07-01-2014 (Impact Fee Advisory) Agenda Packet Impact Fee Advisory Committee OF W.p. C>.8v ( .---- --- .4,46 C _� Q \ \ � _ .,i vl�,, ..... ...__„, -'/ \, ,,, .\ --,i. ilviiiiifir r, 1 ..,, .., ,„.,.. ., / wirq7',,,o ,... -774:-,.‘„ \ \/ �— l_ , _ ,_ 'm� ]oeo �,o \i AO. 4 (C--- i ,\-- , ,,, ,,, , 1 __ ski. GVLF, COLOR400 �7=� �ANTp FE RAI Liv 4 w afrib 4 s ° 188 7 ° ?fir OF TVS July 1 , Impact Fee Advisory Committee NOTICE OF MEETING CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Agenda Tuesday, July 1, 2014— 6:30 P.M. Following the P&Z Regular Meeting Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Diane Culver Board Member Bill Baumbach Board Member Dennis Larson Board Member Randy Owens Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Mike McCrossin Board Member Tommy Pulliam Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles H. Lee, Jr., AICP Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media,and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy,the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon Minutes from the March 6, 2012 Meeting. WORK SESSION 1. Work Session on Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, and modification of impact fees. July 1, 2014 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 2 of 2 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 27 day ofJune,2014 at 5:00p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted.As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Impact Fee Advisory Committee CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Impact Fee Advisory Committee Tuesday March 6, 2012—6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:34PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice-Chairman Gilbert Tamez, Committee Member Tommy Pulliam, Committee Member Ruthie Wright, Committee Member Matt Kirk, Committee Member David Dahl, Committee Member Ron Smith and Committee Member Ramona Kopchenko. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen Haskins, Assistant Planner, Chris Holsted, City Engineer, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the February 21, 2012 Meeting. A motion was made by Committee Member Tamez, and seconded by Committee Member Dahl to approve the Minutes from the February 21, 2012 Meeting as submitted. Motion carried 8—0. A motion was made by Committee Member Dahl, and seconded by Committee Member Smith, to remove from table and resume for discussion. Motion carried 8—0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of written comments and direct a member of the committee to file the written comments with the Planning Director no later than before the 5th business day before the date of the public hearing to be held by the City Council regarding Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvement Plan and modifications of impact fees. Item TABLED from the February 21, 2012 meeting. Minutes March 6,2012 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 1 of 3 Mr. Hoisted reviewed advantage of impact fees. A chart comparing the water and sanitary sewer rates are comparable with rates from surrounding cities. A word of caution is that anything that is not funded with Capital Improvements through impact fees, the only other source is funded through the water and sewer rates. Staff expects the water rate to go down at the next ten year study, because the water system will be built out. The water impact fee is going up due to fewer connections for the next ten years, as previously assumed in the last report. The sewer side is also going down, and this is due to the sewer system is essentially built out. The city has funded many Capital Improvements with impact fees, the Creekside 2MG elevated tank, past five to six years on the wastewater treatment was paid out of impact fees. Staff feels there are many advantages to have impact fees. Mr. Hoisted stated that the chart that was included in the packet for the size and rate of the impact fees all equivalent to single family residential use, it is a mathematical calculation based on flow and how much from a larger meter. The funds listed within the Capital Improvement plan can only be spent on those projects, additional capacity and may not be spent on operational and maintenance costs. Mr. Holsted stated that incentives for water reduction rates from a developer are encouraged and City Council ultimately makes the decision on approving the proposal. The Impact Fee Study report does not include incentives or include ways for water reduction. However, Staff from Planning and