family dwelling unit. An attached dwelling shall be designed to permit separation from an adjoining dwelling in the event either dwelling is caused to be removed. (See Section 10-501 (4) for maximum length of detached structure. ) 3. Two Family Dwelling - A single detached building located on a platted lot or building site designed for and occupied by not more than two (2) families. 12a. 4. Multiple Family Dwelling - Any building or portion thereof, which is designed, built, rented, leased or let to be occupied as three or more dwelling units or apartments or which is occupied as a home or place of residence by three or more families living in independent dwelling units. 5. Boarding or Rooming House - A building, other than a hotel or multiple family dwelling, where lodging is provided for five or more persons for compensation, where meals may or may not be served and where facilities for food preparation are not pro- vided in individual rooms. 6. Mobile Home Park - A tract or parcel of land used to accomodate mobile home units and accessory structures as a semi-permanent place of residence. (a. ) Manufactured Mobile Home - 'Mobile home' means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is eight body feet or more in width and is 32 body feet or more in length, and which is built on a permanent chassis designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein and is under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Labor Standards. 7. Motel or Hotel - A building or group of buildings designed for and occupied as a" temporary abiding place of individuals and providing twenty (20) or more room units with customary hotel services such as linen, maid service, telephone and upkeep of furniture. 8. Accessory Building (residential ) - A subordinate building detached from the main building and used for purposes customarily incidental to the residential occupancy of the main building and not involving the conduct of a business or the sale of a service. Accessory buildings include but are not limited to an automobile storage garage, laundry room, garden shelter, hobby room and mechanical room. 9. Community Center (private) - A building or group or rooms designed and used as an integral part of a residential project by the tenants of such a project for a place of meeting, recreation or social activity and under the management and unified control of 13. the operators of the project. A Private Community Center shall not be operated as a place of public meetings, or as a business, nor shall the operation of such facility create noise, odor or similar conditions perceptible beyond the bounding property line of the project site. 10. Farm Accessory Building - An accessory structure on a tract quali- fying as a farm as herein defined for storing or housing the usual projects and animals raised or maintained on a farm, such as a barn, poultry house, stable, machinery shed or granary. No structure housing animals or poultry shall be located nearer than one hundred (100) feet to the bounding property lines of the farm tract. 11. Guest House (detached) - A secondary structure on a lot or tract containing dwelling accommodations but excluding kitchen facilities and separate utility services or meters and intended for the temporary occupancy by guests and not for rent or permanent occupancy. 12. Stable (private) - An accessory building set back from adjacent property lines a minimum distance of one hundred (100) feet and used for quartering horses, not to exceed one (1) horse per half acre of the area of a farm or lot. 13. Swimming Pool (private) - A swimming pool constructed for the exclusive use of the residents of a single family, two-family or apartment dwelling and located within the required side or rear yards; however, they shall not be located closer than five (5) feet to any property line. 14. Temporary Field or Construction Office - Temporary office build- ings and temporary building material storage areas to be used solely for construction purposes in connection with the property on which they are erected may be permitted for a specified period of time in accordance with a permit issued by the Building Official . 15. Home Occupation - An occupation customarily carried on in the home by a member of the occupant's family, being incidental to the primary occupancy of the home as a dwelling, without the offering, display or advertising of any commodity or service for sale on the premises, without the employment of any persons other than a member of the immediate family, without the use of any sign, lighting or display, without the use of other than normal domestic or household equipment or appliances, and the conduct of which does not generate noise, odor, fumes, vibration or any other condition visible, obnoxious or detrimental to abutting or adjacent properties. 16. Local Utility_ Line - The usual electric power, telephone, gas, water, sewer, and drainage lines designed and constructed by the municipality or a franchised utility company to serve a community with urban type services. 17. Radio, Television or Micro-Wave Towers - Structures supporting antennae for transmitting or receiving any portion of the radio spectrum but excluding noncommercial antennae installations for home use of radio or television. 14 18. Public or Private Utility Shop or Maintenance - Material storage shop buildings, maintenance area or similar related use area for either a public or private utility company. 19. Telephone Exchange, Switching and Transmitting Equipment Only - A switching or transmitting station owned by a public utility but not including business office facilities , storage or repair shops or yards. 20. Church or RectorI - A place of assembly and worship by a recognized religion including synagogues , temples, churches, instruction rooms and the place of residence for ministers, priests, rabbis , teachers and directors on the premises. 21. Private School - An academic institution other than a public or parochial elementary or secondary school , including private elemen- tary and secondary schools and institutions of higher learning. 22. Day Nursery, Day Camp or Kindergarten School - An establishment where four (4) or more children are left for care or training during the day or portion thereof including a recreation area with or without a building where children engage in supervised training or recreation during daylight hours. 23. Farm, Ranch, Garden or Orchard - An area of five (5) acres or more which is used for growing of usual farm products , vegetables , fruits, trees and grain and for the raising thereon of the usual farm poultry and farm animals such as horses, cattle and sheep and including the necessary accessory uses for raising, treating and storing products raised on the premises, but not including the commercial feeding of offal or garbage to swine or other animals and not including any type of agriculture or husbandry specifically prohibited by ordinance or law. 24. Hospital (general acute care) - An institution where sick or injured patients are given medical or surgical treatment intended to restore them to health and an active life and which is licensed by the State of Texas. 25. Hospital (chronic care) - An institution where those persons suffering from generally permanent types of illness , injury, deformity, deficiency or age are given care and treatment on a prolonged or permanent basis and which is licensed by the State of Texas. 26. Libra y, Art Gallery or Museum (public) - Any institution for the loan or display of books, objects of art or science which is sponsored by a public or responsible quasi-public agency and which institution is open and available to the general public. 27. Nursin9_ Home or Residence Home for Aged - A place of residence or care for persons suffering from infirmities of age or illness where care is provided on a prolonged or permanent basis. This term shall include a convalescent home. 15 28. School , Commercial Trade or Craft - A business operating for profit and offering instruction and training in a trade such as welding, brick laying, machinery operation and other similar manual trades. 29. School , Public or Denominational - A school and customary accessory uses under the sponsorship of a public or religious agency having a curriculum generally equivalent to public, elementary or secondary schools, but not including private, trade or commercial schools. 30. Commercial Amusement (Indoor) - An amusement enterprise wholly enclosed and operated within an acoustically treated building such as a bowling alley or pool hall . 31. Commercial Amusement (Outdoor) - Any amusement enterprise offering entertainment to general public such as golf driving range, pitch -4. and putt course, archery, miniature golf and similar outdoor activities but not including go-cart racing, drag strips , auto racing or motorcycle racing. 32. Golf Course - A golf course owned or controlled by a public agency such as the municipal Park Department and operated for the benefit of the public. 33. Club, Private - A club room or suite of rooms or a building avail- able to restricted membership for meetings, dining and entertain- ment. Such facilities may include a private tennis court, swimming pool or similar recreation facilities, none of which are available to the general public. 34. Advertising Sign - A sign which is usually a primary use of land and which promotes and advertises commodities or services not wv limited to being offered on the premises on which such signs are located. 35. Agricultural Sign - An accessory sign identifying the farm or ranch on which it is placed and advertising the produce, crops, animals or poultry raised or quartered thereon. 36. Apartment Sign - An accessory sign for the identification of an apartment building or complex of apartment buildings. 37. Construction Sign - A temporary accessory sign identifying the property owner, architect, contractor, engineer, landscape archi- tect, decorator or mortgagee engaged in the design, construction or improvement of the premises on which the sign is located. 38. Development Sign - Promotional signs pertaining to the development of land or construction of buildings , erected on private property upon approval of the Building Inspector and subject to removal on order of the Building Inspector. 