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11-01-2011 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission IPAll CITY OF WYLIE November 1 , 2011 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 1, 2011 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Gilbert Tamez Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Matthew Kirk Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renee 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6023 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from October 18, 2011 Regular Meeting. November 1,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding an Amendment to PD 2003-01, Section 4.06 to modify parking and landscape requirements as it relates to theater development. ZC 2011-07 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding an amendment to Article 5, Section 5.1(I) Wholesale, Distribution & Storage establishing regulations specifying the location of Mini-warehouse (Self-Storage) uses throughout the city. ZC2011-08 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 28th Day of October 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning _Mc Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, October 18, 2011 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:32PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice-Chairman Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Matt Kirk, Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko, with Commissioner David Dahl, and Commissioner Ron Smith being absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen Haskins, Assistant Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Wright gave the invocation and Commissioner Tamez led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 4, 2011, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Kirk, to approve the minutes from October 4, 2011 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 5—0. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing Minutes October 18,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 3 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A/30) to Planned Development Single Family Detached District (PD-SF) to accommodate a proposed single family residential subdivision on an approximate 36 acre tract generally located south of E Brown Street and west of W.A. Allen Boulevard. ZC 2011-06. Mr. Lee stated that the applicant is Jim Douglas with Douglas Properties, Inc. The property was annexed into the City in 1986, and was zoned Agricultura1/30. The request before the Commission is to zone the 36 acre tract Planned Development Single Family Detached District (PD-SF). The property is adjacent to Eastridge Addition to the east, and abuts Brown Street to the north. The western portion extends to another adjacent A/30 zoned tract. The property has native vegetation with various groups of mid-to large trees and has varying degrees of topography, mostly sloping towards Rush Creek. The Comprehensive Plan designates Medium Density Residential, requiring 10,000 square foot lots. The adjacent properties to the east were developed under the 1999 Comprehensive Land Use Plan requiring minimum 8,500 square foot lots. Under the Planned Development Conditions, the applicant is proposing a minimum lot size of 8,500 square feet with minimum house size of 1,800 square feet. The applicant received a recommendation of approval from the Park Board for a public hike and bike trail, open spaces and other recreational amenities that will be incorporated through the proposed neighborhood. Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Jim Douglas, 2309 Avenue K, Suite 100, Plano, Texas gave a short presentation of the proposed development, stating that although the minimum house size is 1,800 square feet, the Planned Conditions propose fifty percent of the houses will be 2,200 square feet or larger. The proposed development will be compatible with the existing homes to the east. There will not be any alleys within the development, and the existing alley for the adjacent subdivision to the east will not be shared with the proposed development. The Parks Department will regulate the scheduling of the pavilion, while the maintenance and repair will be regulated by the Home Owner's Association. The existing trees on the property will be preserved for a hike and bike trail and an open space at the entryway. The trails will be eight feet wide, as opposed to the four feet wide recommended in the Zoning Ordinance. With no one else wishing to speak, Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Kopchenko, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A/30) to Planned Development Single Family Detached District (PD-SF) to accommodate a proposed single family residential subdivision on an approximate 36 acre tract generally located south of E. Brown Street and west of W. A. Allen Boulevard. ZC 2011-06. Motion carried 5—0. WORK SESSION Minutes October 18,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 3 1. Continue discussion regarding Automotive Uses and definitions. Ms. 011ie stated that Staff needs clear understanding of what the Commission desired to amend for Automotive Uses and definitions and where the use is allowed. Chairman Johnston stated that the uses needed to be separated and clearer. Commissioner Kopchenko stated she preferred not allowing major auto repair within the Commercial Corridor District. After a brief discussion with the Commissioners and Staff, the Commissioners were in consensus not to amend the definitions or uses. The consensus was that the current ordinance separates the uses based on minor and major and to trust Staff when the proposed applicant comes in to discuss use or location of an auto repair. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to adjourn the meeting at 7:41PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes October 18,2011 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 3 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning _7471 Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: November 1, 2011 Item Number: Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 09/23/11 Budgeted Amount: $ Location Map, PD2003-01, Exhibit, Concept Plan, Landscape Plan, Elevations, Color Rendering,Notification Exhibits: List/Map and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding an Amendment to PD 2003-01, Section 4.06 to modify parking and landscape requirements as it relates to theater development. ZC 2011-07 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding an Amendment to PD 2003-01, Section 4.06 to modify parking and landscape requirements as it relates to theater development. ZC 2011-07 Discussion Owner: Herzog Development Applicant: B&B theater, Inc. The subject property (Tract C-1) is located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of F.M. 544 and consists of 10.759 acres. The applicant is requesting to amend Section 4.06 Parking Design Requirements of Planned Development 2003-01 to modify the conditions of the PD for the development of a 2,002 seat movie theater(Exhibit"B"). The subject tract was annexed into the City of Wylie in 1995 and is part of the overall Planned Development containing 157.29 acres approved January 14, 2003. The development is a master planned multi-use community consisting of mixed uses including both residential and commercial parcels. This request only modifies the conditions of the 10.759 acres of Tract C-1 of the existing PD and does not alter any other uses or regulations in the approved Conditions of the Planned Development District. Prior to adoption of the 2001 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, all required parking spaces measured 9 feet wide by 20 feet deep. The original conditions of the PD required all parking spaces be 10 feet wide and 20 feet deep for all commercial development. The proposed conditions would allow for 9 feet wide and 18 feet deep parking spaces for a theater within a commercial development. The parking ratio would be 1 space for every 5 theater seats in lieu of the 1 space for every three seats or bench seating spaces plus one per each employee. Parking aisle widths remain the Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 same at 20 feet wide for one-way aisles and 24 feet wide for two-way aisles. Under the current ordinance, 667 parking spaces would be required plus one space for each employee. Based on the proposed amendment, the subject lot 1 would contain 393 parking spaces on site and 27 parking spaces off-site (lot 2 &4), for a total of 420 spaces. In addition to the parking spaces, the applicant is requesting to increase the distance between landscape islands within the parking lot. The ordinance requires all parking rows to have a landscaped island every 12 spaces, in addition to no parking space further than 60 feet from a landscaped area on site. The proposed amendment requests that every parking row requires a landscape island no more than every 25 spaces. The applicant proposes larger planting areas and buffers along the perimeter of the lot including a wider landscaped pedestrian path through the heart of the lot. The development exceeds the required 25 points of Site Design regulations of the PD. The development will met the desirable by orienting the front facade to the street (10 pts); combining access points with adjacent tracts (20 pts); direct connection between the buildings and street by providing an enhanced landscape walkway (10 pts), for a total of 40 points. The PD requires a minimum of 25 points for Landscape Design. The development also exceeds this requirement. Points will be achieved by exceeding the minimum landscaping of parking lots in excess of 50 s.f. per space (14 pts); creating a landscaped pedestrian connection to the main entrance (20 pts); and increase in width of the public walkway from 4' to 5 feet(5 pts), for a total of 39 points. CONSIDERATIONS: The theory to reduced parking can be summarized as Managed Parking. For example, 100 employees can typically share 60 — 80 spaces because not all employees arrive at the same time. Therefore, managed parking as opposed to assigned individual parking eliminates over parking and excessive concrete. Typically the practice of parking ratios for entertainment type uses is based on peak demand periods, which usually cover the periods of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Other times during the year do not see such high parking demands. The table below is an excerpt from a Shared Parking study performed by Victoria Transport Policy Institute utilizing the Transportation Management Programs (TDM). Table 3 Parkin• Occupanc Rates Uses M-F M-F M-F Sat. & Sat. & Sat. & Sun. Sun. Sun. 8am-5pm 6pm-12am 12am-6am 8am-5pm 6pm-12am 12am-6am Residential 60% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% Office/Warehouse 100% 20% 5% 5% 5% 5% /Industrial Commercial 90% 80% 5% 100% 70% 5% Hotel 70% 100% 100% 70% 100% 100% Restaurant 70% 100% 10% 70% 100% 20% Movie Theater 40% 80% 10% 80% 100% 10% Entertainment 40% 100% 10% 80% 100% 50% Conference/Convention 100% 100% 5% 100% 100% 5% Institutional(non- 100% 20% 5% 10% 10% 5% church) Institutional(church) 10% 5% 5% 100% 50% 5% This table defines the percent of the basic minimum needed during each time period for shared parking. (M-F= Monday to Friday) Page 3 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the proposed site plan there is continuous parking without a landscape island at a maximum of 22 spaces, with the typical being no more than 19 spaces. Staff request that the conditions be modified to allow a maximum spacing of 15. This requirement would be specifically on interior parking areas. For those stalls that are along the perimeter and/or immediately adjacent to a landscape buffer,the 25 spacing is acceptable. The islands are not just for landscaping purposes,but also for safety as they reduce the number of vehicles `cutting across' the parking lot. Also, if the landscape islands are required at a maximum of every 15 spaces, then the base standard of no parking space being further than 60' from a landscape island is met. Additionally, staff recommends maintaining the 10x20 parking spaces that would better accommodate the larger vehicles that are prevalent in Texas and especially in semi-rural 3rd tier suburbs. Notification/Responses: Seventeen (17) notifications were mailed, with two written response returned favoring the request and none opposing the request at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 10/26/11 City Manager Exhibit"A" Legal Description Zone Case#2011-07 BEING a tract of land out of the I & G.N. Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 1061 and the L.K. Pegues Survey,Abstract No. 703, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being part of the 17.928 acre tract of land described in deed to Woodbridge North I, Ltd., recorded in Volume 5579, Page 1118 of the Land Records of Collin County,Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8-iron rod with "KHA" cap found in the east line of Lot 10,Block A of HOOPER BUSINESS PARK, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas,according to the plat recorded in Cabinet H, Slide 52 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of said lot bears South 00°08'14" East, a distance 3.78 feet; THENCE with the east line of Lots 9,& 10 of said Block A,North 00°08'14" West, a distance of 1,186.81 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the common west corner of said called 13.317 and called 17.928 acre tracts; THENCE leaving the east line of Lots 9,& 10 of said Block A, South 89°32'00" East, a distance of 849.89 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for a corner on the curving west right-of-way line of Country Club Boulevard(variable width ROW) and being the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 844.50 feet, a central angle of 36°24'19", a chord bearing and distance of South 32°48'52" West, 527.61 feet; THENCE with the west right-of-way line of Country Club Boulevard(variable width ROW),the following courses and distances to wit: Southwesterly,with said curve, an arc distance of 296.88 feet to a 5/8-iron rod with "KHA" cap found for the end of said curve; South 51°00'31" West, a distance of 720.16 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found for the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 875.50 feet, a central angle of 01°03'06", a chord bearing and distance of South 50°28'58" West, 16.07 feet; Southerly,with said curve to the left, an arc length of 16.07 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 10.759 acres or 468,636 square feet of land. Inn I INI1111 ff II I 12=1�- =F a ,. �_ I _ J 6 Subject �". /fir1 ..mom, ����- .,..1/ /1\ii R „� Property romarn: J - r ��!ua 1111n111M11►44 tipsta 111o►° 111111/11 1 rm saa _' dway __ 1 ! 11 I I I _�FM s°° I ! I I ! 1 -----w 1 , 1 I ! [1r i I i ! ! G 1 _! Su'NnW „■ , Steel rd 1 IJ; i , . : .., ! i / ia� 1 a ,--------, 4 eye ! 01 bi �,, / I , y ,,, a I I 11111 � V I PaN .vq Gy I _ _ I 1 lu III Bens la. i II II / i—i I I I Ili I 1 II ! I 1 i LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2011 -07 Amendment To Exhibit"B" PLANNED DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (Zoning Case 2011-07) 4.06 Parking Design Requirements:The parking design requirements for commercial development after the date of the Amendment to Exhibit"B"of Ordinance No. 2003-01 are subject to the following: A. The parking for commercial development shall be designed in accordance with the following: (i) A parking space shall be 10 feet wide and 20 feet deep for 90 degree parking. A parking space for angled parking shall be in accordance with the dimensions shown on Illustrative Plan Parking Layout attached hereto as Exhibit"B-2". (ii) A one-way aisle shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. (iii) A two-way aisle shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide. B. The parking for a theater within a commercial development shall be designed in accordance with the following: (i) A parking space shall be 9 feet wide and 18 feet deep for 90 degree parking. A parking space for angled parking shall be in accordance with the dimensions shown on Illustrative Plan Parking Layout attached hereto as Exhibit"B-2". (ii) A one-way aisle shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. (iii) A two-way aisle shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide. (iv) The parking ratio shall be 1 space for every 5 theater seats. (v) The intermediate parking landscape islands shall be located at a maximum of 25 spaces. S I CD m a0 1 1 Pt I i. NORTH 0 1 << € \/ FUTURE CONNECTION I I Y I TO ADJACENT PROPERTY 1 I v 1 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET o ® I S2j \ i// /l f1� 10.3 / 0 30 60 120 Y I \ o I 3/ '" IRF 5)/8"' IRSC __ ' / I\ ui / z o \ �"I S892 OtT'E 849�i� — — — — — — — / I h ,/ o 0 3/8 1RF \/ \ / / � 1 � � ' •• 10' SETBACK o a � � / 1 1 �v // w 1 U I S26 Q w , / I /I I: - // p •¢ 24.0' \ — ` a • I • / / I h\ // P1+CiRc R.41LRnao m • 0 1 / I : 0 . / I / 544 1 FIRE LANE cir ! AND • LOT 3 / d �� LOT 4 / m ACCESS 05- 2.09 ACRES / ti°' 5 • _ 1.56 ACRES / / I I / / :' Iri • ESMT. N. k 0 / \ I / o L / / \ F�� P G��` M / / >- STEEL / .� _ _�. \ • • w `,., / - - _ � Y — _ Y / � � Sw �• / SITECL UC. Y 0 • / Z 4- 6 z / � I •i _ w / I o / o ❑ '�S� PROPOSED 4.0' \ I .� 1L / Q- /. ammo in ' w CONC.WALK .Q2 c„ c�'Rw1 Vi / / Q o��. W I N Wtar N-/ P2� • LI • 1•. . • (PP 6, a.a;. LL. .a .- bo V / / / 4G, /• °a. 0 A' x c0 I ly s /,Il �8-0' \ \ ••18.0' 25 l 9.0' ��I" �I ---4 --- — y \ / / de / o P.• TYP. TYP. _ o a 1 • • / / / I / O •o r c a rn t PROPOSED4.0' ---I I \� — a \ 9.0' / / .i r / �Q/� a a CONC.WALK I O - / / O �O C9 ° �� ®• o d TYP •� l/ / WNE CirY LIMIT o •, ' RE 19 12 \--yl ,J 2a //// �� lii `I.:• / - PROPOSED I • '�. _.. 