Engineering will review proposals and suggest landscaping alternatives. Ms. 011ie reviewed additional that was added in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, for Hazard Mitigation stating this guideline to be used in case of an emergency and possibly assist in reimbursement. Committee Members discussed ways to have identification signs, and recommended painting street locations of major intersections to assist mitigation efforts. A motion was made by Committee Member Dahl, and seconded by Committee Member Pulliam, to approve the Comprehensive Land Use Plan with no notations and proceed forward. Motion carried 8—0. A motion was made by Committee Member Tamez, and seconded by Committee Member Smith, to approve the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvement Plan and modifications of impact fees as presented. Motion carried 8—O. Chairman Johnston to submit written comments to Administrative Assistant, Mary Bradley no later than before the 5th business day before the date of the public hearing to be held by the City Council regarding Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvement Plan and modifications of impact fees. City Council will approve an Ordinance on March 13, 2012, to call a Public Hearing for April 24, 2012. Minutes March 6,2012 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 2 of 3 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Committee Member Dahl, and seconded by Committee Member Wright, to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 PM. All members were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes March 6,2012 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 3 of 3 This page is intentionally blank t OFl �` Wylie Impact Fee Advisory Committee •1887° h 'stAit 0f Yt1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 1, 2014 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Mary Bradley Subdivision: Date Prepared: March 12, 2014 Zoning District: Exhibits: Draft Land Use Assumptions Subject Work Session on Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, and modification of impact fees. Recommendation Direction Discussion To discuss and review the Land Use Assumptions, and Capital Improvement Plan and Impact Fees. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE THOROUGHFARE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ROADWAY IMPACT FEES The first step in the development impact fee process is the development of a 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This capital improvement plan includes projects intended for construction by the City of Wylie in the next 10 years to serve existing and future development. Existing Facilities The City of Wylie arterial and major collector street system is partially developed at this time. Several roadways in developed areas are partially built to current thoroughfare plan standards. Many existing streets are two-lane (20' - 40' width) asphalt roadways with open surface drainage. The existing major arterial roadways within the City include State Highway 78 (SH 78), FM 544, FM 1378, Ballard Avenue, Brown Street, and Stone Road. Several of the arterial roadways including SH 78 and FM 544 are under the operation and maintenance jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Proposed Facilities The City of Wylie adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan in 2012 and an updated thoroughfare plan in 2014 that is the basis for development of the future street system. The thoroughfare system is a conventional network conforming to a hierarchical, functional classification system developed to support the forecast traffic demands of future land use. The highest classification of roadway is the Principal Thoroughfare type facility. These roadways are generally multiple lanes (4 or 6) with medians that serve the function of controlling access, separating opposing traffic movements and providing an area for the storage of left turning vehicles. The lower classifications are the collector facilities that are developed to serve the adjoining development. The character of the developments served should determine the sizes and alignments of collector roadways. City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 1 Capital Improvement Plan for Roadway Impact Fees The thoroughfare facilities determined for inclusion in the Capital Improvement Plan of this study are tabulated in Table 1A and graphically illustrated in Figure 1. Each listed project includes a description of the planned improvements, the approximate