07-15-2014 (City Council) Agenda Packet ttft Wylie City Council
Special Called Work Session Agenda
July 15, 2014 — 6:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers/Council Conference Room
300 Country Club Road, Building #100
Eric Hogue Mayor
Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern
Nathan Scott Place 2
Todd Wintters Place 3
Bennie Jones Place 4
William Whitney Ill Place 5
David Dahl Place 6
Mindy Manson City Manager
Richard Abernathy City Attorney
Carole Ehrlich City Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal
Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the
required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:
The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience
are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.
Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
• FY 2014-2015 Budget Discussion and Department Presentations to Council
(WFR/Communication; WEDC; Library; Planning/Building; City Secretary)
Take any action as a result from Executive Session.
July 15,2014 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City
Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with
attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and
place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City
concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes:
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this]1 th day of July, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance
with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this
agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date Notice Removed
IFJ t/...,,r''.YYp V r ,''' r ry..� d r ,/'V / prN'> P.,.. /d'w, uJ 4 V,. n'' d
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Wylie Fire ^• Rescue
2 0 i 4 _ i 5 Budget
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sc Goal : Respond in time to make a difference
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�IIIIIIIII, , �� ,, 4 - 6 minutes
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10:) Early Detection � IIII
iomr IIIII� wl '�"
M1 '
Iff VI
d l' I: Adequate Staffing
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0a 990 w
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I ' Brush 2 Boat 3
. Boat 2 Haz Mat
-,�, SW/Dive
;,�,,11,r rr����d/1 „,,,,,')11 ` 1,�,„,,,,,„.\„„� ���,��� >ll(u ',,I,,,„,,,,�l�,.„�� ����f�����fr' , �1„„,,,,, �Gi(u �� ��y,,„,,,,,, �11� �"�J ; 1�?��, , ��,��c '1� 16���� a, �"IG ��„111�. ,,,,,,,°/O e ,,,,,, ,,,��� 1
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' Quint 1
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is Medic 1 w w
IVCk ' ' Quint 3
' ' Quint2 YYYY
wwww .®, BC/SC
0a 990 w
w w '® Brush 3
is Medic 2 w w R Squad 3
' Brush 2 Incident Safety Officer Boat 3
Fire Marshal/Investigator
Boat 2 Firefighter/Paramedics Haz Mat
Incident Commanders
uvr SW/Dive� � c / ,,, 1
J t, ,,rr✓,,f V r ,''' r ry..� d r /�. ' Vp N'> P.,.. j d',, r.,.., uJ 4 V JI' d
,Kf /.,ir.,/ (/. A%;i.l., �(////1,,,✓,�,r. 11,!rs. ./ �i Y/R1 .,1✓tl I,r{r,t J, / �1/,e/0,,.7 rff �.r r.,,,r r.! �l((OF/ 6 L ✓/�.,6 4!. /ie ,,.. /(, Dl,n,,..e, �9 /iia l:6 .7nr�"v !/r!%wnV P'fr Or Y/',.,tff''i r1,rrVGr.. /%e rlff . r..G.
� , Major Apparatus Replacement
Unit Year of Repl. Purch. Sale
ea 1992 Engine -- --
1996 Quint -- -- 2014
1999 Quint 2009 2012 2016
2003 Medic 201 3 201 3 201 3
ea 2005 Squad 2015 2012* 2013
2006 Quint 2016 2015 2026
ea 2007 Quint 2017 2016 2027
Station 4 Quint 2013
$4,250,000 between 2012 and 2016
;, 11r rr����d/1 �')11 ` 1,��� ���,��� >ll(u '��l��i�II;�� ���f����f ',,, � �G (u r� ��fS(� �11� "�J ; 1�?��, , ��,�c '11 16��� a, 1"IG1��. �°/O ,et„�, ,,,��� 1
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,Kf /.,ir.,/ (/. A%;i.l., �(////1,,,✓,�,r. 11,!rs. ./ �i Y/R1 .,1✓tl I,r{r,t J, / �1/,e/0,,.7 rff �.r r.,,,r r.! �l((OF/ 6 L ✓/�.,6 4!. /ie ,,.. /(, Dl,n,,..e, �9 /iia l:6 .7nr�"v !/r!%wnV P'fr Or Y/',.,tff''i r1,rrVGr.. /%e rlff . r..G.