16 39. General Business Sign - An accessory sign or graphic device which advertises only commodities or service offered on the premises where such signs are located and where such sign is not of the bill- board, poster panel or painted bulletin type but is a sign designed specifically for the location. 40. Institutional Sign - Name plates and bulletin boards and accessory signs for identity of schools and churches, hospitals and similar public or quasi-public institutions. 41. Name Plate - An accessory sign showing only the name and address of the owner or occupant of the premises on which it is erected or placed. 42. Real Estate Sign - A temporary accessory sign pertaining to the sale or rental of property and advertising property only for use for which it is legally zoned. 43. Clinic, Medical or Dental - Facilities for examining, consulting with and treating patients including offices, laboratories and outpatient facilities but not including hospital beds and rooms for acute or chronic care. 44. Studio: Art, Music, Ceramics, Drama, Speech, Dance and Similar Skills - A building or rooms in a building used for the instructing, coaching or counseling in drama, speech, dance or similar personal skills or arts. 45. Plant Nursery or Greenhouse - Retail or wholesale sales of plant materials and supplies either enclosed in a building, lath house, or in the open and with related storage of equipment for landscape contracting. 46. Stable, Commercial - A structure housing horses which are boarded or rented to the public or any stable other than a private stable; but not including a sales barn, auction or similar trading activity. 47. Eating Place Without Drive-In or Curb Service - Any eating establishment, cafeteria, restaurant or inn where food service is offered to customers not in automobiles. 48. Eating Place with Drive-In or Curb Service - An establishment offering food for sale to customers in automobiles and parking space is provided on premise for consumption of food in automobiles. 49. Second Hand Store, Furniture or Clothing - An establishment offering for sale used merchandise with the storage and display of such items wholly located inside a building or structure. 50. Quick-Service Food or Beverage Shop - An establishment offering food or beverage to customers either through an automobile pick- up window or a walk-up window, and with eating space provided within the building. 17 51. Building Material Sales - The sale of new building materials and supplies indoors with related sales for hardware, carpet, plants , electrical and plumbing supplies all of which is oriented to the homeowner. 52. Radio, T.V. and Appliance Repair - A shop for the repair of house- hold and home equipment, such as electrical appliances , lawn mowers , tools and similar items where all such items are stored within a building. 53. Light Fabrication and Assembly Processes - Including but not limited to the manufacture of jewelry, trimming decorations , signs and any similar item not involving the generation of noise, odor, vibration , dust or hazard. 54. Manufacturing Processes - Uses restricted from other Zoning Districts but permitted in the I District under this definition are manufacturing and industrial uses which do not emit dust, smoke, odor, gas, fumes, or present a possible hazard beyond the bounding property lines of the lot or tract upon which the use or uses are located, and which do not generate noise or vibration at the boundary of the lot or tract which is generally perceptible in frequency or pressure above the ambient level of noise in the adjacent areas. 55. Other Manufacturing and Industrial Use - Uses which do not meet the general definition for Manufacturing Processes (54) may be permitted by the City Council after public hearing and review of the operational characteristics and other pertinent data affecting the community' s general welfare. Approval of uses under this definition shall be made in accordance with Section 9-600 through 9-605 Specific Use Permits. 9-400 NEW AND UNLISTED USES: CLASSIFICATION OF LAND USES EITHER NEW OR NOT SIMILAR TO THOSE LISTED IN THE SCHEDULE OF USES, SECTION 9-200, CAN BE EXPECTED IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. THE FOLLOWING PROCE- DURE IS HEREBY SET FORTH TO BE FOLLOWED WHEN DETERMINING THE APPROPRIATE CLASSIFICATION OF ANY NEW OR UNLISTED LAND USE: 1. All questions concerning the classification of new or unlisted uses shall be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission by the Building Official for an interpretation as to the zoning classifi- cation into which such use should be placed. The referral of the use interpretation question shall be accompanied by a statement of facts listing the nature of the use and whether it involves dwelling activity, sales, processing, type of product, storage and amount and nature therof, enclosed or open storage, anticipated employment, transportation requirements, nature and time of occupancy or opera- tion of the premises , the amount of noise, odor, fumes , dust, toxic material and vibration likely to be generated and the require- ments for public utilities such as sanitary sewer and water. 18 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the nature and described performance of the proposed use and its compatibility with the uses permitted in the various districts and determine the zoning district or districts within which such use should be permitted. 3. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit its findings and recommendation as to the classification of any new or unlisted use to the City Council who may by resolution approve the recommend- .... ation of the Planning and Zoning Commission or make such determina- tion concerning the classification of such use as it determines appropriate. 4. A revised use list including all additions made to the uses permitted in the several zoning classifications shall be published periodically. 9-500 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAY BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR A SITE OF THREE ACRES OR MORE FOR ANY USE, OR COMBINATION OF USES AS INDICATED FOR THE PD DISTRICT IN THE USE SCHEDULE, 9-201 THROUGH 9-212 AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE: 1. An application for establishing a Planned Development District shall be made to the City Council in the same manner that an application for any amendment is made to the Zoning Ordinance. 2. A site plan of the development shall be required and accompany an application for a PD District. The site plan approved by the City Council shall be filed as part of the amending Planned Development Ordinance prior to the issuance of any building permit. yy 3. The site plan for a Planned Development District shall show, when applicable, those features of the development set forth in Section 9-501. 9-501 Planned Development Guidelines and Standards: The site plan for the planned development shall be a scale drawing or drawings indicating the intent of the development. The plan shall show, when applicable, the following: 1. An accurate survey of the boundary of the tract with topography 44. at not less than a five foot contour interval and any major physi- cal features, such as tree masses and buildings. 2. A land use plan delineating specific use areas when multiple types of land use are proposed. 3. Proposed location and width of public streets and alleys, private streets, ingress and egress to the site, off-street parking plan and parking ratio, off-street loading, and any proposed residential platting with minimum standards for lot area, width, depth, cover- """ age and yard areas proposed. 19 4. Location of buildings, other than single family use showing minimum distance between buildings, minimum distance between buildings and property lines, building height, lot coverage and area, and floor area ratio. 5. Designation of any proposed public open spaces, private open space area and proposed utilization of open space. 6. Proposed screening walls, fences , and other protective proposals to adjacent properties or within the Planned Development. 7. A landscape plan may be required. 8. Additional data may be requested by the Planning Commission or City Council if deemed necessary to fully evaluate a Planned Development application and may include data pertaining to utility services, drainage and the anticipated development schedule. -9-502 The amending Planned Development Ordinance and site plan shall be referenced on the Zoning District Map. Changes in the site plan shall be considered the same as chnages in the Zoning District Map and shall be processed as set forth in Section 22, AMENDMENTS; however, changes in details on the site plan which do not alter the basic rela- tionship of the proposed development to adjacent property and which do not alter the uses permitted or increase the density, floor area ratio, height of building, coverage of site, or do not decrease off-street parking ratio, or yards provided at boundaries of site as indicated on the approved site plan may be altered as an administrative change with- - out an amendment by the Planning and Zoning Commission. An appeal to the City Council may be made by and applicant concerning the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission as to whether amendment to the Planned Deveopment District Ordinance shall be required. 9-503 Every Pla. ^ cievelopment District approved under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be considered as an amendment to the Ordinance as applicable to the property involved. In the zoning administration of a Planned Development District, the development conditions imposed by the amending ordinance and accompanying site plan shall be complied with before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the use of the land or any structure which is part of the Planned Development and such conditions shall not be construed as conditions precedent to the approval of the zoning amendment, but shall be construed as conditions precedent to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy as required by this Ordinance. 