project length, and an engineer's opinion of probable cost to the City. In addition, under existing State Statute, a municipalities' cost associated with TxDOT facilities can be financed with impact fees. All roadways included in the 2014 CIP are identified in the City of Wylie Thoroughfare Plan. Recoupment costs for projects completed as part of the previous CIP are shown in Table 1B and are also illustrated in Figure 1. The engineer's opinions of probable construction cost were prepared without the benefit of a detailed preliminary engineering study for each project. The costs are based on data provided by the City of Wylie and on roadway project construction bids. Financing costs for the projects in the thoroughfare CIP were also included in the total estimated cost and the interest rate of 5% was provided by the City of Wylie. City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 2 Table 1A-Thoroughfare Capital Improvement Plan City of Wylie 2014 Impact Fee Update PROJECT BOUNDARY PROJECT LENGTH TOTAL COST COST OF TOTAL PROJECT ARTERIAL NUMBER FROM TO EXISTING DESCRIPTION (ft) W/O INTEREST INTEREST COST FM 1378 W2A N.of Lakeway S.of N.Parker Rd. 2 lanes Build a 6-lane divided section 1,150 $ 3,492,000.00 $ 1,833,300.00 $ 5,325,300.00 Woodbridge Pkwy. W5A FM 544 Hooper Rd 4 lanes Build a 6-lane divided section 5,500 $ 2,061,000.00 $ 1,082,025.00 $ 3,143,025.00 McMillen Road W6 McCreary Rd FM 1378 4 lanes Build a 6-lane divided section 8,400 $ 9,454,000.00 $ 4,963,350.00 $ 14,417,350.00 Hensley Lane(East) W9 Hooper Rd McCreary Rd _ --- _Build a 2-lane undivided section 5,100 $ 3,379,000.00 $ 1,773,975.00 $ 5,152,975.00 Woodbridge Pkwy. W10 Hooper Rd South City Limit --- Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 1,050 $ 875,800.00 $ 459,795.00 $ 1,335,595.00 Park Boulevard _ W11 _ FM 1378 Westgate Way 2 lanes Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 4,850 $ 4,925,000.00 $ 2,585,625.00 $ 7,510,625.00 Park Boulevard W12 City Limit Skyview --- Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 1,550 $ 1,053,550.00 $ 553,114.00 $ 1,606,664.00 Park Boulevard W13 Skyview City Limit 2 lanes Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 1,300 $ 883,750.00 $ 463,969.00 $ 1,347,719.00 Park Boulevard W14 City Limit Spring Creek Pkwy. --- Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 2,700 $ 1,835,300.00 $ 963,533.00 $ 2,798,833.00 Park Boulevard W15 Spring Creek Pkwy. Centennial 2 lanes Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 850 $ 577,800.00 $ 303,345.00 $ 881,145.00 Park Boulevard W16 Centennial SH 78 4 lanes Build a 6-lane divided section 1,200 $ 815,950.00 $ 428,374.00 $ 1,244,324.00 Park Boulevard W16A Bridges Railroad and Corps Bridges 1,000 $ 6,537,150.00 $ 3,432,004.00 $ 9,969,154.00 Sanden Boulevard W17 FM 544 SH 78 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 3,700 $ 2,770,500.00 $ 1,454,513.00 $ 4,225,013.00 Ann Drive W18 Kamber Lane Franklin Lane --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 800 $ 608,700.00 $ 319,568.00 $ 928,268.00 Jackson Avenue W19 Brown Street Parker Road --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 850 $ 640,100.00 $ 336,053.00 $ 976,153.00 Birmingham Street W20 _ Marble Street Brown Street --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 750 $ 580,400.00 $ 304,710.00 $ 885,110.00 Forrest Ross Road W21 Railroad Tracks Park Boulevard 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 2,650 $ 1,675,650.00 $ 879,716.00 $ 2,555,366.00 Sub Total $ 42,165,650.00 $ 22,136,969.00 $ 64,302,619.00 Alanis Drive El SH 78 S Ballard 3 lanes Build a 4-lane undivided section 6,100 $ 3,507,200.00 $ 1,841,280.00 $ 5,348,480.00 South Ballard Ave. E7 Alanis Drive County Line 2 lanes _Build a 4-lane divided section 6,200 $ 6,667,500.00 $ 3,500,437.50 $ 10,167,937.50 Pleasant Valley Rd. E7A S.Ballard Avenue South City Limit 2 lanes Realign&Build 4-lane divided 7,850 $ 8,342,300.00 $ 4,379,707.50 $ 12,722,007.50 FM 544 E8 JW Akin Lane Vinson Road 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 13,500 $ 13,960,600.00 $ 7,329,315.00 $ 21,289,915.00 Alanis Drive E11 City Limit Troy Road --- Build a 4-lane divided section 1,200 $ 1,396,100.00 $ 732,952.50 $ 2,129,052.50 Stone Road E12 FM 544 East City Limit 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section _ 9,400 _$ 9,524,600.00 $ 5,000,415.00 $ 14,525,015.00 Sachse Road E13 County Line South City Limit 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 2,600 $ 4,400,000.00 $ 2,310,000.00 $ 6,710,000.00 County Line