02-19-2014 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Arts Advisory Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Regular Meeting February 19, 2014— 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 CALL TO ORDER The Public Arts Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman Jim Lenox. Board members present included: Chair, Anne Hiney and board members, DeeAnn Ross, Britt Volker, and Lisa Green. Board members Susan Spurgin, Gaynell Reed, and Lynn Grimes were absent. Staff present included Carole Ehrlich, board liaison. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Discussion regarding a proposed 2014 Spring Jazz & Art Festival (JazzArts Fest). (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison) Executive Summary PAAB members will update further plans for the 2014 Spring Art & Jazz Festival that was presented to council during the budget process for FY 2013-2014 on July 16, 2013. PAAB liaison will report on new research for the event and the board will hear from committees regarding progress of the planning and implementation of the event. These include: Food-Gourmet Trucks —Anne Hiney reported that no food trucks had been set up for the event. She volunteered to contact some businesses that might sponsor gourmet trucks and look at the option of including some fair food as well. She noted that she would report back to the board once contacts had been made. Entertainment— Co-chairs Anne Hiney and Britt Volker reported that there was only one possible spot for entertainment not reserved at this time. Hine y asked staff to insure that all contracts were finalized and the bands were ready for their performances. She noted that a lot of logistics still needed to be completed with regard to the staging and vendor booths and recommended she meet with staff to iron the particulars out. Artists/Artist Organizations/ISD Art Groups — Liaison Ehrlich reported that her office had contacted over 1,000 fine artists and over 50 art organizations to secure booths for the event. To date three art organizations had responded that they would provide 10 artists each and she anticipated another 20 individual artists would be received by the end of March. She requested the deadline for applications be moved from March 1, 2014 to a later date. The board agreed that March 28th would be a more February 19,2014 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Special Board Meeting Minutes E' a g e r 2 reasonable date and requested staff change the application to read with that deadline and resend to fine artists. Children's Activities — Chair Hiney reported that she had secured at least '/z for the sponsorship for the Rad Hatter who would be part of the children's activities but was open to adults as well. The Rad Hatter and his staff would facilitate visitors to create their own top hats from a buffet of fun designs and stickers. The sponsors would receive the same sponsorship package as the event sponsors. In addition, visitors to the booth would receive a sticker attached to each hat, advertising the sponsors business. Ehrlich reported that her staff would contact the caricature artist as well as two face painters to provide services at the event. Sponsorships — Ehrlich gave a list of Wylie Art Partners that would automatically receive advertising on all brochures, news releases and flyers advertising the event. Hiney reported there were quite a few sponsors who still had not yet been contacted. She asked to meet with staff members Ehrlich and Kelly to determine who would contact those businesses for sponsorships. Hiney noted that the event needed to be finalized very soon in regards to sponsors, logistics, budget numbers and bands so the board could move forward with needed plans for the event. Many of the event plans hinge on these final numbers and sponsors which makes this extremely important. • Discussion and update regarding the final art design and contract (Sid Henderson, Artist) for the art project at the remodeled Public Safety Building. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison) Executive Summary PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported the project committee consisting of Chief Randy Corbin, Chief John Duscio, Anne Hiney, Gaynell Reed and Lisa Green met in January to discuss the project with artist Sid Henderson via Skype. Subsequently the artist has provided a sketch as a preliminary design and all members of the committee were acceptable to the design layout. Ehrlich displayed photos taken by PIO Kelly of a firefighter and police officer in the positions noted in the artist's sketch. Ehrlich asked if the board had any comments to provide to the artist before the fabrication of the clay maquette began. Once the artist has completed the clay maquette, the final design and contract to commission the art will be presented to the full board. This is estimated to take place at the March meeting. Any additional detail required to the maquette will need to be finalized prior to preparing it for the foundry to avoid any additional costs and prior to final acceptance of the maquette design. Board members asked if some photos of the back of the officers should be provided to the artist. Ehrlich stated she would check to see if the artist needed additional photos. The board also asked the arm on the firefighter be slightly bent with the ax at an angle rather than completely horizontal. The board commented that they were pleased with all other aspect of the preliminary view of the proposed sculpture. REGULAR ITEMS 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Public Arts Advisory Board minutes from the January 16, 2014 Regular meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison) February 19,2014 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Special Board Meeting Minutes Page 13 Board Action A motion was made by board member Volker, seconded by board member Green to approve the January 16, 2014 Public Art Advisory Board minutes as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Spurgin, Reed and Grimes absent. ADJOURNMENT Board Action A motion was made by board member Volker, seconded by board member Green to adjourn the PAAB meeting at 8:10 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Spurgin, Reed and Grimes absent. Anne Hiney, air Carole Ehrlich, Secritary February 19,2014 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Special Board Meeting Minutes 4