9.0' - - - - o . \ ///// �\ rl I °� // SACHSE citt uMiT toao� W Q Q X° I TYP. 19 12 + // ,i / // a 5 w oZ c LOADING! I �' / I / u) p r 2° UNLOADING d • f- - I i E Z.o AREA \ I _ —PROPOSED4.0' — q a . _ � / •� �.C�e t w 1.O LLt w N \ CONC.WALK N „ I :1111A11:0/‘ps// A / Y `U O > - o t PROPOSED . — - - .. a l�s 7 %v / ° / / VICINITY MAP = oo•S' REFUSE \ LOT 1 O 12 `✓ 7 • 4c / \ / N.T.S. W i.., JJhg HLOCATION 5.34 ACRES / / a 1 uI ' \ 524- PROPOSED /� / / Y CE N/ / wJ WYLIE CINEMA}I2 F 1712 9 0— / / / ? G���999 0 0\ 1 : 2 ° TYPE = oEC _ // TYP. / �� / ( // d=36'24'19" SITE DATA TABLE " Yz Qo RRE LAN N F� ` 9.0' i ' /I / ' t • <. — - - — �— R=844.50" LOT 1: II © Q =o Iw- 57,787 SF ^�? '� o /./ /S� � o 1 L=536.59' a 0_ Z I I \ 2,002 SEATS I 18 N /• eQeoP� o��= J/ CB=S32°48'22"W EXISTING LAND USE UNDEVELOPED o F I s.o' O o} / r / ,���5 ,' / CL=52 7.61' PROPOSED USE THEATRE U riN' o s` ZONED PD 2003-01 / / i O 1E I I • N - ` N H i Rio• / /, �o--k kt / ti o Q LANDSCAPE REQUIRED(10%) 23,275 SF 1 o I rCN I • : 10 ` PROPOSED 12' — ' FIRE _ °D ��` 19 /r r �P i/ , Q Q`�� JI / J LANDSCAPE PROVIDED 31,827 SF CO ° 1 l� I DROP-OFF LANE — _ ._. / // / FG / ��� i. i p O P • N ° i 1 rn s�2 PROPOSED a.o' �/� L / / i j/ l' ��' <� / 0s1E� Q �� / ,1 m IMPERVIOUS AREA 200,924 SF 8.0'. •18.o' / / P , / O TOTAL LOT AREA 232,751 SF m I f , \ CONC.WALK b...: ri 9.0' / / O I P.. ITYP. PROPOSED4.0'\ f -y �P /C / / O t d I 1j / U BUILDING! 2J �EL E I qYL15y</ j /• jQ o\, ° �Q`, /,//// ��I TOTAL : :zr OOT` z �ry co TOTAL 57,787 SF U q I \o ❑ H D i 0NIlI w ¢� � P — \ .uY � / y ,/ f\\`a // // BUILDING COVERAGE 19.77% v m a • • • \ LL a 1 \/ ../ 7/ 9` o 7 o I I o >- / / PQQOQ� °r� ` / / // .: BUILDING HEIGHT MAXIMUM 50' o a a.) N \I co F 18 rib \ O Py �`� /�� / / / I U 0 0 0 IY c 0 r - I _ v O . — / • ., '1 4-� / / / / PARKING: w o a = Q / — / / 1 \. \ I_ / / � , y�o� /// / ', PARKING REQUIRED : Q n 'm m' 0 0 / `\ // - \ — N ` / / / / QOQO �/ / / °s /// / (i PER 5 SEATS-2.002 SEATS TOTAL) 401 a 0 \ a o m o CO \\ \_ — — — — ` 21 / // // Q• / / • • HANDICAP REQUIRED 9 Y o O a -n a 2 o 5 � � / / / �/7� / �o Y \ / // , ooi o o a \ \ —a: c _ — // \ /// / PARKING PROVIDED(ONSITE) 384 3 / \\ \\ /j / // J °�° /// // PARKING PROVIDED(SHARED) 27 \ \ \ // / / • / / j ° \ 1 /// \ ,- / / .- \ \ \ ` a / /i/ 1� \ • /, HANDICAP PROVIDED 9 \ \ m LOT 2 / 0• _$' // TOTAL PROVIDED 420 Z o \ \ F 1.76 ACRES / / / / Z \o i / // m o / ': ..: rn = I I \ / //' / 5h / // /i _ NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB v \\ I \ • /j/ // // ,/// UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5 \ \ I \ \ / j / /// ° / / /% 2. ALL RADII ARE 2' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ON 7 _0 c 7 'N v K7 // z L N 1 \ �1` / /� / ( / / /j 3. HANDICAP PARKING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN 1 1 1 ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE A.D.A. AND 0 T ° N. I \ ///j/ / / E , // T.A.S. STANDARDS. o \ I \ //// / o� c \ cP\ GUARD RAIL/// ,QS /4/p' I b- ° \\ \\ i �,\//��/ \RAG , \ °�° / / // //// / / 0\ scvs / R=875.50 z � �6go _ \ e � �" 1/2" 1RQ• ; / r L=16.07 JpO .\.\ ' � / / �.m 2 / h46G\ I ,r / RFC� / /% � I I— x \ � CL=16.07' �oO� Q Na / G ID \ I / / �/ \ // % CONCEPT PLAN / .\ 1 / // / TWO) \ \\ / / \ / Co / // \ / � / WOODBRIDGENORTH 1, � LOT 1 : 5.34 ACRESN0 \ \ \r 1 / / / / / VOL. 5579, PG. 001118° \ /, — — ° \ \\ \\ /, \ \ 0 D.R.C.C.T. L . K . PEGU ES SU RVEY ABSTRACT NO. 7032 — cc / ° ,N \ \ \` / \ \\ \ I / ' / / CITY OF WYLIE Lij o VF N OHEOHE y n OHE OHE OHE HE w COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS Z o W, /TEI —7±* // \ // — 0 /o ---- - /K � �r / / 1/2'IRF wa / / / op I 1/2„/} P . / / W d m in ° //\ / / / JW / / / v / /3 ' I / / �— co/ . / / El \ / / ›- / - -- - - - - - di 2 ASEMENT I I / I / / , - - - �/ / - _ _ _ -// / \ _ _ - - - - - - - PG. 129 I I // ACCESS & I UTIL. /'SMT Or / // _ _ _ _ m o ;. T. I II// CF# 200706p 5L0759ej�� / /i/ / \\ 1 a) v a R.P�?. P. C. T. / / / \ SHEET NUMBER L / / EXBT aH \� I / / / E m • // / / 1 w Q cn FF ELEV.=526.49t Q N N PACIFIC RAILROAD <0 /k 0 I. NORTH 544 immi >, STEEL U 10. 75 ACRES zI �,,, (TRACT 2) / i ° SITE °J >, o AN. SEW. ESMT HERZOG HOLDI , INC. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET •0` •0605000759070 INST NO. 20110721000760100 % 0 20 40 80 # - / / J z 0 . •R.P: C.C. T. P.R.C.C. T. S26 O / I I = cc\ w (411' \. A [000_o_o:oe7 / 000eoeeoeee:eee00000:oo� f ✓ mows ` r7/..10O�O�O�mv ROOOOOO[ ii\IV p°oo ° ,oI ' rcaxr..l�o01\ SACHSE WYLIE CITY LIMIT CITY LIMIT of Oil 41 .1. a) po ° K V un, °o r;°o I oY �°o°i\ cv0`!no, s h VICINITY MAP /�• o ao po \\l, 2S I / / `/ c C°o qo\"\\ CO0 C N T / 0 CO^ Allr/ // 1.% LA \ DSCA —) I-- TAB ,....JLATO \ S , ..—, ui• , "110000 O0„,.., -gy.....,...,„„... i p o, LOT 1 n ro 4•, L 5. 34 ACRES vywei / O .0 z ci < N O .. .. „. „ � CITY OF WYLIE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS0 N g Q PROPOSED WYLIE - — � �- o� ; PD2003-01 I �/) o o : �11 II■ CINEMA 12 - ��,. .� _Alb' �. I��, -� :. !?a0000 �- ��ilml `� �.�. ��—� P����1 ���1������� ®�A���� v�, �- TOTAL SITE AREA SQ. FT. : 232,751 5.34 ACRES o X a A •' �524 �/ `� 1 r' j�;o� 49. /� 4011100.' TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA (SQ. FT.): 200,924 SF Q - L` i_ o �►�, G _di o;rp ti p () O ototo �,, liA ` Jl o° cn MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIREMENT: .— C z LijO w o °p "�° ,/p.o° 10% OF GROSS LAND AREA FOR COMMERCIAL (CC) PROPERTIES WITH A BUILDING FOOTPRINT (� a ? — o �' TOTALING MORE THAN 40,000 SQ. FT. z o I '-.: 57, 787 SF O 0 1 -( �� REQ. PROV. o 4. kot 2, 002 SEATS 52''/ / `� \� _ < N 3 o 0 *4 � �MI • Pr � p°°�� `���� MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AREA SQ. FT. w a' e s 611141w Ailk ��►D DMA 000�o ��9 13 Oj (232,751 x .10) = 23,275 31,827LLiA ` r 0 3 ! , \, (P) ,'.off►+ \� ��� A MINIMUM OF 50 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA MUST BE PROVIDED FOR EACH PARKING SPACE. o • TRACT 7 _ , ;� . W� ( , 1O TOTAL PARKING SPACES: 420 SPACES O �� — ,/ 0 �� 1� REQ. PROV. o . 756 ACRES a 23 � �40/0�� • �� F ��� (420 x 50) = 21,000 SF 31,827 SF LA N 468, 6 SQ.FT j ®ti� �� �/ IN ADDITION TO THE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS LISTED ABOVE, A MINIMUM OF 25 LANDSCAPE E o,p O 4) POINTS MUST BE ATTAINED BY PROVIDING SITE AMENITIES. n o "8-1,(1:`. pOOC�° o °�:o"�°° (. �, � l� � 20 TOTAL POINTS MAY BE OBTAINED BY PROVIDING A CENTRAL CONNECTION TO THE BUILDING o 0 . :\ ®.�� CG �c WITH LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENTS. pa Lo�aoacaa�r l(/ POSSIBLE PROV. p ' a0 0� - '' ,,0�// � �� �� �`� / FOR REVIEW ONLY :::.; :; oo ®®, /�/ 20 POINTS 20 POINTS Not for constructiI on or permit purposes. 41) werHorn o ,< ' oo► �I ®®�CIA 0'9'.