Road E14 FM 544 Troy Road 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section I 5,000 _ $ 5,002,900.00 $ 2,626,522.50_ $ 7,629,422.50 Kreymer Lane E15 SH 78 City Limit 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 5,050 $ 5,046,200.00 $ 2,649,255.00 $ 7,695,455.00 Troy Road E16 City Limit East Fork 2 lanes Realign&Build 4-lane divided 3,750 $ 3,783,900.00 $ 1,986,547.50 $ 5,770,447.50 Troy Road E17 City Limit County Line Road 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 2,700 $ 2,724,900.00 $ 1,430,572.50 $ 4,155,472.50 Wylie E Drive _ E18 SH 78 School Driveway _ 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 1,500 _ $ 1,574,400.00 $ 826,560.00_ $ 2,400,960.00 Creek Crossing Dr. E19 Sachse Road City Limit --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 2,300 $ 1,535,600.00 $ 806,190.00 $ 2,341,790.00 Collins Boulevard E20 Current End East Fork --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 5,300 $ 3,449,200.00 $ 1,810,830.00 $ 5,260,030.00 Forrest Ross Road E21 Before Railroad Park Boulevard 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 3,600 $ 2,686,350.00 $ 1,410,333.75 $ 4,096,683.75 Sub Total $ 73,601,750.00 $ 38,640,918.75 $ 112,242,668.75 CIP PROJECT TOTALS: $ 115,767,400.00 $ 60,777,887.75 $ 176,545,287.75 Costs based on 50%of EOPCC by Halff Associates Paving&Drainage prorated for length out of 13,600'total Based on 50%of Dallas County Opinion of Cost(No Breakdown) City of Wylie-2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 3 Table 1 B - Recoupment Projects Completed with Previous CIP City of Wylie 2014 Impact Fee Update PROJECT BOUNDARY PROJECT LENGTH TOTAL COST COST OF TOTAL PROJECT ARTERIAL NUMBER FROM TO EXISTING DESCRIPTION (ft) W/O INTEREST INTEREST COST FM 1378 W1 FM 544 W Brown St 2 lanes Built a 6-lane divided section 3,500 $ 1,032,000.00 $ 541,800.00 $ 1,573,800.00 FM 1378 W2 W Brown St 800'north of Lakeway 2 lanes Built a 6-lane divided section 11,800 $ 10,683,815.00 $ 5,609,003.00 $ 16,292,818.00 W Brown Street W3 FM 1378 Ballard Ave 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 9,500 $ 9,827,184.00 $ 5,159,272.00 $ 14,986,456.00 Hensley Lane(East) _W4 Hensley_ Hooper --- Built a 2-lane undivided section 3,100 $ 445,000.00 $ 233,625.00 $ 678,625.00 Country Club Road W5 FM 544 South City Limit --- Built 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 5,500 $ 4,784,003.00 $ 2,511,602.00 $ 7,295,605.00 McCreary Road _ W7 FM 544 South City Limit _ --- Built a 4-lane divided section 3,350 $ 1,420,000.00 $ 745,500.00 $ 2,165,500.00 Springwell Pkwy W8 FM 544 700'south of Capital --- Built a 2-lane undivided section 2,600 $ 1,220,000.00 $ 640,500.00 $ 1,860,500.00 Sub Total $ 29,412,002.00 $ 15,441,302.00 $ 44,853,304.00 Alanis Drive El SH 78 S Ballard _ 2 lanes Built 3-lanes of 4-lane section 6,100 $ 4,464,331.00 $ 2,343,774.00 $ 6,808,105.00 Alanis Drive E2 Twin Lakes FM 544 3 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 2,700 $ 1,327,800.00 $ 697,095.00 $ 2,024,895.00 Kirby Street E3 SH 78 _ Birmingham 4 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 1,400 $ 1,115,600.00 $ 585,690.00 $ 1,701,290.00 Stone Road _ E4 Birmingham _ S Ballard 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 8,300 $ 999,000.00 $ 524,475.00 $ 1,523,475.00 Stone Road E5 Ballard Akin 2 lanes Built a 5-lane divided section 2,800 $ 3,530,000.00 $ 1,853,250.00 $ 5,383,250.00 S Ballard Avenue _ E6 Stone Rd Alanis Dr _ 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 3,600 $ 4,955,000.00 $ 2,601,375.00 $ 7,556,375.00 East Brown Street E9 SH 78 Stone 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 11,100 $ 9,253,000.00 $ 4,857,825.00 $ 14,110,825.00 T SH 78 E10 Eubanks Spring Creek Pkwy 2 lanes Built 6-lane divided highway section 3,200 $ 4,829,000.00 $ 2,535,225.00 $ 7,364,225.00 Sub Total $ 30,473,731.00 $ 15,998,709.00 $ 46,472,440.00 RECOUPMENT PROJECT TOTALS: $ 59,885,733.00 $ 31,440,011.00 $ 91,325,744.00 City of Wylie-2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 4 i I \� Ji-� Parker Road -ire.- --- � I Q Parker Road ' /\ PARKER I ■ 1 Mr 1 �// I PAUL I ST M� — + E�E�E� a `Fr )9 )1?)1 ink .. M ) ,,_, N,. 13 �` %���G,�'r o ��LJ :a � / Skyview Drive 3 , TO� 17 � l 2 �- W13 __.. . s / /ALMGNMENT, ' //� ( il —.- �� W 6 McMillen Road W 1 Park �evard %i��, ���' O��!...,1,::..._ , 6.— L� Ik- i �� 'vim } 1 1 ��Park Boulevardiiiiiimm0 vN — oy5 �� .1„:. 