9-600 Specific Use Permits: The City Council may, after public hearing and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission as set forth in Section 23, AMENDMENTS, authorize the issuance of a SPECIFIC USE PERMIT for uses in indicated by '®' in the Use Schedule, Section 9-201 through 9-212. 20 The designation of a Specific Use Permit as indicated in Sections 9-201 through 9-212 does not constitute an authorization or an assur- ance that such use will be permitted in the District indicated. Each Specific Use application shall be evaluated with regard to its probable effect on surrounding property .and the community welfare, and may be approved or denied as determined by the findings of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council for the parcel under consideration. 9-601 In considering and determining its recommendation to the City Council relative to any application for a Specific Use Permit, the Planning and Zoning Commission requires that the applicant furnish plans and data concerning the operation, location, function and characteristics of any use of land or building proposed. 9-602 The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend to the City Council that certain safeguards and conditions concerning setbacks, ingress and egress, off-street parking and loading arrangement, location or construction of buildings and uses and operation be required. 9-603 The City Council may in the interest of the public welfare and to assure compliance with the intent of this Ordinance, require such development standards and operational conditions and safeguards as are indicated to be important to the welfare and protection of adjacent property and the community as a whole be made a part of the amending ordinance. 9-604 A site plan setting forth the conditions specified is required of the applicant and such plan when accepted shall be made part of the amending ordinance. 1,aft 9-605 A Specific Use Permit approved under the provisions of this ordinance shall be considered as an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as applicable to the property involved. Any of the conditions contained in a Specific Use Permit shall not be construed as conditions precedent to the approval of the zoning amendment, but shall be considered as conditions precedent to the granting of a Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance for the specific use provided for. 9-700 Relationship of Use Regulations to Other Laws: Whenever regulations or restrictions imposed by this Ordinance are either more or less restrictive than regulations imposed by any governmental authority through legislation, rule or regulation , the regulations , rules or restrictions which are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements shall govern. Regardless of any other provision of this Ordinance, no land shall be used and no structure erected or maintained in violation of any State of Federal pollution control or environmental protection law or regulation. ,w.� 21 9-800 Flood Plain Prefix to Zoning District: Portions of various Districts on the Zoning District Map have a "FP" prefix and are separately identified designating those areas which are subject to periodic inundation and presenting a flood hazard to normal utilization of the land for uses listed under the District to which the prefix is attached. To promote the health, safety and general welfare of the community, land areas designated with the flood plain prefix shall be governed by the following provisions: 1. Permitted uses in portions of Districts designated by the "FP" , Flood Plain Prefix shall be limited to the following: a. Agricultural activities but excluding construction of barns or other out buildings. b. Off-street parking incidental to any adjacent main use. c. Public or private utility lines. d. Parks, playgrounds, golf courses, and private open space area as part of a Planned Development District or Community Unit Development. e. Structures, installations and facilities installed, operated and maintained by public agencies for flood control purposes. f. Bridle trail , bicycle or nature trail . 9-801 A permanent building or structure shall not be erected in that portion of a District designated with a Flood Plain "FP" prefix until such structure has been approved by the City Council upon recommendation by the City's engineer that such structure or building would not constitute an encroachment hazard or obstacle to the movement of flood waters and that such construction would not endanger the public health and welfare or value and safety of the property. 9-802 An area may be removed from the Flood Plain Prefix designation, when by the provision of drainage works, grading, flood protection or specific drainage study, it has been determined by the City's engineer that the flood hazard has been alleviated. Based upon the recommendations of the City' s engineer, the City Council by resolution may remove, alter or change the flood plain boundary on the Zoning District Map for any District. 9-803 The fact that land or property is or is not within a district having a Flood Plain Prefix shall not constitute assurance that such land or property is not subject to local flooding and the designation of the Flood Plain Prefix in this Ordinance shall not be so interpreted. 22 SECTION 10: AREA REGULATIONS 10-100 EXCEPT AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED, NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE OR PART THEREOF SHALL BE ERECTED, ALTERED OR CONVERTED FOR ANY USE PERMITTED IN THE DISTRICT IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED UNLESS IT IS IN CONFORMITY WITH ALL THE MINIMUM REGULATIONS HEREIN SPECIFIED FOR LOT AREA, LOT WIDTH, LOT DEPTH, DWELLING UNIT AREA, FRONT YARD, SIDE YARD, REAR YARD AND LOT COVERAGE. 10-101 Lot Area: The minimum residential lot area for the various Districts shall be in accordance with 10-102, except that a lot having less area than herein required which was an official platted lot of record prior to adoption of this Ordinance, may be used for a one-family dwelling, and no lot existing at the time of passage of the Ordinance shall be reduced in area below the minimum requirements set forth in 10-102. 10-102 Minimum Lot Area: In the following Zoning Districts, the minimum lot area in square feet per dwelling unit shall be in accordance with the following: MINIMUM A, LOT AREA 1� In Square Feet �' Q�^� ��,c°/4 / 1�' 1�' a� 0 Unless Other- /I . o � wise Indicated o gzro, .� `� ,`3 3 �3 TYPE OF USE A SF-1 SF-2 2F MF MH PD One Family Dwelling, Detached 1 Acre 8,500 7,500 7,000 7,000 - 5,000 One Family Dwelling, Attached - - - 3,000 3,000 - 2,500 Two Family Dwelling - - - 4,000 4,000 - 4,000 Multiple Family Dwelling (1) - (1) Mobile Home - - - - - 5t000 3,500 (1) A multi-family site shall contain a minimum of 10,000 square feet . For each multi-family unit there shall be a minimum of 3,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit . 23 10-200 LOT WIDTH: THE MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL LOT WIDTH FOR THE VARIOUS DISTRICTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10-201, EXCEPT THAT A LOT HAVING LESS WIDTH THAN HEREIN REQUIRED WHICH WAS AN OFFICIAL PLATTED LOT OF RECORD PRIOR TO ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE USED FOR A ONE-FAMILY DWELLING, AND NO LOT EXISTING AT THE TIME OF PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE RE- DUCED IN WIDTH BELOW THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN 10-201. 10-201 Minimum Lot Width: In the following Zoning Districts , the minimum lot width, as specified in feet and measured at the building line, shall be in accordance with the following: MINIMUM �~ LOT WIDTH F, F• ,�� 4a�. �c J a a �^ 1 1 , 3 3 O3a' 'Li � yam° °F 1 O� cT' �iO O TYPE OF USE A SF-1 SF-2 2F MF MH PD One Family Dwelling, Detached 150' 70' 60' 65' 65 ' - 50' One Family• Dwelling, (1) ( 1) - (1) .�- Attached - - - Two Family Dwelling - - - 65' 65' - 60' Multiple Family 80' - 80' Dwelling Mobile Home _ - - - - 50' 35' (1) In a single family attached structure the number of dwelling units shall not exceed seven (7) separate units. The average lot width in an attached dwelling unit structure shall not be less than twenty four (24) feet, 24 10-300 LOT DEPTH: THE MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL LOT DEPTH FOR THE VARIOUS DISTRICTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10-301, EXCEPT THAT A LOT HAVING LESS DEPTH THAN HEREIN REQUIRED WHICH WAS AN OFFICIAL PLATTED LOT OF RECORD PRIOR TO ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE USED FOR A ONE FAMILY DWELLING, AND NO LOT EXISTING AT THE TIME OF PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE REDUCED IN DEPTH BELOW THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN 10-301. 10-301 Minimum Lot Depth: In the following Zoning Districts, the minimum lot width as specified in feet, shall be in accordance with the following: A, MINIMUM tip' LOT DEPTH F' �/kt o,C7 J Q� tr7•Z`' � .��/•""` OQti� ^ 1 ^Q � O O TYPE OF USE A SF-1 SF-2 2F MF MH PD One Family Dwelling, Detached 200' 120' 100' 100' 100' - 80' One Family Dwelling, Attached - - - 100' 100' - 80' Two Family Dwelling - - - 100' 100' - 80' Multiple Family 120' - 100' Dwelling - - Mobile Home 200' - 100' 100' 100' 100' 80' 25 10-400 FRONT YARD: THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FRONT YARD FOR THE VARIOUS DISTRICTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10-401 through 10-409 AND NO BUILDING, STRUCTURE, OR USE SHALL HEREAFTER BE LOCATED, ERECTED OR ALTERED IN A RESIDENTIAL OR NON-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SO AS TO HAVE A FRONT YARD OF LESSER DEPTH THAN HEREINAFTER SPECIFIED. 