�epo°o°� / �D� 5 POINTS WILL BE PROVIDED PER EACH ADDITIONAL 10 SF PER PARKING SPACE OVER THE =PII=! end Assodeles,Inc. Q o:;Ai „�r„Tp p000000000p000^00000� , -i1-. ' p0 00° ` \� Cj c MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AREA. MAXIMUM 25 POINTS. R.L.A. JOHN A. FIELDER op ,Aa �� �_..e ¢ 0000ea0000...aoo^ o e e / v \/� PG ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPE AREA: 11,163 SF LA. No 2344 Date OCTOBER 2011 ® ;°o°o�',�ii !prank***P, \\\� .\Ars �\ \\\\\_ I AL. poi°°Qop o .,�::oo ►; ��� ��� ����� �� �p� LIUPOP 71+ \ �� � 0�. (10,827 420 10) x 5 PTS = 12 POINTS 12 POINTS iilla000eeo0000000000000000 CO TO \ \Q J� E a • 4.•►�dTa�drarbTa�a�ars aTbr r r r TOTAL P01NTS REQUIRED 25 P01NTS � "�� �+ _ V V' J0�' TOTAL POINTS PROVIDED: 32 POINTS Q QCC Of . 0 � o 410117 ``QO0 // Q t� Q CO m ° j: liti•-. ot(0/4v, , � O Q (n Q W BEY � oo . '11110-1": „- (5-)o TREES / 4" Cal. Min. Cont. Grown-65 Gal. 1111 20 QV Quercus virginiana Live Oak 12'— 15' Height, 6'-8' Spread ' / I Specimen *SEE NOTE � 1 o 4" Cal. Min. Cont. Grown-65 Gal. O, Q 21 UP Ulmus parviflora Lacebark Elm 12'-15' Height, 6'-8' Spread cn o Specimen *SEE NOTE 11 4jti 3" Trunk Min. 30 Gal. Cont. Grown / n 25 LI Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle 1" Cal. Per Trunk, 4-5 Canes C`' � / \ 'Muskogee' 8' Height, 5' Spread, Specimen a -4 z o \� 3" Trunk Min. 30 Gal. Cont. Grown �../ \\/ O 4 IV Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Holly 1" Cal. Per Trunk, 4-5 Canes COcn �� ��� 8' Height, 5' Spread, Specimen V of �. A �0 -' q SHRUBS g ^52 0c l 0\ �� 7 Gal. Min, 30" Min ht at planting '' \ O 0 99 INS Ilex x 'Nellie R. Stevens' Nellie R. Stevens Holly 15 Gal., 48" Min ht where noted a OC\ ��/ �� , ��� 42" Spacing, full to ground, matching i c ��C C,10 5 Gal. Minimum co ��. j 59 LF Leucophyilum frutescens Texas Sage 18" Minimum height at planting 36" Spacing, full to ground, matching 0 0' ^p� , l 0 5 Gal. Minimum e 68 AG Abelia x grandiflora Kaleidoscope Abelia 18" Minimum height at planting / r_\A� 'Kaleidoscope' 36" Spacing, full to ground, matching � �� � IN n 5 Gal. Minimum c / li 0 467 RI Raphiolepis indica Indian Hawthorne 18"-24" Minimum height at planting E ��� OF QG. 36" Spacing, full to ground, matching i '( r m / P • O , r V' 5 Gal. Minimum OO .. c,* �� �\G <� G' 0 14 HS Rosa x 'Knockout' Knockout Rose 18" Minimum height at planting cJl Spaced per plan, matching x ° N 5 Gal. Minimum ,% 0 20 PA Pennisetum alopecuroides Dwarf Fountain Grass 18" Minimum height at planting �' Spaced per plan, matching m < W o o GROUNDCOVER/VINES a) 2 r2 i: ;/�y� 6" Minimum pot O I- a yVA\� 1,680 LM Liriope muscari Liriope 18" spacing m Big Blue' Provide full coverage within 1 year. Ill c Solid SodZ w 2,275 SY LAWN Cynodon dactylon Common Bermuda f 2 o U a rn w o a) w m 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN J 06 3 �- m LOT 1. 5.34 ACRES w a L. K. PEGUES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 703 CITY OF WYLIE 0 o COLLIN COUNTY, O TEXAS SHEET NUMBER 1_ L-1 t ( fr _ ,,,�1 `� i -� r Iti l #) 0.1 - . ' : 111 {EI:n - 4A -� _ • . —\ — L inr e L �� v - A. i. r %�.�\ I 1 1 1_,:t1' i/ , , -... _____....._ f i t :114. , ,i, --- o=s4 0===1 1r--\\'\, , _ 1 I �1I-,�11 : III 1 -- 1= fan 4%=e. • i bi f./ • - tkoi- EN ," N , - - , r:77': ' .... , , , _ _ 1 Idin aril __ - , I II __ _ ___ ... „,:, ii.,../ I , - ) o- ,, c ____ i .„,, _, f' itar ' , _._ ____ _ ____ g- _6-,:.• -.......__L. --, -:-.- ' e - <t."1 4111-!1111.11111111111.1- A".. 11'.- ° '.;*9 'e.° FIN: - 1_00-.4 I.. ft.- : ..a *.!?, . tm, _ X:. O u, w cn CI- Et WI- OEtw w EL L� 1 East Elevation �Z J p Z_ o SCALE:3/32"=1'-0" 0 Ca En Ea 03ZZU' iLic= a >n v o _ w1g z < WAD a i T 1 r . 4 - - I _ T z �- QJ _� o Q 17{ LI D--rq� 9_ 4 r 5� �4 d "I C":24s:rbj--1015-7r ly , --a -4, 1---/ 11..- il k. IT_ • r. -- ..\:"Wz------\\Th, -( 4 1:1 9.. , i a 1/ 0,("....„.../:„. .\stv,/ 1 Fr_._____ 1 .r a ci_________„Q[ p t_.--13 L.---) i ea n i, (----,,\ i I ,......._L r�� ; , 1-":4- Z l ,� i- I fl' Q p , , ,. o„,,,,„, j yr �7 - fi 0 - , 0 '-- '4- •• _.. '....1._a .2,:$1.,.. ...- ' ll Air ',VCP ® LLI a) Ti O N J North Elevation 3 South Elevation W 2 SCALE 1/16" 0" SCALE:1/16"=1'-0" 0 U) m w U - ~ r wN �' J = .0 X a WI-- CD 0 rilliHiLitr OR Su. iiiiiiiii. jr____......., milk' mop .1 -amt.- LLI CO CL Qm o w U.IU / * I{ 1 T I.------) 105 W Kansas rY �q T "' t - Liberty Missouri 64068 U ,______________ __________......,_, -12 l! r :::::91 111111\ ill, I. _, I tell 4 1 _ 1 , I) ... I . 6 sit- II 1 A� :,a� Le r ter.,. Rtip ■ N,1141,A , s °1110/ Ili is ,01 PAINT AND EIFS FINISHES SIMILAR TO: Fi DRYVIT 375A SPICE TAN z s DRYVIT 113 AMARILLO WHITE E o a ° w 4 West Elevation X w SCALE:3/32"=1'-0" DRYVIT 112 SANDALWOOD BEIGE Ca 117r LL, / z Q DRYVIT 547 NIGHT SEA W w DRYVIT 536 BLUE GREEN a o I & ew J pait+glr, ar000cIJo-Woay. osnelotonv P.O.BOX 129.2101 WEST KANSAS•LIBERTY, MISSOURI 64069 PHONE(816)407-7469•FAX(816)407-9805 Proposed Zoning Change Request for Parking Lot and Landscape Requirements, Wylie Cinema 12, Wylie Texas Parking space ratio: The current parking ordinance in Wylie Texas requires that any new movie theatre building should have enough off street parking to satisfy a parking ratio of 3 seats to 1 space. The proposed 12-screen theatre will have 2002 seats (including handicap area seating) and under the current ordinance, the required number of off street parking spaces would be 667. We are requesting that the Ordinance No. PD 2003-01 be amended to allow for a parking space to seat ratio of 5 seats to 1 space. The included parking lot design has 420 parking spaces on the theatre lot and shared lot; exceeding the requested 5:1 ratio. We believe that the current ordinance is based on outdated assumptions of movie theatre attendance patterns. We believe the current ordinance reflects markets that do not have a multi-screen theatre within their jurisdictions. The current ratio was developed in the 1970's and early 1980's as operators began building theatres with multiple screens. Early multi-screen theaters were 2 or 3 screens with movies showings at equal start times. As the industry evolved over the next 30 years show time staggering was implemented for better traffic flow and theater chains added many screens offering a variety of movies with progressively decreasing audience sizes. The