16A /fr a re -_I'I� l _ 11 l 11 = 3 �„.......,,,,, S _] C w a 'aro � i� _ / SH 78 j S Iv riid �i W18 3 a.pp a E 1 0 Mor w ° - S E R\/ I E jilim �_ G WO) Brown Street �� `~' S�^� J �I�� i _� r r ' �/3 �t�' /� Oo Brown Street C iL_ r 111� �� J�� ���/� Marble E 9 9 Brown Street / I .. ..,� �Cl[ ' ------- - �� E 7 Bennett Ro l`` I L ad/ , ��� '� Street " 11 E: i C Laketield Drive �' �I .�'. 1' ss J _ i � I at -J1 FM 544 _. a .--i i T \ G � x O T .. _... III NJn/ UALLA_ imp Q E 4 llllm // I (/� FM 544 9 Stone Road t ■ul multi E 1 2 r/m E 3 - - _ _ I Stone Road -l--- , r, IIIIIu _ — // 3 5 fi3On 1 �I ���- C W9 �G� Hensley Lane _, .. .„-...7.--- gli I -- CO b lia W G O E 1 Marts Drive m LJ z 1 <<\ �',"'Zn, o 3 � E1 IIIIII�T ��/����� E2 a I_ w U1 ° mil/ � a ., 3 ,, � Alanis Drive m ,!f�^�. �,I. I-J i N IEI� ,E Fork , �' ������ ��JL Elm Drive �� 1 , / 1 L c-° °ice E �� I Q If� , ' LEGEND r G :� e� /\Q' a,�, e a A�� / Gt� `� ` # .•�4' ✓1- Recoupment Project awN COUNTY jjJ � oda COLLIN 4TY4 t ..�W ou i"v Build Roadway to6 Lanes OALLAS COUNTY I I li DALLAS CLUNT RUCKWALL .\ , t:‘,,,k, Ili CouNTY r Build Roadway to 4 Lanes �,� E 19 O 7 1 � Build Roadway to 2 Lanes SAGHSE / , �' `�% Service Area Boundary �� j' W u Proposed Bridge ro1��40\\� / � ,,iiiiih I X 1 Project Number �� � ��� ROWLET Y FIGURE 1 - 1� �) CITY OF WYLIE PIC. �S of 2014 THOROUGHFARE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 3 ----- X a O o DATE: MAY 2014 IMPACT FEE CALCULATION I. INTRODUCTION The next step of the Development Impact Fee process is the determination of the maximum fee per service unit that can be charged by the City for new developments. The fee is calculated by dividing the costs of the capital improvements identified as necessary to serve growth forecast to occur during the 10-year planning period by the number of service units of growth forecast to occur. The specific steps, as described in following paragraphs of this section include: 1. Determination of a standard service unit; 2. Identification of service areas for the City; 3. Identification of that portion of the total capital improvements necessary to serve the projected growth over the next 10-year period; 4. Analysis of the total capacity, level of current usage, and commitment for usage of capacity of existing improvements; 5. Determination of the "standard service unit" and equivalency tables establishing the ratio of a service unit to the types of land use forecast for growth. II. SERVICE UNIT To determine the impact fee rate applied to thoroughfare facilities the standard service unit selected was "PM Peak Hour Vehicle-Miles." This service unit can be obtained by multiplying the number of trips generated by a specific land use type during the PM peak hour (vehicles) by the average trip length (miles) for that land use. The PM peak hour was chosen because it is usually considered the critical time for roadway analyses. The trip generation data were directly obtained or derived for each defined land use type from "Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition" of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, which is the standard data reference to determine vehicle trip generation characteristics of particular land use types and densities. Trip length information for each land use specified was based on data developed for the Dallas-Fort Worth area by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). The trip length was set at a maximum of three (3) miles for any land use, as this trip length was assumed to be the maximum average distance a trip would travel on roadways within each service area in the City of Wylie. Table 2 shows the typical service units for each land use type. City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 6 Table 2 - Service Unit Calculation by Land Use Type City of Wylie 2014 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Variable PM Peak Trips' Trip Length2 Vehicle-Miles (vehicles) (miles) Residential Dwelling Unit 1.00 3.0 3.00 Office 1,000 ft2 1.49 3.0 4.47 Commercial / Retail 1,000 ft2 3.71 2.4 8.90 Industrial 1,000 ft2 0.97 3.0 2.91 Public and Institutional 1,000 ft2 1.01 2.1 2.12 Parks and Recreational Acre 13.01 2.1 27.32 1 Based on ITE Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition 2 Based on NCTCOG data City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 7 SERVICE AREAS The State Statute governing the imposition of development impact fees require that collection and expenditure of fees imposed for street facilities "...is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision and shall not exceed six miles." To comply with this State Law, two service areas (West and