� , Major Apparatus Replacement
Unit Year of Repl. Purch. Sale
ea 1992 Engine -- --
1996 Quint -- -- 2014
1999 Quint 2009 2012 (201 3) 2016
2003 Medic 201 3 201 3 201 3
ea 2005 Squad 2015 2012* 2013
2006 Quint 2016 201 5 (201 3) 2026
ea 2007 Quint 2017 2016 2027
Station 4 Quint 2013
$2 ,850,000 between now and 2016
;, 11r rr����d/1 �')11 ` 1,��� ���,��� >ll(u '��l��i�II;�� ���f����f ',,, � �G (u r� ��fS(� �11� "�J ; 1�?��, , ��,�c '11 16��� a, 1"IG1��. �°/O ,et„�, ,,,��� 1
J t/./r YYp ' Vr / nl ! /�. / Vp u> P.,.. /Yid uJ J,. yI' V
Kf ./„/.,,/, (/. A .l., (////f,,,✓,�,/. 11,!n✓, .f AY/R1 .,;1✓tl I,i{r,t J, i 1/,e/0,,.f,rff i..A.,,,i i.! �lf(fF„/, 6 L ✓/�.,6,4!. /ie„ . /(, Dl n,..e, 9 fi/a 1:6 7i'Y"v f/r,/'AL,,P'fr Of Yf .,tff' ,rfV,1, re,,, rh,/,Millie
�� - Vehicle Replacement Fund
C) " Internal Lease"
Avoids exceptionally high capital years
(:) Amortizes true cost of apparatus per year
Included in operating costs per year
Contract costing is more accurate
€ Suggestedpayment formula :•
Actual Cost / front line life ;, (CPI *years)
it,,w) Quint = $ 90 , 000 /year for 10 years
�')11 ` 1,���> ���,��� >?I(u
iliFJ t/..,iir YYp V r IYW nl d /�. / Vp u"> P.,.. /Yid rr J.,. yeY V
,Kf ./.,/..,/, (/. A%;i.l., ,(////1,,,✓,�,/. 11,!/i✓. .� �i Y/R1 .,;1✓tl I,i{r,t J, i 1/,e/0,,.7,rff i..A.,,,i /.! l((OF„/ 6 L ✓/i,6 4! /ie.,,. /( Dl n9 �i/a1:6 7ni'Gv !///!%wnV �P'fr Ol Y �I� tff''i r�i r�V,Gi... re,,,,,i�i
,,�* What do we recommend?
Stay ISO 1
e Keep Providing
Top-Notch Response
\Ii\,1( , „„ ,„.,,, „,1„.„ ; .. „
„ „ a Build a Station every , ... ....a. .*... ... .. . ..
: . f„
�\\� i�� 10,000 population to
. �I �.. i. .. provide adequate I()Jii \) !Ili 40110,/fil/(.111 # ,)1 *•...*:•1 *:* �. 4 6# •4s44 4 4
e �, Y :.._.. ,,..y. M wY / �'' ;r,., ''w
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emergency response
Add "•5)tt 3 i i )a#1113 OPOr/I 1 . f
• „ �mY rw •*.*:1„. 4^i"M.,.
1)1)/( iti!1 ssaatiam a "
w {
w a , vyrsawra
tii(i)ii/ ,,fill)1,11 i„if,t)0,61, ,
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� ➢ Build link ._ •*�
Alanis to Lost Highlands
• �, s
0*** :., F' C.rk 1.YW:f,)lar4 r'e
* !! !"- .�. . • ➢O en Temporary Station
�I����' a, �"IG ��i � � 1,,
J t/..,iir YYp V r IYW nl d /�. / Vp u"> P.,.. /Yid rr J.,. yeY V
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,,�* What do we recommend?
