04-12-1994 (WEDC) Minutes MINUTES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. Tuesday, April 12, 1994 The Directors of The Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in regular session at 4:00 PM on Tuesday, April 12, 1994 in the Chamber of Commerce Board Room at 108 W. Marble, Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were President Raymond Cooper, Vice-President John Tobin, Secretary/Treasurer John Yeager and members John Mondy and Marvin Fuller. Also present were Executive Director Charlie Womack, City Manager Steve Norwood and Administrative Assistant Mike Collins. The meeting was called to order by President Raymond Cooper. ITEM NO. 1 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 8, 1994. President Cooper called for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Marvin Fuller brought up the question whether or not the minutes should reflect the number of employees involved in the move to Wylie for Zlan Ltd. Mr. Fuller also noted that the minutes should reflect a "grant" 5 was made rather than a "loan" as stated in the minutes. With no additional corrections, a motion was made by John Yeager and seconded by Marvin Fuller to approve the minutes replacing the word "loan" with the word "grant". All in favor, motion carried. ITEM NO. 2 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT 10 ENDING MARCH 31, 1994. The treasurer's report reflected February ending balance of $342,364.54; income of$22,516.22 and expenses totaling $4,218.75, and total coporate funds 3/31/94 $360,662.01. A motion was made by Marvin Fuller and seconded by John Tobin to accept the treasurer's report as submitted. All in favor, motion carried. 15 ITEM NO. 3 - REPORT FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CHARLIE WOMACK. Mr. Womack noted that Kathy Sukkar had been named Administrator of Physicians Regional Hospital. Discussion included Dr. Trimble's efforts to have a Wylie resident named to the hospital board. John Mondy advised he had been notified he .was to receive a "letter of invitation". Mr. Womack also stated the hospital has reserves sufficient to pay City, School and 20 County taxes up to a combined total of$175,000. Discussion included "Shutter Showcase" with approximately 40 employees soon to occupy the Russell building; JC Ornamental Ironworks moving into a building owned by Don Hughes; the building which formerly housed the Hoeft auto repair/body shop sold to Mr. Janek, manufacturer of machines used in the production of circuit hoards. Mike Collins stated he had been working with John Welles, new owner of 780 25 acres of Birmingham land. ITEM NO. 4 - REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1993. John Mondy made a motion to delete the phrase "The City Manager DCW/041294 Page 1 is authorized to transfer budget amounts between line items within any department. However, any revisions altering the total appropriations of any fund or department must be approved by the City Council after appropriate public notice and public participation. Management exercises control over budgeted expenditures by fund and department."; found on page 7, paragraph D of 5 the audit report; return the audit report to DCW for approval. Seconded by John Tobin. All in favor, motion carried. ITEM NO. 5 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AN OFFER, MADE BY AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, WYLIE TO COMPROMISE THE AMOUNT OF LEGAL 10 EXPENSES INCURRED DURING THE CHAPTER XI BANKRUPTCY FILED BY HEALTHCARE ENTERPRISES OF NORTH TEXAS D/B/A/ PHYSICIANS REGIONAL HOSPITAL. Following a discussion which included questions concerning line item amounts, and propriety of DCW participating in the payment of these legal fees, a motion was made by John Yeager to approve the payment of 75% of the total of $4822.21 to American National 15 Bank, Wylie for DCW's portion of legal expenses incurred during bankruptcy proceedings regarding Physicians Regional Hospital. Seconded by John Mondy. The vote as follows, Raymond Cooper, yes; John Yeager, yes; John Mondy, yes; John Tobin, no; and Marvin Fuller abstaining for reasons of conflict of interest. Motion carried. 20 ITEM NO. 6- DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL TO ESTABLISH A CONTINGENCY FUND ACCOUNT TO BE USED BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. Following the discussion a motion was made by John Mondy to grant the Executive Director authority to make loans up to $5000 per occurrence, on an emergency basis, without board approval and with signatures of two directors. John Yeager seconded the motion. 25 All in favor, motion carried. ITEM NO. 7 - HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER 551.072 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE - DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; TO DISCUSS POTENTIAL PROPERTY SITES FOR ONE OR MORE CURRENT PROPERTIES. DELIBERATION ON 30 POSSIBLE LEGAL ACTION TO ENFORCE PAYMENT OF PAST DUE NOTE GUARANTEED BY FIVE GUARANTORS. ITEM NO. 8 - RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION AND TAKE ACTION RELATED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION. No action taken. 35 4' ,/ ,`e ii;trinkti1, el ,'`61L. Rayd Coo r, Ppesident 40 Ba tiara LeCoc , Sec etary DCW/041294 Page 2