10-401 Front Yard - Residential Districts: In the following Districts, the minimum front yard, as measured in feet shall be in accordance with the following, unless otherwise hereinafter specified: v {w /ye./ co' moo' 'Qom' c;') c-) O A SF-1 SF-2 2F MF MH PD MINIMUM 50' 30' 25' 25' 25' 25' 10-406 FRONT YARD 10-402 Front Yard - Non-Residential Districts: In the following Districts, the minimum front yard, as measured in feet, shall be in accordance with the following unless otherwise specified: be /./X/ :111 R B-1 B-2 I PD MINIMUM 25' 20' — 20' 10-406 FRONT YARD 10-403 The required front yard shall be open and unobstructed, except eaves, uncovered porches and roof extensions without structural support may extend into the front yard a distance not to exceed four (4) feet. Balconies shall not project into the required side yard. 26 10-404 When a front building line is designated by ordinance or plat and such line establishes a greater or lesser front yard setback than is required by this ordinance for the district in which the building line is located, the minimum required front yard shall comply with the building line so established by such ordinance. 10-405 When the depth of a platted lot(s) extends between streets, a front building line shall be observed for each frontage, unless a building line has been established by plat or ordinance which designates the front yard area along one street frontage and a building line for the main or accessory building along the other street frontage. 10-406 In a Planned Development District the minimum front yard requirement shall be established on the site plan in accordance with Section 9-500. 10-407 When the frontage on one side of a street between two intersecting streets is divided by two or more zoning districts, the front yard for all lots or tracts along that frontage shall comply with the require- ments of the more restrictive district. 27 10-500 SIDE YARD: THE MINIMUM REQUIRED SIDE YARD FOR THE VARIOUS DISTRICTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10-501 THROUGH 10-502 AND NO BUILDING, STRUCTURE OR USE SHALL HEREAFTER BE LOCATED, ERECTED OR ALTERED IN A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR NON-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SO AS TO HAVE A SIDE YARD OF LESSER WIDTH THAN HEREINAFTER SPECIFIED. 10-501 Side Yard - Residential Districts: In the following Districts , the minimum depth for each side yard as measured in feet, shall be in accord- ance with the following, unless otherwise hereinafter specified: v MINIMUM y SIDE YARD _� F /7/ ����0 �� q1a ¢� N p3 4O TYPE OF USE A SF-1 SF-2 2F MF MH PD One Family Dwelling, Detached 15 ' 8' 6. 5' 6.5' 6. 5' - - One Family Dwelling, _ _ - - - _ _ Attached _ - Two Family Dwelling - - - 8 ' 8 ' - 7.5' Multiple Family - - - - 8 ' - 8 ' Dwelling Mobile Home 15' - 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' (1) Required side yards shall be open and unobstructed from a point thirty (30) inches above the average elevation of the graded side yard except for accessory buildings as permitted herein, and fences which provide access for fire fighting. Ordinary projections of window sills, belt courses, cornices, and other architectural features projecting, not to exceed twelve (12) inches into the required side yard, and roof eave projections not to exceed three (3) feet into the required side yard are permitted. Balconies shall not project into the required side yard. (2) The minimum side yard on a corner lot adjacent to a street in the A, SF-1, SF-2, and 2F Districts shall not be less than twenty (20) feet unless a greater depth not to exceed thirty (30) feet is established in the approval of a subdivision plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (3) The minimum side yard requirements for residential uses in a Planned Development District for attached and detached dwellings and a mobile home park shall be established on the site plan in accordance with _ .. Section 9-500. 28 (4) The side yard on a corner lot adjacent to a street for attached dwellings shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet. A series of attached one-family dwellings shall not exceed two hundred and ten (210) feet in length, and a minimum side yard of ten (10) feet shall be observed at each end of the attached series to provide a minimum of twenty (20) feet between building ends. (5) The minimum side yard on a corner lot adjacent to a street in the MF and MH Districts shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet unless a greater depth, not to exceed twenty-five (25) feet, is established in the approval of a subdivision plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission. - (6) For multiple family structures in the MF and Planned Development District, a minimum side yard or space between adjoining structures , shall be thirty (30) feet between building walls when such walls have openings for windows and access , and twenty (20) feet between building walls when such walls have no opening for windows or access. 10-502 Side Yard - Non Residential Districts: A side yard is not required in the R, B-1, B-2, or I Districts unless hereinafter specified. (1) The minimum side yard on a corner lot adjacent to a street shall not be less than ten (10) feet unless a greater depth, not to exceed twenty-five (25) feet , is established in the approval of a subdivision plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (2) When a non-residential zoned lot or tract abuts upon a zoning district boundary line dividing the lot or tract from a residentially zoned lot or tract, a minimum side yard of ten (10) feet shall be provided for on the non-residential property. A masonry wall having a minimum height of six (6) feet above the average grade of the residential property shall be constructed on the non-residential property adjacent to the common side (or rear) property line. t.� 29 10-600 REAR YARD: NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE SHALL HEREAFTER BE LOCATED, ERECTED OR ALTERED TO HAVE A REAR YARD SMALLER THAN SPECIFIED AS FOLLOWS: (1) The required rear yard shall be open and unobstructed from a point thirty (30) inches above the average elevation of the graded rear yard; except for accessory buildings as permitted herein. Eaves , covered porches, and roof extensions without structural support in the rear yard may extend into the rear yard a distance not to exceed four (4) feet. Balconies shall not project into the required rear yard. (2) In single family or two family dwelling districts , the main residential building may not be constructed, erected, or altered to be nearer than twenty five (25) feet to the rear property line, and all accessory buildings shall not be nearer than ten (10) feet to the rear property line. In a multiple family district a rear yard of ten (10) feet shall be observed by both the main and accessary buildings. (3) In the MH, Mobile Home District, a rear yard of twenty (20) feet shall be observed on all lots or plots backing to the rear property line. A trailer or mobile home shall not be placed nearer than ten (10) feet to the rear line of any other lots or plots in a mobile home development. (4) In a Planned Development District, the minimum rear yard shall be established on the approved site plan and as part of the amending ordinance. (5) In the R, B-1, or B-2 Districts, a dedicated alley shall be required behind each lot or tract and the minimum rear yard setback shall be twenty (20) feet for any building or structure. When an alley is not required, a masonry wall of a minimum height of six (6) feet shall be constructed adjacent to the rear property line in the non-residential districts to provide a barrier between the adjoining uses. (6) When the lot or tract in the I District backs upon a zoning district boundary line which separates the industrial lot or tract from a �- residential zoning district, a minimum rear yard of fifty (50) feet shall be required. 10-700 Maximum Lot Coverage and Floor Area Ratio; The maximum percentage of any lot area which shall be permitted to be covered by the main building and all accessory buildings? and the maximum ratio of floor area to the total area of the lot or tract on which buildings are located, shall not exceed those standards in 10-701. An existing building having a greater percentage of coverage or a higher floor area ratio than herein specified at the effective date of this Ordinance shall be considered conforming to this Section. 10-701 In the following Districts the maximum building lot coverage and floor area ratio shall not exceed that specified: 30 v, MAXIMUM F LOT COVERAGE- {�' � k�° ,RESIDENTIAL oti ,� k(c) f` t, QF^' o' a, , oQ • q. �N.1 O�2 03--- ics. Q , .J of c ,o Ste.p .. A SF-1 SF-2 2F MF MH PD Maximum % of Lot 15% 30% 35% - 35% 35% 35% Coverage by Bldg. , MAXIMUM �' ti LOT COVERAGE �4 a v NON-RESIDENTIAL `� 1 o �O (kg-) • -- R B-1 B-2 I PD Maximum % of Lot 40% 40% 40% 50% 30% Coverage by Bldg. Maximum Floor - 1:1 1:1 1:1 Area Ratio 31 10-900 DWELLING UNIT AREA - Each dwelling unit shall have the following minimum floor area which shall be exclusive of garage, carport, or porch area, for the residential zoning district in which the structure is built: Dwelling Unit Minimum Floor Area District Type Per Dwelling Unit A Single family detached 1,300 square feet SF-1 Single family detached 1 ,300 square feet SF-2 Single family detached 1,100 square feet 2F Single family detached 1 ,300 square feet Two family attached 900 square feet Attached - Townhouse 1 ,200 square feet MF Single family detached 1,100 square feet Two family attached 900 square feet Attached - Townhouse 1 ,000 square feet Multiple unit 750 square feet MH Mobile 480 square feet PD Single family detached 900 square feet Two family attached 900 square feet Attached - Townhouse 1 ,000 square feet Multiple unit 750 square feet Section 11: HEIGHT REGULATIONS — 11-100 NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE OR PART THEREOF SHALL BE ERECTED OR ALTERED TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT STANDARDS SPECIFIED FOR THE DISTRICT IN WHICH THE BUILDING IS LOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (1) In the A, SF-1, SF-2, and 2F Districts, maximum building height shall be twenty-four (24) feet. (2) In the MF District, maximum building height shall be twenty-four (24) feet. (3) In the MH District, maximum building height shall be twelve (12) feet. (4) In the R and C-1 Districts, maximum building height shall be twenty four (24) feet. (5) In the B-2, I and PD Districts, a maximum building height is not specified, except that the building floor area ratio shall not exceed one (1) to one (1) and the building height does not conflict with other laws or ordinances. 