Stay ISO 1 1
e Keep Providing
Top-Notch Response
f+„ „\if P1 Ill Build a Station every , .... ....a. .*... ... � . ..
.3 .1VVYlkie#2 ''' ° " . 6":".,g,'::**:,:* .'
d « ,
i(i„116,1(,,,,,d\\\\a� i, ... 10,000 population toi , f.
', r'u u i t,,.
4, provide adequate �
emergency response * . ,�,� p s i`..."4 jilt i ,i( tip,40 ppor/il 1 . f
''p,)iJ 1 fr 0$1,1tufri#,11 Jlit 6)1/ :/::°''°*.,: t.-1., "tp ,11 - :p *I' ;
Ifi) (/10 Slaa6aro 4 .I •
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» 4 „9
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lio ill • link �;' ,yy
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Alanis to Lost Highlands
� :m • w
' �.r
* 1: ""- .�. . . ➢O en Temporary Station
fit/ se'
J t/..,iir YYp Vr IYWnl d /�. / Vp N> P.,.. /Yid uJ J.,. yI' V
A%;i.l., (////1,,,✓,�,/. 11,!/i✓. .� �i r/R1 .,;1✓tl I,i{r,t J, i �1/,e/0,,.7 rff i..A.,,,i i.! �l((OF„/, 6 L ✓/i.,6.4!. /ie.,,,.. /(, Dl,n,,..e, � �9 �i/a 1:6 71'Gv !///!%wnV,�P'fr Ol Y/',/.,tff''i
irsof �� - Alternative Response
€ SmaIIer vehicle for support , assists
Monitor "frequent flyers "a
OsTwo - piece com an for Quint work
Brush Truck
} Back- up medic
Study has been done
J t/..,iir YYp V r IYW nl d /�. / Vp u"> P.,.. /Yid rr J.,. yeY V
,Kf ./.,/..,/, (/. A%;i.l., ,(////1,,,✓,�,/. 11,!/i✓. .� �i Y/R1 .,;1✓tl I,i{r,t J, i 1/,e/0,,.7,rff i..A.,,,i /.! �l((OF„/, 6 L ✓/i.,6.4!. /ie.,,,.. /(, Dl,n,,..e, 9 �i/a1:6 .7ni'Gv !///!%wnV,�P'fr Ol Y �I� tff''i r�i,r�V,Gi... re,,,,,i�i
,,�* What do we recommend?
4.16: Stay ISO 1 1
e Keep Providing
Top-Notch Response
* w
f1 Build a Station every , .... ....a. .*... ... . � .
d « ,
.3 ...1VVYhe#2 .
„116,10\d\i\\a� i, ... 10,000 population to f.
.., ...
', r'u u i t,,.
.. : .: provide adequate % �
emergency response * . ,�,� . a i.7,illlt ,i() 11111 i lo 00(11 1 s, f
Ifil(f0 Slaa6aro 4 .I •
'� ; 41
•▪ �r,,
�.. m � "n.. *i ��,...1� .1$:::
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j I li' ()lin 1(I)) ''11 iil / $01#01111111111 1)
ASAP• r 41r* 7 ,p• rr*
» ,}'i,
�..1 4 4** • • • :
lio ill • •
r ➢ Build link . •
� .# . ".�1�
/iiii ns2 a 41 � .AL
Alanis to Lost Highlands ..
v ��m. • w
' �.r
r 1: ""- ,.�. s . ➢O en Temporary Station
�f ,,, Gf ( 1 " 1� c 1 161��
J t/..,iir YYp V r IYW nl d /�. / Vp u"> P.,.. /Yid rr J.,. yeY V
,Kf ./.,/..,/, (/. A%;i.l., ,(////1,,,✓,�,/. 11,!/i✓. .� �i Y/R1 .,;1✓tl I,i{r,t J, i 1/,e/0,,.7,rff i..A.,,,i /.! �l((OF„/, 6 L ✓/i.,6.4!. /ie.,,,.. /(, Dl,n,,..e, 9 �i/a1:6 .7ni'Gv !///!%wnV,�P'fr Ol Y �I� tff''i r�i r�V,Gi... re,,,,,i�i
,,�* What do we recommend?