staggered show times and expanded movie selections have continued to decrease peak demand on parking lot capacity. Additionally it has been discovered that the youth audience has increased the pick up and drop off traffic while decreasing parking demand. While the proposed Wylie 12 can seat 2002, it is impractical to expect to ever reach full occupancy. We have included with this letter several documents breaking down actual attendance of two 8- screen movie theatres currently in operation. The drawing area for the Cowley Cinema 8 and the Claremore Cinema 8 will be smaller than a theatre in Wylie Texas but the flow and demand on the facility will be similar. The Daily Gross pages from 2007 are included for the busiest week of the year as well as a week during the school year. These pages illustrate attendance trends throughout the year. Also included in the packet is a break down of these weeks by showtime as well as summary page. Our research and experience tells us that at its busiest time, the Wylie 12 will rarely be more than half full. The proposed site location for this theater project offers another unique opportunity in that historically the slowest time for theater traffic is during school session activities. We believe that the theater parking lot could be used for overflow parking from the adjacent football stadium and if the theater parking ever reached capacity in the summer weekends or at Winter break, the adjacent school parking lot could serve the same function. Please keep in mind that we don't ever expect the theater lot to reach capacity, even at the busiest time. Intermediate Parking Landscape Island Spacing: The current ordinance in Wylie Texas requires that parking fields in retail developments have an intermediate parking landscape island located at a maximum of 12 spaces. We are requesting for maximum spacing be amended to 25 spaces. Given the substantial size of the proposed parking field, we believe that the 12 space requirement will create too many islands in the field which are harder to maintain adequate landscape and keep protected from pedestrian foot traffic. Because of their size and location they catch more abuse than any other part of the parking lot; customers drive up and over them, they are beat up in the parking lot cleaning process, and usually in need of repair and replacement sooner than any other part of the lot. We believe that the proposed solution in our plan offers larger planting areas and buffers at the perimeter of the lot as well as a wider landscaped pedestrian path through the heart of the lot. The lot has also been broken and wrapped around the facility to minimize the field impact. We prefer to place larger landscape end caps with an area that will allow the landscaping to grow and thrive in a larger area than to be limited to only a 50-sq. ft. island every 12 spaces. In order to show our commitment to the landscaping requirement, our current layout provides an extra 34% above the required 23,254 Square Feet of landscape area required per the PD. 9 Foot Wide by 18 Foot Deep Parking Spaces For 90 Degree Parking: The current Wylie ordinance requires that spaces for 90 Degree parking be 10 foot wide by 20 foot deep and we are requesting that spaces in the theatre development be allowed at 9 foot wide by 18 foot deep. It has been our experience that 9' by 18' spaces are adequate and do not impede traffic flow or create a safety concern. In order to minimize the amount of concrete and reduce the heat island effect, we feel it is beneficial to reduce the parking space requirement and move that area that we are saving from the concrete into the landscape islands. This will reduce the feel of a large sea of parking, and provide the required parking spaces for this development. Thank you for taking the time to review the material and I hope it has made sense. I look forward to discussing the variance request with you on November 1st. Sincerely rf Dennis McIntire Director of Strategic Planning B & B Theatres Attendance Breakdown and Summary The accompanying pages of this section include a breakdown by the week for 2007 attendance for the Cowley Cinema 8 and the Claremore Cinema 8. These breakdowns show the total weekly attendance for each town. A weekly breakdown is helpful but does not account for peak times. We chose two weeks to break down attendance trends even farther. We chose the busiest week of the year, which in both theatres was the last week of the 2007 (12-21 to 12-27). Since this represented a time when school was not in session we also pulled a week when school was in session (3-23 to 3-29) since attendance patterns can be different then. We pulled the data from each theatre's Daily Gross pages (all of these are included in the last section of this package) and the data was tabulated into the Attendance Breakdown page for each week. As would be expected, the weekend is a peak time for a theatre but the percentage of people attending on the weekend is lower(in relation to the entire weeks attendance) when school is not in session. When school is in session the attendance tends to bunch in the weekend showtimes. Claremore Cinema 8 2007 Attendance January Paid Pass Total July I Paid Pass Total Week 1 4,884 170 5,054 Week 1 6,143 148 6,291 Week 2 2,127 107 2,234 Week 2 6,086 167 6,253 Week 3 1,220 89 1,309 _ Week 3 4,799 119 4,918 1 Week 4 1,723 100 _ 1,823 Week 4 4,145 120 4,265 Week 5 r 0 Week 5 __M 0 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 9,954 466 - 10,420 TOTAL 21,173 554 21,727 , February Paid ' Pass Total August Paid Pass Total Week 1 1,818 60 1,878 _ Week 1 4,177 144 4,321 Week 2 1,791 49 1,840 Week 2 4,085 104 4,189 Week 3 1,980 75 2,055 Wool(3 3,201 04 _ 3,386 Week 4 3,361 106 3,467 Week 4 _ 2,106 65 2,171 _ Week 5 0 Week 5 _ 0 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 8,950 290 9,240 TOTAL 13,659 407 14,066 March Paid Pass Total September Paid Pass Total Week 1 2,832 72 2,904 Week 1 1,606 82 1,688 Week 2 3,166 83 3,249 Week 2 2,324 -_80 2,404 Week 3 3,455 110 3,565 Week 3 1,637 61 1,698 Week 4 4,010 150 4,160 Week 4 1,313 61 1,374 O Mrng • ^ . .: n 'c •-,- K .;:fit ' Week 5 1,758 64 1,822 