East) were established for the City of Wylie to ensure that funds are spent within six miles of where they are collected. The service areas include most of the developable land within the city limits of Wylie. Within Wylie, the growth and intensities of growth for the ultimate development of the City and that portion of the service area expected to occur during the 10-year period, 2014-2024, is forecast. The two service areas were shown in Figure 1. III. ASSUMPTIONS AND EVALUATION CRITERIA Determination of the eligible costs of capital improvements to serve the forecast growth over the 10-year period from 2014 to 2024 was based on data provided by the City of Wylie. The basic criteria and assumptions made for this study include the following: 1. Costs of existing facilities constructed to serve new development have been included, and City of Wylie staff identified projects of this type. 2. Bond interest costs are included. 3. Street facility improvements, although necessary for additional capacity by new growth, will logically serve all existing and future growth by improved safety and drainage characteristics. Therefore, the 10-year eligible costs have been proportioned as the ratio of the 10-year growth to the total number of service units determined for the build-out. Table 3 shows the portion of ultimate build-out service units that will be attributable to growth within the next 10 years and is used to pro-rate the identified costs in the service area. In order to maintain the equity of impact fee assessment, the cost for streets included in the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan will include the total cost of the street facilities, not reduced by any expected participation. Rather, construction by a developer of an arterial facility within or off-site should be treated as a credit to the impact fee assessment. City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 8 Table 3 - Summary of Vehicle-Mileage Distribution by Development Period City of Wylie 2014 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Existing 2014 - 2024 Year 2024 - Ultimate Vehicle- Portion of Vehicle-Miles Portion of Vehicle-Miles Portion of Ultimate Service Miles Ultimate Added Ultimate Added Ultimate Vehicle- Area 2014 Vehicle-Miles 2014-2024 Vehicle-Miles 2024- Ultimate Vehicle-Miles Miles W 58,711 0.904 4,255 0.066 1,953 0.030 64,919 E 33,470 0.789 7,040 0.166 1,922 0.045 42,432 Total 92,181 11,296 3,875 107,351 City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 9 ELIGIBLE COSTS Table 4 presents a summary of the roadway capital improvement costs for the two service areas. The 10-year portion of the total costs was calculated using the data from Table 3. Costs of each of the individual street projects were accumulated, or apportioned, for the service area in which they were located. Boundaries of the service areas were located to be coincident with natural barriers, the center of existing or proposed street facilities included in the capital improvements plan or along city limit lines. Costs of these projects included only those costs that will be paid for by the City of Wylie. IV. DETERMINATION OF STANDARD SERVICE UNIT AND EQUIVALENCY The determination of growth of service units and resulting impact fee rates were then made. Table 5 presents the derivation of service unit equivalents for each of the six defined land use types. The service unit equivalents are referenced to and based on the residential land use. Table 6 presents a summary of the calculations and resulting eligible costs per service unit. Under current State law, municipalities are required to administer a detailed financial analysis to support the use of an impact fee higher than 50 percent of the eligible costs. As an alternative to performing the financial analysis, the impact fee can be set at or below 50 percent of the total eligible costs. The total eligible costs per service unit are shown in Table 6. The City will use either a detailed financial analysis to adjust for tax credits or will use 50 percent of these eligible costs. V. IMPACT FEE CALCULATION METHODOLOGY The methodology for calculating the maximum allowable impact fee for roadway facilities can be summarized in the following three steps. First, determine the cost of the roadway facilities (existing roadways eligible for recuperation of construction cost and proposed roadways) that can be attributed to new growth over the 10-year period. This calculation for Service Areas W and E are summarized on pages 14 and 