4.16: Stay ISO 1 1
e Keep Providing
Top-Notch Response
f+„ „ Build a Station every , .... ....a. .*... ... � . ..
.3 ...lvvYhe#2 'll:. ° " . 6"*''*:''''''' '''''
d « ,
i(i„116,10\d\\\\a� i, ... 10,000 population to „
', r'u u i t,,.
''0,)iJ 1 fr 0$140,1101 6)1/ :: .: provide adequate % ��°
uYw,..M yr a !r ...,w,,,_. M +/'4 : lr
jilt ,i( 11111 i 1000(11 1 .
emergency response * . ,�,� � ��.
Slaa6aro 4 .I • '� ; 41
•:Ifil(f0 ▪ r,,
�.. , ..n.. *i ��,...1� 1$:::
�„ ww uxt '�A 111
ASAP• r 41r* 7 ,p• rr*
» ,}'i,
�..1 4 , • • • :
lio ill • •
✓ ➢ Build link . •
� .# . ".�1�
'lifiiiii ns2 a d� ! 'CY.AL
Alanis to Lost Highlands . . . .
v :ui. * i �n<qry- uN
s' �.r
. ��10 * � ,.**� � . �, ➢O en Temporary Station
,),'er t A,,;,"/,c,,.(, zr,/,4 / g 4 ,,,,,, IJ,(,-, ,, ),,, / J,,, , ,
Future Fire Station 4
" Fro.)listricit i mafton
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J t/. rr✓,', Vr ,'''/ r ry..� d r /,. ' Vp N'> P.,.. jd'', r.,.., uJ 4 V.,. JIY d
,Kf /.,ir.,/ (/. A%;i.l., (////1,,,✓,�,r. 11,!rs. ./ �i Y/R1 .,,1✓tl I,r{r,t J, / 1/,e/0,,.7 rff �.r r.,,,r r.! l((OF/ 6 L ✓/�.,6.4! /ie ,,.. /(, Dl,n,,..e, 9 /iial:6 71 "v !/r!%wnV P'fr Or Y/'Ii.,tff''i rI,,rrVGr. K ee,,,,,rrlff ., h..G.
1.0 �' - Future ire Station5
..q ,„„:,,,,,,,,,,
, .. .
• Where?
• Master Plan is in place
• When?
• Before Station 4?
• Development makes
this a consideration
• Impact of Alternative
Response on District 2/4?
9f 1 �Y 1„,, f
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Budget Summary
FY 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5
+rt e
Available Funding :
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
Available Funding :
• Beginning Fund Balance $865,340
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
Available Funding :
• Beginning Fund Balance $865,340
• Sales Tax Receipts 1,947,992
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
Available Funding :
• Beginning Fund Balance $865,340
• Sales Tax Receipts 1,947,992
FY 2013 — 2014 (projected) $1,909,992
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
Available Funding :
• Beginning Fund Balance $865,340
• Sales Tax Receipts 1,947,992
FY 2013 — 2014 (projected) $1,909,992
3% Gain over FY 2012 - 2013
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
Available Funding :
• Beginning Fund Balance $865,340
• Sales Tax Receipts 1,947,992
• Notes Receivable 12,000
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
Available Funding :
• Beginning Fund Balance $865,340
• Sales Tax Receipts 1,947,992
• Notes Receivable 12,000
• Rental Income 186,000
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
Available Funding :
• Beginning Fund Balance $865,340
• Sales Tax Receipts 1,947,992
• Notes Receivable 12,000
• Rental Income 186,000
TOTAL REVENUE $3,011,560
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
Available Funding :
• Beginning Fund Balance $865,340
• Sales Tax Receipts 1,947,992
• Notes Receivable 12,000
• Rental Income 186,000
TOTAL REVENUE $3,011,560
TOTAL EXPENSE $3,011,560
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
• Contractual Services
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
• Contractual Services
➢ Existing Incentive Programs $713,018
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
• Contractual Services
➢ Existing Incentive Programs $713,018
o Woodbridge Crossing
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
• Contractual Services
➢ Existing Incentive Programs $713,018
o Woodbridge Crossing
o Woodbridge Centre
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
• Contractual Services
➢ Existing Incentive Programs $713,018
o Woodbridge Crossing
o Woodbridge Centre
oAscend Custom Extrusions
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
• Contractual Services
➢ Existing Incentive Programs $713,018
o Woodbridge Crossing
o Woodbridge Centre
oAscend Custom Extrusions
oSanden International
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
• Contractual Services
➢ Existing Incentive Programs $713,018
o Woodbridge Crossing
o Woodbridge Centre
oAscend Custom Extrusions
oSanden International
oExco Extrusion Dies
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
• Contractual Services
➢ Existing Incentive Programs $713,018