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 16,969 496 17,465 TOTAL 8,638 348 8,986 April Paid Pass Total October Paid Pass Total Week 1 3,402 91 3,493 Week 1 1,334 63 1,397 Week 2 2,788 96 2,884 Week 2 1,345 77 1,422 Week 3 2,838 81 2,919 Week 3 1,427 70 1,497 Week 4 1,697 89 1,786 Week 4 1,269 47 1,316 Week 5 0 Week 5 0 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 10,725 357 11,082 TOTAL 5,375 257 5,632 May Paid Pass Total November , Paid Pass Total Week 1 1,887 103 1,990 Week 1 1,709 61 1,770 Week 2 3,916 65 3,981 Week 2 1,842 85 1,927 Week 3 T�M 2,425 63 _ 2,488 Week 3 1,858 87 1,945 Week 4 4,216 87 4,303 Week 4 3,103 78 3,181 Week 5 0 Week 5 0 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 12,444 318 12,762 TOTAL 8,512 311 8,823 June Paid Pass Total December Paid =Ma Total Week 1 6,243 131 6,374 =OM 2,718 77 2,795 Week 2 3,707 166 3,873 =AM 1,706 83 1,789 Week 3 3,474 158 3,632 ►( 'c 2,270 104 2,374 Week 4 3,721 93 3,814 Week 4 4,610 108 4,718 Week 5 4,439 137 4,576 Weeek'5 _i r' 6,518,:;:;I';r1.28: ,; .6,646 -. 0 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 21,584 685 22,269 TOTAL 17,822 500 18,322 Cowley Cinema 8 2007 Attendance January Paid Pass Total July Paid Pass Total Week 1 3,264 126 3,390 Week 1 _ 4,023 139 4,162 Week 2 1,785 92 1,877 Week 2 3,499 199 3,698 Week 3 967 54 1,021 Week 3 2,882 124 3,006 Week 4 823 68 891 Week 4 _ 2,785 156 2,941 Week 5 0 Week 5 0 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 6,839 340 7,179 i TOTAL 13,189 618 13,807 February Paid Pass Total August Paid Pass Total Week 1 1,196 ' 140 _ 1,336 'Week 1 2,430 156 2,586 Week 2 1,074 53 1,127 Week 2 2,167 117 2,284 Week 3 1,389 82 T� 1,471 Week 3 2,241 79 2,320 Week 4 2,415 _104 2,519 Week 4 2,146 66 2,212 Week 5 _� 0 Week 5 0 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 6,074 379 6,453 TOTAL 8,984 418 9,402 March Paid Pass .j Total September Paid Pass Total Week 1 2,050 72 2,122 Week 1 927 55 982 Week 2 2,043 87 2,130 Week 2 1,197 85 1,282 Week 3 2,802 133 - 2,935 Week 3 853 60 913 OWeek 4 2,275 152 2,427 Week 4 685 27 712 kc 1 1 4,- fps. ( . eta! Week 5 1,010 54 1,064 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 11,368 507 11,875 TOTAL 4,672 281 4,953 April Paid Pass Total October Paid Pass Total Week 1 1,930 114 2,044 Week 1 1,049 32 1,081 Week 2 1,823 86 1,909 Week 2 799 86 885 Week 3 1,779 85 1,864 Week 3 795 54 849 Week 4 1,042 60 1,102 Week 4 633 29 662 Week 5 _ 0 Week 5 0 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 6,574 345 6,919 TOTAL 3,276 201 3,477 Paid Pass Total November Paid Pass Total Week 1 921 74 995 Week 1 796 40 836 _ Week 2 2,237 87 2,324 Week 2 1,536 52 1,588 Week 3 1,597 63 1,660 Week 3 1,650 69 - 1,719 Week 4 2,995 _ 22 3,017 Week 4 1,798 93 1,891 Week 5 _ 0 Week 5 0 Week 6 0 Week 6 0 . TOTAL 7,750 246 7,996 TOTAL 5,780 254 6,034 June Paid Pass Total December Paid Pass Total Week 1 4,160 139 4,299 � _ = 1,645 98 1,743 _. Week 2 2,061 116 2,177 Week 2 1,051 75 1,126 Week 3 1,866 106 1,972 Week 3 734 71 _ 805 Week 4 2,350 94 2,444 Week 4 2,587 91 2,678 Week 5 2,393 114 2,507 Weeks_ 7'n Mr4,397"‘'It-'162 4;559:_,I O Week 6 0 Week 6 0 TOTAL 12,830 569 13,399 TOTAL 10,414 497 10,911 Claremore Cinema 8 and Cowley Cinema 8 2007 Attendance Breakdown ` . . ... Claremore Cinema 8 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday IT231Q7' f2'4/0 312 .°7 e-r:.3/26/ _;,;4....��l0 f-'..! . .: -c.0?r1.qf Early Matinee Showtime 314 243 183 0 0 0 0 Late Matinee Showtime 178 162 151 43 36 28 23 Early Evening Showtime 497 430 143 58 51 89 69 Late Evening Showtime 404 296 58 32 39 27 33 Daily Totals 1393 1131 535 133 126 144 125 Weekly Total 3587 Cowley Cinema 8 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3/23707 _ - '3124107 3/25/07 _.., 3/26/07 ,3/27/07 3/28107 ,3l29/07 Early Matinee Showtime 16 168 145 0 0 0 0 Late Matinee Showtime 179 146 124 15 15 6 18 Early Evening Showtime 335 209 108 44 69 31 24 Late Evening Showtime 245 154 0 0 0 0 210 Daily Totals 775 677 377 59 84 37 252 Weekly Total 2261 Claremore Cinema 8 and Cowley Cinema 8 2007 Attendance Breakdown 12-21-07 to 12-27-07 , Claremore Cinema 8 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 12121/07 12/22/07 12/23/07 12/24107 12125107 12/26/07 12/27107 Early Matinee Showtime 33 296 242 244 0 323 237 Late Matinee Showtime 185 311 175 191 466 253 249 Early Evening Showtime 497 305 340 0 501 347 337 Late Evening Showtime 282 113 145 0 232 183 159 Daily Totals 997 1025 902 435 1199 1106 982 Weekly Tota. 5646 Cowley Cinema 8 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 12/21/07 12/22/07 12/23/07 1.2i24/07 12125/07 /2126/07 12127107 Early Matinee Showtime 117 97 244 195 0 129 163 Late Matinee Showtime 135 78 195 160 337 170 172 Early Evening Showtime 380 103 209 0 387 252 195 Late Evening Showtime 248 47 86 0 250 117 93 Daily Totals 880 325 734 355 974 668 623 Weekly Total 4559 I 120 I I ----- '�r' W�I�e ® To rT N;� `' 'VNv` I H Lof" I J� 1 ✓ i _ t U fix': .,. 1 R ry ':ech Bldg. 00 / I[ E I i Ab.?03 1 '1,1 Tr .5 i „,c Tr y i Goo Q / —p,—�a� 0 I A'Tr OO503 Lan Ban roadstone Woodbridge o. OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2011-07 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,e,Texas 75098 V I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #20I 1-07. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2011-07. Date, Location & 'Time of Planning & Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 6:30 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas Date, Location& Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas Name: JC)04 Ci_1Sa.t, //G < 04Atu`f (please print) L Address: it t_ 1 -w . -75a1I Signature: Date: \D - l1 - 11 COMMENTS: 1 ' PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 {/ I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #201I-07. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2011-07. Date, Location & Time of Planning& Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,November I, 2011, 6:30 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas Date, Location & Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas Name: Acarnel r1 Ntia/7 (please print) Address: rot tti)noctbri4J 2 P/Ltj wy / r-x 7s O t Signature: �-� Date: /0/l2/// COMMENTS: Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE ' AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: November 1, 2011 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Zoning Case Number: Text Amendment Date Prepared: 10/25/11 Use Chart,Mini-warehouse Exhibits: Map Location Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding an amendment to Article 5, Section 5.1(I)Wholesale,Distribution& Storage establishing regulations specifying the location of Mini-warehouse (Self-Storage)uses throughout the city. ZC2011-08 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council to amend Article 5, Section 5.1(I)Wholesale, Distribution& Storage establishing regulations specifying the location of Mini-warehouse (Self-Storage)uses throughout the city. ZC2011-08 Discussion At the September 27, 2011 meeting, Council directed staff to pursue amending the regulation of Mini-warehouse uses within Light Industrial (LI) Districts. As adopted by Ordinance Number 2007-04 Mini-warehouse (Self Storage uses are allowed by right within the LI and Heavy Industrial zoning districts and requires an SUP within Corridor Commercial zoning districts. With the abundance of mini-warehouse facilities throughout the city, staff is proposing to minimize such uses in the future. To allow a mini-warehouse in the LI District would require an SUP. The Light Industrial (LI) District as stated in the Philosophy of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan includes less-intensive assembly, warehousing and distribution of products, as well as people-based office-oriented operations and even intensive commercial activity. Mini- warehouse uses are not considered to be a major traffic generator and do not fit into the category of the three commercial type uses as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. In 2007 Ordinance No. 2007-04 was adopted to prohibited the subject use within the CR District, allow with an SUP within the CC District and allowed by right within the LI and HI Districts. In October 2006 a Site Plan was approved for mini-warehouse (Victoria Place Subdivision) uses. However, since that time no proposals have been submitted for mini-warehouse (self-storage) uses, but several tracts of land have been rezoned to Light Industrial which by current ordinance would allow the use by right. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Currently there are at least 9 actively operating mini-warehouse (Self-Storage) facilities within the 75098 zip code. These facilities are within approximately a 3 mile radius of Wylie's major intersection of S.H. 78 and F.M. 544. Although the intent of this proposed amendment is not to prevent entrepreneurship, it is to put safeguards in place that discourages an over-abundance of same type uses and prevent the likelihood of failed businesses and empty facilities. The re-use of ware-house self-storage type facilities is very limited. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Therefore staff is recommending that Section I.WHOLESALE, DISTRIBUTION & STORAGE be amended to reflect Mini-warehouse (Self-storage)the use be allowed only with an SUP within CC, LI and HI Districts, all other districts are prohibited. Text Amendments are only required to be notified 15 days prior to the public hearing in the official newspaper of the City. This requirement has been met. Approved By Initial Date RO 10/27/11 Department Director 7411 Cis r\\'w[IF, Zoning Ordinance Residential Districts PERMITTED USES Non-Residential Districts Low-Density Medium-Density High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses Residential Residential Residential AG/30 SF-IA/ SF-20/ SF-10/ TH MF MH I. Wholesale,Distribution NS CR CC BG L I H I DTH SBO 30 26 24 &Storage 1. Auto Auction S 2. Contractor's Maintenance P* P P Yard 3. Freight Terminal P 4. Landfill S 5. Livestock Auction Pens or S Sheds 6. Mini-warehouse(Self- S P P storage) 7. Office S P P P* P Showroom/Warehouse 8. Outside Storage P P 9. Recycling Collection Center S S S P 10. Warehouse/Distribution S P Center P=Permitted P*=Permitted with additional requirements when located in this district. S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit i ARTICLE 5: USE REGULATIONS Zoom to: hap Legend: te.Cty.State.ZP code co 1 - SsngIe Record , -l.turttple Records A ono,* ,�, 'N'•� Street 1 Satetrrte t' Hybrid II Terrain Point Results • ♦ I"c K.r.,fre ry . Feline,. e 1)A A Assured Storage LTD • _,.�, 44011 Ballard =.e r :':,he T . 75098 Q w"y t - 0Alert MarKs 2)Actions Sett Storage Ilk ita rr r R f luCOS 4* P 3825 a e d ,.,lie TA 75098 `"`'°''�' Loper a T�•taw.a . . Guetwood 444 Creel 4- iii 3)Granchwood Storage _ Pouf .- c RZ 1 . . •Rare C And 5s Vw/ St •• ' Nevada [ttea • .'. ,lie :'1?5 a p�wy , 0 OD 'Ayers Plano Murphy Ille t vey,.e d)Central Sell Storage 190 2802 IN Fm 544 5 0 ~'tale.TA 75098 190 Sachs* Rays'C n.er Ss2 5)Country Club Storage 27:4 Fm 1378 ttchardson �Kast Mato • 61 %IUalR0 .:.k Faf :,`,Ice.TX 75098 lkoux+gnar^ .. ., ROOA a 6)Greet Amencan Sto{dge•ti•Jylto • �., �.4 ' ® s 3475 W Fm 544 '°"" ®Garland Rowlett ® ® I Wale.TX 75098 ., �C/$� w IA.Ro • • oc Cake Rs, Jilin cay Cc4211. rme of Iiet , L. HuDCarO r, Cross Prosper I Street S:: It lle Hybrid Terrain Roads )e :incom Park 380 New e �J ;� McKinney Uak Pont ,__1) q Princeton Shaay • Fairview 380 Farmersville r;`ionnth shores. Frisco �J __ _ J Hackberry 7S Lowry Eckory\ Crossing ,le Creek lake Dalasl ' Allen '' The Colony 10:0000•0,0•00 Lucas : O8k1Ls!!e Hebron Parker , Josepr St Paul Nevaaa Flower t snep; 4?Mound 77 P O '� Lavon rphy Wylie ib Grapevine Lake SaChse �T,� Carrollton Royse City W Coppell Addison Richardson i Eke Grapevine Farmers Fate Branch Rockwall i C"j it G and >>4 Rowlett Mobile City i N,,, if _ i yville w - . r • `�i7 s 4 6 7 r. •: � 75 :dford Universit McLendon-Cnrsnolm Euless 83 • Park y H�gh2and W Rose Hill Heath • t Irvine I Park v i ' , Sunnyvale Dallas 77 Mesquite t3o B � "` "'" Grand Prairie Fomey CD ngtOn Tig Cockrell Hill Balch Mountain Springs :ego Creek Lake POWERED er (- LawsonGoy le � _F� `-i') Ta !, � t,tap d La �)2Q1 t - T eras of Us'buncanville