31a 11-101 In any district where the building height is restricted to twenty- four (24) feet or less, cooling towers, roof gables, chimneys , vent stacks or mechanical equipment room may project, not to exceed twelve (12) feet, beyond the maximum building height specified for the district. SECTION 12: OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS 12-100 PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE ON EACH LOT OR TRACT OR ON AN IMMEDIATELY CONTIGUOUS LOT OR TRACT FOR OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES SUFFICIENT TO COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM NUMBER OR THE RATIO SPECIFIED HEREIN FOR THE DESIGNATED USES. 12-101 Residential Uses: Following are the required minimum number of off- street parking spaces per dwelling unit in residential districts: (1) Single family detached - two (2) spaces per dwelling unit (2) Two family - two (2) spaces per dwelling unit (3) Single family attached - two (2) spaces per dwelling unit, and an additional Z space per unit in the attached single family develop- ment (4) Multiple-family - two and one-half (22) spaces per dwelling unit (5) Mobile Home - two (2) spaces per lot or stand 12-102 Non-Residential Uses: Following are the required minimum number of off-street parking spaces for all districts for uses specified: (1) BANK, SAVINGS AND LOAN or similar financial establishment - One (1) space for each six hundred (600) square feet of floor area. (2) BOWLING ALLEY - Six (6) spaces for each lane. (3) CLINIC, DOCTORS' OFFICES - One (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area. (4) CHURCH - One (1) space for each three (3) seats in the main sanctuary. (5) COMMERCIAL AMUSEMENT - Thirty (30) spaces plus one (1) space for each one hundred (100) square feet of floor area over two thousand (2,000) square feet. (6) CONVALESCENT HOME OR HOME FOR THE AGED - One (1) space for each six (6) rooms or beds. (7) GASOLINE SERVICE STATION - Minimum of four (4) spaces. 1110 (8) GOLF COURSE - Minimum of thirty (30) spaces. (9) HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY - One (1) space for each three (3) students accommodated in the institution. (10) HOSPITAL - One (1) space for every two (2) beds. (11) HOTEL OR MOTEL - One (1) space for each room, unit or guest accomodation plus specified requirements for restaurants and related facilities. (12) INSTITUTIONS OF A PHILANTHROPIC NATURE - Ten spaces plus one (1) space for each employee. (13) LIBRARY OR MUSEUM - Ten (10) spaces plus one (1) for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area. 32 (14) MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING OR REPAIRING - One (1) space for each two (2) employees or one (1) space for each one thousand ( 1,000) square feet of floor area, whichever is greater. ( 15) MORTUARY - One (1) space for each two (2) persons normally accommodated in services. (16) OFFICES, GENERAL - One (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area. (17) RECREATIONAL, PRIVATE OR COMMERCIAL AREA OR BUILDING (other than listed) - One (1) space for every four persons to be normally accommodated in the establishment. (18) RESTAURANT OR CAFETERIA - One (1) space for every three (3) seats under maximum seating arrangement. (19) RETAIL OR PERSONAL SERVICE - One (1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. (20) FURNITURE STORE OR APPLIANCE STORE - One (1) space for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor space. (21) SCHOOL, ELEMENTARY OR JUNIOR HIGH - One (1) space for each class- room plus one (1) space for each four (4) seats in any auditorium, gymnasium, or other place of assembly. (22) STORAGE OR WAREHOUSING - One (1) space for each two (2) employees or one (1) space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, whichever is greater. (23) THEATERS, MEETING ROOMS AND PLACES OF PUBLIC ASSEMBLY - One (1) space for every three (3) seats. 12-103 Special Off-Street Parking Regulations (1) In computing the parking requirements for any building or develop- ment, the total parking requirements shall be the sum of the specific parking space requirements for each class of use included in the building or development. 12-104 Off-Street Loading: Space shall be provided on each lot in accordance with the following: (1) All retail , commercial and industrial structures shall provide and maintain off-street facilities for loading and unloading of merchan- dise and goods within the building or on the lot adjacent to a public alley or private service drive. An off-street loading space shall consist of a minimum area of ten (10) feet by twenty-five (25) feet for each twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of floor space or fraction thereof in excess of three thousand (3,000) square feet in the building or on the lot. (2) Kindergartens, day schools and similar child training and care establishments shall provide loading and unloading space on a private drive, off-street to accommodate one (1) motor vehicle for each ten (10) students or children cared for by the establishment. 33 SECTION 13: SIGN REGULATIONS 13-100 PROVISIONS FOR SIGNS AND IDENTIFICATION USES AS SPECIFIED BY THIS SECTION SHALL APPLY TO THE VARIOUS TYPES OF SIGNS AS PERMITTED IN THE DISTRICTS INDICATED IN THE USE SCHEDULE IN SECTION 9. 13-101 Sign faces shall not exceed the area as herein specified nor the standards for spacing. �> (1) Advertising sign - Four hundred (400) square feet, and shall not be placed less than 250 feet apart nor nearer than fifty (50) feet to any intersection. (2) Agricultural sign - One hundred (100) square feet, and shall not be placed less than two hundred (200) feet apart. (3) Apartment sign - Fifty (50) square feet, one (1) sign per street frontage. (4) Construction sign - Sixteen (16) square feet. (5) Development sign - One hundred (100) square feet, one (1) per project. (6) General business sign - No restriction except as hereinafter provided. (7) Institutional sign - Sixteen (16) square feet. (8) Name plate - one (1) square foot. (9) Real Estate sign - Twelve (12) square feet for commercial and four (4) square feet for residential properties, one (1) for each platted lot or tract street frontage. 13-102 For a Planned Development District, the sign standards shall be specified in the amending ordinance. 13-103 A sign shall not be constructed to exceed the maximum building height permitted in the district where the sign is located. 13-104 A sign shall not be located or constructed so as to interfere with or confuse the control of traffic on public streets and no sign shall be illuminated with a rotating beacon, beam or intermittent flashing illumination. 13-105 Signs shall be completely on private property and no sign shall over- hang the right-of-way of any public street or alley. 34 SECTION 14: ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS 14-100 Definition and Use Regulation: 1. In a residence or apartment district, an accessory building is a subordinate building exceeding 120 square feet of floor area, attached or detached from the main building, without separate bath or kitchen facilities , not used for commercial purposes and not rented. 2. In other districts , an accessory building is a subordinate building, the use of which is incidental to and used only in conjunction with the main building. 14-101 Height Regulations in Residential Districts No accessory building shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height, nor shall it be greater height than the main structure. 14-102 Area Regulations in Residential and Apartment Districts 1. Front Yard Attached accessory buildings shall have a front yard not less than the main building. Detached accessory buildings shall be located in the area defined as the rear yard. 2. Side Yard - There shall be a side yard not less than three (3) feet from any side lot line, alley line or easement line, except that adjacent to a side street, the side yard shall never be less than twenty (20) feet. 3. Rear Yard - There shall be a rear yard not less than ten (10) feet from any lot line, alley line or easement line. Carports , garages, or other detached accessory buildings located within the rear por- tion of the lot as heretofore described shall not be located closer than fifteen (15) feet to the main building nor nearer than three (3) feet to any side lot line. # 4. Garage Facing Street or Alley Line - Any garage constructed in a residential or apartment district structure, shall be set back not less than twenty (20) feet from any street or alley line on which it faces. 14-103 Area Regulations in Other Districts All regulations for accessory buildings shall be the same as the regula- tions for main structures. SECTION 15: SPECIAL AREA AND USE REGULATIONS 15-100 Courts - Where an apartment building or buildings are erected so as to create inner courts, the faces of all opposite walls in such courts shall be a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet apart and no balcony or canopy shall extend into such court area for a distance greater than five (5) feet. 35 15-101 Location of Dwellings and Buildings - Only one main building for one- family, two-family or multiple-family use with permitted accessory buildings may be located upon a lot or unplatted tract. Every dwelling shall face or front upon a public street, other than an alley, which means of access shall have a minimum width of forty (40) feet. Where a lot is used for retail , commercial , industrial purposes, or a combin- .,- ation of same, more than one (1) main building may be located upon the lot, but only when such buildings conform to all the open space, parking and density requirements applicable to the uses and districts and when all such main buildings face upon a public street, other than an alley. Whenever two or more main buildings, or portions thereof, are placed upon a single lot or tract and such buildings will not face upon a public street, the same may be permitted when the site plan for such development is approved by the City Plan Commission so as to comply with the normal requirements for platting. No parking area, storage area, or required open space for one building shall be computed as belie being the open space, yard or area requirements for any other dwelling or other use. SECTION 16: CREATION OF BUILDING SITE 16-100 Creation of a building site as specified herein permits provisions to be made for adequate access, and facilitates the provision for water, sewer and similar utilities, and other public requirements. 