o Woodbridge Crossing
o Woodbridge Centre
oAscend Custom Extrusions
oSanden International
oExco Extrusion Dies
• Enrichment Grant Program 50,000
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Personnel
➢ New Administrative Assistant
• Supplies
➢ WEDC Small Business Resource Center
• Contractual Services
➢ Existing Incentive Programs $713,018
o Woodbridge Crossing
o Woodbridge Centre
oAscend Custom Extrusions
oSanden International
oExco Extrusion Dies
• Enrichment Grant 50,000
• Future Projects 800,000
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Debt Service $559,812
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Debt Service $559,812
➢ Jackson Street Redevelopment 85,000
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Debt Service $559,812
➢ Jackson Street Redevelopment 85,000
➢ Hwy 78 Redevelopment 88,000
. . .
r}1 `, }4{fig
• Debt Service $559,812
➢ Jackson Street Redevelopment 85,000
➢ Hwy 78 Redevelopment 88,000
➢ Woodbridge Parkway 102,360
. . .
r} � }{'',fig
• Debt Service $559,812
➢ Jackson Street Redevelopment 85,000
➢ Hwy 78 Redevelopment 88,000
➢ Woodbridge Parkway 102,360
• Land Acquisition 300,000
Smith Public Library Service
Budget Review
July 15, 2014
Summer 2014
Quality Customer Service
• Adequate financial support
• Presence of responsive, trained staff in sufficient
numbers to deliver and promote services.
• Provide collections necessary to deliver quality
library service.
• Continual maintenance and upgrade of the library's
electronic services platform.
■ ra : reaear review
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Square Footage Staff
\/ 527% 8.75
2008-2011 2011-2014 Percent Change
Service Desks 3 4 33%
Meeting Space 1 3 200%
Study Rooms 0 3 200%
Seating 11 54 391%
Computers 9 60 478%
Collection 48,000 107,718 124%
Circulation Services
Circulation Activity and Staff
Staff Circulation Services
Holds Processed Nommo
In-House Usage 7
Circulation/Check-Out iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimommommo
0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000
Circulation/Check Circulation/Check In-House Usage Holds Processed Staff Circulation
-Out -In Services
Percent Change 117% 127% 12190% 274% 100%
• 2011-2014 1,417,817 1,231,083 85,170 234,429 5.50
2008-2011 653,582 542,108 693 62,638 2.75
Public Services
Adult and Youth Services
Service 2008-2011 2011-2014 Percent Change
Programs Offered 1,202 1,925 60%
Program Attendance 27,006 44,463 65%
Questions Answered 43,998 94,868 116%
Computers for the public, 9 60 567%
including lab
Adult Services Staff 1 4.50 350%
Youth Services Staff 2 6 200%
FY 12 FY 13
Interlibrary Loans Processed* 1,097 1,710 56%
Programs Offered and
Programs, Attendance and Staff
Adult and Youth Staff IP
Computers for the public, including lab Iq
Questions Answered II
Programs Offered NI al
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
Programs Offered Program Attendance Questions Answered Computers for the Adult and Youth Staff
public, including lab
Percent Change
60% 65% 116% 567% 250%
• 2011-2014 1,925 44,463 94,868 60 11
2008-2011 1,202 27,006 43,998 9 3
Library S
2008-2011 2011-2014
Administration 1 2
Technical Services 2 2
Circulation Services 2.75 5.50
Adult Services 1 4.50
Youth Services 2 6
Total Staff 8.75 20.00
Library and St
\\, „ mi
, 1\,,
0i/ ... . . . ��� �r�'...... . . . //i ,w
0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000
2008-2011 2011-2014
• Total Staff..... 8.75 20.00
Visitors 310,903 570,903
Population Growth and Library Hours ,
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Population 15,132 17,792 21,323 25,366 28,681 32,206 34,781 36,718 39,538 40,709 41,427 42,804 43,484 44,158
Library Hours 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 I 46 46 46
Community Focused Government
Restructure and increase hours of operation to better
serve the community
Current Hours FY15 Proposed Hours
Monday 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Tuesday 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Wednesday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Thursday 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday Closed Closed
Benefits of restructured schedule
• Open two mornings, instead of one.
