05-03-1994 (WEDC) Minutes MINUTES - SPECIAL CALLED MEETING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. May 3, 1994 The Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in called session in the Board Room of the Wylie Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, May 3, 1994 at 4:00 PM. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Present were 5 President Raymond Cooper, Vice-Chairman John Tobin, Secretary-Treasurer John Yeager, member Marvin Fuller and Executive Director Charlie Womack. Representing the City staff were Steve Norwood, City Manager; Steve Deiter, City Attorney and Barbara LeCocq, Secretary. Mr. Syl Housewright, attended as private citizen. 10 The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by President Raymond Cooper. ITEM NO. 1 - DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITY OF A PROSPECT MOVING AND CONSOLIDATING TWO SEPARATE OPERATIONS TO THE CITY OF WYLIE - Prospect is a manufacturer and distributor of wire and tubular display racks and shelving. It is primarily 15 a blue collar operation. It is a clean process with little or no undesirable emissions. Is not expected to generate a great deal of sales tax. Will develop property that has not been easy to develop and open access to other properties for development. Will employee approximately 300 people on the site. Discussion items included extent of Development Corporation's participation in the costs of moving-the operation; financing for the building; land acquisition and cost; 20 possibility of City, County and School tax abatements. Consensus of the board members was that Mr. Womack is to contact the prospect with an offer to furnish the land with infrastructure for the total development. Mr. Womack will, in addition, contact the City concerning tax abatement and check with the County about the extent of their participation. 25 ITEM NO. 2 - RECESS OPEN MEETING - Open meeting was recessed. ITEM NO. 3 - CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER 551.072 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE - DELIBERATION REGARDING THE POSSIBLE PURCHASE OF A POTENTIAL SITE FOR THE NEW PROSPECT 30 ITEM NO. 4 - RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION AND TAKE ACTION RELATED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION - No action taken. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - None 35 ADJOURNMENT 10, 40 Raym d Cooper, esi ent Submitted by: 45 Barbara LeCocq, e etary