16-101 A building permit shall not be issued for the construction of any building or buildings upon any tract or plot until a building site, building tract or building lot has been created by compliance with one of the following conditions: 1. The lot or tract is part of a plat of record, properly approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and filed, in the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas. 2. The plot or tract is all or part of a site plan officially approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and compliance has been made with provisions and improvements approved on such site plan for all utility and drainage easements, dedication of streets, alleys and other public improvements required to meet the standards established for the platting of land. SECTION 17: PLATTING PROPERTY NOT PERMANENTLY ZONED 17-100 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie shall not approve any plat of any subdivision within the city limits of the City of Wylie until the area covered by the proposed plat shall have been permanently zoned by the City Council of the City of Wylie. 17-101 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie shall not approve any plat of any subdivision within any area where a petition or ordinance for annexation to the City of Wylie is pending before the City Council unless and until such plat shall have been approved by resolution by the City Council . 36 17-102 In the event the City Council holds a hearing on proposed annexation, it may, at its discretion, at the same time hold a hearing upon the permanent zoning that is to be given to the area or tract to be annexed, after public hearing and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning the permanent zoning. SECTION 18: COMPLETION OF BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION 18-100 Nothing herein contained shall require any change in the plans, construe- _ tion or designated use of a building actually under construction at the time of the passage of this Ordinance and which entire building shall be completed within one (1) year from the date of passage of this Ordinance. SECTION 19: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE REQUIRED ww 19-100 No building hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered shall be used, occupied or changed in use and no land may be used until a Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance shall have been issued by the Building Inspector of the City of Wylie stating that the building or proposed use of land or building complies with the provisions of this ordinance and other building laws of the City of Wylie. 19-101 A Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance shall be applied for coincident with the application for a building permit and will be issued within ten (10) days after the completion of the erection, alteration or con- -.. version of such building or land provided such construction or change has been made in complete conformity to the provisions of this ordinance. All existing or hereafter created non-conforming uses shall obtain Certificates of Occupancy within eighteen (18) months of the effective date of this ordinance. An Occupancy Permit shall be considered evidence of the legal existence of a non-conforming use as contrasted to an illegal use and violation of this ordinance. 19-102 A record of all Certificates of Occupancy shall be maintained on file in the office of the Building Inspector of the City of Wylie and copies shall be furnished on request to any person having a propriety or tenancy interest in the building or land affected. SECTION 20: NONCONFORMING USES AND STRUCTURES 20-100 A nonconforming status under the provisions of this Ordinance shall exist: 1. When a use or structure, which does not conform to the regulations prescribed for the district in which such use or structure is located, was in existence and lawfully operating prior to and has since been in regular and continuous use. -.. 2. When a use or structure, which does not conform to the regulations prescribed for the district in which such use or structure is located, was in existence and lawfully constructed, located and operating on % ` 37 the effective date of this Ordinance or was a nonconforming use under the provisions of the prior zoning ordinance and has since been in regular and continuous use. 20-101 Any non-conforming use of land or structures may be continued for definite periods of time subject to such regulations as the Board of Adjustment may require for immediate preservation of the adjoining property prior to the ultimate removal of the non-conforming use. The Building Inspector may grant a change of occupancy from one non-conform- ing use to another, providing the use is within the same, or higher or more restricted classification as the original non-conforming use and such change of use and occupancy will not tend to prolong and continue the non-conforming use. In the event a non-conforming use of a building may be changed to another non-conforming use of the same or more restricted classification, it shall not later be changed to a less restrictive classification of use and the prior less restrictive classification shall be considered to have been abandoned. 20-102 If a structure occupied by a non-conforming use is destroyed by fire, the elements or other cause, it may not be rebuilt except to conform to the provisions of this ordinance. In the case of partial destruction of a non-conforming use not exceeding ninety (90) percent of its reason- -- able value, reconstruction will be permitted but the size or function of the non-conforming use cannot be expanded. SECTION 21: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 21-100 Organization: There is hereby created a Board of Adjustment consisting of five (5) members who are qualified citizens and voters and are not members of the Planning Commission or City Council , each to be appointed by resolution of the City Council for a term of two years and removable for cause by the appointing authority upon written charges and after public hearing. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member, whose place becomes vacant for any cause, in the same manner as the original appointment was made. Two members heretofore appointed shall serve until or until their successors are appointed and three members, as heretofore appointed, shall serve until or until their successors are appointed, and thereafter each member reappointed or each new appointee shall serve for a full term of two years unless removed as hereinabove provided. Provided, however, that the City Council may appoint two alternate members of the Board of Adjustment who shall serve in the absence of one or more of the regular members when requested to do so by the Mayor. All cases to be heard by the Board of Adjustment will always be heard by a minimum number of four members. These alternate members, when appointed, shall serve for the same period as the regular members, which is for a term of two years, and any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner and they shall be subject to removal the same as the regular members. 21-101 The Board shall adopt rules to govern its proceedings, provided however, that such rules are not inconsistent with this ordinance or any State Statutes. Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the 38 Chairman and at such other times as the Board may determine. The Chairman, or in his absence, the Acting Chairman, may administer oath and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each question , or, if absent or failing to vote, indicate such fact, and shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions , all of which shall be immediately filed in the office of the Board and shall be a public record. 21-102 Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer, department or board of the municipality affected by any decision of the administrative officer, by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the Board of Adjustment, a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The officer from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. 21-103 An appeal shall stay all proceedings of the action appealed from, unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the Board of Adjustment, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him that by reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed, otherwise, than by a restraining order which may be granted by the Board of Adjustment or by a court of record on application on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. 21-104 The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of an appeal , give the public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in interest and decide the same within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing any party may appear in person or by attorney or by agent. 21-200 The Board of Adjustment shall hold a public hearing on all appeals made to it and written notice of such public hearing shall be sent to the applicant and all other persons who are owners of real property lying within two hundred (200) feet of the property on which the appeal is made. Such notice shall be given not less than ten (10) days before the date set for hearing to all such owners who have rendered their said property for City taxes as the ownership appears on the last City tax roll . Such notice may be served by depositing the same properly addressed and postage paid in the United States Post Office. 21-300 Jurisdiction: When in the Board of Adjustment' s judgment, the public convenience and welfare will be substantially served and the appropri- ate use of the neighboring property will not be substantially or permanently injured, the Board of Adjustment may, in specific cases, after public notice and public hearing, and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards authorize the following special exceptions to the regulations herein established. 