• Uniform closing hours Monday-
Thursday at 8 p.m.
• Uniform hours on Friday and Saturday,
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Long Range Goal , Hours
Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Long Range Goals , 2013 -2016
• Strengthen, enhance and promote the library as a
central community for life long learning center.
• Continue to focus on providing quality customer
• Ensure a stable, reliable and sustainable electronic
Long Range Goals , 2013 -2016
• Grow the collection to meet increased demands.
• Support staffing.
• Examine options to bolster financial support.
• Develop community partnerships that foster
community-wide formal and informal learning
for users.
Long Range Goals :
Culture: Promote creativity, innovation, and variety
through art, music, and literature
• Convert the computer lab into a more flexible space
• Offer book groups for students that are broken down
to reflect the grade structure of Wylie Independent
School District
• Larger author events for the adult population
Community Focused Government
• Offer service to the senior center with a
collection of books on-site and book clubs led
by the librarians.
• Inter-generational programming with schools
on the east side.
• Offer services to Wylie residents who are
• Update the library website for easier use for
Economic Growth
• Expand computer classes for adults to
include both basic and advanced sessions.
• Continue to offer business-related classes.
• Partner with outside organizations to
enhance job and career classes and
Comprehensive long range
• updating technology and collections
• re-assessing flow of the building
• survey the public
Culture: Promote creativity, innovation, and variety
through art, music, and literature
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TAPS have tables in the foyer with
information for the community Waiting in line at the Bounce House
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Culture: Promote creativity, innovation, and variety
through art, music, and literature
The Steampla4 Tea
w hile at the RI-Shints of Suspen fit,tharttif,1/net Nina Da‘is,a
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fabulous local-to-me lib raiian,I am goilg to m ake a special effort , ",11111111,1„1„1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
to blog a field trip to her library,the beautiful-beyond-tvords Smith Public, Illioltill?
Ittotlotolowli,Idittiiiiii ,,, 1
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copy oilhis c)-wolbliii.tg Pitgemit is on the shelt,'es I intend to take a picture, "'11111111111411 1:11'ill1111111111111111g 11h1111111
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To:tat;delight,Nitta ixtvited me to 1 .0
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participate in the Second Atirlual i,'04„'"''''''''''''''''''Ill 1111111111111111E111111j „,,I,',,,,,,,1 1,1,,Hi'llliiii41'1'1$ ,,LL, , .,„,1,1 101,1?'11,1,1,1,1,1,1,11,11,11,11,11,11,111,111,1,1,
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1,' 111' Irell00,, Steautpunk l'ea,along',,,,o th ,''''I'ih,„'"„ill'i'll,11,,,""" ,1,1 , ''','' '''!„,1, "'„,'t ll''' I"" Ina,,
1 '1111;,',1,,' ', :' ,41;k1I:' ,,O, 00011:'""Aly„ authors Lorraine Heath,A„cldisou :„t,,,