15. City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 10 Table 4 - Summary of Capital Improvement Cost by Service Area City of Wylie 2014 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Portion of Capacity of Cost of Thoroughfare Service Area Zone Cost of Thoroughfare Attributed Attributed to Growth Thoroughfare to Growth (2014-2024) (2014-2024) W $109,155,923.00 0.066 $7,204,290.92 E $158,715,108.75 0.166 $26,346,708.05 Totals $267,871,031.75 $33,550,998.97 City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 11 Table 5 - Thoroughfare Land Use Equivalency City of Wylie 2014 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Development Veh-Miles/Development Unit SU Equivalency Land Use Unit (1) (2) Residential Dwelling Unit 3.00 1.00 Office 1,000 ft2 4.47 1.49 Commercial / Retail 1,000 ft2 8.90 2.97 Industrial 1,000 ft2 2.91 0.97 Public and Insitutional 1,000 ft2 2.12 0.71 Parks and Recreational 1,000 ft2 27.32 9.11 Notes: (1) Based on data from the ITE Trip Generation Manual and NCTCOG (2) Ratio of each land use to service unit of Residential City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 12 Table 6 - Impact Fee Calculation for Thoroughfare by Service Area City of Wylie 2014 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Cost of Thoroughfare Number of New Cost Per Cost Per Service Area Attributed to Growth Service Units Service Unit Service Unit (2014-2024) (2014-2024) (Rounded) W $7,204,290.92 4,255 $1,693.14 $1,693 E $26,346,708.05 7,040 $3,742.43 $3,742 _ Totals $33,550,998.97 11,296 City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 13 Calculation for Service Area W Cost of Roadway Facilities (Tables lA and 1B - Service Area W) = $109,155,923.00 Proportion of Capacity Attributable to New Growth (Table 3 - Service Area W) = 0.066 Cost of Roadway Facilities Attributable to Growth (2014-2024 - Service Area W): $109,155,923.00 x 0.066 = $7,204,290.92 The second step is to determine the maximum calculated impact fee. The maximum calculated impact fee is the ratio of the total cost for roadway facilities attributable to growth in the next ten years (2014-2024) divided by the total growth in equivalent service units (ESU). The maximum calculated impact fee for Service Area W is: Maximum Roadway Impact Fee =Eligible Thoroughfare Cost Attributed to Growth (Table 4) Total Growth in Equivalent Service Units (Table 3) = $7,204,290.92 4,255 ESU = $1,693.14/ESU= $1,693 /ESU (Rounded Service Area W) This amount represents the maximum calculated impact fee for roadway facilities. For the final step, the current impact fee legislation requires the City to produce a financial analysis to support a fee greater than 50 percent of the eligible costs or to reduce the maximum calculated impact fee by 50 percent. If the City chooses to use a maximum allowable impact fee of 50 percent of the maximum calculated fee the amount would be $1,693 x 50% = $846.50. Calculation for Service Area E Cost of Roadway Facilities (Tables 1A and 1B - Service Area E) = $158,715,108.75 Proportion of Capacity Attributable to New Growth (Table 3 - Service Area E) = 0.166 Cost of Roadway Facilities Attributable to Growth (2014-2024 - Service Area E): $158,715,108.75 x 0.166 = $26,346,708.05 City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Pa ae 14 The second step is to determine the maximum calculated impact fee. The maximum calculated impact fee is the ratio of the total cost for roadway facilities attributable to growth in the next ten years (2014-2024) divided by the total growth in equivalent service units (ESU). The maximum calculated impact fee for Service Area E is: Maximum Roadway Impact Fee =Eligible Thoroughfare Cost Attributed to Growth (Table 4) Total Growth in Equivalent Service Units (Table 3) = $26,346,708.05 7,040 ESU = $3,742.43 /ESU= $3,742/ESU(Rounded Service Area E) This amount represents the maximum calculated impact fee for roadway facilities. For the final step, the current impact fee legislation requires the City to produce a financial analysis to support a fee greater than 50 percent of the eligible costs or to reduce the maximum calculated impact fee by 50 percent. If the City chooses to use a maximum allowable impact fee of 50 percent of the maximum calculated fee the amount would be $3,742 x 50% = $1,871.00. Impact Fee Calculation Example The land use equivalency table is provided in Table 7. This table identifies the total service units generated by specific uses within each land use category. To obtain the impact fee to be charged for a particular land use, the