1. Permit the reconstruction, extension or enlargement of a building occupied by non-conforming use on the lot or tract occupied by such building provided such reconstruction does not prevent the return of such property to a conforming use. 39 2. Permit such modifications of the height, yard, area, coverage and parking regulations as may be necessary to secure appropriate development of a parcel of land which differs from other parcels in the district by being of such restricted area, shape, or slope that it cannot be appropriately developed without such modification. 3. Require the discontinuance of non-conforming uses under any plan whereby the full value of the structure can be amortized within a definite period of time, taking into consideration the general character of the neighborhood and the necessity for all property to conform to the regulations of this ordinance. It is the declared purpose of this ordinance that non-conforming uses be eliminated and be required to conform to the regulations prescribed in the preceding articles of this ordinance, having due regard for the property rights of the persons affected when considered in the light of the public welfare and the character of the area surrounding the desig- nated non-conforming use and the conservation and preservation of property. The Board shall from time to time on its own motion or upon cause presented by interested property owners inquire into the existence, continuation or maintenance of any non-conforming use within the City. 21-400 In exercising its powers, the Board may, in conformity with the provi- sions of Articles 1011-A and including 1011-J of the 1925 Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, revised or reformed, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decisions , or determination appealed from and make such order, requirement, decision or determin- ation as ought to be made and shall have all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is taken including the power to impose reasonable conditions to be complied with by the applicant. 21-500 The concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board shall be necessary to revise any order, requirement, decision or determination of any such administrative official , or to decide in favor of the application on any matter upon which it is required to pass under this ordinance or to affect any variance in said ordinance. 21-600 Any person or persons, jointly or severally, aggrieved by any decision of the Board of Adjustment or any taxpayer or any officer, department or board of the municipality may present to a court of record a petition, duly verified, setting forth that such decision is illegal , in whole or part, specifying the grounds of the illegality. Such petition shall be presented to the court within ten (10) days after the filing of the decision in the Office of the Board and not thereafter. SECTION 22: PROCEDURES FOR CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS 22-100 Any person or corporation or group of persons having a proprietary interest in any property, upon proof of such interest, may petition the governing body for a change or amendment to the provisions of this ordin- ance or the Planning and Zoning Commission may on its own motion, insti- tute proposals for change and amendment in the public interest. All 40 petitions for the amendment of this ordinance shall bear the signature of the owners of all property within the area of request. 22-101 The City Council may from time to time amend, supplement or change by ordinance the boundaries of the districts or regulations herein. Before taking action on any proposed amendment, supplement or change, the City Council shall submit the same to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation and report. 22-102 The Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing on any application for any amendment, supplement or change prior to making its recommendation and report to the City Council . Written notice of all public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission on a proposed amendment, supplement or change shall be sent to all owners of real property lying within two hundred (200) feet of the property on which the change is requested. Such notice shall be given not less than ten (10) days before the date set for hearing by depositing a notice properly addressed and postage paid in the United States Post Office to such property owners as the ownership appears on the last approved City tax roll . 22-103 A public hearing shall be held by the City Council before adopting any proposed amendment, supplement or change. At least fifteen (15) days notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in the Official newspaper of the City of Wylie. 22-104 If such proposed amendment, supplement or change has been denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or if a written protest against such proposed amendment, supplement or change has been filed with the City Secretary, duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of twenty percent (20%) or more, either of the area of the lots or land included in such proposed change, or of the lots or land immediately adjoining the same and extending two hundred (200) feet therefrom, such amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of three-fourths (3/4ths) of all the members of the City Council of the City of Wylie. SECTION 23: PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS 23-100 Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall upon conviction, be fined any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) ; and each and every day that the provisions of this Ordinance are violated shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. In addition to the said penalty provided for, the right is hereby conferred and extended upon any property owner owning property in any district, where such property owner may be affected or invaded, by a violation of the terms of the ordinance, to bring suit in such court or courts having juris- diction thereof and obtain such remedies as may be available at law and equity in the protection of the rights of such property owners. 41 SECTION 24 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 1. CERTAIN WORDS IN THIS ORDINANCE NOT HERETOFORE DEFINED ARE DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: a. WORDS USED IN THE PRESENT TENSE INCLUDE THE FUTURE; WORDS IN THE SINGULAR NUMBER INCLUDE THE PLURAL NUMBER AND WORDS IN THE PLURAL NUMBER INCLUDE THE SINGULAR NUMBER; THE WORD "BUILDING" INCLUDES THE WORD "STRUCTURE" ; THE WORD "LOT" INCLUDES THE WORDS "PLOT" OR "TRACT" ; THE WORD "SHALL" IS MANDATORY AND NOT DISCRETIONARY. (1) Accessory Use - A use subordinate to and incidental to the primary use of the main building or to the primary use of the premises. (2) Alley - A public space or thoroughfare which affords only secondary means of access to property abutting thereon. (3) Apartment - A room or suite of rooms in a multi-family dwelling or apartment house arranged, designed or occupied as a place of residence by a single family, individual or group of individuals. (4) Apartment House - Any building or portion thereof, which is designed, built, rented, leased or let to be occupied as three or more dwelling units or apartments or which is occupied as a home or place of residence by three or more families living in independent dwelling units. (5) Area of the Lot or Building Site - The area shall be the net area of the lot or site and shall not include portions of streets and alleys. (6) Basement - A building story which is partly underground, but having at least one-half of its height above the average level of the adjoining ground. A basement shall not be counted as a story in computing building height. (7) Block - An area enclosed by streets and occupied by or intended for buildings; or if said word is used as a term of measurement, it shall mean the distance along a side of a street between the nearest two streets which intersect said street on said side. «.� (8) Board - Zoning Board of Adjustment as provided for in Section 17. (9) Building Official The Building Official or person charged with the enforcement of the zoning and building codes of the City of Wylie. 42 ( 10) Building_ - Any structure built for the support, shelter and enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or movable property of any kind. When subdivided in a manner sufficient to prevent the spread of fire, each portion so subdivided may be deemed a separate building. (11) Building Line - A line parallel or approximately parallel to the street line at a specified distance therefrom making the minimum distance from the street line that a building may be erected. (12) Building Ends - Those sides of a building having the lease dimension as compared to the front or rear of a building. As used herein for the building spacing regulations for multiple-family dwelling, a building end shall be interpreted as being the most narrow side of a building regardless of whether it fronts upon a street, faces the rear of the lot or is adjacent to the side lot line or another building. (13) City Council - The governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas. (14) Cellar - A building story with more than one-half its height below the average level of the adjoining ground. A cellar shall not be counted as story in computing building height. (15) Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance - An official certificate issued by the City through the enforcing official which indicates conformance with or approved conditional waiver from the zoning regulations and authorizes legal use of the premises for which it is issued. (16) Clinic - A group of offices for one or more physicians, surgeons, or dentists, to treat sick or injured out- patients who do not remain overnight. (17) Convalescent Home - Any structure used for or customarily occupied by persons recovering from illness or suffering from infirmities of age. (18) Court - An open, unoccupied space, bounded on more than two sides by the walls of a building. An inner court is a court entirely surrounded by the exterior walls of a building. An outer, court is a court having one side open to a street, alley, yard or other permanent space, (19) Depth of Lot - The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. 