),1,:,„,,,,mr,, ',•,:,,,,,,,-,,, ,,,' ,s,,,,pit Fox,Jaye'Wells,Eva Gordon,and It"'''''''''''','",,,,„,„,,,„1 ,,,,,,i0., ' ,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,1;,Xj, ,,,111111111111,,,, 1 , ,,,,:,044,:fitl,,,,,i ot,iN4.kil„,,,,
Saildy tS'illiarns.I pulled together 1"''''' ,
, ,,,,4(,.ii,'1, ',Ilk
a fetv quasi-steampunk things attd '0t... fill'Ali'"(1%,1„11,11, 1417,1 r'''Itii'f; , ' ""Ifill111 ' ,
', 111,11igh,lk'Yiiltgifi, ,,I,v1!111111,1,,,,,I,
did the best facsiatile of
rnust ntake this a priorit;‘,.t.lAtitit various cons,sig„ning.s and ftInctions,I III //j ,,9414i,,, , '11„!:!':0,d110010000110111,,,„:"',„,11,1,10,,, ':';'"1:1'Ill: 41''''''I'l'I'l'I'l'I'l'I'll'I'l i' „':iiiU,iti i, '1111I'llit'll'Il11111111,1,11iMMMMI 111111hilit(1111111 111:1:11iff!Iii„ ,,,tilli , ,, ;„1„,,i,,:1,„, , 'il,,,j,,,,,:,,,,,, p,.)4stt(11, ,` 11,11,11111,1„„
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•••" the beautiful-beyond- H,,,Itte(/
/ --,„IuI ,,,' ,,#kiiiiou,
words Smith Publi c , .,,,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,, „,„,,,y,„„,„,,,,„,
,,!,1,,,I,,,,11,,,,,,,,:,„0,1„ 1,1,1,1111111111„.
l_ibrary in Wylie, Texas. ,i,,11111hil!,1,,,,1;1„
11111111,111„11,1„,1111111,111111111111,11111111111111111„ ,
— Patricia Burroughs,
planetpooks.com Steam punk Author Tea
'^Mm 1 1 i Ull �(llb r o ��y
rp pp
' n I �1
Praise for the 2014 Author Tea �In�,���� ^1iiiull
Y �VVI��UIIIII°1 "�+ i UII19111 N�
1 �VI104,„('
lI o �ito llyd"r udl����
"My book club attended the library's u,��� jb�
Steampunk Romance Author Tea last month,
and it was so much fun ! We loved chatting it, �;i��„11,�� .,� �� %(i ;
with local authors, havingan opportunity to r11111
win the fabulous door prizes, and the chance fir% '1,11
to dress up and have a nice afternoon out with
ill, 1101 . h,
friends. The food was amazing, and the
decorations were awesome. We couldn't „r , 11
believe such a great event was available to us1,1
u ulllpi I
J n
for ree was so proud ofour citylibrarya day. Half of the girls accompanied me from � '
Plano or Frisco, and they were so impressed � �I�
mmV "IW tlAy 11 J !l 1�t�.
with the facility and the events that are , � '"
p of
available to u s. Meeting the authors inspired ° We) 11
� ' 1111111111���� , ���� 1111
� ���� ,,,�� ,,,,,, ll �ii�11��
most of us to pick up books by new-to-us000000000
m ...a ,, y I de �e, r
authors, and we evenpicked one of the 11''IIIII'll'''I'l''''I'l'''''
, �,����,, Ib 1
,,, , .,,,, , ),),„ Al ,11(1''"
featured books as an upcoming book club -,,,,,,,' ,011, i„,,' �°' �t ��`� ,,,,,w�� � '' ,
selection." - Monica Tillery ��� ����� �'�""ry�tl r� i,,,,,44,,,,;:
Culture: Promote creativity, innovation, and variety
through art, music, and literature
A ivr
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°ivii SMITH
Illn V j
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Booked on
Fridays ,*
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1 1 Our Lunch 1 iiqui
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�.. � ��(tiV 1� i ��� II r�� guru
��G NTEST �IW lir �o� II�� IIUNhP I
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Library Vision Statement
The Smith Public Library
endeavors to anticipate
community needs
resourcefully through
innovative library services .
Library Mission Statement
Inspire Inform and Interact @