impact fee per service unit adopted by the City and the service units per development unit generated for that particular land use from Table 7 are used. Examples for calculating the impact fee for both a single family dwelling unit and a 50,000 ft2 shopping center (commercial / retail facility) assuming impact fees of$846.50 per service unit (Service Area W) and $1,871.00 per service unit(Service Area E) are shown on page 17. City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 15 Table 7 - Land Use Equivalency City of Wylie 2014 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update CATEGORY LAND USE DEVELOPMENT ITE TRIP TRIP PASS-BY SERVICE UNITS1 RATE2 LENGTHS TRAFFIC4 UNITS5 RESIDENTIAL Single-Family Detached Dwelling Unit 1.00 3.0 0 3.00 Apartment Dwelling Unit 0.62 3.0 0 1.86 Condominium/Townhouse Dwelling Unit 0.52 3.0 0 1.56 Mobile Home Dwelling Unit 0.59 3.0 0 1.77 OFFICE Office Building 1,000 ft2 GFA 1.49 3.0 0 4.47 Medical/Dental Office 1,000 ft2 GFA 3.57 3.0 0 10.71 COMMERCIAL Automobile Care Center 1,000 ft2 GFA 3.11 2.5 0.3 5.44 Building Materials/Lumber 1,000 ft2 GFA 4.49 2.0 0.2 7.18 Convenience Stores/Gas Pumps 1,000 ft2 GFA 50.92 0.4 0.63 7.54 Drive-In Bank 1,000 ft2 GFA 24.3 1.7 0.47 21.89 Fast Food Restaurant 1,000 ft2 GFA 32.65 2.0 0.50 32.65 Free-Standing Discount Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 4.98 2.5 0.17 10.33 Garden Center/Nursery 1,000 ft2 GFA 6.94 2.5 0.2 13.88 Golf Course Acres 0.3 2.5 0 0.75 Hardware/Paint Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 4.84 2.5 0.26 8.95 Home Improvement Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 2.33 3.0 0.48 3.63 Hotel Rooms 0.6 3.0 0 1.80 Pharmacy/Drugstore 1,000 ft2 GFA 9.91 2.5 0.49 12.64 Self-Service Car Wash Stalls 5.54 2.0 0.6 4.43 Service Station Pumps 13.87 0.5 0.42 4.02 Sit-Down Restaurant 1,000 ft2 GFA 9.85 2.4 0.43 13.47 Shopping Center 1,000 ft2 GFA 3.71 3.0 0.34 7.35 Supermarket 1,000 ft2 GFA 9.48 2.5 0.36 15.17 INDUSTRIAL Industrial 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.97 3.0 0 2.91 Mini-Warehouse 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.26 3.0 0 0.78 Warehouse 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.32 3.0 0 0.96 INSTITUTIONAL School Students 0.15 2.1 0 0.32 Day Care Center Students 0.81 2.7 0.9 0.22 Nursing Home 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.74 2.5 0 1.85 House of Worship 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.55 2.1 0 1.16 1 GFA=Gross Floor Area 2(Vehicles); Based on ITE Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition 3(Miles);Based on NCTCOG Data 4 Percentage of traffic already passing by site-land use is an intermediate destination 5(Vehicle-Miles) "The land uses and trip generation characteristics listed in this chart are intended as examples.The complete table of land uses and trip generation characteristics is contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual,Ninth Edition,which is incorporated herein by reference. City of Wylie-2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 16 Service Area W—Example Calculations SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (Service Area W) •Vehicle-Miles per Development Unit for Single-Family Dwelling Unit (1 Dwelling Unit) x (3.00 Vehicle-Miles/Dwelling Unit) = 3.00 Vehicle-Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee= $846.50 / Service Unit: (3.00 Vehicle-Miles) x($846.50/Vehicle-Miles) = $ 2,539.50 50,000 ft2 SHOPPING CENTER(Service Area W) • Vehicle-Miles per Development Unit for Shopping Center (50,000 ft2) x (7.35 Vehicle-Miles / 1,000 ft2) = 367.50 Vehicle-Miles •Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee = $846.50 / Service Unit: (367.50 Vehicle-Miles) x ($846.50/Vehicle-Miles) _ $ 311,088.75 Service Area E—Example Calculations SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (Service Area E) •Vehicle-Miles per Development Unit for Single-Family Dwelling Unit (1 Dwelling Unit) x (3.00 Vehicle-Miles/Dwelling Unit) = 3.00 Vehicle-Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee= $1,871.00/Service Unit: (3.00 Vehicle-Miles) x ($1,871.00 /Vehicle-Miles) = $ 5,613.00 50,000 ft2 SHOPPING CENTER(Service Area E) •Vehicle-Miles per Development Unit for Shopping Center (50,000 ft2) x (7.35 Vehicle-Miles / 1,000 ft2) = 367.50 Vehicle-Miles •Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee= $1,871.00/Service Unit: (367.50 Vehicle-Miles)x ($1,871.00 /Vehicle-Miles) = $ 687,592.50 City of Wylie—2014 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 17