43 (20) District - A section of the City of Wylie for which the regulations governing the area , height or use of the land and buildings are uniform. (21) Dwelling, One-Family - A detached building having accommodations for and occupied by not more than one family, or by one family and not more than four (4) boarders and lodgers. (22) Dwelling, Two - Family - A detached building having separate accommodations for and occupied by not more than two families , or by two families and not more than four (4) boarders and lodgers. (23) Dwelling, Multiple-Family - Any building or portion thereof, which is designed, built, rented, leased or let to be occupied as three or more dwelling units or apartments or which is occupied as a home or residence of three or more families. (24) Dwelling Unit - A building or portion of a building which is arranged, occupied, or intended to be occupied as living quarters and includes facilities for food preparation and sleeping. (25) Family - Any number of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit, in which not more than four (4) individuals are unrelated by blood, marriage or adoption. (26) Floor Area - The total square feet of floor space within the outside dimensions of a building including each floor level , but excluding cellars, carports or garages. (27) Height - The vertical distance of a building measured from the average established grade at the street line or from the average natural front yard ground level , whichever is higher, to (1) the highest point of the roof' s surface if a flat surface, (2) to the deck line of mansard roofs or (3) to the mean height level between eaves and ridge for hip and gable roofs and, in any event, excluding chimneys , cooling towers , elevator bulkheads , penthouses, tanks , water towers , radio towers , ornamental cupolas , domes or spires, and parapet walls not exceeding ten (10) feet. If the street grade has not been officially established, the average front yard grade shall be used for a base level . (28) Living Unit - The room or rooms occupied by a family and must include cooking facilities. 44 (29) Lodging House - A building where lodging for five (5) or more persons is provided for compensation. (30) Lot or Building Site - Land occupied or to be occupied by a building and its accessory building , and including such open spaces as are required under this Ordinance and having its principal frontage upon a public street or officially approved place. (31) Lot Coverage - The percentage of the total area of a lot occupied by the base (first story or floor) of buildings located on the lot or the area determined as the maximum cross-sectional area of the building. (32) Lot Lines - The lines bounding a lot as defined herein. (33) Lot of Record - A lot which is part of a subdivision, a plat of which has been recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Collin County, or a parcel of land, the deed for which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Collin County prior to the adoption of this Ordinance. (34) Lot Depth - The mean distance between the front and rear lot lines. (35) Lot Width - The width of a lot at the front building lines. (36) Main Building - The building or buildings on a lot which are occupied by the primary use. (37) Manufactured Modular Home — ''Modular home means a structure or building module as defined and is under the jurisdiction and control of the Texas Department of Labor and Standards and it is installed and used as a residence by a consumer, transportable in one or more sections on a temporary chassis or other conveyance device, and designed to be used as a permanent foundation system. The term includes the plumbing, heating, air- conditioning, and electrical systems contained in the structure. The term does not include a mobile home as defined in the Act; nor does it include building modules incorporating concrete or masonry as the primary structural component. (38) Nonconforming Use - A building, structure or use of land lawfully occupied at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance or amendments therto, and which does not conform to the use regulations of the district in which it is situated. 45 (39) Occupancy - The use or intended use of the land or buildings by proprietors , or tenants. (40) Open Space - Area included in any side, rear or front �- yard or any unoccupied space on the lot that is open and unobstructed to the sky except for the ordinary projections of cornices , eaves , porches and plant material . (41) Parking Space - An enclosed or unenclosed concrete or asphalt surfaced area behind front building line of not less than one hundred eighty (180) square feet (measuring approximately 9 feet by 20 feet) not on a public street or alley, together with an all-weather surfaced driveway connecting the area with a street or alley permitting free ingress and egress without encroachment on the street or alley. Any parking adjacent to a public street shall not be classified as off-street parking in computing the public area requirements for any use. (42) Planning and Zoning Commission - The agency appointed by the City Council as an advisory body to it and which is authorized to recommend changes in the zoning. (43) Private Garage - An accessory building housing vehicles owned and used by occupants of the main building; if occupied by vehicles of others,it is a storage space. (44) Residence - Same as dwelling; also when used with district, an area of residential regulations. (45) Rooming House - (See Lodging House) , (46) Sign - An outdoor advertising device that is a structure or that is attached to or painted on a building or that is leaned against a structure for display on premises. (47) Story - The height between the successive floors of a $" building or from the top floor to the roof. The standard height for a story is eleven (11) feet, six (6) inches. (48) Street - Any thoroughfare or public driveway, other than an alley, and more than thirty (30) feet in width, which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use. (49) Steet Line - A dividing line between a lot, tract or parcel of land and a contiguous street, the right-of- way line. (50) Structural Alterations - Any change in the supporting member of a building, such as a bearing wall , column, beams or girders. 46 (51) Structure - (Same as Building) . (52) Thoroughfare - (Same as Street) . (53) Yard - An open space, other than a court, on the lot in which a building is situated and which is not obstructed from a point forty (40) inches above the general ground level of the graded lot to the sky, except as provided for roof overhang and similar special architectural features and plant material . (54) Yard, Front - An open, unoccupied space on a lot facing a street extending across the front of a lot between the side lot lines and from the main building to the front lot or street line with the minimum horizontal distance between the street line and the main building line as specified for the district in which it is located. (55) Yard, Rear - An open, unoccupied space, except for accessory buildings as herein permitted, extending across the rear of a lot from one side lot line to the other side lot line and having a depth between the building and the rear lot line as specified in the district in which the lot is situated. (56) Yard, Side - An open, unoccupied space or spaces on one side or two sides of a main building and on the same lot with the building, situated between the building and a side line of the lot and extending through from the front yard to the rear yard. Any lot line, not the rear line or a front line, shall be deemed a side line. (57) Variance - An adjustment in the application of the specific regulations of the Zoning Ordinance to a particular parcel of property which, because of special conditions or circumstances peculiar to the particular parcel , is necessary to prevent the property from being deprived of rights and privileges enjoyed by other parcels in the same vicinity and zoning district. (58) Zoning District Map - The official certified map upon which the boundaries of the various Zoning Districts are drawn and which is an integral part of the Zoning Ordinance. 47 SECTION 25: PRESERVING RIGHTS IN PENDING LITIGATION AND VIOLATIONS UNDER EXISTING ORDINANCES 24-100 By the passage of this Ordinance, no presently illegal use shall be deemed to have been legalized unless specifically such use falls within a use district where the actual use is a conforming use. Otherwise, such uses shall remain non-conforming uses where recognized, or an illegal use, as the case may be. It is further the intent and declared purpose of this Ordinance that no offense committed, and no liability, penalty or forfeiture, either civil or criminal , incurred prior to the time the existing zoning ordinance was repealed and this zoning ordinance adopted, shall be discharged or affected by such repeal ; but prosecutions and suits for such offenses, liabilities, penalties or forfeitures may be instituted or causes presently pending proceeded with in all respects as if such prior ordinance had not been repealed. SECTION 26: VALIDITY ,.w- 25-100 If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phase or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional , the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provisions thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional . The fact that the present zoning regulations are inadequate to properly safeguard the general public welfare, health, peace and safety, creates an urgency and an emergency, and requires that this Ordinance becomes effective immediately upon its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. APPROVED AS TO FORM PASSED & ENROLLED day of , 1981 Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary, City of Wylie, Texas 48